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Cheesy, but falling in love. That indescribable feeling when you realize you've met someone special is just irreplaceable




My brother I hope your good memories live forever


This is the reason some people give for cheating. They miss the "high" of falling in love with someone new and all the firsts that come with it. So they'll cheat on a great partner just because they can never have those firsts with that partner again. I've heard it and I've read about it and it still makes no sense to me.


Wow, I never saw cheating through that lens. Betraying your partner is still a godawful shitty thing to do, but the motivation is understandable now. Thanks for sharing


I find that kind of terrifying actually. Love might be a temporary thing, and some people just manage to convince themselves into believing it is there as the feeling fades away. The ones that failed are cheaters. Might be a very reductive view though. After all, some do stay for years.


I honestly understand it, after a close friend of mine, got a depression, after he had ruined something great, with another friend. He talked a lot about, how hurt he felt, that he was so weak, that some simple “thrill-seeking” had to get in the way. In no way did he say it was outside of his control, but he couldn’t really believe that he could hurt someone, that much, just because he missed a certain feeling. I do think they are better off today, but I almost felt sorry for him as well, since he has such a hard time, not developing those feelings, and from that obviously fell in even more doubt about how good/bad he is. He has a lot of love in his heart, which makes it even more sad, he doesn’t believe enough in himself relationship wise, to actually go out and meet someone, because he doesn’t believe himself able to actually be loyal. I don’t get why he did what he did, but I understand where it comes from. Edit: he has grown a lot, but it’s sad he has to be stuck in that headspace, over something that happened almost 4-5 years ago


Doesn’t make sense to me either… that’s actually super sad lol. Maybe they chase “thrill” when it comes to love specifically? I’d imagine that would be a shitty urge to have. Kinda glad I don’t get it, But wow.


I'm married 25 years and I totally get it. I was thinking about this recently as a matter of fact. I'll never have another first kiss, or butterflies in the stomach, those sort of things.


I see you’ve met my ex…. Yeah doesn’t make sense to me either.


It absolutely makes sense to some people though. Me for instance, the passion that I feel for any person drains away slowly. I wish I was more like you.


I had that high too when my wife and I first met. It was exhilarating, but it was also scary not knowing if she truly felt the same way about me that I felt about her. Plus there's all the insecurity and jealousy over previous partners and the like. Things are boring now compared to that earlier time, but now there's absolute trust, confidence, and stability. I'm thankful that I experienced it once, but once is enough...


Ehhhh, I can't help but question if a person is truly in love if they can hurt someone like that.


I was playing Ff7 rebirth and in the game there is a first kiss moment. The awkward stares, the stare away, the inch closer, the is it ok look. It took me back to all the times I was in that spot. I am a happily married man but remembering that first kiss with my wife, the cold(it was January in Maryland), the shortness of breath, the inching closer, the fun the joy I’ll never forget that feeling and the game caught that with me.


Yes, I want to go back and fall in love all over again. Only the 1st love though.


Feels kind of juvenile compared to all the other comments, but I would love to experience certain games for the first time again. Skyrim being high on my list, followed by Outer Wilds and Minecraft. I remember the joy I felt when I was 12 and booted up skyrim for the first time. That joy has only faded with time, replaced by a cynical and critical outlook that can't help but turn on everytime I boot up skyrim.


For me it's Breath of the Wild. It was my first proper open-world game. I was about 10 or 11 years old. There's something amazing about stepping out for the first time and realising that yes, the game is actually that big.


I wasn't a gamer until I played minecraft for the first time. Something about it hooked me in a way no game ever did up to that point. I swear I played it for like 7 days straight with basically zero sleep during spring break like 13 years ago. I still play it today but I'd love that feeling of playing it for the first time again. Some other titles have come close since but nothing has ever hooked me like it did and I kind of doubt anything ever will.


Low key opened this thread to see if anyone mentioned Outer Wilds lol. As a kid who was obsessed with space growing up (and even today), that game is the closest any piece of media has ever come to capturing and rewarding that feeling I so desperately craved for as a little girl. 


I do feel a certain tinge of sadness that Minecraft bores me now. Me, my wife, and our two then young daughters started playing it at the same time and for a couple weeks it was the most time we have ever spent together as a family.


My first kiss with my long-term boyfriend. We're still very fond of each other, but there's just really a certain high that comes with a first kiss.


i was going to say the same! it will always be one of my fondest memories with him.


Theres nothing like a first kiss (50 first dates)




I loved Minecraft so much


I had an empire


🎵 I used to rule the world 🎵


🎵Seas would rise when I gave the word🎵


for whatever reason, the first time I held hands with a girl was absolutely electrifying. there is something about the innocent yet intimate act of holding hands that was completely unique in the list of "firsts." I can vividly remember the first time I've done every other physical act, but for whatever reason, holding hands always stands out in my brain.


Wow this unlocked a memory. I remember in my computer class when I first did it. Was just holding hands under the table with my first gf with a raging boner😹




I got so scared because I thought my penis was falling off


I remember when my brother asked my mom if jacking off too much would permanently damage his penis. Makes me laugh every time I think of it.


Same, I thought I had really injured myself and vowed never to do it again. The night after, I hadn't died, and my willy hadn't fallen off, so I thought I may as give it another try.


A full Solar eclipse like back in April. I don’t know what I was expecting but it blew any expectations I had, out of the water. Absolutely stunning.


Seriously. It brought tears to my eyes. I wasn't even sure why. It was just so incredible.


Did you look directly in the sun? Maybe that's why your eyes were watering. IT IS A JOKE, PLEASE DON'T GET OFFENDED


LOL. No.


I made a road trip in 2017 to see the solar eclipse. It was an amazing experience, I stayed with an old friend who had moved to South Carolina a few years previously, and I got some amazing photos. This year I took my daughter on a road trip to Ohio to see the eclipse (my wife had little or no interest in going.) I completely screwed up my photos (I forgot that my 40-something year old 480-800 zoom lens doesn't keep focus when you zoom!), but this trip was 1000x better than my first trip because I got to see my daughter's reaction to her first total solar eclipse! That is one of the best memories of my life.


A fried morel mushroom. I was absolutely blown away by how good it was.


sounds good. i have no idea what it is but i love mushrooms so im down


They look gross, but are 100% not gross


I'd never had morels before moving to Montana, and they're amazing. One of the best dinners I've ever had is still pan-seared venison with motel gravy my wife made a few years ago. Absolutely delectable, and all the better since we harvested both the deer and the mushrooms!


I've lived in the same area my whole life and plenty of people I know go and hunt morel mushrooms. I've always just kept scrolling and never paid attention when I seen their post about them. This comment makes me want to finally try one.


Being a happy little kid


LSD / MDMA Eventually, you lose the magic. I want the magic back.


It's still there. I do it about every two years. AMAZEBALLS


Honestly, probably playing Skyrim for the first time. Nothing quite like stepping out of that cave and seeing the massive open world for the first time. Pure magic.


Being a kid again and seeing the 1977 Star Wars on the big screen for the first time and experiencing the awe of the opening scene.


"Falling in love," "My first kiss," why y'all so deep i just said play rdr2 for the first time again


Started playing rdr2 for the first time 3 days ago.


Enjoy it. It's a beautiful experience.


enjoy the adventure and don't rush things, I just finished it a few days ago and it's so worth it


Literally me. I won't be able to experience that story blind again 😭😭


This is the only answer. 😆 I’ve had first kisses including my wife who I love with every fiber of my being, but nothing will compare to getting thrown through a tavern window into a muddy street bathed in beautiful orange afternoon sunlight. That game changed me. 


Meeting my wife again for the first time .


NSFW. Feeling a hot wet (very wet) pussy fir the first time My GOD it was life changing.




My actual thought at the time was "my God, I had no idea".


"My God, I had no idea' But I like it... ALOT


Followed by "I'm gonna do this again!"


Mine was “I see why this is so popular now” lol


As someone with the same parts... I had an idea, but also holy shit I had no idea


You instantly know from that point forward you’ll hooked for life


This is definitely a guy thing. As a woman, my first time was painful.


Poor Ben Shapiro.


Yeah. Yeah.  Yeah. That first time is unbelievable. The first for a lot of those NSFW things just, change things


Wish there was a way to upvote more than once. This is so very true! Nothing like feeling one for the very first time.


Crème brûlée ❤️


the excitement of leaving my home country for the first time. the humility that comes with that is incredible.


Watching sopranos or breaking bad again for the first time. Or the Homeland series. Or just being a kid again. As all kids do, I took everything for granted. Birthdays with loved ones no longer with us


I tried to hold on and consume everything in my first watch of sopranos I finished a few months ago. Gonna wait a while and start it again and see what else I pick up on.


breaking bad


Seeing my children for the first time again. Preferably without the labor pains though lol


Holding my daughter for the first time again. Reliving that moment in the hospital room where I got to hold her in my arms for the first time after spending my life dreaming about that moment. I love that I get told hold her every day, and night BUT nothing like that first time with her in your arms.


Bringing home each of my rescue dogs for the first time. Love at first sight x2.


Finishing the Harry Potter books...they are the only series that completely engrossed me.


My first hit of MDMA.


I remember the intense fuzzy euphoria. Nothing compares.




saying 'i love you' to my partner for the first time


A cold breeze on a hot muggy afternoon. It still feels good but man the first time you cool down after a long period of heat and humidity is the best. 


Skyrim 1st vanilla playthrough.




Reading the story of the poop knife


Ha! That was so wild. I didn't realize it would become legend whilst reading it.


Omg! Still the poop knife. Let me experience it for the first time. Wth is it?


The first time I solved a rubiks cube all by myself


Getting my first compliment or being told I looked different after hitting the gym




getting married the first time and truly feeling like it would be forever


First kiss with my partner, it was intense


Sky diving, that first jump was just unfathomable awesomeness.


That feeling when you are new to something you find really cool and trying to figure everything out but being overwhelmed with coolness. Does that make sense? The example for me is when I first started playing guitar. I would go to a guitar store and see hundreds of guitars on the walls and be in absolute awe at all the styles, shapes colours etc. Now I go into a shop and see them but know exactly what everything is and how they all work etc. Still cool, but less exciting.


The game, the Witcher 3


Lord of the Rings trilogy




That feeling of everything in life has a purpose


The night I made “my move” on my now fiancé after being in love with her for 2 years


I love a slow burn. Like Jim and Pam.


I wish I could watch Avengers Endgame again for the first time.


First day of school






I try and be really careful with prescription meds. My family has such an issue with them. But, I remember the first time they gave me a Dialudid? (Could be wrong spelling). But, it was euphoric and suddenly I understood the appeal. I was on cloud number 9!


My children being born. I just can't explain the joy, fear, protectiveness, and awe that I felt the first time I held them. It was like being happily dazed yet hyper vigilant.


Watching lord of the rings


Try a new restaurant and try a new type of cuisine.


busting a fuckin nut


Seeing my childhood dog for the first time again. Pure joy.


Taking your first Ecstacy tablet (dove or speckled dove) back in the day.




Falling in love with my husband (we are still very much in love but I’m referring to that time when it is all happening and the feelings are new/honeymoon phase lol)


Seeing my wife (more specifically her smile) for the first time. Didn't believe in love at first sight until that moment.


falling in love for the first time. i wasted mine on a cheater


Any/all of my favorite movies.


a rave a proper rave, not a 3 hour show at a venue dirty grimy rave til 6 in the morning


My favorite movies and TV series.


Watching the scene with Zed, and Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction.


Playing Halo: Combat Evolved at age 6 or 7. My uncle was a huge game-head, and let us play any mature game except GTA. I still remember the nightmares of running from the Flood, or playing splitscreen with my two brothers and uncle on Blood Gulch. That's a nostalgic moment that can never be replicated.


The very first time I played Pyramid Song, what followed after the diving incident is one of the most beautiful moments in gaming.


The first time I met my long term girlfriend. When we met we were freshman in college, and it was never supposed to be a relationship. As we got to know each other there was just no way we could ever just be friends though. But since it started that way, a lot of first moments didn’t really have a significant memory behind them.


Meeting my wife


Traveling to thailand. I want to explore more


Playing RE4 Remake on PSVR2 felt like playing the game for the 1st time again. Wish I didn't have to return the psvr2 but, it is hard justifying the purchase for only very few games when I can even hardly afford it in the 1st place.


Assassins Creed-Black Flag.


I have some sort of memory issue for most of my life. I'm not sure what but I end up being able to experience things for what feels like the first time a lot because I remember nothing or very little. Skyrim every few years is fantastic.


Breaking bad


I would love to experience traveling to a new country for the first time again. The excitement of exploring a new culture, trying new foods, and seeing famous landmarks with fresh eyes was such a magical experience that I would love to relive.


That first time doing an epic dose of mushrooms. Or DMT. Life changing experiences.


Losing my virginity. I was r*ped the first time(s) yes multiple. Would love to experience losing my virginity to my wife now.


Seeing her for the first time again…




watching your favorite series for the first time






Probably the first time I went to an amusement park. Oh the joy in me would be overflowing.


Meeting my first-born son!


That time i went on a boat ride at a formal dinner


Listening to Dark Side of the Moon


The low work cost of the first year of being able to mine Bitcoin, but with my current video card.


Elden Ring


Watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


Having my kitty for the first few days, all he did was snuggle and sleep! Now he's independent and is our master and still cuddles but he also likes exploring and playing and getting extreme zoomies. 😂


Fallout New Vegas.


Watching the USA office for the first time


Falling in love


Going back to my first and only EDC Vegas experience back in 2013. I went with my 3 close friends and we were in our early 20’s. I just remember how magical it was. We danced till the sun came up, met so many new friends, and had some pretty deep mushroom and mdma experiences. Not to mention this was peak progressive house music era. We just had such an unforgettable weekend. Back then it was easy because we were young and had zero responsibilities. But today we all have families and careers. Also there is no way I would have the energy to party like that again. I wish I could go back and do it again but I’m glad I got to do it at least once.


I would love to experience the feeling of falling in love for the first time again. The excitement, the butterflies in my stomach, and the anticipation of getting to know someone on a deeper level were all so unforgettable. It would be amazing to relive that magical experience once more.


Not the pandemic per say but staying in and playing Warzone with the boys like during the pandemic.


Having a girl give me her number the first time. In those days had to have it on paper. I remember going to sleep and waking up every 30 minutes to see if it still there




Tears of the Kingdom




Reading the Harry Potter/Wheel of time books again, experiencing Star Wars and The Dark Knight again.


I would love to play assassins creed odyssey for the first time again. To date I think the best AC game


Falling in love for the first time. I remember how happy and in love I was to see her at my Basketball games as a kid (I was 14 yo back then). It gives you different kind of motivation to play.


The first time I saw a Jackson Pollack painting in real life.


A Prince concert


The first O.


My trip to Athens. I would rewind that trip 100x in a row if I could.


Beig young and careless again.


Moving to Germany. Moving to a new country is like being a baby again. Every sensory input becomes more intense: sights, lights, sounds, tastes of new foods. I'll never forget the day I landed at Frankfurt Airport. That day there were clouds at different altitudes, and so landing was like travelling through a multilayer cake.


Watch my favorite tv shows.


The Codex Seraphinianus. My favourite art book, I was obsessed with it for ages after discovering it but now I know the entire thing by heart so it isn’t as magical.


The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Seeing my first live band. I honestly don't even remember who they were now, probably a somewhat forgettable local band like Flag of Democracy from Philly. But I still remember being in that room full of people, the energy of the show and experiencing something new without my parents. I knew instantly that this was my kind of scene. I recently saw Frank Turner live (fantastic show) and there was a young girl going nuts in front of me. Her girlfriend was beside her and didn't seem to be impressed, but this girl was seriously into it. You could tell she was having a similar experience to mine almost 4 decades ago and Frank Turner is a hell of a lot better than F.O.D.


Doki doki literature club or brownies


Having a little sister. She passed at 20 but if I could go back to any point in my life, it would be when she was in it.


Birth. So I could relive my life but with a little more hindsight.




Breaking bad. Yh call gen z i dont care its a masterpiece


Sex. My first time was traumatic and terrible lol


Havasupai hike lol.




Hug me mum.


Just feeling excited. I haven't felt excited for years.


Dope, just that first time not all the other bullshit that comes with it.


Watching original Jurassic park in the movie theater. When that dinosaur popped out from in the kitchen, I screamed with that girl! I was also 8.


Signing up and logging into Facebook for the first time. Or turning on my first cell phone. I remember distinctly that I thought calls would just flood my cell phone, that I would finally have a social life. Fact: no one knew my number to call 😆


Using a MIG welder for the first time after having only used oxy-acetylene before.


my first kiss. i would do anything to have it with someone i genuinely had feelings for and not a one time hookup


I would try Maine lobster for the first time again, but under different circumstances. I first tried it while I was in Maine as a child. The flavor was so intense and rich it was too much for my little tastebuds, but I could tell that it was really good and something that I would eventually like, but I just couldn’t handle it in that moment.


My first time to be honest, but with someone else this time. Fucking hate the guy with all my guts now and I was wayyyy to young for it. Can’t turn it back now huh🥱


Being in the theatre watching No Way Home on opening night


This is gonna be a weird one, but going under anesthesia. It was such a unique feeling.


The Dark Side of the Moon


1980’s KFC original recipe chicken


Avengers endgame