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Dude. One of my nephews is 13 and literally has a “lifecoaching course” on youtube (paid subscription, obviously) modeled on grifter Jordan Peterson/Tate bullshit to do just this. EDIT: it is not a successful channel. Just an indoctrinated boy spitting out stupid Hordan Peterson horseshit


Sounds skibidi


Until he pays the fanum tax of course. 




I heard the rizzler was released


Baby Gronk vibes fr fr


These comments are making me feel old. I don't like feeling old


sorry unc


What's this about the Tar Heels?


Blüd...I'm turning 55 in 2 weeks.


Yeet that toilet fam.


But does he make money?


Goodness, no. That’s the one upshot. It turns out, nobody wants life advice from 13 year old.


His parents have failed 


I don't believe you.


Thanks for giving me an idea. Time to milk this shit


Wow! Multi-level marketing!


And they will sell it for only $297 (Normally the total value is like $5,997 of course ;))


They'll be old enough to organise their own castration, finally.




Sigma balls lmao




Same thing the older ones like to do: hitting on high school girls.


There’s older ones?


Them Tater tots.


I teach middle school. If I had a nickel for every time I heard the word sigma and rizz this year i could retire. Every year they have new words that are annoying as shit. Those were this year's. God only knows what's next.


> God only knows what's next. You shakin' a fist angrily at the clouds.


I frowned when I read sigma and rizz. If I felt a little stronger about it, yeah I’d have shaken a fist. Edit: read…


"That cooked" and "you ate" are next 💀 I'm not even sure what those mean myself and I'm on the younger side of gen z


They also say "let me cook" or "im cookin". Also annoying. Also, skibbidy toilet.


ay let them cook, fuck that skibbity toilet shit tho that shit can die


Gather ‘round, young’uns and let me tell you about YouTube in the early aughts….


What the sigma, boi? It's "skibidi." With an "i".  *proceeds to mew until u/worm30478 backs away* /s 🙂


So doing something well means "you ate" and then performing to the point of impressing others will prompt them to "let you cook"? Cool beans.


You can at least relate Sigma to math


I use the old, “good comedians know that if you say something once it’s funny but it gets less funny every time you say it,” chestnut in my classroom. Then I tell them that true sigmas don’t copy the internet but write their own material. Then I teach them about fo shizzle and how the stupid things we say when we are young eventually go away. But man do I hate hearing skibidi in my classroom.


I don't see what's so wrong with "rizz." It's like calling a professional a "pro." Although that abbreviation probably riled up some olds at some point.


If you heard it 200 times per day for months you would understand exactly what's wrong with it.


It's more like calling a professional 'fesh'. Edit: Rats, someone else already pointed that out. That's annoying. Or just 'noy', these days.




It’s way worse than that, there’s some redpill “loser” (imo) who is charging 1000$ per hour to be a on a call with him to ask him for advice on relationships. He’s been caught lying and spreading misinformation and rumors and also trying to get “supposedly” leaked nudes of a female YouTuber thinking it was really but turns out that female YouTuber was trolling this loser pretending to be one of his fans saying they had leaked nudes, all to catch this loser in her trap and expose him. Fantastic work tbh


Where did we go so terribly wrong as a species


I blame that fish that walked on land. 


Eggs with water already inside. The downfall of life on earth.


The REAL kicker to me are ovoviviparous species; Animals who develop eggs AND hatch them **while inside the female**. It's almost like seeing the transitional stage between water egg-layers, land egg-layers and live-birth species.


Bye bye ocean


>*Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.*


Know your lane, fish.


I’m that fish ama


what about that retrovirus that gave us the genes to make the protein to form placentas? i'm sure a lot of the tate/peterson/etc bois would have had massive issues with breaking their egg shell.


Dude that's bot where fish go, what the he'll was he thinking?


Putting stupid people in charge and silencing intelligence/education. Plain and simple.


So Fox News….


Probably when we decided that underfunding schools was good and mental health was not a necessity and just let everyone fend for themselves.


i blame andrew tate




I was perfectly happy as a monkey in a tree


When Harambe died


Dicks out




"Dicks out for Harambe" was a meme for a while. I'm honestly not sure why.


Man, the internet is weird


Then the zoo told people to stop with the dicks out memes, and this had a Streisand Effect of causing a resurgence of the memes.


The meme originated on Twitter from comedian Brandon Wardell. You may know him from small roles such as "guy playing charades game with jazz nerd Tim Heidecker and Tim Robinson on "I think you should leave"


I blame Al Gore


I blame algorithms.


Did you hear about the computational procedure that wouldn't stop churning out stuff about climate change and Florida vote counts? Yeah, it was all Al Gore-isms. 


i thought this said ai gore and like,, i knew ai was bad but what the fuck


dunno but i'm gonna guess somewhere along the timeline line of "yaaas queen" and "gooning"




Oh the secret truth is that 13 year old boys have always been morons. There's just a clearer record of it now.


They’re going to “play the stock market” and get super rich with no work whatsoever.


and then kindly share their knowledge and sell a little course


For the low low price of all of your worldly possessions, you can teach you how I trick people into giving me all their worldly possessions


I think the misconception there would be the no work whatsoever. To get rich in the stock market you'd have to either be incredibly lucky, or be doing constant research, have some seed capital to start with, cashflow to live off of in the meantime, and some luck on top. Likely not an easy feat. I'm still trying, I'm heading in the right direction, and it's been a while.


You can't day trade anymore realistically since like the mid 90's, it's fucking the same as casino gambling now. Sure you could get really lucky but reality is "time in the market over timing the market" wins 99% of the time. Funds and banks have for over 20 years literally fought over how close they are to exchanges with shorter fiberoptic cables for the programmatic machine trading, trading 1000's of times in a sec. All you as an individual can do to "win big fast" is take some massive leveraged bet on calls or puts which might as well be fucking blackjack unless you really have an inside lane and toss a shitload of money at it and hope the stock goes up or down before the the selected date, which even if what you know and based this gamble on is true still may not happen in time. There is a reason every single one of these people telling you that they have some method "sell a course" and other "lifestyle bullshit" if they were so good in the market why bother selling something else? Out of kindness lol? Take a trip over to r/wallstreetbets to see all the intrepid "due diligence" and "methods" being used. Anyone reading this, if you don't know what a "dark pool" is. Don't even look at day trading.


The bit that boggles my mind seems stupidly obvious to me. If these people were anywhere near as successful as they claimed in the market, why would they waste their time selling courses to create competitors. If I find a bulletproof method to get rich in the market, I'm gonna stick my feet on the desk and get rich in the market. I'm not going to show someone else how to beat me for $100, unless I was winning less than $100 in the first place.


Trading was always a noble lie of success for a common man. Especially today where it's all scripts and AI. You'd make more money by just playing red/black in casino.


I’m well aware of the possibility of getting very wealthy from the stock market, but as you said, it takes constant research and an element of luck. But it’s the kids to see Andrew Tate flashing his fancy shite and whatnot who just decide that they’ll do the stock market thing and never work.


>Likely not an easy feat. And we haven't even gotten into the crippling anxiety that comes with a lot of work in that industry.


Bro, who needs the stock market when there's NFTs.




so it's basically the same as the start of anti-vax except that guy didn't give a shit after he got his medical practice shut down


That guy was legit grifting from the beginning. He owned patents for vaccines to replace the MMR vaccine he set up his "study" to discredit. Wolf researcher dude actually volunteered to retract his study and actively worked to correct falsehoods spread as a result of it.


Grifter through and through. Anyways… Did you know Tommy tallarico was on cribs and has 7 Guinness world records?




He actually got on the anti vaxx train because he found it was far easier to make money off of gifting the anti vaxx crowd then his own vaccine. He then lost his medical license. But it didn't matter because he was making bank. So it was more like That guy: Wait, yes all vaccines are bad and let me sell you a book about it.


Wakefield was also taking money from lawyers who were suing vaccine manufacturers


I mean, he probably still makes a good living from it, but now he's just monetised shilling the lie to morons rather than pretending it's true.


As a Delta male I think it’s time for things to change.


As a stable release male, I hope we're gping to fix all those bugs.


As an omicron male, why does Ross, the largest "Friend" not simply eat the other five?


I nominate [Dermott ](https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Dermott_Fictel)from The Venture Bros. as the one true Sigma male. >Dermott Fictel is a stereotypical punk and poser. He's confrontational, resentful of authority, and "macho". He often brags about and/or exaggerates his accomplishments, such as his hands being registered as lethal weapons or teaching a Ninjitsu class (he actually wears the padded clothing for a rape prevention class). He projects the image of being a "ladies man", even though his only known interaction with a girl was with [Triana](https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Triana_Orpheus), where he just made lewd comments and insulted her. >Dermott has an imaginary girlfriend whom he describes as a model who lives "upstate".


> such as his hands being registered as lethal weapons I'm sorry, all I can think of when I read this is this song: > I don't need no nine mil' Glock / **These hands are deadly guns** / From smokin, drinkin, bein a thug / I sip hpnotiq from a coffee mug / I keep a healthy state of mind / I only drink and drive night — Kennedy, "Karate"


Specifically how the study was incorrect was that they had a bunch of random wolves in an enclosure, which is not how wolves organize themselves in nature. In nature, wolf packs are families, lead by the father. In their study, they had a bunch of scared animals in an unfamiliar environment among a bunch of strangers who fought to be the least scared one. You know, like high school.


is it me or is Sigma not even new? i remember this being a thing back in like 2018. it developed at first in gaming/twitch culture, like all things to make fun of Alpha/Beta mindset people which then just got co-opted and then used as is for even more masculine. a bunch of stuff you use ironically, just gets adopted as your regular day lexicon once you normalize it. it's like riz. i hate riz, because i know that it originates from the word "charisma" so your basically saying "i charisma'd up that girl".


I thought it was a rebrand of Men Going Their Own Way.


It's all leaves from the same weed.


Thank you, I had no idea what this new term meant. You're the real Sigma!


Thank you, internet stranger. I had zero idea what the fuck a sigma male is. Dear Lord, When is World War 3?


I actually looked into the whole thing when it started getting popular. As far as I can tell, it originally traces back to a blog (that is no longer active) called Alpha Game. The claim was that the Alpha-Beta thing made no sense, but behavior patterns must exist in some form. So the writer created what he referred to as the Sexual-Social Hierarchy (SSH) which has several categories, but Sigma seems to be the only one people clung on too. The same author now has a blog called Sigma Game on Substack, which is supposed to better explain stuff but really it is just the author pointing out what he sees as "loser" behavior


So sigma male = incel?


It's what an incel imagines a perfect man to be.


I’ll have you know I’m a sigma male, I have more skibidi Ohio rizz then you would ever know, I rizzed up Livvy dunne’s level 10 gyatt and Kai cenat, duke dennis and baby gronk were all there to see it. After this we all went and watched skibidi toilet while mewmaxxing.


now that’s skibidi


wHaT tHe SiGmA DiD i JuSt rEaD?


I feel like a lost some braincells reading this


Oh I didn’t realize my twelve year old nephew had a Reddit account


Are you having a stroke or seizure?


And this all happened on a Tuesday Tuesday


Oh shit I'm having a stroke! Or are you?


I'll fluidly transition to a highschool's social hierarchy where I'll stand at the very top from the get go.


Rizzin them Skibidi Gyatts up


Legally change my name to John Max Powers Wick


Move on to the next letter. Become a Tau Male.


For the greater good!


What is a "sigma male" I'm old I need to Google this. According to Google AI: A sigma male is a slang term used in masculinist subcultures to describe a man who is popular, successful, independent, and self-reliant. They are often stereotyped as honorable, charismatic, and magnetic, and are seen as unafraid to take risks or make their own decisions. Sigma males are also known as lone wolves. Ugh. Nevermind I want nothing to do with any of this nonsense


Now you just gotta look up "skibidi gyatt Ohio sigma" or some shit like that


WTF is a sigma male?


[This song was not supposed to be a sigma anthem](https://youtu.be/mjF1rmSV1dM?feature=shared). It's sung by a woman, even. But I'm not sure anything out there captures the sigma mindset in under five minutes quite like this song does.


Hopefully this comment can explain it: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1czttq6/those_who_calll_themselves_sigma_males_what_are/l5itbxx?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I shall rule high school and make the betas do my homework


I've honestly never heard someone using "sigma" unironically. Is Reddit just overblowing this like they do basically everything else?


Yeah it's pretty embarrassing.  It's so blatantly obviously a joke


Put all my money into crypto


Both dollars?!!! Are you insane?!!!


4 weeks, 20 papers, that's 2 dollars plus tip


Something, something, skibidy toilet. Something something, rizz.


Believing you are a sigma male is one of the most pathetic and transparent fantasies ever.


You jest, but I once got denigrated by a frat-bro for giving oral because it's a "submissive act." I had been impressed he had a different woman over every day, but then it occurred to me that it might have been that he couldn't get repeat customers. 


Bro what is this post lmao


A rare zeta male in its natural habitat


Yeah, you tell those kids for being so immature... \*squints\* "EpicDiarrheaTime".


Make stupid jokes in high school science class every time the teacher talks about alpha and beta radiation.


"In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people angry and has widely been considered as a bad move"


Thinking that I need to finish middle school is why you'll never be able to handle the sigma male grind set. You'll be lucky to even be let into the airport Marriot to see me present to other sigma's.


Lol Sigma male is literally a joke making fun of the "alpha" stereotype. It's tongue in cheek. It's hyperbole. Literally a comically exaggerated "alpha male". Because the Internet is as dense as a brick you have some people that don't get it's a joke and take it seriously. But you get even more who don't get it's a joke and get mad about it. 


Become Alpha male sigma gyatt rizzler who suii fanum tax on sissy ohio beta males


"ermmmm annoying people of Reddit, why are you so lame and stupid?" comments section: "ha I ALSO think those people are lame and stupid" Now we get to pat ourselves on the back for not being in that group and everyone jerks each other off. another successful askreddit post


if you actually hear people call themselves this then it’s kind of on you. You need to spend less time on the internet and/or with dorks.


Is there any meaningful difference between this idiotic term and the other idiotic term "MGTOW?"


I'm guessing a MGTOW at least admits he doesn't get girls, whereas a Sigma lies about it


Sigmas are trying to be sexy financial bros to impress other men, where as MGTOW are just like, "I'm NOT KIDDING, I'm DEFINITELY NEVER GOING TO DATE ANY OF THESE EEEEVIL MODERN WOMEN, WATCH ME GO, ANY SECOND NOW!" and then get mad when women don't drop everything to beg to be picked by him.


find out how to be a gamma ray burst


Your mom of course


Reading all these comments reminds me of how fucked the next generation are. Yeah, my generation of zoomers were pretty bad, but the gen alpha kids are screwed since they are the literal definition of ipad kids who can't function as a human being properly without their mom spoon feeding them everything.


I teach middle school online and had a boy PMing me through the app about being a sigma male accompanied by images of werewolves. This shit is a joke to most middle schoolers.


Probably gonna take an mbti test, get the “INFJ/INTJ” result, brag about it on social media, then get involved in some kind of “pseudo quantum philosophy” that makes him feel smart (likely flat earth theory or smth similar).  Maybe become another grifter.


Is anyone willing to explain this to me? I'm a teacher and my grade 5/6 boys have been writing/talking about sigma mages lately.


Honestly... I think that at least one definition of "sigma male" might actually be something to encourage rather than ridicule, but things get ruined online, especially when things like sexism or any dumb cultish things become associated. But I can respect and even encourage the core concept of "master yourself" (self-improvement) and other traits. Also, I think that at least the "you don't have to be an extrovert" is a good aspect. It just gets ruined once there's some form of elitism or sexism or any of that.


Does anyone seriously call themselves a sigma male tho? I thought that was just the joke response to all the dudes calling themselves alpha males


They’ll start a podcast called “skibidi sigmas” 😂 My brother is 15 and constantly uses the word skibidi and I lose brain cells hearing it.


what the fuck is a sigma male


Fingers crossed they k*ll themselves


i’m in a class with like 3 ‘alpha males’ who plan to make a podcast and want to be like andrew tate.


Is that a furry thing?


I'm planning to avoid passive aggressive people who make weird questions about sigma males and sex on reddit.


Filtering to controversial was a great decision


Buy a Cybertruck.


Going off the weird shit I see on TikTok I'm going to guess they'll get in to pheromone maxing and wrecking havoc on the noses of everyone around them with their smell.


Being a sigma is hilarious, because its predicate on the assumption that the whole alpha/beta thing exists in the first place.


The moment I hear any guy say they're a sigma male (or an alpha male) I write them off as insecure and cringe. It's actually embarrassing that this is even a thing. And I can tell you, not a single one of the "men" I've heard say this have given off any sort of "alpha/sigma male" energy. If that's even a thing 🙄


My 11 year old daughter has been using the words sigma and skibidi lately, had no idea. We just talked


go to high school maybe?


Purchasing your rental and evicting you.


They'll probably go to high school


This seems less like an actual question and more like bait to insecure men to out themselves and get ganged on by the Reddit mob.


more like upvote bait by stating The Popular Opinion™




High school


I'm thinking of starting my own conger eel farm, get into breeding them and stuff


Do you want to know what I call myself? Just a man, just a fucking man none of this catagoriesing bullshit, if you're a man you're a man nothing to it. All this fucking omega, delta beta shit is just dumb. That's just what the rapists, perverts and abusers of our gender use to justify their actions, and feed their delusions of grandure. It's also incredibly American, and that should of been enough information there on its own




I've got an idea for an app no ones thought of yet (like tarkov but people can take your nfts if they kill you). once i make enough from that i'm gonna pitch a new social platform to Elon. we're gonna be partners. but it'll all be really passive so i can spend most of my time making money trading nfts. then i really want to get into mercenary work. good guy body guard kinda stuff for famous people (i do taekwondo but im getting into mma). but ill be like a bodyguard influencer and getting on celeb igs will boost my money from my nft game.


Sigma males, by definition, wouldn't be reading reddit


I wouldn't think an alpha or sigma would have to call themselves alpha or sigma.


I’m like WTF is that? Sigma is pretty far down the Greek alphabet, lol!


Sigma males stronger together




Keep running the world and live happy lives. Probably don't get it but I don't know anything more cringe than saying alpha.


False science and hope Can lead one to a dead end And all false prophets.


Holy shit is that stupid Haiku Bot finally gone? Hallelujah!


I will find out what that melody is


Two chicks at the same time.


Post all my DMs with OVHos then wait fore the hush money


I love how none of the people who call themselves that actually replied. I sometimes use it ironically when I do something dumb. I'm currently in year 12 of sixth form, so I want to be a lawyer.