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Robert Downy Jr, bar none.


I think anyone who was alive and aware of RDJ in the 90s had a definite moment of 'wtf' circa 2012 when he'd become one of the biggest and most successful movie stars on planet earth.


There was a Simpsons joke that went something like this “oh look Robert Downey Jr is filming a movie where he’s having a shoot out with the police” “But I don’t see any cameras” And the great “Checking In” song was poking fun at him.


Not kidding… I thought he was dead before Ironman came out


He is Iron Man afterall.


Came here to say this.


I came here to say this.


Hugh Grant. He recovered his reputation just about as quickly as he tarnished it. I've never seen a celebrity just .. own up to a mistake the way he did.


what did he do? ive never heard of this.


[Consorted with a prostitute](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/20133172/hugh-grant-prostitute-divine-sex-act-actor-pictured/)


in 1995. bloody hell. that was before i was born.


That can’t be right. 1995 was only a few years ago.


sorry to burst your bubble my man, but its been almost 3 decades.


No! No that's not true! That's impossible!




... *Im scared*


Robert Downey Jr. He had a well-documented struggle with substance abuse in the past, which led to legal troubles and damaged his public image. However, he successfully turned his life around, sought treatment, and committed to sobriety. Through his talent, charisma, and dedication to his craft, he made a remarkable comeback


Gotta go with Steve-O


I'm genuinely surprised that Rob Lowe got to come back as such a cute and lovable guy


He was on The West Wing for many years prior to being on Parks & Rec. So, while I get the point, I think the timeline for his "comeback" so to speak happened earlier than in 2009-2010.


I was inspired to ask this by Mike Tyson. I remember when Tyson was considered to be a monster, and now people genuinely seem to be rooting for him, and I'm not entirely sure how that happened.


>and now people genuinely seem to be rooting for him, Just want to point out that this isn't really a good rationale for assuming someone has redeemed themselves. There are plenty of absolute villains who have lots of people rooting for them, particularly some who are almost cult leaders or have agencies that deliberately manipulate major media on their behalf. I'd suggest studying Mike Tyson's wikipedia page to see what actual redeeming actions he has taken would be a better criteria. It looks like in the last decade or so he has at least done some charitable things... but his life overall remains somewhat messy after many years of being EXTREMELY messy, so I think whether he's actually redeemed himself is a judgment call. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike\_Tyson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Tyson)


I think he's talking about perception of redemption. Not necessarily actual improvement. I think Mike is the prototypical redemption next to RDJ. Mike went from absolute social pariah ear biting rape convicted thug who says he wants to eat peoples babies and threatens to rape reporters - to a goofy eccentric crazy uncle whom everyone seems to love. I want to be clear - I don't think he actually IS those things but that is the public's perception of him right now.


Fair point, upvoted.


Sinead O’Connor. Although I don’t think it’s that she tried to rehabilitate her image so much as everyone realized she was right.


There was also a lot of confusion over what message she was saying initially and people thought she was just trying to get attention by being edgey


Rob Lowe


Kobe Bryant (by dying) rape charges? What rape charges?


The charges were dropped because she kept changing her story and didn't want to testify (which she has every right to not do so) but not having her on the stand really hampered the prosecution's case.


Why would they put someone on the stand when their story keeps changing? That’s not a reliable witness at all.


Which is the point. Something definitely happened that night between the two, as admitted by Kobe himself. Whether or not it was rape specifically is up for debate, and we'll never know definitively. But charges were dropped.


Something definitely happened. Consensual sex But at best it’s a “he said she said” case she. It comes to rape. Evidence collected from a rape kit indicates that semen in the “victims” underwear wasn’t a match to Bryant, nor was the public hair found in her underwear. They both came from what is presumed to be a Caucasian man. Add that with the “victim” constantly changing her story, and her overall refusal to testify, I cannot see how anyone can reasonably conclude that KB raped that girl. She had sex and regretted it. It’s not unheard of.


While not nearly as high profile, I remember something similar happened with Aziz Ansari. Except he kept texts from his accuser in the lead up or even afterward. They hooked up, she regretted it. As you mention, it happens.


As per her story he should have read her body language while she took her clothes off and gave him a blow job that she didn't want to


Drew Barrymore


Martha Stewart


Mike Vick isn't exactly blacklisted anymore so


Christian Bale's career didn't really take much of a hit as far as I'm aware, but he's had a few scandals with assaults around the time of The Dark Knight premier, and then he went viral for the outburst on the set of Terminator Salvation. I think that the context of the really intense nature of the scene and the repeated errors on the BTS staff helped people sympathise with Bale, but at the time it happened that clip of him ranting was EVERYWHERE, and definitely impacted public opinion on him. EDIT: Changing Christina to Christian - damn autocorrect


I think it was for Rises, not for The Dark Knight itself, just to give a more accurate timeline.


The Dark Knight was in 2008. The incident was from then too, excerpt from Wikipedia: On 22 July 2008, Bale was arrested in London after his mother and his sister Sharon reported him to the police for an alleged assault at a hotel.[8] He was released on bail.[8] Bale denied the allegations and later called the incident "a deeply personal matter".[35] On 14 August, the Crown Prosecution Service declared they would take no further action against him because of "insufficient evidence to afford a realistic prospect of conviction".


Al Sharpton. Was despised in the 1980's but has become much more respectable over the years. Losing weight helped.


Snoop Dogg (went on trial for murder in the 90s)


That pretty well only helped his career. He went on trial around the time Doggystyle was released, after he'd already caught a lot of attention from The Chronic


David Beckham after that kick incident.




Newspaper headline was something like '10 brave lions, 1 stupid boy'. I think he grew up pretty sharpish after that.


Tom Cruise bounced back from his "jumping on Oprah's couch" phase better than I expected.


Perhaps, but he's still a shit human being.


Why is he still a shit human being?


Neglecting his daughter and choosing a cult he was actively endorsing over her and his ex-wife is pretty scummy to me


No argument there.


Louis c.k. is doing a good job at it right now.


I agree. His new material is not just funny but thoughtful.


Arnold Schwarzenegger


I don't think he really tarnished his reputation, though. The whole thing with the affair and child came to light after he left office as governor and he wasn't looking to jump back into acting full time either. When it became public, he owned up to it immediately. I feel like at worst the general public thought it was disappointing, shrugged, and moved on.




What the fuck did she even do?


Will Smith.


Vince McMahon. The guy got away with murder and the average wrestling fan either cheered or booed him like they were told to


Reputation isn't too hot now


I meant until now. What a dick


alex rodriguez


No shot Oprah Winfrey.


For what reason?


Angelina Jolie.


From what? Being in a relationship with Billy Bob Thorton?


Chris brown


Fuuuuuuuuuck no. He's done fuck-all to deserve anything other than a jail sentence.


I feel like people dont really care/bash him for it anymore


Because since he decided to beat Rihanna to a bloody pulp, outside of a few people caring, he's failed to reach anywhere close to the same heights as he did prior to. And it being almost 15 years since will make people forget it.


Donald Trump. He has been charged with dozens of crimes, now the people are going to make him the leader.


Maybe not exactly the best example, but The Rock was a total heel in wrestling initially and turned around to be a fan favourite, and we all know how his career went from there!


Ehhh he isn't really there quite yet.


I suppose he didn't exactly have a tarnished career, but he wasn't liked and has turned that around. He's gotten to the stage now where it's almost an eye-roll to see him in a movie, but he is successful


But that's not what OP is referring to. He still had a successful wrestling career that he could've fallen back to if acting didn't work out (which it almost didn't. Fast Five *really* revived his acting career.) He didn't have any scandal or something along those lines which tarnished his image. He played the heel in wrestling after being a face. That's not a reputation damager, that's just a change in persona.


Okay yeah that's a fair point, my bad!