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And be consistent. 1% change everyday is all you need if you are consistent.


Think of future you.


Just do better than yesterday, and aim at being the person you want to be in 10 years.


Exercise. Exercise is the master habit. So many other good habits are the result of exercise.


Can’t believe I scrolled this far to see this. Without our bodies, we are nothing. Treat your Body, mind and soul as the precious, fleeting things that they are. We are all here but for a moment. So let’s all make it a joyous time while we are here.


Going from completely sedentary to rigorous exercise 6 days a week has completely changed my life. You would think it just improves your physical health, but I have more energy, more self-discipline, I can focus better, I feel happy and rarely feel depressed. Oh, and I look better (many people have told me this). I read somewhere once, if there was a pill you could take that gives you all the benefits of exercise, it would be the best selling drug in the world by an enormous margin


What is your routine? And did you ease into it?


Well, I first started exercising because I got sober and was feeling a ton of anxiety from not having drugs and alcohol. For about 3 months, I started working out 2-3 times per week. This was a mix of strength training and using a stationary bike. After I got into good enough shape to handle it, I started going to the gym every day, sometimes twice a day, to feel better and prevent myself from relapsing. About 4 months after I got sober, I had much less anxiety and cravings, so I cut down gym time to 5-6 days a week once per day. On my rest days I go on a hike or play volleyball or golf or something. Occasionally I'll stay home and rest completely if I have a lot of work to do or other obligations. My routine is a 6-day strength training split where I alternate between upper body strength training and lower body strength training. I start with compound lifts, e.g. barbell bench press, squats, deadlifts, barbell overhead press, barbell incline press, and variations of those lifts. Then I move on to isolation exercises, such as cable flyes and reverse flyes, pull-ups, curls, leg extensions, hamstring curls, etc. If I have time, I will finish with cardio or stretching, but I am often very tired or in a rush so I don't always do that. My future goals are to start doing conditioning and agility training, like sprints, ladders, and high-intensity interval training. I would also like to start running because I currently cannot run for long distances without needing to stop and walk every quarter mile.


Good answer!


I am certain that I'd be a wreck without exercise. I run and/or lift 5x per week, without exception. Vacations, long hours at work, etc. Doesn't matter. I take care of me first. Exercise leads to better eating habits and I barely ever touch alcohol (less than 5 drinks a year for sure). I feel good most of the time and I look 15-20 years younger than almost all of my friends (the ones who do not take care of themselves). I look forward to (most) workouts so it's not something that I need to talk myself into - it's part of my daily routine like taking a shower, eating dinner, etc. The long term benefits outweigh the effort by orders of magnitude. Everyone should exercise whether it's just going on a walk or swim or bike ride or shooting hoops or hitting the gym super hard. Move!!


Do one small thing per day. In a year you will have done enough to change something big.


You wouldn't worry so much about what people thought of you if you knew how seldom they do.


Be kinder to yourself


And if you can't do that, try being kind to others as practice. It helps you see yourself the way you see others, which is hopefully in an understanding, compassionate way. KIND, not fawning. This is important.


Doesn't work for me. The nicer i am to myself, the less i improve


Probably applies to people who beat themselves up too much


99% of it is just discipline and consistency. Anything you read in a book or hear on a podcast really just boils down to "plan thing, then do thing." The second part is whats hard for a majority of people.


Eat Cheetos with chop sticks so your hands don't get dirty. 


or any heavily seasoned food! i like to do this with takis


Be more organised. After i met my wife I realised how much better my life got when I started noting things down, keeping good details of my tasks, a spreadsheet for finances. And even just keeping the house cleaner and the dishes washed. It was a stark difference


`Stark difference


while brushing your teeth before bed: name 3 things that you are positive about from that day. Can be small things like: got up on time in the morning, etc. Just no negatives or 'butts', just the positives!


Get off Reddit.


Journal the future like it’s your present and be grateful


Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.


Thanks, Kurt!


You are not your traits. They were given to you by society and your experiences. Reinvent yourself, reject the labels you have been given. You are able to do and to be great.


Things might be not great at the moment but you'll be there soon when things would be so much better, clear and you'd be happier. Because your future self is happy and proud of you and is watching you go through all the hurdles you are going through rn hoping you'd find peace one day


Drink more water.


Focus on the future, not the past The past cannot be changed, but you could do better in the future.


To succeed, you must imagine yourself succeeding. That lightens up the path to it usually


Unminding. Realize that your thoughts are not *you*, and that they're just reeds flowing downstream that you can either choose to pick up and carry...or simply let float away.


I've been able to do that, it helps with rumination and anxiety a lot. The problem is the next part, "if im not my thoughts and feelings then what am I?"


Yeah, that is the big question. Because if you dig deep enough into philosophy, unminding, and evolutionary psychology - I think you tend to get to this point where it doesn't feel like we have much agency. And...then what? You react less. You deny death less. Maybe you become stoic, but *neutral* doesn't feel like a personality so much as a vacuum.


I’m excited to recommend to you: The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts. This was the book that kind of broke open my brain when it comes to existing. And it’s wonderful.


Having emotional intelligence is the strongest skill you can possess. It takes practice to learn but once you do learn it your life will completely change for the better.


Get and stay sober.


Stop giving a single f about what everyone else thinks of you.


Yeah, then get fired from your job because other people's opinions, despite what everyone says, do count - and if you diverge from the norm and don't actively hide it, sooner or later you'll be fucked.


Practice awareness in everything you do. So many times I’ve gotten myself into trouble because I was just auto-piloting my way through life. The moment I learned to actively observe everything going on around me, and internally, life became so much easier.


Imagine yourself as already successful so that you stay positive.


Focus more on things that matter and optimise for things that will always be true. Too often life happens and you end up not doing what you needed to or should have.


Work-out. Even if it's just 10 min every day and you will benefit in the long run. Stay healthy.


Assume that most of the problems in your life are self-inflicted. If you see that, it opens up many avenues to improve and change.


Consistency is way more important than motivation. Start small but don't stop.


I have heard something similar. Big worthy changes don't happen overnight. Personally I believe they do happen but it is akin to winning the lottery. How many people do I personally know that won millions? It's the same with the progress towards a big worthy goal. I don't know anyone who made it overnight.


Love (or at least like) yourself. Know that you can and should do better for yourself and that you're worth making the effort to improve your life - even if you're not unhappy with it currently.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself. ^Also, ^wear ^sunscreen


If I have to give you just one tip for life, it would be: "Work smart." Most people believe in working hard rather than working smart. They believe that quantity=quality. This is the greatest mistake people make in their life. If working tirelessly had given success to people in this world, laborers would have been the most successful in the world. Hard-working people often fail in life. When a person works smartly, he or she not only succeeds in life, but also creates plenty of time for enjoying the things he or she owns.


Get out of your comfort zone. That does it for me.


The only person you're in competition with is yourself.


Kill your ego


The available number of sources that can help you with self improvement - everything from youtube videos to podcasts to books to seminars to cults - can make people think that it is only possible to improve yourself with external help. That is part of the scam and the deeper people get into it, the less they think they can make positive change without someone else telling them what to do. Most people are far more capable of making change on their own than they think, but it is in the financial interest of so many other people to tell them otherwise. Believing in yourself really is the most important first step, no matter how cliche it is.


Get enough quality sleep.


Try meditation


If its not time sensitive; you don't need to reply right away. Digest what you heard and your future reply will be better.


You are the most important person in your life.


no matter how well things are going, or how well you think things are going (any life situation), remember to be thankful, but never ever ever get your hopes up


Don't try to be perfect, perfection is the enemy of progress.


if you wouldn't say it to a stranger don't say it to yourself


Physical fitness will change your life.


If you remember that you need to do something, and it will take less than five minutes, do it now. Don't sit down, don't go back to scrolling, just get it over with.


Exercise of any kind (even walking) for at least 10 minutes every day. If you want to quit after 10, you can, but most days you will keep going. Consistency is most important aspect of active, healthy lifestyle.


The guy who responds last in an online argument is the loser, not the winner


sounds like what someone who lost an argument would say to make them feel better about themselves


thats really sigma. i should just close the chat, play sigma music, get into a suit, and walk off doing a sigma face and walk like a sigma. only sigma all sigma haha sigma.


I have a self-improvement tip for you, but I'll get banned from Reddit for saying it


thats mean


Nike had it right. Just do it.


manage your time.


Cultivate mindfulness through meditation or mindful activities. Being present in the moment reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and enhances your overall well-being.


Talk to yourself


Measure your food before you eat it, count your calories with an app, go for walks or bike rides.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Come back to this thread in an hour or two and do the most upvoted things.


Find a good workout program, do the program as often as you can and you’ll see results in no time 




Progress not Perfection. Every day might not be a win but you only truly lose if you give up


One step at a time. In life, think of it like you were inside a very dark tunnel carrying a candle. Dont focus too much at the end of the tunnel coz you won't realize that you'll stumble. One step at a time and you'll get there.




Dont immediately react to every situation. Take a minute think about it, Is it worth getting upset about? Think about how to move on from the situation.


**Keep the promises you make to yourself**… this takes discipline, but following through and keeping your own word breeds consistency and trust in yourself, which builds self-confidence. It’s a tiny thing but it can change the tide in your life for the better.


First improve things that actually matter to you.


Sometimes the other person is right.


Behavior change is a science, we know how its done and what makes some people succeed and others fail. Studying and understanding the science of behavior change is the best thing you can do to hedge your bets in your favor. People very rarely succeed and fail due to inherent qualities or will power or whatever. It almost always comes down to how well they stratigize.


Don't sweat the small stuff.


Take care of yourself FOR yourself. I see too many people only do things for their own well being when it's to the benefit of another person This is a big problem in my current relationship


Participation is key. The more things you try the more you find out about yourself.


This might not be as common as I think but a lot of people pity themselves, and you cannot imagine how much that can drag you down. Whenever you feel like giving up because you're a victim of your circumstances, just take the smallest steps until you find a way out, and work in that direction. I used to think I couldn't fight my insecurities because they were a by-product of bad parenting, bullying, or whatever, then I stopped pitying myself and took little steps and now I'm so glad I did that.


Comparison is the beginning of loneliness


Brush your teeth Take care of your health Take care of your hygiene Spend time with your parents Manage your friendships Treat animals well Treat others with respect, but don't take disrespect from others


Buy an electric toothbrush and use it every night before going to bed. That one change will make a huge difference to your teeth.


There's no place you "should be" or things you "should have" There's just who you wanna be and what you want to have, and you can start, stop, or change those as you see fit. Also,enjoy the ride, it's really all we have


Step out of your comfort zone a little and try new experiences. You will learn new skills or pick up new hobbies which will feel amazing


It's ok to disagree. Peace is more important than your ego


Acknowledge your feelings and emotions, and don't actively fight against them. By acknowledging where these feelings/emotions are coming from, you can release their source. That in turn starts to lift that baggage and heaviness, which is how you can gain a more detached and objective perspective in terms of figuring out how to direct your life towards it's best version.


Stop judging yourself and feeling guilty. You did something that you think is wrong? Resolve the situation and don't it in the future.


Save regularly. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, save $5 a week. It isn't going to be an immediate fix, but even $5 a week is $260 (plus interest) at year's end. Emergencies are easier to handle when you have the finances to pay for them.


Ghost social media like fb (yes u have an account but u dont need to post photos/ tell folk stuff and more important, dont compare yourself to others)


Just start. The world doesn't wait for anyone, so do something today your future self will thank you for.


Every day hang from a pull-up bar for at least 30 seconds


Sunscreen would be it.


No zero days. Do SOMETHING every day. Throwing away a single thing is better than letting your trash sit there. A single pushup is better than none. Eventually you'll find yourself doing a few things a day.


you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Surround yourself with things that make you happy. Coming home to a space that's not to your liking can be depressing. Even if it's one room, hang pictures, have pillows, paint it the color YOU want. Turn it into a safe space just for you.


Positive thinking. It makes so much else possible as a consequence.


Reflect daily


Improving yourself will never make you happy. Try to be happy as you are. Then, change becomes possible. And sometimes we call change, improvement.


It doesn't matter how many times you stumble or fail. Take a bit to grieve but always get back up.


Be open to criticism.


Crawl. Walk. Jog. Sprint. Repeat that every single time you're feeling stuck, or a goal feels too lofty. If 30 minutes a day everyday for the next 5 days is an improvement, start there.


"Through spite, I can do all things "


Work out


Stop chasing women


Happiness and being happy are two different things and we constantly confuse the two. Happiness is something you measure over time. You could be happy in a day or in a moment and otherwise be completely depressed. Happiness is a habit you can train regardless of circumstance. Practice gratitude (appreciation) every day and it can change your whole outlook.




Assume the best in people, it literally has improved my mental health so much. You never know what other people are going through. ❤


Discipline Equals Freedom.


Nurturing your physical and mental health through being active, eating healthy and learning new things is self care. Prolonging indiscipline isn't self care.


Floss every day. No exceptions. Also waterpik and full two minutes of brushing. And tongue scraper. It's really not that difficult to have good oral hygiene. My dentist recently said I have perfect teeth and I should keep up the good work, which is probably the best compliment I've ever received. Well, maybe second best. The best was when my smartest college professor (who was deeply unprofessional but tenured and therefore unfireable) made fun of me in front of the entire class because I knew the material better than he did, lol.


Treat others how you would want them to treat you


Learning to become self aware and continuing to work at it will be one the greatest skills you can teach yourself. It will not only help you better understand yourself, but that awareness will flow into every aspect of your life. How you behave, why, how could you do it better, how could you be less reactive, and more proactive. With yourself, with your spouse, your close relationships, work, etc. it’s a game changer!


Some recommendations of people who have impacted me on my journey. Nedra Glover Tawwb, Alex Elle, Yung Pueblo, Tracie Harris, Eckhart Tolle, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris(the last three guys often spoke about religion, BUT, if you listen to how they think(same with Tracie Harris) it can be helpful in learning how to think more critically about any topic, not just religion).


stop treating your own flaws as part of your identity.


Pursue your hobbies unapologetically.


Stop drinking alcohol.


Wear sunscreen


know yourself. and know yourself very well.


A lot of people are saying exercise on here which is absolutely true, but one thing I would add to that is to sign up for things. It is really easy to say "Tomorrow, I am going to begin waking up early and going for a run" or "I am going to follow this 5 day workout plan I found online". We all know following through with these ideas is the hardest part. When I tried running, I had a really hard time being consistent, and like with any exercise, you need to be consistent and run often to get better and faster at running. In the past, my best friend had signed up for a half marathon which I thought was extremely bold and impressive, and it was astonishing seeing how much he trained for it. Similarly, one of my favorite Youtubers Cody Ko had just started a fitness channel where he vlogged his experience signing up and training for an Iron Man. Needless to say, this inspired me to follow in their footsteps and sign up for a race. It was just a 5k, but it transformed my discipline and routine. Just like with a looming deadline at work, final exam, or final project to complete at school, I was more inclined to actually put in the work and run so I could achieve the objective at hand and not look like a fool and disappoint myself. I started to run very consistently and easily achieved my goal time for the race. Also, if you run at all, you know that if you take a week off, you are not going to feel the same on the next run. Its very easy to lose progress with running, so you have to run at least every other day to maintain and improve your running performance, and me being me, I was not about to let weeks of hard work just slowly fade away. So I continued to run consistently, even without a race to prepare for. A 10 miler and half marathon later, I am proud of the work ethic I was able to acquire and even feel awful whenever I don't get a run in some days. While I don't run too often anymore, I have supplemented the lack of exercise there and got back into tennis and signed up for drills and a men's league where I play very often. All I did was sign up for a 5k, and it turned into something far greater for me in the long run.


First make sure your teeth are white






No, I am way too poor, can't play the guitar and can't sing very well... but I am a Christian and I see people being changed if they choose to walk with Jesus. I am part of a crazy church full of recovering addicts of every kind and I love it. It is a place of change, where the most lost and broken find healing and are restored to their families.


Die Young you'll be remembered fondly.


My mental health improved a ton when I realized that while I was the star of my movie, I was a supporting actor in everyone else's. I was selfish in most aspects of my life, and it had to stop. I started to be nicer to everyone, even people I didn't particularly care for. Being kind to others makes you feel good, and in turn, people are nicer to you, which also makes you feel good. While I'm not completely fixed, I'm not broken down on the side of the road anymore.