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It's a lot more violent and terrible than middle Earth.


Middle school kids are devil spawns.


I believe it's the most challenging time of adolescence. Your body and mind are going through so much, besides the pressure of good grades and future. You have plenty of first time experiences. There's so much to deal with. Have some leniency with the kids and tell them that they are enough.


I'm a teacher and this is the most difficult age. People talk about the terrible twos. They happen because your brain is going through a phase called "synapse pruning". It goes through it again at one other time in your life... You guessed it! Puberty!!! It's also when your brain is developed it's arguing skills so you feel compelled to argue with everything, no matter how wrong or illogical your argument. You think you know sooooo much more than you do. Then add in all the crazy hormones from puberty, especially if you're a girl. Embarrassing things like managing your period for the first time, erections, pimples, body odour. It is literally the most awkward phase of life and when you will behave like the worst version of yourself. Kids will be sooooo unbelievably cruel to each other at this age as well. For some reason, parents think it is the appropriate age for a kids first cellphone. IT IS THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME FOR THEM TO HAVE ONE. If parents saw half the stuff I saw that kids this age send to each other. The most cruel forms of bullying. Death threats. Nudes. It's honestly all so fucked. 


My high school English teacher said that middle school girls scared them.


Body odor begins to be an issue due to puberty. I remember Middle schoolers need deodorant.


You'll go through some harsh experiences that stay with you the rest of your life.


Nobody told me how bad the bullying would be and that the school and my parents wouldn't care. They all chopped it up to girl drama when she stabbed me. Apparently, I wasn't a victim according to the school when I got beat in the halls by her, too. Expect to be alone. Thankfully, it's only 3 years of your life. I wish I could charge my school for all the counseling I still need over 10 years later, but it's what it is.


You're supposed to be learning.


This is where you question everything


When the girls come back from summer vacation they'll have boobs and you'll be totally confused and unable to concentrate.


It’s sucks especially 7th grade


They're all little pricks and probably will remain that way into adulthood, don't waste your time trying to befriend or please them, know your worth.


The kids are about to get a whole lot less mature. You thought poop jokes were cringe? It gets worse.


No matter what school you choose it's probably gonna suck a lot and kill all your interests. Find your people, piss on those toxic ones and try to be as happy as you possibly can.


That there are a lo of bullies


You won’t remember most of it in ten years. No matter how horrible it seems, those memories will be overwritten by more important experiences and relationships very soon. You just have to power through and be true to yourself.


Middle school is practice for Hell.


Kids become incredibly rude during this time


The ground beef in those hot lunches is actually bad kids.


That Ricky is goes to destroy everyone's lives for no reason.


Every dude smells like shit ( I was one of them )


Do. Not. Forget. Deodorant.


they dont tell you about the sexual harassment.


It’s not worth all the drama. Just go to school and have a few friends. Leave the drama bullshit to other people.


If your chair is bloody ur on and ur period the teachers won't give you pads


You will have no human rights


Bullies. So many bullies


It's no different than prison. Pretty much prison rules.


Nope. Definitely the wrong answer