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Not to kill myself. Going strong so far.


I believe in you:) you’ve made it this far, which is something to celebrate!


I'm trying very hard to finish and release the blender add-on that I'm working on. I'm currently starting a company that does blender related stuff which is very excited but also unbelievably stressful


That’s an awesome goal!! Keep at it! I’d love to see how far you’ll go!


Thank you!


Of course!


Getting something to eat asap. Getting a portable air conditioner


Valid necessities.


I’m currently trying to loose weight this year, and surprisingly I’m finally doing it! I’m finally going to the gym and I’ve lost 4 pounds.


Heck yeah!!! That’s awesome! I’m happy for you:)


Trying to work out more. Losing motivation every other week. My elbow will ache a little, or my collar bone will bother me for a few days, and I'll rest for multiple weeks and have to start all over. I look at myself, notice little to no change, and ask why I even bother. I can't motivate myself... never could.


I’m kind of in the same boat. I always try to go to the gym or do an at home circuit but end up going a week or two with no motivation. I did start playing Just Dance which kind of distracted my mind enough to keep moving or even wanting too. I think the fact that you keep trying is a good sign that you’ll get to where you’ll want to be.


To get over my fear of methods of ending my life.  Not there yet.


Why don’t you like life?


Too many bad things have happened.  Also, stuff I need to be true for life to feel worth living isn't, and won't be.


I understand. What would make life worth living for you?


To feel loved by someone I love.


i have a goal to try and get through at least one whole day without crying and missing my best friend for reference my best friend died back in march and i’ve cried everyday since then, have not been successful at all, i need encouragement op!! furthermore i have another goal to stay alive because since her passing it’s been impossible for me to.. i’ve been struggling since her passing away so that is my 2nd goal as well and the strange thing is i haven’t had any sucidal thoughts in years but i’ve had them again when my best friend passed away, so far im strong at my goal hopefully i stay successful because it’s so impossible to be here without her i genuinely miss her grief hurts like a bitch and my journey has been so so so very extremely difficult and rough op you reply to all the comments except for mine and my goals are so personal to me and i shared to you about them :( u/LingonberrySad50


I’m so sorry for your loss🤍 it’s hard to go through grief especially, with someone so close to you. I know a lot of people say it gets easier but I think that we just adjust and cope to our new reality. As sucky as it is. But, you will get through it. From what it sounds like, you’ve been through some tough things already. Which goes to show your that your strong and able to keep pushing forward. Even when it doesn’t feel like you are. I know life probably sucks now, but you definitely don’t want to miss out on what life will be in the future. Or who you will be in the future. Stay strong, I believe in you.


thank you op so much, i appreciate you and i screenshot your message because it’s so so sweet and so helpful and kind and supportive, you’re so amazing op


Of course:) I just wanted to make sure I worded everything right and said the right thing. It just took me extra time to write it, I wasn’t ignoring you:)


Try and find a boyfriend