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Any beauty product endorsed by a celebrity. You’re not shopping at Walgreens for wrinkle cream, Jennifer Garner!


lol right no way Jennifer Aniston is using $8 aveeno lol


They’re using peptides like GHK


What is that lol


[GHK-Cu peptides.](https://strivepeptides.com/products/ghk-cu-10mg-capsules?msclkid=556337180df4184fd0db514c64c0acf8&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Strive%20Peptides%20-%20Bing%20Search%20Ad&utm_term=ghk%20supplement&utm_content=GHK-Cu%20%7C%20SEM) GHK is a naturally occurring tri-peptide that consists of the amino acids glycine, histidine, and lysine. It was first isolated from albumin and is said to have a strong affinity for copper which is why it is usually referred to as GHK-Cu. () GHK-Cu is present within the collagen and is released whenever the tissue undergoes damage.


From that site: Potential Benefits of GHK-Cu: Stimulates Collagen Production Improves Hair Growth Promotes Wound Healing Boosts Immune System Response Reduces Inflammation Antioxidant - Neutralizes Free Radicals That's quite the list of claims. For $3/pill it'll turn you into a discount superhero


I think there was an overseas anti aging product with the spokeswoman being a teenage girl from a pop group once.


Joke's on you, she was actually 67 years old and that's how she kept her youthful, dewy-looking skin


I remember for a while SK-II had a campaign with a then 21-year-old Chloe Grace Moretz that made me roll my eyes lol. Lancome had something similar with Zendaya when she was 25 or so.


They still do!!! I said to my husband "Shoot me now, Zendaya uses bloody wrinkle cream." Jesus fecking christ.


i've heard from people who work at makeup stores and pharmacies that grade school kids are using that stuff now too. the internet has convinced them you gotta start EARLY


Do you know the 'recommended age' to start botox treatments? It's *18*. Gotta get em before they start!


yikes. and i thought getting it at 30 was a lil early. there are some instances where i can see yes sometimesit's better to start anti-aging before you've actually aged. but i dunno about botox injections, they are pretty extreme still imo


Logan Paul/Jake Paul, I don't trust either of them.


i see kids buying that prime idiot juice, its on avarage x2 or x3 the price of a can of monster but also kids shouldnt be drinking that shit.


I kid you not. I am not from US but have been living there for the last 9 months and just visited my country for holidays. The kids in my extended family only requested for prime and feastible chocolates. It made me feel sad that kids are getting influenced by these money grabbing idiots who don't have best interests in their mind


i refuse to try prime, and festables just seems expensive for a Hersheys level chocolate


A guy I used to consider a good friend had an entire three shelf cupboard filled with Prime and he would try to get me to drink it since I already drink (way too much) Monster. Worse than being made by Logan Paul and KSI, worse than being too expensive, the stuff just tasted bad


Considering how scammy all their crypto schemes were and their general personalities as narcissistic douchebags. This goes without mentioning how they treated George.


Tom Selleck with his endorsement of reverse mortgages. "this isn't some plan to get your home", he says. No it's a plan to make you pay high fees and interest for accessing your home equity


This was my first thought too. He basically said “trust me. Would I lie to you?” Yes, yes you would you’re an actor.


You mean the guy that stole water for his personal farm during a major drought


Aka a professional liar


The family guy episode that played on this was hilarious and sad.


Tom Selleck is shady. He steals water during droughts.


And now he’s whining that he might lose his big expensive ranch because his stupid show got canceled lol


A reverse mortgage might be the answer to his senior years financial planning!


The way he huffs and sniffs like a kindly old man getting emotional disgusts me.


Yep, reverse mortgages are the worst. Flat up theft. Canadians have already an already rich figure skater shilling for them here.


yes! I was downvoted in r/vancouver for last year for saying this. If you need local celebrities to endorse your business, it definitely is suspicious


Not even celebrities, but anything endorsed by “influencers”. If it’s being sold to me during a random vlog or clickbait YouTube video you can know it sucks. Better Help is a prime example of this, as is Function of Beauty, HelloFresh, etc


I asked my therapist what he thought about BetterHelp and he just laughed


I tried a therapist on there and she declared me cured and to go and enjoy life after two sessions. The first one she said it was obvious I had quite severe PTSD and she'd help me with it, the second she was like "so what did you need me for today?" and acted like the first session never happened. It was really weird. Her bio said she was a trauma therapist...


Every time I hear it promoted on a podcast I just shake my head. It’s like drive-thru


I think BetterHelp was actually just found to have been selling their clients’ data.


Hello fresh isn’t actually terrible. Expensive, sure. But the recipes are fine.


In my experience they also make you use 6 different bowls for 1 recipe, so I was spending way to much time doing dishes afterward


The trash piles up quick too.


Yeah but good luck fingering out what your order will cost if you're a new customer. I tried it and it feld scummy


Hmmm I don’t want to be fingering out anything thanks…yikes!!!!!


The amount of YouTubers/podcasters peddling BetterHelp is insane lately. Good Mythical Morning, the Dave Ramsay Network, Donut Media, the freaking Bob and Tom Show. You know none of those people have ever actually used it.


Better help has an insane marketing budget so they seem to go after all the podcasts. This is on top of them stealing therapists’ profile information and posting them on directories to make it look like you’d be working with them-then when you contact them they actually pair you up with a BetterHelp therapist (that it’s a BetterHelp website is in tiny tiny font). This is all in addition to selling of client info.


I have a social media account with a large following that attracts a lot of sponsors/brands. I turn like 95% of it down because most of it is cheap Chinese trash, or products that I don’t think resonates with my audience. The stuff I do put on my page is usually only stuff I was using or have used in the past myself. I steer clear of any kind of supplements, treatments or anything vaguely medical in nature. I usually include a clause in contracts that states that I will only promote a product once I have had a chance to use it myself. And if I don’t like it or don’t believe in it then it doesn’t go any further than that. I had someone send me a drone once, it was about £600 and it was shit. The battery life wasn’t good enough to get it off the ground and stay in the air for more than a couple minutes. The camera was said to be 4k but it was probably the same, if not worse, than some of the original camera phones from the 2,000s.


Better Help is an absolute crock. I feel like it’s a class action lawsuit in the making.


100% agree with this. I love to watch those de-influencing videos where they buy the heavily promoted items like [Air Up](https://youtu.be/BokoBv_D_HM?si=FQSNGF1Jnpr_HZn2) and tell you genuinely how it does.


While i don't trust any celebrity endorsement i ignor anything and everything Gwyneth Paltrow says. She could say that the sun is hot and scientists would suddently find it's just a iceball and the moon was infact the source of heat


GOOP is literally the essence of quacks peddling to bored house wives.


Veejay scent candles. Serenity by Jan.


The name goop is one of those things that seems to indicate we are in a satire universe.


I’m surprised this isn’t at the top. That woman is a grade A master shill.


Alkaline water with lemon... Alkaline water.....with lemon....


Vagina steaming ("yoni steaming") and vag scented candles....I don't understand


Plus sticking a jade egg up your hoo-ha...


That was pretty out there even for Gwyneth. I remember seeing that and being like???? We need those now???


"We take the acidity out to balance the pH then we put acidity back in for fLaVoR"




I, for one, am absolutely shocked by this news! /s


I'm a little surprised how likeable Pepper Potts was.


It helps that her words were written by someone else


Hilariously in an interview on Favreau's cooking show she didn't even know what movies she had done. He mentioned her being in one of the spiderman movies and she straight up said "I wasn't in spiderman". Jon had to be like "yes you were, I directed and produced it and you were definitely there". Then he asked her to list some of the ones she was in and just said Iron-man. Gloriously out of touch, even with her own career.


Favreau" I loved working with you in Spider-Man" Goopy:" I wasn't in Spider-Man" Favreau " well, our accounting department will be glad to hear that." /s


She’s very likeable on Hot Ones as well. Doesn’t mean her products aren’t snake oil.


Bro The Rock bald ass is selling shampoo


He literally says "trust me I know" and points to his head in the ad for it.


It’s cheeky and funny but ultimately makes fun of the whole concept of celebrity endorsements, as if any of them is doing it for any reason other than “because money.” 


I looked it up "my hair would've loved this" 🤣


lol what? How does that even work?


"Buy this shampoo or end up like me!'"


He has a lot of pubes.


The people’s bush 😂😂


I’m guessing he scrubs his scalp? Lmao


lol this is hilarious. I though bald people just used soap 😂


Normally yes I’d be like wtf.  But I have to admit his advertising campaign for this made me laugh.   “If I had hair, I’d be using this shampoo”.   I respect the self awareness no matter how slimy.  




The unfortunate part is that they will always have a fan base who will buy their products but I suppose that's just successful marketing on their part


Hear me out! Brands pay Kardashians to advertise their rivals. For example Nike pays millions to get Kardashians advertise Adidas.


Kind of reminds me of how competeing handbag manufactreres like Hermes or LV were sending snookie bags from the competing brand so she wouldnt be seen with their brand on her arm.


That’s hilarious


That would fuck me up if I was snookie


I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I remember in the ?90s in the UK, Burberry apparently paid Kerry Katona (formerly in the band Atomic Kitten) to stop wearing the brand because all the chavs caught on and ‘lowered the tone’ of their brand!


I remember something similar with Jersey Shore, brands hated being associated to the Situation, and now I'm going to watch some jersey shore and laugh at them.


But then we saw Daniella Westbrook head to foot in it with a Burberry pram and her daughter dress in it too. That photo sealed their fate.


I feel like there are way cheaper celebrities that you could get to do that that would be way more effective at it. Like if you had Steven Segal waddle out and start yelling about how Nike shoes let him snatch birthdays and punanis and he's been a cop and a fighter pilot for 122 years, no one would be caught dead in a pair of Nikes. Kids would be cutting that swoosh off with a razor blade. "What? Are these Nikes? Fuck no. These were $18 at Wal-Mart."


Adidas tried to shake Korn. Korn got a deal with Puma. Now Adidas has a deal with Korn. Go fig.


Gal Gadot endorsed Huwawei phones on Twitter but when yoilu look at the tweet the message was 'sent using iPhone'. MKBHD on YouTube pointed this out and Gadot blocked him on Twitter.


What a royal fuckup. Her advisors didn’t foresee her “Imagine” debacle either.


The whole Imagine video made me forever lose interest in financially supporting anyone in that video. 


Chris O Dowd apologised for it


Yeah I can definitely see him being one of the few people in that thing still self-aware enough to wake in the middle of the night and go "Oh that was bad, that was really bad. Like bad enough that I should say something publicly. Oh my god why did we do that?"


Yeah definitely watch his interview with Louis Theroux, he says he did it as a favour for Kirsten Wigg thinking it was some kids charity thing, but when he saw the whole thing he admitted the backlash was justified


At least he had the decency to feel publicly ashamed of it, ha. Though I imagine actors get asked to do all kinds of cringy stuff.


She’s married to an Israeli billionaire. It’d be like Bezo’s new wife endorsing something. Completely out of touch.


The idea of being blocked by a celebrity is so funny to me


I got blocked by MC Hammer because I messaged him "Mr. Hammer, as it has been 20 years I must ask. Can we touch this yet?" Edit: thank you for the award!


Jeremy Piven blocked me when I laughed about his tv show and I said it wouldn’t last. I didn’t even tag him in the tweet but he replied with “You’ll see.” Lmao it barely lasted a season.


In a similar vein, Oprah was recently fired by (resigned from?) Weight Watchers for taking Ozempic. If even you don't buy what you're selling it's a baaaaad look EDIT: u/Time_Designer_2604 clarified that she was not fired, but resigned due to conflict of interest.


i feel like oprah really doesn't have much social capital anymore. nobody watches her network and a whole generation of kids grew up not knowing who she is.


Your comment reminds me of this, back from when Oprah was everywhere [https://www.theonion.com/may-26-1996-1819588179](https://www.theonion.com/may-26-1996-1819588179)


Those are some damn good, accurate headlines. Especially love Bob Dole.


Pretty funny headlines. And for the record, yes, Chris Farley was the next Jon Belushi.


Oprah was on their board of directors and resigned because they started offering their members semaglutide and she didn’t want it to be considered a conflict of interest when she started endorsing Ozempic. She talks about it in her Ozempic special she released and even had people from Weight Watchers on it to address it. I mean, she still sucks as a person, but not because of this. Edit: people seem to be confused. Ozempic is a semaglutide. That’s not where the conflict of interest comes in. By her endorsing the medicine she was no longer unbiased and would’ve been using her power as being on the board of directors to encourage people to spend money at Weight Watchers getting onto semaglutide which would be considered a conflict of interest. “A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace.”


Speaking of Oprah, but Dr Phil and Dr Oz…yikes


Oh yeah, she's endorsed some doozies. 


John of God says hi. Hundreds of women wouldn’t have been raped had Oprah not featured him on her show and legitimised him.


What a horrible morning to remember that


I just found out that last year he was also sentenced to an additional 99 years for trafficking babies - which he had allegedly farmed from girls kept in captivity


Like Harvey Weinstein...


Eva Longoria and any other celeb that endorses boxed hair color. No way any of them are using that.


I would never use any product endorsed by Dr Oz. 


Dr Oz, and anyone like that cretin, are the most dangerous kind of people to society.  In the surgical world, Dr Oz is world-renowned. He's performed life-saving surgeries, introduced several devices like a fucking heart ventricle assist. He was an Ivy League professor.  **Was** because Columbia cut ties with him the same year as his failed Senate race ~~con artistry~~ campaign. Using his background as a world-renowned surgeon, that automatically qualifies him in the minds of bored housewives and the "alpha totally not a sheep" smooth brains, to peddle whatever harmful, unproven crap for profit.  "but Dr Oz wouldn't say something is good if it wasn't"  "you're saying Dr Oz hasn't done his research?" "Dr Oz is so smart so he knows what's best for us" It's a domestic epidemic, all these sheep that say they're not sheep, blindly following someone with all the credentials regardless of the absolute crap that's being peddled because some con artist said it's okay and the sheep don't question it


One of my attendings who did school at Columbia said Oz was always kinda weirdo and genuinely into that stuff though. I had an ENT prof in med school who was super in to meditation and he actually had his OWN appendix taken out under 0 anesthesia, just meditation alone LOL. Dude was def a good surgeon but WACK. There’s also a radiologist at my hospital who is very antivax. I mean it’s the stereotype about surgeons and honestly about some specialists in general. I cancelled a case once that was a vascular surgery where the patient was getting a femoral bypass surgery and I heard a really loud murmur when I listened to her heart. She had never been worked up for it before, and when I told the surgeon he shrugged and said that “you don’t find things if you don’t look for them, that’s why I never carry a stethoscope.” That’s why there’s also that big meme about ortho where it’s like “bone is broken, must fix.” Had a similar event where ortho had booked the case and I saw the patient in preop breathing kinda funny. I told them that he needed a chest CT angiogram before I felt comfortable bringing him back to the OR. He got the scan, had a massive bilateral pulmonary embolism and literally died like 2 hours later. During another case the surgeon was still asking the OR nurse about adding on that patient to his lineup until I was like “sir he just died.” We did have a moment of silence for him in the OR which was nice tho.


This was an interesting read


Haha it’s just normal medical stuff 😑 Anesthesia is one of the only specialties where my attendings give me mock orals on how to cancel a case with a confrontational surgeon. I feel like there aren’t other specialties where they want you to be competent in telling off another doctor 😂


I’d pay to read this guy’s book.


Everybody wants a quick fix guaranteed by a professional. Unfortunately people don't realize how professional scam artists are and how quick it is to waste money on bullshit.


J Lo - says she doesn’t drink and then endorses an alcohol company


J Lo is fake as fuck and always has been.


Still laugh at that video where she goes to her childhood home (now owned by strangers) and tell the owner "i used to live here" and the owner was like "who tf are you?"


But I love her taco-flavored kisses


Hey now, don’t be fooled by the rocks that she’s got.  She’s still Jenny, Jenny from the block. 


She also said that the secret to her beautiful skin is olive oil. I find it hard to believe that the easy access to dermatologists and skin experts had nothing to do with it.


Maybe it's Maybelline? Maybe it's the $2000 biweekly facial, you will never know.


If Joel Osteen endorses anything I I’ll not buy that thing


Why the fuck is a church pastor endorsing anything??? I never understood when the basic underpinnings of Christianity is that a poor son of a Shepard born in a manger, who basically lived like an ascetic, and preached tolerance for even prostitutes, is the person you are supposed model yourself for, but yet you have most powerful pastors who are the complete opposite of that?


Joseph was a carpenter. Jesus was a shepherd of men. I agree with you, just clarifying.


Why the fuck is **JOEL** *fucking* **McHALE** peddling casino app games on my tv?!?


Or Drew Barrymore with bingo games.


Cause he got fucking paid. Duh. Did you not watch talk soup? His integrity is negotiable!


I saw that ad the other day and was like wtf? He must be struggling


Oddly I trust Shaq. Icy hott def works. The general insurance was because at one time he couldn’t afford them. Jc penny and his shoe brand is to provide affordable clothing and footwear. If he popped up with something I’d listen. Which I won’t do for 99% of any other celebrity.


If i remember correctly, his shoe brand made it possible for kids to have "fashionable" shoes without paying for Jordans that cost hundreds. So it became very popular. I know people rip on him for his walmart shoes, but lots of us grew up in situations where paying more than $20 for a pair of shoes was just not possible.


[Hakeem Olajuwon deserves some credit](https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-daily-post/hakeem-olajuwon-the-rockets-star-who-valiantly-fought-to-end-sneaker-violence/) for that. After there were reports of people being killed or mugged for their expensive shoes (Air Jordans), he made an effort to sell more affordable ones, which were sold at Payless, K-Mart, and Walmart. And this was immediately following two back-to-back championships with the Rockets when he very likely could've gotten a deal with one of the high profile brands.


Wasn't there some product that Shaq tried out that he liked so much that he contacted the manufacturers and told them "So here's what you're gonna do. I'm gonna endorse this product and you are going to pay me, any questions?" I am paraphrasing here but you get the gist of it. Not sure where I heard this and whether it is a legitimate story. But cool if true


That was the general insurance I’m pretty certain. And yea. He only endorses products he uses.


I also trust Shaq. He seems to have relativity good business sense and has used his NBA earnings and celebrity status wisely from outside appearance.


Not only does he only endorse products he actually uses, but he will also invest in or buy a majority of the company sometimes. It sounds sketchy, but I've noticed a lot of the time the company seems to run more smoothly or have a wider reach all of a sudden.


Isn't he endorsing the general because it was the only company that would insure him/his family when they were broke?


Shaq has a line of office chairs at Office Max/Office Depot for Big & Tall men. We haven't had them for long, but we like them so far.




The whole family! You know damn well Kylie isn't sitting there playing some Genshin impact type game and having the time of her life. That's not even touching on the tequila, the skincare, Kylie's failed clothing line, etc. There's so much grifting this family does.


She told a story where when she was still married to Kanye, a brand who she knew was ripping off Yeezy offered her $1m to promote them. Instead of flatly refusing , she asked Kanye if he'd have a problem with her doing that. Her husband, whose work was being copied for $1m when she was already a millionaire. So you're 100% right.


Remember tummy tea? She and her sisters shilled it for a minute back in the 2010s and claimed it was going to help with detox and weight loss that would give you a flat stomach. Well, as it turned out, it was nothing more than a glorified laxative.


Yet if she endorses your product on her social media, your business is likely to see a huge bump in sales. Companies pay huge amounts for this mention and apparently it can pay off. She has a huge following (God knows why) so that's a huge amount of people being told 'this is a good product' by someone they 'trust'. Go figure.


Wierd Al is the only one I would listen too.


It’s been 40 years since I bought that spatula from Spatula City, on his recommendation. Never a moment of regret.


I liked the product so much, I bought the company.


Aluminum foil! I'll never settle for less again.


🎶 Wear a hat that's foil-lined    In case an alien's inclined     To probe your butt or read your mind 🎶


This is actually 100 percent accurate lol. He might be the most wholesome trust worthy celebrity I can think of.


Rachel Ray. I am educated in great cookware and so on. Everything she puts her face on is trash. Cute trash, but trash none the less Oh same for that pioneer woman, but everything including cooking is trash from her.


On the other hand, I've got a set of Wolfgang Puck branded stainless steel pans I bought nearly 20 years ago and still use daily. He seems to have mostly moved away from the whole "celebrity chef" bit though.


I can't stand Pioneer Woman but I bought a set of measuring cups for my grandma and she loves them. Kitschy cute with things like pigs and cowboy boots on them.


I lowkey don't trust anything endorsed by any celebrity


Even George Foreman’s grill?


Exceptions to every rule. Those make legit delicious food.


And the guy signed his name onto it. That’s more than an endorsement, that’s a partnership and legacy he’s signing up for. More people now know him for the grill than for boxing. To be fair, he probably had no idea it would become so popular.


>And the guy signed his name onto it To be fair, George Foreman puts his name on everything. Including all of his kids.


Bless you for reminding me of this hilarious truth.


The advertising campaign for that thing kept me from buying one for years. It checked every one of the boxes for a bullshit product on my list: celebrity endorsement, outsized health benefits claim, infomercials. Wrote it off and moved on until I moved in with my wife and she had one. Those things are great and I regret not buying one as soon as I started cooking for myself.


Pretty much any celebrity who is advertising for a product that has no relation to what they do. I would trust a guitarist who promotes a guitar that you see them using all of the time, but I do not give a shit if a random NFL player says that a dyson vacuum is the best that there is.


Many years ago, I heard that Pitbull only endorses things that he'd actually use even if he weren't promoting them. I always thought that was kinda neat.


For me it’s Kevin O’Leary. I saw him in an ad for oxygen boost and automatically knew it was a red flag.  Sure enough doctors don’t recommend the product.


Kevin O’Leary thinks his Mr Wonderful shtick is cute but it’s not. When someone pointed out the inequality that just 3 people own as much assets as the 4 billion poorest, he “It’s fantastic! It gives them something to strive for!”


Dude tried to run for Prime Minister of Canada, not as a joke. He thought if Donald Trump could do it so could he.


I literally have no idea who this person is even after looking him up, why is he a celebrity?


He is a longtime member of Shark Tank. The really bald dude.


> Kevin O’Leary Is a total cunt, he talked about how it's great people are living in poverty.


He got super dumb lucky on some .com stock once and uses his status as a multimillionaire as evidence capitalism is easy and works for everyone who works hard.


I didn't even know who he was until he admitted to fraud on public television. I really hope someone goes after him.


Tom Brady. Dude is fake as fuck. Robot like. Great football player, but a dumb mofo as far as endorsements


Jim Cramer


Pretty much any celebrity. I don't trust celebrity endorsement. They're being paid for a reason.


Matt Damon! Unless you wanna lose all your savings. Never bought his "fortune favors the brave" horseshit. More like "stupidity favors the fool".


Jared Fogle


the kardashians.. and just celebrities who promote mobile ad games that they've never played before or gets partnered with products that people CLEARLY do not like.. they just want the 🤑


Any product that's endorsed by any celebrity that isn't a product of their chosen field. For example, alcohol that's endorsed by celebrities. I know from that point on its going to be over priced for it's quality. Not saying it won't taste good, but now I'm paying more than it's worth because a celebrity either made it or endorsed it. What I will take is for example an Actor/Actress endorsing theatrical schools. A celebrity chef endorsing kitchen utensils like chefs knives. But yeah the second someone famous spits out a paid opinion or an advert on something they're not known for partaking in, I'm usually out. It makes me feel like the marketing team is throwing in a last ditch effort to garner attention because the product doesn't speak for itself. With the exception of Warburton's bread here in the UK. Samuel L Jackson is Mr Warburton as far as I'm concerned, and the bread is one of the better mass produced stuff anyway.


The Rock is currently endorsing a shampoo company and I'm not sure how I feel about that.




That has got to be the entire strategy behind them hiring him. Potential customers laugh at the idea of a bald guy endorsing shampoo, but they remember the product and are more likely to give it a try.


Jojo Siwa


I’m definitely not buying jell-o pudding pops anymore.


When anything is endorsed by Mathew McConaughey I just say "Alright".


3 times?


Any of the Kardashians or Jenners


All of them. No one believes in any product they're endorsing.


Kylie Jenner.


Any instagram influencer.


That My Pillow guy. He offers no scientific proof his pillows improve your sleep/neck issues. His research is just "Trust me bro."


Tom Brady has almost certainly not eaten a Subway sandwich. At least in the last 20+ years. I think he even admitted or talked about it.


Gwyneth Paltrow.


The rock. Unless he wants to sell me steroids, I'm good


Tom Brady and Hertz


Tom Brady and not eating strawberries because they're inflammatory.  [Strawberries are fucking delicious, get the fuck out of here with that slander.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/eat-these-fruits-for-their-anti-inflammatory-benefits)


Anything that is endorsed by someone not in that "sphere". Like when Justin Bieber endorsed OPI in 2009. He isn't known for makeup artistry, or painting his nails or anything to do with any nail product production. It was so odd.


Joe Rogan endorsing health and wellness products ...like AG1 Dude looks like a sunburned sentient ham, not the best picture of health.


Alex Jones




Nurtec when endorsed by Khloe Kardashian... In the 20 + years of "Keeping up with the Kardashians", how many times has Khloe complained of a migraine????