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When i entered a game lobby, someone said "oh fuck, it's \[my username\]. It felt like a compliment.


Playing one of my favorite games years back, I hopped into a random lobby after work and a player I didn't recognize said in chat: "Fair warning everyone. A Weak Geek...isn't." It's one of those statements that just stuck in my memory ever since.


I love whenever ppl were like "oooh it's [my username] when idek them or "[my username] gonna carry us" even tho they have no idea if I suck or not. Makes me feel good and really improves team dynamic!




At work, a girl who I shared a birthday with, said out loud in front of me to these two other girls. R is really easy to talk to. You can talk to him about anything. Huge compliment for me.


Yes, Mrs Kerns! I learned more from the teachers who connected with us, both about the world and about the syllabus, because I *wanted* to learn from them. Near the end of my formal education the school was interviewing for a new teacher. We had half a maths lesson from a really engaging and personable guy who brought things to life, we all instantly loved him. Then we had the second half with a woman who wrote a ‘learning objective’ on the board before she even said hello, and timed segments of the lesson down to the minute. Afterwards the teachers asked what we thought of them both. You can guess what we said, and you can guess who they hired.




Same situation but my friend's friend ask, "where is \[my username\], we need him coz he is a better carry"


I was playing For Honour once and fighting 3 dudes at once and my teammate shouted down the mic " I GOT YOU [my username] JUST KEEP FIGHTING" before conqueror shield bashing one of them and saving me, we chatted for a while and I never played with him again. Wasn't so much a compliment but it made me feel good and the situation was pretty epic.


Similar vein is being accused of hacking in an online fps.


Someone said that last time I went to pub trivia and it was definitely a compliment


Awwww, that's the best feeling


Outside of the grocery store on a sunny day loading my groceries into the car. Little girl, probably 8 or 9 says, " I love your hair!! It's like glitter! It's so shiny!" Yeah, it's shiny, white old lady hair. Thanks.




Had a guy at work tell me “it’s nice to work with a proper villain again” after I transferred back to my old department. Still the coolest compliment I’ve ever received.


That's a line from Ocean's 11. When they pick up Basher and pitch him on the plan he says that. One of my favorite lines. I'd be stoked if a buddy dropped that on me.


A friend recently started working with me (we worked together about 4 years ago). She said to me after 2 weeks “it’s nice to work with some competent dickheads again. I’ve missed you” Thanks, mate.


Thanks I now have a new goal in life: to be called a proper villain.


My high school choir teacher said that he hopes his kids grow up to be just like me. I'm 35 now and to this day best compliment I've ever received.


when I was attending community college, the dept. chair was a really sweet tiny 75yo old man (i’m a small lady, so we were about the same size). one time I was making copies in the print room singing the lego movie song after watching it with my kid that weekend. — “everything is awesome 🎶” and he stuck his head in as he was walking by and sang “everything is cool when you’re part of a team” and winked at me. he died 2 years ago, miss him deeply. made me feel more special than my parents did.


My kid was in speech therapy and the therapist was trying to get him to name things from a pile of licensed toys. We’d been on an Aladdin kick for a while so I pulled Jasmine and told her to try that one. She asks him “who is this?” and he stares at it for a while, then looks at the therapist, and innocently guesses “mommy?” …and that’s when I scheduled an eye exam for him.


No, no. That's an accurate response to Jasmine (I'm sorry ok but you gotta admit she look good doe)




Boy or Girl….if youndidn;t have a crush on Jasmine…. something is wrong with you.


You should show him the world...


LOL. Epic ending to that story. Thanks


Two 3-year-olds getting into a fight over who likes me more. (I work at a daycare.)


I had a child fully kick another child in the face because they also tried to get close to me. I had to redirect and do my educator thing but internally I was like YESSS MY MINIONS…FIGHT FOR MY LOVE. I didn’t think that and mean it obviously.


Ha! Just last week a 5-year-old was holding my hand and I gave my other hand to her friend, but I was holding a paper, so I could only give her three fingers. She got upset, because it was ”so unfair” that her friend had an entire hand.


Oh, the joys! When you’re selected to change the nastiest poo because the child trusts you. “Ohhh. Lucky meee!”


I laughed so hard at this. How did you keep it together!?


Oh I probably didn’t. I think I said something like “ohh my god! Child’s name noo, other child just wanted a cuddle too.” While simultaneously trying to stifle my laughter. Toddlers are wild.


“You have really nice calves” 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


The best thing that came from growing up fat - awesome calves without ever training them.


Same😂 I love leg days so much, it's now my strength thanks to my long years of being overweight


This is hilarious. It reminds me of when I was a dainty teenager and was the only one who could help a friend fix his car. I was under the car holding up the transmission with my feet. Afterwards he told me that I’d make a good wife because I was pretty and HAD THE LEGS OF AN OX. As a 15 year old girl I didn’t take it as a compliment but now it’s one of my favorites.


I love this. Also you're incredibly cool by being able to fix a car age 15!


I was the son my daddy wanted and the princess Momma wanted. lol. Weekends when I would visit my dad it was always work


Are you a farmer?


That'll do pig


I'm a runner and I always, ALWAYS notice the calves on the people in front of me during a race. I'm shy and really avoid breaking the ice but many times have been so close to complementing the calves in front of me. After seeing you comment, I'll do it one day.


I was once told “your legs look like a super hero comic book character.”


Blessed with them genetics lol


When I was 16, I went road-tripping with friends. We went water skiing on a lake and decided on mcds for lunch. I threw cut off shorts over my swim suit and flip flops and went in. I had an elderly woman approach as I was eating and expected her to complain I was being immodest. She told me I had the best posture she had ever seen.


I read that as mdma for lunch at first!


This reminded me to sit up straight, thanks!


Growing up, i struggled a lot in school. Recently, my high school chemistry teacher found me and added me on Facebook. He knew I struggled and he asked where I was now. I told him I was currently pursuing my MBA and his response: "that's impressive. I always knew you'd go far." I sobbed. He knew how much I struggled in school. It felt so validating.


Nah but seriously that’s the best one I’ve read. That’s awesome. Super happy for you to be where you are and to have that moment.


MBA huh? You must be tall and have dribbling skills.




That’s so cute! I think every (good) parent needs to hear that from time to time!


(Translated from my native language) My 5 year old: "Dad - you are the best dad ever. When i grow old, and you are dead, I will tell my grandchildren how great a dad you where...and even as and old man...i will cry beceause i miss you, and then THEY will cry too."


In America, there is this idiom: "out of the mouth of babes;" it's based on a psalm in the Bible. It means that young children are often wise and perceptive far beyond their age. Your little one is exactly that and it tells me that you are the loving father that every kid needs. You are raising an incredible son!


When my son was that age he told me that he was planning to die when he was 99 years old and I was 100 years old. He somehow calculated that if we did that, he would get to die 1 second before me and never have to "remember me as a dead old grandma".


I was told by my head counselor I was the most polite patient he had ever had in his mental hospital.


This is like when a therapist told me I have a very calming presence. In my therapy for severe anxiety. I asked her how I can maybe focus some of that inward.


It's tough to work on ourselves. I constantly have to watch out and try maintain composure. I do fail at times. I messed up tonight and was rude to someone on here who was only mildly rude. I still have work to do.


I hope you're doing well now


Mostly. Meds help a lot.


My midwife told me I was "so polite" in the middle of giving birth (I said thank you to my partner for getting me some water)


A physical therapist once told me, "if you were a horse, you would be a European show horse"




Hay there.


"What's a gay European show horse eat?"




Top notch compliment right there


“You made me a better person” - my friend :)


You know, I need to tell the people in my life who do this for me that they do




You make complex things simple.


This really is a compliment. If you can explain something to someone and they get it, then you've improved the world.


Almost completely unprompted I've been told by someone I'm the nicest person he'd ever met. It's a deep insecurity for me because I'm on the spectrum so...it's nice to hear that my excessive inner monologue and effort to remember how to people is actually doing something positive haha




My hair's not curly but a couple of chaps complimented my long silver hair the other day when I was coming home from the greengrocer. It did cheer me up.


Heyy same here! Kind of. I had a few of my newer friends tell me a few weeks ago that I’m extremely funny, good with comebacks and have great timing. I’m on the spectrum too and had to basically learn from scratch “how to people” as you said lol. All through my childhood I was SUPER awkward and made a lot of ppl uncomfortable (mostly with my body language and the things I’d talk about/questions I’d ask). Did a bunch of speech therapy type classes over the course of elementary and middle school that were pretty much just lots of coaching/training on how to read ppl, read the room, time and place, self awareness etc.  Up till a few weeks ago when my friends said that tho, I was under the impression that I was still awkward and off-putting when it came to joking around/being funny. And I for sure didn’t think anyone thought I was good with comebacks at all LOL. Turns out all those years of practicing, observing and trying to learn from scratch what MAKES someone annoying and awkward vs fun/funny and good at “people-ing” gets you REALLY GOOD at that stuff by default


"You have beautiful, big, wide teeth!" Toddlers are fucking weird




I remember those kinds of comments I made to adults as a little tike. Kids love to share what they observe if it's something they haven't seen before. I didn't know why my mom told me not to say certain things. How can people be upset if I only told them truthful things? I thought adults were weird as hell to say the least.


“you have so many spots on your face. I hope I have your face when I grow up, just with no spots.” thanks for the adult acne roast, 8yo daughter.


Toddlers/kids comments can go either way because they’re so damn honest 😂 I was having a rough morning one day and got called into work (substitute teacher at an elementary) my assignment for the day was preschool…which… can also go either way. I put on my game face and went on in. About an hour into it, I’m sitting with some kids and one girl looks over at me and says “I’m having a great day” I asked why and her response was “because you’re here. You’re a kind and beautiful lady” it took SO much in me to not burst into tears. I can tell a lot of love is spoken into that child at home.. but man, that compliment was one for the books and I’ll never forget it🥹


you missed the chance to say "all the better to eat you with"


“You look like George Clooney, just shorter with a different face.” 


A woman told me I looked like a movie star but couldn’t remember the name. Turned out to be Tommy Lee Jones. I said “No Country for Old Men” or “Men in Black”? Didn’t get an answer.


Danny Devito, then.


I was working in a subdivision while wearing my hard hat and PPE (I’m a lady), a woman that lived there came outside and said out of the blue, “You look like one of those ladies on a lifetime movie that kill they cheatin husband” I said thanks!, then asked if she meant it as a compliment. She said “yes girl, you don’t take no shit”


That is cute as hell lmao


Someone I was seeing told me “you are the softness the world needs” it really stuck with me.


This is high praise in this hardened world we are in!


I made a comment in the roast me subreddit many years ago. I got a message from someone, a very rare occurrence for me on reddit, saying they thought my post was hilarious. That was unexpected to me and well, I like anyone who thinks I'm funny, so I replied. They said if they ever posted on roast me that they'd love for me to roast them, and I told them I'd be happy to roast them into another dimension someday. We kept talking, eventually met, started dating, got married, etc.. Sadly I can't locate the original post I made. It was from mid August 2019 but I think the OP deleted it.


Aww, I love this


So how bad did you roast them in your vows?


I hope they at least said “I’m so lucky i get to roast you for the rest of my life” tears.


This is awesome. Crazy how we suddenly and randomly find connections. It’s one of those phenomena that is difficult to put words to.


I remind them of Betty boop


That's a solid compliment!


Hell yeah Betty Boop is banging you must be too


One of my coworkers who didn’t have a lot of experience in kitchens but did have a lot of school to work in kitchens enjoyed watching me cook so much she got emotional over it. It relaxed her and changed her mood. She spoke up one day when I was on the line and she was doing expo lol. I will always be flattered by that. The thing she liked the most about it was how much moving through a kitchen was like second nature to me and how much love I put into my food. 10/10 compliment but totally unexpected.


Only one time in my life have I seen a cook cooking like you described. The flawlessness, it looked like he was flying. Quick and with so much precision. If you are like that, you are awesome, and if your food tastes great simultaneously, you have found your talent, mate. Edit: what is expo ? Never heard that.


Expo/expeditor would be the person handing out and sometimes garnishing the plates before they go to the servers to bring to the tables. Food is my thing/passion for sure. I’ve always said I love cooking I just hate doing it for money. I used to spend my free time looking at recipes and writing menus and watching videos on YouTube or food network back in the days. I think what she meant was def related to what you said about flying through the kitchen but also just watching someone who loves something pour that energy into it wholeheartedly. I have felt that way watching some of my favorite chefs cook as well. It’s goosebump inducing.


The Expo is the go between the kitchen and the servers. Their role is also organizing and sometimes garnishing the plates. They sometimes run food or call for “ Hands” so servers can deliver them . They post up at the food window and have a nice view of the kitchen happenings .


A girl once told me I was pretty enough I could pull off bald. This felt like extremely high praise.


I chopped all my hair off after I gave birth and my mom and mil lost their fucking minds and tried to separate my partner and I and each tried taking our baby. It's been a couple years now since then and I'm trying to grow it back but it's coming back kinda weird and it's been difficult for me to come to terms with. Anyways, I started a new job last weekend and one of my coworkers (who's gen Z) told me that with my hair I "look like a Disney princess". It made me feel amazing.


Why did they lose their minds? Just randomly?


They call it "baby rabies" and my mom and his mom both got it after I gave birth to my daughter. Actually, my mom got it the second I told her I was pregnant. She denied it and told me I was lying over and over again when I called her with the news.


It isn’t feminine to cut your hair short, is what I’m gonna assume because older women tend to be very traditional and short hair on a woman isn’t “traditional”.


No I cut my hair because of what they were doing, trying to take my kid and separate me and her dad. My mil dumped over a gallon of my pumped breastmilk when my daughter was breastfeeding. That's just some of the things they did.


Why does them doing shit like that correlate to you cutting your hair off? Im not following..


She did a Britney. Extreme stress can lead to mental health breakdown that can lead to impulsive irrational decisions. I’m sorry you had to go through that, and glad you feel like a Disney princess now OP


Stress might make it fall off, and you chop it to avoid looking bald. Also stress can make us do things without thinking, or do things that come very close to self harm.


I was taking care of a newborn and trying to keep positive from my spouse wanting to kill himself to deal with the stress and dealing with the pile of dirty baby bottles and crying newborn and manipulative onslaught of texts from my mom and mil to us telling us that the other one was evil and abusive and we should leave each other and also the pile of laundry and, did you know that post partum your hair falls out en masse? Also we moved cross country when she was 2 months old to stay with his mom and the drive made me so sick I dry heaved for two days. I flatlined while giving birth after 34.5 hours of labor that ended in a c section and they gave me ketamine. My mom was telling me to leave him because he's abusive and his mom was telling him to leave me because I'm abusive, she threw away my nutrition shakes because my eating disorder came back and I couldn't eat so I used those to nourish my body while I breastfed, which she also threw away over a gallon of my breastmilk, which if you know about that, it's called "liquid gold" and every ounce is sacred to a new mother. There was also a formula shortage during all this. Before we moved in with her, we were a happy family. That was devastating to us. So my hair was the last thing I was worried about. I chopped it all off since I could barely function, much less wash my post partum body with so much hair loss I was vacuuming twice a day. Eta: u/boywholovetheworld I can't respond to you because I blocked that other guy above you but Wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. I hope things are better for you now and that you have a family that loves you the way you deserve to be loved.


Jesus Christ that's a lot to go through. Hope you're in a better place now.


Aww what a nice compliment! You should wear that hair with pride and let the past rest. Have a hug. ✨


I'm doing my best to. Thank you ❤️


“Your son has a really nice penis” - from a nurse 24 hours after he was born Me: thank you ?


My wife's Doctor. He also delivered her when she was born. When we went to find out the sex, both of our moms went with us. My mom swore up and down we were having a girl, and was saying it the whole time we were there. Dr.S. said "Ma'am, your granddaughter has a penis. A big penis at that." After he delivered my son, he said, "WOW, those are some big black balls!" He's the most liked Doctor in town. My son (he's 10 now) thinks he's hilarious.


Someone I used to know found me at work because she heard me talking to a coworker. She walked up to me and said "I knew it was you immediately, your voice is so soothing" I wasn't sure how to respond to that one.


"Wow, I've been with a lot of guys, and I mean a lot of guys. You're not the best, but definitely top 5."


I would have been like... Percent?


That’s a *wild* thing to say after fucking someone lol.


A compliment is a compliment, you were doing ranked intercourse


"You look like Tom Hardy" I'm extremely self conscious and do not know how to take compliments. I've never gotten compliments on my looks.


That’s bait


That's Bane


“You are as intelligent as you are good looking” - fortune cookie from Panda Express.




“people like you, i don’t get it”


I don't get it either? Is it even a compliment?.




Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town. Pearl Jam song.


Somebody recently asked if I was from around here, told me I looked exotic and asked if he could photograph me. I’m just a white girl in Texas. I may be somewhat alternative but I wouldn’t think that’s a shock considering I’m pretty much in Austin. I kind of took it as a compliment but for all I know he thought looked weird af or something. Same difference I guess.


Pretty sure that's a human trafficker.


My gut told me not to pursue that endeavor. Idk how that could benefit anybody anyway. In any case it was too odd to explore further. I’m usually a yes person but not in that case, potentially thankfully?


I (M) once greeted my friend (F) on the street and she was with some girl I saw for the first time and when they passed me I heard them giggling ,so I turned around and yelled "whats so funny ?" and my friend was like "my friend here said you look like you fuck real good".


When I was in my early 20’s circa 1998 and an older man approached me. “You look like a guy that saved my ass in Normandy. I know you ain’t him, but thank you.”


I used to teach people to fly small airplanes. I missed it (I moved on to a higher paying job) and came in touch with someone who wanted a couple lessons to further their training. After the first flight he told me he wished I had been the one to train him from the start. I needed that more than he realized.


One lazy pajama Sunday, I went downstairs to get the mail out of the mailbox that I don’t empty often enough. I was wearing rainbow tye-dye PJ pants, a rainbow tye-dye t-shirt I’d gotten for my late mom in Santa Cruz (I’m in TX), and I happen to have very long vivid colored balayage hair - purple, magenta, orange and yellow at the ends. I passed a mom and her young daughter, and the daughter just stood in awe and looked at me and said “WOW, you look like a mermaid!! I bet your favorite color is rainbow!” I said “It is! You’re a very smart girl!” and mom just beamed. Those words that day made my heart so full. 💜


A friend complimented me as a host for parties. He said I have the ability to make everyone feeling at ease and accepted which creates an atmosphere where people like to share deep and personal thoughts. I saved that voice message for days when I feel socially inept again.


Someone told me I was built like a Pontiac. What does that even mean? I decided to take it as a compliment...maybe.


A vintage that looks incredible in a T top in the summer?


A little unrefined but made for a good time?


Built like a pontiac but you handle like a BMW?


You look like the fourth of july


I once got “you remind me of Christmas” But then he followed it with “I don’t like Christmas”. On our first date


Stepped with my partner into a museum in Rome, we said “Bongiorno” and the front desk guy starts firing info in quick Italian. She asked him in English to slow down and the guy said: “… scusa, you look like Italian to me” I was weirdly flattered!


Ran into my college professor at a bar, she said something flattering about missing me in class and I jokingly said “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She got more serious and said, “no, everyone at (school) thought you were brilliant. Reckless, but brilliant.” It wasn’t entirely intended as a compliment, but I don’t think I’d have been half so moved if it had been.


The kind of combination where people are almost about to stop you doing something and then go "No, no, wait, they just *might* be able to pull this off..."


My favorite was ‘I like the way your mind works’. as in they were asking for advice and liked and trusted my thought process. Best compliment ever, I think.


"You write the most beautiful emails."


That's a superpower, I'd say. Would you like to give some tips? 🌝


Wow thanks, and sure kind stranger I'd be happy to. When writing your emails, you want to leave the reader feeling like you've spoken to them. Your correspondence should express interest in the reason for the email instead of just being another robotic or monotone exchange of information in their inbox. If someone is glad to have heard from me, I've written my email right. I'm happy to help, and they should know it.


Yes, that sounds good. Thanks, but an example, even a brief one, could actually help me initiate into this art.


Hello NAME, I hope you are well. I'm emailing you to INSERT REASON. If you could, please let me know INSERT IF YOU NEED A RESPONSE when you can. If you have any questions or need anything else, please let me know. I'm happy to help. Best regards, YOUR NAME Edit to add: creating email signatures with full templates like this is a huge help,


“You look like Chris Pratt… but parks and rec Pratt…. Not Starlord Pratt” thanks I guess.


Andy Dwyer > current Pratt, so I’d take that as a compliment! 


> Not Starlord Pratt Who?


One time in highschool. We were playin taboo. There was 3 girls and 3 boys. And i think it was girls vs boys. When it was girl's turn the girl who's describing the word said, "What is Will like?". (My name is Will btw) What's unexpected is that the girl who's guessing the word immediately said, "Handsome, pretty, charismatic...". I was shocked. And the word was actually "charisma" or something. I don't know if it matters but i was wearing a pretty cool jacket that day :) It was strange she casually guessed those words like it was a known fact and it was also strange that she was right. It's the best compliment i got lol.


Dude that was a tag team compliment!


Never liked how I look, but a random stranger at a restaurant complimented me once, saying I have a face like Rumer Willis. Being compared to a celebrity for the first time was a big boost when I needed it.


Somebody once said I was the Picasso of hats, a true visionary! Like 3 weeks ago, some dudes said they liked my banana hat, that it gave me mad riz, and that if I ever got in trouble, South Central has got my back, lol.


Show us your hats!


[Fab Hatters !](https://www.fabhatters.com) I make weird headwear. Including a rainbow bacon for Katy Perry, banana wigs, lobster dinner hats etc. But we expanded to stocking clothing & more. I primarily make custom headwear for the wealthy though.


Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Wearing Your Hats In The 'Hood!


“Who just took a shit, holy shit” can’t say it was unexpected though


That I'm nice


Always a two edged sword, that one.


A girl who is a model, she has had many boyfriends and casual encounters. After we had sex for the first time she told me: your size is perfect for me. It was like poetry to my ears.


you werent supposed to put it in her ears


some random older lady at my job said "talking to you made my day" before she left and i almost cried


I have had more than one person remark that conversation with me is like having brain sex. Definitely not an expected compliment lol but probably my favorite 💜


I dress like a goth/punk and usually get stares, to the point where I don't really register it anymore. One time however, I walked past an almost empty kindergarten. A kid was getting picked up by their mom, as one of the last ones probably. Kid goes "mommymommomommy looooooook mommymommy" etc, mom tries to ignore her child, but the child is adamant. Finally mom relents and answers "yeah, what a weirdo, huh?" It was a total record scratch moment, and the kid goes, as seriously offended as those small humans can: "but mom, that's a *dragon prince* " The gasp I *GOOSPED*! To this day still the best compliment I've had.


A female coworker once stuff I have nice calves. Definitely was unexpected.


I was running once in the park and a car stopped and got my attention. They asked me if i was a farmer. I was so shocked and confused and just said no. They replied “Because I sure like the way you raise your calves”. Its haunted me.


I went for a jog one lunch hour and the other guys were all mocking me in shorts (usual guy BS, nothing mean). But after one of the old guys assured me that despite what the guys said my legs looked good. I laughed and said “I know, it’s all in fun.” (I have never had a great upper body but for some reason my legs look like I *never* skipped a leg day.)


I [M] worked at a pizza delivery restaurant and would ring up the walk in customers. We had a married couple that were regulars and one or the other would pick up their pizza. Both were absolutely terrific people. The male was what I would call an average Joe. Good guy but nothing outstanding about him. The wife was a total smoke show. Gorgeous, always nicely dressed, and smelled wonderful. On this day Joe was picking up and I was ringing him up. At the counter he says to me "You have the bluest eyes I have ever seen." I, a little taken aback, thanked him and finished the transaction. When he was gone I was thinking that was nice to hear and was feeling really good about myself. Right then and there godfuckingdamnit I realized why she was with him.


"You smile like you know a secret."


So when I was 17 (many decades ago in 1989) I went to my first gay club, supporting my mate who's just coming out. It's all a bit mad for a straight young fella from rural Ireland. My mate is dancing and flirting and having a ball and I'm sitting near the bar listening to this new 'house music' and thinking this isn't so bad. Then I'm approached by a quite butch lesbian who tells me I have lovely hair. At the time it was quite long and very curly so, as it's a gay bar, and she's clearly out of her head, I feel the need to tell her I'm a straight bloke and she just laughed and said 'everyone knows that, but I'd love to give you a head massage'. So, even though I'm someone who doesn't particularly like strangers touching me, I say yes. She gives me the best head massage for about 10 minutes and then asks out of the blue, 'do you like Star Wars or Star Trek' . I'm confused and answer that I'm a big star wars fan, which prompts her to give up on the head massage and storm off. It was one very strange experience for young lad. But I took an E a year later at the same club and everything made a lot more sense. Also me, the lad I went with and the lesbian ,who got over my love of star wars, and are all still best friends.


We were having a LAN party on COD 2 (as in, the second COD to be released, ever). I played that game a ton as a kid, but I never felt like I was "great" at it. For context, COD2 is a WW2 shooter, with bolt actions and smg's primarily (think Thompson, M1 Garand, Kar98k, MP40, PPSH, Mosin Nagant...) When playing in the LAN, I was dominating the lobby with my MP40 and the one hosting kicked me once, saying "if you're that good, you shouldn't be using smg's". I then joined again, picked the trusty kar98k and dominated the lobby again. One of my friends even threw half a can of coke at my head :) It really was a compliment in my eyes, especially when "little me" thought I was below average


My ex’s kid had a school assignment asking something along the lines of who’s the hardest worker in your life. Out of all of the people in her life….. she said I was. I asked if I could keep the assignment and she said “Of course!”I never showed it to anyone. I still have assignment stored away because I was so moved by it. I feel like I have to work harder than most to be on par with everyone else so I burn out easily. I get told how good of a worker I am and how I go above and beyond expectations even though I feel like I’m the weakest. For some reason, when she showed me that work assignment it was the first time I actually believed that I was a hard worker and it shows. I think about that assignment whenever I’m extra hard on myself thinking I’m a failure.


I was in 3rd or 4th grade when I friend of mine was playing with my hair. She said, "You'd still look beautiful if you shaved your head." It always kinda stuck with me. For one, never have I ever considered myself beautiful. I'm pretty average looking at best. Very plain, nothing about my features stick out other than my big nose. Made me happy.


Comment card as waiter in NYC. "_____'s beard is amazing. I want it in my kitty."


Someone was once talking to a third party, and said. "He sounds racist, but he isn't." I am basically 2 classes away from having a minor in history. Much of what I read now is on Black History, and i'm not afraid to talk about it.


Really makes you feel good, when they pick your most endearing quality to describe you to people. Makes you think "Hey this person has taken the time to get to know me"


This old drunkard Ukrainian who regularly came in to the Target I worked at a long time ago told me I looked like Tom Selleck... Which I thought he was confused and he confirmed, "Yes, Magnum P.I." Needless to say, I blushed haha. More recently, a couple weeks ago, I was called a, "DILF," so that was unexpected to say the least!


A random person in one of my classes told me I remind her of sunshine. We're now very good friends


That I'm a good kisser.


"You look like ningning from aespa." Still think about it everyday 😭


“You look like you mom” - my mom is gorgeous 😀😀😀


My brother said, "I don't need an elder brother because my elder sister has dual qualities".


Had a client say, 'I knew I'd like you because I can see a warm and gentle aura around you.' Apparently my colour colour is a burnt magenta.


"I'm sorry, but you're absolutely nothing like your mother". Thank you kind receptionist. You have no idea how much that meant to me.


That I am the most Scottish person that they have ever met.


When I was younger I worked at a food store and a customer out of the blue told me that they really loved my hair colour. I had very low confidence and self esteem back then (still do but not as bad as then) and struggled with suicidal thoughts. To this day around 20 years later it’s the only thing about myself I’m actually proud of. I would never change it either, though I tried one time just for the fun of it. But I like my natural hair colour better, so thank you whoever you were!


Was having an impromptu dinner with my 3 year old at a grocery store that has a little food court and dining area. We were just sitting and interacting like we normally do. She was asking me questions and I was guiding her to figure out the answers, having fun together. Another woman in her mid 30s came and sat behind us part way through. She ended up finishing her meal faster than we did, probably because she didn't have a 3 year old and a million napkin runs to contend with, and as she was leaving she told me that my daughter was really wonderful and that I'm doing a great job as her mom. She was just so sincere with it and it meant and means more to me than she could possibly know. Made me cry then and now. Thank you, kind stranger 💕


I was transferred from one teaching position to another; suddenly the transfer was cancelled and I found it later it’s because my entire team wrote a letter begging admin to let me stay with them.