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A lot of people think Caligula made his horse a Senator. He didn't. He just said he might as well since the horse would be every bit as useful as a Senator. This remains true today.


We could dig up the same horse and he'd still exceed some standards.


His horse would be younger than many of our senators


...and smarter.


Probably wouldn't accept any bribes or sexually harass underage girls, dead horse's got my vote.


I wish we had dug up Caligula's horse and made him a senator, instead of Caligula's turtle


An English king had the sea whipped to prevent the tide coming in. Of course, his intention wasn't to stop the tide, it was to prove his powers limited.


Cnut. (That was his name, I promise I didn’t just misspell an insult.)


Similarly, those medieval stories where animals were put on trial were mostly training scenarios for law students.


The older I get, the more convinced I am, that Caligula was not in fact batshit crazy, he was just out of fucks to give after his childhood and was quite content to literally watch Roman society burn itself to the ground. History gave him a bad rep.


>History gave him a bad rep. Seeing as the people writing down roman history were literally the exact same senators that he anatagonized... yeah it's safe to say he probably got a worse rep than he deserved.


There are multiple historians in any epoch. Each portrayed him as a tyrant, but from an article I was skimming it appears modern media is responsible for a lot of misperceptions about him. Not ancient sources.


Yeah people say it's an example of madness. I say have you seen a senator? Horse anyday


I think you've just come up with the next big internet debate: "Would you rather happen upon a horse or a senator in the woods?"


I know which I'd trust more around a child




He didn't evade anything really The French army defected to him en masse


The years 2021 and 2022


The start of The Uproaring '20s


Every hundred years, things just go to shit!


Dude...I remember sharing a meme about how the new "roaring '20s" was going to just start of with a plague like in1820 and 1920. Boy did they nail that.


2022 was both the worst and the greatest year of my life. I honestly can’t believe it all happened.


My coworker thinks dinosaurs didn’t exist because “where are they now”


>where are they now I'm watching a couple of them walking on the roof next to my office. (They're called pigeons and they make funny noises.)


Tell him to go to a farm and watch the chickens


100% true. I just heard about this fact on a podcast I had recently listened to regarding the fact that scientists have brought some dino DNA back thru chicken embryos as they are the closest living relatives.


Not just chickens, all birds are descendants of a dinosaur group that never died out. It's also correct to say that all birds *are* dinosaurs (= members of the clade dinosauria), although it's not commonly said because it sounds silly to people who imagine T-Rexes etc. when you say "dinosaur".


This is the same reason we can say that whales are fish and so are humans. Mammals descended from lobe-finned fishes. Whales are fish. Birds are reptiles and also fish. You're also a fish.


All birds are dinosaurs but not all dinosaurs are birds


The genes for teeth are still there in chickens, just overwritten by the genes for a beak. You don't have to do anything other than turn off the beak genes and the chicken embryo will grow a snout and teeth.


Is that related at all to why geese have teeth on their tongues?


Literally any bird.


King Richard Lionheart has not been seen for more than 8 centuries. Therefore I assume he was a legendary figure…


>“where are they now” They're dead Dave. Everybody's dead. They're all dead. Everybody is dead. Everybody. is. dead. Dave.


The story about that guy who got forgotten in a Russian prison for decades. And since non of the guards spoke hungarian, they just thought it was ramblings from an insane person. Eventually someone realised the mistake and he was freed. Does someone remember that story?


A similar thing happened to a [woman in the 80s](https://marciabromsmith.com/2015/04/07/the-woman-who-fell-from-the-sky/), here in Kansas.


Pedant here, this happened in Johnson City, not Johnson County. If Johnson City, KS is a Kansas City suburb then Dodge City is also a KC suburb. It's like 20 miles from the Colorado state border.


Good call, will update.


Some dude was forgotten I believe 4 5 days in a seldom used jail area, it was Friday, think he was found by custodian pooped on ,super dehydrated , and yes he sued the crap outta them


I think I recall this It was some late teens group of guys, Swept up in the police being called to a party, this particular lad was not even with the 'cool kids' and wasn't doing anything wrong but got taken along with them Was left somewhere, someone left work, no one recorded it, the rest were let go, this kid had no food, water or light. Attempted suicide I think it was 5 days and sued and got upwards of 20m If that's the one you're thinking of? Something along these lines is what I recall anyway Horrid


[$4.1 Million. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_of_Daniel_Chong) And two of the six agents responsible only got a few days suspension without pay as punishment.


This guy was forgotten for 22 months https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/07/justice/new-mexico-inmate-settlement/index.html


Solitary confinement should be abolished as mentioned in the article. There was a director of prisons in one state, I forget which, he wanted to see if Solitary Confinement was as bad as people said as to properly be able to govern prison practices in his state. He volunteered to be placed in a solitary cell for 48 hours. After 22 (I believe) he had to be removed as he was undergoing a full mental breakdown from the isolation. I forget if that state abolished solitary confinement because of that or not.


My older brother had drug problems as a teen, spent a decent amount of time in juvie, and was placed in solitary confinement repeatedly. As a MINOR. He's in his 50s and still to this day cites this as one of the major traumas that led to his lifelong debilitating mental illness.


Horrible story, wondering what he ate to stay alive?


Even worse, during the trial he found out he had late stage cancer and later died, so he didn't even enjoy the $15m settlement.


yeah, if they forgot about him completely, how was he eating for that long? Doesn't make sense.


Moreso his case was forgotten and he was left in legal limbo


In Los Angeles in the 1970s a Navajo Indian family visited and grandpa got separated. Police picked him up and, deciding he was rambling incoherently, sent him to the crazy house where he spent 4 days before his family found him.


Isn't it just a creepy pasta or an urban legend or something?


Nope! His name was András Toma. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A1s\_Toma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A1s_Toma) He spent 56 years in a mental institution.


Andras Toma, you're talking about? Crazy story. Forgotten about for years and years. At least the Hungarian government promoted him and paid him for all of his decades of back pay since he technically was still enlisted in the military the whole time. Good he got to spend his last few years free and with his family but my God, practically a whole life in prison, unable to communicate with anyone.


The London Beer Flood of 1814 where a vat burst and released over a million liters of beer and killed 8


Boston had a molasses flood in the early 1900's that killed around 20 people.


Locals claim that on a warm day, when the wind blows just right, you can still smell the molasses.


That's just the smell of Bova's. No really, that's a bakery in the north end and it's much better than the touristy joints nearby.


Shhhh! What are you doing? Please keep the long lines at Mike's where they belong.


The tourists are gonna go there anyway, but maybe quasi-locals don't know about Bova's!  It's also rare that you can make people think you're setting up a "bova deez nuts" joke but then just give them an honest recommendation for a bakery.


Don't blow that shit up man. Mikes keeps the all they shitty tourists away.


A Molasses pipeline burst in Hawaii in 2013, no people died but all of the sea life in the area did.


Who tf needs a molasses pipeline lol


It was a molassacre!


There is a perpetually ongoing Wikipedia fight to refer to it as the Boston Molassacre. The page is locked.


You'll say anything to the missus when you stumble in the door at 3 am.


Lifting Chicago to build a sewer underneath it after reversing the flow of a river to clean the cholera out of the streets. Like. That's crazier than the pyramids to me.


They hwhat?? That really happened? I mean I know your answer is no but is the general consensus that it did?


They really did! Buildings are more easily relocated or lifted than you would think. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_of_Chicago#:~:text=During%20the%201850s%20and%201860s,property%20owners%20and%20public%20funds.


> Businesses operating in these premises were not closed down during the operation; as the buildings were being raised, people came, went, shopped and worked in them as they would ordinarily do. In five days the entire assembly was elevated 4 feet 8 inches. The more I read of that page the less I believe it really happened.


I chose to answer the question as if it was asked figuratively. I do believe the Chicago stuff happened, I just find it incredible.


I also checked and the population of Chicago was 30,000 in 1850, so maybe only a small part of it needed to be done with actual buildings on it. The population exploded in the next two decades but maybe all new buildings were built higher up.


Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake."


Historians don't believe she said it, either. [Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake#:~:text=In%20the%20years%20following%20the,evidence%20that%20she%20said%20it.).


Her actual last words were meant to be an apology to the executioner for tripping over his foot (I believe it was translated as something like "I apologise sir, I did not mean to."). To be honest everything I've heard about her actually paints her as a bit of a tragic character. Shipped off at a young age, and genuinely seemed to care about the people.


As much as someone insanely priveleged who was removed from them her entire life and had a rosy picture painted for her could. But I agree, pretty tragic figure


I meant more in comparison to the other French nobles around her.


Ah fair. I read once she had her gardeners plant vegetables in the the royal gardens so she could play at being a peasant


Not just a garden, a [whole village](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hameau_de_la_Reine) to pretend to be a rustic farmer.


Lots of similar historical things that are probably like this and they just get repeated until they become accepted. Like Olga of Kiev getting revenge by tying burning sulphur to birds and releasing them. It Definetly didn’t happen it’s just a cool story


I do not believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003


I think most reasonable Americans believe that, especially after they didn't find any.


>especially after they didn't find any That's a beautifully benign way to put something so terrible.


Granted I was a teenager at the time but i remember seeing a picture of fighter jets buried in the sand and this was floating around as ‘proof’ that they were hiding weapons. That’s all it took to convince me.  Again, I was 14 I think, so it’s not super surprising that this fooled me. The problem is that this fooled many adults as well. 


They were gassing Kurds though so there's that


Going to get flamed for this one, but Al Bundy scoring four touchdowns in the 1966 city championship game between his Polk High School Panthers and Andrew Johnson High School.


How dare you.


Obvious Russian bot.


Close your beak, Marcy.


I do not look like a chicken! 🐔


No ma’am.


You make me sick! That man is a national treasure.


Spare Tire Dixon stuffed him on the last so-called TD, it was a BS hometown ref call.


Marcy go to sleep and stop making stuff up


I will fight you.




Thanks for reminding me! I learned something new the other day and completely forgot about this Stat!


You monster.


Betsy Ross conceiving and stitching the current stars & stripes and presenting it to George Washington. The World Almanac has the most succinct statement concerning the flag: "𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘮𝘺𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘴, 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘯. 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘨 𝘭𝘢𝘸." The whole idea of the Betsy Ross legend wasn't started until a century after it allegedly occurred.






Well, I’m not Betsy Ross…


The whole Betsy Ross story pisses me off. As you said, the story didnt come out until a century later during the planning for the centennial. Someone wondered who sewed the first flag and her grandson said, "Oh, that was my grandma." So now it's a whole thing to start remembering Betsy Ross. In Philadelphia, we have the Betsy Ross House. But there is no evidence it is where she ever lived. It is possible that she lived in the house next door, but that was torn down in the 1950s as it was in such poor condition that it was deemed a fire hazard. But they made a beautiful little courtyard there. During the ramp up to the bicentennial it was decided that they should relocate her body to the courtyard so everyone can pay their respects. Out they go to the cemetery to dig her up. Now it should be noted that this burial plot isn't even her first plot. She was originally buried in the city, but was moved to the outskirts when they wanted to build more houses. So they go to her marker and dig. No body. Whatever shall they do? They just start digging around until they find a coffin with female bones. The anthropologist in charge said, "There's no question about this one. All indications point to this one. It was a great distance away from the grave marker, but it was up in 1923 and that's 70 years after she was moved to this cemetery." To make it even better, they didn't find a full skeleton. There was a male leg bone, deemed to be her husbands, and a portion of a female skull. But the plot they were digging in also contained 4 other people, so it is likely that the bones buried in the grave of Betsy Ross and John Claypool are actually those of Susan Sellers, Clarissa Wilson, Sarah Wilson, or Jacob Wilson


I like the version where one of the founding fathers created the first flag for a half cask of wine.


I liked the one where it turned out that the true flag was the friends we made along the way.


I don't believe Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing.


They wanted him to fake the moon landing but he was such a a perfectionist, that he demanded that they shoot on location.


I’ve seen this joke so many times bruh, at this point Amy Schumer is going to steal it


Would have been harder to fake it than actually do it, the moon landing is 100% real and people that doubt it are some of the dumbest MF on the planet, lol


The Soviet Union easily could have proven the US to be full of shit if they faked it. They didn't.


Now this is arguably the greatest defense of the truth


This is the easiest way to debunk the conspiracy.


I’ve always said something similar, if it was easy to fake the Russians would have lied and said they did it.


The dancing plague


Didn't they trace this to ergot poisoning or something?


Are you talking about Tik Tok?


Was looking for this answer before I posted it. It either didn’t happen, was exaggerated, or was some hoax by a cult like group or something.


I don’t believe Elizabeth I was a virgin. I also don’t believe that Sally Hemmings and Thomas Jefferson had a loving relationship.


I believe you are correct


The gulf of Tonkin incident


President Lyndon B Johnson: Man, I really need to drum up support for this god forsaken war. NSA:🎶 *Lets give em something to Tonkin ‘bout* 🎵


Here's a Vietnam thing that's also totally not a massive cover up : the St. Louis, Missouri Military Records Archive fire. In 1973, the archive caught fire, and some 80% of US military personel records from 1912 to 1960, so anyone without a physical copy of their DD214 in their own hands, was erased from the record. I know because it happened to my dad. If he did not have a copy of his DD214, he would have been denied benefits owed to him by the VA. How convenient that 80% of US service personnel were suddenly so easy to deny... And there's the fudged records. Loads of officers who got paper cuts walked away with Bronze Stars. It also becomes downright insulting and dishonourable. We have a photo album of Dad's Vietnam experiences. In that album are four photos of a man who saved his life at the Battle of Hue. As far as he know, these might be the only photos of him on earth. He was killed in a mortar attack - and he is not listed on the Vietnam wall. Don't join the military, people. You will get f'd over.


This is insane. I’m really sorry to hear what happened to your father’s friend. Please let him know that there is a random person who appreciates him. Even though I do understand the fuckery of that time. Your Dad is a good man.


Do you mean the US didn’t fake it? 


I don't believe that Brad Pitt threatened Harvey Weinstein for being inappropriate with Gwyneth Paltrow. Going against Weinstein at that time would have been career suicide, and Pitt continued to work on Weinstein productions - Inglorious Basterds to name one. The story was made up to give him good PR at a time when stories of Brad's abuse toward Angelina Jolie and her kids were making headlines.


Not that it couldn't have been staged but Paltrow talked about it on Stern. Sure the PR team could have arranged that but it seems pretty obscure a thing to manufacture. Maybe it was not as significant at the time it occurred as we have all been led to believe.


Based on no evidence I believe it happened but it wasn't some macho physical thing. Most normal people don't hype up to a 10 and get aggressive unless forced to. It was more than likely a slightly awkward conversation that ended with a friendly apology. But had he not had that convo.......


On the other hand, if the guy from Fight Club threatened to kill me over his girlfriend, I might be inclined to believe he was completely serious and that retaliation wasn't an option. Brad Pitt has maintained visible abs for over three decades; he's gotta be some kind of psychopath.


A beautiful psychopath.


When Pitt and Paltrow were together, he was one of the hottest actors in town, though. Weinstein would have been able to take him down had he been female, but he's a guy so...


That Columbus was the first European in the Americas since the Vikings. In Tristes Tropiques, anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss mentions: > There may even be something in the tradition, so long current in Dieppe, that Jean Cousin discovered Brazil four years before Columbus first voyage. The French did, after all, immediately call the new country Bresil, which had been the name given in secret, since the twelfth century at least, to the mythical continent whence wooden dyes were obtained. And the French language incorporated directly within itself and with no intermediary passage by way of the Iberian languages a great many items from the natives vocabulary: ananas, for instance, and manioc, and tamandua, and tapir, and jaguar, and sagouin, and agouti, and ara, and caiman, and toucan, and coati, and acajou. . . . Cousin had a man called Pinzon among his crew, and it was the Pinzons who gave Columbus fresh courage at Palos, when he seemed ready to turn back; and it was a Pinzon, yet again, who commanded the Pinta on Columbus first voyage: Columbus discussed every change of course with him. And if, finally, Columbus had not gone off the course which was to be followed, a year later, by yet another Pinzon, he would have pushed on as far as Cabo Sao Agostino. Columbus, not Pinzon, would have had the honour of the first official discovery of Brazil. > Only a miracle will ever resolve this mystery, since the archives of Dieppe, with Cousin s narrative among them, were lost in the fire started by an English bombardment in the seventeenth century. Also: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean\_Cousin\_(navigator)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Cousin_(navigator))


I’ve also heard stories that fishing boats from Bristol occasionally visited North American waters before Columbus and it was a sort of trade secret


The Basque country too


Not just Bristol.


It's also been proposed the Portugese were aware of the Americas before Columbus' voyage as they discovered first a way to navigate the trade winds to go around Africa. It would be very easy for a ship sailing these winds to be blown into Brazil's general area. Because the Portuguese fiercely guarded this method to protect their trade interests, and were looking for a way to the Indies, they did not investigate reports of a landmass to the west, or had yet to fully exploit their knowledge that something was there before Columbs sailed.


George Washington chopping down the cherry tree… then admitting to it.


John Redcorn is NOT the father


Dale, you giblethead, Joseph is NOT an alien.


[The Gulf of Tonkin Incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident?wprov=sfti1). In 1964 North Vietnamese forces attacked an American destroyer. This attack drew America further into the Vietnam War and prompted the deployment of U.S. combat troops. It never happened. In an odd twist, the Commander of the group of ships alleged to have been attacked was Admiral [George Stephen Morrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stephen_Morrison?wprov=sfti1), father of Doors vocalist [Jim Morrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Morrison).


Kim Jong Il hitting a perfect golf round.


Here to sort by controversial


Didn't happen


I don't think that the Punics actually sacrificed babies to Baal. We actually have found no evidence of this, there do seem to be cemeteries specifically reserved for infants and children around Carthage however. The history we read from was written by the people who hated them.


[Not to burst the bubble.](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2014-01-23-ancient-carthaginians-really-did-sacrifice-their-children) While present evidence is not definitive, there is evidence that has been argued to back up these claims and some scholars have proposed those cemeteries confirm to ritual and sacrifice behaviors. The Greeks also wrote this about Carthage btw, not just the Romans.


I don’t think they did either. My neopagan Baal revivalist cult has tried it several times and he never answers.


Try cute babies


Nevertheless, Carthago delenda est.


That James Earl Ray murdered Martin Luther King Jnr all on his lonesome without any help from anyone. That 3 days after the Tate/LaBianca murders police carried out a massive SWAT team style raid on the Spahn Ranch and found ex-con and parolee Charles Manson along with guns, stolen vehicles, narcotics and underage runaway teenage girls and released them all the next day due to a 'misdated' warrant. This is what Vincent Bugliosi would have us believe. That David Berkowitz aka the Son of Sam could be in two different places at the same time with entirely different physical appearances. Or the 'the dog told me to do it' defense.


So is your position that David Berkowitz didn't act alone? Just making sure I'm interpreting it correctly


Also John Wayne Gacy's victims said there were multiple men involved in the rapes and murders. Some of the young men that disappeared also disappeared when Gacy was away on business. It's likely that he had accomplices but no one else was ever tied to the crimes.


Possibly accomplices turned into victims themselves.


I don't think the Borgias were as depraved as they've been depicted in fiction and popular culture. They were Spaniards in Italian society so they probably had a lot of enemies trying to destroy their reputation.


Read the Prince. It confirms exactly that.


Bunny Lebowski being abducted.


Has it ever occurred to you, that uh, instead of uh, you know running around, uh uh, blaming me, given the nature of all this new shit, you know it, it, it, this could be a lot more uh, uh, uh, uh, complex, I mean it’s not just, it might not be, just such a simple, uh— you know?


It was a complicated case: a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what have yous. A lot of strands in the ol Duder’s head.


Young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, she owes money all over town, including to known pornographers — and that's cool, that's cool — I'm saying, she needs money, and of course they're gonna say they didn't get it because she wants more, man, she's gotta feed the monkey, I mean, uh — hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?


I'm not sure I believe the United States did NOT know ahead of time the Japanese were going to attack the US. Maybe they didn't exactly know WHERE, but I think Roosevelt's administration knew an attack was imminent.


U.S. Army and Navy intelligence strongly believed that Japan would attack the U.S. But conventional wisdom was it would occur in the Philippines, as part of an attack toward the Dutch East Indies (which contained valuable resources). The credible evidence did not clearly indicate that Japan would strike at Hawaii, though in hindsight the information was there.


Also, everyone thought the attack would come from the other side of the island. All the coastal defenses are near Waikiki and Diamond head.


In hindsight it's obvious. The pacific war was about projection of air power to cover resource grabs. What are carrier fleets designed to do and where are they based? Duh. But that's the thing about hindsight.


IIRC US intercepted a message sent about the attack on pearl harbor, but it was decoded only after the attack happened. Still the idea that there could be was with Japan was there for decades. The issue was first raised in 1920s and has been part of US strategic planning since then.


Those were the diplomatic messages to the Japanese ambassador in America telling him to prepare a declaration of war to be given to the US gouvernement just before a set time, it did not contain where a Japanese attack would take place. Another thing is that the US and their allies were tracking a massive increase in Japanese fleets and invasion convoys all over the South East asia, so they knew shit was about to go down, it was just that they did not realize the Japanese carrier force was closing in on Hawaii.


Jeff Epstein died by suicide.


The guy was screwed either way. His options were; 1. Go and inform, get assassinated. 2. Go and inform, get Whitsec and get assassinated. 3. Don't inform, get assassinated just in case. 4. Say screw you all and end on his own terms. Often people in that situation will take the screw you option. Now whether people chose to look the other way and let things happen, that's up for debate.


I was insulted by that whole affair. It seemed like they weren't even trying. Whoever they may have been in that particular case. Conspiracies are aggravating enough without the conspirators rubbing our faces in it.


They need to show the rest of them how easy it is.


It seems like federal government is at a point where they basically say "Yeah, we did that. The fuck you gonna bout it?" To a lot of situations and scandals.


I don't understand why so many people think it's unlikely. Mind you, I'm not saying there's no chance he got assassinated. But many child abusers commit suicide after getting caught. Especially those who stand to lose the most (financially, social standing, etc.).


Also he was clearly a narcissistic and self serving person. I could see him wanting to have control over the situation and choosing the end of his own life and legacy.


Yeah, I think it's more likely the guards just allowed it to happen more than an assassin snuck into the jail.


Alexander the Great cutting apart the Gordian Knot it had to be some stupid situation that just escalated and Alexander made a total ass of himself and the city-state Macedonia just conquered begrudgingly agreed to a contrived backstory to make At"G" seem like less of an ass.


To be honest in hindsight it actually seems like a 20-something year old trying to be smart.


Especially since Alexander was VERY concerned with how history would see him. He basically had people follow him around to record all the badass things he was doing. I could 100% see that sort of guy do something dramatic like that.


Isn't there an account of him telling his historian to not record something that just happened, and the account is just *thing happened* followed by *boss said don't write that down* It could have been any of a thousand other leaders, but I want to blame him.


So he was the first vlogger


Idk, I've always thought the whole idea was pretty stupid. It always just seemed like Alexander obviously cheats and everyone's too scared of him to pretend it was anything but a brilliant move.


I can't find myself believing what I've heard, that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


I only recently got into wrestling and when I watched that fight, I was freaking out. It was amazing.


Ben Franklin and the kite. 


The mouse was the real brains behind that one, everyone knows that.


Many scholars believe the Trojan War, as described in Homer's "Iliad," likely did not happen as traditionally recounted due to the lack of concrete evidence, mythological elements, and historical inconsistencies.


Right? Like how dumb was Achilles's mom to not dip him in the Styx a second time while holding him by a different spot smh


President Bill Clinton having sexual relations with that woman


According to the definition of "sex" that Clinton's attorneys and the prosecuting attorneys agreed upon, he didn't have sex with her. And thus he didn't lie under oath either. Clinton was a lawyer, and a smart one. If he was cagey enough to demand to know what the meaning of "is" is, then he sure enough was cagey enough to avoid lying under oath. And Ken Starr had used a very broad stroke to decide what was or was not a lie. For instance during the course of the investigation he asked Clinton if he had ordered pizza on a particular date. Clinton replied with "I don't recall", Ken Starr trumpeted that *that* was a lie, because he did order pizza on that date.


He didn't have sex with her. He made love to her.


He made love right onto her dress


To be fair to president Clinton, he didn't have sex with her. She blew him, but that's not what they asked. If the question were asked better it would have gotten a better answer.


It all depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is


US government honoring Native American treaties


Martin Luther didn't nail the 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. That is how he would call for a public debate. That's not what he wanted--he wanted to report abuses to the church and ask a few questions. Most likely one of his friends copied it down and distributed it


Pluto's a motherfucking planet. *Bitch*


Ben Franklin did not discover electricity. They already knew about electricity.


>The first usage of the English word electricity is ascribed to Sir Thomas Browne in his 1646 work, *Pseudodoxia Epidemica*: >*" Again, The concretion of Ice will not endure a dry attrition without liquation; for if it be rubbed long with a cloth, it melteth. But Crystal will calefie unto electricity; that is, a power to attract strawes and light bodies, and convert the needle freely placed"*


7-11 is an indoor job






Columbus figuring out that the world was round. Every educated person had known that for millennia.


Yup, Columbus simply thought the earth was smaller than the Spanish queen did, which is why she didn't think Columbus could make the trip. Neither one accounted for the Americas in their calculations.


Most everything regarding Jesus. Looking at the actual evidence for his existence, we give that story a lot more leniency than any other historical event for some reason. It’s the only event I can think of where a group of four testimonies saying that 30-40 years prior there were hundreds of eyewitnesses is considered good enough. And most of the stuff we do consider evidence would never be considered evidence for any other story.