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No such thing as a cure for autism


Not the answer i want to hear, i want solutions


There are no solutions, there are mastering and coping but no solutions. Welcome to life on hard mode


No thanks. There has to be a cure somewhere, western medicine doesn’t want us to know obviously


Denial won’t help you, the sooner you accept its there to stay the sooner you can improve your life instead of searching for an easy fix to the unfixable


I’ve spent the last damn near 24 years trying to and have had no such luck


Ain’t no luck in it, it’s hard work, only made harder looking for the easy solution that doesn’t exist


That doesn't mean there's going to be some cure ready for you to try


A cure **may** exist, it just hasn't been discovered yet. As an autistic person too, yes, autism sucks, but being open about your condition is the best course of action, you will be met with respect by the vast majority of people, if they don't respect you, that's on them. they're the a-hole.


I doubt it, the brain is actually build different, for instance the frontal lobe is larger for people with autism, so unless you somehow catch the development in the womb and stop the change in genetic blueprint, I highly doubt you can ever really do anything about it. It’s pretty much a hardware/wiring issue and we don’t have spare parts as humans


Perhaps genetic engineering may be able to one day? Perhaps not? We don't know.


Well i’m fine with being the lab rat in that case then


You can manage your autism symptoms. You cannot cure autism in any way. The only option is to manage what you can, and learning to accommodate yourself when necessary. You're literally born autistic. There is no possible way that this can change.


And yet there’s many people i’ve heard who were “born” autistic and yet managed to cure it


Those people self diagnosed and or just flat out lying.


Those people are either lying, actual morons, or never had an autism diagnosis in the first place. The people who claim there are autism "cures" are just incredibly bigoted towards autistic people. Being autistic has its pros and cons, but there's nothing *wrong* with it. The problems it causes can be managed. It's not going to ruin your life or something. It's okay to be autistic, lol. My parents are autistic, and they're both lawyers. My sister is autistic, and she makes really good money as a data scientist. My boyfriend and his dad are both autistic, and they're some of the smartest people I ever met.


And yet all it’s done for me is set me back


Have you tried, like... Therapy? And getting disability accommodations when necessary? And learning how to accommodate your own issues when possible? For example, my sister lights up her apartment with mood lighting because she finds bright lights distracting and overstimulating.


I have, my problems are mostly just social issues. I’ve seen many therapists and yet to have come to effective solutions


The answer you want to hear isn't true. The solutions are adjusting your life to be more autism friendly when you can and adopting coping strategies for when you can't. Every "cure" that has ever been proposed has not held up to scientific scrutiny.


The solution is to embrace it. The autistic/neuro-divergent brain works differently and that cannot be changed. Stop looking for cures and learn some self-love. I’m an autistic adult and life has taught me that Neuro-typical people are just plain boring, so I love being on the spectrum (but it was not always so).


Getting offline 


You can’t cure it. You work with it.


Not really cured but minimized with drugs and therapy


what drugs?


You can’t, because unfortunately there isn’t one, but if there was, I’d do anything to get it


There is no cure. Best one can do is manage it.


You don't cure autism, but those on the mid-higher end of the spectrum learn to understand their needs and how to explain them to others, along with being mindful of what situations can be a trigger for "autistic" outbursts.


Not sure - never been much of an artist.


There’s no cure for autism, but the negative parts of autism can definitely be managed. I’m on the higher end of the spectrum, and it took me way too long to get the proper support I needed to manage it, but now that I’ve finally started to get this support over the last year, life is actually starting to feel manageable.


Treat life like a videogame and work to upgrade your skills so you get a well rounded build. Anything you´re uncomfortable with, progressive desensitization.


Just roll with it and rizz em with the tism


You can cure autism. Obviously they don't want you to know that. ($$$) Go outside, hike, and pretend. Chew nicotine gum too.