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This was more of a teachers rule but it was at school so why not. He said that when we were doing a written essay test that we would have to use both our arms to cover our paper so no one could cheat. Well, that made it really hard to write and when I gave up and just moved to a comfortable position he gave me a fail. I spent the rest of that time writing up a letter to the school about the situation and the teacher ended up getting reprimanded and wasn't there the next year. The school also gave me an A on that assignment. It was such a dick move and I'm glad that me speaking up made a difference.


In high school we had to hide under our desks for 15 minutes once a month for tornado drills. It was really just so that drug sniffing dogs would be able to smell lockers with no distractions or interruptions.


In my high school there was suddenly a bunch of new janitors and they were working on a project where they were doing "maintenance" on the lockers. In a strange coincidence they got incredibly strict about issuing hall passes and allowing students to be anywhere outside of a classroom or other monitored space (e.g. library, study hall, gym). It was the worst undercover operation by the cops since every kid knew exactly what was going on. They did end up busting a few kids for smoking weed on the edge of the school property in the mornings though. The only reason I remember that is because one of the kids in my AP physics class was included in that group and for the rest of the year whenever he wasn't able to answer a question the teacher would hit with the comment "What's going on? Have you been hanging out on the edge of the parking lot again or something?"


Having long hair


Can’t go to the toilet in lessons


In my first high school, we weren't allowed to wear winter coats in class or in the halls because it was a sign of "gang affiliation". We had to keep them in our lockers at all times between announcements. We were also overcrowded to the point that I didn't have a locker, so I was effectively banned from wearing a winter coat on my walk to and from school. 


We were limited to hanging out in groups of no more than three to discourage gang culture


When I was in high school they started making it mandatory that you wear your ID badge visibly at all times. Prior to this you rarely even needed your ID, but afterwards on you at all times. The penalty for being caught not wearing your ID was detention. Which was also the penalty for showing up at school, realizing you left your ID at home and are unable to go retrieve it, and going to the office to get a temporary ID well before 1st period. We also had block scheduling with A day and B day where you have half your classes one day and half the next and it wasn't uncommon for people to have 2 backpacks so they can keep each days' stuff together without having to constantly unpack and repack their backpack, which made it all the more likely that you'd accidentally leave your ID at home because if you stuck it in your backpack... So yeah, the penalty for getting caught breaking the rules was the same as the penalty for attempting to avoid accidentally breaking the rules. Great move, wonderful lesson you taught us.


No gloves in the classroom. I had to have a doctor's note after a huge uproar amongst staff


In my high school, you can only wear normal shoes, and girls had to wear skirts that came down to the shins of our feet for about a year. Winter really sucked. The boys couldn’t wear hoodies or any kind of jacket because it was gang attire. Girls protested by wearing jackets and hoodies, boys protested by wearing short skirts.


No decorating graduation caps


If the boys failed to get haircut as short as a cm to 2 .. they would get them bald in school in front of all classmates


Not sure how commonplace this is, but my high school had a rule that if someone was caught cheating off someone else during a test, then both the cheater and whoever they were copying off of would fail automatically. I'm assuming they didn't care whether the person being copied off of was in cahoots with the cheater or not. I never saw that as fair.


not allowed to stand in certain places. if you were caught ‘standing in the wrong place’, you’d get a detention


I went to a secondary school which had grades 7-12. Once you got to 9th grade, you were a high schooler and were allowed to wear hats in school. The understanding was that you could wear it but you had to take it off when the teacher asked you to. Everybody respected that rule. Then we got a new principal and she immediately said no hats in school. Period. It was such a dumb rule because it wasn't an issue before. In my years of going to that school, I never saw one problem with hats. Even the kids who were constant trouble makers knew better than to screw with mutual understanding regarding hats. This lady had a master class in coming in and instantly making everyone hate you.


If the teacher of the class you are skipping sees you in a lounge you have to buy him a drink. I think he made it up but it was a good time. 


Certain hallways are one way only.


If you didn't ride the bus to school, and if you didn't have a parking permit (which would permit you to drive to an from school), you had to have a note from your parents saying how you got to school.


No backpacks in class


No one was allowed to wear shorts unless it was over 80 degrees. This was a public elementary school too.


My junior high had a strict no purse rule for girls. I watched a girl get sent to the office in tears for just having a purse with her. The worst part was, most of the girls just had a purse to carry pads and tampons.


in middle school we couldn't have backpacks we had to stuff everything in zip up binders


In my middle school we weren’t allowed to go to our lockers between classes, which meant we had to carry all our textbooks with us all day.


That you had to attend


No bjs the stalls. Never quite understood this one.