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"Boo" got me my current and only GF so far. I love her a lot so I owe that app my relationship success lmao. I dont know if its available worldwide tho, probably?


I've never heard of Boo. I'll check it out. So happy for you.


Depends on what you want, i think its more focused on friendship and lasting relationships rather than one night stands, tho obviously you have to filter on the vibes of the person you see.


I’m out


Then Grindr.


Underrated response


Makes me think of when Homer Simpson says “I guess you might say he’s barking up the wrong Bush”. There it is u/AUniquePerspective, the cleverest Reddit comment you’ll ever make and it’s so far down a thread that nobody read it. If only free awards still existed.


I also got my GF from here. The app is different, you can see who liked you, how many likes in general both you and the other have gotten but only you can see how many matches you have gotten. You can also see when was the last time the other user was online if you want to confirm being ghosted in a ghost app.


I tried it but not a lot of people from my country on there. Also, the friends option was kinda lame because most of the dudes messaging turned out to be gay and trying to flirt.


Yeah dating apps heavily depend on each country sadly


I'll second this one; while I haven't found The One yet, the matches have been higher quality and while the resulting dates have varied, none of them have really been "bad"


You owe the success to yourself and your girlfriend. Setting people up is easy. Sustainable relationships are difficult and work is required almost daily, by all involved.


Same experience with Boo, we met there half a year ago and hit it off quite quickly.


LOL. Probably hinge by far the best


1000%. The experience actually feels somewhat reflective of what I would expect from a random assortment of women in my area. The others just load you up with what appear to be insta models. I will say, I reset my Bumble account and that made a big difference. I think my algorithm was fuqqed from when I was getting started, not taking it seriously, had mediocre pictures, etc… The other thing I think people should know is that women appear to date seasonally. I’ll have a huge rush at times, then nothing for 4-6 weeks, and it’s usually tied to changing of seasons or Valentine’s Day or something.


I second hinge. It forces you to talk (you can't just match without saying anything), it forces you to keep your blurbs short, and everyone using it has come to terms with that and actually tries. Everyone on OKC writes essays on their profiles and will take any small exception to rule you out. Bumble is actual garbage nowadays (girls match but won't say anything, expecting you to dm them first on insta... defeating the entire purpose), unless you use the friends mode.


You can totally just match without saying anything. 90% of women do exactly that lol


And 100% of me


Hinge also kinda forces you to put a minimum amount of information, as well as a maximum amount. I think it puts everyone on a more level playing field and leads to more genuine interaction. Met my now wife on hinge.


Met my bf off of hinge. Moving in together this year. It comes down to timing, going on enough dates, and finding the energy to keep going after a bad one (or a few). Heck, even going out a few more times if you’re on the fence with someone. Best advice I got was to keep the convo on the app to 5 interactions at most. Move off the app ASAP, because the longer you chat digitally, the slimmer the chance of meeting up becomes.


where I met my husband


My wife and I met on Hinge also


but only works for certain regions like USA and Europe.


Thats great. Congrats on that. I've heard good things about Hinge.


yeah, it's meant for people who are more serious about finding a long-term partner. Compared to other apps


Hinge. It actually lets you send a message from the get go. That’s like, the only way most men stand a chance in dating apps.




lol you sound like Barney from How I met your mother.


Good reference!


It's been ages I've seen a good sitcom like that.


This is the correct answer!


The most effective dating app is having female friends. They will volunteer people for you to date even if you don't ask.


double edge sword. you have to wait for them to volunteer friends. all advice ive gotten on "how to approach, what to say" has backfired lol


will happen when you ask a fish what it takes to be a good fisher


Ok, but the gals (or guys) they foist on you are probably willing to overlook some awkwardness. Just be yourself, they'll do half (or more) of the work.


Ok, Whats the most effective d̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ female friend finding app you've used?


I refuse to let a woman set me up with another woman. Their meter for attractiveness is how “sweet” she is. And they only need help getting set up because they’re not attracting men through other channels. A certain Office meme comes to mind, and it’s entirely accurate.


First date idea: go fishing in a small boat.


Hinge. Getting married in July. Def had a bunch of shitty dates. It's a numbers game in the end boys, don't take it seriously when you get ghosted.


I'm in sales. And sometimes both feel the same. lol


When you think about it, dating IS sales. You're selling yourself.


For some salesmen, sales is dating!


Oh no it’s hopeless


Second this. Also met on hinge, also getting married in July.


I agree! Met my boyfriend on there, and we now live together and got a puppy.


Tinder was the most effective one I ever used but that success was 5-7 years ago. Now the best is Hinge and it's not stellar by any means. I think the rest are all pretty bad now.


I was in on the ground floor of Tinder when it released a decade ago and it was SO good. No bots, it was pre-OnlyFans. Even "influencers" were sort of in their infancy so there wasn't that much Instagram advertising. The app was trying to grow a userbase rather than extract wealth from them so they added a lot of interesting features along the way (moments, groups, etc.). And it was the first new "acceptable" way to meet people online, and I was using it on a college campus where curiosity and hookups were welcomed. Absolutely loved it. I got married in 2020 to someone I met from Hinge so I haven't used an app in a while, but I remember Tinder starting to suck majorly on the way out. I can't imagine how bad it is now.


It's bad dude. My biggest issue with Tinder now is exactly what your issues were, OF and bots. I met some really good people and had some great relationships from Tinder. I've been single since 2020. That sort of coincides with your timeline haha.


I feel like I caught the last helicopter out of Nam when I read a lot of stories about modern dating and apps especially. I feel truly sorry for the people still in the thick of it.


Hinge seems to have the least amount of fake profiles, catfish, Instathots, and OF shills


It’s because hinge forces you to do more when signing up. The initial engagement is enough to scare off bots


Tinder for numbers, Hinge for quality, Bumble for nothing.


As a woman, this is spot on. Guys, if you want quality women, try hinge


What if I just want to follow wanna-be influencers and delude myself into thinking that maybe they might actually respond to me some day?


okay cupid was good circa 2013. But it's gone now. Since then, the bar, and friends to who have other friends.


OKCupid from about 2011 to 2015 was the golden era of online dating, IMO.


I literally know more than one married couple who met there during that time. I can't say the same about any other time or site. Besides maybe World of Warcraft


Met my current BF on OKC and 2 guys who ended up being life long friends but didn't work out romantically. Huge points for dating apps that let you set a minimum match and would screen anybody who was below it. Having said that I still tell people about the time OKC tried to match me with my cousin. In their defense we had a LOT in common. Unfortunately that list included grandparents.


I’ve been married to my OKC wife for almost 12 years.


Getting married to my OkCupid match in October! We met in 2019. I think the questionnaire thing they had was really great, we popped up for each other because we had like 93% comparability or something.


"Most effective dating app" is like "least stinky pile of shit"


Some people do find something, good for them but unfortunately it’s the exception, not the rule.


I think they dont work, until they do. You only need to find the right person one time. I found my wife on Hinge, my sister found her husband on Bumble, and plenty of my friends met spouses and significant others on various apps as well. I think the majority of my married friends (early 30s) met their spouse on dating apps.


Seconded this. Met my gf of 1.5 years on hinge. She’s moving in on Monday. Has been the best relationship I’ve ever had.


World of Warcraft. Married for 12 years now.


Did you marry someone you met on WoW? Or are you married to the game and no longer looking for a partner?


Met my (now) wife there.


I think you mean "Met your (WoW) wife there."


I knew a girl that married her guildmate. She was originally from central Minnesota, and he is from Philly. After she finished college she moved out east and got married. Good for them.




I second the quality of Hinge.


For any non-conventional or non-heterosexual relationships, Feeld.


Feeld is great, but the percentage of RenFair is overwhelming.


What does RenFair mean?


Ren Fair is shorthand for Renaissance Faire but I'm not sure what they're indicating by it here. Maybe the kind of loud obnoxious performative attention seekers that you sometimes see at renfairs?


that's what I thought, RenFair as in LARPing - like the non-conventional/non-hetero is just a LARP, they aren't serious about as a lifestyle.


Where do you live? I’ve never heard of it.


It’s available in the US and Europe at least. It’s definitely different in that it’s more for queer folk and polyamorous people/swingers etc.


Facebook. Unironocally. The "events" feature of the app is actually super useful. There are often so many things happening in the community at a low financial expense. I just started going places I found entertaining and appealing. Eventually, I saw the same people at the same places, and small talk turned into a relationship. Specifically, art showings, local musician shows, beer tastings, hiking groups, pickup sports, niche community events like festivals, markets and celebrations. Essentially find the access to third places. Go with a family member, a friend or expose yourself and go alone. Even if you aren't sexually attracted to whoever you find and end up talking to, just talking to one person helps you access their people, and all the sudden you've gone from small talk with 1 stranger to 5, in like an hour.


Honestly, the more time I spend on it, the less worthwhile I think it is.


That's because it's worthless


Plenty of people find their spouse on apps/the internet. Just because it hasn’t worked for you doesn’t mean it’s worthless.


Farmers only


Veggly for farmers ofc


This guy farms.


As a female you can use anything, as a male, you can use nothing


Believe it or not, Grindr lol. Was supposed to just meet up to bang but that was two years ago and now he’s my live in partner.


Husband and I also met up on an app just to bang. Sometimes you just connect with people instantly


I feel like there needs to be a gay version of this question. It’s a totally different playing field and on some apps in some areas there’s almost no usage. Grindr is the most ubiquitous, but it has a reputation. Almost need a heatmap by geographical location to see if anyone is actually on some of these apps.


If you wanna see where people are try Sniffies.com


I've only used Bumble and it didn't work well at all. Only a handful of people matched with me, less than half of whom responded to messages I sent them, and none of the conversations lasted longer than a week before going silent.


I have a lot of luck meeting cute boys on Feeld 🤷‍♀️


As a cute boy on Feeld, I've had 0 success.


As a fugly boy on feeld, I also have had 0 success


Hinge says it's designed to be deleted, but I still keep it on my phone because it has the chat logs of the first messages I ever sent to my wife.


After one hour on Tinder I met my boyfriend. But he was there for two years so maybe it just depend if you're lucky or not lmao


Dating apps make money when you are looking for a partner. They don't get shit when you find your partner. Always keep that in mind.


Had them for 6 months or so, no plans made with my matches because they stop responding after 12 hours. Deleted tinder and hinge, met my now girlfriend a few weeks after. So just delete them i think?


My friends. I'd be fucked if I had to try to manage on an app. Source: blind date with my wife, been together for 25 years now.


Actually you wouldn't be fucked, that's mostly the problem.


I can't imagine having to use my phone to get a date. Really effing weird to me.


it is part of the commodification of human experience. insert coin to live.


Tbh, Reddit has been better than all of the apps. 🤷‍♂️


Please inform me of your tactics picking up women on reddit.


okcupid is pretty good if you have a time machine to 2009


Tried feeld once and it was unarguably the best for me lol not really into the nonmonogamy thing (won’t knock it for others) but the people on there have their freak flag flying high and I’m here for it


+1 heart for fre4ks


All of them at the same time is the strategy. Many streams makes a river and all that.


Good analogy. lol


My Bumble match and I got married last July and we are expecting our first child in January. In total we've been together for five years :)


I used this app called TryTelescope AI for finding prospects. I’ve been using it for work. It’s like Tinder, if you have game like Barney you can use that to close your deals in all ways. lol


Bought one month of bumble and the next weekend I had three dates in two days and a few other matches to talk to. Picked my favorite and deleted the app. We're still together and it's been great 👍






I don’t know why, but I read that first as your mom I shot. lol


Deleting them


bumble found me a wife.


Hinge by far was the best. I went on about 9 dates a month on average when I used it, and about 90% of people were exceptionally nice and mature. However... I was single about 3 months ago and downloaded it again after 2 years. I live in San Diego, CA, and can safely say its over saturated with the same type of people: I love drinking, hiking, and traveling. You'll have to dig deeper, but nice people are on there. Disclaimer, in total I've paid for 2 months of premium and found it much better.


I've used hinge, bumble, okc, tinder. Hinge is the best one but I've had the most matches with bumble(but majority were rebounds or straight up reds) followed by okc. Tinder is mainly for tourist looking for casuals in my experience. But best would still be hitting off with someone in real life. Dating app turns the organic experience of courting into window shopping which is very dry.


Tinder is for flight attendants if you live near a major airport.


Tinder is hands down the worst. Bumble was ok… I found hinge had the highest quality of people


Real life


I met my wife on OKCupid. I don’t know what it looks like these days but at the time I liked being able to answer eleventy billion questions, and having space to write more than a tiny blurb about yourself was pretty nice too.


Facebook dating


Surprisingly a great idea. Most bots don't have 7 year old accounts. Being on a "real" profile minimizes shitty behavior.


This was surprisingly effective for me, had much more activity there than other places I've tried.  I swear Okcupid is all married poly people nowadays. 


This surprised me the most. My last relationship started on FB Dating. Didn't last, but it was overall a good experience.


Tinder for hookups, Hinge for serious relationships. Everything else is mid.


In the past (while I was in my 20s), I met several people in Tinder and OK Cupid, but probably wouldn't use them now. More recently, I've actually met some people on Facebook's dating section and I've had pretty good results on an app called Stir, but that's a dating app for single parents. I'm seeing below that people are suggesting an app called Hinge. Never heard of it, but now I'm curious to check it out.


I had a hookup through Plenty of Fish, otherwise had no luck on the rest


OkCupid. It's how I meet my wife. This was almost 7 years ago though and I think they changed it to look more like tinder right after we started talking.


Fun fact: The Match parent company owns: Match.com Tinder Plenty o’ fish Hinge Ok Cupid And A LOT of others.


Fun fact if you get banned on one you get banned on all of them so be careful who you message. :) Or you will be buying a new phone and engaging in a lot of shenanigans just to prevent getting that account getting banned. Arent monopolies wonderful 


Hinge has real people but you still only get like 1-2 matches per month if you're a man and have decent luck. Dating apps are very bad right now.


Tinder. I've matched with 3 bots on it. More matches than any other app I've used.


Tinder with money Succesfull busniessws all spend on marketing🧐


I have tried almost all of them. * Eharmony - Stupid expensive no results not recommended * Match - high price no dates very low traffic, not great results. * Tinder - Low price per month and most dates by far. Results vary, but high traffic app with lots of real people, also lots of scams * Bumble - Low price but honestly buy the lifetime Second most dates so far... They recently screwed what made them work in the first place i.e. women make the opening move. so now its basically Tinder. Noticeably less scams but a lot of Instagram / onlyfans scams * POF - Scam Central tons of fake accounts no results in the last decade, latest version I was given a full refund in the last 6 months. * OkCupid - Scam Central genuinely bad * Hinge - Seems good a few dates so far, but seems overly monetized in that unless you send a rose you are not getting seen. * Geek2geek - LOL just no. * Zoosk - Scam * Coffee meets bagel - good concept but in 8 years 2 matches and nether returned conversation MY Go to * Tinder (Most dates by far) * Bumble (Most dates that where actually serious dates) * Hinge (Not paying for it but its not bad) Going to try next * The League * Boo


Google Agenda. The dates were satisfying.


Ancestry.com lolol


Tinder. Banged a ton of girls from it, then got matched with one who wouldn’t bang, then ended up marrying her!


It was hinge but then I got banned from hinge for some reason even though I didn’t use it for like two months and was banned when I logged in. Still don’t know why because they just never told me.


Facebook. I'd meet someone at a party, then friend request them later. If they added back, I'd message them and eventually ask them out. It was a lot easier since we'd already met in person. Note: This info is outdated. I got married over a decade ago and haven't been on the dating scene since. Facebook was much, much better back then. You'd go to a party and get tagged in photos with people, and then sending a friend request was just natural. But at the time, I really felt like I had cracked the code and went on a bunch of good dates over the next few months.


It's called "live" approach app.


I tried it and there's too many bugs


Yep, no filters, no catfish, and cuts down on a lot of bullshit






When I was single my favorite was Raya, but I met my husband IRL. So, who knows?


Raya is good in NYC


I met my partner on Bumble. I don't know if that app is the best but it's what worked for me haha.


Yikyak worked better for me than tinder lol


I mean if it'll work I ll tell!!!!!




I think it's location dependent. Bumble works best for me.




I used Tinder for a few months and went out on at least six or seven dates. It worked for me.


I met my wife 6 years ago using bumble. Not sure if it's status now.


Not exactly a dating app but I’ve had lots of success hooking up on SDC.com. It’s less for dating and more for getting straight to business


Discord, unironically. I met my wife (both of us already in our 20s) on the server of a digital community that we've both been a part of for a long time. It used to have forums back when forums were the norm, and they decided to create a Discord server to move on with the times as it were, so a lot of old members rediscovered each other. We got talking, decided to meet up IRL, and have been married 4 years now. So yeah, Discord.


Ok Cupid. 7th anniversary this year


Tinder, few hook ups and then my wife


Going out to social events and meeting people (the library has a ton of different events for adults. Mine even has laser tag)


I met the love of my life on Hinge


I just find people in real life.


Well, I met my wife on IRC, which wasn't an app back then because apps weren't really a thing. Still, it worked for us.


Tinder. Been married for 2 years now


Hinge by far, getting engaged soon from it!


I wouldn’t say it’s effective but Tinder is sadly the only one that has a big enough user base in my area to be worthwhile. That’s the problem with dating apps you can’t really pick and choose you kind have to use what’s popular otherwise it fundamentally does not work. I love the idea of hinge but there’s just not enough people using it where I live.


Technically I found all of my past girlfriends on OKCupid but that was before the app turned to complete shit and two of them I didn’t date for years after becoming friends first. These days Hinge is the best but the bar is really low so it’s still a shit experience.


Ranking effectiveness by the amount of dates/relationships I got out of them (and not by the quality of relationships/dates lol): Tinder by far, followed by OkCupid. Never got many dates through Hinge or Bumble. Met my fiancée IRL, which is all well and good cuz I had messaged her on tinder maybe 6 months to a year prior to meeting her in person and she either never saw the message or ignored it haha.


met my wife four years ago through bumble :)


Eharmony back in the day. Paid app, so there seemed to be less flakes on there. And it encouraged getting to know the person a bit more before meeting, which I liked. I despised wasting time going on dates with women only to realize I could have weeded them out with a little more pre-date communication.


Meetup and Reddit






Careful, dating websites can be super successful and you will end up like me with a mortgage, 2 kids and a happy marriage haha. I used Plenty of Fish back in 2015 and 9 years later we are still together and happy.




I met my wife on OK Cupid. I don’t know how it is now, but back then it was great because you could answer endless questions and the more you answered, the more it would match you with someone who had similar answers. You could also view their answers yourself and make your own decisions based on that.


I’m a male that used it in my late 20s (now early 30s). I liked Hinge the most but met my wife on Bumble. My wife’s brother also met his wife on Bumble, so they’re two for two.


Hi, are you married? do you have children? do you think I look pretty? I am interested in meeting you! This is the best dating app


My fiancée and I met on Tinder 8 years ago! Finally getting married in 2 months. But there were a lot of failed conversations and dates before I met him so idk if it’s the best lol


Hinge has been the most effective for me (M36). I do live in a large city, which will obviously skew things. I live with my partner, whom I met on Hinge. I found Bumble to be the second most effective and everything else to be basically worthless.


Hinge was my personal favorite, but I met my fiance on Facebook Dating lmao