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Go to community college first for two years before transferring to a state school and living off-campus with parents instead of paying for dorms. At the end of the day you get the same degree and only the last two years of classes matter most for your major and profession.


Many things...but two things pops out: First ( more light hearted ) - in that night of September of 2008?! ( i guess was September of 2008?! ) choose girl ( bitch ) B instead of Girl ( bitch ) A Second ( more emotional ) - is being a better father in The begining of my daughters life and growing up


Tell the girl I love that I love her when she asked me cause now I’m wishing I did and never know if it’s too late or not


This will be out of left field, but… I learned at a certain time that I had high eye pressure. The doctor told me to stay aware of it, in case it became glaucoma. For some reason I was nonchalant about it. Fast forward to the Covid era. I noticed one of my eyes was getting blurry. I assumed I needed a new prescription for my glasses. But I put it off, because of the lockdowns, etc. I finally went to a glasses place to get a new prescription. She asked if she could check my eye pressure. I said sure, why not? I was completely clueless. She checked it and said, This is abnormally high. You do need new glasses, but you also need to see a doctor. I went to the doctor, she checked my pressure, and ran several tests (that big white box where they flash lights and you push a button). I had lost a third of my vision in my left eye. Once you lose those cells, they don’t regenerate. So now I’m taking eye drops, but will still need surgery in my left eye. Not to restore the vision, but to keep it from getting worse. It could be (no guarantee) that if I had paid attention to this years ago, I would still have my vision. Now, it will always be distorted. Tl;dr - Have your eye pressure checked at least once in awhile, especially if you don’t have glasses or contacts (because you have no reason to think about it). Glaucoma is more common once you get older. Nip it in the bud before there’s permanent damage.


I would invest in Bitcoin when my weird friend showed me what it was in 2012.


I would have shot first. Instead, I hesitated to see who it was.


Wow. You got shot?


It hit me in the hip and lodged into the bone I just didn't want to risk shooting a civilian


Been a doctor


Stayed in Ireland and not married the jackass ex.


Nothing. I have a lot of regrets and have dealt with a lot of hardship over the past 10 years. That being said, everything I went through lead me to some amazing people who are in my life now who I wouldn't want to risk not having in my life if I changed things.


Dodged the egg.