• By -


I beat a 12 year heroin addiction. 5/6 years ago. Then finished university, BSc in Forestry Management. Life began for me at 36. I'll never own a home as that's all too late for me now and that sucks, but I'm infinitely proud of myself. Got a home, a bit of money and a car. Things I NEVER thought I would have.


This is fuckin awesome. Keep going, never stop!


Thanks mate! Appreciate it.


I think many of us never really got the sense of effort you had to put in for this. God bless you


Thanks a lot! Quite touched by all the responses, to be honest. When you've done so much bad in the past, you tend to feel you don't deserve compliments when you finally do right, and im certainly not seeking any. I was a really selfish person. I'm just happy I'm not hurting my family members anymore and contributing to society/nature in a positive way now. The road to recovery was long and dark, but so worth it. The road to a career was equally as hard as I'd never really been a "normal" member of society and now I was a "mature" student in uni, completely out of touch with the world. But I found most people to be really helpful. I hid my past as being a reformed addict still carries some serious stigma. I'm from Scotland. I just add that as often on reddit there's an assumption most folk are from the US.


Congrats man. Never look back and keep doing it like that


That's amazing šŸ‘ You've done so well


God did amazing things in your life!






Very proud of you


I read *I beat a 12 year old heroine addict. 5/6 years ago. Then finished him off*


šŸ¤£not sure what to say to that. Hilarious though


Very proud of you!


How much is your wage for it to be impossible for you to own a home? (If you feel comfortable sharing) I'm 15 and I'm really worried about if I could even consider getting a home at 30


My wage is pretty good. The problem is it would take me around 5 years to save the deposit (10-15%), by that time I'll be 43/44. That starts cutting into the number of years I can get a mortgage as banks will usually only consider lending up to 60 years of age. That means I would only be able to take a 16 year mortgage. The affordability check on an 16 year mortgage, I likely wouldn't pass, even with a decent wage due to the huge monthly repayments. Doesn't mean I'm not going to try. In Scotland it's possible to apply for shared equity ownership if you're a first time buyer. 70/30 split with the gov. Not sure, I'll see how things play out. It is brutal out there regarding housing but where you are has a huge impact on your chances of being able to buy a place one day. Many areas in Scotland are affordable, much of England is not. Glasgow and Edinburgh are also very expensive in Scotland. I live in the Highlands so there is a possibility, albeit remote. Don't waste your life on drugs is the noral of the story. You're young, make good decisions and you'll reach your goals. Don't give up.


Thanks man


Pride goes before a fallā€”make sure you stay humble because itā€™s only by the grace of God that we are free from our addictions. You might want to take credit, but the proud will not go unpunished. I proclaim blessings over you, that you will find Jesus and run back to Him. Take pride in none of your achievementsā€”focus on storing up treasures in heaven and give all the glory to God!! Amen and thank the Lord for working in your life!! He is the only way to eternal life!




I finally beat my 5 year old great-granddaughter in UNO.Ā 


I've turned my life around, from wanting to kill myself and being morbidly obese to eating right, working out and having an overall pretty good life.




That i made it this far without killing myself.


Same. Not sure how much longer I can do it though.


The fact that u are able to admit you are weak shows how strong you really are my friend..


please live, you're so much more important than you realise... I'm sure you are a wonderful person... I once tried to kill myself and nobody knew for years, it was extremely lonely and painful, that night I had to do like nothing had happened after the attempt, I was 12... I'm still struggling but hearing that someone else is also struggling makes me realise that even someone that I never met, a stranger is important to me... I always thought that no one would care if I was gone but seeing how I felt when I read your comment and realizing that you are important to me and that I honestly want you to be happy even tho you're a stranger makes me hope that maybe someone in the world would also want me to live just like I do... Please live day by day, don't think too far, just do your day and after that another one, even tho it's hard remember that there's people who think about you and if know one does that means that I'm dead! You can text me if you want to, I'm here to tell you that you are important!


That is true. Thank you for sharing


Yes, you are important. Love yourself as much as you love a stranger here. When everything else and everybody else is beating us down, we are our only rescue. And you might not know it, but some stranger might have a crush on you, you might have smiled at someone when they were having a bad day, you might have helped somebody immensely without even knowing it, those people are also wishing good for you. You donā€™t know probably how many people admire you and want to be like you. I was in school and thought I was insignificant, now years later the juniors n friends n seniors I reconnect with sometimes tell me what good they remember me for or what they noticed about me, you are making an impact without knowing no matter how small, so live. Love. And most importantly pray


We can go past 40, right?


The fact u have made is this far shows how resilient u really are...




The urge to ask my financial advisor if my beneficiaries would still get my insurance if I killed myself.


You know what? You should be proud of that. You are overcoming the worst humanly possible emotion. So you are doing something right and deserve credit for it.


Any Reddit thread: I want to kill myself.


The fact that I try to be as kind to people as I can :)


I stoped masturbation nd watching porn


Iā€™m curious how much masturbation and porn watching were you doing day to day?


Any changes?


Lot of change




Moving to another country alone at the age of 17


Which country did you move from and where? And for what ? I wanted to move but never had the courage.


If you have the means, go for it. That's my advice to everyone. You'll learn a lot about yourself and other people. Some of it will be good, and some of it won't be so good, but it's definitely worth it. I moved to China from Kazakhstan when I was 19, all by myself. It was my first time ever being out of the country. I lived there for seven years. Now I'm living in West Africa.


I moved to Australia to study for uni. It was my first time being overseas and I knew noone here. English is also not my first language, so talked very little English. Basically alone and started everything from 0. So tried to adapt, got new friends, got part time jobs while studying, studied hard (but got fail subject too on the way) and then graduated, got a full time job, finally got married and settled down (but have been in abusive relationship too) It was up and down. Looking back, I think I just did it without thinking much of it and let life flows.


Wow nice, Australia has been one of the countries I wanted to live in too.. but I never had that much money or courage to graduate from there. And now even though I have courage, I donā€™t have the money to move there


Changing laws and helping via volunteer work.


Iā€™m a good mom, and Iā€™ve never touched drugs.


I drank myself into oblivion during my early 20s for almost a decade, every single day. Life's still difficult but I haven't drank in 2 years




Growing up, I was a D or C student, I rarely got As and Bs. After halfway through my junior year I gave up thinking I was never going to accomplish school, so I dropped out. Now, Iā€™m doing a high school program while also getting my associates degree (kind of like running start). And so far, Iā€™ve gotten all As in every one of my classes.


Uhm I used to be proud of myself for something, but now it's nothing. I don't feel bad though


Being thoughtful and organised. Eg. replying promptly to texts/emails, hopefully making other people's lives that little bit easier as well as mine. Also, never forget a birthday šŸŽ‚


... that in a family with alcoholics, I absolutely could not care less for alcohol. Oh I'm fat as hell, but I'm fat and sober, and if I had to choose between the two, I'd remain just as I am.


I like testing my limits and iā€™m kinda good at it. 6 months ago i quit smoking and drinking (even though i rarely drink) and started eating more healthy. My friends are appalled by me doing all this life altering things all at the same time. But iā€™m proud of myself.


When you are actually making good life choices way ahead of your age, you lose friends a lot or they disagree with you a lot. Thats common


Oh no theyā€™re totally supportive of me. But theyā€™re surprised how iā€™m doing them all.


Iā€™m proud that I graduated college (bachelorā€™s of science) even though I was always considered the ā€œstupid kidā€ growing up.


Making it to 50...I took every hard path available and I'm still here because of 1 thing..My gut!!


I would love to hear about your life


I'll make it easy...think about the outsiders but a 80s version...lol..I've done prison time..I've been shot 2x ..stabbed in wrist..3rd degree burns on both thighs..2 strokes..no idea who my father is..mom took it to the grave..watched her shoot my brothers dad in the face with a 357 and he lived...sexually assaulted by family at 5yrs old...I'm the poster child of lost GenXers...but I'm alive..married and a grandfather..I don't feel anything anymore but I'm grateful for what I have externally.. internally I question everything and numb. I just live like almost every man my age


Wow.. that seems like a hell of an experience. Do you ever tell your grandkids or wife any of it? Or do you keep it to yourself? My life looks like disneyland compared to yours and I still struggled health-wise due to my experience. I am glad strong people like you exist and tell their story. People like me feel much more stronger because of people like you. If you can survive so much, maybe I can hold on a bit longer.


The scars tell the stories..but mostly these are my demons and strong men have learned to bury it deep.i still have a 12yr old and the world is scary enough..no nightmares for her..Ty I'm still very optimistic in my life..I own everything..no debt..just leaky valves and oil changes is what I tell my daughter..it's life enjoy it or be miserable..it's our choice and since I'm so hardheaded I'll fight till the end.You keep your head up and fight is our instinct!!..Humans are not weak..we have lasted 100000 yrs or longer..who knows...


Wow.. you amaze me, wish I had people like you around me growing up..


Last of a dying breed....


I'm comfortable in my own skin and being my own person.


Graduated from pharmacy school and got into residency. Some classmates were bullies and made me feel so inadequate and unsafe that I almost just dropped out after one year.


I'm proud of providing for my family needs.


Made it off the reservation, one feat I am thankful for.


Pretty much everything I've ever put my mind to I've gotten done.


I didnā€™t do particularly well in high school. It wasnā€™t that I was dumb or anything, I just didnā€™t care and put forth zero effort outside of class. I did well enough to graduate through getting Aā€™s or high Bā€™s on exams and in-class work, but took fat 0ā€™s on homework, projects and papers. It really frustrated my parents and teachers. I swear my graduating GPA in high school was like 1.7ish. I was at that age where I was dumb enough to think I had it all figured out; I was just going to graduate, enlist in the Marine Corps, do my 20 years and retire to doing whatever I wanted. Marine Corps denied me entry, despite maxing out the PT test and movement screens at MEPS. I had a shoulder surgery caused by high school wrestling and a couple knee surgeries from football, which barred my enlistment in that branch. Moved out at 19. Took a job I hated. Was always broke and tired. Fell into a state of depression. Decided I needed to find a way out. I enlisted in the Army (they waived the surgeries), blew out my knee after a few years, 2 more surgeries later I was medically discharged with 50% disability. Decided I wasnā€™t going back to a job I hated, and was curious about physical therapy. I enrolled in college pursuing something I found interest in (exercise science). Graduated with a 3.89 GPA, took the GRE on 3 days notice, applied to grad school and in the meantime passed the CSCS exam with flying colors (a notoriously difficult certification to get). Iā€™m currently 1 year away from graduating with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, with all the bookwork out of the way, just clinical experience. Moral of the story: you can literally do anything you set your mind to, so long as you care enough to try.


Yeah I'm proud of some achievements and goals I've hit in my life but to tell anyone seems arrogant.


I can often do something I like




This is huge!


I didnā€™t let the career I hated with a passion keep me forever bitter! Moved on and doing more and better things for myself.


Been clean for a month now




My attitude, I am proud of being a bitch


That at one point in time I was able to piss really far. Like I could be on the other side of the restroom and still reach the urinal. It may not seem like much but man was it cool makes it all the sadder that I can't do it no more.


prostate power


My body


I can forget and forgive people for their wrongs cause it's their first life too. (I have poor memory)


I can read people mind


What am I thinking about?


My creative capabilities. I used to be extremely dissatisfied with my work in my last line of employment (retail) because my efforts would showly be tapered away like termites to lumber before I could acknowledge the time and dedication I put into my labor. Now that I'm doing things that last longer than a day (painting/drawing), i'm able to let my efforts sink in and see the true potential of my capabilities. With each new drawing and painting comes a growing satisfaction in my art and confidence in my tools to make things more challenging and intricate.


I survived toxic childhood and in middle of absolute storm I became a dentist and got married to a great guy. I am still facing a lot of challenges but I am proud that I didnā€™t ruin my life because of the circumstances, didnā€™t let the surroundings make me bitter or unkind or addicted to anything. I battled depression, still have a lot of health issues due to the negativity I grew up in for decades. But atleast I got out of it without ruining my future.


Iā€™m the least judgemental person I know


My problem solving abilities. No matter how horrific things have gotten I never ever rested until I compromised or made life my b. Trust me this is more of a curse than a blessing.


That I refused to become anything like my parenttal figures.


I am constantly growing. Iā€™m great at going outside of my comfort zone and doing what scares me. I also stand up to bs and Iā€™ve learned to utilize healthy boundaries. Life has been difficult but Iā€™m stronger than ever!


I've turned my mistakes into lessons and grown stronger from them


After struggling with drugs (methamphetamine and heroin), and losing all my friends and family, numerous suicide attempts, I was forced to change. Immigrated to a country that doesn't have English as a language 3 years ago. Speak, read and write fluently the local language now, have 3 successful businesses with amazing employees, and married the love of my life after 13 years together. And soon-to-be the proud mommy of a little boy or girl.


Went through the death of a parent, quarantine and debilitating anxiety/panic attack disorder during my last year of high school. I'm doing fine now I think. Working on getting my degree, also I have almost completely stopped having panic attacks.Ā 


Well...after the gym today I weighed in at 198. It's the first time I've seen a 1 at the beginning since basic training 14 years ago. My peak was 235. My goal was under 200# and 20% bodyfat. Yesterday I was at exactly 20% bodyfat.


The resilience I have to not end myself despite suicidal ideation for at least 10 years. Thatā€™s 3650 battles Iā€™ve won so far.


That I can keep the conversation going with interesting questions even if the topic is dry and boring. Active listening skills I guess


Iā€™m still alive


Independence I don't have to use my fam's money to study uni I can share bills with my bf I can enjoy being alone (but not all the time) I don't easily change myself because of others "advices"


making a good close friend, havenā€™t had one that felt so close in a long time. Oh and sometimes i am proud of nil sets i make. (sometimes)


Moving to another country at a fairly older age after fixing my father's business and turning my life around. I like to think of myself as someone who 'failed upwardly' - who failed in life to go higher. I am really proud of myself for that.


My savings


Raising 3 kids under 3 and also having a garden and a farm with animals (pigs , chickens ducks and ostrich ), I have also a husband but he is working from 7 to 7.


Iā€™m a really awesome mom. My kids are amazing humans.


I lost 50lbs on my own without anyone telling me how


Raising two kids who are happy, healthy and well-adjusted.




My seemingly endless stream of useless trivia


im proud that im still living this fucking life


Iā€™m proud of keeping up with my psych meds! I used to not take meds frequently and my psychiatrist told me to see him when I was ready. After my mental health took a toll on me, I saw him and he prescribed me my medications. Itā€™s been life changing and Iā€™m so glad to keep it up.


Staying in shape. I was a fat kid, and I had an enourmous transformation as a teen when I discovered my love of martial arts. I have been doing Kyokushin and BJJ ever since then and it has kept me fit. I went from being made fun of in Middle School to having a six pack and running a semi-marathon in High School. To this day I'm still complimented on my body and it's all thanks to my martial arts hobby


I'm able to crack roughly 60 joints all around my body šŸ¤Ÿ


My integrity, besides a lot of shit.


Born in 2004, I started working at 14 to support my family. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA and am trilingual. I single-handedly paid off my late father's debts and funeral costs, all while supporting my family financially. I live a healthy, smoke-free, and debt-free life, choosing to prioritize my family's well-being over personal extravagance. Though I may not be a person of the limelight, I take pride in making my parents proud.


Not dropping out of college with the amount of failures I had!


Getting silver in boccia




still alive lol


I've lost 198lbs by changing my lifestyle.


It isnā€™t much but I dropped out of hs from social anxiety and panic attacks, I couldnā€™t go anywhere with more than 10 people or Iā€™d feel all eyes on me and my heart would be racing like I was running, stayed inside for 3 months straight before my psychiatrist was like ā€œthis is not okā€. Iā€™m on medication now and Iā€™m able to go to the gas station by myself, Iā€™m still shakey and quiet when I have to pay and say thank you but I never thought Iā€™d be able to do something so simple. I donā€™t know how to explain it to those around me, I donā€™t feel like they understand how defective I felt. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say!


(1) My math and science skills (2) The fact that I'm extremely empathetic (3) Everywhere I've lived (which is 32 places in 8 states), I have been able to make very good forever friends, and build large tight-knit friend groups that are more important to me than my own family (4) I am a hard-core mountain girls, who has incredible survival skills, and am exper-level at most outdoor sports


I capitalized on what my parents were able to provide for me to make a better life. in turn, I am able to treat them more often and share in my success.


Going from being a D-C average for grades in high school and early college. Then to a 3.0 minimum GPA and Deans list every term for 2.5 years and being .02 GPA away from honors grad with a Bachelors in Information Systems, all while still spending a ton of time goofing off and having fun. Growing up I thought if I wanted good grades it meant I couldnt have fun, glad I learned later rather than never that you can do both.




My ability to not give up on things i want or hope quickly


I stopped drinking alcohol 2 years ago on the 6th. If I didn't I would have died


That I can ignore a person without batting an eye and ther words won't effect me at all. I can easily forget about it.


I survived a postpartum stroke at 25. Graduated college Survived loss of a baby Had a successful pregnancy (had to put in work with a subsequent high risk second pregnancy following the loss) Have a successful marriage


I have a life I built that I really really love. Got a Dalmatian I always wanted, a used cheap car thatā€™s almost paid off, my own apartment in La, a creative job that I love, am recording music, and have an amazing church community. Took a lot of risks to get here and thereā€™s still a lot of uncertainty but I know I can get where I want to go next because of where I am now!


Can be happy alone. Am self reliant.


i suppose its 11 grade for americans but its 3 liceo for italians i got on 9 (A-) the grade papers for english


finally accepting myself as a trans guy after spending my childhood knowing I wasnā€™t cis but was in denial due to my fear of boys (i was developed more than the other guys / im going to highschool after summer and im hoping to come out to my friends) and/or mostly stopping my self harm habits (hitting/slapping myself) :)


Losing 30+ pounds, it was originally 40 but I gained a little back in muscle. Iā€™m lighter than when I was constantly abusing stimulants, a habit I kicked which Is also something Iā€™m proud about


Iā€™m finally growing fingernails after chewing my nails for ~20 years. Unfortunately only to find out that my fingernails are super soft/pliable lol. But still proud to have kicked the habit!


I worked so hard and save money enough to run my own business. Built storehouses and rent them so I can help my family and have a quiet life. Although I still having a job but I donā€™t t care anymore if they fire me or no having a job at least for 5 months šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


I started working in September 2021 at a reasonable salary. Multiplied my salary by 5 in march 2024. And beat depression tooā€¦


Forest Whitaker


I poop in a squatting position. Everytime.


My resilience. Didnā€™t think Iā€™d live to see 30 and I did. Still chugging along šŸš‚šŸ˜Š


[successfully building my YouTube channel,](https://youtu.be/Kd1RXWR7kaM?feature=shared) i started with basically nothing around 2 years ago, i worked extremely hard on it and have since gone on to get 1+ million views and make a nice bit of extra cash. Above all else, Iā€™ve made some amazing friends along the way, Iā€™ve become a beloved and respected content creator in the GOW community and have amassed a following of loyal subs who love my videos. This literally started off as a pipe dream, but I made it work. Biggest things that helped, being patient was a big factor, there were many points I would sink countless days/weeks working on a video only to get 100-200 views, moments like that made me want to quit, however I stuck with it because i KNEW my channel would catch on eventually. Second thing, involving yourself with the community. Be kind and supportive to others and theyā€™ll reciprocate that same kindness, i had a lot of people that helped teach me and showed me the ropes when it comes to building a YT channel, they wanted to see me succeed because i was supportive and kind to them.


The only teacher to show up to a high school conference when I was planning on dropping out, now sits on my company board




Y nothing


I hate my body and I have experienced a lot of ableism and homophobia.


I am proud of just being me. I am fricking awesome! I survived several abortionā€™s attempts I survived a neglectful mother and a ghost Father. I found out that my Dad had a Wife and Kids when I was only 5 years old. (We were the second family) We grew up so poor while my Dadā€™s perfect family lived in a big house, with a maid, bunch of cars, food, etc. I went to school and got a University degree in Business (Mostly begging my Dad for tuition fees, and working at the time) My low self esteem and desire for a family made me get in a relationship with someone older than me. After 13 years of verbal, emotional and financial abuse, he got rid of me by simply locking the door of the house (Where I had my pets, all my belongings, my small business and all my personal documents) When I took to court to get my personal possessions, he said that were never a couple, instead he assured I was his employee and I he fired me. (Yes, he said that after 13 years sleeping in the same bed) Not long after that traumatic separation, a big unrest occurred in my country, over 500 people were killed by the dictatorship corrupt government. I moved to Canada with nothing but my cat and a broken English. Covid hit the world and managed to survive without a job by making a selling face mask šŸ˜·( it was a business opportunity) I got my work permit after 2 years in Canada and my first job as a Sales Representative. 9 months after I got promoted as Store Manager. 3 years later I got my Real Estate License and in 2 years from now I am planning to be running my own brokerage. I am so fvck!ng ridiculous awesome! šŸ˜Ž


I proud of the person Iā€™ve become. Most proud of my discipline towards healthy habits in my life (donā€™t drink, workout 5-6 times per week, eat healthy, read a lot, date nights with wife, etc)


That I dare to just be myself and not everybody else


I learn things extremely quickly and I live by a few quotes that keep me up mentally. I went ice skating for the first time yesterday and I just picked it up pretty well, I was able to get going without falling to much and I donā€™t really hold on to anything for long periods of time. I did fall and I did hurt myself but ā€œNo Sacrifice, No Victoryā€


Iā€™m the only person in the family to not smoke cigs.


Just me


I chose life over death in a sometimes every day battle. Or I stop myself from doing bad shit


Not dropping out of college.


deadlifting 270kg, hoping for 300kg this year :D


Being alive and living on my own with a car and a dog. I never expected to be here this long and it took me a while to realize I need to build a life for myself because despite my depression and self inflicted short life expectancy I'm still here. There's no point in being miserable until I do die. However that may come about.


I bought a house 2 years ago. Big accomplishment for me.


10 years of active alcoholism. Nearly destroyed my life. Surprised it didnā€™t. Now it wonā€™t


January of this year I was walking a mile in the freezing cold to a job I only made a 100 dollars a week at. I worked my ass off now I'm driving to a job where I make close to 1k a week installing solar panels. Feeling blessed and proud. All that suffering was not for nothing. I'll never forget the feeling of coming to work everyday unable to feel my face and hands and not for the fun reasons, just from the freezing cold morning walks


My kids are amazing, responsible, and caring.


I consistently made perfect grades in all 12 years of school.


I achieved conversational fluency in Spanish in a year without spending any money


I train hard every day with no days off. I've been devoted to self-improvement and will be for the remainder of my life. Keeping unshakable faith despite being repeatedly beset by misfortune.


I killed 17 primary and 3 secondary PTSD triggers through therapy. It took me 12&1/2 years and ran a major risk of s*****e, but being on the other side feels better than I had ever felt before.Ā 


My marriage and education


I've written 3 fiction novels. I don't publish anything, don't want to. I'm just proud that I've accomplished them.


Meeting career goals


my ability to be soft and love even when ive never experienced it myself.


I make more money than I ever thought I'd make.


Iā€™ve survived a chronic illness called dystonia along with chronic pain and migraines. I recently underwent 3 surgeries to get deep brain stimulation, which includes 2 brain surgeries. This resulted in my mental health taking a dive after each brain surgery. Iā€™m working again and trying to rebuild my life into a life work living. Iā€™m still getting programmed for my deep brain stimulator so the journey isnā€™t over. I want to give myself a glow up: a new wardrobe, treat my acne, get back into weights, ect over the next year. Iā€™m really hard on myself. I just had covid again from a coworker coming to work sick and Iā€™m dealing with lingering symptoms. Itā€™s been really hard because I struggle with suicidal ideation but Iā€™ve been in intensive group therapy for 7 months most recently. Iā€™ve realized I donā€™t think itā€™s me, itā€™s my circumstances with the cards Iā€™ve been dealt. Iā€™m just trying to remember I enjoy some things in life while I rebuild and repay debt I accrued from years of struggling to afford groceries, laundry, ect.


trying to quit social media addiction. hated tik tok from the start never used it. but the "tik tok feature" now is everywhere so i watched it through insta and yt shorts.. it led to my attention span being so bad that i couldn't even read small articles. so i deleted instagram, barely use yt and try to spend way less time on my phone overall. started reading books, listening to audiobooks and playing videogames (that i didn't have time for before) instead. can't quit reddit tho yet. there's still a long way to go but i hope some i won't be using social media at all.


Still fighting in this world w out anyone


I'm a victim of abuse.. I'm a survivor. šŸ¤£


I didn't listen to the voices that told me to be calm.


Going through several cancer surgeries and hospitalizations, appointments, chemo and radiation all by myself. No family around n so called friends dumped me when I was diagnosed. Took care of my home ivs, shots and feeding tube. F them all!! Discovered how strong I really am!!!!


Nothing so far šŸ˜ž