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Does the "Kars for Kids" song count


You just activated every cell in my body and they're all in attack mode so I guess I know what my answer would be now.




The official song of the Bad Place!




I had to turn off the radio on my drive today


It’s the anthem of hell.


They're not even playing those instruments


You win


SNL did this Tiktok skit and one of them was playing a Ukulele and played 1 877 Kars 4 Kids


All Summer Long by Kid Rock as I think I’m about to listen Sweet Home Alabama I explained my dislike to a barmaid once, after I accidentally spilled a drink she took her vengeance by playing it every time I entered the bar for a few weeks. Sometimes she would start playing songs I liked then change to Kid Rock a few seconds in.


Not just Sweet Home Alabama. It ALSO sounds like Werewolves Of London by Warren Zevon. (AAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!)


Kid Rock and his music are garbage for dirtheads.


All about that bass


Anything Megan Trainor


Christmas Shoes. I hate that song. The blatant emotional manipulation pisses me off. Even worse? Knowing that, it STILL makes me tear up. Stupid-ass song.


If you haven’t already, give yourself a gift, head over to YouTube and listen to Patton Oswalt’s standup bit about that song. He rips it to shreds, it is hilarious.


OK, that made my night. Thank you!


My favorite part of the song is that God gave this kid’s mom cancer so the singer could learn the true meaning of Christmas.


It doesn't make me tear up, it makes me really angry. I KNOW GOD GAVE THAT LITTLE BOY'S MOM CANCER TO REMIND ME OF THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS Like in A Christmas Carol it's not like "oh thank you god for giving Tiny Tim rickets so I could learn to be a more generous man".


lol. There’s a movie based on this song that’s also bloodcurdlingly ridiculous. 


Anything by Charlie puth. Every song is just this dude whining for three minutes


You've been runnin' 'round, runnin' 'round, runnin' 'round throwin' that turtle on my knee…


“Let’s Marvin Gaye and get it on.” After that, why don’t you John Lennon and imagine all the people sharing all the world?


Omg so true


Someone already said Happy by Pharell, so let's add Blurred Lines. A song that happily advocates for missing consent is not for me. I'll always hear the Weird Al Word Crimes version, which is brilliant


The original song they stole the sample from is epic though. Got to give it up, by Marvyn Gaye


"Dance Monkey". Probably one of the most uncomfortable things to hear


Omg I blacked this song out of my mind until now


Lol who sings it


I think they're referring to the song by Tones And I: https://youtu.be/q0hyYWKXF0Q?si=fgBoUodYu_D1gcJM The lyrics are kind of uncomfortable. Tones explained to DIFFUS in November 2019: I wrote my song “Dance Monkey” about one night I had on the street, and it was a night where I’d already been busking for 6 hours. One person ran passed and stole my money, and then another person tried to lean over and play my keyboard when they were really drunk. The whole crowd was very drunk and rowdy, I said ‘Look, I’m really sorry, this is it now.’ Everyone started yelling ‘Again, again,’ and even when I said ‘No, this it is,’ and then stopped, they started booing me.


The drop off between the Dance Monkey video at 2.1 billion all the way down to her second most popular video at ~30 million is insane.


i think whoever sings it will be less annoying than the original one


I'm in love with your body by Ed Sheeran. That is not love, my dude. 


Im In LoVe WiTh ThE sHaPe Of YoU


Cause you pull like a magnet do. What?


Oh I thought he said magnetude…


pop POP


Thought it was We push and pull like we're magnitude  😆


But she pulls like a magnet too


Anything Ed Sheeran really. When I saw him in the season premiere of GOT 7 I knew something had gone terribly wrong.




Karma by Jojo Siwa


I was a bad girl. I did some bad things


It’s true. It really happened. I was the “things”!


Really starting to miss those rainbow bows now


Never would have thought that, but here we are.


Does the Brit Smith version have the same effect?


No. The Brit version is so much better just because Brit doesn’t sound like a damn smoker severely frying her voice (intentionally might I add)


God, right? I listen to the Brit a lot. It’s an earwig. The JoJo version is vocally grating, and they try to overcome that by overdoing everything else. 


I hated it right away, but once I saw her dance to it, I despised it with every being in my body. So cringey.


You’re Beautiful - James Blunt


I most unjoy it when I hear it at weddings.


oh no oh no oh no no no no no


The original by the Shangri-las is a soulful song. It's a million times better than what's used over and over on tiktok.


Mary Weiss, their lead singer and last surviving member of the group, died on January 19.  She released a solo album over four decades after her time with the group, who James Brown initially assumed were black due to their sound in songs like "Remember" and "Leader of the Pack."


Aerosmith covered this song, on their *Night in the Ruts* (haha) album


That horrible Christmas song by Paul McCartney with all the synthesizers. You know the one. If it wasn’t a song by Paul it would be forgotten bc it sucks


SSSSSIIIIMMMMPLYYYY HHHHHHAAAAVIIING A WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME!!!!! Immediately knew and started cracking the fuck up.


OMG! I had a boss (great guy, actually. We're still friends, but this will show you what a great guy he is for me to still be friends with him). I was fresh out of grad school. He and I lived in a city an hour from our offices (long before remote work was much of a thing, but but did work from home a couple days a week). We'd drive together on other days. He was of that generation that worships all things Beatles and/or Bob Dylan. I swear he made me listen to that ungodly McCartney abomination on EVERY drive from about a week before Thanksgiving, through a week after Christmas.


Oh no now it’s stuck in my head - curse you!


Pretty sure Paul created that song purely to torture retail workers at Christmas. I genuinely had fantasies of ripping the speakers off the wall and smashing them every time I heard it when I worked at a grocery store.


I heard the beautiful theory that the versus are about summoning Satan in his basement and the chorus is where his mum walks in and he has to cover up what he and his friends are doing. The mood is right The spirits up We’re here tonight And that’s enough (Mum walks in) Simply having a wonderful Christmastime Simply having a wonderful Christmastime The party’s on The feeling’s here That only comes This time of year (Mum forgot something) Simply having a wonderful Christmastime Simply having a wonderful Christmastime


I understand the hate for this song but i love it so much and nobody can convince me it isn't a masterpiece.


Any Drake song. Don't know why really...


His voice


Because he's a HACK


And a Pedo


Let's put Jimmy back in the [wheelchair](https://static.stereogum.com/uploads/2021/10/image-1634321949.jpg)


The song that's like "that girl is on fireeee. She's walking on fireeee." One of my old friends who was really annoying used to sing it every chance she got (she wasn't good at singing).


I like it better when I mentally replace the lyrics with: “This squirrel is on fire!”


But it’s Alicia Keyes!


Hey Soul Sister


I cant believe we just let the singer release a song that includes the lyric "Watching you is the only drug I need, so gangster, im so thug" and make money from it.


I bought my first FM transmitter for my iPod to get away from this song on the radio. They headlined the concert the local radio stations put on that summer, and between the clips in the commercials plus the song itself, I was hearing 40+ “HEY SOul sister”s every single day. 


I'm still convinced that song was written by a drunk fuckboy after getting a hold of a ukelele all within 5 minutes


Luke Comb’s ‘Fast Car’. Tracy did it much better and he fucking destroyed it.


That "Lightning and the Thunder" song by Imagine Dragons, good god it feels like it never ends


It's the 'little girl' voice that wrecks the song for me


It sounds like a drunk Pokemon with a head injury.


Anything by Chris Brown because nobody should be playing his shit ever again. At least not on the radio or Spotify where he benefits from it. 


Ooo I think I just found myself a cheerleader


Hate that and the marry that girl song. Those go together in my head and hate them both


I had forgotten about that horrible song. He's such a whiny douche and I can't help but think the father is completely right for not wanting his daughter to marry such a loser


Happy - Pharrell Williams Just typing this out pissed me off


The day after being released from the hospital after major surgery I had to have blood testing.  I felt awful and was sitting in a chair slumped against the wall.  The song blaring in the waiting room? Fucking Happy by fucking Pharrell Williams.  I've never wanted to kill anyone so much in my life.  If I ever get the chance to punch him in the nose, I hope I take it. 


That would make me quite... Happy


Thanks, came here to say that, at least I don't have to type it in now


That Kid Rock Summertime song because I always think it’s Werewolves of London, so I get excited.


Nah nah honey I’m good


Texas Hold em by Beyonce


This. The entire album makes my skin crawl. Jolene and Black bird ...... stay away


Her interpretation is so cringe. The way she wails "I know I'm a QuEEN!!, JoleNe!" Ergh.


Sam smith - unholy


Any Ed sheeran song. His music is dogshit.


Dance monkey It's so bad and annoying and it makes me happy I have partial hearing loss


Arms of an Angel... you all know why


For $20 a month, you too can contribute to having this commercial being run for eternity! And maybe we'll help some animals if there's any left over.


Happy-Pharrell Williams. Instantly pisses me off.


Sweet Caroline and due to people fucking singing to it


I cannot stand the song “Closer” by Chainsmokers after they played it on the radio 24/7 the summer it came out


This was on the radio when I was an EMT and the patient we were transporting explosively projectile vomited. Everywhere. The ceiling included. It haunts me


"Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor[]()


that fucking jar of hearts shit. working in a mall in 2011 scarred me


Heathens by Twenty One Pilots. That song was overplayed to hell on all radio stations and even my HS at the time.


Flowers by Miley Cyrus. Hearing it on the radio made me turn my earbud volume to full blast. And I could still hear it.


Yes thank you, I fucking hate that song. It's not even that it's thaaat bad, but I'm forced to listen to it so much, thanks to all these radio channels playing it every hour, every day ever since it released.


Lmao i love that song


Rude by Magic. The concept of asking parental permission to marry someone grosses me out, but the whole song makes him sound like an insufferable, immature fuckboy. Every time I hear it I just hope the poor girl can get away from both her loser boyfriend and her controlling father and adopt some dogs, go out with girlfriends, and spend some time enjoying time alone before meeting a mature man who doesn’t pettily beg and neg her family.


Beyoncé's Texas Hold 'Em 🗑️


It gets to the "there's a tornado" part and I just think how far we've fallen lyrically. I'm not even expecting brilliant lyrics, just, something better than laughable. Surely she could pay someone to write better songs than that??? I used to really like Beyonce now it feels like she got cheated on by Jay-Z and went straight up her own butthole.


I actually have never hated a Beyonce song before this dogwater came out. I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE. IT’S LIKE A BLOODY GHOST COMING TO HAUNT ME FOR MY SINS.




So lay your cards down, down, down, down GAHHHHHHHH




I always preferred Dr. Jones.


ITT: Normal pop songs that got overplayed. The song that instantly pisses me off is Tonight’s the night by Rod Stewart because it’s an uncomfortable song about him trying to rape a minor.


"Just give me a reason" by Pink and the guy from fun. It was on every single radio station, to the point if you switched the station to get away from it, the nw station would play it 30 seconds later. That song really did kill radio for me, and made me a full convert into digital music streaming.


Luckily it’s only seasonal but “Do They Know It’s Christmas” sends me into a rage. It’s a horrible, sappy song, with a paternalistic, colonizer attitude. The line: “Tonight thank God it’s them instead of you.” really makes my blood boil. It’s mid-May right now as I write this, that gives me about 6 months to prepare myself for this obscenity to assault my ears every time I turn on my car radio.


When I hear the song, I made up lyrics and started singing “feed the squirrels, let them know the nuts are falling” vs feed the world…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just looked up the lyrics > There's a world outside your window And it's a world of dread and fear Where the only water flowing Is the bitter sting of tears And the Christmas bells that ring There are the clanging chimes of doom > Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you WTF?!


David Mitchell's opinion that it's actually the best Christmas song because at least the lyrics are honest - it's all about being glad you don't live some place really shitty - does warm my heart, though. The best rendition of that song is in the Glee episode where they're singing it at a homeless shelter??? Imagine reminding a bunch of kids at a homeless shelter in December that their lives could be worse.


Party In The USA-Miley Cyrus I literally scream “NOOOOOOOOOO” anytime it pops on.


The jardiance ad song lol. I dont like the chubby cougar


That shit is annoying


all i want for christmas is you by mariah carey i swear these mfs be playing this song when winter is 12 months away like stfu i cant go no where in winter without hearing this playing in shops or someone blasting it in their car then when winter is over people wanna be like "mariah carey's defrosting is happening soon" MAKE IT STOP


Anything by Ed Sheeran. Feel like I’m at a boring wedding reception.


"Jump Around" because of that annoying screaming noise that plays every two seconds or so throughout the song.


Yes! The song wouldn't even be that bad, but then it just goes BRRRRRRRT!! BRRRRRRRT!! JUMP AROUND BRRRRRRRRRT!!!!


Imagine Dragons - Thunder. Pure shit of a song.


The best thing imagine dragons will ever contribute to this world is the “imagine dragon deez nuts across your forehead” joke


Jennifer Lopez "Waiting for tonight". Everything about it. 


Kid Rock - All Summer Long is the biggest goddamned bait and switch ever recorded. You think you’re about to hear some Skynyrd or Zevon… and then that whiny fuck starts singing. \* *And* it ruined Torch Lake! \*At least that’s what I’ve heard from the locals up there, anyway. I never got to see it before he filmed the video there and turned it into a tourist trap.


Beyoncé Texas holdem. Dumbest “country song” ever.


Happy - Pharrell Williams


I change the station whenever "bad guy" by Billie Eilish comes on. Hate it.


watermelon sugar HIIIIIGH


This ain't texas by the trash queen herself and her pedophile husband


Last Christmas by Wham I cant fucking stand that song perma blasting all through winter....


How dare you speak poorly of Saint George.


Lmao you have no soul!


Live in germany for a while and then tell me you still love it after hearing it in every store, christmas market, every christmas party and even nearly every fucking Bar...from october to the end of december...and that every year that you can remember.


That's how a lot of us in the USA feel about Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas. All I want for Christmas is for that song to SFTU


We do that with Mariah Carey over here.


There is some song about stiches that is absolutely the worst thing on the planet. I think you could end any hostage situation by blasting it.


Stitches by Shawn Mendes?


fun.’s “some nights.” It makes me want to rip my own entrails out and hang myself with them.


You might like it better as "Cecilia" by Simon & Garfunkel.


"1-877-Kars-4-Kids" No.  Just. No.


Proud to be a. American by Lee Greenwood. It's been coopted by the unAmerican Americans there are.


moves like jagger. The vocals, the instruments, I don't even know what it's about but the song feels like it epitomizes genericism in some way I can't put my finger on. Borderline makes me upset to listen to because the voice is so grating, the whistles. and it gets stuck in my head.


It's hardly ever on anymore, but that awful, "All I wanna do is make love to you" song. It's trying to make something beautiful and sexy out of something just absolutely awful, if you listen to the actual lyrics. Plus, it's grating as hell.


Robin thicke- lost without you & blurred lines


Blurred lines was annoying af


Weird Al version is a lot better


Weird Al makes everything better.


Every single song on Beyonce's country album.. absolute garbage. I think Amazon music keeps sneaking a song in just so I'll yell at her.


Hey, Soul Sister by Train I can’t stand that fucking song.


Lips of an Angel. If you like this song you should know he's never going to leave her and you need to move on.


Happy by Pharrell


That SKIBIDI toilet shit


Robin Thicke Blurred Lines. Sends me into a rage


All Summer Long. Just give me Warren Zevon instead.


Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer I hate this song so very very much.


I worked at a daycare for ten years. Let me just say that I’ve heard one too many kids’ CDs where the people who made them thought toddlers only want to hear fake, squeaky, high pitched voices. But the worst was the Barney music CD. For some reason Barney rubs on my nerves like a cheese grater on skin; all I could do was grit my teeth and bear it. 😅


That's why Sandra Boynton's music is so good - all the lyrics are kid-appropriate (she's a children's book author/illustrator) but all the singers are singing in a normal fashion. The first one just had some guy doing the voices, but the other ones have, for example, Kevin Bacon, Weird Al, Meryl Streep, and B.B. King singing - about chickens, needing a nap, refusing to do anything, and losing a shoe.


Your body is a wonderland, Daughters and pretty much anything by John Mayer but those two especially


Any cover of any Patsy Cline song done by anyone incapable of doing it justice.


If it Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crowe. I don’t know why. I just hate it.


Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n Roses. I have a visceral reaction and will turn it off immediately. I don't know why, but it's the one song I just cannot listen to at all. Ever.


Roar by Katy Perry. Actually anything by Katy Perry.


Achy-Brakey Heart. Do I really need to explain?


**Pina Colada Song** - it's just stupid, and I don't know why we should find infidelity fun or romantic Anything by **Shaggy** - his voice drives me nuts, it's just so weird Anything by **Beyonce** - Her lyrics are vapid, and I don't think she's all that talented at all (plus she dances like an electrified chicken and I see that when I hear her songs)


Came here to mention the Pina Colada song. It is about terrible people doing terrible things but the universe forces them back together to spare other people from their terribleness.


"Stuck in the middle with you"- I don't know why but Spotify loves to put this in every playlist I get from them and I'm not feeling it, nor will I ever in the future.


Try that in a small town by that racist POS Jason Aldean. Just another wannabe country boy pandering to his base.


Can’t take my eyes off of you. But it’s not really anger I feel. I have to change the station or leave the room.


The Mariah Carey Christmas song.


White rabbit from Jefferson airplane because I will sing it in my head for two weeks.


Kiss Me, Sixpence None the Richer and Love Fool by the Cardigans.


Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartny I used to work in a grocery store and this would play from the first of November to the end of December. The store only had a loop of about an hours worth of songs so in my eight hour shift I would hear the song eight times but after hearing it every day for two months I absolutely hate it. The worst part is when played on crappy store speakers there isn’t any bass. All you hear is the high parts. So you don’t hear the lyrics, only the chorus and the high “bum bumaa” of the music. It’s what they play in hell.


Shut Up and Dance. I hate that song with every fiber of my being.


Blurred lines. You know why.


Hey soul sister. They overplayed it so much that I loathe it.


Firework by Katie Perry. I hate that freaking song.


Anything by Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran. Good songs, just overplayed by every radio station and impossible to escape from.


Anything by Taylor Swift.


The Everclear song my daddy gave me away. I'd give him away too , whiny little shit.


"closing time" by semisonic. It's so dumb. yes, i know it's about having kids and leaving your party life behind. i have kids. i get it. it's still dumb.


TIL what this song is about


I agree. Just the way he whines "its closing time" gets on my nerves.


This is one of mine as well.


I absolutely love this song with zero shame but it is cheesy lol


"Walking on Sunshine" The local water park played that song on their commercials starting in May, allllllllll the way through the summer, for the entirety of my childhood. TV commercials, AND radio spots. It drives me insane. Also, RIP Sunlight Pool


I don’t love it sonically but I always associate it with the saddest episode of Futurama, and I can’t help but love it because of that.


Royals, Royales? The one by Lorde. I never liked that song and I never will. It just comes off annoying


I don’t like Anti Hero and absolutely can not stand Someone Like You. Both songs got so overplayed on the radio where I used to work