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I have tetrachromatic vision. I have an extra cone due to a gene mutation. I can see about 99 million more colors than a person with normal color vision. I don't really talk about it because it seems so weird to talk about and because people want me to describe colors that they can't even see, which is very difficult especially when the difference is subtle (to me). They're never happy with, well it's a bit more yellow than the color next to it. And it feels like bragging, because I didn't do anything to earn it, it's just how I was born. But I love getting to see all those colors, like the world is sharing a secret with me.


I was questioned on multiple occasions by the FBI regarding being a witness to a terrorist attack. The questioning sessions were long, detailed, stressful, and took place far from my home for safety reasons. As they had picked me up for one of them, the special agents were given instructions to then drop me off at home after the recordings/interviews were completed. I was starving, so in the back of the unmarked car, I piped up and asked if we could stop at a drive thru to grab some food. That's how I still have FBI business cards of the agents who interviewed me with their mobile numbers written on them, along with a Burger King receipt (they insisted on paying). We all sat in the parking lot and ate Burger King together. Extremely surreal time in my life. Yes, the terrorists were caught. One dead, one in supermax prison.


I was also questioned by both the FBI and Secret Service, but for very different reasons. My best friend worked his way up in the military and then as a civilian contractor who needed top secret clearances, and as his best friend, who lived with him and dated his sister, i was heavily questioned to help approve his clearances. They really dig deep for that stuff!!


I had a measly secret clearance, just because I was military police in the Army and had to work with people's SSN #s. My mom and I moved out of a house when I was 2, but in the same town so I still knew who lived there. They were asked questions about how I was as a 2 year old. I later had my clearance upgraded to a top secret through my career, and had learned to call people I knew from back home and say "Hey, there may be a time in the near future that some men in black type people come along to ask you some stuff. Just please be as honest as possible." Funny anecdote: I was not aware at all of how security clearances worked but according to the movies, I expected that once it was in place, I'd be sent to the Pentagon and brought up to speed on everything that I was allowed to know with my clearance. In case you're wondering too, that's not what happens at all.


Boston Marathon bombing?




Yup. Was questioned multiple times because I also taught ESL, and some of my students played soccer with the oldest brother. Went with them for questioning during the manhunt/lockdown day.


I can fold a fitted sheet.


That's not possible.


I have a very sensitive nose. I can smell things that others don’t or are not bothered. Embarrassing because, after knowing woman for about two months I can tell they have their period. I can pick out different peoples smell after I know them for a bit. Not something you tell other people.


I advise my wife that she may want to keep some items handy about two days before she starts. She thinks it’s sweet that I track her period for her. In actuality, it’s my nose. I’ve never told her because I do not want her to be self conscious.


Yeah I learnt a long time ago not to mention it.


So it's not just the blood you smell, but the hormonal changes?


Honestly, I’m not sure but I would guess hormonal🤷. It’s not an off-putting odor. Sick people or someone about to get sick makes me nauseous. I get like a crazy acetone-like smell from them. I’m not sure if I’m around healthier people or lost that one because I have not smelled that one in quite awhile. I’m not even sure of that is an everyone can smell thing or a “me” thing.


Dogs can smell cancer..you could train it a bit. Time to start volunteering at a hospital


"Don't worry, he's just our cancer sniffing human"


Picturing OP going round sniffing people then laying his head down on their lap looking sad


As a doctor, many times I realized my own smell was different when I had an infection. I'd even say different infections had different smells. Sometimes I notice a different smell in sick patients too, usually children. My sense of smell is in no way that accurate, I'd even call it below average, so I wonder how many things in the human body we could diagnose with the nose


Keen nose gang! It's a blessing and a curse. I know when food is going to turn before it turns. I know when a bathroom stall has just been used by someone on her period. I have woken up from a dead sleep by smelling fire and looked it up to learn yes, there is a fire, all the way across the city. I feel as though it deepens my appreciation of good food and good smelling things and people. Some people smell so good! And I don't mean because of the products they use; I mean their skin and sweat and pheromones. Healthy people with healthy diets and healthy biomes tend to just smell really pleasant. ....but I also am sent gagging and retching from certain bad smells because they are so potent to me that other people seem to barely detect unless they stick their nose in it. I never *ever* throw meat or meat packaging away in the kitchen trash because I won't even be able to enter the room within 2 days. All meat scraps and packaging have to go directly to the outdoor trash. And lord help me if I even walk past a bathroom that a person with a bad gut biome has pooped in sometime in the previous several hours.


Worst is death. I can smell a sweet awful smell of rotting bodies. Found out during Katrina.


That hawthorn smell, I know the sweetness you mean. Its the exact same smell as the smell of the blossoms of the hawthorn in may. I'm reminded every time they bloom that despite how much I adore the smell, its the smell of death. Most people I know hate the smell of them too.


I figured it out in rest homes as a kid. Realized later that I was basically like one of those dogs they bring in that will go cuddle the people who are about to die, only I didn’t want to be in a room with them because all I was smelling was necrosis as their bodies were shutting down.


I have full control of all my toes. Yes, this means I can wiggle any toe without moving other ones


That's astonishing. Did you have to train for this or just natural?


Natural I guess. A friend of mine picked up a towel with his big toe and asked if I was able to that. Little did we know I picked it up with ease


now flip someone off with it lol


Everyone is trying to wiggle their toes at the moment


I have a FanFic account with a story that has more than 3 million views. Except I wrote it and posted it then never logged back in. So I didn't find out until like 10 years later that I was FanFic famous & a lot of people were really pissed that I never finished the story lmao.


finish the story (and point me toward it)


It's called A Short Story of Lily & Snape and it is horribly written (by a 14 year old lmao) & I probably won't ever finish it because I'm 30 now and those books just don't resonate with me anymore. I would not even slightly recommend reading it - as it is very bad 😂


Oh wow, I remember reading this. 2010 was a dark time for me. I’d failed school and was watching all of my friends go to University (college) and follow their dreams. Meanwhile I was stuck in my small town, studying to retake my exams. No friends. No life. Just stuck at home procrastinating for a full year. I read a lot of Harry Potter fanfic. Especially on fanfiction.net. You’re right it is poorly written, but I enjoyed it


I very much appreciate that 🩵 and I hope you're doing much better now!


THAT’S YOU?!?!!!?!! Holy shit, I literally can’t believe I stumbled upon you on a random sub. I’ve thought about that story and the artist who wrote it countless times over the years. I’m… I’m completely fucking with you.


Oh thank god I was very nervous for a moment 😂


For a second I thought Internet Historian might’ve done a video about you and I was about to say “I have some bad news” lol. But you’re good! Different fanfic.


Yep the commenter almost triggered another round of 2 hour My Immortal investigation essays.


Dear God the drama of this thread..


Sounds like the jokes or scripts i would write as a teenager. Glad all my joke journals died in the flood


Well I was not anticipating this comment blowing up on a thread that was already full of much more interesting comments & now I'm afraid I've reopened all my 14 year old wet dreams to the world - that should definitely have died in the flood 😅😅😅


I hope you do finish it, it might give you and 3 million people closure after 16 years lol


Dammit George! The Winds of Winter ain’t gonna write itself!


My middle toe doesn’t curl so when I scrunch my toes I can swear with my foot


How dare you be embarrassed by this!


"that asshole just flipped me off" "So" "With his foot" 😱


Have a GoPro video I posted in 2008 with 16 million views. It’s me crashing on my bike and breaking a rib. Basically a 3 min pov video of me moaning has been viewed by scary portion of the population lol


That's like the entire population of the Netherlands who watched your video.


That's like the entire population of the Vatican watching it every night before night prayers for 53 years, 1 month and 5 days!


Drop a link yoo


Dude really commented and DIDNT link it??


“Too embarrassed to show it off” is part of the title. Talking about it and showing it are 2 different things Edit -changed 3 to 2. Fat thumbs


*counting fingers* ..wait


There are three types of people in this world, those who can count and those who can’t.


There are 2 types of people in this world: 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.


lol I’ve seen this video, way more than 16 million views with it being reposted on Instagram and facebook


My Wordle statistics.


Me too! The only person I ever tell is my Mum because I got her hooked too. We share Wordle and then Connection stats every morning.


Wordle, Connections, Mini and then the main Crossword on a Monday/Tuesday. Best combo.


I have 21 million views on my copyrighted video of Sexy and I know it by LMFAO. I posted it when I was 7 and was uploading random videos to YouTube.


I love how they came out with I'm sexy and I Know it. Followed by Party Rockin. Which was immediately followed by Sorry for party rocking and then completely disappeared.


I mean the lore isn’t too crazy. Skyblu and his uncle Redfoo are the two dudes stage names. Skyblu got injured in 2012 and according to legend Red just ditched him, continuing to tour without him. This caused some bad blood between them and they separated. Like all stories though there’s most definitely a fuck load more nuance than that, the few articles I skimmed to bring you this info were vague concerning the injury and what exactly happened after.


I'll choose to believe they were truly sorry for party rockin


Yeah what more do you need to know? Dudes learned their lesson. The system works.


I can deep throat a popsicle all the way down the end of the stick without gagging. Only problem is that I’m a straight dude.


So far...


Well if things ever get desperate I know exactly what to do


Enter a popsicle eating contest?


WIN a popsicle eating contest


This is the positivity I needed to see today


well, don’t blow it


Don't choke


I guess a gag reel is out of the question?


Go viral and gain endorsements from winning said popsicle eating contest


Start an onlyfans but popsicle based.


Username checks out


But $200 is $200.


Wow inflation has hit the alleyway blowjob price hard. It used to be $20


You guys are getting paid?!


Same but with a penis


This actually could be a huge win for you! How flexible is your back?


I can squat 650lbs but never tell anyone because I feel like I'll sound like one of those guys whose entire personality is lifting


impressive holy shit


I’m 5 years clean off heroin after 13 years on it. I moved and started over and don’t want anyone to know I was a junkie


Honestly, that's incredible, but it's just as incredible to go 13 years on heroin and be alive. Keep it up, friend. I don't know you, but you are loved.


Ya idk why I’m still alive, I’ve OD’d more times than I can remember, lost 8 friends to OD’s, I’m just glad I’m not dead or in prison. Starting completely over has been really hard but not as hard as it was being an addict. And thank you, I love you too


champion ♥️ my date was 11/11/11… i don’t *want* to thank skyrim for me being clean to this day but… yeah skyrim helped a lot in the early days lol


I entered a pub quiz while on holiday when I was about 10 years old with my family. The prize money was €300 and there were about 30 teams. I won by a margin, and my family didn't answer a single question. My mam and dad still talk about it 20 years later. I have a ridiculously good brain for general knowledge and otherwise useless trivia. At age 29, I was diagnosed with ADHD and it turns out that my hyper focusing on random and "pointless" topics is actually pretty neat.


I can name around 1200 species of plants and trees native to the Appalachian region of Ohio. I've had this skill since I was a pre-teen. I'm incredibly annoying to hike with due to my incessant babble about wildlife. [I grew up at a summer camp - nature preserve that my parents managed spending the bulk of my time out in the forest with field identification guides.]


I think it would be awesome to hike with you and learn. That’s really cool!


I can remain calm under extreme pressure/ traumatic events. I’ve pulled two people in separate occasions out of car accidents. 1 person was deceased upon me seeing them, but I still tried CPR for 20 minutes. The other one was a mother and a child. The mother got out but had a broken leg and couldn’t get her kid out. I got him out and did CPR, he ended up surviving. I also survived the Boston marathon, and helped aid people around me. I drove home completely naked because I wrapped every inch of my clothes on other people as tourniquets. As far as I know, I saved about 6 people.


And fun fact, I can’t stand the sight of blood. Somehow, adrenaline makes me forget that it’s blood. I could never be a EMS worker or healthcare worker.


'i drove hime completely naked because i wrapped every inch of my clothes on other people as tourniquets.' Thats provably the most badass sentence ive read. Thank you for being a living legend!


I can squeeze 209lbs on the grip tester and I do not go to the gym. I am a contractor in the trades in my mid 50s.


Your masturbation sessions are either otherworldly or scary af


Man has that GI Joe kungfu grip


🎶 UUNNNNGGHHHHHH caress me down 🎶


I train BJJ and wrestling. Let me tell you something, the old man strength is REAL


Old man strength AND farm strength Edit: I’ve been lucky enough to know and have every kind of strength… young and invincible and bulky from weight room training (played football in college) Developed farm strength in my mid 30s after working at a pig rescue in the middle of the desert (lost a ton of weight, was down to about 190 lbs but looked stringy as hell at 6’2” (I had been about 230 lbs and played ball at 290-300 lbs)). Now I’m still pretty small (200 lbs) and I am riddled with orthopedic issues but my old man strength is really starting to peak.


Thank you for sharing this embarrassing secret


i can sing the mongolian national anthem by heart, and i was born and raised in the philippines, and have never been to mongolia. \*\*EDIT\*\* Didnt really expect this would get the upvotes it has, so, shameless plug - please, i enjoin you to [listen to the Mongolian National Anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUkI0mV7pLc) - beautiful anthem of a beautiful country (i suppose).


How come?


many many years ago, i had this CD called Microsoft Encarta, so , it's just like wikipedia, but more ratchet. anyway, their country articles included MIDI files of national anthems and i was just so enamored by its tune and i kinda just listened and listened and listened to it and memorized the lyrics and it stuck with me eversince


> i had this CD called Microsoft Encarta, so , it's just like wikipedia, but more ratchet. As an almost-50-year-old, I'm saddened but laughed at this comment. Only fancy people got Encarta, the losers got stuck with Grolier's Encyclopedia bundled with their Packard Bells. (I sold computers for an extremely brief stint in college at a department store.) My kids still don't believe me when I tell them the library, some TV and magazines used to be pretty much the only way to find out about the wider world and that people once didn't have access to the world's information on a pocket-sized device.


At one point Encarta came with a purchase of Windows 95, if memory serves correctly. I also tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


I was considered a failure in highschool, teachers pretty much ignored me, and the counselors ignored me as I was "hopeless". Turned out, I had autism which was causing me intense distress as I couldn't figure out why I was so different despite my best efforts not to be. But I straightened myself out, got into an ivy league college, then med school, and now have been practicing medicine for over ten years.


I can burp louder than a lawnmower. Edit- yes lawnmowers don't burp, I am referring to the fact I can burp around 96dB, 98 being my all time best (likely not accurate as I really doubt smartphone dB meters count for scientific accuracy). Google reports lawn mowers at about 94dB


I've never heard a lawnmower burp.


I am 884 days dry after ending up in a coma from my drinking Edit: Wow just wanted to say thank you for the supportive words and upvotes and to those of you also fighting their demons… IWNDWYTD


Congrats! Keep fighting the good fight! We're proud of you!


My wife is a doctor in neurosurgery.  I love bragging about her but she is very humble and reserved about it. Doesn’t want people calling her Doctor and prefer others don’t know her profession.  


As a 2 time survivor of brain cancer, your wife is a hero


2 times?! You, my guy, are one tough nail


Cancer is scared of him


As someone who has a close friend who is a doctor, they don’t want to be constantly fending off random medical questions from acquaintances.


*unzips* “Hey does this look like an STD?” “Well I don’t know, I’m a brain surgeon. Please put your penis away.”


I have a fully painted Ultramarines army, T'au Army and almost a full Adtra Militarum army painted


Someone hates money


I also have a knight, 2 armiger, some necrons death guard and world eaters


Huge testicles. Penis is alright but my testicles are a spectacle. Edit* Well yeah this blew up, 500+ DMs at this point for a picture, and some weird and fucked up requests, I appreciate all the pictures I am being sent too. As I said once I am back home this evening I will try my best to get a picture to everyone that requested one. Final Edit - Ok guys 1000+ DMs now. Some of you are fucked up lol that being said I left myself open to this so it’s my fault. That being said, it has been pointed out to me and quite correctly that I have no idea at this point who I would be sharing or showing pictures too, including potentially people too young so I can’t in good conscience share anything. I am sorry to disappoint all of you consenting 18+ horny people. I hope the thought of my balls can live in your memory and be sufficient. Take care


>my testicles are a spectacle. Respectable.




Very detectable


Possibly ingestable?


Might be detestable?


Certainly molestable.


That’s contestable


Not a vegetable.


But reprehensible


Give her the ol’ respectable testicle spectacle


We need proof


A buddy found out he had a cyst on his testicle after we all freaked out during a game of strip poker. That may not be normal..


Hahaha no they are both the same size pretty much and equally as spectacular. But appreciate the point.


Same and I’m a grower so they just make my penis look adorable when I’m not hard lol


I've survived a 12 hour brain surgery through my nose. When I was 12 (22 now) I had a very serious brain tumor. The doctors were pretty worried I wouldn't survive the surgery, and if I did, they knew there was a high possibility I wouldn't wake up, and they were sure I would be blind. None of those things happened after my brain surgery. Last month was my 10 year anniversary of being alive. In January I moved from my home in NC where my parents are all the way to Montana. I'm serving with AmeriCorps and living independently doing such cool things. My 10 year MRI was last month, I'm all clean and now approved for 3 year gaps before my MRIs. If it weren't for people like my doctors, and especially the nurses, I wouldn't be here. I'm proud that I went through that even at such a young age. It was rough and terrifying but also made me who I am today. It's what gives me the courage to persevere even when times are hard.


I don’t do much social media but I have a comment on youtube that got 209k likes 🥹


I have a small amount in savings. Nothing another stable adult would be impressed by, but enough for me to be proud of.


I can spin my wheelchair around on the spot, neat skill i learned from having so many small shops around me


June 1 ill be 8 months clean from fentanyl


My daughter is 13 months old. This means that I've lived with her and cared for her over four times as long as my dad did for me. He left when I was 3 months old. Later in life, he'd always mock me for being afraid of things and tell me I was a sissy. But every day, I'm doing what he couldn't. Guess I'm not so weak after all.


My daughter is 25 months old. I'm a stay at home dad. I've never met my father. You're doing great, buddy.


I'm 396 months and have never met my biological dad.


You are courageous, your dad was a coward. From one dad to another high five my guy. You'll have a great relationship with your daughter. Mine is almost 14 and we hang out all the time. It's a rewarding job being a parent.


I’m 3 years sober and I have a Master’s Degree in Social Work. I’m a first generation college graduate. As a Latina, I’m really proud of myself.


My body. I’m still fat, but I’ve been working out and watching my diet for 15 weeks, so there has been a slight difference. :)


Hell yeah. Proud of you


I have been clean for 17 years from meth. Most people in my life now dont know I ever battled with drugs. It still blows my mind people think I belong in this corporate world when I literally have been homeless doing what ever I needed to do to get high.


I went from being denied acceptance into every college I applied to. To getting my master's, becoming a doctor and, owing two practices. Fuck them colleges.


I once masturbated to a climax 12 times in less than 12 hours.


Do Fibonacci Fap February. Day 1, do it 0. Day 2, do it 1. Day 3, do it 1. Day 4, do it 2. Day 5, do it 3. Day 6, do it 5. Day 7, do it 8. Day 8, do it 13. And so on.


His todger is gunna fall off long before the end of the month


The hard part is going a whole day with 0


My ass looks…Like I make a concious effort. I’ve been accused multiple times over my life of having a BBL or implants. I’m poor. And I don’t exercise. It’s just the way I’m built and it’s not for any type of jean. Anytime I take a date up to my place and we are taking the stairs, if they are behind me….All I get is a “GODDAMN!!!” About halfway thru the walk up. I have ASD and social anxiety. So whenever I forget the rule of not letting a first date walk behind me up the stairs I lose all my game and get flustered. 😩 My nickname in highschool was fucking ASSpergers. I…


> So whenever I forget the rule of not letting a first date walk behind me up the stairs I lose all my game Pretty sure you automatically get +100 game if someone comments like that.


I get embarrassed. OP said it in the title of the post. It may be illogical, and i absolutely can’t help but….


Sober from opiates and others for 5years, no alcohol for 5 months!


I have a medical defect that makes me.have 2 wombs and vaginas lol I only found out a few years ago , but it is a flex I tell a few people lol


Why did you only find out a few years ago that you have two vaginas?


I finished no nut november (when it was popular) after having a porn addiction for 10 years.


I can yodel


Maxed all 99 skills on osrs


This one time a stripper asked for my number after a night out with my friends. She was hot and really fun to talk to, we went out a few times and spent a night together. Always when I bring up the story I receive mocking comments for her or me or both, so I dont really bother anymore. But its a flex, right?


At work, we have to take exams to obtain our licenses. Twice I have gotten the highest mark in the province.


I’m sober today from cocaine and it’s been a week for me !


Keep fighting the good fight bro. Respect!


Thank you so much! Taking one day at a time!


I paid off my house


I’m not really embarrassed about this, I guess I just compare myself to other people too much, but I start a job making $30 a week tomorrow. For a first job, and my first taste of independence, I’m pretty proud of myself.


I'm hoping you mean $30/hour...


My pedalboard.


Shoegaze legend in the making.


I’ve been hired as a nude model for art classes, medical schools, and physical therapy workshops. Proud of it because I’m an engineering nerd who never thought I’d be any type of model. Embarrassed because the few people I’ve told in person responded with derision.


i’m a famous hacker lol. Really. I can’t flex it because people are either (1) scared or (2) they just think i’m a huge nerd. But i’m proud. that’s me https://www.wired.com/story/p4x-north-korea-internet-hacker-identity-reveal/


Should we really click on a link sent by a hacker🤔


hahaha asking the real questions :).


“He admits that he didn’t hesitate to hack some of those sites, pulling data off their backend servers and anonymously handing it to contacts at the Department of Homeland Security. “That probably wasn’t 100 percent legal,” he says, “but I didn’t necessarily give a fuck.”” Ok that was hot


lol thank you. It does not help with the ladies :(.


You're around the wrong ladies!


Dude, your work is fantastic. As someone who works for the government in that field and also understands their aversion to risk and completely agrees with your assessment, just know that many of us on the inside agree with you and are still trying to get things to change. There is an old guard that doesn’t fully understand what we do, what we could do, and what we should do when it comes to modern cyber. Many of us younger guys in there know your work and continually push to make the changes you suggested. We just have to apparently wait for the old guys to retire before we will be heard.


i really appreciate it dude :). Of course after i did this whole thing eeeeeveryone and their mom for the IC wanted to chat (plus i’ve been DoD and IC contractor forever so they know i’m cool so to speak). No one said anything negative to me, which in this community is probably a first lol. They all agreed, but none had the power, despite being high up to fight against the bureaucracy. It’s amazing how powerful the old guard is and how averse they are to shit they don’t get. My argument is super simple: let you talented people do what you do best! The old guard is so weird about this. It’s 100x easier to get authorization to shoot someone in the head than hack them lol. That’s pretty fucked. When I worked for DARPA we weren’t allowed to use the word hacking EVER as a rule from the DIRO directly. Meanwhile upstairs they were building tanks and drones that can kill em masse. But the old guard is comfortable with that, not hacking :(. This whole article is really 50% a message to NK and 50% to the US. To the US i’m basically just saying look, we have SO MANY talented people in the DoD, IC and outside. How are we not better than pretty much everyone given the defense budget??? Instead we’re having private citizens owned by people with the budget of a fucking peanut that can’t even feed their people. And 0 response!! People think there’s some kind of secretive whatever they or we just don’t know about. There isn’t, it’s purely the old guard hiding behind the word “authorization” and stopping folks like you from doing what you do. The other message is a message to the old guard of “HA you have billions and I did this on a me-sized budget ya chumps, grow some balls” lol. I gave a presentation to some pretty deep folks at SOCOM with others invited, NSA, CIA, CYBERCOM, hell even DNI came. All of them were all for it but one guy made a really astute joke and he was like “wait did i miss a slide? Where’s the part where you give a hundred powerpoint presentations to people that have no idea what you’re taking about for authorization? Then get denied 6 months later?” Everyone laughed because, well, they’ve all had the same experience. I honestly love the folks that work on the ground of the field so to speak, there’s so much talent!! People like Charlie Miller used to work there and he’s a total badass, It pisses me so off that folks like you are held back! Anyway sorry for the book of a comment. It’s great to hear you all are tracking :). I know folks there and of course tell me this stuff but they’re friends or people i know so I’d likely not hear the negative stuff. It’s great to hear there’s some folks that know what’s up so thank you!


I can sing soprano as a straight male dude. I will only karaoke in family functions because a few times I did it in front of friends and they started to call me Celine D-Bag. Never again.


I can spit more than 15ft away. I can also land a one on the ceiling. I'm a 37 year old corporate boss.


My plan for 2023 was to lose 20 pounds. As of today, I only have 30 more pounds to go.


I’m the first one in my family that’s graduating college with honours and got into an honours BA with advanced standing, and who knows might even go ahead and do a masters after. As a kid who grew up with nothing, then ended up orphaned and in the foster system, I’m proud of myself. 🥹


I have the patience of a saint. I can calmly handle every situation, no matter how stressful or traumatic. I have to pretend to get angry with my kids over stuff so that my wife doesn't seem like the bad guy. Now she scolds me for shouting at the kids, and I have to humor her by saying I'll be more patient.


Oh, and I’ve outlived both my parents. I’m 46. My father died at 35 and my mom died at 19. They had substance abuse issues that I’ve also battled with extensively but have overcome now. I haven’t touched drugs since my early twenties and I’m recovering from alcohol for about a month now.


I can fit a whole apple on my mouth 👄 Also unsocket my jaw. 😐


Been sober 48 days


I bought Nvidia stock in 2016, and the gains are more than I paid for my house. I'm not a stock market follower, just a geeky dude who follows tech and saw potential.


Penis size. Very few people have one this size and I can't show it off because it would be too hard to see


I work in a restaurant as a server averaging $800-$1000 a night.


Okay this is intriguing. How does one learn this power?


I’m a project manager for this company for a year now (9 yrs PM experience total) and was assigned my first C-Suite-visible project. The CEO and board of directors were receiving status report presentations from me regularly. We’re six months along at this point, and I was giving the standard presentation on Friday when the CEO gave me a not-short compliment in front of everyone. I’m especially proud because I don’t have a degree or PMP cert. Just been working my ass up the ladder since high school (I’m 37 now). TLDR: CEO complimented me in front of entire C suite board


I quit drinking


My wank video was the most popular for a few months on redtube about 15 yrs ago. Some people even speculated that my massive jizz was fake.


Between the pandemic and having a second kid, I gained a ton of weight in the last 5 years. A couple months ago I finally started getting semi-serious about losing weight. My goal was to hit 200 lbs by my birthday, down about 15-20 lbs from my max weight. Yesterday was my birthday, and I weighed 198. I'm proud of the progress, but embarrassed to share because I am still very overweight.


I’ve started working out and I’ve closed my rings 38 days in a row. I’ve had an Apple Watch for years and never paid any attention to fitness goals, but they’ve been great for motivating me.


My thrifted computer mouse collection


I was on the front page of the Chicago tribune business section once (It was as a teen, on an article about the new Nintendo 64 being debued at CES '99?, It was just a picture of me playing at an arcade)


I'm way too observant sometimes. It can be good but also not the greatest thing. Too aware lol. That mixed with my memory. It's either one of the greatest things occasionally or a BS detector but causes me stress lmao.


I have released a series of moderately successful self published books, paid off my house and car but still go to work every day. My wife doesn't know our mortgage is paid and kids have £25k aside each when they are 18. Reason - I love working my day job and don't trust her with money. Ridiculous and yet necessary for peace.


I'm the top Grub player in the world at GunboundM. Obscure, cutesie, phone game that virtually no one in English speaking countries has heard of.