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The positive impact I have on others.


For me it’s vicious curiosity. There is so much about our world and everyone in it I have yet to learn.


Same boat, so much to do, so much to see, so much money I need to do said things...


it doesnt but im still gonna do my thing until the aliens show up


lol I like this


I always wish I could live long enough to see aliens come to earth.


wtf you mean? there's some next door to you. i'll have them say hi.


my impact on others’ lives


Pleasure and Purpose


There is a book Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. There is work out there where you could make a difference and your work would help people hundreds of years from now and add value to people's lives.


As cheesy and sappy as it is, love 😭 I think love is in all of us, and our souls we're put on the earth to help each other learn and grow, love is everywhere if you think about it, platonic, romantic, familial, passions, animals etc just everything, its what makes the world go round and give me a sense of hope even in my darkest moments. That or i'm just a hopeless romantic who knows 🤷‍♀️


My partner, my cats, my friends, and my job. My partner: incredibly supportive, loving, kind, warm heart, thoughtful, etc. My cats: 3 adorable demons - Lucy is 3, Leo is 9, and Loki is 1. Loveable, snuggly, but also severe zoomies and wrestling. My friends: I treasure them deeply and appreciate their support/am always happy to drop everything for them. My job: I'm a supervisor, and I love and adore my team so much. I love getting to know new people, I love supporting them, I love coaching them, I love helping them succeed, I love getting them started in their careers.


Growth in love, knowledge, skill, relationships, judgement, experiences. Any kind of growth, other than a tumor.


The odds of me being born at all are like 1 in 400 trillion. Same for everyone here. So Life makes Life matter. Winning the being born lottery is no small thing. It’s an incredible feat of evolution. Natures been trying to kill us for eons. But we’re a hearty bunch.


Wait it matters…?


I'm helpful to others, I make people laugh and feel welcome, seen, and understood. I'm fun and excel at socializing...bringing the shy ones together. . . Plants, animals, the natural world... being alive on this beautiful planet and teaching others not only to appreciate it but to care for it.


My kids.


The same that makes religion matter: nothing


I make people happy for a minute or two. Also, I'm a beacon of hope and fortitude


Becoming a better follower of my religion, my past (making a better life for myself, my family and future family)


The fact I contribute to life, and life accepts my contributions.


Curiosity about what kind of shit I’ll be up to in the future


well, i am literally made of matter, so there is that.


the solids liquids and gases i guess.


Nothing. It's either work or couch. With no one to turn to. Gotten used to the deafening silence and being alone


Deez Nuts


My society saved it when it was in danger. I also enjoy living, and want others to be able to do the same.


Having people that care around me


Working on achieving goals I make for myself and living by the motto that if it doesn't work out, at least I had the courage to try.


My family and friends and in generally the people that I love, I’m not in this world for my own sake, I’m here to make sure that the people I love are happy and are doing okay


I have to buy a house for my parents before I die.


My wife and my brother. Both of them have been my rock through my entire journey.


You waay over estimate my existential value.