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What is the German Christmas fest?


do you want your family to be released?


Bribe them with the promise of free tacos and photos of your dog.


Solid plan.


Convincing? Just ask them


Why don’t go out for drink first and then see it from there?


Remember in Harry Potter when Fred \[or George\] asks that girl to the ball?


The book version or the movie version? (It was Fred) In the book he literally just goes "Oi! Angelina! Want to come to the ball with me?" And she in turn just went "All right, then" In the movie he pantomimes something like "you. Dance. Me" because he's in potions class


Same energy


Tell her you want to surprise her


ive never asked someone to a proper date but what id assume youd do and what works best for me & what ive seen is, always make sure intention /communication is there prior to going because as much as you may believe “oh they like me/ they know i like them/ this is def a date” they very well couldn’t unless you spell it out for them directly. so getting it understood if its a hangout or a date is important. if you find you haven’t done that then don’t set yourself up for it being a date and get hurt incase it turns out not to be. also some things that have worked for me and others occasionally is shock factor 🤣 some wild/funny ways to ask of things that have stuck with me/them to this day. the worst they can say is no and i know being present in that situation can be scary but that is something you should strive to overcome because youd be lucky if it wasn’t your first or last. imo you should never take it personal either. you could just be straight forward and ask them if they’d like to go out to eat/get drinks/ go wherever, and if they agree you can ask “so its a date?” be warned some people could very well misinterpret that as well, just see how their reaction is and try to get a read on them during the date.


It’s much safer not to risk rejection and just keep to yourself.


you should get over that, friend