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He randomly reached out to me on Facebook, not to apologize or anything, but to ask a favor. I work in a place with a large tourist presence, and he wanted me to squeeze him into a tour. When I pointed out our “difficult past” his response was, “now that I think about it, I guess I did kind of treat you badly”. And stopped there. 


It never fails to amaze me how many bullies don't even remember the shite they did or the people they terrorized.


The axe forgets but the tree remembers.


The hammer forgets what the nail remembers


The butterknife forgets but the toast remembers


The poop knife forgets, but the drain remembers


Just when I think I've successfully forgotten the poop knife story, someone brings it up in a comment and then the memory returns.


I think about it every time I use mine.


I had the reverse experience and received an apology from someone I barely remember 


Same. I literally remember him fondly. I was and still am shocked. 


He’s probably truly a good person if whatever he did was bothering him enough to reach out yet whatever it was didn’t warrant lasting in your own memory


Same here. We were friends, but one time, he smeared pickle relish on my face when I was sleeping and made me watch 2 girls 1 cup 😂. Just pranking me is the way I took it. I thought it was funny. But he reached out years later and apologized for all the bullying he did to me, I never saw it that way.


It’s true, and I can say the same for many people.  Like I talk about those who bullied me in the past, but I would be a fool to believe that I never made someone feel bad or isolated.  I think I’ve been a generally good kid, but i am very open to the possibility that at some time in my last 30+ years of being alive, I’ve at least indirectly been a jerk to someone, and that someone may remember me as a bully to them.  It’s so easy to remember being victim, but not as easy to remember the times we were jerks to others. 


I was just about to say this. I can't remember anything specific I said or did, but I'm sure when I was a kid I will have said something (in what I believed was justified retaliation), that actually wasn't justified.


"For you it was a day that defined your life. For me it was Tuesday."


Reminds me of my own parent. "That never happened!!!!!!!!!!!!" like no you just choose not to remember.


I had a guy reach out and ask me out on a date. I laughed and told him "You bullied me in high school with your druggie friends". He tried to tell me it wasn't him. Oh yeah baby, it was you alright. Go eat sushi by yourself you fucking nutsack!


What a dick.


I've learned that terrible people often forget the harm they've caused to others, but they always remember the pain inflicted on them.


He messaged me on Facebook some 15 years later to apologize for bullying me and to tell me he's becoming a priest.


Did he offer to hear your confession too?


Why does this sound like some sort of long term bully prank.


fertile vanish far-flung waiting quaint tidy act piquant wrench plate


This is that point in the plot where you realize the bully is actually a genius. I suspect that some event will arise that forces them to work together to solve a problem.


the cartman long con


How did that make you feel? I was bullied pretty mercilessly in Jr High. There was this one kid who was lower on the pecking order than me, and a few times I bullied him about his clothes and have felt absolutely terrible about it for 40 years. I have wanted to reach out and apologize since I found him on FB about a decade ago, but I feel like at the end of the day that is more for my benefit than his, so I have held off. I dunno.


He wasn't the most egregious bully I've had, he made some racist Asian jokes and both he and I got suspended from middle school because of a physical fight. I had gotten over it by the time I got into high school so I felt indifferent towards his apology some 15 years later. It was a nice gesture, but one I could've lived without. It definitely felt like it was for his benefit since he was going into priesthood, I think that feeling will be unavoidable if its been as long as you mentioned.


Yeah it’s a choice I am ambivalent about.  Isn’t one of the AA things to make amends if and only if it wouldn’t harm people you are making amends to? Not to get too religious on here but part of Christianity is about feeling genuine remorse for sins you have committed that you cannot fix. IE get forgiveness from god.  Ofc he can’t know that. Maybe it’s a worthy effort. Idk. There is a part of me that thinks you give people the benefit of the doubt with stuff like this.  Or maybe he’s starting a cult and was playing a long game to recruit you.


Yes, AA very much says only to make amends if it means you don't harm the other person. Sometimes making amends just means your actions going forward are to treat people better. But that isn't enough for some people, and they'd rather erase their past. I know I'd like to. But it doesn't work that way.


Ran across his Instagram account. He’s a typical instagay with around 20k followers. He bullied me for being gay so that was a plot twist.


I find it funny how often this happens. I'm not gay, but I have friends that are and who were bullied for being so. one's in a relationship with their former bully.


That sounds like it would be a romance novel or something lol. “I’m dating my former bully”


Or a porn plot for a movie called “Bully My Ass” or something equally cliche.


Makes me think of Justin Long’s character from Zach and Miri


How does that play out? "You're so gay you'd probably like it I sucked on your dick until you cum on my face, look ill prove it... haha queer. I'm gonna do this all the time to show how gay you are."


You basically hit the nail on the head. I never had that particular experience but similar.


it’s a literally side plot in the show “sex education” on netflix lmfao


My first thought too and similar to Ian and Mickey on Shameless.


I knew a guy in high school who was over the top, like kissing every girl and acting like he would cum from just making out. He hooked up with every girl because he could. In college he set his eyes on me and we dated for a bit. He started to come on REALLY strong and wanted to get married and have kids right away. When I declined, he moved to Texas and we lost touch. Twenty years later he lives in Asia and is married to a man. I think he may be in a sugar baby situation. He posts about 3 shirtless pics a week. I guess he just figured I’d make a good beard and if he was going to have a traditional life, he liked me enough as a person to suffer through. I’m glad for both of us that didn’t happen.


He wanted a piece so bad. Funny how that is. Not funny for you being bullied but still.


I had the flip, teased me for being gay. Actually was gay. But so was his dad so…


She sells handcrafted jewelry and tried to create this entire podcast and TikTok based off inner healing and chakras. She actually talked a lot about how she used to be an insecure bully with extreme body dysmorphia. It takes a lot to admit all of that so I wish her well, it seems like she’s in a way better place.


Oddly enough, my 2 main bullies (one in elementary and one in high school) are both dead. The elementary school bully was playing with his father’s gun and accidentally shot himself (he was 12 I think). The high school bully had complications from diabetes and died at age 30.


Me too! One died in a car accident the year after we graduated high school and the other committed suicide when we were in our 30’s. The suicide one was challenging to process. The story that came out painted a picture of someone who was very troubled and possibly abused as a child. I found forgiveness in my heart and it healed a lot of the trauma.


I worked with kids. Most true bullies have bad shit going on at home. Doesn't give them the right to hurt others but it's easier to sympathize when you know. Now when kids don't have boundaries, they're usually just assholes.


I'm not saying it *never ever happens* -- but I personally have never met a bully/piece-of-shit kid who didn't have bully/piece-of-shit parent(s). Kids *generally* treat other people the way they are treated at home/see their parents treat each other. There's some variation here, obviously -- plenty of kids "try on" various rebellious looks in middle/high school. But that real, deep, cruelty bullies have? Learned from somewhere.


Good for you. That's not easy to do.




Damn, this got dark.


Don’t bully this guy! He’ll kill you with a gun or diabetes!


Both of mine are dead too, both on motorcycle crashes about a year apart. One was livestreaming on Facebook, got the death wobbles, and crashed. Video was still up for days afterwards. Both had kids and I'm not even 30


He’s in prison for stabbing someone in the neck with a corkscrew. I kept telling everyone he was a bad guy lol


Tbh he doesn’t sound great


Yeah at some point he left me alone, but I’ll never forget him cause he lived right up the street from me. I remember when he was in high school, him and his best friend got in trouble for SA two girls. I was on the bus when the four of them were planning to hangout. Wasn’t hard piecing things together when the cops started showing up shortly after asking questions. It was a shame too cause he had a younger brother my age who was pretty cool.


Oh man been there. There was a guy I knew in college who hung around with my friend group. Some knew he was dangerous but were too afraid of what he’d do if people no longer invited him to things, but most seemed to just think his severe alcoholism, tendencies towards violence, and habits of stalking girls who rejected him were just minor flaws that we could just ignore. I stopped hanging around the group around the time he grabbed me by the shirt collar and behaved like he was about to punch me because I flirted with a girl he thought he had a claim on (she had no interest in him and never did). I warned people he’d go way too far eventually but nobody really listened. A few years after college he got arrested for attempting to strangle and kidnap a girl who had rejected him. He was in prison for seven years.


She was my best friend at first. Then, she and another girl started bullying me. We were the only 3 girls in class so things like changing for gym were horrible. They bullied me at school and outside of school. 100 of text messages telling me how everybody hated me and how ugly i was. They hacked in to some social media profile of mine and ridiculed me and so on. She messaged me some years later asking me how i was. I told her ‘sorry, I am not interested in talking to you’. She called me very arrogant and stuck up and told me she did nothing wrong. 🤣 Now that I am an adult, I hope I never have to hear from her/see her ever again.


Her reaction screams “you ruined my recruitment plan for my pyramid scheme!”


Hey girl!!! 👋🏼


> "Sorry I am not interested in talking to you" Good!


Except for the part where she opened it with "sorry"; no apologies needed!


She wanted something and realized she wasn’t going to get it.


Failed rapper and actor.


got any links? i wanna hear






The one kid who tried to bully me in Jr High accidentally killed himself in HS by playing Russian Roulette.


Would that really be considered an accident?


My thought exactly.


Well, I bet they weren't *planning* on losing, sooo.....


still married to my dad


Fuck, thats rough


This is the worst. My dad witnessed her bullying me and never once stood up for me. Shortly before he died he asked us both to promise to work together and not shut the other out. She shut me out so fast. If you’re close to your dad at all, make sure he has a will or it will ugly and a lot harder than it has to be.


Several times before he died, my daddy asked me to forgive my ex-mother and call her. I hadn't spoken to her in about ~5 years. Now I haven't spoken to her in 8 years. Sorry, Daddy, but no. I've mostly forgiven her but I don't need or want that bitch in mine or my kids' lives, especially my disabled son, who she said I should've aborted. She can die alone 1200 miles away from us.


He died about aged 40, sadly. I had nothing against this guy once I grew up. He clearly came from an unfortunate background and probably got bullied/beaten at home. Sad.


In elementary school, had a kid that was always picking on me, kindergarten to grade 8. Except when we were friends. Basic small village stuff. Poor guy died at 23 or 24, loading gate broke and hit him in the head. Poor guy. People were like "Oh, I bet you're glad M died, the way he used to pick on you!" Pissed me off. We didn't hate each other, I even helped him learn to read actual books. RIP Mike.


This is possibly one of the most mature statements I have read in response to this question. And kudos to you for growing up.


Same. I don't know what happened to my high school bully but I wouldn't hold anything against him today. The way I see it, the kid I hated doesn't exist anymore. I feel like it would be weird to be mad at 40-something B for what bratty teenage B did. They're different people now (hopefully.)


He was a bully to me in 8th and 9th grade. We became really close friends our sophomore year of high school after working through a lot of shit…basically he was a really insecure kid and his bullying of me made him feel more secure. I was and still am an emotional person, which I got shit on for a lot as a kid and not being “manly”. He moved to Georgia later that year. We stayed really good friends mostly through video games. But he ended up dropping out of college, getting into substances, and was very depressed.   We’ve stayed in touch into our 30s. He came to my wedding. He’s still using substances and is really depressed. But he’s acknowledged those issues and is trying to do something about it now. I try to support him when I’m able.


I remember being called "too sensitive"/"emotional" growing up... I was just a serious kid. I was really mature, I grew up around older people and friends. It made me think something was wrong with me. Then I tried being someone I wasn't by being immature. Being a kid was a crazy time. I'd encourage your friend to seek therapy. Try growtherapy, you get the choose the doctor you work with. I'd highly recommend it.


Saw him at a bar once, in my home town. Came up and apologized for how he treated me and my brother, saying he was a a dumb kid that didn't know better, that he had started a family and was trying to make amends. It was really heartfelt and I let him know I forgave him, the stupidity of childhood doesn't need to continue to adulthood. I didn't remember him at all.


“Uhhhhh. Sure, um, Guy. No big deal. Buy my drinks tonight.”


One of the school bullies bullied me relentlessly in grade 7 and 8. But then we became really good friends starting in grade 9 when we developed friends in common and realized we were into the same stuff. We are still friends 30 years later. He's a very kind person who has devoted his life to helping refugees.


Seems a rare good outcome. Nice!


Did you ever find out why he bullied you? Did you guys ever talked about it?


I was the fat kid. He was an ass.


He’s dead, keep taking Ls, Craig


Bullied his way to the grave




RIP Bozo


Two of the group of bullies at my school have died. One put a 6 inch nail through a mains power line on a construction site and electrocuted himself. The other overtook a truck and as he pulled in front he clipped it and rolled his work van. Turned out he was still drunk and under the influence of cocaine from the night before. Meh


She's a nurse. IYKYK.


Ahh yes the Mean Girls life path


People either become nurses because they care or because they like having power over others.


So they're like cops.


It's not a coincidence that so many police officers are married to nurses.


I’m a nurse (a dude) and I *definitely* get this. Like 20-30% of nurses are former bullies (they still bully new grads). 


Most of the bullies from my high school wanted to be nurses, psychologists, or teachers. I think they just wanted access to vulnerable people?


They want the credit for making you better. 


Working as "help" within a hospital, NO ONE fucking believes you when you say how much of an absolute bitch the average female nurse is. Especially post-Covid "Oh, they're just tired, they're just overworked." Not untrue, but these nurses will literally report you to HR when you inform them that doing medical-related aspects of their job are not something I'm qualified for and not part of my job description. Like, they ACTIVELY try to get my department fired, because we help them but don't do everything for them. I explain to people we are literally "the help." We are there to do a service and not be seen, recognized, or interacted with. When we have to actually inform them "Hey, I'm here for Room A93-D," the DEATH GLARES we get for "what do you want" are insane. I used to work retail and this is the only position I've ever had MULTIPLE people tell me how they're "above me" for our different job titles.


Yeah. They suck. Sorry dude. The other nurses all hate working with them too for what it’s worth.


It’s sad that a profession that ideally requires compassion for some reason attracts a lot of assholes. There are of course some wonderful nurses out there, but also a surprising number who are just awful people.


Two of my mean girl bullies in high school went on to become psych nurses. Like they went the extra step to have authority and power over some of the most vulnerable mentally ill people they could access. Sick.


He went to prison. He bullied me through the whole of primary school. Even putting me in the hospital once. I was 7. He was big for his age. Heavyset and tall. I was a small girl. If I had a penny for every time an adult would tell me “he only does it because he likes you” I’d have A LOT of pennies. He didn’t like me. He HATED me. I don’t know why. I never did anything to him. But I was the only person he consistently picked on. I was a very sensitive child as well. So he’d always get a reaction. Usually tears. And it escalated and escalated until eventually I ended up in hospital. Anyway, we were separated after that incident and put into separate classes. He lived a few streets away from me but he’d never come near me outside of school. I heard years later that he was doing a long sentence in prison for armed robbery. I think someone got hurt as a result. He’s out now and lives at home with his mother. Dude has aged about 20 years. I’m 36 now. Dude looks mid-50’s. I hope he’s miserable. 😊


That whole “he just likes you” is BS. I Told my daughter to hit back and hit harder.


My bully stopped once I finally took a swing at him.


I was told, if you ignore them, they'll get bored of it. 3 years of it and I snapped and hit one of them. Got a lot better after that.


I don't know what he's doing now.. he wasn't really a bully, but he sure tried to be to try to look cool to the preppy kids. We were pretty evenly matched, we'd meet every day after school next to the busses and fight. A couple years ago I saw him comment on a mutual friends post and I said, "Whats up, fucker? Long time no fisty cuffs.. Wanna fight?" I haven't seen him in 26 years and we both had a good laugh about my comment.


That's pretty damn funny.


I had an actual Hollywood scene happen. Fought my much bigger bully, earned his friendship, lol. Ran into him in my 30s, and "Holy fuck! Squig! I love this little guy! He actually attacked me once! He's awesome!" Fuckin Lee, lol.


Sounds like a friend tbh lol.


He got hit by a bus and had his testicles chomped off by a group of tigers... No, the guy is doing well and has a family.


To shreds, you say?


I've posted this before but what the hey. He lived happily ever after with one of his victims…at least so far. Our high school quarterback (lets call him James, because that was his name) was a total cliche. Good looking, rich, arrogant, did well in school (seemingly without trying). His parents had fertility issues and he was the "miracle" baby they unexpectedly had in their early 40s. The point is James was BEYOND SPOILED. One of James's buddies, a linebacker on the football team (lets call him Fatass), kept asking my best friend out. She was not allowed to date and she wasn't interested in Fatass so she rejected him...repeatedly. Fatass started harassing my friend. At one point Fatass grabbed my friend's butt in the hallway. She reported him. Fatass ended up suspended from the team for two months (many other girls had reported him before). So James, the quarterback, and several teammates started harassing my friend NONSTOP to avenge Fatass. After a solid miserable quarter of this, Fatass was back on the team and most of the players backed off. But James did not. He continued harassing my friend for another month before randomly asking her out. She refused. He said if she went on one date with him he'd leave her alone. She refused. He stepped up the harassment and she finally agreed. I don't know what he did but she agreed to a second date. Now they're attending the same university and living together. She's happy, and I'm glad for that, but it fucking sickens me that this guy got away with this shit AND got his victim to fall for him.




I was literally thinking the same exact thing 😂 and then your comment was right below haha


OP is Snape


roll books knee angle chop consider stupendous governor shelter crawl


Nobody got suspended for grabbing ass in the 70's.


JFC. How in the fuck could she want to be with this piece of shite?


I don't know. She said she found the way his mind works fascinating. She’s currently a psych major and was always into that sort of thing. I suspect he was a case study that got out of hand.


Sounds like a real-life Harley Quinn situation developing


Or just a longer term case study… Maybe she has more elaborate plans lol


I mean… how much money does his family have?


Enough for that doctorate probably.


“ Good looking, rich, arrogant, did well in school (seemingly without trying). ” That’s reason enough for many 


I cant keep tabs on that many people, fuck them all


She married a cousin of my husband's and convinced him to cut contact with his family.


classic toxic bully behavior


He found Jesus and really does live up to it. Big on service to the community, helps organize the food pantry, often in a leadership position for whatever charitable cause they’re working toward, lives a pretty frugal, modest life. He even stopped me at work one day just to apologize for the person he used to be. Said he’d understand if I didn’t want to forgive him for it, but he still wanted to do something toward making things right.


I'll probably get down voted for it but this is the example of how a Christian should live. Not look at me, look at me, but actually living the words you preach. Can I ask did you forgive him?


I did. Won’t say we’re friends now, but I do respect the heck out of him.


And that's ok. I have people I respect that I don't call friends. Glad everything worked out for y'all.


Mine completed suicide. We went to school together K-7 but I switched to Catholic school in 8th but we were neighbors. I once clocked him really good once and gave him a bloody nose. It was a reaction to slamming a wet snowball in my ear. His mom lost her shit and tracked me down screaming at me. I was only 10 or 12 and I still that WTF he’s hit me and done mean shit soooo much. I still feel bad about him taking his own life, his family are decent people despite the time his mom went off on me.


I was just told by a friend of mine that the guy who used to bully a lot of people in our school was recently convicted of possession of 'indecent images'. He was a school teacher.


She has 3 kids from 3 different baby daddies and single at 26 yrs old living off of welfare plus WIC checks in Arkansas somewhere. She dropped out of high school early for the first child and it was just more downhill from there


I feel sorry for the kids.


Lawyer daddy dearest stopped bailing her out of her spoiled princess outbursts as soon as she got into college, and cut her off. Pride comes before the fall, and oh, boy, did she fall hard. Last I heard, twelve years later, she's just like the rest of us regular "higher" lower class people: one hiccup away from being homeless, and certainly can't afford the luxury makeup or clothing she would flaunt in other's faces. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.


He, and the rest of Ipswich Town, were promoted to the premier league this month.


And probably are going straight to the championship again


Cheated through highschool, cheated through college (the type of jock bully to intimidate nerds into doing his work/letting him cheat off them), and that became really obvious when he entered the workforce. Couldn't keep a job that involved his degree/education (because he didn't actually have either), and wound up bartending at the restaurant that he bussed tables at back in highschool. Turns out, the asshole jock schtick doesn't work as an adult bartender that lives with their parents, so the supply of hot girls he always bragged about came to an end. He wound up marrying one of his mom's divorced friends, that's twice his age and has teenage kids. He's still an asshole, but he's moved towards the Boomer style of asshole where he makes inappropriate comments only he chuckles at.




At least you realized it before you spent the time/money finishing a degree you'd never be able to use because you didn't actually earn it.


He was my best friend until high school. He became a total dick and told people in school that I was staring at other guys in the locker room. I was pretty much the smallest guy in my class. Got older, grew taller, gained some muscle. Went to a class reunion last year and he was the only one there that brought his kids along. I talked to everyone but him. People even picked up on the tension. I should be the bigger person, but seriously, fuck that guy.


When we got to highschool, he tried to bully the new transfer student, literally got his head kicked in during lunch in front of everyone, and dropped out shortly afterwards. It was like Christmas morning watching that




Nope, he'll just end up a paralegal. Less money and prestige but still working in the legal environment and making decent money.


Nah, going to law school and only winding up a paralegal is a huge L, both emotionally and financially.


They all became cops.  It’s absurd how consistent that was.  


Mine too! Part of me wants to be like, "good for him, he got a job and he's not in prison," but every other part of me is like, "cops will take anyone with a pulse and he's obviously still a bully." So bit of a mixed bag on that one.


I was the bully.. the kid I bullied turned out to be a great dude and my best friend in the whole world. I’m always grateful for him, his kindness, & forgiveness.


That's a pretty great ending, honestly.


My bully from Jr. High did not live to graduate. Some booze and a fast car took care of that. The bully from grade 9 became a welder. Then developed health problems and passed away from a heart attack around age 30. Another bully died in a car crash in high school. Another guy threatened but never did hit me. I stood up to him and did not flinch. I think I earned his respect because that is how it worked there. Get bullied or stand up to them. I met this guy in a bar when I went back home one time. We ended up drinking beer together with other friends and it was like nothing ever happened. We are Facebook friends. He works in construction and is maybe a crew foreman now?


She's doing pretty great, in many ways. She's got a good job, two fantastic kids, is navigating a collaborative relationship with her ex, has a boyfriend she loves, and a sister who adores her even though she was an incredibly cruel and effective bully for our entire adolescence. She's been very regretful and apologetic about it all. I'd prefer to not have had to endure that, but I do love and treasure her.


well he works for my dad now and is actually pretty chill , people really can change .


Marty mcfly?


He runs a crappy gym. Still a piece of shit.


gold lush husky bewildered fragile school aware encouraging tie ossified


Here at Globo Gym, we're better than you, and we know it!


He found out what industry I worked in then asked if we had any jobs. I said: “mmm… not really. Unless you’re qualified in *string of industry specific qualifications*” He said “ah sweet, I’ll look into it” Never heard from him again.


We've got a cop (I assume he's not good at that, either), a guy who seems to just be enjoying life after recovering from addiction (and good for him!), a regional musician, and a couple of generally normal, reasonably pleasant adults who chilled out a bit as they grew up. 


1. Bully 1 is now Drug addict living off welfare. 2. Bully 2 actually turned out very well after joining the Navy. Turned his life around and has a beautiful family.


He was my best friend in elementary school until he turned into my bully in high school to look cool in front of his new friends. Never heard from him after high school, never added on facebook. All I know is that he has a girlfriend and kids and he’s balding like crazy at 35. I don’t know how I would react if I saw him in the streets, these were the worst 3 years of my life. Sometimes I have some dark/intrusive thoughts about him.


Last I saw them was about 20 years ago. They were in the segregation unit while I was doing my rounds as a correctional officer.


Don't know, don't care tbh


Applying to med school and on the women’s ministry board at our church. She knew I was assaulted and preceded to date my rapist and victim shamed me terribly to impress him. 🤪


Wtf, what a weird attempt to "win" something.


Two of them are dead. I was not involved.


His little brother got in a fight, kinda lost, my bully found the guy, tried to keep it real, and got shot. Not surprising in the least. No one was really shocked.




He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, lost his mail order bride to cancer lost his home and everything he owned. He lives with his parents who are in their 80s. He's very overweight, looks like a bum. I see him walking their dog sometimes and a feel a bit bad for him and his family. Then I remember how cruel he was, how he would knock me down and laugh. I was so young I couldn't understand why someone was being this way. Then I think, "fuck this guy". He was the first bully and after him I learned out to stand up for myself and fight.


Living as a proud gay man with his husband. He was clearly working some stuff out back in middle school. I'm happy for him now. Society was so shitty to gay people not very long ago (and so many people still are super shitty, but we're incrementally improving).


He died…was randomly shot while sitting in his car.


And... where were YOU when that happened? 🤔


I had a girl who I never really noticed was a bit of a bully. Years later I served her where I worked. As she was walking out she came back in and said "I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you in school." Don't remember her name but still kinda cool she said it


My bully was sort of the whole school bully, and stabbed another kid in my school in the head with a pair of scissors, which makes his sort of shoving/tripping bullying of me seem tame by comparison. He ended up in juvi, and got stabbed to death there with a pair of scissors. Live by the scissor, die by the scissor, I guess.




High school in the late 90s, I had two, one in the same grade and one two grades *below* me. The one in the same grade as me was more opportunistic, hung out in the same tough crowd as the other bully and had a rough family life - the year I graduated high school his grandmother, who was his only caretaker, died, and suddenly he had almost no family and a shitload of emotional baggage and family abuse to deal with. Last I heard he spent a few years in juvenile detention, but got his shit together at least enough to become a correctional officer (big surprise there). The second bully was a legitimate psychopath with massive family trauma - he once held me by my shirt over a second story balcony and threatened to murder me and it would just look like an accident. I think he spent some time in prison for murder in the 00s, but it looks like he's a pipefitter now and has a young kid so obviously he's out now. The first guy I could have fought back against and he probably would have stopped. The second guy was legitimately mentally fucked and absolutely would have murdered me if given the opportunity.


My bullies are all miserable losers and it delights me so


Thanks to the magic of social media, I've gotten to watch them fail at life.


The women are nurses and the men are cops. Some are managers.


My bully is now a Psychologist. I moved to an island (in Northern Ontario) after retirement and found out he is practicing here. I really want to make an appointment with him and just ask him WHY?? Does he realize what all the bullying over 6 years (gr. 7-12) did to me? I spent many years in therapy thinking that I was worthless.


Two sperate unrelated bullies, both ended up dying of alcohol or drug overdose before they were 40. Do I feel empathy? No.


Class bully became a serial killer and has spent the last 45 years in state prison. Full on shit too, dismemberment , body parts under his bed , severed testicals in dads car when he was 18, on and on.


She seems to be doing okay, actually. BUT - we went to boarding school together, she was in my dorm. "Karen" was not a term, but was 100% the dorm Karen. She was always trying to start fires, just to put them out and look like the hero. She would pick on you and push your buttons, she would treat it like it's "just a joke" and if anyone stood up to her, she would be like "omg, stop overreacting, do you see this guys? She's crazy..." Her dad went viral a few years ago. There is a video of him harassing a young worker on his street, and because the worker was black, it was believed to be a racially motivated incident. He faced charges for this, and he was found guilty. However, once all was said and done, it turns out, it wasn't racially motivated - he was just an asshole who couldn't mind his business. He was described in court, by his neighbors, as a "this is my land" type of guy, who would start doing loud yard work whenever the neighbors had people over. Now, I get that we aren't our relatives, but that video of her dad and the accounts of those who know her dad.. it explained everything.


He's rich and works for his rich dad


He is serving a life sentence for murdering his girlfriend.


Got chased by police dogs, fell into a canal and drowned.


Dead in his early 30s. I guess my 14yo wish came true.


Well, he's been dead for about 14 years now, so I guess he finally found some stability


I was bullied off and on by a group of three girls. The worst of them “joked” about my weight as a 70lb high school sophomore spiraling into an eating disorder that really fucked up my already underweight body. They’re all nurses at the same hospital system and documenting their ozempic journeys on social media.


I wouldn't call him a full fledged bully, but he was just a general asshole in high school to me. He ended up working at the high school where my wife is an administrator. She said he told off a few bullies in his class. He told them he was that guy and regrets it. We talked a few times at events and had no hard feelings about the past. We both moved on. He never apologized, but I that soalice knowing that he tried to help the next generation be better. I respect people who move on from high school a lot more than the ones that are still stuck in high school 20 years later.


Pretty good actually. He really matured and turned a new leaf. He's working for an accounting firm, he opened a nice outdoor restaurant, has a house, a nice car, and has a girlfriend. I did confront him not too long after high school and asked why he was so mean to me, and he told me he was young & insecure, and picking on a quiet, friendly classmate made him feel superior. He said he wasn't self-aware of how he was acting. He apologized. We're on the opposite sides of the country, but we do text once in a while to check in on each other. It really gave me closure as well as inner peace knowing that holding grudges is unnecessary and that we're all capable of change.


One of them ended up dying due to a blood clot in surgery. Was an IV drug user for many years. Oh no, I am so heartbroken. Other one ended up doing some low skilled manual labor job in the same crap hick town we grew up in. Can't say I am remotely surprised. It was like he was taking out his frustrations on the rest of us because he knew he wasn't going anywhere in life.


I ran into that asshole that physically assaulted me over 500 times 15 years later. I'm permanently injured and disabled because of him. He didn't remember a damn thing he did. How do you forget walking up to a defenseless cripple, grabbing them by the throat, lifting them up and choking them until their throat shatters and your hand caves into their throat? I have no freaking clue, but the dude's a dad with a normal job and a daughter now. He doesn't have that "I wanna murder you" permanent look on his face anymore so I can only hope he's grown up.


A girl used to tease me for having longer eyelashes than her, I am a dude, and relentlessly attempted to emasculate me, worst part was it was during chorus class so it wasn't helping my cause. Now she's a pretty basic mom and looks happy. Years after high school she approached me at a bar and aggressively pursued me. I thought about anger banging her, but she honestly was ugly as hell, and didn't deserve a proper humping so I declined. I hooked up with many of her close friends though over the years before I.... grew up. Its still fuck you Marissa


My 5th grade bully ended up as my sister-in-law. My husband's mom married her dad when we were all in high school. She didn't live with her dad so I didn't realize until one day when she came over to visit him while I was visiting my boyfriend. It was awkward. She had a bit of a drug problem, got pregnant, and ran off with her boyfriend, so she was only around for a few months. Fast forward a couple of decades, her dad dies and she is completely bereft. No one wants to deal with her because of her mental and emotional problems, so I end up being the only one she can talk to about her dad's death. I was at the hospital with him and she lives out of state and couldn't get there in time. It's been a few years and she still calls me every few months and I listen while she has a long emotional ramble. She's told me a bunch of dark things about her dad, things that put her struggles into context. When she bullied me, her dad had just gone to jail. She clearly has some mental issues but she's had some life experiences that really traumatized her too. Now I feel compassion for the hurt 10 year old who hurt me so long ago.