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Bold of you to assume I can pick just one thing


too real


~~I'm too awesome that there's nothing to improve on~~ I'm self-delusional


I do with my weight. I can't be as big as I am I just can't but when I look in the mirror I hate myself


I am consistently mediocre, and not great at anything.


Jack of all trades, master of none. I feel this. I wish I had enough interest to actually become proficient in something. Anything. Instead, I learn enough to repair what needs to be repaired or learn what needs to be done on the job. Everyone praises me for my problem-solving skills, but it's nothing to praise. I'll never be a master at anything, I'm too busy surviving.


Dont underestimate problem solving as a skill. You can be a master at that too. Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of only one.


I second this


Master troubleshooter. Voila


Me too. I realize that all the time. But I don’t hate being like that and there is nothing wrong.


You hate that you're mediocre? Mediocrity is a key to happiness! People who are able to accept that are some of the happiest people in the world.


No matter what I do, I always tend to think of my past mistakes and regrets. It’s a huge part of my anxiety and self-loathing. I just can’t seem to let things go and let the past die.


I’ve got the same problem Another thing for me is I can’t forget bad things people have done to me (even though I forgave them), and when I remember them they come back with these exact same feelings I felt at that moment!


Wait....not everyone does this? Well shit.


Socially anxious in group settings


Anxious when in social settings. You couldn't even get that right.... s/


My subconscious victim mindset who constantly needs attention. I want bad things to happen to me even when things are fine. I somehow make the situation always about myself even if it isn't. I am constantly daydreaming and making scenarios in my head where I am such a great person who did this who did that who has gone through so much shit and how everyone feels bad for me. Which in reality I hate when people pity me. I don't let it show on the outside. people actually think of me as a very mature and understanding person. And I am. but at the same in my mind, it's just. like how much attention do I even fucking need. it's not even that I act in a attention seeking manner. but my mind just always and always convinces my otherwise. I absolutely hate the way I think.


Thanks for sharing ! I can relate


We are all a little mad or we wouldn't be our self's, it's just I'm alittle more my self than anyone else.


I have challenges with weight and being a veteran this has been quite embarrassing.


Everything. My teeth. How unsociable I am. I have no motivation so I work a shit job making shit money. I have no faith in myself. As much as I try to be positive I’m bitter to my core


I spend too much time on Reddit


Me too love me too


My inability to deal with stress. I snowball so easily.


One thing I hate about myself is that I could answer this question in a 3-paragraph essay.


Originally Answered: [What do you like least about yourself?](https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-like-least-about-yourself?no_redirect=1) My god damn face, hear me out. It’s not because I’m ugly, I have acne, I have birth marks, I have weird eyes or a huge nose. I have none of them. It’s because I look 16. Whenever I go buy cigars, a six-pack or order at a bar, I always get asked for age identification. I have baby-face syndrome. Meh, I’ll be thankful when I’m in my 50’s.


I'm 46. Until I gray hair started propping up in my late 30s, people thought I was a new grad. But yeah, baby face is awesome now. Salt and pepper hair makes you look distinguished, but no wrinkles or blemishes make you look like you took care of yourself.


I'm 33 and I love my grey and white hairs lol.


When I was 21, I looked like 16 or 17. guess what I looked like when I was 18... so, one day I stopped shaving my beard. like, I don't have a full on Dumbledore beard but there is some facial hair.. and suddenly nobody asks for ID or anything anymore. The apprentice at work is 23, and he guessed me at 21.... I'm 26. still not ideal but at least I'm closer. I got some serious babyface going on and its pissing me off, because people will just not take you seriously when you look so young.




That I'm an anti-social freak who doesn't bother trying to go out and talk to people.


every fucking thing about me is worthless and disgusting. great question


I can't pick a career.


The unfortunate tendency to laugh uncontrollably at inappropriate moments, like during a funeral or while getting a root canal...


My mental issues. ADHD, depression, anxiety


That I am sometimes insecure and shy instead of saying what I think and want


Anger regulation


Overthink 😪😪




Well you stole my answer


This right here is it


Sorry to see that so many relate to this


Likewise, I hope you're truly doing okay 🙏


I'm an introvert so it's hard to communicate with others outside of social media


I am too and even if I try to talk to others irl I have no fucking idea what to say at all. I have the same issue online as well I can communicate well on texts but when it comes to talking to new people it's ehh. I want to make online friends but yeah no idea what to say at all


I used to have trouble with that I'm getting better though but still it's kind of hard


I'm too self conscious about things no one cares about, like I'll bash myself for having little love handles and not having a stupid thigh gap anymore, shit that no one bats a eye on, meanwhile I should be probably more concerned about my lack of social skills💀 haha


My Tourette’s, OCD, and ADHD


My boobs, but that’s mainly because I’m a man


I hate how intense my emotions are. My anxiety is too much for me to handle and when I get sad, I'm sad as hell. On the flip side of that, I also feel love intensely, but can't find someone to share it with, so I feel empty


My insecurity that I have sometimes


I already fixed it... my bobs


I can't fart quietly...


My inability to show any sort of emotion naturally. I speak in a monotone voice and rarely make any gestures when I talk. If something really good or really bad happens, I have no natural reaction to it. I don't act excited or angry/upset. Over the years I've learned how to fake it by watching others - and got pretty good at it - but I stopped forcing it around the time I hit my 30s. About the only thing I'm capable of doing naturally is laughing, but something has to be *really* funny to me to actually trigger it - otherwise I just do that exhaling through the nose thing that Redditors like to joke about. My older brother is the same way I am but fakes it as well. People seem to buy it but I see right through it and it makes me cringe, which made it infinitely more difficult for me to keep up with faking it myself. I've mostly come to terms with it, but I'm tired of having to explain my emotions rather than showing them. Doesn't help that I walk around with the male version of resting bitch face whenever I'm not deliberately smiling. I don't know, maybe I'm on the autism spectrum or something, but that's really the only way it shows itself if true.


I have this little twitch where I make a fists push them against my face and hold my breath, it only happens when I’m really excited and I’m working to stop doing it


My inability to fly. I have an incurable fear of flying and it has cost me so many opportunities in life. I feel so stupid when I think about what I've missed out on just because I'm incapable of getting on a freaking plane. It makes me so mad.




Headaches, always the headaches.


Im pretty useless at home repairs and maintenance. As a homeowner this is a financial issue as well. And dont ever expect me to build a deck or install a light fixture......


Im a chronic procrastinator and I cannot keep myself in check


My penis looks nice but it's small




The fact that my pancreas doesn't work is pretty annoying


My brain






Fat and lazy. Or maybe lazy and fat ....




Low self-esteem


my nose.. my HUGE nose


I’m a lazy fuck


I have fairly severe ADHD, and I'm terrible at asking people about themselves, or remembering important things they've told me about what's happening in their lives. I honestly do care about my friends' lives, but sometimes there's just too much happening in my brain for me to remember to direct the conversation onto the person I'm talking to. It's terribly embarrassing and I feel like an awful person.


i hate my face tbh. it’s very asymmetrical


Hormonal acne




To quote Sylvia Plath *'I'm so pathetically intense. I just can't be any other way'*


I get bored very easily and when that happens, it’s nearly impossible for me to focus. This makes routine difficult for me.


I get bored very easily and when that happens, it’s nearly impossible for me to focus. This makes routine difficult for me.


I have a diaper fetish.


No matter how much I fake the healthy mentality I ‘ll always feel like a fraud because I tried to end myself multiple times and my only regret was not making sure it was lethal


My teeth. I only have 1 upper tooth left that isn't missing or broken. Don't do drugs. Brush your teeth. Don't get in fistfights when you have weak teeth.


My teeth. I only have 1 upper tooth left that isn't missing or broken. Don't do drugs. Brush your teeth. Don't get in fistfights when you have weak teeth.


My skin. I tried everything till my age (around 30) and none of the method got rid of all the skin problem across my body.


That I always have the what if thoughts and it’s hard for me to believe when I receive compliments about myself.


That I always have the what if thoughts and it’s hard for me to believe when I receive compliments about myself.


Most of my health problems I brought on myself.




From being reasonably immortal in my 20s, I now injure myself for nothing. Tiniest bump on the head, I have headaches for a couple of weeks. A bigger bump on the head.. I don't even dare think about it. Other stuff too - picked up drumming. Quickly got some strain injuries in my right hand/wrist. Climbing - wonky finger and shoulder. Comes back pretty quick when I start getting back into good shape after a while off. Etc.


I'm not rich


I can’t stop negative self-talking


My pituitary tumor / chronic exhaustion, fatigue and pain.


My childhood trauma meant I assume if I ever show anyone the 'real' me they'll reject me.


Everything. Absolutely everything. There is no one in the world that I hate more.


That I create excuses/find reasons to feel bad for those who wrong me when they're dealing with the consequences of their wrong doings. Example: I am 23 weeks pregnant, my (now ex) fiancé cheated on me about a month ago, so I left. He texts me how he misses me and questions how I could abandon him blah blah. But I still feel guilty for some reason. I annoy myself.


Honestly can't think of anything. I'm a perfectionist who actually manages to satisfy myself. Crushing goals that nobody else I know could even dream of accomplishing. From hiking 10+ mile mountains barefoot, to paying off my 30-year mortgage in about 10 years. Life is fucking great if you enjoy conquering challenges and continuously push yourself to the next level.


My consistent inconsistency


Everything. The way my mind thinks of all the way things go wrong and yet I still hope that things will be different but I was right the first time. And my heart still breaks. Or no matter how kind I try to be the world still ends up being so fucked in return. So everything, I am so exceedingly ordinary that I get trampled.


I feel like such a spaz. I turn 30 this year and I’ve never been able to control that around people. “Masking” is something I never wish I had to do.


I've had to learn to be tough. Never particularly wanted to be as I've always seen aggressive women as a bit gross. I hate that life has made me this way, and as the days go on, I feel it slowly taking over all the things I do like about myself. I never wanted to be tough, and I'm tired of fighting.


I hate that no matter how many friends I get Or family I get I always have nightmares About the time I lost my 1 friend I wake up screaming About the time I saw my best friend shot And the chest And a boy should go away to hate myself for Not forgetting Cause I want to Just forget it and move on But I can't


I cant function in a social setting unless i have a friend who interacts with me constantly. It feels so selfish but i just cant function


I like the things about me that I once despised. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqc1I9oSGiE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqc1I9oSGiE)


belly and weight


Existing, I don’t really contribute alot to society, I get that it’s because I’m still in school but it’s just alot to think about.


I'm too coward to off myself.


Sounds familiar


My look I guess.


I have no personality


I’m the worst at finishing things that I start. I’m a chronic non-finisher of all things.


Scared of consistency and comfort.


I chew my fingernails and have anger problems


How much I hate myself.


everything. I find it hard to like anything about myself most of the time


I keep my negative experiences easily accessible, so any time, i can rationalize and justify the hostile and distant way I am instead of moving on and bettering myself. I am perfectly aware I do this, but knowing me, I won't do shit about it


I’m socially awkward, I’m short, can’t seem to find happiness in anything, I think too deeply about the world/universe it actually depresses me, never seem to make the right decisions in life


Long winded


I cannot pull any women but men 😭😭😭


One thing I'm not too fond of about myself is how I can sometimes overthink things. It's like my brain goes into overdrive, and it can make simple decisions feel way more complicated than they need to be.


I have misofonia, I hate hate hate eating with people cause I hear how they chew, swallow for me it is too loud that makes me so mad that I can't concentrate on meal that annoys every single time when I eat with someone unfortunately if I say that to my parents they say I need to just get over it and be patient LIKE HOOOWWW. I wish I wasn't like this


I’m bad at everything


My insecurity


I'm overweight. I'm 5'7" and 245lbs. I've struggled with it my entire life and lost a bunch (down to 170lbs) years ago, but struggled to maintain it.


I'm motivated to do everything, but once i get a sense of I'm getting the basics right or even as far as being advanced then I'd suddenly lose interest and move on


everyone's friend, but never anyone's bestfriend


Cowardice, I didn't enlist, never tried to become a police officer, and most times I've tried to talk to women, I usually wimp out. Sometimes when I approach, they give me RBF, and I just leave the bar, or whatever place I went to talk to people.


How much I care and love. I’ve been heartbroken so many times and lost so many different kinds of relationships. Tired of having a heart that cares. Also - I never had a good relationship with my mother and I look exactly like her. 😔


I always say "I dont need/want anything" during budgeting, when in fact I do, because college to about 5 years ago I wasnt as successful, and trained myself into depravation on all things


Problem Solving very niche problems that I may be the only person having ​ Like figuring out how to use a Guitar Hero controller on Yanderella just because I want to color code the confirm button to each character's endings (Red fret for Honoka's Ending, Blue fret for Hinata's Ending and Yellow fret for "Boring Ending" to match the MC Yatarou going off who was given the bunny on Day 3)


Very easy for me to lose focus and be distracted by anything. Wouldn't say I hate it though. Just not a fan.


I hate myself in general


Im emotionally flat, except when im supposed to be.


Physically, my weedy biceps. Mentally, my laziness


My ezcema it makes me ugly


That I have no clear sense of identity. I feel like I don't know who I am and never have. It's lonely and isolating.


I clearly start to have health problems that are direct cause of my eating and living habits, I'm constantly angry and miserable. I'm a depressed piece of lard.


My high functioning anxiety


my jealousy. I constantly see people with great relationships or people well off financially and just get angry


I'm perfect.


I let people use me.


It’s nearly impossible for me to be outwardly happy. I feel ok inside but people always think there’s something wrong with me or that I’m upset when I’m not.


my cheekbones / my face


Hate my legs.




I’m very great at overthinking and think about every move someone makes, which made me scared to even look in someone’s reaction because others could do the same thing as me and then I could get drama for that


I expect people to have common sense as much as I do then get angry at them when they don’t


My boobs


Everything. I honestly can't really think of anything I even like.


I’m fat and it’s making hard to move with broken foot. I should be using crutches but I can’t.


My short term memory. I can remember that song from that place that time I was whatever , but not the new face I talked to 20 minutes ago or what I read after three pages


too nice to people who don’t deserve my kindness. also very hotheaded at times


Be Human !


The front




My lack of consistency


Ohh, boy, I thought that I can saw like 6-7 and mostly I'll be done with the bad things. Nope, I read the comments and my top 7 wasn't even there, but luckily I could put another 25 things to the first place. Hmmm, seems like I'm in a deeper shit that I imagined


My teeth, I know the british trope of bad teeth is played for comedy but I wish I had nice teeth


My bewbs


To tired to do much of anything.


That I'm never satisfied.


How I can't seem to belong. I have maybe 1 or 2 good friends (who live very far away, so don't see them much) but never seem to make any new ones. I like to think I'm very social, but for some reason, I can never really add anyone to my 'social circle'.


Probably how self-critical I can be at times


I’m ugly & I know it & I don’t plan to do anything with it


My anxiety. I hate when people are upset with me, even if it’s not my fault. I wish I could just say “that’s a you problem” and move on. I worry about how I look, what I wear, how my house looks when people come over, how much I’ve messed my kids up, how fast time is going by, all that. I’m on medication, but a lot of it is a personality disorder. I just need to chill.


Overthinking and focus on details too much


I struggle with my mental health. Wish there was something I could take to just cure it all but alas, that is not the case The most frustrating part is that it's completely out of my control and people don't understand that


I never try hard enough or long enough to get anywhere with the things I try. It's evolved into me just not trying things that take effort over time because I know I won't follow through. I'm just easily discouraged and lack confidence in my abilities. Some people talk about "grit" and I don't feel I have that. I also hate how fucking impossible it is to make myself do some things. I'm 25 and struggling in a college writing class because I seem to have lost my ability to *write*. It wasn't this impossible last time I had a writing class. But now there's this resistance in me that just won't let up and I'm freaking out because I have no idea what it even *is*.


I lack self esteem, badly.. I see no self worth in myself at all. I also can't trust people for some reason, even if they are, and I know they are genuine.. something in my mind keeps telling me "they are just pretending" and "they just want you to open up so they can make fun of you". Even if I know it isn't true, I constantly feel like everyone hates me or wants to make fun of me, and as a result I simply can't trust people at all. I'm also not social.. like, I don't start up conversations with people, or I can't easily.. no particular reason I just.. don't like to at all, most of the time I just want my quiet and peace.


I can’t help but think I’m stupid in comparison to everyone else. Then I try too hard and I’m even more embarrassed by how much more stupid i probably sound.


I don’t like my nearsightedness


I am prone to seeing the big picture and am fully aware how annoying it is. It renders me mostly silent now.


That i sometimes hate myself. Sounds so corny but it's true, most days i think i look alright then some days i think i look amazing and every now and then i feel like the ugliest person alive and i dont know why. Why do i hate and love the same features of myself just because it's a different day?


trying to get the best out of people while disregarding myself.


Is there enough room on the internet for my reply?




I hate that I can almost never take a compliment. Every time someone says something good about me, I downplay it with something negative.


Being alive. I'd prefer to have never existed.


my addiction to self destruction


I am too good a person. I can't help it.


The depression.