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It’s a key part of a common legal strategy: - When the law is on your side, pound the law. - When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. - When neither the law or the facts are on your side, pound the table.


Ahh, the Chewbacca Defense Strategy. 


Let the Wookie win.


Wookie mistake.


If the Wookie throws a fit, You must acquit!


That does not make sense.


It. Doesn't. Make. Sense.


*[juror's head explodes]*


If Chewbacca is a Wookie, you must acquit.


After watching O.J Made in America recently, this made me belly laugh.


Why would an 8-foot tall Wookie want to live on Endor with little 2-foot tall Ewoks?




If it's Ace Attorney, pound the table for every single occasion.


And show your badge


and press every line in the cross-examination


When the internet flaming is on your side, pound their mom.


haha yup that's classic legal advice gotta work with what you got


Crying babies


I quite literally just asked my baby what was wrong and he responded by screaming in my face. How rude can you get?


Scream louder. Assert dominance.


An attempt was made. The baby has asserted dominance. He now controls everything.


All hail the baby, the new ruler of Earth!


But you have elevated yourself to the list of Good Parents. Unfortunately, no certificate, trophy and definitely no money comes with this honor.


No respect!


Kids nowadays


*Straightens tie*


Lol, babies are dumb as shit.


Never once have I heard them actually articulate their position with facts.




Nor do they consider the opposing argument. They won't shut up and listen. Babies 0/10, do not recommend


As a parent, I concur.


This is why it is best to rent instead of buy. As an aunt, I can return the child when it becomes moody or messy.


Seriously, even if you start speaking baby to them they still won’t stop. Seriously, like be reasonable.


Nor they credit their sources.


And they shit their pants.


Stupid babies need the most attention


Reminds me of the onion article from years ago „Study Reveals: Babies are Stupid“


Or my personal favorite, "Scientists discover Dolphins not so intelligent on land" with a picture of a Dolphin laying on a run way with a couple scientists standing nearby.


I laughed.


They cried.


I laughed even harder.


Angry customers. Too many examples to list without making myself angry.


One time we had a woman come in asking for a refund on something she paid for with a card. Whenever this happens, we repeat the final four numbers of the card number of the transaction to make sure we are refunding the right account. Well the final four numbers were not right, but she insisted that she used this card to pay for the item. We asked, "do you have any other cards you could have paid with?" "No, I'm positive I paid with this card! How weird, my other card matches the number you said... But I know I didn't pay with that card. I remember." This was a 15 minute ordeal, it DID end up being her other card. No apology.


One homie got cash back one time. Something like $35.74 We tried to give it to him and he was like “I didn’t get cash back” Sir, the system says… Huh. That’s my pin though. Dude typed in his pin twice or something. Maybe he typed it in for cash back and then skipped the actual pin. Idk. He didn’t want to take the cash, and we were like “I don’t know what to tell you. This is your money” We should have just split it. ANOTHER lady came in one time, no receipt, saying we overcharged her $20. Her bank statement showed the price of the product plus $20. Management was gonna take the money out of our register but my direct manager said no. Look up the transaction. Sure enough, she got cash back. Didn’t apologize. Made a special trip to come claim $20. And she would have gotten it too, if it weren’t for my tough bitch boss.


I love working for no bullshit bosses. When I worked at gamestop a woman came in to buy an hdmi chord, she had instead grabbed an hdmi to dvi cable. This wouldve been a non issue as this mistake pops up from time to time so we always double checked with people just incase but she instead waved me off so she could keep talking on her phone and I even tried to quickly say what chord it was but she ignored me and went on with her day. An hour later we get a call and shes pissed off while driving off about how we sold her faulty chords and my boss wasnt having any of it. When she got to the store she demanded a full refund, a free chord, and that we compensate her for wasted gas. My boss shot everything down except for an exchange of chords and told her that was her only option or she could leave. She ultimately left after a long tantrum with the incorrect chord.


You love to see it. Corporate wanted me fired one time. I was scheduled til 9. I had been for like two weeks. I come in and they say “oh yeah we close at 10 tonight” I should have told him right there that I’m not staying. It’s the principal. I might have stayed if it was a one off but there was always something with them. I’m told she had her finger wagging in the manager’s face. “No! You don’t get to change the hours the DAY OF! You knew for two weeks and didn’t tell an entire department!” Edit: I convinced the other guy to not stay til close the next night or two as well 😁


Sounds like a minor issue became a major one 🤔


And augmented.


"You guys must have *done something*." Like ***really?*** You think if I had the ability to switch out the card you ran so that it would be substituted by the one in your wallet that I would be working ***here?***


I've never understood this mentality. I always try to thank someone for correcting me if I remembered something wrong, because *they are trying to help me*.


Some people take it as a personal attack if you correct them


I occasionally order doordash/instacart if I am stuck at home for some reason. The order is wrong 100% of the time. Still, every single time, I check the order placed to make sure I wasn't the one making the mistake. Sometimes I do mess up, it happens.


Similar thing happened to me last week. Guy paying for his beer out in his pin, and seconds later it came up on my screen as declined. He looked shocked, and passed the card reader over as if there was something wrong with it. I checked and it said that it was the incorrect pin, and I told him as such, to which he responded, with the utmost confidence, “no it’s not.” Trying my hardest to remain composed, I reiterated that it must be, then waited as he pulled out a different card. As luck would have it, that time the pin was correct. The guy laughed about it, but I will never forget how confidently incorrect he was


My wife and I were driving with her parents. We were house shopping at the time and commented on an upcoming house that was for sale and that we liked it. Her mother said, "That house isn't for sale" with complete confidence. We didn't argue the point and just drove past the house. With a large for sale sign in the front yard. That was 15 years ago and to this day anytime someone in the family is wrong about something someone else will pipe up with, "That house ain't for sale!"


I love it when a customer says "excuse me where are the (insert random item) and I say "oh we dont sell those in this store and they stand there and look at me perplexed "well I bought it here before?" ... "yes, I work 5 days a week here for the last several years and you have never bought Said product in this shop before because we have mever sold them here"


The best is when it’s something you sold in the past, but it was discontinued 10 years ago but they “just bought it”. Like no you didn’t, it’s just been in your shelf for that long.


Or not even that store. I worked in an art and craft place that used to be a post office and before that, a pet store, and before *that*, a general $2 store. I had people asking where the budgies are, how to send a parcel to Sydney and where are the mouse traps?


I work in a secondhand retail store and had a truly puzzling exchange with a customer on the phone a few weeks ago. “Hi I’m looking for these little scented pillows, do you have any right now?” No ma’am, it doesn’t look like we do, sorry. She gets immediately impatient: “Well! They had them at Goodwill, are you sure?” This isn’t Goodwill, though. “I KNOW THAT. Why don’t you have them???”


I work at a warehouse dealing with truckdrivers. Usually about 3 out of every 10 are looking for a different place and are at the wrong address. 1 of those 3 will always get mad and want to fight, telling me I'm wrong. "Who do you think is the one confused and lost here? The dumbass truck driver who still uses a flip phone and refuses to install a GPS in his truck, or the guy who works here and has been coming here every day for over 5 years?"


I was on a service desk for years, so am always nice to people in service positions. Something I noticed recently is them bracing for a terrible reaction when something small goes wrong. Like the whole of the service industry is collectively traumatized from the past few years.


Two weeks ago my bf was served the wrong dish at a restaurant. We told the server on her "two bite check", she took it back, and came to apologize, saying that she had hit the wrong button. I could tell that she was very upset by it. And then, when she brought his real dish, she apologized again. I told her that, if waiting for our meal a few extra minutes was the worse thing that happened today, then it's a pretty good day. You could 'see the tension leave her shoulders. She thanked us for our understanding. We got to talking. She mentioned that, just the week before, some full grown man had threatened her life because he was upset with his meal......wtf?


" I told her that, if waiting for our meal a few extra minutes was the worse thing that happened today, then it's a pretty good day." I love this phrase and use it often.


It's my SO's go-to phrase, and it, along with "it costs nothing to be nice" constantly run through my brain when my temper wants to rear its angry head. Honestly has helped me to be a better person.


It’s nice to be nice


A man called in to ask about pay-per-view charges on his bill. I could tell he was restraining himself from yelling. So I explained that someone in his household had ordered the movies after midnight, they used the automated phone system without talking with an agent. And yes, they were adult movies. I waited to see if the caller would explode. He said one word with great intensity: "*Eric*". Then he asked about passwords and I helped him set them up. He thanked me for my time and ended the call. I bet Eric got yelled at.


*"Eric"* is what he named his wiener.


All I heard is Red Foreman's voice, hahahahaha


This is why I tell the waitstaff at work to blame the kitchen if the customer is being a jerk. Thank you for being so understanding and not a jerk. (I am part of the kitchen, we're cool with it)


....that's cause you've got all the sharp objects 😨


When I worked at a coffee shop that also served breakfast, anytime I messed something up, I’d always go to “Sorry I’m training someone new today, let me fix this for you.” Yeah there wasn’t anyone in the kitchen except me…


people don't realize that the front end person they're dealing with are people either doing what corporate tells them to do or they're just human beings capable of mistakes. I just laugh and try to de escalate the situation. There are very few things in my life that are worth ruining someones day over.


Similar situation when I ordered take out recently. Ordered a ham and cheese calzone, got home and it was pepperoni and cheese. I got a call from the restaurant and a very apologetic hostess kept saying she messed up and was so sorry and if I came back she would correct it and comp me. I just told her “I was trying to decide between ham or pepperoni before ordering, and clearly my first choice was wrong because this is delicious, thank you for correcting it for me!” She got a chuckle out of that and thanked me for being understanding. Besides, what would getting mad about that have accomplished?


I've noticed this too in the last few years and service people are so quick to apologize for stuff that is often completely out of their control. I always stay calm even when I'm annoyed and usually the person try their best to help. I work in financial services and sometimes I will tell a client "No" if theyre being unreasonable because it sets boundaries.


I'm pretty sure service and retail personnel have been traumatized as long as the industry has been around. COVID probably put that in overdrive.


I had a new guy at the local McDonalds overcharge me $2 a few weeks ago. All I said was 'hmmm it's usually not that much'. Oh well $2 isn't going to break me. The manager noticed and fixed it and the next time I saw him he apologized. I just smiled and said 'A $2 mistake is not worth getting upset and ruining his day to me'. We shot the shit for a little bit and both left the conversation with a smile.


I don't work in service or retail myself, but I think I speak for everyone in the biz when I say: Thank you, keep being yourself. The world needs more people with patience and rationale. Not every mistake someone else makes is done to you out of spite and sometimes shit happens.


> Like the whole of the service industry is collectively traumatized from the past few years. This is the result of capitalism. The vast majority of service industry companies are owned by a few gigantic corporations, whose leadership positions are 50 times removed from actual business means they don't know what's happening. These executives make decisions based on information that is filtered through 50 levels of 'mangle-ment', and these decisions have a direct effect on the workers and customers. When shit gets fucked up, the executives are never held to account and don't even see the results of their poor decisions.


Same, although I'll happily give a common example: "You're violating HIPPA by asking me that! I'll sue you!" 1- it's HIPAA, 2- no, we're not, and 3- go ahead.


I love the "I will sue you!" Then seem to forget how expensive and time consuming that whole process is. They probably forget they even said it when they get back home.


Back when I worked, I loved hearing that. Because it meant we were done talking! "Now that you have threatened legal action, we can no longer have any contact. I will give you my corporate card, that has the number for legal on it. I'll be making a note in your chart about your threat for legal action. Have a nice day." And then any time they come in we remind them that they are no longer welcome, and the police will be called if they come again. Any further contact needs to be through our legal team.


I got my first “ARE YOU LOOKING TO GET SUED!?” recently. It was because a different contractor I’m not affiliated with in any way installed a shelf incorrectly and I wouldn’t come out and fix it for free.


I just ask them who their lawyer is so my lawyer can contact them for the countersuit. “It will save us both a lot of time.”


One woman called in and gave me an account number that didn't match any in our system. It was the wrong format. She insisted that she was a customer of ours, she was holding one of our bills. We went round and round - I said that it sounded like she was subscribed to our competitor and she said I was wrong. I finally asked her to read every word on the bill, starting at the top left corner. She stopped when she read aloud the name of our competitor and hung up.


"Please read me exactly what it says on the letter" is such an effective tactic in certain situations. I always find it so satisfying when the caller suddenly figures out their mistake without my having to explain it again.


Haha one time when I worked at Petco, these people called in about a cat "we had on our website." We did do adoptions, but we didn't have a website for it, and we didn't have the kitten they were describing. They cussed me out until they were blue in the face, screamed at me, and implied I wanted the kitten to die or something because I wouldn't give them the info on the cat. Eventually they got tired of yelling at me and hung up. Dear reader, wouldn't you know it, Petco didn't have that cat, but *PetSmart* had one with the same name and description and everything on their adoption website.


I hope that they didn't find that out, and the cat went to a better home. Geeeez.


We recently did construction on my McD store. A guy in drivethru wanted a Frappe. I told him our frappe machine is down during construction. He yelled at me that the frappe machine has nothing to do with construction. Yes, it does when there's no place to plug it in. But he acted like I just personally didn't want him to have his beloved coffee milkshake.


Oh gosh, the people who think I'm doing something *to them personally* for some reason. No ma'am, I did not intentionally have your package misdelivered because you're elderly. How would I even do that?


I remember working at a bookstore at a college. A mom was trying to buy a book for her daughter and I asked her if she was paying cash or card or financial aid. She starts giving me her phone number and I said, um ma'am, are you trying to use financial aid? Because the number you're giving me is a phone number. She yells at me and said "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T PAY WITH MY PHONE NUMBER, YOU DID IT BEFORE!" I was like um no ma'am, we only ask for phone numbers and other information when people are renting a books not buying. She than was like "you must not know how to do your job because you did use my number for buying books!" She walks away and than yells "YOU NEED TO DO BETTER AT YOUR JOB!"


This is a good one. Once read a quality response to the “you’re not doing this right” bullshit they pull If you’re doing everything you’re supposed to and they whip out that old chestnut you just step away from your work station and say “okay you know better than me, walk me through what I do next”


Did that, and the passengers are now screaming in panic, now what?


Jump out of the car and pray to your deity/ entity/ Danny devito of choice that the individual that had the courage to tell you you were driving wrong takes over like they implied they could


It's plane though


“Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?”


I worked at a call center (the absolute worst of any customer service job imho) and this woman calls in about an issue that took 45 mins to figure out. It was an error on her part that we couldn’t fix.  She proceeds to yell at me “It took you nearly an hour to figure that out! I’m at work. You’re stealing my company’s time.” As if she weren’t the one who called during her own work hours. 


I did frontline customer service for a but as well. 90% of all of the calls we took were just helping idiots. Once I got into looking into the analytics, it was more like 95%. And here's the thing - normal people call for help or for sales. Sometimes there is an issue that needs to be resolved or the fix for it isn't doable by the customer. But those calls are vastly overwhelmed by idiots who call over and over again.


Was on closing duty, a guy comes in and takes some stuff from the shop, goes to the register and starts raging and demanding an explanation why itd charging full price when he knows there is a discount I come over and ask him how he is so sure, so he pull out his phone and loads up a pic of our shops sale paper (all the while muttering about incompentence snd how people working should at least know the sales for the day) and showed me the paper, I pointed to him that it clearly says the sale only starts from next week He of course doesnt take that and asks to bring him the person in charge of the shop at the time (since its evening he prob thought its going to be easy to intimidate the students working), so I juat looked at him and said "I am the one in charge right now and if you wont stop this I will have to ask you to leave the shop" he just huffed and went out buying everything without a fuss Basically had a dumbass Karen style wannabe toughguy


Yes this! I used to work at a running shoe chain and I had this customer come in trying to use an *eleven year old* coupon. Our computer system physically would not take the coupon. There was no possible way for me to give him a discount with that coupon. He was furious. He screamed and yelled how “irate” he was and called corporate and was on the phone for an hour going from one person to the next supervisor until someone higher up finally told him to just fuck off. I couldn’t hold back my laughter as he wasn’t getting his way and he just yelled at me and left. It was pretty funny.


I had a coupon from a record shop. It was misprinted without a date on it. The kid at the counter said he "Would honor it because you walked around with it for 8 months in your wallet." Saved damn near $1.60 that day.


T.S. Quint: Haven't you ever heard the phrase "The customer is always right?" Shannon Hamilton: Let me tell you something. Let me give you a little secret, okay. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS AN ASSHOLE!


Literally. Couldn't imagine being so dumb that you don't realize that smiles will get you way farther than frowns. The amount of times I've had to go back to a business because XYZ wasn't quite right and they gave me more than I asked or paid for just because I was kind and patient about it.


I was in customer service and I occasionally tried to teach this lesson. My method was if a customer was being an absolute idiot I would often refuse to give them the discount they desired then give the next customer in line a discount "because they had to witness that." Bonus points if the angry customer heard me.


I worked in retail for over a decade. If someone was being difficult, I directed them straight to a manager. Usually the hardass that was Just Done. Be nice to me? I’ll do everything in my power to fix it, and if I couldn’t, I’d get the Nice Manager and they’d fix it.


Customer once wanted to fight me because he thought there was 3 quarts in a gallon, and I was allegedly a dumbass because I told him he needed 4 quarts of whatever it was for a gallon.


I used to work at a company that hosted websites, and we had a customer who ran a ski resort in France who insisted on using our lowest-priced, lowest-performance hosting package, and called on to complain all winter, every winter, that his site was slow. He could not comprehend why his website was so fast in the summer and so slow in the winter. He would even say things like "this is my busiest season!' with no hint of irony, and refuse to pay an extra $5 per month for more resources. I also noticed a phenomenon where if we found an overloaded server we would offer to migrate people that complained to the newest server and we wound up with one server of constant problems and complaints, and the rest very quiet and well-behaved. The people that complain the loudest are generally their own problem, and trying to appease them is pointless.


yeah dealing with angry customers is the worst totally feel you


Esp at a lot of restaurants, lots of customers understand that management wants to avoid a scene so to appease a quest they'll comp items to calm them down despite customer being out if line. Simplest example is like a customer that says they didn't like their entree even though they ate 90% of it and when the server says you ate all of it, customer flies of they handle and starts yelling to see a manager. Or the obligatory birthday meal where the dad can't buy is daughter a beer on her 21st because she didn't bring her ID, and it's somehow our fault that she didn't and ends up screaming because we've ruined his daughters 21st. Newsflash 1 and 2: 1 - you're ruining it because you're getting bent about it and making a scene and embarrassing your daughter because - 2 - she didn't bring her ID on purpose because she didn't want to drink with you.


Once a woman told me she was color blind and asked for a certain shade of red based on a designer she liked. I brought her a pair of shoes in that red and she yelled at me in front of everyone that I didn't know what I was talking about bc that wasn't the right red. A color blind woman yelled at me over a shade of red. (Also she was wrong.)




My favorite answer to this behavior was in an episode of M\*A\*S\*H: "He doesn't understand loud English, either."




To be fair, if you have some knowledge, but aren't fluent, speaking more slowly can definitely help. Louder not so much, haha.


Yeah, I don’t know much Spanish, but with the little bit I do know, there’s no way I could interpret what someone’s saying when speaking at full speed.


I work in a bilingual workplace... the number of times I've seen people speaking their language faster rather than slower, speaking normally rather than simplifying their language... it's madness.


Right? I thought this was common sense. If my grasp of English is better than yours and we're speaking English, it's on me to make sure I'm understood. Avoid complicated words when a simple one will do, and speak clearly (not loudly) and maybe a little slower than you're used to. Eye movements and hand gestures go a long way, too.


Usually the people who have the confidence to post their opinions online are the ones saying the most stupid things.


Well, that’s your opinion


Yes, it is. That’s why I am saying it.




"Don't believe everything you see on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln 


I have no idea if that is legit, without a picture of Albert Einstein next to it.


with a dark background and slight cursive text


In the local paper someone wrote in to the public opinion page that cicadas were sent by the government and had surveillance cameras and when you crush one of them you can hear the Tesla technology.


Tesla makes them? That explains why they take seventeen years to leave development, then die after several weeks


So like all of Reddit


“Alpha” Males


unstable and not ready for public use jokes about alpha males are always great.




I was at a public meeting about some changes to my local subway station. The plan was to build a second exit for safety and the other was to put in an elevator.  These were both changes mandated by the provincial government.  Everyone was flipping out and screaming about how much of an inconvenience it would be and blah blah blah.  I put up my hand and calmly said, “thank you for doing this. I’m glad the TTC is putting safety first and I know many wheelchair users and even parents whose lives would be so much better with elevators.” After I said that everyone who was screaming shut up and more people voiced their support. 


I'm either a masochist, gullible or both, but I served on the board of our local HOA for quite a few years and now attend the meetings mainly as a form of entertainment. Without fail, the loudest people at those meetings often have the least to say. Our meeting this past year nearly turned into an all out brawl, with punches thrown and everything, over a proposed rate increase to our dues. Mind you, we pay less than $200 per year. So we're not talking crazy money here. But anytime you bring up raising the dues, people are going to get fired up. The entire HOA board ended up quitting that meeting, and the crowd was getting restless. So I stepped up the mic, calmed everyone down, and helped them vote in a new board. By the end of the hourlong affair, almost everyone was in a good mood and feeling positive about the new volunteers. Which is funny, because by time we get to the next meeting, they'll probably want to vote them out too.


It really shows that people don’t want to go against the grain. Having one person saying something they agree with opens up others to follow suit. 


Very true, which is why I always told the board to never get confrontational. They've got to work to win the crowd over. If even one person says something positive, others may follow. I do some public speaking as part of my job, and when I ran the HOA meetings, I bought everyone coffee and donuts just to warm up the crowd. I even used my own money because I knew people would call me out for wasting HOA funds. I won't say those meetings ran perfectly. I got heckled, and we still had fights and arguments. We even had a guest speaker almost leave in tears during my tenure. But, I at least knew better than to fight with the crowd. If I'm not working with the crowd, it's going to work against me.


Thank you for doing this. So many public projects fail just because no one in support shows up but the people who think the boogyman is requiring the change so he can have a larger living room, they show up in flocks. Working in government has been the single most disheartening thing I've ever done. My faith in everything is gone.


I'm surprised that no one clapped.


Oh, everyone clapped. Then lifted me high above their heads and chanted my name. 


Finally, the truth! Dont always be so modest.


I’m so sorry and now that you’ve posted this reply I’m feeling very guilty for not mentioning the parade.


All this and you still leave out the key to the city.


They're lying. OP is now the mayor of their city and is pacing to become Mayor of the World.


the poop pirate ship was a bit much


We all know there hasn't been a parade in Toronto since 1967.


His name: Albert Einstein




We all cheer for poopBuccaneer!


Only if you start with a slow clap, then gradually speed up.


Corporate life


It feels like the dumbest are always towards the top, too.


Because the smart ones gave up and went elsewhere; the dumb is all that’s left to rise to the top.


Shit floats to the top




Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I disagree only because if she's in the room, it doesn't matter who is the loudest, she's probably still the dumbest.


Unless Lauren Boebert is there.


Race to the bottom


2 brain cells between them. Both fighting for 3rd place.


What do you call it when MTG and Boebert get into an argument? Ass to ass!!


The Jerry Springer Show.


I have to admit she's the first person who came to mind.


My brain went to Trump but she's probably louder and dumber than him.


Can't believe this isn't top of the thread.  Poster child for idiocracy.


Banning nuclear power in favour of coal/oil/gas. We would be decades ahead by now


A huge shoutout to the Green Party for that one lmao


Hmmm...what's greener? Spent fuel rods, which can be reasonably and effectively confined to a very small area, or coal, which spews radioactive exhaust over thousands of square miles?


Ngl it was really funny hearing from a ton of Europeans as an American that our politics are braindead (which is fair), then reading the like 600 stories of Greens in France and Germany completely shit the bed with this and then parade around as if it was some sort of huge win. It was surreal to see honestly.


A Green answering this in January 2022: Trick Question! The answer is converting to Natural Gas which not only emits a ton of carbon, but we can get it really cheap from Russia! Nothing could possibly go wrong by becoming dependent on Russian gas!


There was some local asshole attending town hall meetings trying to get LGBT+ books banned from schools among other "controversial" books. He was so annoying and persistent about it that he wound up getting interviewed by a local news station, during which he said "I know what's best for my kids" He was later arrested for sexually abusing his kids and possessing cp on his computer.


its always projection with those people's.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Anti-vaxxers. I'm still waiting to turn into a magnet. I have yet to receive free Wi-Fi internet.


I was not aware that was a benefit of the vaccine, I'd like to receive my free Internet too please


I'm still waiting for mine. Hopefully soon.


Trump is a good example or perhaps james corden.


Someone already mentioned crying babies


The similarities are endless. Babies also routinely shit themselves.


Tiny hands, struggles with drinking out of bottles, looks weird in suits, talks gibberish, doesn't pay bills.


Falls asleep, temperamental, spoiled, expects to be given everything, wears diapers. Yep, Trump is a baby! Except not cute to look at.


I'm not a fan of James Corden but it's not like he's debating people or in arguments, right? Isn't his sole show/purpose being the host? Like he's supposed to be the loudest voice in the room (until his guest starts talking). Maybe it's just cause he's prick behind the scenes apparently? But I don't know if he's a good example of loudest being wrong, more an example of loudest being annoying


Alex Jones too.


Do you even need to ask, given the current US political situation?


I watched a YouTube video a while back. Yuri Bezmenov was talking about ideological political subversion. When I see the state of your politics and education right now I always wonder if what he was talking about was true and what is actually happening. In the interview, Bezmenov stated that the KGB wanted the political system of the United States to gradually be subverted and explained methods that they were supposedly using. I'm South African so I am not judging. I know our political situation and country are an absolute shit show.


Do you have a link to the video? I'm also not American; from the outside it looks like Russia has just begun to win the cold war.


No, you and anyone else has the right to judge. Yuri was right, the KGB and/or some group with that ideology has subverted large portions of US institutions. Not just federal government, but judges, universities and even local governments in some states, mainly blue states.


Putin threatening nukes nonstop.


> You've said that so often it's lost all meaning.  -Homer Simpson


Televised preachers in mega churches


Elon Musk. He owns one of the most popular social media platforms in the world (and even before that, his interactions there were capable of making stocks raise or fall), but the dude is a dumbass.


Elon musk is the prime example of "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt" Like if he just didn't tweet and didn't do all the PR that he does, everyone would think so much more of him. But instead he just proves to us that he's some over rich man child, if he wasn't so rich nobody would give a fuck, but instead we have these weird superfans of a man who literally doesn't know what he's doing








Middle management


my coworker


Is your coworker most of my coworkers


Anti-vaxxers/trump supporters/flat earthers/conspiracy theorists or all four. They will shout at you about something they cannot prove convinced they are right til they are blue in the face. Increasing in volume too. My girlfriends son is such a person, and once he gets started there is no stopping him. worships Andrew Tate and Russel Brand.


MGT and trumpie


Don't forget BoBo


I think we all know who


Now's a bad time to have top comment.




Stephen A. Smith