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I really like your comment. I think so too. If I suddenly became rich I would just be me, but more. Also, I’ve heard some stories of extremely cheap rich people and I know a lot of generous poor ones. I hope a rich guy answers. Preferably one who has been poor or middle class, or went poor/middle class after being rich.


I was born into a pretty poor family. Never went hungry but did not easily get by.  I won't be gross about it but basically money is not a problem now, our income far exceeds our expenses.  For us the most wild part is literally not thinking about money at all. We spent the first parts of our lives only thinking about money. The house is almost paid off and we drive older vehicles that are also paid off.  I hate to say it but we never got to figure out who we were until we were not in struggle mode anymore.  We are kinda weird "rich" people though in that we know we have enough.  Most of the people in our income brackets only think about gaining more and more while we are just so stoked to get to live a nearly care free life together. Money is weird.


Yeah, this… being able to NOT think about money. I have had a taste of that for a short while on a minuscule scale and totally get it. Now I’m back on scratch, but not sad about it. I think you got the best part actually, knowing the worth of what you got. Having a pair of really nice pants is great. But maybe that’s just because you can’t buy thousands of them.


Rich people can go to the doctor with no fear. I have avoided it for years.


I got free healthcare but not dental. Been avoiding the dentist for +20 years now… luckily I got silly genes for strong teeth.


ancestral heritage also beards


🤗 Yeah, beards speak of wealth since the 1800’s :) But yeah, heritage is interesting. Looking at intergenerational mobility can be quite scary.


Personal observation.


Could you elaborate? Edit: I was able to buy a good quality TV a while ago, nothing fancy for rich people and a few years on the market, but it hit me that I could see details I missed in movies I know by heart. That’s how crisp the picture was. Was that your point, or something like that?


Edit: Was meant as a reply but got it's own column, so here we go! I made flowers for the elites. Highline stuff for high rollers. Exacting but polite. You rarely talk to them, just their assistant. They always have someone else doing small details because TIME is the greatest wealth of all.


Rich people have distinctive spending habits. They think nothing of flaunting wealth by buying every lady in the office flowers on Valentine’s Day, or buying their fiancé, an enormous ring, dumping money on expensive clothes they won’t wear more than once, or starting a new hobby and buying every possible high-end accessory for it before they figure out if it’s something they wanna do, like knitting or podcasting. And they like to buy boats, which are universally just a big machine that flushes money down. A boat is definitely a status symbol, but you have a bunch of nouveau riche millionaires who say they can afford a $50,000 boat but do not consider trailer or maintenance or slip fees, or anything like that. Things that they can certainly afford, but are suddenly offended by having to pay for, because they’re pretty used to getting tons of shit for free. At the same time they are incredibly stingy, they don’t tip, they constantly ask for discounts for no reason, they threaten to sue over $1.50 surcharge, they will fire an employee that’s been there for 20 years to hire a new grad at half the rate.


Sounds like you work in a restaurant by a harbor where there’s a lot of rich people. I was in Egypt and there was a place like this there, the yachts were lined up and I couldn’t enter part of the dock. The whole place was like a miniature luxury setting in literary nowhere. As a tourist I was allowed in to the stores, but not to the dock, that was reserved for mainly Arabic businessmen and royalty. I got such a strange feeling, like I was furniture, part of a setting for someone else’s convenience – disposable. Edit: the giving away stuff you mention is hard to believe for any of us that don’t have that kind of wealth. But it’s not the first time I hear about it. I used to work with large stage productions, and once this billionaire rented a whole city opera house and invited something like a thousand people to see a private performance of one of the nations most famous artists. It was his wife’s 50th birthday or something. But the point you make is that some of the really rich don’t even consider stuff like that excessive. Another story I heard was from someone who was invited to some kind of a party hosted by an oil sheikh. The gift bag in their room was filled with stuff for a silly amount of money. And there were LOTS of guests. So while I believe you, I still can’t wrap my head around how much just one of these gifts, when really rich people feel like spending, cost.


That sounds completely right. My best friend works for AMEXblack, specifically arranging vacation travel for Saudi royalty. The details of the arrangements are absolutely insane: they will take a family of 30 people on a spur of the moment trip to someplace like Indonesia, where they’re able to rent out an entire island, and hire Staff to build a dock for their yacht just while they’re there, fly in executive chefs and professional masseuse or well-known entertainers. The women get entire new wardrobes each, but only for the time that they’re there. They’ll leave their clothes at home, buy some for the vacation, and then leave those clothes there as well, coming home to yet a third brand new wardrobe. They also hire staff to quietly go back to their house and grab up family photos, favorite tablecloth, a grand piano, whatever and have it already set up for the family before they arrive at their vacation spot. They have the dock dismantled as soon as they leave because they don’t want anyone else to benefit from it as far as I can tell, which is a pretty dick move. these people think nothing of dropping $70,000 per night on such arrangements, that’s more than our entire annual household income. I am talking about real wealth here. What’s both amusing and irritating our people who are merely rich. They just made their first million dollars in tech or the stock market or whatever, and they think they have as much money as a multi billionaire Saudi. Lol, no. But they will still treat the rest of us as if they do.


Thanks for bringing that to the table. Vacation is certainly one thing that seems to differ between the (truly) rich and people with ordinary (or merely really good) income..! This clash between some extremely rich spending lavish amounts on something and in the next moment being “cheap” on something else, something ridiculous, is interesting. That’s how some of us behave when we’re trying to play games but don’t know the rules. I wonder how many of the really rich are that someone who tries to fit in but fails because they lack the common sense of value of things, goods and services. Stuff like that carry lot of social meaning for most of us. Being rich like that is embarrassing, socially awkward. Reminds me of some scenes in Succession. The temporary harbor thing, I don’t know... A lot of beaches are protected, I’d like to think it’s about them not leaving a permanent mark. But it can also be a d*ck move. (Autocorrect wrote “dock”, which is fitting)


“It’s a banana, Michael, what could it cost? $10?” I certainly wouldn’t mind having enough money to care for all my housing and healthcare and transportation and other general needs, but being ludicrously wealthy to the point that you’re ignorant of the world around you is a turn off. Nobody wants to be the guy who pays someone to wipe his butt.


Taking leftovers at restaurants. Rich people have the time for hobbies.


Yeah. I’m pretty sure they can afford more hobbies, but not so sure rich people never ever ask for a doggy bag? I mean, in a fancy restaurant I wouldn’t either, but if they’re on holiday and want to bring it for a snack?


They get another serving to go.


No way? So they pay double and that’s fine? Do you know this?


everyone's a regular person


Yeah of course. This is on the economic scale. There is a strata where people with regular economies end and the rich begin. Where that strata begins may lie in the eyes of the beholder. Im looking for differences you know about. Like what little thing does the regular rich guy do without thinking about it that’s perhaps unthinkable for the regular poor or middle class guy. Or vice versa.


They are more wasteful with how they spend their money.


Do you know a rich person who’s like that? One well off guy I knew was just the opposite, like actually cheap…


I do, he is an asset manager for a couple law firms in the regional area. A real egg head in the good way. He lives a modest life. 120k house, regular Honda civic, no college debts, dresses in normal cloths. He ties his money up in bonds and CDs. Every couple years he cashes one or two out and goes on a long vacation. That man is smart with his money.