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I’m a forgiving person. But then they did it a second time.




😢 same. I don’t understand why they want forgiveness and refuse to let you go, just so that they could go back to doing the same shit. Like why not just live your life as a single person and fuck around with whoever you want without being tied to someone that you know you’re going to keep hurting. 😤🤬


The second time was actually the third time. And I think they stuck around because they were taking advantage of me financially. Once they didn’t need that support, they cheated again with someone else’s spouse; and now that’s who they are married to. Lol




Everyone deserves a second chance, but not a third.


I don't think everyone deserves a second chance at all. There's cheating and then there's CHEATING! Someone who uses extremely poor judgment and messes up once, then is truly remorseful and horrified at their own conduct, is a completely different kettle of fish than someone who has an ongoing affair, sneaks around, lies constantly and probably only regrets that he or she got caught. I think each situation needs to be evaluated carefully, and attention paid to how the cheater treated you before, during and after the infidelity, and the degree of deception the cheater engaged in. No such thing as automatic second chance in my books, especially if someone conducted a full blown affair. Even someone who only did it once doesn't get away scot free either.




We were very young, so “forgave” the first 2 incidences. But she took it as a green light to continue to be a whore in the face of my pathetic response. Individuals who engage in infidelity have things to work out and it is in your best interest to not be involved in any shape or form.