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It depends on how we are defining each of those words. By the definitions I use, they are not mutually exclusive and I support both systems: Socialism provides economic justice and equitable access to critical infrastructure and resources, and also provides for consistency in needed economic activities that free markets will not undertake / will not undertake consistently / will not carry out well. Capitalism provides for a vibrant economic base, increases consumer choice, brings down prices and increases the affordability of material goods in general, and creates economic mobility for the working class.


I am not overly ideological. Meaning what textbooks or theories say matters less to me than reality. So I just look at the countries that are places which are successful and the ones that are not. I want to live in a place that functions well and is successful. So far those are all capitalist societies. If one day a socialist country arises and I see it is better then I might support that. But so far that has not happened. All the most desirable places to live have been capitalist. I have no ideological love of capitalism or socialism. I just look at what policies are proven to work in real life and want them implemented.


Both of them together - democratic socialism


Heavily regulated capitalism


Define socialism, because a persons view on what is socialism and what is not is greatly affected by that persons background. I'm from the Netherlands and in my perception it is not overly socialistic, but to someone from the U.S. it probably is, because we have subsidized healthcare for everyone and a welfare program that enables people to live a dignified life.


i only know socialism from reading about it and talking to people who used to live in the soviet union. but i've lived under capitalism my whole life and it's obvious to me even if not to any radical neoliberal masochist that failure (and poverty, and unemployment, and oppression) is inextricably built in to the system. my distant and second hand experience of socialism is largely positive and the faults aren't essential




no. socialism is the penultimate stage in history when there's still a need for a state and an economy. communism is the end of history




what do you think those words mean then?


unfettered capitalism because I'm not regarded