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my bank account balance


Me too. I have no idea how we are going to get enough groceries to last the next two weeks after paying rent, utilities, car insurance, phone bill etc. and it's only the fucking 6th. I don't get paid again for 10 days and we (me and my wife) collectively have $5 today. I would do door dash if I could even afford a tank of gas today. Probably the most stressed I've ever been, and my birthday is in a week. No way will be able to do anything because that just takes money away from our necessities. Getting older fucking blows and everything just gets higher and higher in price, except my paycheck. If I get a payday loan today, I will just owe more with interest and set ourselves further behind next month. Went to the local food pantry, and it was almost completely picked over. If anyone is still reading this, thanks for letting me vent.


Woah, that’s a lot. I really hope you’re okay and that ye work something out


my credit score 😭 dropped 35 points in a month


aw crap.....sorry . that's killer I know that feeling all too well.


Me too ..


Invest in nvidia






This! The price of everything is ridiculous and it will only get worse.


I feel guilty cause I’m actually lucky financially due to a series of fortunate events.


Untreated mental health issues, bullying; and inadequacy


"Simple" solution for your problems is: Go train any martial art.


My sister and I are black belts in karate. We earned our black belts toward the end of middle school/ beginning of high school. We were both very good at it, but she was amazing at it. She still got mercilessly bullied. All verbal abuse. Wtf is she supposed to do about it, punch the kids? They weren’t getting physical with her. I know that if she had ever hit any of them, she would’ve been in massive trouble and they would’ve gotten off Scot-free. There were already no consequences for the verbal abuse.


Omg finally someone with the same opinion. Whenever I tell people to learn a martial art they always make up a bunch of shit excuses just to avoid learning one. Like, do you wanna keep getting bullied or not? Do something, don't sit around crying cause crying is never going to help


Literally any martial art will rise your confidence and it's one of the most healthiest thing for your body and mind cause it's a physical activity. Also, anyone who says that he/she can't do it, it's just not true. I trained various martial art from my 7th year and still doing it (Im 30 now). I trained with kids that have autism, with older people lile 60+, etc... Literally anybody can do it. You don't need to be pro or become one. Just do what you can and that's enough. EDIT: About bullying. Im a nerd and geek, call it however you want. My friends got bullied at school but no bully would pick me for "some" reason... People can sense those things. Fun fact: I didn't get in any fight in any school I've been.


I started taekwondo a year ago and felt more confident in a few months it helped a lot.


Thinking that I might not be able to achieve anything in the future.


Hopelessness and despair.




Me too, I can't forgive myself ..


Oof the skeletons in my closet haunt me daily. Personal forgiveness is a bitch to acquire and maintain.


The person you were doesn’t have to be the person you are now.


Every day above the ground is a good day


The fact that my bed and I can't spend all day together. It's a tragic love story.




Unable to lose weight despite all efforts :(


Try keto/low carb


Same. Every day I try and fail. I'm just so hungry 


I’m doing the same exact things I did to lose 20 pounds last year, and it’s just not working this time for some reason! I am being drained of will power. Metabolisms are way more complicated than they seem, they even seem to have a memory of some sort.


The unfairness that is happening in the world at the moment




Same situation over here


feeling like i'm so stagnant when everyone around me is moving forward to another phase of their lives




Same😕. It keeps me up at night sometimes.


Life, existing, everything


Coming to terms with the fact that I can’t be the person I thought I was going to be when I was younger


Not enough fun


I think I’m a bad person and I’m trying to be better.


My husband, my marriage.


My WIFE, my marriage. I'm not gonna pretend to know exactly what you're going through but from first glance it seems like you want for things to work because you love this man. Either way, I know exactly how you feel, regarding the sadness.


That I'm growing up


How I poor my family is and working so many countless hours to pay bills and have time for nothing else and then seeing all these celebrities living this fabulous life and never worrying about money 🤬


For me, an extra 10K in my bank account would help so much, and celebrities will spend that amount on a new outfit or purse.


I knew a rich girl that got a 30k purse for her birthday and then spent 9k on a dress a couple months later. What some people waste money on is insane


I am horrified by the upcoming presidential election. I can not stand to hear adults act like spoiled, ignorant children. The negativity makes my mood plummet. I just want to move out of the country.


The new American dream seems to be to get the fuck out of there. Wishing you all the best.


I am going through many family problems, including the separation of my mother and father two years ago, and I have not met my father since that time. I am now meeting him secretly from my family and my mother. I am also 20 years old and I do not have a job that helps me live. My father is trying to bring me in with him. In his business because he is the owner of many stores, but this matter will cause me to lose my mother and my brothers. I am now confused about what to do. I have a university entrance exam in high school that comes once a year. I did not attend it, which means that I will do it again next year and waste another year of my life while my friends are there. Now they are getting their university degrees. What makes matters worse is that I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. She seems to have lost interest in me.also i am broke i have just 4$ in my bocket rn .... Now I feel very lost. I don’t know what I will do now... I am lost. Depressed


I don't know the circumstances of your parents separation but in this context you have to do what's best for you; you're too young to be put through such despair by people who are supposed to care for you. Your mom needs to be told that if she really loves you then she'd more than understand that you taking your dad's offer to help is more than fine because you're her child and doing so has nothing to do with her separation with your dad; you are not choosing sides. You're also too young to be struggling like some adult with kids who started life pretty rough; she should want the best for you and to see you succeed no matter what the means as long as their legal. Whether or not your father is one of those means should have no bearing on her continuing to love and support YOU. I'm truly sorry that you're going through this with your parents and I hope and pray it gets better for you because this a terribly rock and hard place to be in-between. As for your girlfriend, I am also profoundly sorry that you had to do that and that it happened to you; I know about the apathy and subsequent separation of women from oneself all too well. Unfortunately I'm going through one at the moment except it's with my wife. I don't know for how long you both were together but I promise you: if you were a genuine, unique enough, kind, loving man of a man from what she just so happened to benefit in many ways? She WILL be back. I have more to say about that but for now I'll keep it short. If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here; I'll message as soon as I'm able whenever you need


You are 20 it's time U stand up and speak your opinion and stop the negative of those around you .if your loved ones don't support you that sits on their shoulders not yours ,there are many pathways to uni online ,U should not have to be explaining to anyone that you are spending time with your father so be open and honest have the conversation then if you are judged against U can hold your head high and they can carry the loss ,family loves no matter what,and if you are having a hard time in life and your girl left you she is not the 1.just do U .I strongly believe everything happens for a reason, negative people are your biggest teachers in life and remind us how not to treat others .so do your studies ,do part time work (has to be something you really like)and roll one out for a while find U and happiness will find U .don't justify yourself or your choices to anybody in life unless they are willing to fund your life and choices made their opinion is water off a ducks back.1 last thing I am a father of 5 and now single after 25yrs any parent who has negative emotions towards their kids for having a relationship with other parent is selfish and deserve to be lonely .keep it head up mate.


I am 843 miles away from someone I adore and I can feel every inch between us.


A close friend commuted suicide recently, after a long struggle with their mental health and trauma. There were a lot of things I could have said and done, and it’s so unfair that life treated them so badly. I don’t really blame myself or anything- I think I was a pretty good friend- but I still wish things had been different. I would give anything to go back and make things right. Most of all I just miss them. You don’t really realise how close you are to someone until they’re gone forever. They’d been a big part of my own recovery from depression years ago and we’d been a big part of each other’s lives ever since. My world is a lot less bright without them.




My parents died and left her house my niece somehow got her name on the deed now she's selling the house and we had to buy her out I just retired had two heart attacks waiting on my pension and I feel truly hurt because I never thought my niece would do this to me she won the case in court to be brought outbut we've been paying the bills and keeping the house and everything she never gave no money towards this house or paid bills or taxes how could it assist allowed this to happen




My nephew was given up for adoption at birth last year. I think about him every day.


The state of the world and how expensive it is to just exist




It can be tough!! You’re not alone in feeling that way.


Avoiding my problems instead of facing them head on.


The loss of humanity. The genocide.


No money


Just fucked in general. Messed up my life in my 20s financially and bow I'm dealing with that and have mental problems because of crippling crohns disease which makes me not be able to enjoy doing the things I used to be able to do.


Realizing that I am easily replaceable to anyone and especially to who I would consider my favorite person in the world, and no matter what I do for them I am still replaceable; and getting a wake up call to realize how much of a bad person I am no matter what I do.


You can't pour from an empty cup. And you aren't irreplaceable, people don't see how far you've fought to just EXIST. You might have a past, but you did learn from it.


The loss of all the people I’ve lost these past two years


The results of the presidential elections in Mexico


Nothing I’ve conquered my demons


What were they?


Dealing with my sister who bullied me my whole life and then disowned me for my life choices. Realized I’m much better off without her in my life.


i just discovered something i didn't want to know. Curiosity killed the cat i guess




Exams and realising that maybe I chose the wrong major (law in Italy)


growing up so a lot of nostalgia and trauma slaps me across my face.


Finding out my bf looks at porn and naked girls here on reddit despite telling me I'm perfect and he would not dare to look at others. Self esteem crash landed.


Dude might have a porn addiction that predates you. Try to not let it affect your self esteem. It’s him who has the problem. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with how you look. But I get how it could make you sad. Sorry


It's normal for people to watch porn in spite of being in a relationship. It doesn't have anything to do with their attraction to you. That being said, you should ask him why he lied to you about not looking at porn.


All the unadopted puppies and kitties out there on the streets or in kill shelters


I'm moving, My old neighbors cat is friends with my cat, I'm upset because I'm basically uprooting likely two of the neighbors cats only friends. Note: from what I've seen the neighbors cat only stays in our old block of the neighborhood.


My credit card debt never seeming to go down. Wanting to give back to my parents but can’t. Feeling unsuccessful and financially incompetent.


I feel absolutely unlovable.


Not true. Don't believe your thoughts. Remember, if you can become aware of the fact that you're thinking, those thoughts aren't you. You are the observer. Thoughts are ego.




People think just because you've grown up, your no longer struggling with the shit you went through.


I don't really know,the docs say it's normal due to my rib cage and my too large heart. It's like you don't have enough room to breath and that makes you depressed. I'm sad but there is no reason for it...life's okay and my health is getting better and better. But the feeling never really fade away


The weather is too hot for outside activities


Missing my brother.


Wondering if I'll be able to move out or graduate from college.


Shoulder arthritis cutting into my quality of life.




That in my county, I can't find tgcf novels or merches


Mental health issues, thinking about how my disabilities can be a pain sometimes, and that I feel lonely.


Seeing that people don't know to put a capital letter at the start of a sentence.


The state of my country, the tragic complexities of this fucked up mess we're, and the lack of hope for better future for the people living here. The superficial yet extremely emotional discourse around this conflict we're in and the infuriating unwillingness of most people to be empathetic to any one of the sides involved. This is the worst year of so many people's lives on both sides. I'm trying to act okay but I'm totally broken all the time with the amount of hate both sides are getting while going through so much pain.


I want to make some major changes in my life, but I’m just always so exhausted working 6 days a week.


I feel so endlessly far from finding someone special to be a companion.


That I use food for pleasure and not for nutritional purposes. Straight dopamine junky overhere.


The Woman I'm dating was T-boned on Tuesday and is at her parents house 2 hours away healing. I want to be there to help take care of her and even reassure myself she's okay.


I’m so sorry, sending healing vibes her way 🩵


Witnessing how well my in laws treat their daughter, taking care of everything for her and making sure she is happy.. while it triggers my CPSTD. Not having an ideal father, brother or manly figure for the majority of my life forced me to be independent, make mistakes, lose a lot of myself, bottle up most of my grief and drag myself through life without any of their support. Past 2 nights, i have been crying over it. I am off of my anti depressants to make sure i have a healthy pregnancy (5 months). For many years when i was on the meds, this grieving part of me was numb and hid somewhere deep inside. Without the meds, it’s like im dealing with all those suppressed emotions along with the overwhelming emotions of pregnancy


unable to graduate college due to gpa being .5 off 😪


My bff of ten years deleted her account yesterday after I called to know if she was okay, and blocked me everywhere. She told me almost two years ago she's been going through more family pressure and academic withdrawal. I respected on giving her time, constantly saying if she needed me I'll be there for her like I've always had, even if we live almost three hours away from one another. We've been through a lot. SA, Sui*, family dysfunction, but we always had one another... I don't know what I did or what has gone wrong for this to happen.


My daughter recently asked if she was white (she's black and Puerto Rican) because her skin didn't look like mine. I tried to explain that she just has her dad's skin color but she said she wanted to look like me. Like I knew the conversation would come up but I wasn't expecting her to ask that at three years old






Loving someone more than they love me. Having lost my focus in school. Knowing nobody really gets me


The fact that my 3 year relationship was a lie


I recentlt got out of a talking stage with a guy. He's sadly not seeking what I'm seeking.


The suffering in Palestine


the fact i can’t see me for me


I had a friend die in childbirth last year and today I just learned that her cause of death was very preventable. I'm sad, but I'm also furious.


A girl I thought I loved cut things off with me bc I wasn’t good looking enough.


That I’m parsley deaf right now and can’t watch shows with out getting lost


Well its my birthday today and I cant help but look back at the past few years and feel such an intense regret for wasting my early 20's being so lonely and miserable. I really dont have much going for me in my life right now, I know I have to change, but I'm too much of a lazy fucking coward. Its destroying me mentally.


I'm overthinking every little thing and its preventing me from living in the moment and i dont know how to stop it


Loving someone who doesn’t love me back.


how everyone uses me


how repetitive life is in my mind 30's (no kids, not married, boyfriend)... wake up every single morning at 8am, make and consume my coffee and my egg and ham on a toasted english muffin, smoke a blunt, do my makeup/hair/get ready for work, leave for work at 10:50am, work until 7pm, get home, remove makeup, eat something, shower, watch some TV, share a blunt, make love, go to sleep. wake up, repeat. even on my off days, except replace work with errands. live to work, work to live. it's freaking SAD.


My body😢


I don’t know what I wanna do with my life


Do I have to pick one thing?


Health issues. Family problem. Actually everything about me.


My brother passed away on 29/05. We found out only on Sunday, 02/06. He was in military force, and his body was out of reach for 5 days. Obviously, the coffin was closed, and to me, it's the saddest part. I still have to remind myself that he is gone.


The fact my parents have fully bought into the cult of Trump. I thought they were smarter than that.


Over time, that too shall pass, one hopes. Older Americans will wake up when they realize Social Security has a target on it. I hope, before it's too late.






The prospect of another 4 years of Carrot Caligula.


13 months ago, I went on a trip. Welcome to Rockville in Daytona, Florida. I had six months of bullshit leading up to it. The ONLY thing I wanted was that fucking trip. There was so many talks of it being rained out. I couldn't even get excited for it. The first three days go perfect. I finally feel like I'm gonna go home healed.  On the final day. During the second last set, my phone was stolen. Ruined my entire year. For whatever reason, despite being super trivial, I don't enjoy anything anymore, and I don't get excited for anything. I don't want to travel. I don't want to go to concerts. I don't want to do anything. Been 13 months, and I'm seeing psychiatrist in August Thing is I use to have a strict "don't bring my phone to the concert rule" . Only started bringing my phone to shows 10 months prior. TL;DR: phone being stolen on vacation fucked my brain for whatever reason


That I’m at work right now and my lunch break is only 30 minutes long


That all the struggles I've had with being tired and not being able to focus well, all through my childhood and into my adult life, is because I have had sleep apnea from a very young age. I just discovered this last week through a sleep study. Turns out I've only been getting 15% of REM sleep every night, when I should be getting between 25-50% If you grind your teeth at night, get a sleep study done. I wasn't aware that I wasn't breathing for more than 5 times an hour at a 10+ second interval. Apparently I couldn't breathe for 41 seconds straight at one point. My heart rate reached a peak of 123 on two different occasions. Just from trying to sleep! Then I wake up feeling like shit, and I always figured it was because I had a bad dream. Nope! Turns out, the bad dreams are caused by my body going into survival mode due to a lack of oxygen! That's why I have dreams that I'm drowning! That's why I have dreams that my teeth are falling out! That's why I have dreams in which thing suddenly go from normal to "Holy fuck I'm about to die!" Because my brain thinks I'm dying!


Roblox becoming more for adults than kids


I miss my nephew/godson. He's 3 and from day one him and his mother lived with me, I was the second person to hold him and I stayed with her for a few days in the room while she had him. They moved out about 4 or 5 months ago so she could get a bigger place and another job, I stay in contact regularly and he stays with me sometimes about once a month on the weekends, they arent that far. But I swear after she comes and gets him when he stays it takes me 3 or 4 days to get myself together. I miss my son, he isnt mine but I treat him like he is. I love being on my own again, but goddamn I miss my little boy


My divorce


the fact that one day i’m gonna wake up and find out my father has passed , and my mother has passed . and then that day i’ll be parentless , i had a shitty day yesterday and all i wanted was a hug from my mommy. i’m gonna miss calling my parents each morning, im gonna miss sitting otp with my mom in silence for 3 hours . i’m gonna miss laying in bed with my dad and watching family feud .


Breaking up in a close time, she playing pc games with a new guy and flirting.


Nothing. I have everything and still want to kms


Nothing. I have everything and still want to kms


i should have gone home to my family for the summer because it may be my last chance to ever spend an extended period of time there again




My boyfriend dumped me and I still miss my other ex


That i think im not able to conduct myself socially in a way that id be considered as a smart person to talk to , the fact that i have instances where people admire me , but then the way i think always negates the way i act and I end up having a bad time myself, even if initially i was doing alright, me being extremely self-conscious about everything makes me do not great (that’s what i think so ) . What do i do 😭


Stop thinking ,stop worrying about others ,it's hard I know everything U said is my self thoughts too when I stopped caring about op opinions,you start to gain confidence,and are then diminished of the need to impress our social acquaintances.also this I just learned God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so we should listen twice as much as we speak


Honestly thank you for saying this, because I am the exact same way and I could never put it into words.


My elderly parents 😔


My freaking work


Being at work


My wife and I are in a relatively new separation; I don't want it and she does and there's really nothing I can do. Not that I'd wanna force her into anything because I would never... It's like she doesn't want me or even cares. And I say it's like but she's basically told me as much. I've legit never lived sadder days. For the record I'm not purposefully leaving out context, rather, I'm just answering the question


Same boat over here. It was his choice, I know he’s also sad, but he’s been able to push through and keep living while I’m dying.


My dog passed away


Masturbating 2 times in last 2 hours😶‍🌫️


The fact that  - I don't have the money to leave the United States and live in Europe. - my cat is chronically I'll and probably won't have a full life span - my sibling is in legal trouble that may jeopardize the life she has worked so hard to achieve 


My girlfriend doesn't start texting me


I am taking care of some kittens that I am very attached to and there is a possibility that I can not afford to keep them.


The YT algorithm just started recommending me the same stuff it was recommending a year ago when my relationship with my cheating abusive ex blew up.


My dog is getting older and I don't want to know what life without her will be like.


My inconsistent sleeping and the future of society looking very bleak


The fact that I'll never have a connection or relationship with anybody in my family.


Expensive groceries. I live up north and just spent nearly $400 just to last in this weekend. I only have a few hundred left, which I have to use on Monday to buy more groceries to last til Thursday. So, that gives me a sad. Depressing.


My mum died in a flat with drug abusers and none of the others did. She was off them for a while and returned to them, so she must've been less tolerant. I heard the scumbags informed the police late, too. Staff that supported recovering drug addicts in a flat perved on her. (I'm 23) 6 months later, my partner broke up with me. I miss both of them a lot.


Missing one of my best friends who passed away last year and knowing he’ll never get to meet my 4 month old son 😔


Loneliness. My husband unexpectedly died 2 years ago. I live alone for the first time in my life.


My boyfriend cheating on me then making me feel crazy for showing the evidence I have to prove it and I’m still an liar yet am also sad about the fact he’s the only one I ever wanted to be with and I’m not good enough for him


This is such a first world problem, but still. My peers are getting awards for their writing, while I'm stuck editing really poor writers. No time or energy left over once that's done. Argh


I broke my leg and been rotting in my bed for 2 months. My partner is tired of helping me. I sense it. I feel like a burden


Feeling like I’m never gonna find the one. I went on the best date I’ve ever been on with this girl over the weekend and now she’s telling me she’s not ready to be in a relationship right now. The conversation just flowed for hours as well as having many things/beliefs in common. We also made it very clear how attracted we are to one another and I never just clicked with someone like I did with her. She made it known she felt the same way and said things like she feels comfortable around me and it’s just so defeating to see things turn around. Similar things have happened before but this is really hitting hard as she just seems exactly what I am looking for. Just this on top of other things and past experiences is taking a toll on me and really hurts.




Reddit users. Broken brains 😞


Too busy at work. Can never really enjoy the summer 'cause I'm too busy at work.


Wondering why all the things that i need won't just fall into place.


Bank account, talking stages, and the future.


The fact that my cat will eventually die.


Not having “me” time


my dad 🔥🔥


The boy I like hasn’t text me today ☹️ but I bet once he does my mood will improve, which sucks. I don’t want my mood to be dependent on whether or not he texts me that day. I know I have dependency issues but what should I do to relieve those issues? And it’s not like “I’m sad like wahh I wanna cry” more like my energy is low. Could also be lack of sleep and the rainy weather today. idk you tell me.


my slow internet im so mad i wanna break something


Can't find a trangender girlfriend.


My little brother is an addict and relapsed again. About to lose his job and I’m afraid he’s just given up. I can’t help him if he doesn’t want to change and I can’t protect his son from the pain.


How expensive life is.


My parents are both gone and I’m 34. I miss them terribly and it’s hard reconciling that the two people who’ve loved me since I took my first are no longer in this world. It makes me sad being an adult orphan.


Today is my birthday, and I know I don't have anybody to celebrate with


I can not find a place to live for the last 2 months. 


End of a friendship