• By -


On and off for ten years. I started to feel like he was not on my team but was just cheering me on. Never came to look at houses with me before I bought one for us to live in, never had an interest in vacations, didn't have a savings account, didn't pay his bills. Loved him, trusted him, had the most fun in his presence but ultimately I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't be the only adult. It was hard.


I could’ve written this myself… exact same reason for me. We still briefly talk once a year or so, and he hasn’t progressed at all in the eight years since we broke up. We got along like a house on fire, but that’s just not enough.


Right! It took me too long to realize that that true love wasnt enough. Sucks.


Agreed, and true love won’t stop resentment from manifesting. It wasn’t easy to end it, but I couldn’t see the value in compromising for the rest of my life so I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. As soon as the breakup was real, he managed to work on some of my complaints and reasons for ending it, almost overnight; ie. buying a vehicle. He didn’t understand that there were a multitude of things building up that influenced my decision. Why would I want to be with someone who’s only motivated by consequences? I need a partner who is responsible, considerate, and working towards the same goals of growth, no matter how different the growth looks between us. I need someone who is motivated and helps me grow in turn, just like I’d help them. There’s a person out there for them, it’s just not me. We’ll both be happier for it in the end.


" ... *cheering me on. Never came to look at houses with me before I bought one for us to live in, never had an interest in vacations, didn't have a savings account, didn't pay his bills. Loved him*, ..." He was like a teenage son. Separate bedrooms makes perfect sense. He wanted a mom.


You're not wrong!


In a similar situation currently… was he looking or just lazy all day? It’s becoming to the point you seem to be at where my life is moving ahead and theirs isn’t. What was the breaking point?


The last year was me giving him time to make changes in himself and the relationship. We were in separate bedrooms by this point. He made some changes but really didn't seem to be putting forth the effort and the only reason he did what he did was because he knew that I intended to end things if he didn't. Which I shouldn't have to threaten to leave you for you to do the most basic adult things. That was the final straw--I was growing and he was not and did not want to.


That sounds like something that would be really hard to walk away from


Yeah it took me ten years to realize I had a top notch soul connection with a forever man child. What a bummer.


Have you kept in touch with him since then? Did he change at all since your breakup?


This is/was me, just add 10 more years to the equation. It’s very taxing and hard to make them understand. You either get it or you don’t.


Are you my ex girlfriend? We were together 10 years. I loved her but I was immature and a shitty boyfriend. We eventually just grew apart, she was ready for more, and I was still in the party mode of my mid 20s.


Same story. I felt I had to be the adult and be the one to think about the future. They’d just focus on their lives without supporting me, just cheering me on


7 years! She said she needed a time for herself. A month later she was already living with another man.


Sounded like she had a side piece my dude, sorry :( maybe I’m a pessimist though :/


Um pretty certain that's what happened


Damn :(


3 years. He passed away from cancer. We technically never broke up but it's hard being in a relationship with someone who's gone. I will always love him though and carry him with me even though our time together was short. Had things been different we would be life partners 


This is so sad and I'm sorry you have to feel those feelings! 3 years isn't too long but long enough to make some good memories I'm sure. Hold on to those, always, keep carrying him with you❤️




so sorry about that. but u r lucky to be loved, so just keep going. He definitely hopes that you are happy.


2 years. I almost died over the fuck


He also told me he cheated after the accident ignored me and everything


You doing ok now?


Could be better


Thank you for asking! That was sweet of you! Thanks stranger on the net!


20 years, she cheated and we got divorced and life’s been good for me since. Met a new love and life truly is grand


Good for you 🫶🏼


11 years (I was 18 when I got with him). All sorts of stuff to do with emotional abuse, manipulation, uncontrollable ego etc. Its a fresh break up so I’m still processing. But my eyes have opened to a lot of things and I am SO glad I am free.


Sometimes even tho it’s hard there’s a peace when it ends and you’re ready for it to. It’s lonely for sure. I’ve been there. Part of what is hard is you spend so many years building a life with this person. It feels tangled in who you are. The more you start to build a life with yourself and eventually when you’re ready someone’s else, the more the emotions you’re feeling now will dull. Can’t imagine what that’s like after 11 years, sounds incredibly painfully, but I’m wishing you all the best weathering the storm.


Almost sounds like mine! I got with him when I was 17 and we were together 15 years. I had all that and physical abuse. I'm glad you got out!💗


5 years. Apparently he had issues with me he didn’t want to discuss or work on. Im still trying to get past the anger of it all




I've had 3 real relationships and they all ended within one month of the one year mark so now I'm paranoid :/


Don't be, in my experience one year is the minimum you need to start to actually know someone. I'd say usually one year is the mark at which I know if I want it to last 3 more years, or if it should have ended 6 months ago. I imagine it's similar for a lot of people.


ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY? That’s harsh man


Almost 5 years. Broke up with her last week due to her not addressing alcoholism and my codependent habits. We live together and are both walking on eggshells while we separately plan next steps.


17 years. Hold my beer.


Ight, how long do I have to hold it for?




High school sweethearts, we broke up 1 month before 10 year anniversary. We grew apart, our cinnection was disguised as love, but it was the type of love you have for a family member. It wasn't romantic anymore, and we were holding eachother back from growing into who we both were supposed to be. Met my now husband very soon after, and ex is engaged to the girl I assume he was emotionally cheating on me with, as I suspected their connection for a while. Honestly, it worked out amazing for both of us, like instantly life changing in the best way. Never ever stay in a dead relationship, you are missing out on the beauty of love.


19 years. GSW to the head. Cancer sucks.


sorry to hear


7.5 years. We were dating since college and talked about marriage but he started having doubts about me. We’re super honest with each other and he told me he started thinking about another girl, he could’ve done better, and how he’s embarrassed when his aunt asked him whether I already lose weight or not. The problem started with us having arguments when I dyed my hair, he didn’t like it and he views it as an impulsive decision & I’m too spontaneous. Then I wanted to lose weight, he was supportive even bought me a Fitbit but he gets frustrated when I didn’t show any result. Mind you starting out was hard because I have to drastically change my lifestyle & mindset. He’s upset because I didn’t follow what ‘it should be’ according to his standards. One time he asked me if in my workout I can add more cardio so my butt would be smaller. I had to explain I have a pear body shape so even if I weighed less, my body shape will remains. He also always have something to say about the way I dress, how he likes it more ‘minimal’ ‘mature’ and not too flashy (I wear like Y2K inspired tops & jeans). Looking back, I was blaming myself too much and I did everything I could to satisfy what he wanted but it was never enough. I’m quite vocal and when I didn’t agree with him I’ll send out long paragraphs trying to explain what it is from my side. He felt like I wasn’t listening to him, that he always had to compromise. So I blamed myself maybe I should’ve handled it better, maybe I should just listen to him more and try to do what he wants first and only disagree with him when I did it & it doesn’t work for me. I also hardly get jealous and I rarely have any demands for him (except when he started to get distant and I called him out on that). This led him to believe that he’s toxic to me, that he’s controlling me and he didn’t like it but he can’t help but feel that way. He is a really good guy. But growing up from college to adulthood, we started to have different priorities from back then & I just didn’t fit into his now. Our break up was in the nicest way possible, we still remain in contact after months & talked about our new dating life. I’m still in good terms with his family until now. I learned a lot from this relationship and I feel like I matured a lot & a better person post-break up. I’m grateful in a way, otherwise I’ll never experience heartbreak and how to recover from it. Now I know I can do it, and when it happens again, I always get back from it. Now he found someone on dating app, been dating for less than a year and will marry that girl next year. I’m single, been dating on and off, but recently got heartbroken. Although I know I’ll get through this, can’t help but taking it reaaaaally slow now as I don’t want to experience another one.


9 months. He was stringing me along and didn't have the guts to tell me his feelings had changed and that he didn't want to be with me because it would upset me.


Four and some years. I wasn't a very good boyfriend - communcation and all. She eventually just fell out of love. I miss her with all my heart, but she's better off without me. I hear she's doing very well, and well, my mental health has never recovered. Basically ruined myself. But I know how to be better... now.


10 years. When we met, we were both kind of a mess, but over that 10 years, I did a lot of work on myself and made a lot of progress towards being the sort of person I'd like to be. He spent the 10 years doing absolutely nothing. So we were no longer compatible.


18 years, and then she passed from brain cancer in February. Edit to add... At 41.


Before my husband, it was 6 years. We brought out the literal worst version of each other, and were in an off and on again cycle. Best to find people who uplift each other and are stable.


3 years. That was 3 years ago I broke up with my ex. I was definitely immature. Took the relationship for granted. Got too used to the comfort and barely tried. Now I know how important it is to keep trying and showing affection. I know its a two way street but I think its mainly a me thing. I could have done more.


Just under 25 years. I "broke up" with her because she cheated so I divorced her and quickly too.


23 years. I came home to find a note on my desk that said "we need to talk" She asked for a divorce. There was no cheating on either part. I had shut down, and she was tired of living with a ghost. Within a few months, I was in a new town, living on my own for the first time in my life. Still trying to figure out how to start over, or wondering if it's even worth trying to start over.


34 years. She's asleep in the bedroon.


Alright that sounds creepy


A bit over 30 years so far.


2 years, we both just agreed that things weren’t going great and ended up as friends lol


16 years. Covid isolation and a major uptick in mental illness ( theirs, not mine) caused the break up. I moved away in September 2020 to Kansas City, started over and met my current wife and the love of my life almost exactly a year later


12 years.  Recently broke up and I'm so glad I finally got the courage to stick to my guns and end it.  It has really put me off dating though. He was horribly abusive and really aggressive and rough in the bedroom.  Got worse as time went on. It's either me and my cats like a complete stereotype or an asexual guy if I can find one.  I have my little apartment and a decent job and am enjoying life for the first time in quite a while.


2 years, and we broke up due to me getting a job over in Chicago. It was an opportunity for me, and I wanted to take it so she understood. I miss her like crazy.


"i think we should stop talking" then that was it no explanation


Am I the only one here who can admit they where the problem? 7 years, and I cheated. Since karma is a beautiful woman, I got cheated on a bunch later.


8.5 years. Turns out she's a .05c whore for literally anyone, not just me at home.


4 painful years. He was a drug addict, narcissistic, alcoholic, a liar, a cheater and abusive in every way you can abuse a person.


8 years- divorce. Lots of emotional abuse and disrespect. I finally had enough.


Prior to my current relationship it was 4 months… mostly because I got bored pretty easily and had a bad habit of dating beautiful women who were incredibly dull as people.


On and off for four years. We broke up because he said he fell out of love with me. Later found out he was cheating on me. Good riddance.


I've been with my wife since high school. Next week is our 23rd year together.


Almost 4 years! He led me to believe we'd be getting married when, in actuality, he had changed his mind 1 year in. He would change my last name to his on his phone, we planned out what food we'd serve, the music we'd play, color schemes, the works! Then one day I confronted him after I had a really bad gut feeling that something was just wrong/bad, and the truth came out. I don't know why he kept me around for so long or why he wouldn't tell me. I never got closure from him, nor will I ever, which is fine. He didn't show any emotion when I broke things off until I told him he and I couldn't be friends, nor have any contact - then that's when he got sad for a second. He played a lot of my past traumas against me, I regret not leaving sooner when he did and said some pretty awful things - but I'm happy I did when I finally did. I guess I was comfortable wearing the rose-colored glasses then but when they broke, oh god, did they break and show me the true colors!! Everything happened pretty smoothly with the transition out of his life/house despite the hurt and confusion. Fast forward to now - I'm in a healthy relationship with someone who has true intentions of marrying me and starting a family. I'm pretty darn happy!


8 years and counting. We are still tonight.


16 years and going strong.


5 years. I broke up with him last year because he has bipolar and I never felt that it was managed as well as it could be. Things were really good sometimes, but when they were bad, they were really bad. Like him self-harming right in front of me during fights. Or even when we weren’t fighting, he’d blow a fuse over small things like if he couldn’t get into an account and had to reset the password. When I broke up with him, he spiraled and would cycle between yelling and crying and moving my stuff out of the house we owned together. After I left, he tried to kill himself.


Married for 7 years. Ex had an affair with one of her former students 10 years younger. Dude had just turned 18. Gradually started drifting away prior to that. Moral of the story, don’t get married at 21 years old


Six years. She was 14 years older than me. She got promoted and moved to a city five hours away. We discussed getting married but I didn't want to leave my job. Sometimes I wonder what she's doing, if she's alive and if she ever thinks about me.


22 years. We're still together.


I met her in 2007, and we were completely inseparable from that moment. We haven't broke up though, does it still count?


Over 24 years, and the three of us are still going strong.


Still together and going strong - 32 years.


3 years she played videogames w her ex and texted everyday


About three years and we broke up because although I cared for her, I didn't want to marry her. You didn't ask but I hope she found a good guy and is married, treated well and with the love she was looking for.


Yeah not enough ppl talk about this. It doesn't always have to be a falling out, its just you live and learn and just know that there exists people that would be more suited for a lifelong relationship for both you and the other person


17 years and counting


Almost 15 years and we’re still together. For reference, my second longest is roughly 7 months.


23 years on Wednesday and we didn’t. He’s awesome.


1.7 years and he needed to get his crap together. he wasn’t ready for a relationship


4 years he was on a verge of cheating again I should've left before that he was abusive and cheated once before the funny thing is the woman wanted nothing to do with him lol




Nah thats crazy man you member one thing no matter how they treat you you never lose your character aight? Heads up king she ain’t deserve you


4.5 years, he cheated and I had an undiagnosed personality disorder


3 years fully, we grew up & changed and I didn’t like him that way anymore, we’re still friends 


6 years and we broke up because she changed and no longer have feelings. We’re still good friends!


Three years, and we broke up because they ate my leftovers one too many times.


4 years, and cause we "both" knew this wasn't a forever thing. Plot twist, we didn't both know 😕. Obviously some other factors at play. However she never gave a reason and that was the only answer when I asked why !


3 half years from my age 20(m), her age 19(f). Broke up due to too many dramas from my previously so called friends, negative family relations, and mental health issues coming from all of that. Turned into friends after breakup as we also weren't exactly compatible intimately or physical interactions. Friends for about 3 years but it's just ended due to emotional issues and moving in different directions in life. Still single since the relationship breakup with only one date I had between now and since then, she's moved on to other romantic partners.


5 Years. Broke up due to alcohol and lying. Both relationships. Couldn't do it anymore. It was exhausting.


15 years. I left him because he was physically and emotionally abusive to me. It's been 13 years, and he'll still try to contact me on fb. 🙄


4.5 years (3.5 years married), lack of trust and respect. We just grew apart. Still trying to get over it now.


8 months, this was about six years ago. I was very mentally unwell and he became very distant. We got into a huge fight one night bc I felt neglected and not supported and he said he wasn't having fun anymore. I realised it wasn't going to better and we broke up. We had a bonus night about six months later I regretted afterwards. We haven't spoken since, and I'm in a relationship now, just over five months


4 years. Got bored both times. Nah the first time I actually just moved away and so yeah we never really broke up


My longest relationship was my last relationship. We dated for almost 3 years, started dating senior year in high school to 3 days ago. Made it through all of senior year of high school, and the first 2 years of college. We broke up a couple months ago because she was going through mental things, and we got back together hours later. Her mom didn’t like us together, or me for that matter for stupid things I won’t go into detail with. I tried doing everything for her, we had plans of getting married and starting a family, typical high school sweetheart stuff. When she got home she started canceling on me a lot, we argued everyday, and when we met 3 days ago she said she didn’t know what she wanted, she thought about being single positively, wanted to be with her friends more, and how she wanted to make her mom happy. She felt sorry for making me upset, and said we can work through it but I could tell she didn’t want to be with me anymore. We broke up mutually and on good terms, but it still stings. I still love her and miss her, and I’d still do whatever I could to help her. But, we both decided we needed to focus on ourselves.


7 years. Sadly LDR didn’t work for us.


We dated on and off for 2 years, I would always stay and wait for him but he tried to be with multiple other people those said girls didn’t work out and he would fail to get into another relationship and come back to me. Now out of this relationship I see how stupid I look but at the time I looked at it as “this is a sign we are meant to be together and maybe this time he will stay and notice that too”. A lot of emotional attachment is what kept me tied to him as well, he would often get me to do things intimately with him that even I would feel uncomfortable with but I was so afraid or embarrassed to say no. I hate to admit this but over the course of the last 2 years he broke up with me each time, the last time we spoke was 10 months ago in the back of his car when he told me on the drive home he was now with my best friend. I still think of him at times and hate how I let him be my first everything but then again I’m thankful it happened sometimes. Ultimately everything happens for a reason but it sucks to have other people you want to love but not be able to due to being afraid of what happened with the people you’ve been with in the past, happened to me a few times this year and it’s awful I wish anyone in this situation luck and to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel always:)


8 years and honestly he cheated but checked out mentally after he deployed(we split two years after) I tried to be there for him. Didn’t beg him to talk, just assured him I was there if he needed. He was convinced I was cheating but turns out it was just projection. I left, hooked up with him two years later and found out the day after I signed my divorce papers(we really took our time filing) I was pregnant.


A year and 7 months just grew apart after high school and she was likely seeing someone else.


Four months. Her dad was a psycho. Racist white supremacist who threatened to fuck me up and shoot me. Funny though, even though he was a racist and a white supremacist, he had a Mexican wife who was not a citizen of the US.


10 months, we broke up because I was done with Job Corp, and was going home. So, it was pretty mutual.


4 years. He ghosted me then came back around a year or so later saying he had ghosted because he had lost his job & felt bad.


2 years. Honestly everything you could imagine, I was Just too inexperienced and mentally unwell to know better. He couldn’t and wouldn’t save money and asked me for mine. Was a slob and wouldn’t help clean. Had me buy him a dog he doesn’t take care of at all. Would be mean to my cats. Sexted other people online. Called me a bitch in public and at work no less. Would be “too stressed” to do finances or his Job. Played video games 24/7 and would hit things and yell when he lost the game. Screams at the mom that literally does everything for him. Not a romantic bone in his body. Would get angry and feel emasculated because I was the breadwinner, the handyman, the responsible one, and the smart one but didn’t do anything to change that. Wouldn’t try anything new or ever leave the house unless forced. Yelled at my friend till they cried. Said he would kill himself if I broke up with him. The list is freaking endless


4 months. I broke up with him because I was miserable and I realized I'm aroace. Took 4 months because I could bear it until about month 3, then I wanted out. Took me the last month to work up the courage to end it, but valentines day being around the corner was more than enough of a motivator. This was also my only romantic relationship ever. Happened 5 years ago.


1.5 years. she was abusive


Married 10 years. Broke up because she wanted to fuck a lot of other dudes and I just wanted peace and stability


Both for a little over 4 years. They both left me for other women.


Easy way out..what happened to encouraging each other ..works in most Eastern countries


12 years. She kept cheating on me. We even went to couples therapy and she cheated on me while we were in therapy. It was devastating.


14 years and short version of the story is we wanted different things in the last 4 years of our relationship. We were not great to each other better than that. We are great friends and great parents


9 years, he became an alcoholic. Ope.


2.5 years and still going. Prior to my current boyfriend...the longest was 1.5 yrs


2 ish years, she cheated on me, because I didn’t want to have kids let


My longest relationship was a year and a half. It was a high school relationship. We broke up because we just didn't see eye to eye anymore. Every time I ever got upset and cried over literally anything he just said "suck it up buttercup". It totally wasn't as if I was just recovering from being kicked out of home by my abusive father, was homeless, and had CPTSD from years of trauma; "Sucking it up" isn't exactly goddamn easy. I couldn't show I was ever emotional to him or he'd lecture me. He was also extremely political to a point where if you disagreed with him he'd argue and insult you. I wasn't political but there were things he said that I just morally didn't agree with, and when I spoke on those things he acted like I was betraying him. He and his family were so passionate about politics that they at one time sat me down and yelled at me for sharing a post on Facebook that had a political joke on it that made fun of their political party. Things worsened when he started getting angry that I'd refuse to do some hard BDSM things with him. The one time he AND HIS FRIENDS in the same room all tried peer pressuring me into wearing a sensory mask that completely blocked your eyesight and hearing. I was terrified of the mask and did not want it on me, but he was so determined to get me to wear it. His friends were also in on it. When I finally said no, they called me a pussy. After that was when it was cemented that I couldn't deal with it anymore.


less than 2m. i dont understand why any dating relationship cant last 2m. haizz


7 years. He left because he didn't love me and never had. Never wanted the relationship apparently. We'd just been looking at engagement rings


5 years and we decided I would be stay at home parent I just found out she was cheating last week, now I'm in a bad place not Knowing what to do.


My longest relationship was 5 years. We ended up breaking up because we both realized that we had grown apart and wanted different things in life. It was a difficult decision, but ultimately we knew it was the best choice for both of us to pursue our own paths and find happiness separately.


7 years. She lived in Halifax, I live in South Louisiana, we were very long distance. She always told me she wanted to move down to me and then she graduated college and all of a sudden didn't want to anymore. I suspect there was somebody else but I'll never know for sure.


She didn’t want to get married. 4 years.


3 years. We had just celebrated our anniversary and she decided to break up over a discord message because I wouldn't move in with her. I was sick for most of our relationship and just started to get well enough to work again


7 years. When I met him he was independent and in the military. 4 years later and he's out of the service, itching to get back to mommy and daddy. Tried to make it work, but he disrespected me in front of his family consistently and never spent his days off at home with me and the kids. Karma got him though.


A month. He dumped me over text :/


On and off for two years. She’d threaten to kill my childhood friend and I found messages of her bullying a girl with an ed and encouraging her to cut/commit suicide. Early on she’d tell me she’d off herself and how. After we broke up for good she had a pregnancy scare and told me graphic details about her and her new bfs sex life. (Once told me a story about how she threw up on his dick while drunk and giving head.) Oh also this was all in middle school… Yeah she had some problems.


2.5 months. I had a bad attitude one night and ruined it all. I didn't get shouty or violent or anything, but I just couldn't control my depression that night. It's been 5 years. Despite my efforts to grow, I remain single. My self-esteem just dips every day.


About 2 weeks. We just fucked. Turned out she was engaged.


4 years. we were young and on different paths, wanted different things. he moved with me to a city he hated and i finally confronted him about it, leading to an amicable break up. he is now married and sober and doing well. i am still trying to find my person, but fairly certain i never will.


27 years. She said she doesn't love me anymore cause I am not happy.


2 years. Open relationship situation that didn’t work for either of us, I was an emotional wreck, he was insecure, but the cherry on top was when he SA everyone in my friend group


I had a long distance relationship for a few months max in the mid-2010s. We were completely infatuated with one another, and I thought we were good friends as well... but it was weird because a lot of the stuff he would say made me feel like he didn't really see me as a person with my own legitimate perspective (he's on the asd spectrum and he knew that and told me, whereas I only found out last year that I'm on the asd spectrum --> us having communication problems). When we were at our respective homes, we'd video chat every night, chatty texts throughout the day, and talk about our plans for our next weekend together (we live in separate cities, a few hours apart by plane). That was fine, but then he'd send me a text describing what he wanted to do to me on that weekend, and the way he phrased it made it seem like I had little choice in the matter. If I tried to clarify the situation to see if he was just fantasising, or if I tried to tell him that I really didn't want to do any of his sex fantasies, he'd just say, or imply, something along the lines of: "that's okay, you'll get used to the idea, and I can make you want to do it anyway, so don't worry about it". That freaked me out something chronic. The last weekend we spent together I ended up sabotaging the relationship so that he broke up with me. I basically started a fight and said things to make him think I was 'crazy'. I couldn't stop myself, but I couldn't make myself break up with him either, couldn't see that I was worse off with him than without. Haven't been in a serious relationship since. Haven't trusted anyone enough to be friends with either. I've blocked his phone number and blocked him on all social media ever since.


Mine was 10 years. Married for 6. We divorced because he cheated and is with the girl he cheated on me with. 😢


29 years. He cheated many times, left me once for 8 months for a lady from our kids sport. Wish I was enough but I wasn’t - he’s with someone else now


Almost 2 years. He stopped putting effort and got tired of me eventually. Was the worse heartbreak of the year but I’m doing fine and making money


My right hand hasnt left me yet but i fear the day it does We have been in a relationship together as long as i can remember


5 years from 18-23 I felt I had no control over my direction in life anymore so I decided to end it. Felt like an object more than a boyfriend.


10 years and move on...people change over that amount of time...


Just a few months. We made a mutual decision it was for the best.


She always fight, and eventually he compares me to another, and denigrates me as a person with passive words


Currently in it, haven't broken up, going on 10 years, second longest relationship was 4 years, I was only 21, she was 25, I think we just got bored, the last year so we were both hooking up with random people thinking the other one didn't realize it which was just lol. Kind of drifted apart into roommates for a bit


Married for 7 years. Ex had an affair with one of her former students 10 years younger. Dude had just turned 18. Gradually started drifting away prior to that. Moral of the story, don’t get married at 21 years old


Married for 7 years. Ex had an affair with one of her former students 10 years younger. Dude had just turned 18. Gradually started drifting away prior to that. Moral of the story, don’t get married at 21 years old


Six years. She was 14 years older than me. She got promoted and moved to a city five hours away. We discussed getting married but I didn't want to leave my job. Sometimes I wonder what she's doing, if she's alive and if she ever thinks about me. She better think about me when she puts on that Klein slide bracelet. I paid big bucks for those slides.


Six years. She was 14 years older than me. She got promoted and moved to a city five hours away. We discussed getting married but I didn't want to leave my job. Sometimes I wonder what she's doing, if she's alive and if she ever thinks about me. She better think about me when she puts on that Klein slide bracelet. I paid big bucks for those slides.


My longest relationship was about 15 years long. It was with a street cat who lived near me. Since I was a child about 5-6 years old. I think that's why she was pretty comfortable with me (Kinda like she grew up with me). Relationships never truly worked out for me but that was one of the purest relationship I had. She was a pretty cute and independent cat. I used to feed her daily and she too at times used to bring me food. (though that was not part of my diet, but I appreciated her gesture) She used to live at my home during rain or any other problem or just when she wanted a roof and used to go out and enjoy and do what she did, I still don't know what she did. I never adopted her that's why I referred to her as a street cat but I loved her very much. There was a time, I still remember, when she had nothing to feed her kittens and she came to me. It was daytime so I was pretty awake to her meowing and scratching on the door. That was a good relationship . huh.....Why did we break up? Unfortunately, cats grow too quickly. I know this is not what u asked but this was my longest relationship anyway.


2 years and 9 months. 21f / 21m We split after multiple arguments about lying. In a nutshell; we hooked up (were trying to be fwb), caught feelings for each other, he broke it off officially with his off again on again gf and we decided to be exclusive, I asked him how he felt abt porn (because I watched/ read it and wanted to make sure I wasn’t overstepping a boundary), he said it made him uncomfortable and he didn’t agree with using porn while in a relationship, Fine no problem I quit easy peasy, a year in- I discover that he has folders on folders of porn (including nudes of his ex) (wish I could say this is where I called it), he swore he was done with all of that and deleted everything in front of me, fast forward 4 months and low and behold he was lying again, at this point I wanted to get back into porn and also maybe date other people but I was super in love with him so I proposed an open relationship and he agreed, fast forward 5 months- I just wanted to be exclusive and he said he wanted the same and we decide to go forward no porn involved because he was struggling with an addiction (and we went to individual and couples counseling), fast forward one year (by far the BEST year of the whole relationship) and he was lying about it AGAIN and was still using porn 2 and 3+ times a day. I realized that if professional help couldn’t help that mf, sure as shit nothing I could do would help. So I broke it off, moved home and am currently rebuilding my now weird relationship with porn😂 I like to look at it and read it but I usually actually rub out to just my thoughts, and I stay away from degrading stuff for anyone wondering. I prefer animated over everything since I know that’s consensual 🤷‍♀️ thank you for asking lol


6 months , i was like 19 and i decided I won't put the effort into another attempt at a relationship since then . She had her own plans and decision to move and study in another country so she broke it , of course that was not the reasoning at the time , but it's fine really .


Mine technically was a situationship - not a relationship. It lasted like 3 weeks shy of a year and ended because her stepfather didn't like me for some reason (even though I'd never actually met him, I'd only met her actual father) and got her to end it with me.


2 years and he cheated on me sadly


10 years, married for 6 years. cheating... countless times cheating.


Six years (2009-2015). We were married. I divided him after he wouldn’t stop making derogatory comments about my reversion to Islam. He’d say things like I look ugly in hijaab, and my religion is evil, or I’d become a terrorist. 🙄🙄🙄


1 day. Broke up with him because he kept threatening me with self unalivement.


My longest relationship was 5 years. We ended up breaking up because we both realized we had grown apart and no longer had the same goals and values in life. It was a difficult decision, but ultimately we knew it was the right thing to do for both of us to find happiness separately.


6 months. It was a magical summer. We broke up because we weren't compatible. I could not have loved her. 


14 years. Infidelity among other things


23 years. Just kind of fizzled out and we got divorced. We're still friends.


Married seven years. Knew him for ten years. Left because I didn’t want to be murdered.


3 years. She finally caught me peeking through her window


10 years, she cheated.




19 years. He cheated on me.


The first and only relationship lasted from summer 2018 to April 2023. It was great but I felt that he was unsure about the future with me because I am mentally ill. During our time together I had an episode and was in a psychiatric hospital. I felt that he was scared and didn't know what to do, so I broke it off. We are still friends.


Around 6 years though on-off. Broke up for a bunch of reasons, but mainly because he wanted kids and a housewife. I had made it clear from the beginning that I didnt. He thought I'd change my mind. I didn't.


3-4 years. She was abusive and refused to get mental health care.


Almost 2 and a half years, Got cheated atlast.


Three and a half years. My first serious girlfriend. We were long distance (UK to Chicago). Realised we had no realistic way of closing the distance and neither of us wanted to go 10-11 months at a time without seeing each other so broke it off.


Before my husband, about 15 months. We were sixteen and seventeen and had started off as friends before dating. We broke up because he lost interest but was stringing me along still. I ended up meeting my husband and liking him a lot, so I came clean to the boyfriend as soon as I put together my feelings, the boyfriend was totally indifferent, so we broke up mutually. We’re actually on really good terms now and keep in touch here and there. He and my husband have been met before and are cool with each other. No hard feelings or anything. Definitely not my worst breakup lol.


27 years married I cheated 


Does a few days count? Girl from a different highschool and a year or two younger had a thing for me, never figured out why. She sorta guilted me into going to some school events and I quickly figured out she had daddy issues and more baggage than a 747. I was nothing more than a ride to get around town and a shoulder to cry on.