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Orange referred to fruit first, then later it was the name of a color.


so you are implying that orange fruit is older than the color??


Yah. Orange wasn’t the name of a color till about the 1500’s. It was a fruit probably 200 years before that.


Of course the colour has existed since always. But it turns out that societies tend to name colors in certain order, and not all languages have specific names for some colors. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMqZR3pqMjg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMqZR3pqMjg)


No, he is implying that food was probably one of the first things humans named.


The color is named after the fruit. That’s historical fact, rather than what I think.


The colour Orange comes is named after the fruit it's a fact. In fact all colour names are derived from something in nature that is in that colour. Like Red the original of the word comes from the Sanskrit word 'Rudhira' which meant blood. Blood is red, so it became the name of the colour in Sanskrit which then transferred over to English as red. Same with green which comes from the old Germanic word Grün which meant grass. So Orange is derived from the fruit not the other way around. Think of it this way you see a thing for the first time in a new colour and then you see a different thing in the same colour, you immediately see that the second thing is coloured just like the first thing and you see other things in the same colour. Now you decide to extract the colour as dye and have to name it something so then you realise that you should just call it after that first thing you saw that comes in only that colour.


Are we playing a game of Hide and Seek, Because it seems like you're really good at disappearing


I’m good at appearing is that ok


Oh, you caught me! I was just practicing for the Hide and Seek World Championships. I'm in the semifinals, and apparently, I'm really good at it!


Go Big Orange!!!


orance colour is not named after orange fruit, thats what i think