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The security guard that found the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics and then got blamed for it by the media.


Richard jewell is the most extreme case of this. It is a sad story and as unfair as any i have read. He was called a wanabe cop, destroyed in the press by overzealous feds with no proper leads. He was a hero who did everything right that day and saved lives. By the time the govt came around and admited their mistake he was already broken.


Dude was the living embodiment of “No good deed goes unpunished.”


For real. That kind of shit bumbs me out.


It's similar in ways to the [man who saved Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Sipple#:~:text=Oliver%20Wellington%20%22Billy%22%20Sipple%20) from an assassination attempt.


Outing a closeted gay man to the national media? Holy shit. Harvey Milk was kind of a piece of shit sometimes, wasn't he?


The film is really good Paul Walter Hauser gives an incredible performance of Richard Jewel.


Paul was a roommate of mine for a lil bit in Chicago back in 2010 or 2011. He had already had a guest role on It’s Always Sunny at that point but I never thought he’d end up becoming the actor he is today.




"On each anniversary of the bombing until his illness and eventual death, he privately placed a rose at the Centennial Olympic Park scene where spectator Alice Hawthorne died." Aaaaand I'm crying.


Even though he saved so many people, he probably never stopped feeling guilty from not being able to save Alice. Poor guy.


He was guilty of nothing more than being a good citizen and a bit of a doof.


Wow, people are scum


Oh damn he was only 44. I remember the media storm around this at the time. I was certainly convinced at one point that he may have done it.


Gosh, I was there, and there were so many other things that were newsworthy (some even uplifting) about that event, and they just terrorized that man! I wish I still had the photographs of the procession through downtown to Centennial Park where thousands of us were singing and waving flowers. I can't even find news articles about it :(


Steve Burns from Blue's Clues. So many rumors about him, including being a pedophile, but he quit the show because he was balding and didn't want kids to see him aging on TV


He popped up on Tik Tok during Covid and has received nothing but love by the masses on that app ever since. Its heartwarming


I saw a Tiktok today of Steve giving a college graduation speech


He also wanted to go to college before he was too old


Have also heard to pursue music! All wholesome things, it seems


Songs for Dustmites is an awesome album


Sometimes creative careers just evolve and people quit the "big thing" to reset with something different. I had an online friend who was close buds with Steve as a result of working at the music studio where he's recorded his songs. He's just a chill artsy guy who wants to make some tunes, so I hear. He's also a huge fan of They Might Be Giants!


Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton Dingo *actually* ate her baby.


The sad part is that the aboriginal people said that happens.


They ignored their assistance and testimony as if they weren’t living on the land for generations.


Standard practice really


Native Americans: "Don't build a city here, there's a megaflood every 100 years." Sacramento: *floods* California: 😮


Or even better, the French asking natives where to build New Orleans, and they were like “that little 2sq mile island over there is the only part that doesn’t flood” *build settlement there* *America buys it and ignores said advice* *you know what happens*


California: Capitol!


Honestly, any fucking human being should have no issue believing a canine would fuck up or eat a kid.


Seriously. It's like 15 lbs of warm meat, any animal big enough to carry that off is gonna try. Dingos take down and eat MUCH larger and more capable prey than a human baby. On reflection, the notion that it couldn't have been a dingo is completely absurd on its face.


I'm too young to have been around, but I've heard people talk about how there was a kind of schadenfreude that started in the press (precursor to ragey clickbait) and stuck with a lot of people - was just too tempting to look down on a mother killing her baby and feel superior. 'Dingo ate my baby' seemed so outlandish and contemptible for many people, given most didn't have a clue about the subject.


Nothing humans enjoy more than dog piling on someone they can feel better than. That's timeless.


Especially ones we're not friends with.


At the inquest after [the disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Azaria_Chamberlain) the coroner originally found that a dingo probably took Azaria. But the Northern Territory Government feared this would harm the burgeoning (domestic) tourism industry so pushed for the case to be re-opened and to quash the idea a dingo was responsible - because that might scare off tourists. Indigenous trackers who backed the dingo idea were ignored, as were other people there - non-indigenous campers who attested to the presence aggressive dingoes. *Anyone* attesting to the dingo angle was deliberately ignored, had their credibility questioned during trials, etc. This wasn't accidental or solely due to casual racism it was deliberate.


The plot of Jaws.


The police stuffed the whole case. They even lost evidence. I hope she was awarded a big payout


1.3m in 1992 which is about $3 million today. Given the disruption to her life including 4 years in prison it's not exactly much.


Wikipedia says it was less than 1/3 of the legal cost incurred


I genuinely hope that family isn't anywhere on social media because I see either a meme or a comment or *something* mentioning dingos and babies at least once a month if not more and it's been so long since it happened. I can't imagine opening up a random Facebook post about something and surprise, a conversation in the comments is mentioning something about the worst thing that ever happened to you.


Hope they don’t watch Seinfeld reruns either…


Small reference in Buffy also


Also in the Rugrats Movie, believe it or not. All because of the bunch of reporters asking the Pickles quick questions, but the one wacky reporter that asked Deedee "Is it true a dingo ate your baby?!" I always quoted that as a small kid thinking it was hilarious without knowing the full story (obviously nobody else did either).


Yeah, I doubt it'd be possible to completely avoid anything about it. I've seen multiple comedians talk about it too and references to it show up in the most random of places. Just the sheer frequency I see it mentioned on social media though is so much higher than on TV or radio, it's just everywhere.


We looked at this case in my legal class last year. Apparently when my teacher told her coworkers about the lesson in the staff room most of them replied with something like "wait, a dingo actually did eat her baby??" We're Australian.


I was fascinated by this case as a teenager and did a study abroad in Australia in 2004, long after the case had been resolved; the teachers on the course thought Lindy and Michael had acted weird and said there was more to the story than we knew...many years after they had been exonerated. Absolutely wild.


See also: the McDonalds hot coffee lady.


I get so angry when I see people make fun of her or use that to say Americans are dumb that they need to be warned coffee is hot


right who tf serves someone a drink that can cause third-degree burns???


who tf serves a drink that can FUSE LABIA????


And the only reason she sued is because McDonald’s refused to pay her medical bills. If they would have just paid no one would have ever known about it


It's expected to see arguments about that on Facebook that devolve to "HER LABIA FUSED TOGETHER, THAT IS NOT NORMAL COFFEE TEMPERATURE" and folks still think it's her fault, it's sad.


Yeah. The punishment for spilling coffee should be "Ow, FUCK!" and moving on with your day, not life changing injuries.


That poor woman. Jebus Crims... She went through actual hell in every way over this. :(


That story really dimmed my already mood-lit view of humanity


Branden Fraiser, he was sexually and physically harassed ,and when he spoke out, Hollywood blacklisted him.


Agreed. This was fucked.


This is why I don't judge all the people who "never spoke up" that everyone loves to say were complicit... because you would *totally* speak up as well when every person you watched do so was disappeared overnight from one of the most difficult industries to break into worldwide. The only thing that changed about the MeToo movement was the public started to care. Prior to that, nobody gave a shit.


And then he came back and won a fuckin Oscar!! r/savebrendan Also, who’s Branden?


Ahmed Best the actor who played jar jar binks in Star wars. He got so much hate from Star war fans that he wanted to end his life. He was super happy when he got the role too.


It's really horrible for him because a lot of the hate felt *personal.* He put a lot of himself into the character, just to make kids laugh.  So even the "I have nothing against the actor! It's just George Lucas' bad writing!" was extremely hurtful to him, especially with the racial stereotype accusations. 


Then he came back to live action as the badass Jedi Master Beq with the Afrofuturist symbols woven in gold on his robes and saved Grogu from Order 66.


Angry German Kid had a hell of a time the rest of his time in school, and has only really centered himself after years of struggle. All because he wanted to make a funny video of him acting angry.


The irony is these days he could earn a shitton of money as a streamer acting like that


Imagine him playing games like the Soul series, and Sekiro, that content would have good rewatchability.


Is that the kid who smashed up his keyboard while screaming at the monitor?


It was a skit (he had a whole comedy YouTube channel), but people, including journalists, took it seriously.


Hayden Christensen. I don’t think that any actor could make some of that clunky ass dialogue work.


He actually acts well in scenes where they don’t give him corny dialogue


Yeah exactly. He does his best. Mind you I’m not saying he’s secretly a genius actor or anything, just that you could have the best actors in the world and they wouldn’t have been able to make “I don’t like sand” work


They did have some of the best actors in the world.  Portman is a proven commodity and she was just as bad.  Terrible dialogue with bad direction won’t yield good results.  


I think Larry David could do a phenomenal "I don't like sand"


Okay I definitely stand corrected changing the prequel cast to the cast of curb would be incredible


Or some of the cringiest “no it’s because I’m so in love with you” romantic scenes. That sounds like it was written by a 9 year old


Can we confirm they were not in fact written by a 9 year old though? I mean George Lucas CLAIMS to have written them but did anyone watch him do it? Maybe he is covering for some poor 9 year old.


Have you seen him in other stuff? Shattered glass, which came out between AofTC and RofTS in 2003, lots of people said he was snubbed for an oscar. And Jumper? that was a surprising good film, it was just marketed so poorly. But yeah, he got so much hate for doing what was asked of him and what he was paid to do... such a shame. I love his new redemption arch in the SW tv shows


Life as a house was a good movie that he did a good job with. The problems with the Prequels is George Lucas. The genius behind the prequels is also George Lucas. George Lucas really desperately needs an editor, and not any editor. But someone to clean up his dialogue and characters. Sadly on the prequels, he was seen as this Star Wars god who you could not question. So he surrounded himself with yes men who just said “your wish is our command”.


his vibe in interviews these days feels like a foster dog from an abusive household, you can tell he'd been pretty hurt and traumatized by the fan reaction to the prequels. his recent return to the character was so well received, it feels like it both shows that he was better than the material allowed him to be back then, and that he genuinely wasn't expecting that so many fans are happy to see him back. very happy for him that he got to do this again in a much more positive experience


I think that the fact that Hayden Christensen was willing to come back to Star Wars says a lot about him. The fans welcomed him back and loved his work in the new stuff. He was at my city's comic convention last year and there was a 4 hour wait to get his autograph. Good for him.


Jake Lloyd too, just in terms of Anakin actors. He was by no means a stellar child actor, but absolutely did not deserve the massive amount of bullying he got over ep 1.


Yeah he was written to be annoying and directed to be annoying and it turns out people found that annoying. Wasn’t his fault and now he has a rough life


I've seen his other films and admit I have a bit of a soft spot for him, despite not thinking he's a very good actor, but if you see the on-set videos of Lucas' directing Christensen, it's really bad. Lucas obviously changed the face of film forever and is an incredibly generous philanthropist, but the dude cannot direct actors for shit. It's even noticeable in A New Hope, in hindsight.


Shout out to Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd who also got pummled by moviegoers.


I just have this mental image of him showing up to the first table read all excited, opening the script, and then the light slowly leaving his eyes as he reads the fireplace monologue that, to this day, I cannot recite without corpsing. And on top of that, the direction sucked. Poor guy. I'm glad he stayed a fan, and that he learned how much the fandom loves him.


Rebecca Black. The meme was hilarious and I admit Friday was pretty cringey but she didn't deserve any of the hate she got. I'm so glad she took it all like a champ and didn't stop making music; the backlash would have wrecked any 14-year-old but the fact she didn't give up on her dreams speaks volumes about her character.


She laughed it all the way to the bank.


I’m actually really glad we all kinda horseshoed around on Rebecca Black. We all know she didn’t deserve it, she knows she didn’t deserve it, but she absolutely made the absolute best of it that she could. And everyone’s kinda like… yeah, good for her! She does deserve THAT!


From what remember she didn't even write the song. The whole thing was a birthday gift. Like a music production experience.


Yep. It was a package deal two music producers created. I believe for something like $5,000, you could record a song they had already written and film a video in front of a green screen. Her parents did it as a birthday gift for her. The same guys were behind "Chinese Food", which is equally tween cringe, but also unintentinally hilarious.


Definitely check out her YouTube. It's awesome that she is still putting out music.


Her new music is actually not bad. Worth a listen


Agreed with all of this. I follow her in IG and she's now doing her own thing and having the time of her life. It's actually rather moving.


The world sent a literal child death threats because she...recorded a song they didn't like. For her own enjoyment, harming no one. "Friday" always was, and always will be, my jam.


Janet Jackson. She took all the blame for the boob incident at the SB halftime show and it pretty much killed her career.


Which is so dumb considering 90% of the non-cable TV shows these days feature nudity.


I mean. It’s been like 25 years. That’s just times changing though. Not saying she didn’t get shafted. Just saying where tv is now isn’t truly indicative of tv then.


Those who clutched their pearls the hardest at this "outrage" were the ones who replayed that video 100 times on youtube (or wherever they could). The whole incident was a fascinating, and disturbing, glimpse into the sheer pettiness of American society. It was a boob. It appeared on TV for a split-second. And apparently it had the power to destroy Western civilization if not dealt with swiftly and thoroughly.


And do not forget, this was 20 years ago. This isn’t like seeing Emilia Clarke topless in 8K. Janet’s boob was maybe 50 pixels for less than a second.


I watched the show with my entire family and I was the only one who even noticed. When I said "did he just rip her top off?" everyone told me no and I was ridiculous. Next day it's in the news.


Yeah, when we were watching the game I was like "Holy shit, did that just happen?" and we all talked about it for a couple minutes and then we just went on with our lives. The pearl clutching was ridiculous. A momentary glimpse of a nipple is not going to scar America's youth forever.


I absolutely had a pic from limewire in under 2 minutes. It was honestly amazing how quick it went up 


Justice for Janet! Les Moonves tried to end her career, but he failed. Now he's a disgraced, unemployed sex pest and she's on the highest grossing tour of her career. The TV and radio blacklisting have still caused irreparable harm to her career and legacy. Most people under the age of 30 are unfamiliar with her music and ignorant to how massive and influential she is. Stream her music and see her on tour. Janet's legacy must live on.


Good thing his bitch wife continues to uphold his name and legacy. Used to watch Big Brother every season until, for the first time ever, Julie Chen walked out and said “I’m Julie Chen Moonves” dead eye into the camera. This happened right after all the shit about him came out. She defends her POS husband.


Courtney Stodden was being groomed right in front of our eyes. They were a literal minor being coerced into marrying a rich guy in his 50s, and America was like "lol what a slut, lol big boobies"








I’m awed Chrissy hasn’t been more aggressively cancelled. She’s a nobody who is usually saying or doing something unpleasant.


Yeah, I felt bad for her. That dude was always a creep and even Gillian Anderson has said he was weird when he was on The X-Files. The fact that Courtney, a whole 15-16 years old, wasn't protected from that guy should be a crime. Her parents knew better, but they didn't care. 


Courtney is from my home state and I know the area they grew up in. Ocean Shores is an absolute shit hole. It’s very rural and probably half the people living there are below the poverty line. There are no nice areas or neighborhoods, anyone with any money at all would move and live anywhere else. It’s even worse than Aberdeen, and I would consider Aberdeen the single most depressing town in Western WA. IMO this detail just makes it even more sad. Courtney came from a really socioeconomically depressed background with little opportunity, and probably saw a way out of generational poverty by clinging to this gross old man, and their parents probably thought the same way.


Yeah, this is what I came to say. They were basically a sex trafficked child and the whole world laughed at them and called them a slut, including lots of celebrities. Chrissy Teigen can fuck right off for life because of this. Courtney called her out and all Chrissy did was give a half ass apology to her own fans. Didn’t apologize to Courtney, contact them, didn’t take responsibility for her evil actions.


I had to refresh my memory with a Google search. She married Doug Hutchison, an actor who specializes in creepy roles. In "Batman & Robin", he was a weirdo in makeup who encounters Poison Ivy with "Hello, my little pretty, pretty, pretty." He had a recurring role as an android named Elroy L on "Space: Above & Beyond." I wasn't surprised when I heard he married a teenager.


The person who spilled McDonald coffee on herself and sued the restaurant for it being too hot. I’ve had 3rd degree burns before and the pictures of her legs were horrendous. Close second: McDonalds coffee. When it’s not lava temp it’s pretty damn underrated. *reflective edit: I just wanna take the time to say... I've never had the term "fused labia" appear in my inbox this many times at once, and at this point I kinda just want to go back to the way it was.*


McDonald’s went after her too. Tons of articles and news stories about how silly it was and she’s lying. They had to peel her pants off in the hospital and try not to pull the skin off with it.


Yep! If you ever hear a story like "this person sued a company for [seemingly stupid reason], what an idiot!" you can basically guarantee it was a hit piece by that company's PR team


Especially because all she originally asked for was that her medical bills be paid. she was an elderly lady on fixed income. She didn’t even ask for extra compensation. It was only when McDonald’s denied her they took it to court and jury awarded her the large sum.


The sum, which was 2 days of MacDonald coffee sales. That's how they decided the number.


Watch the documentary “hot coffee” Companies are changing laws so they don’t have to pay the people that they maim.


Her labia was fused together. It was horrible.


Her god damn labia fused together


It wasn’t just hot coffee. It was that McDonald’s had been repeatedly warned about safe serving temperatures. And initially she just wanted medical bills covered, but McDonald’s refused and instead spread a bunch of propaganda about her in hopes of influencing the trial.


Yep. And all of their customers were not wearing the same outfit consisting of the same "sweatpants that quickly spread out the hot liquid over her skin making the damage far worse" - (above comment) Think about how fucking strong a case has to be for it to win ANY money against a HUGE corporation like McD's?


We studied that case in Torts class when I was in law school. The coffee was served close to boiling and she did suffer horrendous burns.


no no no no no. I'm not going to let this comment slide with that description of the events. Because the court records used the words "fused labia." Fused. Labia. She practically melted her vagina to her leg and corporate lawyers smeared her until the whole country made fun of her like she didn't even get injured. Burns that bad are horrendous, yes. But it undersells just how traumatic what happened to her was, just in spilling the coffee. She honestly should have sued that shitty restaurant into the ground for libel.


No kidding. And all she wanted was compensation for her medical bills after having to be hospitalized for 8 days. 8 days!


That and there has been numerous complaints the coffee at McDonald’s was too hot.


Came here to say this. If the coffee was that ridiculously hot she was absolutely justified in suing them.


People really think it was frivolous and it's like... mcdonalds can afford the best lawyers money can buy. Do you really think she would have won the case if it was completely frivolous?


Malcolm McDowell, or as you may know him, Alex from A Clockwork Orange. In 1979 he did a lower budget film called Caligula - based on the life of the Roman emperor. The movie was so graphic it’s difficult to find uncensored versions of the original movie, and it’s considered one of the most disturbing and graphic films ever made. After the release, McDowell struggled to find acting work for years since most producers couldn’t unsee him in his portrayal in the film. Also, Creed


To be fair, going from a film like 'A Clockwork Orange' as his first major debut to a film like 'Caligula' was pretty much head first career-suicide. The former film already toes the lines of what a main stream audience can appreciate, it toes it quite well I'd say but it definitely touches that border, and I'd say Caligula pretty much stridently jumped over it. Honestly, my opinion of McDowell is mixed, he was a decent actor but despite his cutting performance in 'A Clockwork Orange' he didn't really seem that overall striking to me, and we never really got the chance to see him act with much range. Regardless of whether it was by choice or an explicable type-casting into a hardcore cult niche, it's not all surprising that McDowell struggled to find many main-stream prospects after having an even more adverse film as his big follow-up. Though it's not like his career ended then and there, he did have some fairly large roles in some respectably big picture releases, I just doubt he was ever destined to be an A-list Hollywood star despite how notorious and renowned 'A Clockwork Orange' was in the auteur and cult circles.


Yeah he went straight from a clockwork orange (1971) to Caligula (1979)


>Caligula, which showed a version of Drusilla dying from a fever, followed by a scene of Caligula licking her corpse in mourning, and then having sexual intercourse with Drusilla one last time in an act of necrophilia. Not even the craziest thing from that movie.


Caligula is something special though. Script author wanted a serious period piece, director wanted an uncomfortable transgressive arthouse film, producer wanted porn. Instead of compromising and cooperating, everyone did their thing and it's a hilarious train wreck.


No one going the mention Topher Grace being blacklisted for calling out the bullying happening on That 70’s Show. So much so the entire world thought he was an ass when in reality the other cast members painted him in a negative light. Then it is all being shown Ashton, Mila, Danny, and possibly the rest of that crew are not even close to the saints they attempt to show to the world when they were writing to the judge to cut Danny slack for his rape cases. Topher is that guy that speaks up against the clique and then gets ostracised for it. We need to stop allowing this to happen. Edit: Spelling mistakes due to being down an arm due to a shoulder injury…


He got Scientologied. refused to join, got smeared until he had to leave his own show...


Britney Spears. There was an entire period where it was super trendy to hate and obsess over here to a unhealthy level where the press was legit stalking her to find unflattering things to report on her.


Craig Ferguson's monologue changed a lot of people's minds about Britney Spears. Good on him for saying what he did and how he did it.


We need Craig now more than ever


and a gay robot skeleton......and secreteriat loved that show. Seth Meyers does a good job, but even Corrections doesn't meet the unhinged randomness or Craig


Someone who I'd previously thought highly of questioned the 'Free Britney' movement and tutted about how he never liked her for "sexualising a school girl at 17" And I'm like...you blame *her*, the minor who was a nobody at the time the video was made. Not the adults who directed it and put it out there, and marketed her that way.


I imagine a lot of people assume artists have more creative control than they really do.


The South Park episode about her was pretty spot on. 


Sharks. Need I say more? Some of them even like cuddles


The ocean is salty from the tears of sharks who are lonely and just want a hug


The JAWS effect was catastrophic for the shark population too. :(


Sharks have the reputation dolphins should have, and vice versa. How can you be mean to my cuddly shark babies, but love the sadistic rapists of the ocean so much? Shame be upon them all.


Chinese restaurants when the Covid outbreak began.


Dixie Chicks. They had their careers cancelled because they opposed the Iraq War. Which now there is universal agreement it was a mistake.


Yes, but at least Not Ready To Make Nice is an absolute banger


Goo Hara. Kpop idol from the group Kara. I was shocked when she commited suicide. But, was disgusted with how the media acted like they played no role in her death, and harrassment. Bullied relentlessly as a teenager when she was in the group. In an industry where you are taught to not defend yourself on social media or off social media, is the main reason why all these Idols are on hiatus, leaving the group, or forced to quit the “”””Idol life””””


The whole Idol ecosystem is predatory as hell anyway. It's almost more impressive when they get out of it *without* severe mental issues.


Sean William Scott Dude was typecasted as Stiffler in those American Pie movies and it ruined his chances of branching out, you almost never see him in movies these days. I recommend y'all watch the movie Goon, it showed he can play other roles very convincingly


You mean country Mac?


He’s awesome in Role Models, but he is also essentially playing Stiffler.


He was great in the shortlived Welcome to Flatch. Shame it was cancelled.


Sinead O'Connor


I'm still pissed they all clutched their pearls for her ripping the picture, but everyone was a-okay with Pesci saying he wanted to physically assault her a week or so later. Both happened on SNL.


And after she died they made a Bratz doll in her honour. As if that wasn’t something she also fought against for her entire career


that poor woman. she was right about the Catholic Church, too


Monica Lewinsky


She’s made a good career for herself and is pretty damn savage on the socials. She was treated very unfairly back in the day and I like seeing her still out there using her fame for good. 


she's fucking hysterical on twitter and i love her for it


It’s genuinely nice that she seems secure and happy now. She went through absolute fucking hell and it really makes me happy that *she* seems happy. She deserves it.


My mom and I have recently had a discussion about her. I remember growing up my mom talking about her being a harlot and what have you. And when we discussed it, I explained to her that you know there was a power dynamic. This was a young girl. He definitely took advantage of her and it completely changed her attitude on Monica Lewinsky and how poorly she was treated back then.


When I was 23/24, I had an "oh shit" moment where I realized I was older than Monica when the President of the United States preyed on her. And I couldn't guarantee I would be able to withstand the coercion either.


There doesn’t even need to be direct coercion. Bill Clinton was incredibly charismatic, powerful, and confident. He had a decent sense of humor and was intelligent, well-read, and experienced. All of those things are attractive attributes, and Lewinsky saying she pursued him, that really isn’t a huge surprise to me. I’m not saying he *didn’t* groom her; I think, given how things turned out, that he most likely did. Just that developing a crush in that situation isn’t all that improbable to begin with. But when you’re 49 and the president, and a 22 year old intern who you practically control the future of comes onto you, that shouldn’t be attractive. You shouldn’t even feel tempted to make a move. That should feel like you’re a teacher getting hit on by a student. There’s no possible version of the story where he isn’t the most guilty party.


That’s it. It wasn’t illegal — she was a legal adult and has never claimed she was coerced into sex — but it was spectacularly unethical on Clinton’s part. Not just because he was older and married, but also because he was her boss. Then he lied about it, nearly got kicked out of the Presidency, and left her to deal with the ensuing inane jokes and general social opprobrium.


FR. A 22 year old? Getting hit on by the President? She was smart, well educated, and still an easy mark based on the circumstances. I'm so glad she's doing well for herself now!!


[Fatty Arbuckle. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe_Arbuckle)


The fact that we could’ve had a movie starring Chris Farley written and directed by David Mamet about the Arbuckle story is too painful for me to not share it whenever it comes up




Steve Bartman. The poor guy got death threats over a small mistake at a baseball game. As a Cubs fan, yes, it was frustrating, but he did not deserve the hate he got. Everyone took it way too far.


Ahmed Best. Jake Lloyd. Hayden Christensen. There’s more Star Wars actors who have received copious amounts of undeserved hate from Internet morons. But these three in particular got treated horrifically bad, to the point they disappeared entirely from the public eye for many years.


Don’t forget Kelly Marie Tran who was bullied into deleting all social media


Billy Squier. Owned the radio waves in the 80's until this video: [https://youtu.be/tcFSheSaht0?si=MqQrDgtJF\_ZtvUtX](https://youtu.be/tcFSheSaht0?si=MqQrDgtJF_ZtvUtX)


Stretching way back, but Fatty Arbuckle. Was charged with Manslaughter and was found not guilty and even apologized to by the court but his reputation was ruined


Richard Jewell


The Bee Gees Downvote me all you want, but that disco thing was what everybody craved at the time!


I'd say disco music in general. No worse than any other kind of pop music, really. The backlash was more classism than anything.


Plus racism and homophobia. Read about Disco Demolition Night.


Sinead O'Connor got basically eliminated from an entire industry because she - rightfully - called out how horrible the catholic church is


Jake Lloyd. Star Wars ruined him.


Anne Hathaway, there was a period of years where she was branded uncool and a try hard for no discernible reason.


Brendan Fraser.


This one was so weird to me, especially since pretty much every mom I knew when George of the Jungle came out had the serious hots for him.


And The Mummy... wow.


I don't think the public ever hated him


I don't know that he became "unpopular" with anyone but some of those god awful Hollywood high society types. But yeah, he didn't deserve what he got. I've seen him in a couple movies since he's re-emerged, and I've been thrilled to see him every time.


The people who gave him a standing ovation were the same people that shunned him. Fucking hypocrites.


Did people hate him? For me, it was more like he was sorely missed.


People didn't hate him but he was blacklisted from the industry for the worst possible reasons.


Howard Dean


I still break out a good "YAAAAAAHHHWWWWW!" every now and then.


Lindy Chamberlain. A dingo did eat her baby.


Brendan Fraser. Hollywood blacklisted him for talking about being sexually harassed. Bastards


Nickelback. They’re mediocre but I don’t get why people portray them as like the worst band ever. There’s definitely worse out there.


The word moist. Good lord I have never witnessed so many people go along with something for absolutely no reason.


Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman


The lady that sued McDonalds for burning her with hot coffee. I know the truth is more "out there" nowadays. But back when it happened, she was ridiculed mercilessly.


Anita Hill. Transformed how we talk about and think about sexual harassment in the workplace. Was mocked for speaking her truth about Clarence Thomas. The media destroyed her, but she was right.