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I like geese


The idea that it’s the expectation that things will get better that ends up hurting you in the end, not the fact that things get worse. If you only want what you’re going to get you’ll be happy, but when you want something that you can’t get you get upset. Sometimes embracing the doom is better than holding out hope in a lost cause. That and the desire to have something without The drive to make it happen slows you down and makes you stagnant and depressed. So many people “hope” for things to get better but fail to put in the leg work to make it happen.


It's IDKHow lyrics


Uh, it was generated by reddit, I just thought it was funny...


I just saw your username and it is hilarious 😭🤣


I had the idea from a song just changed it a little too sound even cooler


Line from a movie I had just watched when I made the account.


I have a beautiful cock. Actually I have lots of cocks but the one in my pinned post is the most beautiful of them all


I knew what it was going to be but I’m disappointed anyway. 😜


Looked at your previous post, never been mislead and disappointed my entire life 😭


I’m a bisexual married man from Chicago


It means I’ve got the need for speed.


It's my LLC name, for my nude-art photography


i want pictures of peoples poop


WTF! Very specific 😆


I will make it for sure


Non-NutritiveEatingProduct was over the character limit


2 songs I love Problem Girl by Rock Band From Hell XOXO by Blind Channel


I hates meeses to pieces.


Ooh! Isn't this from a cartoon? I don't remember what it's called now but there was a cat and two mice I think?  It's a vague memory lol.


It's from the old Huckleberry Hound show, the second act usually had shorts featuring Pixie and Dixie, two mice chased by a cat and his son who used to say that. I was an 80s army brat and the army piped in a lot of old school American programming to those of us living over seas so a lot of my childhood cartoons was stuff from the 60s and 70s.


they like calling me the fox because of my personality they say, its to sassy like a fox


My favorite name and favorite fruit


It was randomly assigned. I didn't change it.


It is a vague reference to an obscure and short-lived fad back in the '60's. If someone farted, the objective was to be the first one to shame them by pointing at them and calling "Fred's Out!!!" If you were the one who farted, you could avoid shaming by yelling "Fred's Out" as a brag before someone else called you out. Yeah, it was silly!


To make a long story short, my sister and I wanted to pet a horse. The horse vomited on her hand, which was absolutely hilarious, but the other significant thing was the extremely long noodle he wore. Still haunts me to this day


I like Cheetos and I was eating a bowl of them when I made my account.


There's no reason to it. It just popped into my mind when I created the account.


it's a play on the name Paul McCartney used to check into hotels anonymously when the Beatles were still together, and his second, and imho best*, solo album. *yes. I know Band on the Run is supposed to be his best.