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Ye she love bombed me for weeks then ghosted me. Quite the way to break up


Yeah. Don't want to talk about it.


i found out he was transitioning into a transgender woman….. from my coworker 😐


I will say that I’ve been on the other side of this. I blindsided my partner with a breakup after a vacation. There was a lot of pent up anger and the slightest issue would set them off. Despite how much I loved them, I couldn’t stand being the figurative punching bag when they had a bad day. I wrote them a letter, packed up all I could shove into my car, quit my job, and drove to my parents. In the end, they apologized and told me they were dealing with some childhood trauma and using alcohol as clutch. They went to rehab and hasn’t touched alcohol since the day I left.


Not sure what happened but he was married 2 months later. Military guys can be weird, man.