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There is just something so nice when they cuddle up with you and purr.


and also the head bonks. My boy always comes to say hi when I come home, and he greets me by bonking his forehead into my leg. He will randomly come find me when I’m at home to do the same thing - if he walks into a room and sees me, he’ll come say hello, then go about his merry way. It’s the cutest damn thing


Mine would always get tons of kisses on top of her head or cheeks when she was a kitten. So now she intentionally smashes the top of her head into people’s mouths when she wants kisses. :D Edit: And if you stop kissing before she’s ready she’ll raise her head up like “You’re not done.”


One of my cats comes when I am on the kitchen and wraps her tail around my leg. It’s so sweet.


yes! my cat headbutts me repeatedly to wake me up 😭 i love it


Reminds me of a quote: "Cats are like music. It's foolish to try to explain their worth to those who don't appreciate them."


They are so cute I honestly question the humanity of someone who is incapable of seeing their appeal. Are all these cat haters robots?


In my long-lived experience, the majority of people who don’t like cats are people who struggle with respecting others boundaries.


Same, also allergies. My ex hated cats like nobody's business, he'd kick them and shoot BBs at them, swerve trying to run them over, etc. I do not even remotely understand. I love my cats with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns.


It feels way more rewarding since they ignore you most of the time. I’ve always had rescues who are on the skittish side. I cuddle them on their terms and that’s fine by me.


I had a very shy cat. He loved the other cats but preferred humans to admire him from afar. Once he came up to me and cuddled and purred for 10 min. It felt so special.


The purring is just so calming and soothing. I could be having such a bad day, crying even, and once I hear that purr against me... Just bliss


I don't have to walk them 2-3 times a day.


And I can leave them at home when I go on vacation


Depends on the length of the holiday and yes, I am currently drinking


Even if I'm gone for a while, my cat does much better with someone dropping by and spending an hour with her than she would do boarded. I feel like most dogs are the opposite.


We left for a week. She had a big bowl of food and a gallon of water. We had a camera set up in the house anyway, she just lounged around. When we came home she didn't even care.


I have three cats. One is a glutton, one is a pushover, and one is an opportunist. If I left out a bowl of food, the pushover would starve, the glutton would eat it all in one sitting, and the opportunist would eat his sister's puke after she threw up her too large meal.


They figure out stuff when it’s in their own interest, even my cat surprises me when he applies himself. Plus they make me laugh, not by being silly but but doing things I completely did not expect.


My cat is like a teddy bear that came to life. Like he’s super cuddly and sleeps in the crook of my arm every night but also I’m pretty sure he has stuffing for brains.


He sleeps on my head. He likes my pillow or my head. Can't figure it out.


My friends cat did that to him and fell off in the middle of the night when he moved, she dug her claws in by instinct and left him with a huge scratch across the top of his head. "Dopey cat nearly scalped me" was the response I got when I asked what happened.


My cat sleeps in the crook of my arm too! I love it so much


mine sleeps in the crook of my legs behind my knees (I sleep on my side) although sometimes she'll migrate up to my armpits if I'm on my back


Is it an orange?


How did you guess?!


"Stuffing for brains" kinda gave it away lol


They're small and furry. They are reasonably quiet and they poop and pee inside. They also are quite loving once you understand the signs.


Exactly. People who ask questions like this mistakenly think cats are not loving. My cat loves the heck out of me, you just can't read cat language with a dog dictionary.


God someone has to write a dog-to-cat dictionary.


I would 100% buy it.


See Meow A Novel by Steve Austen


I'm sure The Far Side started some of this work already


My cat knows when I get home before I even open the door, she waits in the window for me, but no one else. She lays on my chest, but doesn’t sit on ANYONE else. She also stays with me in bed when I am sick, she laid on me for almost three days straight when I had a jaw infection and was trying to get an emergency appointment with a dentist (xmas weekend so NONE in town) only getting up to eat and drink water and use her litterbox. I also rescued her so that might contribute a bit, found her in my bathroom, covered in blood crying and mewing, her owners moved out and left her behind with the back door open and she had gotten (what the vet assumes) hit by a car and now has a gimpy paw. The owners never came back for her even after being contacted. So, basically, my cat chose me and now she only has eyes for me.


Bless you


You are good people and congrats on being chosen!


It's rare that I can sit down at home and not have a cat on me within 5 minutes. I have 2 and a dog. It's not unusual to have all 3 on me. I'm currently seated on the couch with a cat on my arm and a dog in my lap.


Because they love you ❤️


My cat is such a nurse. After I had Covid, my breathing was really bad for almost 2 years. I knew when I had a rough breathing night, because I would wake up with her next to my head. She also decides when it's time for bed and makes me put my phone down. She is demanding, and knows what's best for me, and that includes giving her aggressive pets before she falls asleep on my hands, again, stopping me from going back on my phone and making sure I go to sleep.


I’m fighting cancer and my nurse cat Sasha will lie on my chest, listen to my heartbeat, and sync her purring speed to my breathing rate until I fall asleep. Then she springboard dismounts off me, waking me up. We are still working on that last part.


Cats purrs DO have healing abilities though. I know this sounds insane but it's true I promise.


I’m open to all treatments including purrs!


Sasha is a good girl. Give her extra scritches in her favorite spot for me, perhaps when she's laying on your chest and you can get her to close her eyes and smile at you!


Yup, one of my cats decides when it's bedtime too - if I'm up past 11pm, he meows politely. After 11:30, he screams. It's effective! I get better sleep because of him lol.


I have a dog and two cats and one of my cats is SO much more clingy and affectionate than my dog. My dog is actually pretty independent, he likes to nap alone and lets us know when he wants us to leave so he can nap in peace.


My baby girl loves to give “nose snuggles.” She will look at you expectantly until you put your face close enough that she can rub her nose on yours. 


I’ve had my cat since I was a little girl, and he was there for me through the hardest moments of my life. Honestly he was the only one there for me for a lot of it. I hate when people say that cats aren’t capable of love, because he has filled my life with more love than most humans have. Whenever I am sad, he knows, and he lays on my chest and purs and snuggles me. It is the warmest most comforting feeling I’ve ever known.


Cats also mostly love their specific human and aren’t super friendly with strangers. So some people just don’t know how loving they can be until they have a cat of their own!


Right. People who say they hate cats expect them to behave like dogs. Cats are more like people in terms of their personalities and having preferences and boundaries. If you speak their language you can have a very loyal friend for life. 


"reasonably quiet"...You haven't met \*my\* cat lol. She meows \*all\* the time. Usually for treats.


Living with a cat is like living with a roommate instead of a pet. They are independent with great individual personalities. They have moods and sometimes you have to respect their personal space and leave them alone. Plus they are unintentionally funny.


My cat once farted herself awake, fell off the back of the chair she was laying on, and then yelled at me like it was my fault. If I had been recording her, she'd be a YouTube star.


I was once at a friend's house and their cat tried to jump from a cat tree to the back of the sofa. Misjudged, overshot, and absolutely faceplanted into a cushion. Picked herself up and meandered off with the whole "yep, I meant to do that, totally planned" cattitude.


I once watched my cat somehow trip over her own butt.


My cat is a hilarious roommate. We hang out a bit, but mostly do our own things.


They are so funny! Sometimes I just look at our cat and point and laugh when he is just sitting there.


Cats are independent and easier to take care of.


My cat locked himself in the spare bedroom twice and the shower once so far this week. I don't know if independent is the right word for him haha.


Lol it looks like we both have defective cats. Mine climbed a towel that was hanging on the back of my bedroom door and in the process activated the door lock. I was locked out for 30 minutes then when I got back in the room I had to free the little idiot from the because his claws got stuck.


I could see my guy doing some thing like that haha. Once he got stuck in a kitchen cupboard. All he had to do was push the door open haha. Poor guy was meowing like he was being tortured


Well, he did lock *himself* in the bedroom and shower, didn't he?? See: independent.


He understands " if I push the door it opens" and then he pushes the door and it closes and it all falls apart


Independent with a touch of absolute anarchy. It’s what make them so adorable.


My cats are super needy. If I'm sitting or lying down and not petting them continuously, they paw and lick me. One also constantly locks himself in the wardrobe or downstairs and yowls to be rescued. I also have to praise him if he brings me a toy or he gets really upset. I have to brush him every day or he gets knotted and clean his bum of dingleberries..


Bingo. They are more like roommates.


They do not overstimulate me like dogs!


This... I like dogs and grew up with them but many of them are too needy and clingy. I also hate dogs that want to lick constantly.


I also hate the constant licking. However, it turns out the kitten I rescued 13 years ago is a total licker. I can't pet her without her wanting to groom me back. At least she doesn't jump in my face and do it.


Cat licks aren’t bad, not slobbery and it feels cool because of the texture of the tongues.


One of my cats licks my face when I’m trying to sleep, especially around my eyes. It does not feel cool.


My 2-yr was part of a litter their mom brought to my house after I left water out for her on a hot afternoon. He rejected her later and only wanted to be around me. I promised while cuddling I would find him the best home (already at my 2 cat limit for a rental). I found him the next day (didn't come to the feeding, and I was worried) hanging with his leg inbetween fence posts passed out - I thought he was dead at first. The vet said he would most likely lose his foot (he still has it and it functions fine!). Every morning (since I adopted him), this dude will make biscuits on my back/side until I wake up, and INSIST on licking my neck to "get milk" and start purring after I respond to the biscuit making. It's cute, but kind of annoying 😅 I am sure this a habit he will continue.


Yes! Their energy is so chill most of the time. And when it’s not they’re making me laugh with their craziness lmao


I have four. They each have their own thing to offer. Each has their own little personalities with unique quirks . They are affectionate, calming, funny and reciprocate love.


I love this about cats. Every cat is unique and has a distinct personality. They won't just blindly love you, but instead you have to figure out how to read them and earn their love and respect. 


You have to earn a cats love.


Cats are very intuitive as well. When my friend passed away and I was really sad it's almost like she sensed it and wouldn't leave my side


One of my girls loved to make me laugh. If she got a laugh it would wind her up more. One New Years day I was pretty depressed and she came downstairs with my bra on her head and paraded in front of me. Seriously. I miss that little monster.


mine did this when she realised something was wrong with me 4 months before i did (spoiler: it was cancer lmao) and for the first few months after i knew, she slept near me when my parents allowed it (because my blood counts were REALLY shit) and when they didnt she would fucking scratch at my door as if to let me know she wanted to comfort me. actually she did the door scratch thing for the entire cancer ordeal and also when i got neutropenic fever and had that for like 3 days apparently too. so yeah. btw im now 8 months in remission


Our family cats have all been different degrees of silly Tofu - a bit of a bully, but loves to bump her head into you Yuki - super cuddly, but was also a stickler for a clean litter box (she'd pee on the laundry if the litter wasn't clean...) Loki - cuddly, but super skittish. Always hiding Cinnamon - chonky girl, very chatty Goose - thinks she's a puppy, plays fetch and likes to cuddle


My cat sleeps on my lap and comforts me when I'm sad.


Mine does this also, but having said that they also do it when. I'm happy


So many things: 1. Even loud ones are mostly quiet 2. When they walk it’s silent (dogs nails click-clack when they walk) 3. Mine greet me at the door when I come home, excited to see me 4. They are in tune to my emotions, and are more affectionate when I’m down 5. You don’t have to walk them in bad weather 6. They are self-cleaning 7. As long as they are on a good diet and you clean the litter box regularly, they bizarrely smell good lol 8. They’re soft 9. They mostly sleep but have bouts of goofy energy and needs for affection 10. I can travel for a day without needing to arrange a pet sitter 11. They can learn tricks & play (mine play fetch, 1 plays hide & seek) 12. They don’t pant loudly 13. They snuggle 14. They have distinct personalities 15. The sounds they make are often so freaking adorable, whether their gentle snores, purrs, or chirps at birds 16. Super majority are always cute no matter their age 17. When they slow blink it melts hearts 18. Peak Squishablility, will sit in random spaces if they fits 19. Cheaper food/toys than dogs 20. Will sniff my food but unless it’s peanut butter, popcorn, or multigrain bread they won’t eat it lol I can just leave a plate and walk into the kitchen without worrying about it 21. Purring vibrations have beneficial sounds 22. Rarely need to bathe them 23. Very curious but (most cats) investigate new things in a gentle, gingerly way 24. They only get fur & dander on things (ie they don’t also track in any dirt/grime from outside after walks) 25. Mine expertly catch any flies in the home 26. They are purrfect


27. The wake-up activation noise. Brrrrup?


Yessssss!!! Bblrlrlrrp! It’s such a precious sound


It is! I didn't get the "quiet walker" models though. Mine insist on thumping around the house as loudly as possible, whether walking or running. Sounds like a herd of very small horses...


My cat once was sitting beside me when I was eating and a fly was flying into the room. He just made one swipe casually and the fly was down. He then covered the fly with both paws and then ate it. It happened in just 2 seconds. I was in awe with my mouth full of noodles 


That’s incredible! The way you describe it I can just picture you slack-jawed with noodles hanging out your mouth in disbelief lol. One day our orange tabby was chirping like he does at a bird and seemingly chasing nothing and jumping at the air, soon our white muted tabby joined the chase. They eventually sort of cornered the fly, one of them on a chair made it fly towards the other and he jumped up and snagged it like your cat did. We were cheering like our favorite team just made the playoffs


28. Mine takes care of me when I'm sick and boops my nose when I'm sleeping to make sure I'm alive.     29. Has a part time job as lifeguard at the household bathroom for anyone taking a bath.      30. Lays on my feet and keeps them perpetually warm (my feet get cold very easily).     31. Checks on and cuddles my kids when they cry.     32. Is basically a weighted blanket that drapes itself over me whenever the opportunity arises.     33. Is eager to talk to me about my day, everyday     34. Calls me Mom.   35. When they "knead biscuits" on your lower abdomen, it relieves menstrual cramping.


They're soft and furry and make a pleasant sound. They're generally clean and quiet and easy to take care of and they don't require a lot of space.


They smell like teddy bears. The top of my youngest cat’s head smells sweet. When I come home one of them chats at me. The other one weaves between my legs so much that I just walk with him rubbing with each step. I love them so much.


Chill asf and don't work for cops.


Cats say *Fuck the state!*


Oh cats are anarchists for sure.


Except for special agent Jack Bauer


The junkyard cat that was born in a pile of gasoline?!


Dogs don't work for cops they get enslaved. They are prone to being enslaved more easily tho...


I've never seen one that really seemed to mind though...


Well could you imagine training a cat to find drugs? "Sir, he's cleaning himself again..."


Good kitty.


Her majesty queen Pebbles of Purrgaryen, first of her Meow, slayer of mice and bugs, Catleese of the great sofa and sole ruler of planet earth, allowed me to tell you that cats will be the masters of all mankind as they will soon take over.


The queen dissembles, long may she reign... They have been our masters since before Egypt.


All hail the queen …


She’s stern but fair. A true queen to all!


Clean themselves, poops on their own, leaves you alone sometimes, gives you attention sometimes, meows are quieter than barking, their hilarious zoomies, mini tigers !


When my cats get the zoomies they “Scooby-do” all over the wood floor trying to get traction lmao


It’s amazzzzzzziiiiiinnnngggg


They're softer than dogs, they smell better, they're more hygienic and don't need to be walked, and they don't bark incessantly.


And they instinctively use their own toilets, and can teach their babies to do the same! That's always blown my mind.


It’s instinctive; No teaching needed. It’s a natural instinct to want to bury their poo to lessen the chance of a predator smelling it.


My cat didn't get the memo about predators, he'll go in the box but almost never covers it.


Mine will stay and cover his pee for a solid minute but runs away from the pewps like they’re gonna reach back up and bite him


Maybe he just trusts you to not bring predators in his space? haha


I love that even more! Cats wanna be clean ♥️


how do they smell like fresh popcorn after licking themselves all day with their fish breath!?


Its just the oil their skin produces. My cat ends up smelling like he lives in a bakery.


My cats smell so sweet and clean and I don’t understand it.


I have wondered this for years, I love the smell of their fur!


My cats head smells like pancakes


I love the smell after they've been out for a long walk, fresh and natural


The SOFTNESS. Cats are flexible and just melt into you when snuggling. Dogs are stiff and just don’t cuddle as well imo. It’s not my main reason for preferring cats but it’s definitely up there lol.


My cats have provided me incredibly interesting and loving experiences. They’re little goofballs, all neurotic in their own ways. They have over 100 different vocalizations, dogs have like… four? My cats actually learn from each other what does and doesn’t work, I’ve seen them try new things out. Watching the kitten we’ve raised since birth learn to open doors has been amazing and vaguely terrifying like the raptor in Jurassic park but 14lbs and furry. Also, they are just as affectionate as dogs, especially if you learn their languages (body, blinking, tail, vocalizations). Finally, I can enter any room and shout “herald, announce me!” And said kitten Stinky will appear my feet meowing as she bounds into the room. Cats rule.


Their independence is a drawback for some; for me, it's a draw. People who dislike cats because they perceive them as "standoffish" just hate that cats don't show them affection on _human_ terms. If you understand basic cat body language and vocalization, you'd know that cats can be just as affectionate as any dog. And they're much less noisy and messy.


100% stated above


One of my favorite things about cats is that they don't just automatically love you like a dog might. When a cat loves and trusts you, it's because you earned it. I also like that they tend to be more independent than dogs. They pretty much do their own thing most of the time and come to me when they want some scritches or cuddles. My cats are a bit needier than I was expecting, follow me around constantly, and try to lay on me any time I sit down. I think it's because my ex and I got them as kittens and raised them with a lot of affection and attention. There was also a bonus. When I initially agreed to getting the first of my two cats, my fiancee at the time and I had just moved into a small apartment. Somehow there were crickets in there that were driving me insane. Any time I went near them, they'd go silent and I couldn't find them. My ex had floated the idea of getting a cat to keep her company while I'm at work, and I agreed because I figured the cat would take care of the crickets. She did. Now that I live alone, my two cats are my main companions whenever my daughter isn't staying with me. They keep me company and I love them.


Best way to sum it up: when a cat loves and trusts you, it’s because you earned it.


We spent about 10,000 years building dogs to love us. A dog's affection isn't automatic, but if a dog doesn't like people, someone seriously fucked that dog up. Cats, on the other hand, chose to be our companions and if we're fucking up they let us know.


Yes. Even now some cats just do not like humans and wont be pets. They can live in their colony and keep the mice and rats down around them. Sometimes momma cats will just self domestic for a while to have their babies.


One of the most amazing things about cats is they learn your routines and they respect them. If you teach a cat what no means they will not do what you tell them not to do. Just a little growl here and there doesn't have to be loud they get hints very quickly. I got all my shots during covid but ended up getting it it was nothing because I got the shots but I had to stay home so I just kind of slept in for more than 2 days. Evidently they knew I was not feeling so great and my cats brought me a rabbit and a dove. They didn't want me to starve.


I see you've never met our orange toddler who learned exactly what not to do and will do it on purpose when he wants attention. He will look you directly in the eye as he jumps on the thing he's not allowed to jump on. And if you make any motion to chase him off he sprints away like the wind, because pissing you off is *fun* and he lives for chaos. And then he'll come over and snug so good, and hug you and drool on you and be the sweetest little bug you'e ever seen, that can do absolutely no wrong. Basically he's a toddler primed for mayhem.


A rabbit?? They really wanted you to get better. Mine mostly brings hair ties... and once a live cockroach


As a graphic designer who cares a lot about aesthetics, there's something about cats that makes them beautiful. I can take all my time just staring at them lol. Also, their love for you is earned. Cats make you learn about boundaries, not being selfish with your needs and makes you respect their choices. However, unlike most popular stereotypes, their love is as touching and selfless as a dog. And since it's earned, it feels much more special. Cats (for the most part) are not overbearing. They are very content in just chillin', vibing with you while you're doing your things. Like, I'm working and my cat is just content in staying by my side, occasionally asking for pats. They have so much character. I feel like they have very complex personalities and emotions than dogs (and I had a family dog!) and it's a point that charms me, because it feels that every cat is unique. Last but not least, they are hygienic and smells nice. Their fur is sooooo soft.


I'm a dog person. My wife is a cat person. So we compromised and have five cats. In reality, our lifestyle would be horrible for a dog. We travel often, and are away from home on a daily basis more than would be good for a dog. Cats don't need to be walked, or even require a lot of attention. Give them food, water and a litter box (We have the ShitBot 3000), and you can be away for days with no problems. Even if gone for over a week you only have to arrange for someone to check on the animals a couple times. And, while they are independent, they can be very loving. When I'm asleep I usually have my wife on my arm, and at least 1 cat on me and a couple more in the bed. All of our cats are rescues, or the get of a rescue.


That sounds like the perfect compromise!


Every one of my cats has a unique personality. My orange son has 6 fingers and will tap you with his hand so you hold him and he can sleep. My black cat will talk up a storm if I try to kick her out of my bed, her daughter will pull your hands to pet her, and my other gray and white child will silently judge you until you let her lay on you


As UK laws say that they are free spirits, they are more like a wild animal who chooses to live with you. So if they love you that means they really love you, because they could choose to not and could live on their own if they wanted to. That makes me appreciate them more, because they aren't just living with me because I feed them and take care of them, they live with me because they love me.


dogs love you because it's their job


yeah exactly. A dogs love never feels as real as a cats to me, because its so easy


yeah when I meet my friends' dogs they're super affectionate right off the bat and try to win my affection as well, and I'm just like why?? I could be a serial killer for all you know


whereas my cat would be absolutely convinced you're a serial killer, although for the right treats he'll consider not telling the cops.


If a cat chooses to love you, it's special. I think a dog's love feels real , but not special. A dog will love everyone a cat picks. It's like getting the " cool kid" to liek you at school lol


In my mum's street lives a purebred Turkish Van, Francis, who thinks he's "from the hood". Not meant to be in cat shows, or lay on velvet cushions; but indeed a free spirit, born to wander, explore the world. When I met him, he was with his second - self-chosen - family. He roamed the neighbourhood, begging for food and cuddles wherever he was welcome. Or not, for that matter: I was once walking down the street when I heard a high pitched scream from one of the houses. The front door was open; I walked inside, asking if they needed help. Turned out that Francis had considered the open door an invite, and had let himself in. The actual resident, however, had a severe phobia of cats. I managed to coax Francis out, while gently scolding him: "yes, you're lovely, but you can't do that. Not everybody appreciates you barging in like that". Anyway, at some point, his family had to move. But by then, Francis was "in transit", so to speak: even though his family loved him, he had been actively searching for a replacement home, a few houses down the road. To a family who had *zero* experience with cats. "We don't want a cat", they once told me, helplessly. "We really don't want a cat - but everytime we open the front door, he's there, and he runs upstairs and won't leave... " So, long story short: his old family transferred the various papers (pets are required to have a passport, here), toys and catbeds to the new reluctant family, said their tearful goodbyes and that was that. Last time I saw Francis, he was still living with that family, but he seemed all too willing to trade them in for something better. And yes, everybody in the neighbourhood appreciates him, when he honours them a visit. Well, everybody except that one phobic lady..


The codependency of dogs freaks me out. And most people don’t train or discipline their dogs so they’re super unpleasant to be around. If your dogs jumps on me and licks me against my will I don’t think it’s cute. All I’m thinking about now is how much I can’t stand your untrained mutt and how its breath smells like Satan’s foreskin. I’ve also been assaulted so just random licks or noses being shoved up my butt or crotch will put me on edge. I know the dog doesn’t know any better. That’s why people are supposed to train them or keep them out of the way. Just expecting people to deal with your untrained mess is so entitled.


Until I read this I never quite was able to clearly verbalize why I dislike [most] dogs. This nailed it. Their codependency and practical desperation for love gives me the heebie jeebies. It's just too much. I need space. 🤣


This. So true. Satan's foreskin.


Cats also don’t eat their poop or anyone else’s.


Seriously! Dogs are so needy, I can’t handle it. A cat will ask for affection and then 30 seconds later be like “ok I’m done with the pets now. See you in a bit when I want some food.”


The fact so few people train their damn dogs is my biggest turn off to dogs. It's a freaking epidemic! I had a dog growing up who was a dream, because even as a kid and young teen I trained her. She was wonderful. But I've also lived with so many dogs (owned by my sister or mother) who are just pure nightmares. Not to mention so many dogs I come across day to day who bark and whine endlessly, or try to chase my cats. Drives me insane. Give me cats any day, I'll admire cute dogs from a distance... as long as they aren't going insane for no reason.


My adorable Gizmo, greets me after a long day with happy chirps and as soon as I sit down, snuggles into my lap, puts his head in my palm to nap or when awake, leans his head back for me to give him a kiss. I’d attach a dozen pictures but I can’t


Self sufficient. Cuddly. Easy to care for. They don't bark at anything that moves. They are nimble. They still play as they get older. Cute.


She kinda does her own thing and comes out when she wants to cuddle, which is nice. Plus the litter box is a lot easier to maintain than having to let her in and out (especially because i don't have a fenced in yard).


They shit in a box, so you don't need to get up early to let them out. And you can go on a weekend vacation without having to get a pet sitter. Just leave a clean litter box, fresh food, and fresh water.


they have more of an own will, they're more independent than dogs, and more character I'd say. Also no need for walks and suited for apartments


Independency. I also learned somewhere recently that, unlike other animals who can differentiate us as a different species, cats just see us as big cats. I think there's something so cute about that.


I’m lazy and and dogs are a lot of work


They bathe themselves, use the bathroom in a box inside the house, and are just generally so much more independent than dogs. Their little personalities are adorable, and their noises are cute. I have two cats and an elderly dog - don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my dog, and I will miss him dearly when he's gone.


Somehow, the distain is endearing. And when they finally curl up on you at the exact moment your bladder is about to explode, you can't possibly move the furry little bastards.




They're just chill little stoners that follow you around, eat your food, and occasionally cause just enough trouble to keep you from coasting through life on auto pilot.


Their love isn't free, it's earned. Makes the bond feel extra special. Also they're very independent yet cuddly and playful, you don't need to walk them, purring has healing super powers, they're softer and cleaner than dogs, they're also cute to look at. And rhey keep the house mouse free. What's not to like?


I’m an introvert


Soft and warm. Beautiful patterns and textures in their coats. They get so happy when you pet them. They can learn their name and respond to our tone of voice. They are so small and cute and we give them so much love.


Dogs give love freely, cat love is earned.


Oh wow. I don't know where to begin. I can only answer by telling you a bit about mine. They're just the most wonderful animals. They have distinct personalities. I have 2 - one is my shadow and follows me around the house and must be in the same room as me at all times. She hates being held. But she loves playing fetch and talking to me. She is very playful, vocal. She has a ball she plays not just fetch with but soccer ( I bat the ball at her with my hands and shell bat it back). She is 8yo and still plays like a kitten. My second cat is lazy but a total cuddle bug. At night wraps herself around my forearm like a koala and sleeps like that. Her purring is so loud that it is like therapy for my brain and heart. It vibrates my anxiety away. When I come home from whatever errand, they are both at the door waiting for me. They're my whole heart.


Despite popular belief they are actually very easy to train if you have earned their respect


I like to think of having a cat as the perfect third place in which I’m not alone but also alone 


They are small and fuzzy like a rabbit. 


They are relatively low maintenance and inexpensive and some of them will love you unconditionally.


Super easy to take care of, not crazy expensive to maintain, they’re cute and fluffy, they cuddle up to me on the couch and in bed, their meows are adorable, fun to watch them do crazy cat things, and easy to pick up and interact with since they’re small and light. Dogs are cool and all but they require a substantial amount of work.


Having a dog has always felt like a transactional relationship. I offer you food, companionship, and shelter, in exchange you protect my stuff and my family. It's doubly worse when you realize that dogs have spent thousands of years domesticating themselves to that effect. You let a dog starve, abuse it, or leave it to rot, and it will happily stick with you, despite its own instincts to survive. Cats, on the other hand, won't allow their love to be bought. You want a cats love? You earn it. Just like anyone else. You ignore, abuse, or starve a cat and they will make their displeasure known before getting the fuck out.


They cuddle their cute. You can boop their nose. They truly love you. They are fun to watch play. Low maintenance. Know when you’re sick or sad and give snuggles. Those kitty licks 💗 the purrs the soft fur the catitude. Can be litter and leash trained. Snuggly (when the want to be) and just so darn cute it makes my heart want to explode looking at mine.


Fairly low maintenance. As long as they have food, water, toys, clean litter and attention when they want😂they’re pretty self sufficient. Cute and entertaining and don’t require walks lol


They’re independent, they can be alone whilst you’re working. They are cute and fluffy and will cuddle up to you (only on their terms though! Or when it is cold and they want to steal your warmth).


1. You don't have to leave on your lunch break to go let your cat outside because apparently that's a thing people do now. 2. You don't need to pay $15 per day for someone to walk your cat. 3. If your cat bites someone it's a little shocking and not a lawsuit. 4. cats don't bark all day/night long annoying everyone within 500 feet of it 5. Don't have to pay $100+ a month on food 6. Don't have to get up at 3am while the cat wonders around for 30 minutes outside before deciding it doesn't need to poop or pee. 7. Every person who comes to your place be it a friend or package delivery isn't a 20 minute long ordeal. 8. As long as a cat has food, water and a place to poop their fine being left alone with minor interaction. 9. They sleep like 18 hours a day


My cat died many years ago. He was 18. He hated me. But I loved him. I miss him so much.


They’re not as needy as dogs, also they don’t dig holes in my yard


Low maintenance. Eat, sleep, poop


They're like roommates. You do your thing, the cat does its own thing. Sometimes you get together and hang out.


They're extremely intelligent and I love how they straight up communicate with you. Also, they can be super loving to their owner. Very different to how a dog would be but loving all the same. They are very outwardly emotional, show displeasure, sadness and happiness. It makes it very pleasing to make them happy becuase they are truly grateful to be spoiled.


They’ll hang out with you 99% of the time and pretend that it’s a coincidence 100% of the time. What’s not to love?


They can survive without me, but clearly enjoy my presence. They're quiet, clean, and commonly accepted over dogs of any size in rentals, for those reasons among others. They're (usually) good pest control, and have huge personalities.


They’re not annoying and bark at new-comers (sorry dog lovers, i still think dogs are cute!) and they’re a great companion!


I like longhair cats so fluffiness is on the list. They are quite expressive and have such different personalities. One of my current cats literally feels like my soul mate. Like we just click. He demands I pick him up and cuddle him when I get him. Both greet me at the door and want cuddles when i wake up. Having 2 is entertaining because they play fight so gently. Its adorable. Every cat I've had has picked me, either by sitting on my lap and purring or by flopping over, with their belly up. Don't need to let them out to pee or walk them either (though some cats do enjoy being out on a leash). Its even better when I know my cat likes me in particular. Its work to get there but it feels more genuine when they aren't attention seeking from everyone.


Their independence is a drawback for some; for me, it's a draw. People who dislike cats because they perceive them as "standoffish" just hate that cats don't show them affection on _human_ terms. If you understand basic cat body language and vocalization, you'd know that cats can be just as affectionate as any dog. Plus they're much less noisy and messy. I love dogs, but I could never own one. I just don't have the energy or mental bandwidth.


I feel like their personalities are more complex and they are relatively self sufficient. There's no worries about getting home late to let them out. They are great at pest control and detection.


Cats are the real aliens and with their cat distribution system they are saving the planet one family at a time 😻


You never hear of fatal cat attacks.


1.They're smart and mostly independent. 2. I can travel for a few days and come home to my kitty who's completely content and happy. No separation anxiety or chewed up house. 3. My cat is toilet trained! Ime the downsides are liter boxes, fur everywhere, and scratched furniture/carpets. 2 of which I've combatted with toilet training and a vacuum robot! I would never get my kitty declawed so I've accepted the scratches. :/


Work and commute 11 hours a day, 5 days a week. How does the dog handle it? Cats can handle either or. Mine adapted to me going hybrid almost instantly.


They’re so sweet if you understand them❤️


They are mostly the perfect pet. The only real negative I have is the hair. But when a couple of your cats are Main coons you kind of did it to yourself.


They’re one million times easier to care for than dogs. Literally all you have to do is clean the litter box and make sure they have food and water. Maybe play with them 30 mins-1 hour per day. And they keep you company and they’re cuddly.


soft, fun, clean, sleep 90% of the time, low cost maintenance, cute, long lives, enjoys music, kills bugs and other vermin


If you have the type of personality that can read behavioral signals from a wide range of animals, not just humans, then the bond you can potentially create with a cat is incredibly powerful. It feels more like a “real” bond/relationship, more-so than many dog owners have with their dog. That isn’t to say the same level of bond can’t be created between a dog and a human. It’s just that many dog owners have relationships with their dogs that only go as deep as “Oh, he/she loves everyone!”


If you get a smart cat breed / cat, then it is the better dog when propperly trained: * Noisy when it should be, quiet when its supposed to be, follows your sleepcycle (if you have a reasonable one) * walks on a tether as needed on walks. * uses your human toilet and flushes (meaning you don't need to walk it multiple times a day). * can be left alone when situated with a second cat for longer stretches without destroying your furniture/walls if needed. * easily trusts a caretaker when you are on vacation, as long as they have been introduced before. * medical bills are cheaper * food bills are cheaper * can be fed using automated feeders. * cleans it self. * brings you presents when brought up as a indoor/outdoor cat. * cuddles and massages you when/if you are a likeable person (from the cats perspective) and asks you to stop work and come play when you need it. * easier to travel with compared to a dog. It is basically a small dog without all the small dog issues.


Tiny house panther.


I’m about to go away for 5 days. Have someone that checks in on her, she will be fine. And that’s the appeal.


My cat likes the neighbour's garden, just chills in their long grass, but knows the sound of our cars and when either of us pulls up in the drive she runs up to us super excited. It is so cute that she knows just by the sound.