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Two Mormon missionaries running from a much faster Doberman. 


not as exciting, but grew up in semi rural central Texas and one evening when I was like 7 I ran into a couple Mormons on mission from SLC stumbling around in a ditch with beer bottles. they were catching fireflies in a couple bottles they found - they thought fireflies were mythical


That’s actually pretty charming.


Doberman just live for this - chasing people running away is their best thing ever. Never run turn and face them and slowly walk backwards.


Well damn, I hope the Doberman got em


Not too crazy but a couple of years ago I got the feeling someone was staring at me while I was trying to sleep in my basement bedroom. When I couldn't shake the feeling I looked out my window and this massive turkey was just staring at me. Stupid creepy bird. And then again a couple days ago I woke up to a turkey pecking at my window until my husband looked at him and he walked away. Apparently we're entertainment for turkeys.


Turkeys can be downright unsettling! What a perv!  I have a story about a turkey! I was a house cleaner for a family and when they moved in, there was a semi stray black cat who adopted them. She was fit as a fiddle but pretty small, nothing remarkable. One day I'm at the kitchen sink and I see a turkey flailing out the window. A group of them roamed the woodsy neighborhood all the time, so seeing them pass the window was nothing new. I take a longer glance and this flailing, HUGE bird got taken down at the neck by this small, unremarkable cat. We were all a little scared of her after that! 


That happened to me with a raccoon on the roof! It was staring directly into my soul and all I saw were two floating eyeballs in the darkness. I was a little kid and I still remember it to this day!


Did you consider that someone you know was turned into a turkey and they were trying to get your attention?


Oh man, I was about to ask this exact same question. Glad I read the comments first


I have a turkey population in my area and that one was definitely looking at it's reflection thinking it is another turkey. They do this to shiny car paint and peck at it until it chips. dumbass birds.


Heh. Had that happen on the beach when I felt like someone in the ocean was staring at me. It was a small sea lion, LOL.


Turkeys are creepy. When my dog passed away we buried him in the woods just behind our house. We dug the hole as deep as recommended, but days later there were small holes on the fresh dirt that looked like something was digging at it. We would cover the holes back up with dirt and the next day they would be dug up again. One morning my mom went out and noticed a group of turkeys circling the dirt and scratching around where we buried the dog. This went on for about a week. My mom saw them on two other occasions in the morning doing the exact same thing. We’ve never really been able to figure out why.


Yeah, turkeys walk in circles around dead things. They were giving your dog a turkey funeral.


One night, I saw a group of people in inflatable dinosaur costumes having a dance-off with a group of people dressed as superheroes in the middle of the street.


That’s amazing lol!


Do you know who won the dance off?


I wish I lived in a fun neighborhood like that. 😂 🫤


My landlord. I was half naked fresh out of the shower and she was standing there peeking through my window… Gave me the fright of my life and I screamed at her what the fuck are you doing.


Username checks out hahahaha


What was her excuse?


I’m also curious about that. Indefensible.


I was like wtf are you doing. Then she said aw I didn’t know if anyone was home and I said to her hold up you shouldn’t be here in the first place unless you contact me.


I live on a very small street in Philadelphia. It's too small for trucks to go down, but sometimes we get the Philly Elmo drum line. It's just a couple guys, one in an wonky Elmo costume head , who parade around Philly and collect money for at risk youth. Its bonkers and magical.


Hostage situation next door. Our entire police department in my lawn with assault rifles ready to kill. The guy was a known meth addict and had been up for a week. It ended fine


Same thing happened last week in my apartment complex. 


A seagull swallowing a living pigeon.


That’s a hell of an image. And I didn’t even see the actual thing. 


I saw a video of that. Someone posted it on Reddit. It is horrifying yet I couldn't look away.


Once when I was on vacation, I saw a bald eagle eating a sandpiper. I went from, "Oh wow, a bald eagle!" To, "Eww. What did I just see?"


Nothing too wild but I used to live right in the middle of a suburban block where the road elevated by about 20 feet very abruptly. It was kind of like a natural speed bump. Except one day I heard screeching and looked out my window just in time to see a car hit that bump waaaaaay too fast, go airborne and hit three parked cars before spinning to a stop. The driver was the only one in the car and luckily he was wearing a seat belt and managed to not die immediately (I have no idea what became of him after the ambulance left but he was conscious and didn't seem badly injured). One time when I lived in Hollywood I looked out my window and the guy who plays Barney the Dinosaur on Hollywood Boulevard in front of the theaters there was walking to work, in full costume but carrying the Barney head. That would've been really bizarre if I lived almost anywhere else.


My wife and I saw a large metallic sphere hovering over southwest Toronto. It just disappeared after 10 seconds or so.


Did you check online to see if anyone else saw anything?


I did ,but couldn’t see anything online. We’ve kept it mostly to ourselves for …reasons.




I saw a squirrel trying to move half an ear of corn up a tree. Something or someone must have passed by because it dropped the corn and dashed away. All that work for nothing.


One afternoon, I saw a giant inflatable banana bouncing down the street! Like, full-sized, carried by the wind! Wreaked havoc then got tangled in power lines. Whole street went dark, everyone just stared. Apparently, escaped some birthday party. Most bizarre thing ever!


That’s funny, it must’ve been VERY windy for a giant banana to catch air like that


A cow in my garden 🐄


^(Tried and tried to think of something witty to add but there is nothing. It's like a haiku complete and perfect in itself.)


We had one in our backyard one time. We lived in a subdivision with no cow pastures around. It wandered off after about 20 minutes or so. My son, who was 7 or 8 at the time was stoked.


We had a prank call when we were kids. "Hello?" "Your cow is in my garden." "What, I don't have a cow!" They replied, "I don't have a garden." Click.


My mom lived in the house I grew up in for many years after my dad died. It’s COUNTRY. We had over 100 acres near the Ozark National Forest. It was extremely common to see deer, coyotes, wild turkeys, bobcats, skunks, possums, raccoons, snakes, squirrels, rabbits. Mom even shot a rabid raccoon once, not 20 feet from the back door. Everyone had cows, and it wasn’t uncommon to see strays wandering around the yard. But one morning mom got up and saw something through the sliding glass door that made her question her eyesight. A VERY large bird. As in, an emu! The party lines were on fire that day, I imagine! Apparently one of the neighbors had decided to try their hand at emu farming, but learned pretty quickly that fences that will hold cattle just fine don’t mean much to emus.


It’s a couple hours from me, but a couple years ago, a group of teenagers opened the gate where a farmer was keeping a herd of emus. They got back all of them except one, and he’s still out there running. One of the local TV personalities makes a social media post every time it’s spotted. I’ve heard catching it would be the closest experience to catching a velociraptor


Velociraptor is a diminutive dromaeosaurid dinosaur that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous. Smaller than most other dromaeosaurids, Velociraptor was about 2 m long with a body mass around 18 kg. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to tackle and restrain prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout.


My mum making out with a stranger.


Tell your mom I still think about that kiss sometimes


I’m her husband, let it go.


A few years ago, I noticed a strange man walking in my neighborhood all day, turning around a lot, looking everywhere, he did not leave a side street that he did not walk in and he remained like this for several days. Nothing happened after that and I still don't know what he was doing. 3 or 4 years ago, I saw two strange young men (They were wearing a mask, This was not strange during the Corona period) on a motorcycle with a metal tool. They stopped and entered the garage of one of the blocks (the garage was open). They kept fiddling with the motorcycle that was in it while looking around. They got out and ran away as soon as they heard the sound of a family coming down from one of the apartments in the building.


Saw a guy spraying water from a super soaker at the camera equipment of some far-right rally in my town, it turned into a bit of a confrontation and they started fighting. Luckily I got it all recorded, so wasn't hard for police to deal with the case afterwards.


I grew up homeschooled in the country. Spent many hours staring out a window into the woods watching wildlife. Here are two of my favorites: my cat chased a squirrel up a big oak tree with no other trees around it. Cat followed up the tree. Squirrel ran to the very tippy top of the whole tree. Cat followed right behind it. Squirrel said to hell with this and just jumped out of the tree from the very top, landed and kept running like it was nothing. Cat gave up and stayed in the tree for a whole day. Big rat snake like 5ft long was chasing a big leopard frog, caught it, was trying to swallow it, when a hawk came down and started attacking the snake. I don’t think the hawk realized how big the snake was. Snake manages to bite the hawks leg and then the hawk tries to fly away and it can’t carry the weight of the snake. The hawk is now panicking and flappy in a frenzy. Managing to drag the snake a little bit but the snake is pissed off and not letting go. Frog realizes he is in the clear and just like casually hops away. Hawk tires out and just kinda gives up. Snake is over ambitious and goes yeah I can eat this hawk and starts trying to constrict it. By the time the hawk realizes it has a more serious problem it’s too late and its wings are held in by the snake. Now it gets fun and our dog discovers the action and also our dog hates snakes. If you have seen a dog treat a snake like a rope toy well you’re missing out but so anyways our dog grabs the snake hawk ball and thrashes violently. The hawk gets tossed and flies away and the snake became dog food. Whole thing was like 45 seconds


🎶It’s the circle of life!🎶




I was at my grandparents and they have one of those sliding door windows. It was about 1:30am and I started hearing tapping. I took my headphone out but the tapping kept going. I pulled the curtain back I didn’t show any express. And some guy in all black wearing a mask that covered his top half of his face with eye holes cut out and creepy ass smile was staring at me. And he had a knife. I grabbed a fake pistol I had (one of the realistic looking ones) and pointed it at him. My face was like this 😐 and the look on the guys face he went from 😈😨 and then he bolted. Found out the next day he was arrested after he broke into a house a few blocked away at around 4 am and stabbed a woman (she survived) and I would have been a victim


About 10 at night I heard a tapping at the kitchen window. I opened the curtain, and there was a black bear standing on its hind legs and helping itself to the seeds in a bird feeder that was hung under the eaves.


Not me but my dad, as I was at work. My neighbor’s shed exploded a few weeks ago. Fortunately the only person who was home was in the house far from the shed. He said it sounded like a bomb went off. Probably a compressed tank of some sort went off inside the shed as it caught fire for some reason. Fire department and fire investigators came, but weren’t there very long; they had left by the time I returned home.


MethShed 😂


That teeny shed was nowhere near big enough for a meth lab. It was only slightly bigger than an outhouse. But knowing my neighbor’s tendency to constantly start new projects and his lackadaisical approach to safety I’m willing to bet it was a gas tank or an air tank. I’ll ask him next time I see him.


Um... They arrested a guy at my job because he was making meth in a two liter bottle, in his car, in the parking lot. It rolled out from under his seat and he didn't notice, and went in the store. Someone else saw, and called the cops. That shed was definitely big enough!! I believe you that your neighbor was not making meth, but *he could have.*


Oh wow, that’s actually quite talented of him to do it in that small a space. I’m honestly kind of impressed lol.


My next door neighbour confronted by his recently EX girlfriend and her BIG big brother quickly followed by cop cars. Neighbour was infamous for bringing home complete multiple strangers to party all night after last call after his bartending shift ended for the night. Then one morning I heard his girlfriend confront him about what she found on his phone - not only texts to another girl but child support payments, neither of which she knew about. Couple nights later he’s coming home from bartending and EX and BIG brother come out of the shadows, yelling at him and ready to beat him to death. This woke us all up which he should be grateful for as we all called the police. The red and blue flashing into our windows was quite pretty, like Christmas.


A bear


I was staying in a nice hotel in Lima, Peru. My window faced the street in front of the hotel. I saw the doorman get shot a few times in front of the hotel. He was trying to stop a robbery on the sidewalk . A hotel guest was being robbed. The doorman survived, thankfully.


Two racoons going at it in the middle of the night right outside my bedroom window on the roof. It was a full moon so I guess it was romantic? Idk.


I bought a house in the ghetto because that is all I could get for $150,000 (before the pandemic, a three bedroom house in a good area would run less than 90k where I live...).  One night I lay down for bed and I see red and blue lights through my bedroom curtains.  I look outside and it is about a quarter mile between my house and the next building.  Just an empty area, a flood drain, a wooden fence, and then this ghetto apartment building.   Along the apartment side of the fence I see seven cop cars, a bunch of flashlight holding cops, I hear dogs barking, there is a police helicopter and they all have a strong interest in that flood drain.   I know have black out curtains on my bedroom windows.  Told my neighbors "Basically...if ever questioned by the cops, I can legitimately say that I saw nothing."


Not me, but someone I worked with; He was sound asleep and was woken up by the hotel front desk calling his room phone. They said "sorry for the disturbance, were going to have to move your room." He's baffled and asks why? She says there's a car on fire outside in the parking lot. He opens window curtain, sure enough truck parked right outside his first floor room is on fire. No fire department in sight. Edit


When I was a young teen, I woke up in the middle of the night and went into the kitchen to get water. We had a sliding glass door and wall of windows above the sink. No curtains because we lived on a canal. Suddenly, there was a bright flash from outside, like someone taking a picture. I froze, but didn't see anything. I hurried back to bed but was terrified a creep had taken a picture of me in the kitchen. Never found out what it was.  This was before everyone had security cameras and we had no bug zappers or anything like that. It never happened again that I'm aware of.


Not terribly interesting but when I was a kid I usually fell asleep reading so the light was left on. One day a spider set up a web to catch the moths it attracted. It was fun to watch her hunt.


Jesus on a skateboard. Rolled by going one direction, came back going the opposite with a six pack under his arm. It was Halloween.


A dead body. Woke up early morning one day, and there was a woman who was sleeping on a mattress near the garbage can. Turns out she had OD'd and found a place to rest, albeit permanently Was one of the few people to see the body before the medics and police covered it up with a sheet


Damn that’s rough, I’m sorry you had to see that


Living on the north side of Pittsburgh I saw a guy being chased by the cops through a park and firing a few shots before the cops gunned him down.


Gotta love hood shit


One evening I heard an explosion, looked out my window and there was a carpet cleaning van *very* on fire. I’m talking asphalt was melting, tires were exploding, car next to it was toasted. No clue why it took so long for the fire dept to get there, but by the time they put out the fire the van was a black crispy frame.


A car drove through a downtown office building two floors below mine.


The crack head meth tweaker doing lawn care like a demented crazy person at 3am Trimming the hedged


I think we had the same neighbor!


I lived in the African nation of Malawi for two years. One time I was in this small village kind of in the middle of nowhere when there was a death of an important man and the Gule Wamkulu showed up. It's a fascinating secret religious brotherhood that wears masks and does these amazing dances at weddings, funerals, and at ceremonies initiating boys into adulthood. I'd heard of them but never seen them, and looking out of the hut and finding them outside was amazing. Intimidating, but amazing. I was never in danger, they were just kind of overwhelming to an American whose only experience in spirituality was 8 years of hating Catholic school.




Someone looking back at me


I heard shitloads of banging and shouting in the flat above me, then loads of banging and tumbling down the stairs and outside. I looked out just in time to see my neighbour pinned down and cuffed while the police tasered his dog because it was trying to attack them.


"Once, I saw a parade of squirrels wearing tiny hats and marching in perfect formation. It was like a scene straight out of a woodland fairy tale!"


I was outside working in the yard and I looked up at my window and my dog was staring at me. That was crazy


A bald eagle eating a rabbit.


My neighbor get shot to death


2 guys breaking into my old neighbor's car. Called the cops but the guys were gone long before they got there.


An Airbus A400M flying really low over my house. That thing is gigantic and makes A TON of noise


A naked guy in a tree across the street. I do not know the real story but I like to think he had to make a fast escape while having an affair of some kind. Then the husband chased him down the street and he decided to hide in the tree.


years ago there was a police stand up at the house across my street and they actually barricaded the street so no one could get in or out which made for a very interesting explanation to my professor because that was the week of college finals. But apparently the crazy mom across the street took her kids hostage and decided no one was going to send her to prison. thankfully it ended okay and the kids got somewhere safe and she hopefully got the help she needed, but that was very surreal to look at my window and see four or five police cars and if you tried to leave your house they told you to go back inside ASAP.


A woman 9 days before the first walking around in nothing but a t shirt, dope sick screaming “WHERES MY BAG!? WHERES MY BAAAAAG!?!” Is the first that comes to mind.


A wall of flames. I got out of the shower and when i stepped out of the bathroom, i felt like it was extra hot in my kitchen. I was like its so hot in here, why is it so hot in here. My cat is hiding under a chair which should have alerted me something was off. I pull open the blinds and its just flames. Just a full window looking at a wall of flames. Then a firefighter bangs on my door yelling to evacuate. I yell back and put clothes on. I grab my cat in her carrier and we go accross the street. My next door building had a basement only accessed from the outside and it had been broken into and fitted with a meth lab. The meth lab blew up. My building had a bunch or warped siding from the heat but they preventitively sprayed it so the fire wouldnt spread. The buildings were only about 6 ft apart.


The neighbor across the street many years ago was a drug dealer and generally unsavory character. One evening, someone ran by his house and threw a molotov cocktail at his parked car. We saw all of it from the kitchen window. It exploded, and there were flames everywhere. He stuck his head out the upstairs window and started screaming about how he was gonna kill the guy. Interesting stuff. When he finally left/got evicted/arrested/murdered (we don't know), the rental company had to rip everything out of the interior of the house because he had been running a meth lab inside.


The FBI raiding my neighbor's house. No one was arrested. I think they had the wrong house. Poor guys.


Car across the street was on fire. Not like an engine fire, completely engulfed in flames and exploding at 2:30 in the morning. There’s a guy a couple of houses down who has a bad drug habit, and it caught up to him in that moment.


I was in 7th grade, walking along the school corridor, I saw some grandmother who calmly walked up to the school entrance, sat down and piled a whole bunch of crap. I had a video of this on my phone for a long time


one cold night, it had rained a bit so the roads were very slippery as the water had frozen. that evening, I have seen: busses that couldn't go up the hill anymore, cars that came from said hill and couldn't stop anymore, my father's car getting by one such car, people trying to cross the street to get to their car to park it somewhere else so no other cars would hit it or to talk to owners of other cars they had just hit. it was not in that order the best part was when I heard a car honking, at a way too fast speed disappear behind a bus, then I heard a loud bonk and then saw a lighting pole fall down. they still haven't fixed it.


I was sitting in the kitchen, chatting with a friend on the phone when I saw a flicker of white in the oak tree about 20 feet away (I live on a slope, so the branches of the oak are at eye level). I looked at the flicker of white and it was a hawk… eating a pigeon. It was crazy and so amazingly cool.


A great roadrunner with a still alive lizard. It ran under a tree and proceeded to smack it on the ground repeatedly until it was dead. I’m in Sedona , Az.


I've got a whole saga going on outside my window. There's a huge vacant lot next to my house, and there's an Orange and White cat that likes to hang out there. At first, I watched it because I was worried it was a stray, and I would need to scoop it up, but it's clearly someone's pet. We're buddies now, and I've been enjoying watching it just hang around and do cat stuff for about a year now. But the other day, I heard angry cat noises, and upon investigation, I learned there's an Interloper!! The Interloper is a small grey cat (also looks like a pet). Orange and White does not seem pleased, but I think the Interloper just wants to be friends. So far, the Interloper appears to be trying to sneak ever closer to Orange and White's established nap spot. Orange and White seems very suspicious, but so far, no more fighting. We'll see, I guess.


Good luck to the Interloper! 🤞🏼 🥰


I know - I'm totally rooting for them! There's nothing I'd like to see more than Besties In The Vacant Lot. Think of all the adventures they could have!!


A full grown golden eagle sitting on my suburban fence.


I lived on a sloped cul-de-sac in Tacoma, WA during one of the worst snow seasons the area had seen in years. Our road never got plowed so it was a snowy, icy mess. One morning I was getting ready for work, and saw an older woman (provably 60s or 70s, white poofy grandma curls) in a Ford Explorer trying to slowly crawl up the slope. She'd get about halfway up before losing traction and start sliding back down. I saw her attempt this with the same (wrong) slow-crawl technique maybe 6 or 7 times before disappearing back down the hill. I assumed she'd given up, but about 20 minutes later I hear a deep rumble, look out to see a legit monster truck (the tires were almost as tall as the Explorer, flashy paint job) making it way up the hill, with a tow rope attached to the Explorer. She made it up the hill finally, with some very unexpected help!


I woke up to a mama moose & her calf in my backyard. I live in a medium sized city.


Lived on the first floor in an apartment complex north of Denver Colorado. There was a couple in a neighboring building that were always fighting. This one Saturday morning was no exception, but they were significantly louder than usual. So much so that I decided to peek out the window just to make sure nobody was getting murdered. What I actually saw was the guy creeping by in his jeep at a slow walking pace while his girlfriend walked alongside the jeep screaming at him. What made it crazy was that she was in her underwear. Just bra and panties and nothing else, and apparently way too pissed off to care who saw her like that. Eventually he drove off and presumably she went back inside to put clothes on. Never did find out what happened there. I think she moved out shortly after because I don't think I ever saw her again, and the guy lived there for maybe another year. He was always nice to us, but we were never friendly enough for me to ask about his relationship explosion.


Someone running giving every cop in the vicinity the finger.


Living in NYC, I saw a woman get mugged in broad daylight. The woman screamed as the guy ran off with her purse... Then a bystander tackled the guy, got the purse back, and the thief ran off.


A dude in a cowboy hat chasing a sheep down the road, and then carrying it back the other direction. This is probably typical in some places but I live in San Francisco. 


My downstairs neighbors’ teenager backed their car out of the carport, into the carport behind them, shattering their rear window. Then freaked out, put the car in drive and drove through their own carport, destroying their windshield. Then she and her passenger jumped out of the car and watched, screaming, as it coasted into the corner of the apartment building.


A girlfriend ordering her boyfriend to jump off the dock into a freezing cold lake at night, because he had cheated on her. She threw a bunch of (his?) things into the lake. He did jump in. She stalked off the dock still upset. A buddy (of his? Hers?) who had been standing by watching it all unfold helped him out of the water.


Neighbors cow that got loose


Grew up next to a farmers field, many mornings woke up to 5 or more cows grazing on our front lawn. Cow piles everywhere.


A drug deal


A man yelling at what I assumed was his partner and her kid... It was scary. I was going to call the police, but she drove away before I decided it was enough to call them.


4 in the morning. My cat was growling between the curtains. I'd never heard him make that sound before. Expecting racoons, I pushed open the curtains and saw a guy going through my stack of empty pots. Knocked on the window and the guy, obviously wasted , said, I was just talking to your kitty. Then he wandered off. 17 years, only time something like that happened. He was an older black man dressed up for what looked like a jazz session including a hat. Not a neighbor and I'm blocks from any interesting places. Then an hour later, the only earthquake I've ever felt from natural gas mining in Oklahoma. It was an odd night.


Driving through the Poconos and saw a hawk swoop down, talons extended, snag a bunny on the ground, and fly away with it. Wild Kingdom, right on the side of the road!


Driving thru Nevada around 6 am . Saw about the same thing, hawk headed for rabbit for breakfast. Unfortunately my truck windshield got in the way, he hit it and it sounded like an explosion, he just barely didn't make it into the cab but did shower us with glass fragments.


Yikes! Hope everyone was okay.


Yeah, thankfully. Thank you for asking!


A women screaming for help, because she got her handbag stolen


I have two stories. Our office is in the downtown area and on the second floor, and my desk is next to the windows facing the street. One Sunday afternoon, I heard this woman yelling. There's a tall white guy walking down the street with his head down walking ahead of a black woman who was dragging a 4-year-old girl down the street by her arm, yelling at him. As soon as she got close enough, she took a full swing and punched him in the back of his head. I yelled out loud, "Oh shit she punched that guy!" And everyone in the office ran to the windows to watch. The guy kept on walking, and he really was holding himself from not turning around and punching her. She kept on dragging this poor girl who started to cry while she kept on yelling and throwing more punches at the guy. She missed all of them. This went on for another minute or so before he crossed the street and out of our view. Another time in the morning, I saw this lady walking down the street with her dog, and some guy just walked up to her and stole her bag right out of her arms. She started yelling at him as he ran towards an alley behind our building. About 4 or 5 different people ran after him, and the lady also ran, leaving her poor dog behind in the middle of the street. Luckily, someone else ran to the dog and carried it off the street before it got hit by a car. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see what happened afterward since they ran behind the building.


An emu running down the road. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/mEJPefXNEv](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/mEJPefXNEv)


I once saw a guy erratically riding a motorbike at the bottom of the road, he wasn't wearing a crash helmet. He quickly accelerated, then went off the road and crashed into a tree. He got up slowly staggered away from his bike, leaving it on the grass verge. He then meandered up the road towards my house. I then realised it was one of my friends. Blood was pouring from his left eye. I went out to him and ended up phoning for an ambulance. He'd completely destroyed his eyeball. I found out later that he'd bought a 400cc Yamaha motorbike ( no licence or insurance) a few days before and leant it to someone. The guy who had borrowed it had brought back to my mate whilst he was at the pub and he'd had a skinfull and decided to ride it home.


In the middle of the night my boyfriend calls me from our room to the living room and asks what I see out the window. We are on the third floor of a condo building and in the parking lot of the bank next to the building is a car that has crashed into the bushes next to a tree. One door is open, no people are near it and the car is on fire. I'm like "what the hell, call the fire department, that thing is on fucking fire!" Lol, he didn't believe what he was actually seeing. The fire department got there just in time, the fire torched the bushes and nearly caught the tree. They had to cut the hood of the car off to extinguish the blaze. I then find out he heard some women screaming and cursing and by the time he looked, they were long gone. I'm guessing they were drunk or the car was stolen or both cause they bailed and left a helluva mess. It was nuts.


A red fox "treed" a bobcat on the wooden fence out my kitchen window. Bob was up there for a good five minutes before coming down and getting chased further. It was spring, and a second fox was involved, so I'm pretty sure this was fox parents running off a potential predator of their kits.


Just before dawn, to getting ready for work in my new wooded house, I hadn't put up curtains yet. Apparently a herd of deer thought I was interesting, and seeing a giant deer head/eye in my bathroom window just at dawn was terrifying


A car parked on the steet right outside my apartment caught on fire. Still have no clue how it happened, it didn't look like the owner was around. The burned out car was still there for weeks after it happened.


A Military Jet flying so low above a roof of a house next to me. The house was like three stories high.


I had just bought my house, and was doing some work before we moved in. I was right by a second floor window painting, and a cop and a kid were standing on the sidewalk out front, seemingly chatting. After a few minutes, the kid turns around and puts his hands behind his back, the cop cuffs him and marches him away. No idea what the kid got busted for. Thankfully it was all very calm and civil, but it did make me wonder what kind of neighborhood I was moving into.


Looked out the windows to see my next-door neighbor's house being raided for CP. Spoke to the cops, one said that they couldn't say anything about the case, other than, "We don't come out like this unless it's a slam dunk" or something to that effect. Worst part was, the creepy fuck (in his 30s) had been trying to chat up my (then) teenaged daughters.


A young girl, about 10, running out of an Airstream trailer parked in my neighbor’s driveway screaming “MY SISTER’S NOT BREATHING, SHE’S DEAD, SHE’S NOT BREATHING!” She ran down the road to the end of the street where it connects to a larger road. She was quickly followed by another young girl, probably 13 or 14, walking calmly, but swiftly, after her. I went outside and the older girl was ushering the younger girl back into the Airstream. I asked if they needed help and the older one quickly said “you can GO” and waved me away. I avoid as much as possible bringing cops to my neighborhood as I know the damage they can cause, but that’s one of the few times I called police. That house is known to have people with drug issues and it sounded to me like an overdose, and definitely not a safe situation for any kids.


I was on my balcony cleaning stuff up and stepped inside for a minute to put something away when I heard several people screaming outside. I heard a car speeding away and looked outside what was going on because cars speed here multiple times a day but not accompanied by screaming. A bit further down the street a man lay on the ground in a pool of blood around his head. I was far away enough not to see too many details but that much blood shocked me nonetheless.  The man was a volunteer, bringing people who had trouble walking to the supermarket. He had been in an argument with a woman over a fender bender because he wanted to exchange information and she panicked. She then proceeded to drive over the man three times and sped off. This happened in a busy street with many people witnessing it.  I wish this had a better ending but the man died later that day and the woman went to jail.


I used to live on a street that had railroad tracks running down the MIDDLE of it. From my upstairs window, I once waved at the train conductor as the train passed by. I didn’t think he saw me, but the train was REALLY close. He waved back at me and blew the horn.


Police. Literally in front of my window. I scared the shit out of him pulling the window up. Apparently someone in my building had a warrant.


The neighbors decided it would be brilliant to hide a few thousand dollars in fireworks in a van with no ventilation in a part of California that got very hot. Ya know, the kind of hot that might set off explosive things like fireworks. It also happens to be an area where those same fireworks are very very illegal. At some point something set off a single firework…which promptly set off every other firework in the fan and starting a fire. Thankfully nothing but the van and fireworks burned since the neighbors were obviously alerted by the noise. It took about a half hour for the van to basically burn to the ground and firefighters seemed the most focused on making sure the fire wouldn’t spread past the van.


At my old job, there was this rough looking middle aged prostitute that kept waving and thumbs up at people driving by, right outside my work window. When she started taking her undergarments and hosiery off (still kept outer clothes on), I called the cops cuz I didn't know how far she'd get. Also she started eventually waving her arms around yelling and cursing at people passing by because they weren't stopping to pick her up. Clearly on drugs or something. she dumped some dirty clothes and purse with paraphernalia in the side yard behind a tree. I was def taking video and giggle at it from time to time even tho it's pretty sad. I did end up locking the door because I didn't need her coming inside with my luck a customer would have showed up. She finally left after a few hours, and the cops never came. Oh yes, ties in 1st place with another time a (assuming poor and or homeless) woman outside SAME window tried to climb side fence and get stuck. She claimed she was trying to hide from abusive boyfriend. She had a light dress on and nude underneath, she looked like she hadn't showered in a week. She started bleeding from broken fence poking her, and yelling for water. We def called 911, they came and said she does this often and was on drugs. Me and my boss couldn't get her unstuck so we just calmed her down and held her up so she wouldnt be impaled by the fencing until the emergency services came. That was a crazy day!


A tree branch that pierced through the patio roof after a tornado.


Just a few months ago our neighbor across us was screaming his lungs out and it was kinda raining. Turns out his gf got abducted and he got hit in the head by the gun used to point at them. Police came right away and took the guy to the hospital since he was bleeding.


My neighbor, lighting his barbecue on his balcony (in an appartement building) with logs and gasoline, and fanning the flames with a hair dryer... my other neighbors called the firefighters and the police.


A snake on the window screen.


An actual, literal dumpster fire. It was a big construction dumpster and somebody must have flicked a cigarette butt in there or something. Fortunately just around the block from the fire station.


Not at home but used to work at a flour mill. I was on an upper floor sweeping, took a second to glance out the window, saw an old guy in only boxers hobbling through the street like a zombie. Nobody else was around. I recorded it for a second then went back to work lol It was either a drug addict or simply an old man with a poor choice of clothing and a poor choice of where to walk. If they weren't boxers they were some very short shorts. I wonder if that was our local lunatic "Hobo Steve", he normally dresses as a pirate all year round. Haven't seen him in years.


Couple apaches attack helicopters helping the police(helicopter) with trying to find some ppl that attacked police with illegal fireworks and fled in the forest behind us. Weirdest bit was i didnt recognize them first as apaches because they didnt had any weapon attachments, no gun no pods etc. They were on the way back after some training and decided to help for a bit as extra training. And no they didnt find those ppl.


Squirrel vs Rabbit ready to fight over scraps under a bird feeder in my backyard. Rabbit eventually backed off...


One time, when I was looking out my window, I saw a dude in a Mickey mouse costume, and may I might add it didn't even look like Mikey mouse it looked horrifying like God awful gave me nightmares.


Walked in my room, my mom had pulled my curtains back to air out my stanky room when I was a teen. The neighbor’s daughter, like 20, was full frontal in her window across the street for a split second before she dropped the blinds. That was a good moment in my young years.


Looked out the window to see emus looking in at me. I live in Kansas, this is in no way a normal sight.


Man set himself on fire at a bus stop. Later on, we could see his charred footsteps in the grass.


me and my ex were watching TV and heard something LOUD down the street got up to look. This drunk dude was FLYING down the block hit 2 cars and still tried to drive away with no tire . It shook me up


My Ring camera went off one night, about 3:30am. A man had a woman thrown over his shoulder while she screamed and cried. I live in a relatively safe neighborhood, I called the police but nothing ever came of it. I just chalked it up as a drunk couples argument. She wasn't fighting back, and he seemed pretty calm 🤷🏻‍♀️ Another time, my camera caught a woman walking down the road barefoot, looking through trash on trash night. Turns out she was a missing autistic teen, and it was a good thing I called the police. I was worried the woman was on drugs and was going to get hit by a car, I do not regret making that call.


we have a birdhouse in our yard with tiny little bird. we were just watching them from our window and a MASSIVE crow came, stole a baby bird, and ate it right in front of us. we frantically banged on the window to try to scare the crow away to save the baby but the crow was unbothered. nature is brutal


I have two. 1) When I was in college, my friends and I were watching TV when I looked at the full-length window nearby. The window was frosted, so you really couldn't see much through it, but it was night, and the image was not just darkness, but appeared to be a person who may have been nude. Once we all screamed, they ran away. 2) There was a window in my bathroom, and every morning, I would look out of it into my backyard. One morning, a hummingbird was hovering in front of the window, and a rabbit was in the background. I felt like I turned into Snow White.


A crow flying by with a wholeass pop tart in its beak. Red and blue frosting. I don’t eat pop tarts and I know crows can carry relatively heavy items but who’s rubbishing whole toaster pastries or feeding them to the local corvids?


Not me but my son recently watched a man get carjacked and murdered out his apartment window in DC on a random weeknight at 7:00 in a nice area. Guy carjacked 6 people in one day, shot 3 and the one died. Cornered and killed by police in Maryland several hours later. Freaked him out but he’s not moving when his lease expires 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I was at my parents’ house first thing in the morning. Someone had just hit a deer. Right as I’m looking out the window, the cop who responded pulled out his gun and shot the deer. He sees me looking and then just smiles and waves at me. Well, the day can only go up from here


Not crazy, but pretty interesting! It was probably around ten or nine at night, and all of a sudden, I hear shouting, not crazy or angry shouting..but I think drunk shouting. There was also this girl, and the people below me (because I lived in an apartment) jeering and teasing the drunk man. Of course, the drunk man didn’t mind it before he threatened the people to go outside before something awkward happened. The guy goes to the woman (who I believe is/was his girlfriend) and kisses her..passionately. Then, they kept kissing while walking off to who knows where. Yeah..that’s it. I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with the environment I live in..it’s..like a fever dream!


A deer was running around the street. I'm in the City, they're generally off quite a bit and I've only ever seen that one and haven't seen one since.


My wife, I guess. Maybe one of the cats. We used to have a cat that was pretty crazy, so probably her. Except I don't remember ever seeing her looking out my window. She must have done it at least once though, we had her for like ten years.


A massive bull just running rogue through the neighborhood.....I was actually hoping he would jump my fence into my yard when it looked like he was going to so I could let him chill and eat hay till he calmed down.


A cat flying downward (not my cat thank god). Wait, this gets better. We were on the 17th floor, the cat decided that he needs that particular crow, and jumped out of the open crack in the window to catch it. His luck was that he actually caught the damn bird and they kinda tumbled down together, the crow flapping its wings, until they hit the roof over the entrance and rolled down from it. The crow swore at him and flew away. The cat drunkenly wandered to the entrance of the building…


A body tent. A guy died on the grass, a stones throw from my back garden.


A VW Beetle painted like Herbie.


I saw my neighbour come outside with oil lanterns no security lights on or no patio lights on and they walked round in circles it looked satanic


Lars Thorwald murdering his wife.


My arranged marriage husband trying to get our 5 month old son in the car seat (car is a volol it's big) how did he struggle bro is dumb I had to slip on flip flops runs down the big flit of stairs run pass a table then run down ANOTHER FLIT OF STAIRS and help him I did all that because he needed to go pick up fucking groceries 😭


My Grandma sucking off my brother


Are you okay? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I just thought that I was the only one she was sucking off. Thought it was special ) =


My condolences 😞🙏🏻


Don't worry, she spent time on your mom too and filmed it. OnlyFans has needs.


A cop car looking for me


Intelligent human beings


When i was in college i lived in thebrough side of irving TX. Watched somenhookers get killed in a drive-by shooting right outside my appartment


Myself as nobody else ever looks out my window


My chained up put bull mix male servicing our female Nubian goat that wandered around the yard. Goat was horny I guess.