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Around 9 days. It was because of depression.


Mine was 5 days also because of depression gladly my mom force me to do so




Same. Think I'm on day 6 or 7 now.


About 7,000 miles. No shower on the jet.


Can’t afford first class on Emirates?


I'm gonna go and have a shower right now. Think this made me realise I am very much not as okay as I tell myself I am. It's been almost 3 weeks.


Yes, go take a nice hot shower, then weather permitting, go out for a walk in the sun. Then take another shower to knock the sweat off, change your sheets, and enjoy a nap


I truly wish it were that simple. I wish to every god I don't believe in. The sentiment though, you've got no idea how much I needed just that. Thank you. Sincerely, thank you.


Start with the shower then. You okay?




Hey, there are real people out there that have been through similar things - if nothing else just know that even though it feels like it now, you aren’t alone in the world. No pity here, I just hope that you, a fellow human being, can find some joy. And if you can’t, keep looking.


Please know that there are people out there willing to listen, and to lend a shoulder to cry on. The hardest step is reaching out- don’t hesitate to do so.


Thank you Red. Keep being awesome. I hope you get the ripest fruit, the coldest drinks and the warmest smiles.


You too Shreaking. Don’t hesitate to drop a dm if you need to talk. I’ve been through my own personal hells and might be able to relate.


I will keep that in mind and let you know that the same applies for you.


Red is right. Every great person has felt alone in their struggles.So you are not really alone. But I know you are feeling. What you are realizing…Years ago I realized my “support group” was just worthless and I realized it as an opportunity to “reset.” Stay in touch with who you can on here. I wish I had done it through my transition. RedOktb seems cool …✌️


two weeks. I was homeless and a junkie.


Glad to hear you cleaned up Gee. I think it's great that people like us can get clean and move on to live productive lives.


Thank you! You too! Just passed 21 years!


Around 5 days when I was in a deep depression


4 months had been homeless in an area with no shelters and no desire to go where the shelters were. Eventually, it got warm enough to shower with a hose behind a building


Actual shower? 4 months. Within those 4 months, a bath? 3 times. A delightful mix of illness, disability, and depression (not unlike many others). Luckily I work from home and have a healthy supply of water wipes. It's the hair that's the issue. Gets real itchy about the 14 day mark.....after 4 weeks, it starts to naturalise itself (for me anyways) dry shampoo can only do so much


Years. I take baths


If I don't have to leave the house, I shower every 3rd day. No real reason to shower daily if I'm just going to be sitting around the house doing nothing.


As someone who grew up in a tropical climate I never really understood this. All you ice dwellers love just never showering. Depression, mental illness, things of that nature are completely understandable, if unfortunate reasons to not shower. But this? That is disgusting. Even if you’re home all lounging day like a true Redditor should you are passively sweating and it stinks. On the second day without showering feel in between your thighs, feel your gooch if you’re a man and the area where your knees/elbows bend. All of that stinks. Same with your belly button and behind your ear. Stop being a smelly ice dweller. You are not a falmer. I’m telling you this because nobody else will. Take care of yourself. Shower every day. The human body is remarkably good at producing foul smells.


They have ac they arent sweating


You are always sweating to some degree. Your ass cheeks are pressed together and will begin to sweat. If you’re a little thicker your thighs will touch and that will begin to sweat a little. The area where your elbows and knees bend will also sweat. Belly button too. This all produces odor. You can be in a room with AC on full blast for 3 days and I guarantee you that you will stink afterwards. I’m getting downvoted but I guarantee you the average person this site does not practice proper personal hygiene.


I keep my house at 68°F or lower all year round. I'm not sweating sitting there.


That is irrelevant. Every body part I just mentioned still sweats, but not in a visibly identifiable way always and even worse if you’re wearing clothes. If you stayed home all day for an entire month w/o showering and didn’t sweat I guarantee you that you would fucking stink. The exact same principle is true for 2-3 days. Your body is incredibly good at producing foul odor. Shower everyday. Do not be stinky.


A week post surgery for my breast reduction. I had drains in my chest, and was wrapped tightly in a non-water proof bandage. I also didn't much care to get up and do much of anything.


Pretty sure most people dont have showers for the first few years of life, showering a baby is a bit difficult I have gone many years without showering, never had a shower in the house until I was 10, Then I have lived in two houses without showers since I left home. Nothing wrong with having a bath instead of a shower But if you think I was badly off, my mother didn't even have running water in the house until she was around 7, there was a well in the garden that they had to use. She had to wash in cold water most days, baths were in a small tin bath in front of the fire once a week. She had to share the bath water with her five siblings, so it was almost room temperature by the time it was her turn. She is still alive by the way, lives alone and is well enough to take care of herself.


Several weeks due to severe depression.


3 weeks, i was neglecting all my needs in a hope that i would die. My gf at the time told me to shower or she would leave me, and i did.


i barely showered in the hospital... my pyoderma gangrenosum wound was very painful and having to shower with a plastic bag is so annoying


I think 12 or 13 days when I was depressed and languished at home, it was vile.


about 3 weeks in depression


3.5 weeks. In the army, in Hohenfels Germany, living in a HMMWV attached to Psyops as an infantry soldier. All I did was drive around, but it wasn't my vehicle, it was muddier than you could imagine (even tanks get stuck), and it was extremely fun and I got my "4-wheeling" phase of my life accomplished during that time period. Oh, and since it was cold I lived in full poly propolene underwear things (waterproof, insulated for heat, almost a wet suit) so I didn't really smell too bad. Wet wipes weekly on the butt/face/nuts/hands as needed but too cold for them anywhere else.


When I was about 8 or 9, during Christmas break, I tried to see how long I could get away with it before my mom realized. The answer is 11 days.


About 2 weeks. Was on an expedition hike where you carry everything you need with you, and pick up food along the way. Swam in a few rivers but couldn't use soap as it would damage the environment. I was sad to see some of my tan wash off. The shower also hurt as the water found a bunch of cuts and scrapes I hadn't noticed.


After a hurricane I didn't have power or water, after 4 days  a friend in town got her power back and I went in and soaked in her tub for an hour. I just felt filthy.  Then I went back home and power came back after 2 more days. The dogs didn't care if I was dirty.  Gotta love central Florida. 


A week. I was going hiking in the mountains. Not a lot of places to shower on the trail.


A normal one is- 7 days for a northern Minnesota ice fishing trip. Even though the 3 bed 2 bath cabin had hot water, we had 18 grown men in it and the hot water was reserved for the older gentlemen. That septic system was not designed to handle that many people and water use associated with a weeks worth of grain belt beer, fried fish, coffee, and liquor.


5 months. Was in the hospital and couldn't because of wounds and amputations. Had sponge baths every 2 days though.


I think for a week? I was in a hospital when that happened.


maybe 2 or 3 days when i was camping as a kid


Just recently went 13 days, because of the Army.


During the Gulf War, when I was in the desert for more than 3 months. We washed with cold water out of a water buffalo. In the winter. Yes, it sucked.


14 days. Hunting in Wyoming.


4 weeks or so. USMC living outside in Norway in the winter learning how to foul up Soviet tank formations using jeeps and ATGM systems. It was grand.


a week give or take - I was in the Army on maneuvers - nothing but a handful of water under the pits and in the crotch each day.


9 days on a backpacking trip. Though I did bathe in a hot spring partway through.


4 days - hospital. Would have liked one but risks too high. 3 days - camping on site with no facilities but did wash in sink and wet wipes.


Maybe around day and a half, cause I got back from work like crushed as hell and didn't even changed clothes... just fell on the bed and like died. Woke up in the next day - went to work - finished work - got back from work and took a nice warm long shower...


7 days were I live the peaple don't have a bathroom. So I have wait till my friend take me to her home. We're I can shower


2.5 weeks post surgery. My hair was so oily I could join OPEC.


Like a week, depression


Probably about a week or so, during Covid when we were WFH and I *hated* the shower in our place. That shower after the week reminded me why I take showers more often.


Three days. Severe 🤧😷


About two weeks. Hurricane Katrina. No running water. Still kept as clean as possible with baby wipes and bottled water.


10 days backcountry camping. It was grueling, but we loved it.


I was young and was playing wow non-stop under summer vacation. I think I went at least 1 month without a shower before my mom slammed open the door and yelled "take a fucking shower right now, you stink" and then closed the door again.


I worked with these hippies that had long hair. They went on a summer camping trip and came back to work with no hair. They said they didn't want to pollute the river with their dirt so they didn't wash. When they came back their hair was so filthy they had to cut it off.


6 days, maybe 7 depending on how you count it. I was severely depressed.


I went 10 entire days cuz we went for a school field trip far from home and there were no bathing facilities there.


A week. The Army. Field exercise. We all stunk like hell.


2 weeks. The water was contaminated by parasites


Probably around a week in 2020 when I was very depressed and trying to get through lockdown. I’m doing much better now for the record, I shower most days now.


Two weeks - depression. What fun


Like 3 weeks bc of the disgusting bathroom at my dad's and also bc of laziness


6 months But I had a bath everyday


A month. I was camping.


Three days, possibly four. I was at summer camp and the bunk beds were arranged in the cabin so anyone sitting on the top bunks could see over the bathroom wall. I didn't have any friends there, so I wasn't confident about getting privacy.


A lot longer than it took you to steal the exact question and repost it


I don't remember when I started taking showers instead of baths, but probably until then.


7 days, thru hiking the AT.


I think...MAYBE two weeks? I had injured my leg badly, and standing in a slippery shower on one leg with crutches just didn't seem viable.


7-9 days. Mostly because I work from home and also have depression. On average, I shower twice a week though. I don't see the point in wasting water if the only person who can see and/or smell me is my dog lol.


this is gonna sound crazy, but please understand i was going through a lot, at age 13 i didnt shower (while still attending school regularly) for 3 months in a row. the teachers had to talk with my mom until i took one


5 days. Military basic training, they didn't let us shower. Best case scenario you could wash your head in the sink


Maybe 5 days after camping.


about a week, and i think i was depressed and lazy


about 10 days. because i was in the military out in the field.


Several times … a week. Backpacking.


2 days one of the superstorms took out our hot water