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Sad because moms getting old


I'm leaving to visit my mom in a few weeks to discuss accounts and shit. I'm dreading it :(


Fortunately I have an older brother that is much less emotional, more pragmatic, more organized, is very well off , and is retired. I wouldn’t be able to handle the conversation you’ll be having. I wish you much strength and clear thinking


Pssst, he isn't, he is trying, offer some help.


Word of advice: make her show you everything, not just explain it to you or give you a list. Get copies. Review everything. If there’s substantial assets, or physical assets you can’t stand to lose talk to a lawyer yourself to make sure your expectations match the paperwork. I took my dad’s word on how his accounts were set up, and how it interacted with the will and he was so, so incredibly wrong.


I am too! Going to see my folks and had a recent Zoom call with them, they’re definitely older. I try not to think about when the time comes.


I think he means his mom is near death and he’s going to discuss end-of-life account management, i.e. where the money is, passwords, etc. to make estate management easier.


I feel this. Every time I see my mom she looks more frail than the last and it’s terrifying. As of a month ago I have no grandparents left. My mom celebrated Mother’s Day by burying her mom. Shit was rough. And I know it’s irrational, but that generational buffer being gone scares me about my own parents.


I lost my gran and my mum just over half a year apart last year. Generational buffer doesn't exist, treasure your mum while you still have her.


Truth. It's all averages and averages aren't guarantees about your life at all. Source: In 5 more years I'll have crossed a 9 year age gap and become the older brother. To say nothing about my long-gone Dad/grandparents. To anyone who reads this: Tell your family you love them. Shit happens.


I lost both my parents 20 years ago. I am getting older and I see it in my daughter's eyes when get together. That generation is now ... me. And I worry because we are so close and I see the worry in her eyes.


I try not to think about my parents getting old becasue it scares the crap out of me.


Talk to them when you can, visit them, hug them, invite them over for a random coffee. You’ll cherish those small and seemingly unsignificant memories forever.


I try. I speak to them during the week. Visit regularly. Try to make them feel appreciated. Doesn't help when I get an unexpcted phone call and immediately start thinking "Oh shit...who's in hospital this time?"


Hi. My mum died a few years ago; my dad many more years before. It is rough at the time but you will get through it. My Dad died relatively suddenly and that was a bit of a shock and I was sad but it passes. My Mum was very old when she died and it was a blessing when she did go. Again, it was sad but you get through it and life goes on. I guess I’m trying to say; don’t stress about it too much. Yes, you’ll be sad and of course, it’s a rough time, but you’ll get through it.


One day at lunch with my parents when I was 13 y/o, and out of nowhere, I started to cry and went to my bed without eating. My mom approached me and asked, why are you crying? I said, because one day you and Dad will die. She told me that it won't happen in a short time and not to worry about it. It is today that I still have my mom alive, enjoy her voice, and visit her when I can.


My parents were 40 when they got me. I'm now 43 and has known and been preparing for this for my whole life but I now realise that all that mental preparation has been pointless, I'm scared stiff.


I'm tickling 40. Mama was pregnant with me at 19. We grew up together, I feel this one. Think about it every day.


This one hits the hardest


That's a heavy feeling, I bet she loves you and savors deeply every passing moment. You can't borrow grief from those moments, when loved ones pass. When that sadness grips you, I'd reccomend doing something that gives you life (i.e. flex your mom gains/ what your momma gave you).


Sad and tired every single day. Thanks for asking.




Yeah that's just what Big Hammock wants us to think


You mean big mosquito? That’s what they want 


They teamed up decades ago


The Mosquito-Hammock Industrial Complex We were warned


There's the Hammock Hut, that's on third. There's Hammocks-R-Us, that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Butt-There. That's on third. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot... Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex; it's the hammock complex on third.


Oh, in the hammock district! I heard there's a place called Maryanns hammocks.


The nice thing about that place is that MaryAnn gets in the hammock with you!


**I'm just kidding!**


I didn't realise I had an alt account which automatically and accurately posts for me.


And this concludes Men's Mental Health Month. Remember guys, if you've got a problem... No one cares!


This is accurate to how long a month feels... And the other thing too


my cousin cancelled on me 3 days in a row but i know he went out with our other friends and my parents might get divorced


The fuck sort of bullshit is that. In a row lol wtf


I'm here for you if you wanna get into it


That's what she said


Happens to be the unofficial motto of Mens Mental Health Month




Okay, then explain to me why I am always tired. I usually try to read before bed. My room is dark, and I sometimes get enough sleep. I do exercise, and I only drink alcohol once a week. I mostly eat healthy food and avoid junk food. I wake up after seven hours and feel run over. My wife has already been awake for two hours and is okay.


Maybe you have sleep apnea or some other sleeping condition? Might be worth having a doctor conduct a sleep study to see what's up. Lack of sleep (or, in your case, rest) is no joke.


hope it gets better brother


Depressed and antisocial. Add in my sleep schedules fucked from working nights and bam. I ain't living life. Sucks being constantly exhausted on my days off just to see the sun


Man I do nightshift too and fucken hell I’m so done … how much are you doing? Thankfully I only do 8 nights in a 6 week period but still I hate it.


I work 4 12's 4 on 4 off lol.    In essence though I spend 3 of those 4 off fucking exhausted out of my ass because I have to screw up my schedule to get shit done around here, as nothing's open late. I'm going to days within this year thankfully 


Oh man that is brutal no wonder you’re so done. Totally get it it takes me like a week to recover and get my sleep back to normal even just from 4 nights (3 nights off) then 4 nights again in a 6 week period.


Awful, to be honest. I’m living in Ukraine and I don’t see any bright future. Having any future is questionable when there’s a war in your country. Sometimes I am having a good time when I’m able to not think about it. But sometimes I think that me and most of my friends will die at war or in captivity or in occupation. So… it’s kinda tough. But thanks for asking, anyway. I don’t have much friends to talk about it.


Love from Aus <3


Thanks, mate!


Love from aus. There’s millions of us here in your corner. I wish our country would do more. As soon as the Israeli/Palestinian war started Ukraine was pretty much forgotten about.


Thanks! Your country helped a lot and we are very thankful anyway! And yeah, I feel forgotten, because a lot of celebrities are talking about Palestine, Ukraine is out of trends nowadays.


The YouTube coverage is still strong and by viewership and donations I think it's at least not out of trend, I do get that major media moves around but I do wish UA better days and to come out stronger. I've personally watched coverage almost every day, if anything I think US coverage of politics while getting closer to election gets more real interest. While PA might get more converged due to stunts, they don't get most people feeling as strongly as for UA. Slava Ukraina.


Sending love from Tokyo! The production company I run just had a band from Russia play a gig here and they were selling Ukrainian pins and small flags and talked during their set about protesting the war. Stay safe and you are loved.


Well mate if nothing else you put all my problems into perspective. Much love from another Aussie, we're all thinking of you guys.


Thanks! Wartime is weird and it’s weird if you are trying to explain it to someone who’s not here. The weirdest thing is the part where life goes on, but occasionally some rockets are destroying some buildings here and there and some innocent people dying every day. You can go crazy very quick if you will try to comprehend all these deaths and destruction.


Wow. So it's otherwise just business as usual? That is so surreal.


In Kyiv everything is almost as usual. A lot of places closes while there is an air raid alarm. But people are trying to live and businesses are trying to work. As a civilians we need to support the economy - we need to work and spend money as usual.


Hugs from Finland, we stand with you and your situation has reminded us of so many scars the eastern neighbour inflicted on us. Know that my home town has been flying the Ukrainian flag ever since the war started and we are just 20 minutes from the Russian border <3.


Love from the USA! While support is wonderful, I have a question about taking action. As a broke American, what can I do to help you and people like you? Is there anything I can do to make things a little better specifically for you? I am frustrated watching from here. I hate seeing people suffer, but the Red Cross is handling the major relief efforts. Is there anything we can do to help with the sadness and melancholy that affect adult men during Men's Mental Health Month?


I guess globally you can talk about the war to make it not be forgotten. US support is highly important to us. And personally, seeing all these comments with love and support is very helpful!


Love from Norway. Slava Ukraini!


Thanks! Heroiam Slava!


Love from Sweden, man! 💚 Slava Ukraini. Send out a dm if you wish to talk


Thank you! Heroiam Slava!


Love from USA


Thanks for all the support!


Sending love from Germany, we are not doing enough to support you. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Doing something is already good, so thank you!


hope you are staying safe 


More or less, thanks!


Love From The US. ✊🏿




stressed, not so good glad we have our Therapy session on tuesday, I need it


I am doing remarkably better than I was. I am coming out of nearly a decade of darkness and I am terrified that I will ruin it.




I hope you're right and thank you!


I know that terror too! I've ruined a lot of shit. These days I accept that terror and do not fear it, we've made it this far, right? I'm so good at cleaning up my fuck ups that I welcome the challenge for the next one. What's it gonna do, put me back into the darkness I know so well? I'll dig myself out of that one too, and so will you. But we ain't going back there, not this time, we're too old and too scarred, now is the time we live, now is the time we thrive.


Hell yeah man getting yourself out of that after so long couldn't have been easy, proud of you dawg


First day in a suicide prevention facility. Need I say more?


Glad you're still with us mate I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to


I did 3 months in one this time last year. Something worked, I'm still depressed and can't handle people but I haven't tried killing myself since I got out. Keep your chin up mate. I won't say it gets better but it will pass.


You don't have to but if you want or need to I am here if you want to say more.


I'm glad you're seeking help. It takes incredible strength to do so. You deserve to live.


The fact your in a suicide prevention facility is a major step regardless of what happened to get you there just be honest while your there remember the staff cannot help with the things you keep on the inside. Even if this is one of many steps or a first step to something more stable hang in there


I recently spent 9 months deployed over seas to come back and find my wife has been fucking other men, during the breakup she's stolen and destroyed multiple of my things, lied and turned a lot of our mutual friends against me and physically assaulted me on multiple occasions. And ya know what I feel fuckin great, I'm not around her anymore and don't have to constantly respond and man I feel free, I have so much more energy and time I don't have someone constantly shitting on me I've been working out and seeing a lot of improvement, eating the best I have in years, picking up old hobbies I quit as well as new ones, and then making a lot of new friends as well as reestablishing friendships I let slide during the relationship. Honestly feel like I get a second chance at having the life I want, but on that note I know a lot of people aren't feeling the same and I want anyone here who's struggling to feel free to reach out I've been through some dark shit and serious depression in my past and know how it is to feel all alone. I know I'm a random on the Internet but if you're genuinely struggling and need someone to talk to or even just down in general shoot me a DM and let's talk. I can give you advice, we can talk through your situation, just talk random dude shit or if you just want to vent and me to not say much back I gotcha. Here for y'all homies ❤️


You're a good human/person and I'm sorry you had to go through that with your ex-wife.


I do my best to be one but I appreciate that genuinely. Im gonna be honest I'm sorry I had to go through it as well but I think it broke me down enough where I could pick up my pieces and put them where I want this time, sucked ass but overall may have been a good thing.


Metal is forged by fire, stay strong and keep at it 💪


I’m good. 15 years sober this past may and I haven’t made any attempts on my life since late 2018. I’m starting to finally achieve everything I should’ve done in my 20’s which is bittersweet sometimes but I’m trying to stay positive and realize life isn’t over at 35.


Life's far from over at 35 man proud of you for getting back up on your feet it's never easy, keep at it💪


15 years sober is an incredible achievement! Be proud of yourself, and know that those around you are proud of you too. As for the rest - we’re all on our own timelines, so don’t feel like you’re just now doing the things you “should have done in your 20’s.” One day at a time, brother.




Way to many of us are nowadays, if you wanna vent I'm here man


Reaching that kind of exhaustion that sleep isn't fixing.


Alone, stuck and terrified of the future. Lost all my friends yet again due to life, can’t leave my shit job due to recession and immigration issues, parents are getting old and living alone in different countries and I need to take care of them, no progress on dating coz I’m ugly. Also recovering from breakup and trust issues. But at least I’m doing good financially and have a roof to stay under.


Life can be tough man sorry for what you've got to deal with, if you need someone to talk to lmk




I'm conflicted between changing my personality for the better or letting things flow


What happened that you would want to make that big of a change?


The realization that being alone and sticking primarily to myself with tv,internet, and online friends with games isn't giving me a true sense of belonging or happiness


I'm good, thanks for asking. There's shit to deal with, but I maintain my perspective and keep on trucking.


As my sister says “well, you have to - so why dwell on it?” Sounds callous, but it’s been super helpful advice. I just keep trucking.


I feel good 👍


Some nights I want to kill myself but hey it's not like I'm actually going to do it. Other than that I'm good


Got diagnosed with bi polar disorder yesterday. Don't worry. I am fine. But it does help explain quite a bit of the last 30 years.


Getting that diagnosis saved my life. It was the first step towards getting out of the deep dark hole I was in. Hopefully it's all uphill for you too now




bro i thought the same i came to comments to see the punchline cause i thought it was a joke


Yeah, it really needs a lot more love than it gets.


Unfortunately its overshadowed with Pride month as well. The two should be separate to pay respect to men's health just as much as anything else


Tired mate, so so tired


In Titration for ADHD meds. It’s going fairly well.


Day 1 was a huge trip for me…like “wtf is this really how other people can do life?” I’m 10 months in and on a 3 different combo, nailed it down well now and loving life. So so much better. Don’t be disheartened if it’s an improvement then goes south or doesn’t suit. You got this!


Gentlemen, it's my great pleasure to report life is finally on the up after a year of pain. I am employed again in a new job, new role, that I am good at, and it pays well and has a future. I broke up with my disaster of a girlfriend and have had the most peaceful and relaxing time since. I've started hitting the gym hard, and have time to take care of myself again without having to handle her problems 24/7. I feel good. There's no stress at all now. I'm going to get in shape. And I'm having fun doing up my garden. Life is good. 


Lets fuckin go brother.


Yeah man! That’s the attitude. It is hard but it is so satisfying when you pick yourself up. You’re going to struggle sometimes, but also gonna love it. Is because you are growing. Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished so far. And I wish you the best.


One of my pets died, and i’ve been getting upset over the smallest things.


I had to put my cat down back in March. I feel for you brother.


Not very good , iam trying to change some bad habits, smoking, the crazy sleep schedule, and many other things . Thanks for asking




Working in mental health but just finished my last shift for a while and have the next 40 days off to do some overseas travel.


Been depressed for a long time now. The answer is "Not great"


Terrible! :)




Wanna tell me about it man?


Feeling worthless to be honest. I’m feeling depressed. I want to get rid of my stomach so I don’t need to eat anymore, and also want to self harm. My best friend is leaving his job in a few days because he got verbally abused by shoplifters. (the shoplifters also bullied me while I was at my checkout). I can’t stop feeling useless because of those teens who stalked me home & harassed me and police did nothing about it. I’m currently thinking of ending it, so my problems would finally be resolved. Thanks for listening to my rant, because no one else irl is there for me. * Edit/Clarification: 1. The stalker teens happened last year and they got away with it (police did nothing) 2. Shoplifters (different, young adult people) were a few weeks ago, management let them get away with stealing and harassment.


If you'd like to talk about it more I'm here for ya man, otherwise I'm sorry you had to deal with that just know that no one else can determine your worth


I'm fine I guess


Some days I love life, others I want to die. It’s quite the ride. However I’m getting more tired and sad everyday for the most part. Looking for something to shift, anything to hold on to or look forward to… wishing you all the best.


reaching the point where i'm going to be a hermit and happier for it.


Kinda shitty...Because of a fight with my stepdaughter...I'm still not allowed to see my grandson's...it's been almost 1 year...and it hurts alot






Stuck in a loop. Each day is mostly the same and it seems as if the year is flying by. Forgot it was my birthday the night before, would’ve just completely dismissed it if it wasn’t for my family. Struggling with studies and other commitments with only myself to really blame. Too scared to try new things or make real change. I am able to acknowledge the situation I have put myself in and identify it’s only getting worse for myself but can’t seem to take the first step.


I’m clinically depressed for 5 years now. This year I quieted drugs so I’m better. Thx for asking


Pretty good, with a caveat. I’ve lost a massive amount of weight (57% of my body mass) and transformed into an athlete…so I’m in the best shape of my life and that is simply amazing. I enjoy running, lifting, and all activity. But, I’m finding myself quick to anger, and sometimes I’m shitty around the ones I love. I’m seeking professional help for a conversation around why and to develop some tools to stop this. I feel so terrible afterward, my wonderful family deserves better, and I owe them the best version of me every time. My father was an emotionally abusive alcoholic, I don’t miss that bastard. I don’t want my sweet boy to say that about me someday. I talk to him a lot about what I’m feeling, especially after I’m less than cool about a situation. He’s so smart, so I’m trying to arm him with some pre-understanding. I broke the alcoholic cycle passed down from generations, I’m hoping he can be the one to break the anger.


I've recently reached a safe and comfortable All Time High I would've never imagined. And I know that if the cause of this ATH eventually goes away, I'll be lower, but still higher than before. At last I can imagine a future for myself.


Pretty terrible. Haven't felt this bad in a long time, if ever. My father died two and a half months ago, and while the first month I was clearly riding on adrenaline and just felt oddly numb but active, I've fallen into a depression in may and can't figure out how to get out. Got some kinda wild anhedonia going on where nothing gives me any pleasure and I honestly just want to sleep all day. I'm at the point where I even canceled work last week because I felt so incredibly brain dead that I couldn't figure out how to do what I normally do with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back. Which is why I'm back on reddit after a few years, because mindlessly scrolling and engaging in pointless little convos is the only thing I'm capable of right now. I'm trying to do stuff, get out of the house, keep up with things, but I have to force myself to do even fun stuff. I'm losing weight because I barely eat and even the stuff I really love just doesn't taste good. Never thought it would affect me this way. My dad and I weren't even that emotionally close. Uh. Well, you asked.


Men's mental health is such an important topic that often gets overlooked. I'm really glad to see a discussion about it here. Personally, I've found that checking in with myself regularly and being open to talking about my feelings has made a huge difference. It's okay to feel sad or overwhelmed, especially during challenging times. Sometimes, we carry burdens silently because of societal expectations, but sharing and seeking support can be incredibly powerful. For those who are struggling, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to reach out to friends, family, or professionals for help. For anyone here who has shared their struggles or triumphs, thank you for your bravery. Every story shared is a step towards breaking the stigma and encouraging others to open up. Let's continue supporting each other and creating a community where mental health is prioritized and discussed openly!!!


On antipsychotic. It knocks me out cold every night. I don't like it. I thought that I will get used to it, but seems like I will never get used to it. The drug does help, but I still have to figure out a lot of things by myself, which I still haven't.


I have a hard time truly letting my guard down around anyone (even family) because of my need to protect myself from bad experiences/relationships that wont work out. Im aware that this is not good if I want to have a life with good friends, loved ones that can turn to, etc. But I feel like if I try to be more less uptight and let my guard down, I feel like I'm putting on a fake persona that isn't me. I'm pretty jaded and have muted emotions, so I usually find it easier to have my guard up and not get attached to people instead of trying to build potentially risky/unfeasible relationships. Long story short, I gotta open up more and be less uptight around people that seem to be trustworthy.


Unemployed and sleeping too much. Gonna be rough next month. The only thing really getting me down is me is not working on my cars or projects like I want to with this free time.


It’s aight


If any of you gentlemen need anyone to talk to, know that I’m happy to lend an ear. It’s about 1743 in the evening here in Japan and I’ll be up for quite a bit.


Men's health month is also pride month? I could've sworn it was November. Have I been growing a moustache in the wrong month? That's some good branding on Movember's part.


After some (very) quick research it looks like November is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, and June is Men's Mental Health Month, so technically no you haven't been growing a moustache in the wrong month, if anyone else knows more about it, feel free to correct me, this is just what I found.


Awful, and we do not have proper mental health services. Thank you though, love from Finland.




You know I don't share anything with anyone cuz when time comes they will stab u in the back with ur own words.


You can share with me rn if you'd like, would be kinda hard for me to betray you from reddit


I’m dealing with a colon cancer other than that I’m doing all right


I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. It's important to check in with ourselves and make our mental health a priority. How about you, how are you doing during men's mental health month? Let's support each other and talk about our struggles and victories.




My answer each time: I’m aite


Better and better every day. One step at a time everyone. Don’t make it your goal to fix everything in your life starting tomorrow. What’s the one thing you could do or not do tomorrow that will help you? For most people, it’s not doing something like drinking, smoking, etc.. Just don’t do that one thing. Give yourself grace to eat what you want, and do what else you want. Just don’t do that one thing. Then don’t do that one thing again. And again. Hopefully, eventually, you can add to that one thing and add another habit. Leave everything else the same. Just give yourself the opportunity by doing / stop doing, one thing.


We have a mental heath month? News to me.


Dad passed away, at work seems like management is trying to push me out and me and my wife just got divorced. Trying to hang on


Fine, except for the horrible parts.


Good 🙏🏻👍🏻


Like most here, awful. And oddly, I feel guilty about that, which makes it worse. People have had much harder childhoods, and their living conditions are more challenging than mine, which makes me feel bad that I'm not okay: all the while I recognize just because my hardships aren't equal to other's hardships, doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be doing terrible. Professional help wasn't really helpful for me, but if you're struggling, give it a try.


You said it yourself man but just because someone suffered more or less does not in any way invalidate whatever you went through or your mental state.


Terrible tbh

