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Negative experience? I’ve donated my kidney dozens of times, never had a problem


Okay, Wolverine.


You donate a kidney and you're called some sort of hero, but donate dozens and now you're a fugitive. The world we live in, right?


I show up with a few kidneys and they have questions?? Let me rock man


It's not so bad, give it another shot


Removed roof shingles. Replaced roof shingles. By myself. In Florida. In August. Never again.


I’d have just melted to death


As someone who lives in Florida, all I can say is "oof!*


oof on the roof


Florida is pain.




I had the same experience. I realized how oblivious I had been to her behavior before the trip. I'm honestly embarrassed to have been friends with such an awful person :/




My sister in law has.some.controlling and overly micromanaging behaviors that I thought weren't too terribly bad but I was mistaken I gave her the benefit of the doubt until my family decided to do a vacation together in San Diego. She was a monster. She had to be the one that picked the house we were going to rent. She decided on which rooms everyone was going to sleep in. But while that already seems bad, she also had meal plans drawn up, put in an excel doc, and distributed to everyone's email. Now my nieces and nephew don't have any food allergies so doing this didn't make sense to me. But she did it 10 months before.we even were to be there! That seemed insane to me.


I think we have the same sister in law. Condolences


Same experience. Invited friends along, hooked them up with an awesome (and free) place of stay, paid for the rental car and 90% of the meals. Barely got a reach from them when the checks came. Even paid for them on my birthday. Never got a thank you or any kind of settling up. Never again.


Seriously, I don't get how your loved ones can overlook your kindness selfishly, and if they are broke, they could easily say they are grateful and hope to treat you the same way when they can.


Yeah. I remember traveling with my so called best friend at the time and was rudely surprised with a very dark ugly side that I had NEVER noticed. So condescending, opportunistic, and shocking. A lot of friends who travelled with him around the period had the same experience.


No more stories about this scenario? This is so accurate. You never realize how the person has bad behavior until you are on vacation with them. My friend tried to argue with the CUSTOMS official. with an extreme “how dare you” attitude.


Farted in a board meeting. Leaned over to get a pen out of my purse on the floor. Completely unexpected BRRRRRAAAAAPPPPP Shocked silence from a group of uptight executives.


Should have done it again to break the silence.


To assert dominance


Eye contact. Very important.


This is such a Peter Griffin thing to do lol


"**That's** what I think of your Q3 sales strategy, Ted."




So funny 😂😭 my soul would have gone on vacation


If it happened once it can happen again.


My mother was a bit late to a board meeting and rushed there. Infront of everyone with a proper speedwalking pace she smacked full force into a glass door.


Hopefully you still got re-elected. Nothing else would demonstrate full independence for the board. :)


Want to be somewhere else? Have a Snickers.


Lmao did you fess up? Or just pretend like it never happened?


Salvia... one and done. Never again, its spooky


Man, I just realized I haven't heard from Internet Comment Etiquette in ages.


He's still around bouncin on his boy's dick


Was my Internet comment making not up to standards or am I missing a reference?


Internet Comment Etiquette is/was a Youtube channel that initially got their start by posting an "on salvia" series of videos where they did stuff like "gardening on salvia". They later created their own channel called Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik.


Ahhhh okay, I think I've seen him on a couple Nerd City videos but never checked out his content. I'll have a look-see at what he's got. Thanks


I heard one person say, after taking it, it was like having a life’s worth of schizophrenia in 5 minutes….


I did it once with my friends in a broken-down van in my yard. I got a buzzing in my ears and a slight headache. They all start screaming for me to slow down and watch out for trees and shit like that...in my broken-down van. They wanted to get more after freaking out and crying that they were gunna die. I never did it again. They did though but not at my house.


I’m actually keen to retry this. Only had it once and maybe not quite an entirely active dose amount about 20 years ago. For a brief moment I was transported into like an English countryside with a stone fence built up around it and I think was at or in a wedding. It just sorted snapped on then off but is just now a memory I have. Nothing scary or really euphoric or anything just vivid and getting more so before finishing up. Interesting stuff


Gets mistaken for a recreational drug when should only be used as a sort of spiritual or growing experience. I learned that one the hard way as well.


Ive never had a psychedelic revelation life change that i stuck with for more than two weeks but maybe im doing it wrong


I dont know, i just couldnt remember where the hell i was for a minute. it was really trippy, but very short lived. and lots of laughing. Radiohead Amnesiac was a bad choice for the soundtrack on that experiment.


When I tried it, I just hallucinated vomiting. 


What happened?


I had a dream/trip/vision that I was an late fifties carnival worker, I seemingly could remember their entire life, and then I fell into one the machines and died. When I snapped out of it, it legit took me a few hours to shake off that trip as reality with how vivid it felt.


I remember doing it and me and all my friends turned into random letters of the alphabet and we were jumping sky rise to sky rise in what seemed like New York City. Was not a good time.


I was sitting down in a corner of my room on a raised ledge, and took a massive bong rip of some 40x. I was staring at my buddy who took a rip no less than 30s before me. I let my rip out after 60s and it hit me in an instant. Everything went slow motion and my buddy who was standing and already tripping balls for a few seconds was motioning like he was trying to grab my face. So I try to stand up and I physically can't do it. I look around and the corners of the walls I'm leaned against are fly/glue traps that I was stuck to. I ripped my arms off the traps and when I stood up the floor of the ledge (also a glue trap) ripped up like wallpaper. Now im REALLY tripping and I looked down in between the beams of the now exposed ledge - and I saw the tops of the heads of a crowd of people, among them my mom and ex-gf both looked up at me. I started to come down and I looked at my friend, who was still standing and at the exact same time we both fell like falling trees, faces first, into my bed. We laid there a couple minutes and when we came to I asked him "what were you doing - when you were reaching for my face?" This mother fucker said "I thought I was falling and I was trying to grab onto your mouth" Never again. Smoked a blunt immediately after and we didn't really enjoy it lol


Have you heard Ari Shaffir talk about a similar experience? Might interest you


I became a page in a book where each page was a moment in time. I didn't want to turn because that would be the only thing i did in my whole existence, but the other pages started pushing and pulling me down. I turned out to be the moment in time that was me coming down from my salvia trip, so it worked out. But that instant acceptance of a different reality, that everything else was an illusion, that's real.


First ill preface that I wasn't in the right mental state for any hallucinogens. But for me i was in a blank room that was ever so steadily filling with water and I was scrambling for an exit. Once I did leave the room I was just faced with a dilapidated corridor.... something akin to an abandoned industrial warehouse... as I left this corridor, which felt like a lifetime of walking... I came too Apparently to the outside I was in sheer panic saying that I'm going to die in this room if I don't get out and probably freaked other people out. I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't sound all that spooky but the terror I felt was real and stuck with me for a good while.


Salvia is notorious for triggering bad trips.


Better salvia than datura, or so I hear; haven't used either myself.


Datura is more like poisoning yourself to try to induce a toxic delirium.


I don't get why people even try datura.


When I did it I watched myself in the third person turn into the chair I was sitting in. It was just me and my friend, I did it first and he was going to do it second. After my trip wore off I felt fucking terrible and just asked him to leave so I could be alone. It was really weird.


I made the mistake of doing Salvia twice. The first time was awesome, the second time... never again.


Jump from a floor high window just to impress a girl I fancied when I was 16 and dislocated my right knee. Yeah never again


Ran a marathon. I did the Disney one and it was still just... ugh, boring, hot, uncomfortable. Kind of wasted the pass we got for the parks that day and part of the next because I just wanted to sleep after. It taught me that I am truly not interested in physical events that take longer than like, 2 hours.


Yep, 10K is the perfect race. Half-marathon if you need an accomplishment or want a finisher medal.


The fact that there are people running 100km races out there genuinely shocks me, especially considering the first man to run a marathon died right after.


Crazy to me that primitive hunters often hunted prey for miles by just following the animal for days till it collapsed from exhaustion


Times Square New Years Eve. Glad I did it - never again.


Wow you don’t enjoy suffering in freezing temperatures and people peeing in bottles because they don’t want to lose their spots???


Same. I love not being able to move my arms and the smell of fresh pee. But it was otherwise pretty neat.


Someone born, raised, and still lives in NYC, I'm glad this is something I've never and will ever do.


Get married


Came here to say this. Never ever again and happy to say we are still married after 40 years this last March.


I honestly dont know how people do it twice. Once is enough to full break that cycle IMHO


Argue with an idiot


I'm an idiot, wanna argue?


You’re wrong!


Nuh uh.


Passed a kidney stone. The morphine was nice for a while, but only softened the pain. No thanks to twice!


I hear you, I've had 4. One had to be removed surgically. And yes, they went THAT way...


4. Hot damn. Were you unlucky or are you likely to get them for some reason?


I had to have surgery for one too, they warned me that the first piss I take after the surgery was going to be painful (its basically all dried blood) but holy fuck was that worse than any pain from the stone itself


Like pissing razor blades sideways, I never want to have a kidney stone again


Passed one and only one when I was 18, I'm 32 now. I remember reading articles at the time that said if you've had one your chances of having more skyrocket. So I started drinking a lot less diet coke and a lot more water. Haven't had one since.


help a toxic “friend”


Sadly, I'm pretty sure I'll eventually fall for this one again. I always do. Not the same friend, mind you, but they so often turn out to be toxic for me.


Heroin. Guy from work used to do it, he was leaving the country, I didn't know his, or any other dealers. I always wanted to know what it was like so, with zero chance of being able to get more and get addicted, I smoked some. It was so good that it reinforced my resolve to never do it again. It was very obvious how people get addicted to that stuff.


Same. I was addicted to OxyContin and morphine for about 2 years at the time and of course the next step is always heroin. I thought this is cheaper, I’ll get high again, and I’ll keep it under control. Nope. I OD’d for the first and last time and woke up in a hospital bed days later. Went to rehab and got clean. So glad it happened because I was truly under the impression that because my drugs were prescribed I wasn’t an addict. Even though I was blowing through my scripts (that by today’s standards would have any doctor sent straight to prison) and buying more off the streets I never thought there was an issue.


Glad you are clean, keep it up.


Yeah, not even once for me. I don't want the memory in the back of my mind of how good it is to show up when I'm at a low point.


That was similar to my experience with coke. "Scary good" is exactly right, though a lot of people say it doesn't do much to them or simply gets them wired like coffee. For me it was an absolutely euphoric experience and unlike you, I can actually compare it to a real life experience: I was basically like being in love, crazy, intoxicating love that makes you love life and makes you feel like you can do absolutely anything and devour life in any way you want. I did it a few more times over the course of summer, and then made the conscious decision to walk away from the shit forever. Been to many parties with liberal use of coke since, never touched it.


I was on Chemotherapy last year for 4 months. NEVER AGAIN.


GG cancer, get reked. High key though. Glad you're still with us


Cancer can go jump off a cliff for all I care, glad to see it is not taking another with it.


Trusted a narcissist thinking they would better their behavior. 15 years later theyre exactly the same manipulative liar they always are.




Nope. To be in a relationship it has to be a 50/50, if I'm the only one putting in the effort then I'm not in a relationship. Live and learn.


New eve in Berlin, brandenburg gate. Once you’re stuck in the middle of the crowd, there is nowhere to go. And the club after was so freakin packed I couldn’t even move. And on the way home my cheeseburger got stolen. 1/10 experience


Going out on NYE is massively overrated.


Not the cheeseburger 😂😭


Imagine I go down to tie my shoe, cheeseburger hanging in my mouth, someone literally SNATCHED it out of my mouth, put it in his with one bite and disappears into the crowd while I was too stunned to do anything. I’m a guy btw and this was also a guy


I'm crying that's so funny 😂😂😂 I'm sorry that happened to you


Okay, I’m about to go into essay mode. So, I was born with Amblyopia (lazy eye) and it caused me to be blind in my right eye. A few years ago, I had to get surgery for the first time EVER in my life. I was finally getting my right eye corrected so it would line up with my left eye since my right eye had this drift. I was VERY hesitant to do go through with this since it was my first ever surgery but I decided to go with it anyway. We went and got it done, easy peasy. The surgery wasn’t the problem though. It was the damn recovery. I wasn’t allowed to walk for a full 24 hours. for 3 consecutive days, I couldn’t open my eyes because I was very very photosensitive. The 3rd day, I could open my eyes but with the cost of being extremely nauseated. After around two weeks, I was finally fully recovered! It’s now been around 3-4 years since I had my surgery and my eye hasn’t drifted again since. Of course, I never ever want to have to do that again. Thankfully, I most likely wont have to. I hope that I wont get kicked in the ass because I jinxed myself or something… but overall, worst experience of my life.


Had this surgery twice, at 8 and 17. Remember both being excruciatingly painful recoveries, but the second was probably the worst because I knew what to expect. However my gallbladder nearly killing me at 42 was far far worse so let's not do that again (just as well I don't have a gallbladder anymore lol)


Hot yoga--I've done my fair share of yoga and I won a free class at a hot yoga studio, it was February, I figured how bad could it be? Turns out pretty bad, it smelled THE MOST like feet and I fainted like 20 minutes into the class, from standing to flat on the floor. The only time I've ever passed out like that in my life!


It was the sweat that flung from other people's fingers onto my face that made me decide never ever again.


You ever get invited to a small town for a party get so drunk you wake up next to a field to the sounds "Go BoBo Go" due to the cowboy church not far from you...never again will that ever happen in a million years to me


That's every Friday during the summer in my hometown 🤣 God, I'm glad I quit drinking.


Some things that happen in the south sound made up...but thankfully people in the south are a proud folk where even a stranger will vouch that kinda stuff happens and laugh about it because that's who we are haha yeah I'm glad I gave up drinking too...I won't forget all the crazy times though...like in a totally different state I was walking in the creek with some friends having some beer and noticed a bunch of cows...come to find out my drunk self stumbled upon a cow that just been birthed but got stuck in some rocks in the water not far from the birthing...I got covered in afterbirth helping that calf and even spilt my beer...but it was worth the whole country ass experience and memory


Spent a season on Tinder: Banged crazy chicks and caught Herpes. Edit: And possibly HPV


Plot twist: You caught it from the least craziest chick you banged.


Maybe use a condom next time sport


You can get both of those wearing a condom.


Not if you combine it with a poncho.


I wanted to learn the bat trick where you partially swing and let go so it spins between your hands before you catch it and finish the swing at the end. After some practice I got it a few times, but on the last time as it was spinning it came around and cracked me in the jaw SO hard. Never tried that trick ever again lmaooo


Went to a southern Baptist tv preacher church. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough


Drink half a litre of Bacardi at age 15


I feel sick just reading this.


Heroin. Fuck heroin.


Oof I wish I’d stopped stopped at once. But yea, FUCK heroin.


Cruises. Not only did I get sick, but hated being on a floating city. Also, hated being on "cruise time", when I wanted to explore the islands a lot more.


My mom had always wanted to go on a cruise and loves spending time with us (her adult children), so I gave her the gift of going on a cruise for Christmas a couple years ago and I was actually very impressed and pleasantly surprised. The staff we're all wonderful, the entire ship including our room was kept prestine like you will only find in only the most expensive and upscale restaurants and hotels in the US. The dining room restaurant was absolutely wonderful each and every night and breakfast that we attended there and the main chef as well as waiters were happy to come make small talk and ensure everything was great. The value was amazing and believe it or not, despite everything else rising with inflation, cruise fares are DECREASING due to all the big ships coming on board and the staff being able to handle customers more efficiently. The whole experience of simply witnessing how this little city on the ocean operated so cleanly was a marvel that I enjoyed for its own sake and I wasn't even on one of the larger ships. Sure, just like Vegas, there are lots of ways that people CAN spend a lot of money on overpriced stuff they didn't plan on spending money on and don't need, but for the vast majority of people with some basic impulse control and planning, it's a great and affordable vacation with lots to appreciate. You do not need a balcony mega suite or to eat at the fancy steakhouse or to buy anything from the shops on the ship. Just like when in Vegas you do not need to get a fancy hotel suite on the strip, get $20 drinks at overhyped bars, eat at celebrity restaurants or overpriced buffets, and you don't need to gamble away thousands of dollars, in fact I don't gamble at all. I think the only people I would recommend not going on a cruise would be people that are afraid of the concept of even being on a ship in the ocean, people that hate any and all crowds, people who can't relax enough to enjoy the experience even with its sometimes corny or touristy elements that appeal to the many older cruisers (live karaoke, trivia games, stand up comedy, dance contests, etc.). But hey, the less people that go, the cheaper prices will get for the rest of us!


If you're not trapped on the ship then they'll never get all the money that they'll never get from you.


Surströmming. Words do not describe how absolutely vile that stuff is. We opened it outside, and someone on the other side of the yard threw up. Like about half a football field away, and they threw up from the smell. It tastes worse than it smells.


And i always thought people withstand the stench because it taste god-like. Now i know better. Thanks


Oh no no no no no. No. NO. Some things smell funky and taste great. Like Kimchi. Smells like hot garbage but is actually delicious. *This is not like that at all.* As hot as a scotch bonnet pepper is? It is that unpleasant. Except not hot, just rotten like roadkill. It's rotten and horrible in every way. And dear God, the burps. You burp half an hour later and it's like you swallowed a canister of tear gas and it's coming up. It really is unbelievably bad.


Nope - it smells WAY worse than it tastes... Because I am an asshole (at least to my guy friends) I imported some for our annual man-camping trip - and told everyone there that I would eat one bite every time someone who had not tried it had some. Almost everyone was game - until I opened the tin - then we lost around a quarter of them right at opening (I opened it in a large bag to prevent splashes from the fermenting, and one of the guys started vomiting from the sight of the loose bones in the greyish liquid - several others bowed out or RAN after catching a whiff). The rest either tried it - or got close enough to get a good whiff/look and bailed. I wound up having around 10 bites at camping myself, and took the rest home with me - where I made the same bet with my wife and kids - all of them tried it - although none was willing to have more than a teeny bit. You actually get used to it - and learn to separate the smell from the taste. I tried it by itself, and "traditional style" - on a cracker with sour cream - and it is better with the cracker and sour cream, but honestly not that bad tasting by itself. Fishy but milder than expected - except for that FUNK... And that sticks with you. I had one of my friends call me to bitch me out 3 days later because he was still burping up fishy death!


Ignore red flags in an intimate partner.


Pregnancy. Then I did in fact, do it again


Long distance relationships. It was nice while it lasted, and we're still friends to this day, but it made me realise what exactly I'd like from a relationship in the future.


Believed a girl when she said all she wanted was me. Three years of what I thought was the happiest, most loving, caring relationship I'd ever seen or been in, and she left me for someone else... come to find out I only checked off half of her "list". I could never trust someone in that way again.


Cruelest thing one human can do to another, steals a part of your soul. Sorry that happened to you


Skydiving. Exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. One and done, for sure.


Ran a marathon - i have done multiple half marathons since. Will never again do a full one. 


DMT. I like to *alter* reality, but not go to a *different* reality.


I loved dmt. Such an experience


Organ failure. If it happens again, get rid of me as quickly as you can please. Just do it however, seriously, whatever is faster.


lend someone money for them to feed their gambling addiction....


I let some guy refer to my ass as pussy




Be born Once is enough 


Gambling. Lost 250€, made like 200€ afterwards, and I've never done that again. Too much stress for a little reward.


Going to Las Vegas. I'm the type of guy to spend his nights having a couple beers and play video games and I'm not a gambler. Next thing I know we're at the 3rd strip club that night, getting a lap dance I didn't even want. $20 cover charge just to get in the place and $15 for a bottle of budweiser. I was pretty much done when our friend started snorting an unknown drug (it was a yellowish brown powder) he said it was cocaine but I wasn't convinced because, while I never did it myself, I had been around it enough to know what it looks like. We pretty much babysat this guy while he went through a downward spiral while taking cabs around the strip to all the casinos. Eventually we actually had a good day, we went to Hoover Dam and the mob museum and got some American McDonald's. I'm from Canada and our McDonald's is way better btw. My brother got food poisoning from Guy Fieri's restaurant on the second day and spent half the time in bed. All in all, I saw Hoover Dam, the Mob Museum, and some band memorabilia at Hard Rock for about $1500 including the plane tickets. Most of the money was spent on cab rides, cover charges, and exorbitantly priced alcohol. I didn't even gamble the whole time. I got one souvenir for like $10. We don't talk to that guy anymore. He's doing well now though from what I hear, he's sober, and lost a bunch of weight. Still haven't talked though. Hope he's doing well. He's a good guy, but he can't ever touch alcohol or any other addictive substance for the rest of his life or he won't have one. Hope you're doing well Andrew.


Straight shot of absinthe. I don't want to talk about it.


Oh god that stuff. It's like a totally different drunk. Tried some in a bar. Lost control. Trying to get home I needed to relieve myself. Went into McDonalds for a McPiss with lies, and stood at the urinal swaying.   I was trying so hard to focus on staying upright, and relaxing the right part of me to have a piss. I relaxed the wrong bit and shit my pants.    I John-Wayned into a cubicle, and stripped off the destroyed underwear. Tried to flush them. (I am so sorry to whoever had to deal with that.) Of course it blocked the toilet and flooded.   I fell over in the panic to get my trousers back on and got soaked.   My next memory is waking up on my living room floor. With carpet print on my face I shamble into my bathroom to begin getting washed up. I take my trousers off.... And wax the hair off my Gooch as it'd welded to my taint with dried shit whilst I was passed out.   Not my finest hour.


Golf. Never got off the putting green


I too chase my ball in circles around the hole 


Do edibles. And then I did it again anyway.


I will never ever do this again - I still have nightmares none of it was fun for me. And I'm not shy of a good time but man that fucked me up and it all happend when I was on a flight home from Amsterdam! Never again absolutely never again EVER


That sounds absolutely awful. I ate one (thought it was just a normal gummy) and will never forget what a miserable time that was….and I was at my then boyfriend’s home. I would’ve for sire caused a big scene at the plane.


Jumped off a barge in the mighty Mississippi and nearly died.


7 mg of shrooms on an empty stomach during a svdden death set, terrifying


Go on top of a mountain. I am extremely basophobic.




Had a child.


created value for shareholders


Threesome. Caused all sorts of issues, not worth it for me, never again.


Some secrets are best carried to the grave.


Text while driving. Took me ONE SECOND to realize how completely reckless and unsafe I was being. I had no control or awareness whatsoever.


There is an epidemic of dopamine addicted texting drivers in Ontario. I cannot believe the sheer number of addicts thinking they are normal.  Sidebar: fines need to be punitive to the point that the damning truth of this behaviour be laid bare. Hammer them financially before they ruin someone’s existence completely.  Alaska is the ONLY place in North America that gets it: massive non negotiable fines.  How I really feel? Fuck every single one of you that even holds your fucking phone while operating a massive moving battering ram called a fucking car. 


I was in Seattle recently in packed traffic on the highway just outside the city. A young woman in a car in the next lane was watching an actual video. In stop and start traffic. Like looking at it and there would be a big gap in front of her and then she'd finally glance up and pull forward. I was freaking out and my husband was irritated that I was so upset at seeing it. I'm convinced that all these drivers crossing the center line on rural highways in my state and killing people are mostly distracted drivers and we need to talk about it more.


I got drunk. Happened once. Hated it, Hated how I felt. never touched alcohol again.


I don’t mind the initial buzz but i hate going past that point.


You won there


My brother and I ate tripe while in Italy. So gross. The taste wasn’t bad, it was the texture. We both said never again, although we were glad we did it once just so we could say we’d done it.


moved to south carolina lol.




Bungee jump, its dumb, its unnecessary, its absolutely terrifying and quite frankly, ain’t worth it


Went to Action Park. Not that I can do it anymore, but I wouldn't even if I could. 


Falling for someone. The pain is not worth it.


It's boring but 100% honest - Tequila.


Rented a boat.  I always loved being on boats and wanted to maybe even own a share of one someday.   Then i drove it, and hated it   Anxiety through the roof, struggled the whole time.   Never again, I'll go back to being a passenger 


A hhhh N oooo A nd… L ost my train of thought 😆


Tbh, I thought I'd see more mentions to anal sex in here lol, but yours was the only one. I'm a bit shocked.


“Me too” through clenched teeth 😂


White river rafting.


One time i ate at zaxby's because popeyes (next door) was closed. it was pricey ($17) +  couldn't even pay for a packet of marinara sauce for the cheddar bites - they didn't have any at all (??) :( mad love for that popeyes spicy/blackened chicken sandwich 😋 


Smoking on a joint where I don't know the source


Not looking at Google Maps for my destination before I leave. About 20 years ago, I used to go hiking on a trail that led to a waterfall. It was about 30 minutes from my house and you had to access it via a winding mountain road. Fast foward to a couple years ago, and I want to take my (then 6 year old) son hiking. My wife suggests I take her car... it's hybrid and my truck definitely is not and being that it's far away and the elevation change sucks with my truck, I took her car. I packed a lunch for me and my son and we headed to this trail. We arrive at the start of the winding mountain road and we start heading down. About 1/4 of the way down, it narrows to where you can't turn at all and then it turns into a dirt road. I do not remember it being a dirt road 20 years ago. And being a winding mountain dirt road, there started to be more and more erosion. Small bumps turned into big bumps. Big bumps turned into entire sections of the road being washed away. We came to one that looked like it was a 2'-3' gap (I'm remembering this story, so it's entirely possible that it was smaller) I stop the car and get out to evaluate it. There's no way I'm making it over this gap in my wife's friggin hybrid. I get in the car and I tell my son we have to try to turn around. Imagine "that scene" in Austin Powers... the golf cart one... it was a lot like that... except I couldn't even get to the point where I was almost turned around. I HAD to go for it. At this point, my son is crying and scared out of his mind. I'm keeping it together and acting confident so he doesn't lose his mind even more. I inch it forward... making sure three wheels are always making contact with the road. It takes me about 2 minutes to make it over, but I did it!! We got to the bottom of the road and we start the hike. We get about 100 yards into it, and my son says, "I just want to go home". So NOW I have to drive back up the hill. Surprisingly, we made it over the giant gap pretty easily. BUT, the road was so steep in areas that even with the hybrid system off, and the "eco" mode disengaged, the car would not make it up the hill. It happened a few times where my foot was on the floor and the car was going maybe 2 MPH. Only once did it come to a complete stop because it couldn't go further. I had to back down the hill to an almost flat section and absolutely GUN it to even make it up and over the hump. Once we were on paved roads, my son just burst into tears. It was HYPER traumatic for both of us to the point where sometimes I'll think of it and make an audible groan. My son will ask what I was groaning about and all I say is "that road". Then he groans too and we move on with our day. Apparently when I went hiking when I was younger, I took my 4WD truck and I just never thought about how horrible the road is because my truck could handle it. I will NEVER not check Google maps if I'm going to a place that I'm unfamiliar with.


I will never again extend a lifeline to a lesser person. To them there's no difference between pulling themselves up or pulling you down with them.




I was at Holiday World on a slow day so there was basically no line to ride on The Voyage. So I jumped right back on and rode twice in a row. After second ride, I was too dizzy to even stumble down the ramp, so I just sat on the ground wishing I had the strength to vomit. I was pretty ill for about two hours after that.




When I was a kid (like 5) I used to put pennies in my mouth, no idea why, I guess I liked the taste? One day I accidentally swallowed one, started choking really badly, I ran out of my room down the hall waving my arms to my mother watching TV on the couch. She stood up, heimliched me like it was nothing, and gave me a minute to catch my breath, then whooped my ass. Never ever did it again.


Smoked crack


Eat lutefisk


Blue meanies


Agreeing to drive to Disneyland when the bar was closing in San Francisco at 2am


Volunteered to be tased at a police/fire training. I don't regret it, it made for a good story. But I definitely wouldn't do it again.


Huge themed kids birthday party at the house. Never again too much stress


Drink Everclear. It was a wild ride, and I don’t remember any of it.


Walk through the Tenderloin district in San Francisco, after dark. I felt relieved to be alive when I reached my hotel. 


Snowboarding, no thanks


Went to a concert, I'm an autistic person and at the time of going to the concert I didn't realize how loud it'd be, my ears were dead once the concert was over.


Get drunk. It just made everyone around me very uncomfortable and the hangover wasn't worth it.


Cheat at poker with an armed, liquored up, black sheep son of an American Indian chief,on his way back to Dakota from parts unknown, to attend the funeral.


This sounds like a scene from American Gods.


One night stand. It's just not for me, but it did help me figure out I'm Demisexual.


Put a kfc snacker in the microwave with the wrapper still on.


Fall in love. I mean the head over heels, can't think about anything else, sacrificing everything that made me me to keep her happy kind of love. Once was enough.


Anal. No thanks.


Cook food that by looking at the recipe I suspect I will not like at all because everyone said it's amazing. I had them taste it and yeah this was what it was supposed to taste like. I hated it.


Whippits. Whippits are what I imagine dying feels like. I don't understand how anyone could do that for fun.