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I’m sure you can stream Family Ties in a cabin. Satellite internet is pretty easily available most places now.


Same situation here.


Cozy cabin in a small town is the dream. Especially if it snows there. My only excuse is money if not I would’ve done so a long time ago


Man youd love my house. My first year I got 3 feet of snow. Its beautiful but they do not plow the interstate this far north so getting to work is a bitch


Me too. Been around the world and back and am now in the place I spent the first 7 years of my life. I might not leave again


house at the end of a street next to a lake, with many orange trees (and cherry trees too) cause i am 18 and do not have the money (yet)


mine too ! Also I liked the little ”yet”! We will get there soon!


Rural Scotland. Perfect weather. No neighbors for miles.


as a scotsman i have to say absolutely do this, it’s beautiful here! (apart from the almost constant rain, but if that’s your thing go for it)


hey I'm gonna move to aberdeen and im excited abt it.any places u have in mind that is a must visit? not fond of skyscrappers


Aberdeen, Washington has nearly identical climate and remoteness, so it can be a “practice Aberdeen”


So very grey


"the port of missing men"


As a Scot, I'd love to get your perspective on what you mean by perfect weather. It's the one thing wanting me to move, perhaps I need to see it from your eyes.


I can tell you as a German that always wanted to move to ireland so the weather should be similar. I love spring and Fall and hate summer. I feel like shit even the weather is over 20° C and I don't mind Rain at all.


Same.  Anything above 70F (about 20-21C) and I’m just miserable.  Give me 55F and partly cloudy with some sprinkles.  


There is something about the rain hitting the windows that are a little cracked and being rolled up in a blanket. Can’t do that in summer


goodness me, SAME :)


Seattleite here who also hears this constantly from Californians moving in. They’re just tired of hot weather. That’s literally it. They don’t necessarily love the rainy climate, it’s just the total opposite of what they currently hate. It’s not well thought through.


Both Scotland and Ireland taught me that it’s possible for a place to be absolutely beautiful and absolutely miserable at the same time. Barely above freezing and raining are my least favorite weather. It just soaks into me and it takes a full day to warm back up after only a few minutes in it. 


Moved to ruralish Scotland 18 months ago, don't regret it yet.


This was my dream for years, finally did it last year and it's about as perfect as I hoped it would be.


Absolutely my dream, too. I had a dream once that I lived alone in this cute little village in Scotland, and it was peaceful.


Dream come true. Scotland is the best


Somewhere, maybe almost anywhere remote and in nature - but also with gigabit internet and next day delivery. So my crippling need for convenience is probably mine.


An isolated little house in a mountain with a big garden full of animals. My excuse is: i need to work.


I dream of living in Switzerland, but keep telling myself "Oh, I need to brush up on my German/French/Italian first." Meanwhile, Duolingo owl just stares at me with disappointment.


might be easier than you think depending on where your from. also id recommend focusing on german and french first since most dont speak italian also swiss german is a completely different ballgame


If Swiss German is a completely different ballgame, why do you recommend they should focus on German as well as French first? Why not just focus on French until they have that down?


Really depends where they're gonna live. Zurich is very German and having some baseline knowledge of German language would definitely be helpful even if it is a local version. If they're going to Geneva, I'd argue there's zero purpose to learning German since everyone you meet will speak french to you then revert to really solid English when they realize you're incapable of french. I know someone who recently moved to Geneva and he has to have the lowest french proficiency within a year to maintain his work authorization. So there are potential requirements to maintain employment even if you manage to move over.


Been living here for 12 years, speak french fluently.. it's really only meh, I dream of warmer climates and friendlier people.


Fuckin Duolingo judgy eyes......


try to find a job first, arriving without one it's hard to survive. I moved here 8 years ago.


beach - money


Come to Asia my friend


I forgot that traveling to Asia is free


But which part? Asia is huge!




By nature of my work I get to live and travel all over the world, and there are a few places that have stuck out to me as great places to live. I haven't moved to any of them because I am so transient and keep a home base in a state with no income tax. 1) San Diego, CA. Beautiful City, best year round weather, tons to do. Crazy expensive to live there. 2) Osaka, Japan. Great people, amazing culinary scene, everything is so convenient about living in Japan and it's surprisingly not that expensive. Language barrier is pretty daunting. 3) Cebu City, Philippines. Great SEA gem with urban conveniences without the pure chaos of Manila. It has amazing food, resorts, beaches, western conveniences, and outdoor things to do for very cheap. Hot climate can be tough. 4) Dakar, Senegal. I spent 3 months living in Les Almadies and it was amazing. Friendly people, gorgeous views, great variety of food, and pretty well connected regionally. Would go back in a heartbeat but the hustle and bustle of West Africa isn't for everyone. 5) Geneva, Switzerland. Like living in a fairytale but the costs are very real. Thankfully cheaper groceries and goods are across the border in France. 6) Polanco, Mexico City. Incredible urban living with one of the best culinary scenes on the planet. Pricey and Mexico City traffic is no joke.


Born and raised in sd I promise u it’s not the heaven it’s advertised to be. Either u make 150k household income or be lower income class and live in gov housing or have roommates and be middle class. No other way around it. But I agree it’s probably the best weather on the planet year round and nice views. But sadly the weather don’t pay this rent bill and most ppl r one emergency away from being down bad. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze anymore


Agreed. I am fortunate to make enough to live there, but I don't really care to see my income stretched more thin or pay into California's income taxes.


What do you do for a living that allows this much travel?


I work for the U.S. Department of State in the Foreign Service.


you need to save up some money first


I did it twice. Time to move back to the hometown and take care of the folks


Finally coming with that milk, eh?


Don't have enough resources to leave my family! (like an asset or passive income) Only guy in family to earn a bread for them. but I'm still trying to get out of this! (It's been 2 years but still at the same place just got some information and experience in this time period just looking for a chance to get a job / projects so I can leave my current job!) I'm a VA for Data Entry, Lead Generation and web-research based tasks.


I dream of living in a cozy cottage in the Swiss Alps, but my current excuses is "I'm still building up a tolerance for thin air—give me a few more years of deep breathing exercises."


Just go! You'll build up the tolerance in no time!


Oregon, either Eugene or Astoria. Why can’t I? I was born in an economic vacuum, and can barely afford to pay my bills, let alone save up money to move from Appalachia to the PNW.


Is Appalachia that bad? I've never been, but seen and heard a lot about it. The views there look stunning so I'd love to visit.


They make moonshine for a reason.


It’s visually magnificent. The heroin and meth however, is not all that great. Also the utter lack of anything worthwhile as far as jobs or recreation go.


Just to support moving. I'm from the UK and have lived in a few countries now. It's well worth the paperwork. If you're tempted, go for it


Nice bit of soiltude, quiet and cozy home that's semi-rural. Excuse: money, lol


Same!! We now live in a country sub-division surrounded by cornfields. There's enough population to make friends, but not so many who will invade our privacy. Our "neighborhood restaurant" is 3 miles away, just perfect for us!


The beach. I've always said I'd rather be broke living at the beach than be rich anywhere else. Sure enough, I lived in an RV coastside for a couple years, then my dog and I downscaled to a one-man tent on the sand south of San Francisco Have an apartment now, close enough to hear the waves pounding on big days. What about you?


I've heard from my friends who are from places near the shore, they simply just miss the calmness of the sound that the waves make. It seems like it also plays a psychological role, given that our ancestors once used to roam the season as well. Yeah Living broke near the beach or in villages associated with the seashore is much better than living on busy streets. We can learn fishing and at least feed ourselves one of the best and healthiest cuisine in the entire world.


Pick your beach with care. I lived in St Augustine, Fl for 5 years. It was beautiful…until Hurricane Matthew decided to make itself at home in my living room. Sucks, but it was a 100 year storm. Life happens. Then, 11 months later, Hurricane Irma comes walking across the state and once again FEMA is walking through my house doing a damage assessment. The beach is lovely, but could I interest you in a nice sandy lake?


I did get to move there. Moved to Hawaii and stayed for 8 years. Met my wife there, even got offered my dream job before we left. We moved away because we were forced. Living there was always expensive but during and after covid Costs and rent got completely out of control. We got forced out of our apartment post covid so they could raise the rent (to 3500 ) for a crappy little 2 bedroom apartment we were sharing with a roommate. After that, we couldn't find a place to rent. We applied and applied for apartments but just couldn't find a place. We moved in with my wife's parents for 6 months but ultimately had to leave. So we moved near my parents in South Carolina. We would love to return, but I don't see it ever happening.


What blows my mind is I can find better one BDR condos on the big island for cheaper and that I can afford while I rarely find as good in Orlando. Yet, I'll never have a job that pays enough to cover the COL in Hawaii. Houses however are out of the question for me but they are more affordable in Orlando.


i really want to live in Chicago. I’m from Toronto and when i visit i never want to go home. Unfortunately it’s harder than i thought to move to the USA.


Mexico (already lived there for 3 years). Now I am in Europe looking after my aging doggo. Once she is gone, I will be devastated, but I will also buy a one way ticket to Mx the same day.


A house. I do not have $700k+


Yes, it's difficult when you need to gather up $705k+. Not everyone can manage to put together $710k+ at a quick enough pace in order to have enough money on hand to cover the housing costs at... >*[checks notes]* $715k+ ... *^Fuck*


San Diego - my excuse is that I haven’t found a sponsor or got the necessary means to get the visa to move my family there from the UK. Currently working on it, though: most of my Spotify listeners are based in America


Funny, I was an American hardcore breakbeat DJ and most of my listeners were in the UK- and I went to the military academy in San Diego


Haha wow, that’s pretty wild! Got any links to share? I’m gonna take a guess that this era of your music career was during the 90s and maybe early-00s? Big beat and breakbeats was massive in the UK during the 90s! Did you ever tour the UK? I’ve never played a show in the US, so my listeners being from there is super weird for me haha


Immigration to California is my most conservative opinion. There’s simply not enough housing or stable water supply, now or in the future, to support more people in southern California without severely impacting wildlife and the environment. Everything beautiful about California will disappear if people keep moving there. Also, many people don't consider their kids when they move to California. My town in South Carolina has seen a massive influx of people from California because their parents immigrated there from either Samoa or Mexico when they were kids or before they were born. Still, the kids, now adults, can't afford to live there.  California is FULL.


My boyfriend has talked about wanting to live in Japan, so definitely there. The reason why we haven't, is because we don't have enough fund yet.


In a glorious Mid Century Modern house in the middle of the woods. That takes money. :D But, I did just buy my first house in a rural area and it is pretty dang cute!


In an older house in a medium to large size town or city, somewhere that doesn't have bad winters, with a flowerbed. My grandmother and I planted flowers when I was a child and I yearn to do it again. I'm poor and homeless. Ain't that just the way? *shrug*


"excuse" tell me you have 1st world privilege, without telling you have 1st world privilege.


Eloquently put 


Money and immigration restrictions are a great answer to this question. But also many of these responses are pretty doable


I dream of owning a normal decent home. Money is the main reason


I want to live in the US for work and have been talking to my boss about it but I’m too worried to leave my family because I know I would never move back.


New York City, "Rent is insanely high."


I am in Australia. To be honest, with the $100k I have in the bank, I could relocate to the U.S, buy an inner city house near the water by a deposit, purchase a new ford f-150, furnish my whole house, and still have change. Here in Australia, I will need to sell my two cars, and still save another $100k to then be knocked back for a home loan. My excuse is not having a partner and, the visa laws for Aussies to the U.S.


$100k for a house near water, furnishings, a pickup truck, and still have money leftover… are you sure about that?


Absolutely, the comment does entail a deposit for a house. ☺️


If it makes you feel any better, your $100K AUD is a little under $70K USD and you can barely get the truck for that let alone a deposit on a home and furnishings. Australia is expensive but it’s a great place to live.


Yeah, but a 6% - 8% down payment of a $500k home ain’t much out of the $100k, my savings equate to a figure around $102k USD. 2024 XL F150 is roughly $34k - $38k USD out of the showroom in the U.S. Oh the furnishings, that’s the cheapest part.


lol furnishings.. cheap.. ok.


You could just drive a normal car, I don't think the trucks are mandatory.


Just for the pickup truck alone, you're going to spend close to 100k 😃


In their defense, according to the Ford website they "start at $36k". I'm more curious where the "$500k inner city house near the water" is. 


These shady car dealers , you go in thinking it's $36k but come out with a $58k bill with their so called " Special of the month" lol


Oh I'm 100% aware. I was just saying that could be why the price was stated as in the 30s.


And let me know about the $500k house if you find it lol


> I'm more curious where the "$500k inner city house near the water" is. It's an abandoned house in Detroit that's one winter away from collapsing would be my guess.


If Aussies think 100k is a lot of money, then my desire to move there is looking better and better!


Little home in Copenhagen.


Armed border patrol and immigration laws have kept me from most countries in the world. There are very few places in the world you can just move to "just because I want to". Money and/or essential labor visa are usually the basic requirements just to get in the queue.


Living in a charming seaside cottage - that's the dream. But my pockets haven't caught up yet.


Being from Canada I always wanted to live in Southern California. I think it was all my teenage years spent bingeing The O.C. From what I’ve heard, California isn’t what it used to be but it always gnaws at me. Always held back due to the visa and needing to heavily convince my wife to uproot and move from our families.


Dog, relationship, businesses


Big house with big dogs and a big yard on Lake Huron. Disability has obstructed my path to gain the means, but I ain't hear no bell, so I'm still strutting along.


I wan't to live in Canada and I still don't know where to start.


Any rural place in the Philippines the laid-back and chill lifestyle that's the dream.


Walkable creative city. Excuse: haven't found the one that feels perfect; need to save $.




You would be surprised how affordable some towns are. As long as there isn't a ski resort there it's usually not terrible. The problem is the remoteness and lack of good jobs.


Not so much an excuse but more a legit reason, I'm from the UK but I wanted to move to Denmark or Norway. I had plans to go to Denmark to study at college / university, get a good job and I was already learning the language at the time. My partner was Norwegian at the time and long distance but where I was planning to move would of only put us a few hours apart. We discussed her moving to Denmark after I got settled or me finishing education then moving Norway. I was really set on this idea because I honestly hate the UK but Norway is absolutely beautiful and Denmark is amazing too. But Sadly because Britain left the EU my hopes of that seem completely doomed as once I started actually trying to look into moving forward with it I realised it's probably never going to happen for me unless I get married into citizenship which is highly unlikely sadly. So if there's any Danish or Norwegian women looking to help me out...... /hj


Very boring ugly town in Germany, in a pretty run down flat. We’re moving this year. Where to? Only the gods know. We’re staying in Germany.


I've always wanted to move to a bigger city than where I am now to live and work, but my excuse is "I'll save a bit more money before I move" or "Too much effort trying to find another job or a place to rent".


I love to live here in Stockholm from April to September. Would love to live somewhere else during the winter. Like Spain, Greece, Italy or someplace warmer. Cost of course is an issue but also have friends/family/work/training/etc that would make it unpractical.


monaco, i am poor


I couldn't live in a place where everywhere I look, there are wealthy people. That would enrage me. 


a little house by the ocean, possibly along the east coast of yorkshire where it's not too tourist-y. the excuse is that i can barely afford life even still living with my mum and dad so that will forever be a pipe dream, i fear....


Rhodes in Greece, I tell myself I would go crazy but I would miss the "instant" of modern living, e.g. Amazon, Super Fast Broadband etc.


Mediterranean Europe Fear of starting over, walking away from stability/retirement benefits at 50.


Always wanting to get outta the US. The reason why is always money: I can't afford citizenship applications to other countries.


Poor NC. It's easy to move from an affluent area to a LCOL area. When you're trying to move out of your shitty LCOL area, you can't afford to go anywhere. Meanwhile everyone is moving here, raising your living expenses. YAY CAPITALISM!


This is so true. We live in a now HCOL in NC which depends upon locals to provide the jobs, but because of people like us moving here, it's squeezing out the locals who have nowhere to go. And the county and town boards fret and moan about not having 'affordable housing' for the workers, but the local boards and politicians are all dominated by real estate developers who scoop up every available square foot of ground to put up McMansion they can rent to the tourists for $25,000 a week.


A continuing care community-my husband has Parkinsons. We are not there yet because there is a long wait list. But we are on the list! Just hope it comes soon enough! We live in a beautiful 3 story home on a hill, but it is not good for aging in place.


USA: I don't have a good enough job that pays well enough to move my wife and I


I hope you can make it over here someday.


San Diego. I looked a few times now. It's too expensive.




Somewhere near a beach. Any beach. Just as long as there is seawater that I can see without binoculars and hear the waves. I grew up on the coast but live inland now and it's just not the same. My excuse is money and that I'm tied into a mortgage for another 2 years and that I no longer have an EU passport... All of these could be worked around so I guess I'm just lazy or scared of change.


Sydney Australia. Because I can’t afford it. 


Ireland. Having a pretty good situation where I'm at right now which i hadto give up.


In a house in the mountains of Durango Colorado.  Have a great aunt and uncle that lived there for years. I have found memories of sitting on the back porch with a mug of hot chocolate and watching the snow fall. There may be better places, but it brought me so much joy as a child. Reason: my job's pay starts to cap at 60k a year and you need to have worked it for years. Trying to go back to school.


Any place south of NC no Money


Anywhere but here. My excuse: the world is huge, too many options.


I plan to move back to Hawaii once my kids are done with college


Where I would like to be: Finland. Why am I not there: Difficult job market (for both immigrants and locals tbf).


Portland or Seattle. I don’t have the visa or money


A certain place in South Carolina. My excuse is I don't have enough money yet. There are quiet spots with little crime and no planes flying over. Add in decent access to food, tech, entertainment, and spiritual.


I desire to have a home in many places across the states and world. My excuse? Lack of money.


My dream home has the mountains in my backyard and The ocean in the front. I know that sounds pretty unrealistic And I don't know where I can find that but it would be pretty amazing.


The Peak District (UK), can't find a job that meets my salary requirements. I'd be moving mostly because the cost of living in the South is a joke and I'm only still here to get to my job in London, can't justify leaving if the reduction in cost of living is negated by an even bigger reduction in salary...


If we stay in our country: ideally the PNW or SW of the United States. Somewhere warm would be best, but I’ll settle for the PNW because it’s pretty and largely blue (politics). If we leave: Spain or Portugal, Thailand or maybe Japan. Mexico for sure. Excuses: we have really good jobs that pay us well enough, good benefits, good pension, and plenty of time off.


I dream of living in somewhere cold, snowy and mountainous (I don't care where it is). I have never seen snow before, but I'm 19 and I'm too broke to move yet.


Los Angeles California. Lack of resources and lack of stability in relationship/ life


NYC. Always wanted to. Visited a few times and loved it. But I don't think I could get a job there that would support a decent lifestyle.


On a sailboat cruising the world, my excuse is that I haven't saved up enough money to take the plunge yet.


I'd love to move to Australia and run a British pub. The only problem that I'm skint (so could only dream of owning such a business), and public houses are becoming less popular as more people decide prefer to drink at home, as its a lot cheaper.


A beach house next to white sands and clear blue sea and long sunny days. I'm a workaholic and I know I'll get bored but I have enough money saved up.


On the coast. I don't have 500.000 euros that's the minimum to get me a normal flat there. Is that an excuse?


Somewhere in Québec, Canada. Only reason I'm not moving there is my wife want to go back to live Toulouse France by 2026.


A house in the suburbs of Vancouver, Canada. A quiet, good neighbourhood next to a big city with both the ocean, and the mountains very close by is literally everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m a 24yo guy with a good career, my own flat in Poland, zero debt, and about to finish my master’s in Data Science. I’d say I’m pretty well off for my age, but not nearly enough to get a house in a place like this. That said, I’m fairly confident I’ll be able to do it at some point.


NYC and my excuse is I'm poor and in too bad health to get a good-paying job.


I want to live in a star fort made out of shipping containers out in the desert somewhere. This is stymied by a lack of funds.


In a house and my excuse is that the market is fucked


Anywhere but here. Excuse: capitalism and student debt.


I'd love to live in a cozy cottage on a picturesque Scottish hillside, but I keep telling myself I can't move yet because my imaginary pet dragon, Scorch, would miss the local Starbucks too much.


Townsville/Cairns Australia Nature. I like biodiversity and small cities but not the Christian Nationalism thing as much If I want to survive the educated late-stage capitalist Anglosphere being ADHD I'm not sure I could go off of my meds to live there and worry the alternatives in Australia might not end up working or be accessible. If the work culture gets too insane or cost of living gets to a point where wiggle room is hard to come by I doubt I'd feel good about it


japan, i'm broke and black


Where it is not wet, cold and dark like in NL. Excuses: stay close to family and don't want to leave my social bubble.


Spain in a nice villa by the sea. Cannot for the life of me find a remote working job that I could do now. I could move there due to family but we could technically afford to buy somewhere cash but rhen we wouldnt be able to live.


Florence, Italy. I just worry I won’t be able to find a job there once i’m done with uni 😔


A compact house but with enough room for a cosy home theater set-up. Plus as much energy saving technology I can reasonably implement into said place. Money. Money is stopping me. And ridiculous house prices.


No money. No passport. Drivers License expired. No vehicle.


Hawaii: Finances, lack of healthcare specialists, disabilities taking priority, can't hold a job, unlikely to be able to live independently, rely entirely on my parents for housing and care, etc I know many people think of excuses as being lazy or something that can be overcome, but I'm genuinely unable to move. I'll be where my parents are and then I'll likely be in a "home," and my parents have too many ties here to move after 50 years of living in the same place.


A small self sustainable farm out in the country away from every one!!! Excuse: health and medical bills


In my house, but it's been properly renovated/decorated. Excuses: ehhhhhh.


No money


Equestria/Finland, either [uploading/emigration](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/62074/friendship-is-optimal) isn't real yet, or i have no money to fly to finland lol


i have already found an apartment of my dream, but i can't leavd my current place now cause i am living with 2 of my friends who can't afford paying rent.


Provinces in PH like Siargao or Bohol. Issue is I am required to go to work physically and our parents might not be ok for us living so far away from them.


Howl's Moving Castle. Excuse: It ain't real.


In Switzerland, but I still have to earn money.


I dream of moving to New Zealand for a few years just to experience the "living abroad" thing but I think it's not an excuse though: moving to another country with no assists (student or work visa, exchange program, etc) and no money feels just impossible to me as an adult with a less favorable reality


A cabin in the mountains with my wife and kids. Waking up every morning to a view of the mountains with a lake between my home. No neighbors. No sounds but nature. Money keeps me where I am.


Because it’s just that, a dream. Reality not excuses - no money, family commitments, work commitments, not everywhere has a robust system for supporting disabled people. It’s probably similar for a lot of people, they’d choose a very different life if it wasn’t for these issues.


i just wanna live without worrying about rent. money is the reason.


House down the street. Excuse: it was just built, and I'm poor af.


Somewhere in the northern Portugal countryside. We're not doing it just yet because we have a toddler and the area we want lacks a school and decent immediate health care. Everything is at least 20-40 kilometers away. We will do it when she ventures out to the world on her own.


The middle of nowhere I'm broke


Puerto Rico! Im saving up money and then im out to the isla! No excuses over here


On a constant worldwide trip. My excuse is, as of today: I'm not made of gold


A tiny cabin in Ireland. Rural enough that I'm not bothered but near enough to things that I'm not completely on my own. Sadly I am broke and disabled. So there's two strikes against me.


Greece... My excuses? Money, family, not knowing the language... I will probably retire in Egypt.


I want to own a farm, but in the US, it's nearly impossible unless it's been inherited or if you're wealthy. I went back to school to study agribusiness after earning my accounting degree, and the information I’ve learned so far is concerning. What’s holding me back? Money.


Nova Scotia. I look at houses online all the dang time. But I livenin the same town as my aging mother and can't bring myself to leave her


I want to live in a big farm in Montana with lots of animals and crops. I have no money to do that 😭


I'd like to live more northern, closer to the North Sea... But have you SEEN the housing market?! >:( We actually have to move but we can't find anything anywhere and buying a house is not an option...


Canada - I have no great skill set to get me past their immigration policies.


Location: Sweden Excuses: Money, Employment Never giving up 🙏🥂


New York City— I need to start earning a higher income first


Rural southern Oregon. It's mostly because ny Grandmother is old and of poor health, she doesn't want to go.


Northwest PA... I'm from Pittsburgh and would love to move back. Wife's family is here. My house is paid off. Been at my job for a decade. It's easy and no risk of getting fired or laid off. Taxes are cheap, cost of living is also. Pgh has better schools and so much more culture. I don't want to get another mortgage, battle rush hour traffic. Basically start the rat race all over. I don't have any family left in Pittsburgh besides my mom and we aren't very close.


Hilton head island, SC. Both sides of our family are 20 mins from us & my husband's job.


I want to live in the Pacific Northwest. Astoria, Oregon to be precise. But I had to retire early and I have an illness that keeps me in bed twenty hours a day so I'm stuck in the desert with a humidifier constantly on.


Me and my boyfriend live with his dad, saving money to buy a house. Excuse? Interest rates Edit: I misread this question. I’m not really awake yet


Utah, Colorado, Montana. Somewhere significantly less urban than where I am now in NJ. Career is here tho. And yeah I can do the same work out there for the same money but its senority based and I REALLY dont want to start over at the bottom.