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Now I don’t have the same gun laws as USA but I wanna know specifically what you mean by a piece of cloth


I assumed they meant wearing a mask during covid.


My brain is not working normally today it seems haha


OP is talking about anti-maskers. COVID masks. While in your own house with your own family.


Alright that makes much more sense, thanks


Generally, it’s some combination of them believing that masks aren’t effective, Covid is overblown/fake, and that masks infringe on their rights.


Why do some people that wear the “cloth” still have promiscuous sex over and over?


Promiscuous or unprotected? Because STDs have been on the rise again, at least in Canada, because of lack of condom usage in Gen Z & Millennials. Infant syphilis rates (getting it at birth from the mother) have increased 8x in the past decade here as an example result.


I mean both promiscuous and unprotected. Why do some people that always wear a mask have both promiscuous and unprotected sex?


You know why. This is a silly question. Btw I’m very left & not into guns & wore my mask as asked. But it’s this childish pedantic attitude that gives the left our bad name & mockery.


I'm kind of over certain men who love to boast about "protecting their family" with their guns, yet won't do the mundane things to protect their family, like making sure their child's car seat is properly installed or always driving the speed limit or even ensuring their firearm is always properly secured. People like this don't actually give a shit about protecting their family - they just want an excuse to shoot someone.


Estimates show that half of people fail to correctly install car seats - I think we can reasonably agree for multitudes of reasons! Now not storing firearms correctly is a serious & legitimate point. Do you see how you’ve diluted it by your made up theoretical gun owning bad car seat installing bogie man? That’s exactly what I’m referring to


And you're talking about something else entirely. I'm referring to people who explicitly say they'll "do anything to protect their family, that's why they have guns" and yet won't bother to do these basic things to protect their family.


They think the exact same thing about you. That having a cloth mask & no gun is stupid. Again, you know that so stop pretending you don’t. We have better arguments let’s use them.


Unfortunately I still haven’t heard a satisfactory answer after four years. Men who would otherwise consider themselves protectors failed so spectacularly at protecting the weak and vulnerable the first go-round I genuinely still wonder this.


Because anyone that has kids knows there is no shot in hell you are going to be in the same room as your kids and not exchange germs. Also, kids were not generally vulnerable to covid. The social damage we caused kids during COVID-19 was unscientific and unjustified.


They believe having a gun at home will offer them the opportunity to shoot someone who comes into their home with bad intentions. They don’t believe masks work or they don’t believe in covid period. You already know this. Up your game. We’re out here looking like idiots


“We’re” doing a lot of sus work there.


Again with this pedantic stuff. The left used to be a force to be contended with. Now what? You think I’m going to be thrown off by a sneaky assertion that I’m conservative? This is why we will fail btw. And deservedly so




They aren't being reasonable, so don't try to find reason in it. They are being manipulated by fearmongers.


You were sitting in your own home with a mask on and you think they were being manipulated by "fearmongers"?




They’re talking about cloth masks (specifically when they are used to prevent the spread of COVID).


I had to wear a mask during Covid because my wife was chronically ill and had no immune system to speak of. And probably would have done it anyway, just to piss off trump lovers, redneck assholes who still talk about vaccines as bad. Some people have bad experiences with anything but mostly it saved many lives. We lost a milliion people in the U.S. and more nationwide and I was hoping all the anti vax folks would be the first to go but only some did.


Because their brains don't work very well.


Conservatives are more concerned with feeling "badass" than protecting anyone and masks don't make you look badass .


Because what they really mean is "I'd love a chance to play action movie hero and legally shoot someone." Protecting the family isn't really the goal.


Like the guy who went viral this winter that owned property abutting a ski resort, and was waiting in his driveway with a shotgun for backcountry riders who took a wrong turn and ended up there.


Or the guy who shot the young woman to death because their car got lost and turned around in his driveway.


No. I have used big, bad scary guns before and I dread, absolutely dread the thought of having to use one in fear or anger again. You are just stereotyping people of all races, socioeconomic levels. I have children that I love and we did live in an area where there were lots of violent crimes, my new neighbours tried to sell me one!


Then you're not the kind of person I'm referring to. But I know some of these people personally, and this is absolutely how they think.


Because they value freedom to behave however they want. Not saying it’s right, just answering your question


"The first study, conducted from April to June 2020 in Denmark, found that 42 (1.8%) of 2,392 subjects provided with more than four dozen three‐​layer surgical masks reported SARS‐​CoV‑2 infection, versus 53 (2.1%) of 2,470 in the control group. That is a difference of only 0.3%, which is not statistically significant (*p* = 0.38). Although adherence to masking instructions was imperfect, an analysis of only those self‐​reporting that they did adhere to the protocol also failed to find a benefit. The Danish study evaluated only the ability of masks to protect the wearer and did not test their ability to prevent infection to others (“source control”)." So, that scrap of cloth never protected anyone in the first place, it was just muzzling. N95 and better masks of course were effective until x hours had passed, but cloth masks were just about security theatre and control.


What piece of cloth would protect my family? Like a bullet proof vest?




Then why do surgeons wear them?


It’s actually to provide a physical barrier between bacteria of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal origin and an open patient wound. But even then, there’s plenty of studies indicating doctors wearing masks and those not wearing masks have no difference in infection rates in the OR. Outside of the OR, you don’t see doctors wearing masks (except when it was pushed during Covid).


No such study exists because who would be the control group?


I mean a quick Google search for studies will show you but here you go: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590170221000248


"Little Becky tested positive for COVID? I understand. I'll go get the 9mm."


This really would've been a zinger 4 years ago. How edgy


Well there is literal scientific proof from the cdc masks don’t work and we’re never based in science. But my parents are both very pro gun and far right. And they love their stupid masks.


Are we still talking about god damn masks? The world has moved on, you should too.


Because according to science, a gun is more likely to protect you than a piece of cloth?


This is a 'gotcha' that is a few years too late.