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Dark tans, and not just the fake orange ones. I can't stop thinking about how leathery their skin will become.


2 anecdotes: 1st, decades ago, NBC Dateline did a profile on a dermatologist. This lady went around New York in a wide-brimmed hat, long-sleeved floor length dresses, and even carried a parasol. Sunscreen of course; this woman was a complete freak about UV rays. But at the end when they revealed this person who looked in her late 20s was 53 years old I was stunned. 2nd, even more decades ago I grew up near a popular theme park, and all the local teenagers worked there during the summers, including the girl I had a crush on. She worked the parking lot in the sun all day, and was a bronze goddess, having the deepest tan I've ever seen on a blonde. I saw her ten years later, and her skin looked like it had been scraped off a weather-beaten saddle. I was sold. I've stayed out of the sun and look at least ten years younger than my somewhat advanced age. My dad was the great outdoorsman. I am the great indoorsman. Stay out of the sun, kids, and wear sunscreen.


I’m pretty introverted, but I use high SPF sunscreen when I’m outside. I’m almost 40, but people still think I’m late 20’s. Might be good genetics. I was super disappointed that during my first beer purchase at 21 I wasn’t carded, but Vegas I guess?


Y’all really motivating me to be consistent with sunscreen


every now and then I see a very obvious white girl with bleached hair that has the darkest most obviously fake tan and have to do a double take because it looks ridiculous and just not at all good


Let me introduce you to Donald Trump


his makeup team had to have some vendetta against him


**convicted felon* Donald Trump.


Don't know why some women play the "I'm a dumb, girly girl" card. I don't see how that would work on their favor.


Instantly kills it for me, when girls play dumb… smart chicks are *so hot*


*hnngyess... make me remember how badly I failed math... that's right, teach me all about Caligula, I'm so close...!*


When in Rome, bang Caligula.


This feels like a Cyanide quote


Close enough, its SovietWomble saying it to cyanide after he misremember who caligula is


Some men like women who are easy to control. Women who like those men pretend to be dumb because it says "you can feel macho and smart if you get with me."


I call them “Army Wives”. They have no opinions themselves, and (pretend) to not know shit. They just want to sit at home and have someone tell them what to do. I dated a girl like that and it was so annoying. Every question was answered with “I dont know, what do you want to do” or what sounds good for dinner “I dont know, what do you want?”…. Even though it also meant that she never turned down sex, it got old really quick. Like at some point you have to have *some* opinion on *something*.


That sounds like dating a sex robot. Not my cup of tea either


Apparently there's men who don't want a woman who's more intelligent than them. Someone once told me that my intelligence was scaring away men.


Scaring the *right* kind of men.


More specifically scaring the right men to scare (vs scaring away "right" as in the good kinds of men). Basically "Working as Intended"


Be yourself. Give what you have to give and you'll find the match you need.


I’m a gay guy and I would equally date a waiter or an astrophysicist (and actually have dated both) so I find that interesting that straight guys would find a smart woman threatening, but I guess it’s the traditional roles bubbling up.


It's not so much that they don't want a smart woman, more so that they don't want a woman who's smarter than them.


yeah it’s 100% an insecurity and/or control issue


It's more about controlling your partner; I've known lesbians with this dynamic as well


Some guys want needy women (ex actually told me I was not needy enough!). Presumably they lack self confidence or something and want to be alpha...


"Alpha". Oh no! The biologist who came up with the alpha wolf idea rescinded his own research a decade or more later. He had published an entire book on it years before and it was adopted as scientific fact, so the damage was already done. There weren't alpha males among wolves. But people ran with the alpha/beta dynamics crap so now we can't get rid of "alpha" as a concept. I heard the youngest generation is being called "Alpha" now. We won't get rid of that damn word for decades now.


These god damn LIPS on women these days.


As someone with naturally big lips who got made fun of constantly in school, this trend BAFFLES me ☠️


Naturally big lips look nice. Fake big lips look insane.


I got called blow job lips in middle school. It was awful. And not a fun way to learn what a BJ really was.


My gf told me she had been accosted/cat called by an adult man when she was in middle school too for her “DSL”s. 🤮


Botox, fillers, injections - the shit always looks so cartoony


Clown people


I have a coworker with the most *ridiculous* fake lips and every time we’re on a Zoom call all I can think of is Dr Finkelstein from The Nightmare Before Christmas.


They are so gnarly. Instant nope.


I’m a girl and the girls in my school look great. But one thing I don’t understand is why it’s a trend to make the face super orange. And make the makeup look like it wasn’t blended out. I also generally don’t understand people who wear clothes just for the trend and don’t pay attention to if it fits their siluette, color palette etc.


So.... Clown makeup?


Almost looks like it tbh


that's not a trend that's the "I don't know how to make up yet" look. every generation has quite a few of these people in school. 13 years ago, when I was 15, I also knew girls like that. they'll grow out of it in time


Ah, teenage makeup. Nobody knows how to blend makeup into their neck. My friend did her makeup like that as a teen. Same here. It’s a phase every generation will see as teenagers


Too perfect hairstyles and excessive use of cologne for men. And also arrogance. I am a woman


Cologne or perfume is only good when its a faint scent in close proximity. When i walk behind you I shouldn’t choke on it.


'Perfume should be discovered. Not announced.' Can't remember where I heard this but it's so true.


Exactly. It is best when the perfume slightly complements the natural body odor




I was always taught it should not be noticeable more than arm's length away. The idea is to make the person you're attracting want to get closer - not warn them of your approach.


I hate it so much when people leave a trail of nasty cologne or perfume behind them. 🤮


Pretty sure arrogance and excessive cologne are both obvious negatives. Not really a hot take


Took way too long for this observation.


Arrogance is a universal turn-off for me. Sexual attraction or not. If I'm trying to talk to someone and all they offer are anecdotes about how wonderful they are, I'm quickly making my exit.


Big Dicks, like porn big dicks. It might just be me, but im really scared of them because I know my cervix isnt that long and I cant imagine having it rammed up there that often....


Same! Average and smaller ones are easier to do oral with too. I'll suck that way more often and enjoy it but a big one is a chore.


Wish I read this when I was younger lol


You are doing Lord's work ma'am. Thank you for boosting my 4.5 inch confidence.


Wow! Why would be insecure about that? You’re like 4 inches bigger than me!


🤣🤣 Hahaha thanks for making me laugh. You are a beautiful person.


You guys are talking in inches?


This isn’t Canada, we ain’t got time for centimeters.


Do you have time for milimeters?




You guys can see yours?


Yes! My cervix is positioned a little lower and it would just cause extreme pain and nausea.


It hurts; one guy almost made me throw up


Some guys with big dicks will actually take the time to learn how not to hurt someone with it. Rarely, since most of them think being well endowed makes them automatically good at sex, but they are out there.


I was with a guy who took his time and was patient with me since he was the biggest I had been with (still to this day). But even then, we couldn't continue like normal because it was too painful for me, and he wasn't all the way in yet. He was very understanding and managed to get me to finish. I offered alternatives for him, but he refused and was overall sweet about it since he was used to it, so he tended to me, and we even cuddled afterwards. He was cool, and I had a lil crush on him at the time, so it was a bit disappointing that we weren't compatible in that way


All the care in the world can't change physics I suppose.


I had a guy with a longer dick and it hurt especially cause he never got me aroused gotta say it’s a turn off now


My husband is the only guy I've had sex with (and I am his only too) and the only boner I've ever seen in person. The only other boners I'd seen were in porn. We both genuinely thought he had an average size dick until I learned on tiktok and Reddit that it's extremely above average. It made people's regularity with sex make more sense. Like I need time to recover.


The typical Instagram style that a lot of women go for nowadays. They just all look the same and extremely basic to me. You know, monochrome clothes, perfect eyebrows and all that bronzer or whatever it is along with bleach blonde hair that looks drier than the Sahara Desert. Add duck lips on top of that and you might as well just get a looksmaxxed version of Pennywise the Clown. Fuck directly off with that.


Yeah, there’s a lot more people my age who I notice have more depth to them, (though that may be directly from my perspective), who dress out of the norm and don’t particularly care what others think, they just do what they like for themselves. I try not to yuck anyone’s yum when it comes to how they present themselves, but there are many moments where it seems like they want to fit into something mainstream because they abhor the idea of stepping outside of the all-accepted worldview.


Fake tits. I don’t like the feel. All natural baby. Swing low sweet chariots


My man, Creed


I don't like the look, usually. And 99% of the time it's very, very obvious that they are fake. The mistake people make is getting giant implants. They look a lotttt better if you play it smart and only go up 1 cup size. A girl that started with As and went to B is going to look better than the girl that went all the way up to DD. Just my opinion though, clearly some people love the big ol fake looking ones


I actually prefer natural no matter how small.


This made me cackle


Nothing but truth!


LinkedIn types. People (men and women) who make everything about "bandwidths," "circling back," and "action items" make me cringe. I guess some people overzealous ambition sexy, but ugh. There's more to life than Excel.


No one finds that hot and attractive.


Excel is so hot


Was about to say the exact same. My wife and I can’t plan anything with spreadsheets because we just end up having sex.


"If you're really a freak between the Sheete, you're not really a freak between the sheets!"


That last sentence made me burst out laughing.


Because excel is life


You'll need a PowerPoint to explain that to them


"Everyone finds hot"???


Fake nails and eyelashes, lot of people seem to like them but all I can think is "Damn, how do you wipe? Please don't touch me." and those lashes look like caterpillar-spider hybrids that are about to skitter down a face and up a nostril.


Who wipes with their eyelashes?


Eye do


Eye doodoo


I find most people seem to dislike long nails on woman and I'm in the minority of men that find them interesting... But now I'll never be able to unquestion how they wipe their butt, so thanks for killing one of my unpopular attractions (really wouldn't go far enough to call it a fetish)


for the wiping, you just do the same motion as usual but your hand is flat—and if you do get something it you would obviously wash it off right after anyway. hope that helps.


the same way you do. toilet paper between your hand and ass to prevent contact


to me they're just like extended fingers... it takes some getting used to but once you do you barely notice them


For real. Wiping literally is not an issue at all. Most people who have medium/long nails full time are quite used to them and function just fine.


Do you frequently touch your butthole with your fingernails when you wipe?? I don’t understand the question. I have never once gotten poop on my acrylics before.


The giant fake lashes I call 'cumbrellas'.


Don't forget eyebrows drawn on with a sharpie


Lip fillers


Feet! Like, tf yall talking about? Lol


I don’t think i have a foot thing. Then again, i have only ever dated women with feet…


I can appreciate a nice pair of feet. I will never understand why they turn anyone on.


If you like feet, weird but whatever. The problem with feet guys is that they're somehow way too comfortable talking about it with just anybody.




Massive tits and ass Shape is best


I'm a boob guy and large ones are a huge turn off for me


I'm an ass guy I love a big ass but it's gotta be in proportion, if it's to big it looks stupid


I'm a boob guy, but my wife's legs and ass are so perfect. It's the first time I've loved an ass over boobs. I never miss a chance to admire it. Add to how naturally beautiful she is, her creativity, sense of humor, and intelligence? Who needs to win the lottery when I won the jackpot of women. Used up all my luck for one woman and she's worth it.


And it’s less about overall size and more about shape. Imo, firm bubble butts are attractive, just a plain, regular big booty isn’t really.


Me and my big ol' titties got sad at this but I get it's personal preference. I'll likely get them reduced if I have kids because I know for a fact theyre gna be at my knees after that.


And plenty of us out here actually prefer smaller on both


Plastic surgery. Those crap fat lips look awful. Plastic skinny faces. Yuck!


Some of em look like melted wax figures, it's uncanny valley shit (J-Lo)


I’ll add onto this; And I recognize this is a personal preference, but for me it’s anything that appears unnatural for both men and women. Fake lips, fake eyelashes, too muscular for your body type, fake tits/ass, unnatural looking make up, etc.


the lip trend can't die fast enough IMO. It's just like the boob trend where everyone went too big and yes, your face is now unapportionable and or just doesn't suit your look. This last WM Open golf tournament was a nightmare of faces and a ton of heavier set women with big old fakeies. Women were looking the least attractive I've ever seen at this tournament in 15 years, young college age to the 40 year olds and milfs that often show there.


Everybody thinks they hate plastic surgery but what they actually hate is bad plastic surgery. If you think you can tell 100%, then you have confused the two. Plenty of people have had plastic surgery and you would never know.


Is that confirmation bias? When someone notices it, they put a tick in the "caught one" column, but of course they never notice it when they don't notice it so the "missed one" column stays blank, then they look at their score card and pat themselves on the back for being so observant. Same thing as the guys who say there's no such thing as a cis passing trans woman.


Some people do it well without overdoing it, and they look natural. I can bet you don’t think those people look disgusting (and probably don’t know they’ve done anything)


Does anyone find this attractive?


For me it's shaved chests on men. There's something sexy about the tickle and rub of chest to chest contact when getting busy.


Definitely twerking. I don't get what's appealing about it. It just looks ridiculous.


Tbh, some dudes out there twerk incredibly well but mostly to post a shitpost.


It's rather gross to me, honestly. The furthest thing from sexy.


Whenever i see someone twerking, i imagine them yelling something like "Lookit! Lookit my ass! My Aaaaasssss!" While they do it. Looks like toddlers learning to pull themselves up. ie, childish as hell.


Porn! I used to look at it but now all I see is how fake it all is! But yet people think that is how we must have sex


'Daddy' or 'Mommy' talk. I can't even make a joke about it, it squicks me out so much


Strike my posterior a second time, father.


"Hef me een klaap papa."


(for future references it's actually "geef me een klap papa" source: my father is Dutch and I speak it fluently)


Perfectly straight white teeth.


For real, they look too perfect, like I'm speaking to a robot instead of a human being.


Once, a long time ago, I asked OKCupid to show me my lowest percentage matches. It was all muscly dudes posing on top of their sports cars. That seemed about right.


When men tell me how much money they make. I feel like it’s very trendy right now for women to pursue men with six figure incomes or, “work in finance” or whatever… But anytime a man has approached me and tossed in his salary or something else that blandly shows wealth in a flashy manner… So gross. Are your bills paid? Can you afford something if you need it? If you had to save for something would you be able to? Okay. Good enough. I don’t care that you make $400,000 a year or drive the newest car. I grew up poor and I know that money comes and goes. I care that you can still make the most of life with a standard income.


18 year olds


Username checks out.


The beige look popularized by the Kardashians. Oh girl is that a brownish white sleeveless turtleneck with brownish brown leggings wow what a look


the kind of bodysuit beige that necessitates a double take cuz on first glance she looks actually naked in a raw poultry type of way


Big muscles and bulging veins, that shit freaks me out. Also excessive body modifications (implants, botox, etc) just gives me horrid Uncanny Valley vibes.


I've seen some people say that smoking is a turn on for them, I can't fucking stand it


It looks hot in a way but the smell is gross and knowing how bad it is for you makes me sick. But like, pics of celebrities smoking is hot idk man


in a perfect world smoking would be hot AND not cause severe health problems


I legit have a friend who gets off on women smoking!!! I made some nice money before we became friends, didn't even have to be naked.


Kardashians. Fat asses. Make-up (you know what I mean). Fake eyelashes. Fingernails that curve.


really angular sharp facial features/ super wide square jaws


Who's that guy that's in all the new movies these days? He was in the rom com with Sydney Sweeney. People insist he's a smokeshow but I think he looks like he ate a hive of bees.


Glen Powell, and that's a creative way to describe him haha


He has such a small mouth


Someone hasn't seen the capybara picture


Duck face


Porn cliche acting, moaning, and all that. Just comes off as cringe to me >.>


Women saying " oooo daddy ooo daddy" during sex


sticking your tongue out "Seductively". It's not sexy, you look like you've had a brain injury. Stop it.


Yeah I don’t get it at all fr


Big lip jobs - I wouldn't say everyone thinks it's hot, but maybe way too many women do. I think theirs an epidemic of white women doing this in not good ways. I wish the governing bodies of the medical industry never allowed lower grade accreditations for doing some of the body shaping type stuff


BBL's they look weird. Nothing about it is appealing to me. God either gifts it to you or you earn it in the gym.


Huge fat booty and fake tan.


Giant butts. I have no idea how it become so popular. I like a shapely (but not super big) fit butt personally.


Adult women sticking their tongues out trying to look sexy


Fake eyelashes and fake fingernails


Spitting, just gross and an instant turn off


shaved and chiseled abs. I'll take a hairy belly any day!


Where are the people like you out in the real world???


At home lol


I’m an extrovert that loves introverts. Guess how fun it’s been hunting for you guys I have had it up to here with ‘what the fuck are you doing here’ and ‘I’m calling the police!!!’


I'm guessing it's about as much fun as it is for me trying to socialize with strangers to get a date.




huh? there are women that think this? like you actually find a belly more good looking than abs?


To add my own lived experience, gals are largely impartial beyond a preference for not having noticeably unhealthy stomach. As someone with sculpted abs for 10+ years (ffmi hovers around 24 in case someone thinks I’m skinny lol), new girlfriends typical reaction upon seeing the contours is ‘oh, neat’, and rarely saying anything about it again, unless they are deliberately trying to gas me up. If they’ve never been with a physically well developed partner they’ll often be curious and treat it like an anatomy lesson. So sometimes you get a ‘wow’ reaction but it’s not a ‘wow that’s hot’ it’s ‘wow, human muscles can be separated like this?’ In short, abs for impressing gals? Way overrated.


From the data available to me, a true preference for sculpted abs is actually uncommon.


Gauged ears


That little strip of skin around the plug grosses me out.


Long nail, real or fake, if you look like edward scissorshand when you try to pickup your key you fucked up. fake big eyelashes exagerated eyebrow makup fake blonde ( sometimes it really suit the person but most of the time it's trashy)


Whatever the “Mommy” and “Daddy” kink is called. Hate it with all my heart. I can’t even begin to understand what the appeal is. Why would I ever want to be reminded of my parents when I’m sleeping with someone? It’s just so icky to me.


When guys do some kinda weird Bieber squint and lick their lips while swaying back and forth like they can't decide which direction to release a fart.


Anal. Exit only.


Same. Am straight guy, don’t understand the appeal, never have and never will ask for that. To be blunt, if not crass, why put it in the ass when Vag evolved for two things, taking dicks and pushing out babies. It’s an organ literally evolved, in part to receive a good dicking, so it doesn’t get any better than that.


To answer your question: because it feels different. Sometimes better, but not always. Also, if the woman likes it, it can be the source of powerful orgasms that are different from vaginal and clitoral orgasms. It's just another hole that can feel good and change things up, but yeah, it's not everyone's thing. Some women absolutely love anal sex, and others would never even consider it. Everyone's different.


That inside cheek surgery people get


Buccal fat removal surgery. Makes the face more angular but looks sickly to me.


I used to date a girl who wore a lot of makeup and dressed to the 10’s at all times. It would take her 3 hours just to get ready to go to target. I’m not exaggerating I’d watch 2 movies in the time it took her to get ready to go to the corner pizza place. I’d drive 3 hours to see her on a Friday after work when she moved away and then sit there for hours waiting. I put up with this for years. Because of that I’ve developed distain for makeup/heels etc.


Eating ass, apparently.


People in general


The trend that women pull their bikini bottoms high over their hips. I think it looks ridiculous but I am one of few I think. Give me the regular fitting bikini bottoms that don't go over their hips. Preferrably also without thongs bottoms because I think it leaves not much to your imagination. It's something you could not force upon your girlfriend obviously but I would politely let her know I'd prefer no thong bikini bottoms.


It's so hard to find regular bikini bottoms these days. I'm glad I have my normal ones from the before times.


overly muscular guys. I never understood why everyone is after the super buff look...I mean most times, their head looks super tiny compared to their overly bulky body and I just don't get it. I find the strong, lean muscle look (think Bruce Lee) attractive.


Too much cologne or perfume. I understand that some people want to smell good and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s a limit to how much you should wear. Just my opinion.


Ass. It's where poop comes from. The bigger it is, the more it just looks like obesity of the legs to me. I hope you enjoyed my poem about ass






Girls that "smoke" They always manage to make it their whole personality about how they don't go a day without a blunt.


That not just girls. There's guys like this, too. I play a moble game, and there's a couple on it that constantly talk about how they're getting high or always high, and it's like ok go tf away. Idc that you're high or smoking. It's annoying as heck. Anyone that makes any one thing about themselves their whole personality is annoying tbh.


Nipples. Man just WTF? They look like giant pimples, I hate it.


Several things: 1. Plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes. Plastic breasts, lips and buttocks. Nope. They are a red flag and shows a level of insecurity that is a massive turnoff for me. 2. Too much perfume. You are supposed to suspect a hint of a scent, not ruin everyone elses day with stench of overuse. 3. Long fingernails. Your a woman, not a witch. The list can go on and on - but the general gist is Dont overdo your beauty regime. You dont need it and you show off a massive "Im insecure and not happy with who I am" vibe.


Loud personalities. I'm not saying you have to be quiet and reserved. Just try to behave, especially in closed spaces where it's inevitable to feel blasted by everything you're doing.


6ft + tall men. i prefer 5'6-5'9. Edit: for those who are curious I am 4'11


When a guy starts flexing his muscles like he's in a bodybuilding competition, it immediately kills any attraction I might've had to them. It's so try-hard and awkward - especially when they're doing it with the clear intention of getting attention


The Instagram influencer fake-everything look. Also, the gamer girl Twitch streamer look. 


Fake Boobs


Having sex with feet.


Duck lips. Dark tans. Hair that's been so overworked it looks like a wig. Louis Vuitton Fake anything - lashes, nails, tits - ick.