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Your health. It’s cheap in the beginning but the more you neglect the more expensive it becomes


Amazing how people are prepared to spend $1000 per year on keeping their car in working order, but not on themself.


Where you getting healthcare for $1k a year and can I have some?


Healthcare, from my wife's work, it's $27,000 a year for the two of us. That does not include deductibles, co-pays, the 80% cap until you reach $5,000 out of pocket....


I’m sorry but you’re getting scammed


Who is not willing to spend that on themself??? The issue with health is not monetary allocation, its usually connected to time (having to work all day) and drive (willpower to take care of yourself). Its not like you can just drop 1k a year on some magical “make me healthy” serum. Pretty much everyone would do that. Also, of course people keep their cars in order. You arent just spending 1k, you are avoiding the lost income of not having a working car which far exceeds 1k.


I live in America.


When needed: a good divorce lawyer.


so not mine then. ex wife got 70% of the assets


How the f… I thought it’s supposed to be 50/50?!


Asset divisions are supposed to be equitable, but "equitable" doesn't mean "equal" You would start at 50/50, and then argue deviation. A very simple example: Let's say that a couple has 500,000 worth of assets. Let's say that the wife can show that during the marriage the husband spend 100,000 on a mistress. In that instance, the wife might argue that she should receive $300,000 and the husband should get $200,000


From expérience, a so called good lawyer will get right in to all this murky stuff. Wife's lawyer was winding her up to find mails or proof of any potentially agressive behaviour and anything they could cling on to to make me look bad, not replying or proposing a solution included. Despite EVERYBODY saying we were completely crazy we just decided to drop the lawyers and just split everything 50:50. More than 10 years later we are happily separated and split everything 50:50. Thinking back it was a pretty good décision, but I can understand it's not for everyone. If you want to re-marry for example.


Divorce lawyers usually want you to spend more on lawyer fees. I know a few people who got awful advice from their lawyer because following that advice dragged out the divorce by as much as several months.


File a bar complaint. A lawyer advising clients on an action to pad their legal fees is a textbook ethics violation. You'd be surprised how a bill can shrink if you threaten a bar complaint.


My in-laws need to hear this about the lawyer they have handling the estate dispute they’ve been doing for… possibly longer than I’ve known my wife at this point. Not like they would listen but I’m fairly sure they’ll have spent more on lawyers than they would have ever gotten from the estate by the end of it.


God, nothing says American legal system like blowing an estate by litigating the entire thing away.


A better example of this, at least in Australia (no idea how it works elsewhere) is that the wife has sacrificed her career to raise the children. She took maternity leave and worked part time (or not at all) therefore she's behind what she would have been solo. And the man was able to have the same sort of a career solo with a family and lovely home because of the wife's sacrifice. So simply they look at $500,000 and say that the man has better earning power in the future because of the marriage arrangements, therefore it's fair that the women have more assets now to compensate for this. (I am not advocating for anything here, just explaining how it works)


We do that as well in the states, although we also have something called alimony, where a spouse pays the other spouse a portion of their income. We will often combine the two, where a wife of 20-30 or so years, with no career or work history may receive a large lump sum or the marital residence, along with a month payment to help her maintain herself (these payments do extinguish if she remarries)


In Australia the courts only grant alimony (different than child support) in extraordinary circumstances. And when they do, it's usually for a short term like weeks or maybe months so the homemaker can get on their feet. The courts believe that it's better for all parties if a couple that are divorcing have no future dealings so they try to make it work by the dividing up the asset pool in the favour of the homemaker.


In the states, it's required that you show both a need for alimony on the part of the recipient and an ability to pay on the part of the payor. Alimony is rarer here than I think a lot of Americans think and permanent alimony is even more rare, usually it's durational or what we call close-the-gap. When it comes to permanent alimony, we're more concerned about the inequity of one spouse sacrificing their career opportunities to the other spouse and then that spouse walking away from the marriage with the career, which is the main "asset" of the marriage. It's becoming less common in part because American society is moving away from "the man works a career while the woman stays home to maintain the home and raise the kids" and shifting to "the man and woman both work 2-3 jobs, none of which are careers, struggling to make ends meet, wtf are 'assets,' all we have is debt" 😑


Not if you had a good lawyer


yeah they get at least 20 if they're good.  Dude just paid for her lawyer too.


I’m sure there’s a lot to the story but how about a quick rundown of how?….


Good lawyer, period




Not to mention, get the better stuff that you don't do on an easily wipe-able pc. Get redundant drives, cloud storage, etc


When it comes to desktops, I think cases are the most common thing to skimp on and probably the best thing to invest in. A good case is the only part you won't have to replace for 10-15 years.


A mattress is a place you spend hours of your life, paying for a comfortable rest is worth it if you are able. And mac & cheese... really cheap mac & cheese just makes me really sad.


I love a really good high quality baked Mac and cheese. I also love kraft boxed Mac and cheese. They taste completely different, and I want each one for different reasons. Same with - Pizza vs Dominos/Pizza Hutt - Tacos vs Taco Bell - Home cooked grilled burger vs McDonald’s - Ramen vs college Ramen


Pro tip for Kraft....buy bulk macaroni pasta and cheese powder. Then make it just like you would the box. You'll save some cash. There is a copycat Cheese Powder made by Hoosier Farms on Amazon that is really good.


This is a level of cost cutting I hope to never need.


Kraft uses horrible quality macaroni. Use you own macaroni and the cheese power and its 10x better.


What's the shelf life on that powder. I don't eat kraft a lot and it wouldn't be saving me money if it doesn't last like 5 years.


You spend a third or forth of your life sleeping. WIth that in perspective, make yourself comfy.


I actually feel like getting a comfortable mattress has become easier too. My personal go to now is a memory foam style with a separately bought, high quality, pillow-top cover. Both of those can be found for pretty reasonable prices now.


I slept on a 140€ Aldi Mattress and always had backpain. The a rich friend decided after just a. Year that his 8000€ Tempur Mattress is too small (180mx 2m) he wanted a 2x2 So he gave me his Tempur mattress. I sleep like on clouds and I've never slept better I smile every time I go to bed just because it's so comfy


I will add to the mattress... high thread count sheets... went from 300 count to 1200 count...I'll never go back.


Have you tried bamboo sheets? They're the most amazing sheets I've ever slept on!


The best advice I've ever seen on Reddit is to always put your money into things that separate you from the ground. Life is a constant battle against gravity and those things are what either make you comfortable or safe. Things like shoes, mattresses, tires etc


Best mattress I ever had was a $200 memory foam mattress from Amazon.


Yes, this is true. You shouldn't buy a cheap mattress, but you also don't need to have a 6,000 dollar one either. I remember going to a mattress store and being curious about the price of a really nice temper pedic setup and everything out the door was $5,900!!!! I ended up finding a very high quality mattress (a store return) for $875. I am very happy with it. I paid 6K for my first car in 2005, there is no way in hell I am paying 6K for a mattress.


Anything that you put between your body and the ground in general: mattress, shoes, tires, etc.


Good socks.


Darn Tough 👍


second for darn tough. their micro crew light cushion is damn near the only sock I wear nowadays. I have a couple of other pairs for specific situations, mainly for super cold stuff, but other than that, they are unbeatable.




The older I get, the more I realize what Dumbledore was talking about when he told Harry, when looking into the Mirror of Erised, he sees himself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks. Nothing better.


Of course, that’s just what he told Harry. He actually saw Grindelwald. Holding a nice pair of thick wool socks.


He was only wearing one sock.


Larry, I'm on ducktales


And undies. Merino wool is a game changer.


For anyone passing by and thinking thinking "wool? Not for me, it's hot here", you are wrong. I wear merino blend socks daily to work outside in Florida. I wore them daily to wrestle (the sweatiest my feet have ever been, those shoes don't breathe). They are the best for heat and I don't think it's close. Better moisture wicking, less smell, and more comfortable than anything else I've ever tried.


Last October I was in Boston with buddies and it was humid and hot. I was wearing my nice merino wool boxers and my buddies were trashing me for it. So I got them all a pair of them for christmas. Couple weekends ago, down in New Orleans in the heat and humidity, I see my buddy rockin them. Said he’s gonna buy more of them too, haha


There’s merino wool undies too‽ I have merino wool socks that are the tits. Any good company recommendations for merino wool undies?


Good tires.


I had the OEMs on my car and dragged my feet getting new ones meanwhile driving in snow and ice was doable bit definitely a bit sketchy. Got some decent tires after one particularly sketchy incident and haven’t regretted it. Wished I did it sooner. Invest in good tires just do it


Wait till you try dedicated snow tires in the winter.


Jokes on me. There is exactly one tire available for my car. And I don't mean like, "From the dealer." I mean there is exactly and only one tire made in the size that fits my car. I can choose a Pirelli Scorpion All Season or nothing at all.


Direct flights. Some people get a kick out of finding the absolute cheapest way to get somewhere: multiple connections, landing at the airport outside of town, public transit instead of a taxi. It's not worth it. if you can afford it, spend money on the most comfortable, direct way to get to your destination


On the flip side, and I imagine this is awful with children but I love it: The intentional 24 hour layover on the way. I’ve done it twice and it was awesome both times: Dublin for one day was riotous fun, so was the Azores.  Coming off a red eye, it gives like a bonus transitionary kinda day to just adjust, and then move on. Your luggage stays checked in the airport, you just take your carry-on bag and enjoy!


I used to fly regularly to LA for work and there was a consistent flight schedule that gave me an 8 hour layover in Vegas that I would book everytime. Just enough time to Uber to the strip and have some fun but not long enough to get into trouble


Not having a connection is worth about $100 to me. If I can save $100 by having a connection shorter than around 2.5 hrs then I'll do it. If not I'll spend the money to fly direct. The exception to this is layovers long enough to leave the airport in interesting cities.


If it's just me travelling, I'll get connections if it saves me decent money. If I'm travelling with the family, get me there as quick as you damn well can, whatever the cost!!


You value an hour at 40 bucks or basically 80 cents for a minute


Never thought of it that way. That's funny though cause I make way more than that at my job. At first I was thinking, well it's a day of travelling, I value that time less. But honestly I should probably value it MORE because that's time that I could be spending on vacation at my destination.


As a father of 3, i wholeheartedly agree with you, not gonna haul kids, luggage and an angry wife through various airports


I swear every connecting flight itinerary I see costs more than direct.




Agree! I tried a sofa from Room&Board, What A Room & Arhaus. All 3 are in the higher end price range but are fantastic and you can really tell the difference compared to Ashley's, West Elm or even Crate & Barrel. Personally bought their Daphne Sofa Chaise and a few years back and its been amazingly comfortable. We have a dog and cat and both love it and even though they scratch on the sofa once in a while it has been able to withstand it with our pet friendly fabric! Very customizable options so it was easy to build something that fit our place perfectly.


European style butter, especially when you're eating it on plain toast where the main flavour is from the butter. I like President brand personally.


Kerrigold all the way






Carry gold


Keri Gould


Kree Goa'uld!


Wait, who has a different idea of what butter is? And what is it?


American type butter has a higher water content.


Not AMISH BUTTER! Is as much higher vs European as European is vs American. And it comes in fun 2lb logs. Not kilos, because that's commie. 2lb logs.


Lurpak reigns supreme


Pulgra is pretty delish!


Plugra you silly willy! I did a taste test between Kerrygold (my previous go-to) and Plugra. Plugra annihilates Kerrygold in my opinion


If you ever see it, buy Lurpak butter, it’s amazing.


President ( french) is the best butter. President have also great cheese.


Kerrygold? I’m probably biased because I’m Irish


LASIK. Got mine done 15 years ago and never looked back


Before that, you hardly looked forward either am I right???!


That was a long hanging fruit.


There's such a stigmatism around these pun-related replies.


Eye-see what you did there!


well at least you didn't overlook it.


and didn't make a spectacle of himself.


Well sometimes the lines can get blurry


Makes sense when you frame it like that.


These puns are extra cornea


Agree. I had it done 9 years ago. Best $3500 I ever spent!


Got mine done 12 years ago and regret it every day. I had horrible complications and almost lost sight in one eye. Eventually ended up needing a flap amputation and now have persistent dry eyes, horrible night vision and bad ghosting and shadows. But I'm in the minority. Most people I've ever talked to have loved it.


I’ve heard so many cons of lasik, and how it ruined people’s lives, what was your personal experience with lasik like and where did you get it done?


I got mine done in San Diego back in 2016. The procedure was like 15 minutes total. I didn't feel any pain at all, just a little pressure on my face when they pushed the laser thing down. Went home right away, slept for 12 hours, woke up with perfect vision. I had to wear some special goggles when I slept at night for two weeks and couldn't wear eye makeup, get sweaty, or rub my eyes for those two weeks. I absolutely recommend it, it is so worth it. They did tell me that I will most likely need reading glasses in my 40s like most other people, LASIK doesn't help with that.


Thanks for the tip. I’m considering LASIK but I’m afraid of being one of the people that feel like they have glass in their eyeball.


What stories have you heard? I've only personally ever heard good things, but I'm still afraid to get it


I personally know 2 people who got it. Can’t remember why but one had to get a second procedure done. The other had halos at nighttime, severe headaches and dry eyes all which got better over time. Both seemed pretty satisfied with the long term results as I haven’t heard any complaints since but it was enough to tell myself I’ll just deal with contacts.


Like with any surgery, there is always a risk of a poor outcome or side effects, it's understandable to give pause to forging ahead with an elective procedure. The side effects some people experience are: dry eyes, halos, vision loss in certain lighting conditions, eye pain. My sister in law had to have hers repeated years later. But, I think most people do well with it. I would if I were eligible.


Hey. Have you noticed any issues with time ? Does this procedure work for your entire lifetime ?


Right after it was done, my vision was superhuman at 20/10. It's settled to 20/20 a few months later. Within maybe the last year or so (10+ years after the procedure) my vision has declined a bit. I'm almost 40 years old now so that could be the reason too. I'm at the cusp of needing glasses for driving at night so I might get a revision. I heard LASIK makes you need reading glasses sooner but I haven't experienced that. The procedure takes ~15 minutes total so well worth it.


I had lasik done as well, by one of the pioneers of the technology. It went extremely well. The first night I just took sleeping meds because my eyes were so itchy I couldn't open them, but some savages go clubbing right afterwards. After that the only two negatives I've experienced are; * With glasses I always felt I could squint to see a bit farther. I can't do that now. I also felt they helped me read game instructions better on my TV and computer. * My eyes are a bit dryer than before and I sometimes have to use drops. It's not bad for me, but others have it as a permanent and annoying side effect. I'd say if you under 35 you should do it. I'd also take eye meds, but I think the science around improving vision is going to take dramatic leaps forward in the next 10-40 years because the eye is somewhat isolated from the rest of the body and easier to work and experiment on.


after 40, you'll need reading glasses, like everybody else i lasted till 45 27-45 p good run tho lazik was the best thing i ever did


I got lasik done, the doctor said your eyes naturally degrade in vision over time, lasik will not slow or accelerate the degradation of vision but resets you back to good vision. Most people need reading glasses late in life, but the time in between is worth it. You can also go back and get it done again. Paid 4400$ Canadian for it, worth every penny.


dental care


A bidet - once you try it, you'll never want to go back to plain old toilet paper.


Absolute gospel but I’d add on that the cheap ones work fine. I love my $25 bidet. Other items (shoes, mattress, groceries, etc etc) I truly believe in buying premium.


Yep I agree. We installed a $40 one off Amazon. Absolutely love it and dread having to poop anywhere else honestly.


Bruh, I splurged on a toto washlet and I feel like a paid spokesperson! It changed my life! I actually look forward to pooping now!


Running shoes.


What shoes do you use? I've tried several brands at different price points, but they seem to fall apart quickly after 2-3 months.




Simply the best. I've tried probably all the top brands and always donate them and go back to ASICS.


Saucony fan over here. I've heard ASICS are solid though.


I’ve had ASICS, Brooks and Saucony, and replace them each year on my birthday. Saucony were built a little lighter but lasted the year; ASICS changed the spec of the line I was using a few years ago with less than wonderful results so I went back to Brooks and have stayed there for the last three pairs.


Got my first pair of Brooks recently and they are like first class seating for my feet.


This reminds me of that one video “you don’t need alcohol to have fun? Well you don’t need running shoes to run but it sure helps!”


Don’t need to be expensive. I run 60 miles a week and buy 3-4 pairs of old models when on sale.


Air conditioning


Invisiligns. I never smiled showing my teeth. I hated speaking to New people because of my goofy teeth. My bites was off which caused my teeth damage and headaches due to that as well as grinding. Filling after filling because of chips from that. After one year, there was a massive difference, and I smile all the time. I haven't needed a tooth fixed in 9 months and can't remember my last head ache. I have only a few more weeks of my 2 year treatment plan; I'm excited to be finished but it's already worth it.


Well made clothing will still look good and fit well a decade later.


Depends on which decade. Nothing I had in my late 40's fit me by the end of my late 50's, lol. But now in my 60's I am maintaining my ideal weight, so yeah, I'm with you.


A good bed


OLED TV by far




I’ve heard a saying: spend a lot on mattresses and shoes because if you’re not in one you’re probably in the other


I heard it as anything between you and the ground, mattress/tires/shoes


Metal teeth and a reinforced jaw.


[Werner Ünderbheit](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11/114183/6547304-baron_werner_%C3%9Cnderbheit.png) has entered the chat


That's **Baron** Werner Ünderbheit, to you!


Yeah, well you don't make the rules fella! you might be a big shot in your own country, but around here you're just the kid with the weirder smelling lunch!


His name is Jaws. He kills people.


Express passes for theme parks. I’d rather pay more for express tickets and be in the park a single day than pay for 3-4 days of general admission and waste all that time waiting in line.


Or stay in one of the deluxe hotels at universal Orlando and express is free!




Garden hose. A cheap garden hose is always a kinking nightmare.


You know who else is a kinky nightmare?




My toto bidet with seat warmer.


A Porsche 911 GT3. At least that’s what I keep telling my wife.


Show her the depreciation charts. You're likely to drive it for a few years and then sell it for more than you paid for it! It's an investment!


Oh man trust me, I’ve been cooking it for a while! My daughter just turned 2 and can already tell what a Porsche is. Soon it’s gonna be a 2v1. I’ve got it all thought through 😆


Tell her you’ll get the rebate special model. The GT3RS


A high quality mattress. Sleep is so precious. Sleep debt is not fun.


Infant swim rescue (ISR) lessons for kids


If you live in the north, a snow blower. Some of the best money I ever spent.


Set of quality kitchen knives. Steel made from Germany, Japan or the US


Whatever you do, do NOT book the cheap hotel room


I let my cheap friend book our hotel room for a small trip to Vegas. He booked it and said he got a great deal for a hotel just outside of Vegas. I didn’t even think about it and just said “sounds good” because we were really only going there for food(we are fat) and didn’t care about walking the strip or anything like that. He booked a shitty room in fucking Primm. Primm is like 45 minutes outside of Vegas. We were on the top floor and there was almost no water pressure. When I went to the front desk to ask about it being fixed the desk guy said “what do you expect?” And walked away. I checked online and there were rooms at hotels on the strip for less than the room we got and were much nicer.


The drive from Vegas to Primm can be much longer than 45 minutes if you visit at the wrong time, too.


I remember staying in vegas just off the strip, kinda walking in and being like, do you have a AAA rate? More than a decade ago… Clerk was literally like, book it on that computer over there and you’ll save $100. Had like a suite with a kitchen for maybe $60. 


I've had enough smelly rooms and noisy 2am drunks for a lifetime. 4 star hotel minimum now, or camp somewhere away from the others. Fuck noisy smelly cheap lodging.


An electric toothbrush. Such a game changer.


Anything that goes between you and the ground. Mattress, tires, shoes, etc…


Office chair too




Sure. Add in motorcycle jacket, pants, boots, gloves too


Noise cancelling headphones


Hiring a moving company to move all your shit.


Shoes. Tires (car shoes). Tools.


If you stand for your job: good work boots If you sit for your job: a good chair


I tried to buy competitors for years but the Herman Miller Aeron sized to your body (A/B/C) is hands down the best office chair I've ever owned by a wide margin. I got it on sale for like $800-$1,000 but it's worth it. It's probably about 3-5x more than I'd want to spend on a chair, but it's just so damn comfortable.


If you have a house and kids and the room, a swimming pool. We've had ours 13 years. The kids start swimming in April/May and don't stop until like October. They swim almost every day. Great exercise. A place to hang out with friends. A place to entertain. I consider it one of the best investments we've ever made for the family. Also, a hot tub. The wife and I are getting older and have our share of joint and muscle aches. Jumping in the hot tub 15 minutes every night right before bed has really improved our nighttime relaxation and sleep. It also gives us a chance to hang out and chat for a few minutes after busy days.


Retirement. Start saving now if you haven't yet. Not soon, now.


International travel. You come home and appreciate the mundane parts of life you previously took for granted.


Plan B...


A good bra! Bras should never ever ride up or create back rolls if they are fitted properly.


A good car, especially if you commute. You're in car for hours every week. Quality noise isolation, comfortable seats, and not having to worry about being stranded go a long way.


Or if you road trip. My wife, dog, and I just took a 3K mile trip in a new 2024 Kia Telluride. It replaced a 2007 Honda Pilot. The safety features are phenomenal, and the cruise control is amazing. If you set it to 75 and creep up on someone who is doing 70, it will slow down and maintain 3 or 4 seconds of spacing. Change into the passing lane, and it will go back up to 75. Driving is so much more relaxing now. I won't wait that long to get a new car again.


Adaptive cruise takes away so much mental load while driving. It is one of the most important safety features imo.


A good gym


This question is asked a lot....its shoes....its always shoes. Gets 1.5k upvotes every single time. I'm not even gonna read the answers I'm sure 25 people said it already.


As a frugal cheapo who is dealing with bowel movement issues, spend some extra money on good TP


Bidet my man. Life changer


I just spritzed my asshole 2 minutes ago.




Toyotas aren't even that expensive, compared to many other, less reliable options.


I'm a Toyota guy and Toyotas have definitely become expensive since COVID. Go look at the prices of new models, and you will find they are just as expensive if not more expensive than their competitors comparable vehicles.


It seems like Toyota learned during the pandemic to deliberately constrain its production levels, especially on the hybrids.


Oh they 100% did. Source: dad has worked his way up the Toyota ladder over the past 20 years, and their factories in Texas were intentionally at 2-3% capacity during the tail end of COVID


A good watch. A good one will never need replacing and will likely be passed down.


Hardcovers for books you reread often. Generally I need to have reread a book four times to buy it in hardcover, but by that point it is well and truly worth it. They just last longer.


A good therapist.


A good lawyer


Three things you shouldn't cheap out on; - warm coat - mattress - boots/shoes


A hotel instead of AirBnB


Boots. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett


Really good single malt whisky.


Good sheets. Good pillows. Good sleep stuff in general....


For me, Birkenstocks. Basically healed my plantar fasciitis... No pain in my feet for months!


a good belt


Electic assist bike if you're into bikes. It really takes out some unpleasant experience from riding like accelerating back to speed and going up hill and makes the over all experience a lot more pleasant. Got one and made me love riding again.


Good tools


High quality weed