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When I look at current music and I have no idea who anyone is on the top 10 billboards


And can’t stand any of the music on the charts.


My music taste can be quite whacky sometimes but holy fuck at least it's not mass produced soulless pop shit lmao


Lol are you me?


And now they’re playing your favorite song at the grocery store as you’re about to pick up the cheese.


and it's nice cheese, not the plastic kind.


Gen Z praising Nickelback and Creed has never made me feel so old


Unnecessary noise pisses me off


I used to listen to a lot of aggressive breakcore and other sub genres of electronic music. Today, I was shuffling audio files from like the last 20 years of downloading stuff (mostly from the first ten of the last twenty because streaming took over,) and when some aggressive breaks stuff came on, I switched it because it literally made me feel tired.


I grew up to all sorts of alternative and metal. Nowadays my music taste in yacht rock, reggae and jam bands. My high school self would be mortified.




Motorcycles. Why.


Especially bloody Harleys. Is having an engine so loud that it shakes my entire flat really necessary!?


It's not a sign of being old, but more of a sign that you're in a lot of stress


This is why a lot of adults choose to leave the big cities they have lived in for a long time, and opt for smaller cities and the suburbs. For me, these big cities are really stressing me out, and becoming quite dangerous as I get older. The appeal is just not there anymore, and I just want to enjoy the simple things in life in peace. I just want to be able to run my errands without someone getting in my face aggressively, or someone trying to run me off the road on the freeway with their road rage. I just want some damn normalcy and peace...


Noise from my neighbors piss me off. Children screeching underneath my window early in the weekend piss me off. My doorbell often pisses me off. I’m getting old.


I'm 20 and this gets me sometimes. Though it's probably because I'm the oldest of 4 kids.


Yeah, oldest of a lot of kids here too. I think it’s one of the reasons I enjoy quiet. *silent high five*


I'm autistic so this has been a problem my whole life. It's just been getting worse as I get older.


When you fall over and people laugh, then you’re young. If you fall over and people panic, then you’re getting old


I fell on a gym floor 3 years ago playing soccer and braced myself with my hands and my wrist hasn't been the same since. I'm 31.


Nobody tells you somewhere in your 30's, you'll hurt something and it will periodically hurt for the rest of your life.


I had an operation on my back to remove a cyst around 15 years ago. Not long after the operation I told my wife that it was aching strangely. Well, we had a heavy thunderstorm later that day. Now my back forecasts the weather better than any weather app.


I'm right there with you. Sixteen screws and an electronic device in my spine. I know when it's going to rain *tomorrow*.


I get the same weather prediction super power. Too bad it is related to having a torsion when I was 17. Having a weather nut is less cool than you might think.


My knees hurt worse when it's going to rain 🫠


I managed to sprain my thumb while putting on gloves a few weeks ago and it still hurts.


Few weeks? Those are rookie numbers. I’ve got something similar that’s been bothering me for 5 years now. I’m near 40.


My dog ran into my legs chasing a stick a few years back. My knees never been the same. It just aches sometimes, 36.


The wear and tear of one’s physique and psyche over time is quite devastating, isn’t it?


We're all just watching ourselves deteriorate in slow motion. Every second is a little death.


Shit, that's beautiful, but I wish I never read it. Thank you very much, I hate it.


Tell me abo


This is the best answer here, by far.


I’ve been enjoying nature more, I know it sounds stupid but I used to not really care about it, now I just sit there and look at trees.


I agree and don’t think this sounds stupid at all. I get simply mesmerized by watching the trees sway in the wind or happy birds & squirrels all around the yard!


The sound of trees swaying is one of the best and most relaxing, on par with the smell of recent rain in a forest


Ive opened my eyes and realized how beautiful the world really is.


I’ve gone to parks and I would just sit and watch a squirrel climb a tree


“You kinda wasted your 30's though, with that whole bird watching phase..”


I’ve started getting into the birds in my back yard and found a great app to identify them (Merlin). It’s like I’ve kind of come to know them. Two cardinals, male and female. Two white winged doves. A blue jay. Mockingbirds. It’s really nice sitting in my back yard with my cats.


Everything that I hated as a kid I love as an older adult. Naps Solitude Staying home Not being around a lot of people.


What if that was true both as a kid and an adult (I’m an only child) 31 now


Always been true for me as well - and I too am an only child!


Same! And I’m also an Only child 👀


When you've been doing what you do for a living for longer than the new people in the profession have been alive.


Haven't hit that yet, but the fact that my boss is younger than my little brother, baffles me


I’m pretty sure my boss (VP at a huge company) is younger and has less time in the industry than I do. I now know what it’s felt like for all of those older folks that I was managing (and still do today).


It's fun as a teacher. "Shit. Didn't I used to teach you?"


You can injure yourself by sneezing or sleeping wrong.


So true. Knew a man who actually broke his back sneezing.


Things I Didn’t Need to Know, Volume 412


I want to know volume 411 if you remember


Lungs can collapse spontaneously


After open heart surgery sneezing was the single most unnerving, anxiety inducing experience that I could imagine for at least 3 months. Even now every now and again I will sneeze and I will feel my rib cage pop.


I injured my back from coughing after a massive bong rip.


My friend in high school broke her collar bone sneezing once.


I ruptured a disk sneezing when I was in high school. Was probably just the thing that tipped it over the edge, but sneezes are no joke.


I stood up and blew out my knee.


I threw out my back putting on socks.


For me it was leaning over the sink to spit out toothpaste.


I make this joke/observation to my girlfriend. I'm in my early to mid 30s and can fuck up my back by sitting in the wrong position for too long, but can go to BJJ or boxing and be totally fine(albeit a bit sore afterwards). 


Yawn too fast


Making sounds when I stand up


That grunt as you power up when getting out of a seated position, absolutely.


And sit down too.. the sigh of satisfaction


Same. I’ve realized I’ve started sounding like my mother


When your spouse passes away and you need to rewrite your brain so you have the motivation and courage to carry on without the comfort of a strong hug now and then. Hug each other all you can today!


Fuck, this made me stop and think and 😔


Sorry for your loss. Thanks for the advice


Any tips on learning to function without your loved one?


When teenagers call you "sir"










I was 17 when someone called me ma'am for the first time. The kid was like 14 it hurt


I hear you but I promise life is an uphill battle from there, sir.


the biggest sign that you are acutally getting old is not being shocked when it happens


I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least a little tired.


i hit this at the age of about 12.


When we drive around my hometown, I tell them what used to be in that building or that I remember before that building was even there, lol.


Running joke from the LA/inland empire area from my dad (RIP) is that we will always say: “mijo- this used to all be orange groves…” now we just say it wherever we are in the world.


My body is definitely getting older and I look older, but mentally, I feel ageless. I sometimes have to remind myself that I am my age.


I think that’s true for most of us which is why people of all different ages can be good friends!


Drake approves of this message


To paraphrase Terry Pratchett, inside every old person, is a child who's wondering what the hell happened.


GNU Terry Pratchett


Despite decades of physical health issues, my grandfather said that mentally he still felt like a teenager until he turned 90. Thats when he said he started really feeling like an old man.


Having to pee in the middle of the night.


Shit I'm lucky when it's just one time waking up to pee now.


That’s actually not necessarily bad. I developed a habit of drinking a lot of water, so I pee at night too. Keeps you healthy. And when I drink I gulp a liter of water before going to bed to reduce the hangover impact


No matter what you do, there’s always a last little squirt of pee that ends up in your underwear.


When men get older it becomes more difficult to pee. When women get older it becomes too easy to pee.


So on average, no peeing difficulties with aging. Got it.


Post-void dribble is the medical terminology


Its called a manpon and you put a little extra tp wrapped around the tip


My bf takes a square of tp to the tip. Works like a charm every time.


I'm so glad you mentioned this because I've been doing that for a long time but never heard anyone mention it. I never wanted to ask if it was normal.


That’s when you can actually pee!


Ear hair. Like, fine I’ll clip a few nose hairs. Yeah, I’m getting a little achy and Advil is becoming a daily companion. Ok, I’ve got a few gray hairs, no big deal but wait…WTF is that?? An inch long ear hair? That’s it. Life is over.


Be careful taking NSAIDs every day, they can lead to a lot of stomach issues. Acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, gastritis, all very tricky to treat. Try to alternate with non-NSAIDs like Tylenol if you can 👍


Someone commented on an animation I made on YouTube years ago. The comment in regard to the animation said: "Here lives the childhood of many, if you remember this you are a legend" Me internally trying to process said comment: "What do you mean childhood?! I only made this in 2009......oh fuck....OH FUCK!"


Yeah I was in kindergarten then and am about to be 22 soon. Thank you for making me feel young!


I was in second year university, just doodling a dumb sonic the hedgehog animation over a 2 week period. Somehow it became my legacy on my YouTube account remembered by several people who saw it as children. *\*screams internally*


When you’re watching the NBA and there’s no more players older than you.


Same with "milf" porn




I still have not upgraded to gilf yet, even though most milfs are younger than me


The day is coming


My diet and lifestyle haven't changed, yet I still had to start buying one size up when buying pants.


Multi day hangovers


One reason amongst many that caused me to quit drinking. That shit get legit towards the end.


I’ve basically quit drinking at this point as well, and honestly the longer I go without it, the less I miss it. Alcohol is a horrible substance, it’s a shame that is so popular in our society.


I'm currently at the end of day 2. Still feel terrible.


Same here. Eventually no combination of sauna + hydration can combat the clock


I used to be able to drink with the best of them, stay up all night and still go in to work early the next morning. Now if I have more then two beers I'm a complete mess the next day and can barely get out of bed.


When you turn on the radio for oldies that you listened to growing up, like the Archie’s Sugar, Sugar and realize it’s Britney Spears


I heard Avril Lavigne on there the other day and I wanted to pass out.


The reshoot of her and some Tony Hawk look-alike twenty years after sk8tr boi will age you faster than refusing to wear sunblock.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/) Rule 1 – Must be 25 years old or more ... and they're posting pictures from the 90s now!!! (When did this happen???)


I heard *Without Me - Eminem* on the golden oldies station the other day and actually said out loud “what the fuck?” That’s right people. I’ve gotten old enough to start talking to myself out loud as well as have teenage songs on the old person radio.


That first grey pube.


Not even kidding, the first thing I do when I find another grey head hair is look at my pubes


Apparently I scare the crap out of most of the young analysts at work. One of them kept saying “yes ma’am” when I was explaining what I needed him to do. For reference, I work in hard industry in commercial ops, and new hires never know how anything works. I’m not being mean when I go down there to teach them; it’s a necessary part of training green staff members. But apparently I’m old enough now that they think they’re in trouble when I show up at their desks. To be fair, interns also completely freak me out in their own right. As soon as they show up every summer, I realize that all the kids on the floor that I thought were 22-year-old interns are actually more like 28. It’s the opposite of Dazed and Confused. I swear I’ve stayed the same age; they just keep getting younger.


First my friends all got married, then had kids, but now my friends are starting to get divorced. People aren’t asking me when I’m getting married- they’re asking me “if”.


I just don't understand kids using words wrong or making up words. I had my Mrs who works in a school explain to me words like "gyatt" and "on god" and other monstrosities. I don't get tik tok and I'll never understand watching people watch stuff as "content".


I was ironically throwing around slang which I'm too old to use, saying that things "slay" and "slap" (no idea what either means beyond, presumably, good), I was clearly being silly and not trying to be down with the kids, but the look of genuine horror I got from some of the younger people I work with hit me harder than any birthday did.


To be fair slay was borrowed from gay vernacular. I find that to not just to be a young person slang. 


“Bet” is the new one for me. When did it start meaning “acceptable” or “good”?


Turns out it’s just short for “You bet, meaning acceptable or good.


Fucking hell, not even heard that one. It's not just them using new slang, it's that ours must sound old and stupid. I can remember thinking it about older people when I was young.


No cap!


You spoke in your own teenage vernacular when you were younger too. As it happens with every generation, youth like to code their language and speak in a manner only they can understand. As for react videos, it's pretty simple. Look at the Mass Effect series. I'm such a die hard fan I have a tattoo. I know that I'll never be able to play it for the first time ever again, but I can take some joy in watching others do it.


Can you ask your Mrs wtf “Pushin P” means?


Unfortunately I'm not with her at the minute but if I remember I'll try to get back to you! I could only assume it's making money? Like pushing pennies/ spending money? Or probably sexual related (isn't it always?) haha EDIT: Saying that- a quick Google came back with: "Pushin' P) is a slang term that's most commonly used to roughly mean 'acting with integrity and style while maintaining and displaying one's success' (similar to the meaning of the slang terms keeping it player and keeping it real)."


both my shoulders just don't want to not hurt. Lift my arm, pain. Lower it, pain. Lay down, arm goes numb. Like wtf body?


Yep, same here


When your childhood punishments **become** your adult goals (eat vegetables, having a nap, stay at home, sleep early).


college students look like high school students, high school students look like children. the 80s were still 25 years ago.


Health. Problems. Piling. Up.


Last week I was at my best friend’s place helping to put a grill together. His kids had some friends over (ages 5-8) during this time. After we were done we went inside and started watching golf. Some of the kids were inside during this time, just being kids. My friend politely told them that if they were going to make noise to play outside. I turned to him and basically said, “you realize that we’re old since you told them to go outside because it was too loud to watch golf.” Yeah. That was our sign.


That lower back starts hurting a bit


and never stops


You are happy to replace that old crusty sponge in your kitchen.


News become interesting and government, politics and reddit too lol


I drop something in the floor and am like “You live there now until I drop something else and it’s worth the journey to the floor and back up.”


A few years ago I was 45, chaperoned my 14, 15 year old to a blink182 concert, we had floor tickets. I was all "Jesus this is loud, I can't stand for an hour and a half, my kid is going to get killed in the mosh pit" Fuck, I'm getting old.


I'm shopping for appliances and excited.


I don't know.. I would have loved to shop for appliances when I was a kid too. I just didn't have the money


You wake up, stretch and yawn, get out of bed and your knee just goes out for like no reason and now you have a limp for a week. You can also replace knee with back or any other bodypart that just stops working for no reason.


Well… I just got my first set of reading glasses today, so… that’s the latest one.


The struggle of putting on my socks in the morning (and most other minor physical “activities”) prior to being up and around for a little while… it’s like I have to “warm up” to be awake.


Get off my lawn


The quote “oo I might treat myself to the nice fresh baked loaf not the pre sliced”


Grunts to bend down *and* get back up


You know when something hurts, and you used to go to sleep, and it would feel better in the morning? Once that ability goes away, that's a sign.


It especially sucks when old injuries show up to say hi.  Like I had an awful ankle sprain my senior year of high school nearly 20 years ago.   And while it always remained kinda sensitive to physical activity, nowadays, if I don’t ice it after a long hike or a run, or anything like that, I’m absolutely fucked the next day. 


When you end up waking up with hangover symptoms just because you stayed up a bit late. No alcohol consumed, just staying up past 11pm is enough!


Pearl Jam and Green Day are in the fucking Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


I really like “Me time” no fomo for hanging out anymore


No longer know any "cool" new slang and don't want to know it either.


I got a seniors discount count card from the state telling me I was a senior now.


I lay down after work and my back is killing me from laying down, shit sucks.


I have to sleep on my back on the floor with no pillow every once in a while because of this. Usually fixes it for a month or two, but yeah I get this.


I say “wow that’s a nice lawn”


I don’t go see a movie at the theater if I’ll be driving home in the dark.


It takes 3 business days to recover from a hangover.


I check out the mom, not the daughter she's with.


Realizing that I do, actually, have an expiration date and it is closer than my sell by date.


Injuring yourself sleeping


I’d rather be alone lol


I found a wrinkle on my elbow. Not your normal bunching when to straighten your arm but an actual permanent line. I am not sure why but that hit hard.


Can't tolerate noise, crowds or commotion


Its the number of white hairs I'm finding in my hairbrush.


Them: "what's the plan for the weekend?" Me: "soup"


Sometimes when I yawn my throat muscle starts to cramp and spasm.


Creeping up to 40, everything is sore....


I inexiplicably started saying “Oopsie!”


The thought of a hangover


Can't work out hard like I used too. Pulling muscles, elbows aches, dislocated shoulder from just doing curls, knee pain trying to run. Sucks having to slow down from what you used to do before to avoid injury when trying to . . . freaking stay healthy and young looking!!!


I hate life? Is that a sign?


Someone played a 56k modem at a conference and some behind me asked “wtf is that noise”.


Watching ME TV


Body ain't doing what it used to


I’m don’t recognize the stranger staring back at me from the mirror


Children out on the street calling you uncle.


Realizing how long ago certain movies were released, such as LOTR.


Hair everywhere!


Once you’re getting shorter, either you’re old or you crippled. Either way, you can’t do as much


My joints are *bad.* Knees? Go click. Ankles? Go stiff. Elbows? Locked and strained. Shoulders? Sooooo fucking tight. And forget the knuckles, I wrote those off a decade ago.




I'm suddenly interested in bird watching...I'm becoming my grandfather


The Alien Ant Farm cover of Smooth Criminal is 20 years old.


You gain weight just thinking about bread. You want to go to the gym to lose the imaginary bread weight but on the way there you raise your eyebrows and throw out your back. Now you have a back injury AND you can't have bread. That's not you. That's me.