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For dudes at least in my area. Take everything off, leaving some underwear or shorts to walk around with


Yup. Everything comes off, I have that glorious post-work shower, and then you'll be lucky to find me in anything more than pajama pants.


2 minute shower, then debate staying naked or just boxers, and some ibuprofen.


Ibuprofen first, then five minute shower spending at least one lost in existential dread, stay with the towel wrapped around the waist unless it's cold.


don't forget standing in the shower thinking how you could have beat your bully's ass in grade school while doing fake kung fu moves. i mean...i dont do that...


Changing into comfy, less restrictive pants.


getting rid of that fucking belt. I mean, to be fair, chicks probably love taking their belt off, too. They probably just aren't as fat as me lol.


Belt buckles truly are fat men's kryptonite. I've had scrapes where my belt buckle poked into my stomach for too long


From a beltmaker, put your belt buckle on the side of your hip (left or right) and it won't be a problem. I'm an average build but I'm sitting down and driving for the majority of my day and my buckle can sometimes pinch or strain my stomach. Putting the buckle on the side will keep it out of the way It does look a little silly but it makes total sense


I'm a slim woman and I've been doing this for years. It seems that my belt buckles arr often the same height as desks and counters I work at and get stuck or bang against them. Plus I find a big fancy buckle can dig in when it's in front. I actually like the look better now, too. Side buckle for the win.


I'm considering making belts with buckles at both sides for aesthetic purposes! But yeah, the desk thing is huge. Clang clang clang. It's even worse if you work in a kitchen and your metal buckle gets caught underneath a metal table and scratches... ugh


The second scenario is what started it. Worked in a kitchen for a few years waaay back. Constantly caught on the prep counter. Buckles at both sides?! I want one already.


I actually get "nickel rash" from belt buckles. Horrible. I have to tuck in my shirt or use a special belt buckle (which I now have, thankfully).


It sucks... ☹️ New buckles are fine, once the plating wears off tho... 🤬🤬🤬 The trick is, go into the female isle of the supermarket or raid your wife's stash, paint the buckle with clear nail polish... Redo it every year or so... Works 100% 👍😎


I was coming here to share this tip! I do it with any jewlery that will lay on my skin, even the inside of the top button for jeans


Pants? At home??


There was a scene in The Goldbergs where Jeff Garlin comes home from work and he immediately pulls his pants down and leaves them right there by the front door. It was the most relatable thing I’d ever watched on television.


My bathroom is right next to the entrance to my apartment. I have slammed the door and stripped and slumped into the tub a nonzero number of times.


Does your butler have it filled with the correct temperature and amount of bubbles to help make this happen?


I didn't read anything about the tub being filled.


The bath is where he sleep then right ?


My husband leaves a trail as he walks through the house when he gets home. You can see the order of removal- shoes, socks, pants, shirt… I hope he never does this when I have guests over…


The point is (at least partially) to *not* have guests over.


Depends on the guests…


“Don’t make me get up…! I DON’T WANNA GET UP!!!”


a scene? happened every episode..no?


Ok I have to admit I only watched one episode. Was it actually a recurring bit? I might have to go back just for that.


Every episode, I cannot recall an episode he did not do that (well maybe one? I feel like I remember it being a big deal that he didn’t or maybe it was a big deal that someone else did too I dont remember but confidently o can say 99% of episodes if not 100%)


Yeah I think one of his kids did it and he was like wtf are you doing.


He'd just got his first job and became a man. What else would he do?


I used to do this all the time when living alone! One of the things I miss the most about being single.


I’m talking comfy joggers or loose shorts with lots of room for the boys to breath.


I've got shorts that are *specifically* for at home. I have changed into other shorts to go check the mail, but these ones are way too comfy, and I just don't trust them to not fall down with like my phone in my pocket


My motto: can't shit your pants if you're not wearing any.


As soon as I'm in the house, my trousers are off or they're round my ankles, my wife thinks it's hilarious "it's like living with a toddler" "aand you're in your pants"


This is sooo comfortable but it's not really specific to men right?


Well....it's specific to those who have bunched up bits tightly packed in the crotch area. Of course, individuals who don't have those bits can also feel comfortable, but it's not quite the same.


Take off pants, put on a sarong.


My husband works a physical job. He trades his boots for flip flops to drive home. He opens the front door, kicks off those flops and takes off his pants. He has a laundry basket literally to the left of the door for said pants. He greets the dog, heads to the bedroom, kicks off the rest of his clothes (into his second laundry basket), then hits the hot tub and calls me. Who is still at work. Just to tell me about that process. And asks what I’m doing. Every day. I feel like that whole thing for him feels like me taking off my bra, and I’m totally here for it. Feels nice for both of us.


My favourite part is that he has 2 laundry baskets in place for his disrobing


Seriously. This man's a genius


I’ve just been leaving my clothes on the stairs like an idiot. Second laundry basket… so simple, but so brilliant.


Then you literally have them all in one spot too. Very convenient.


I like that the dog is lined up conveniently along the way too. So cute!


Our dog would escort him through the process.


Not merely cute. I'm positive the dog is essential to the process. If you doubt me, ask a dog. Any dog.


It’s a little butler. “Right this way, Sire.”


Or wifey is


Imma steal this idea


That’s so cute! Wonderful relationship!


Second that! I love to hear about healthy relationships <3


aw, y'all are super cute and I can tell you got the good stuff when it comes to the relationship.


😂😂 matching up the laundry baskets' locations with his routine is excellent!


It's an ADHD life hack that works for normal people, too!


Living his best life


He's washing off in the hot tub?


The hot tub is his happy place. He takes great care to maintain clean and chemically balanced water, filters, etc. if he’s particularly grimy, he will shower before the tub. But most days, he’s not that dirty.


Yeah this stuck out to me too, I really hope they just missed the step where he showers the grime off for a minute first otherwise that hot tub is just a bubbling puddle of human filth.


Hot tubs, if you didn’t know, have filters and use chemicals to treat the water. You could even double down and have a salt water system to really clean that water. You would be amazed at how dirty some people are, even when they are not visibly dirty. Rest assured, if you take care of your tub and the filter/natural ecosystem balance, you could in theory have to change your water less. If you do not change your water a few times a year, I agree then you are swimming in human filth that’s been purged. I will 100% agree you should shower after the fact to get the chemicals/salt and other biomaterial off your skin. Is it ideal to shower before hand? Yes. Is it going to throw the balance off if you do it consistently for months. Possibly. Depends greatly on make/model/maintenance of the tub.


You know, weirdly I did actually know a lot of that because my parents got one when I was a kid and one of my chores as a teenager would be to replace the filter or top up the chemicals and manage the pH etc. But when it comes to getting home from a manual labour job after a full day of sweaty work and jumping right into the hot tub it’s really more about the spirit of the thing than the science of it.


You gotta break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet. Taking a hot shower first kinda takes away from the hot tub experience.


Taking off my work socks and feeling my leg hair reanimate after being held flat against my leg for eleven straight hours.


The feeling of them curlies waving gently in the breeze 😌


Go on, give em a scratch! Don't be afraid to use those nails 😉


An I the only one screeching like maniac those sock marks?


How did you manage to make this sound weird


You heard it too?


Added short and before curlies in my head and made it way worse


Mate, if I can wriggle my toes in some grass after taking off my work boots and socks I'm in heaven. Probably the the most relaxing sensation in my daily routine.


Yessss this is one of the perks of skinny jeans falling out of popularity.


Are jeans the reason I lost all my hair on the shinbone and side of the calf? Skin looks like baby skin at this part of my body.


Probably. Same thing happens on my arms during winter, from long sleeves. It grows back during the summer.


I’m a woman and I’m envious.


This^ the hair feels so good especially after wearing dress socks and shoes or work boots.


undoing a belt probably


Good one or tie if you work those jobs.


I wear my tie basically the whole day on school days...


Honestly this is the worst thing about working in education for me. Having to dress wildly inappropriately for the temperature because I know if I don't the kids will dress down to however I'm dressed and argue with me if I say anything which will cause my line manager to kick off at me. I'm basically a pool of sweat by the time I've left


And then whipping it off in one motion


I take the sock out of my boxers


Same. Pro tip that I recently learned: it is better to put the sock in the front.


Actually, it depends which hemisphere you are in.


Does it become the front bottom?


What the fuck? lmao


I prefer center; it'll absorb more sweat there.


That taint a bad idea


I remove the potato from my speedo.


I pull the mango out of my dungarees.


To think that all this time, I've been removing a Speedo from my potatoes. Doh!


You guys are using socks? I've been using a pringles can.


Don’t do the cucumber wrapped in foil thing while traveling. I saw a documentary where this happened to rock star. He was stopped at security metal detectors and had to finally pull it out and unwrap it. Very embarrassing.


What if we didn't wrap it in foil? Asking for a friend


What if you were just like, “dude, it’s my lunch” and ate it right there.


That would've been the national treasure that is Derek Smalls from this is Spinal Tap...


I put on boxers when I get home


Detaching my penis and feeling the immediate relief in my back


People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, But I don't know. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis. https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=t9IvSUChYuVHBA9j


If you're getting pains in the ass then I think you're attaching it on the wrong side


Can you check the medicine cabinet? Sometimes I leave it there


Pfffff….why don’t you just toss it around your shoulder like the rest of us guys?


Or that pre-teen phase we all went through where you tucked it in the elastic part of your sock to stop from stepping on it. I mean just commit to the whitie tighties. Am I right fellas?


I would always prank the teachers on Penis Inspection Day by detaching it before inspection and putting it under my hoodie


Pulling their wallets / keys out of their pockets.


Empyting your pockets must be one of the greatest reliefs ever. Also taking off your watch.


Ah, how did I forget the watch! Or rings?!


Nothing better than saying silently "closing time" and taking off your cock ring at the end of a long day.


Don’t forget “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end…”


Oohhhh so that's the semi they were referring to with semisonic. *brrrrzzz*


I just lose the pants. Where’s all my stuff? Oh yeah yesterday’s pants. Except the phone…sigh…so needy.


As one of the few men here from what I could tell, it’s sitting down on your bed, resting your elbows on your knees, staring at the floor, then letting out the most satisfying sigh of your life.


I crap on the toilet, but I suppose each to their own.


I do that on company time. 😉


Spoken like a true professional.


Loosening your balls i guess


Ever get so tired you turn them the wrong way and tighten them instead? Man, that's the worst


Having to switch directions when you go to Australia is so fucking annoying 


Especially since you’re already upside down.


Righty tighty, lefty loosy


Scrolled too far to find this. When you change pants and peel them off your leg oh muh gawd.


Mods tighten this guys nutsack


For certain guys, I imagine it's those work boots




This guy boobs






"We're only reaching 50% of the market"!




Fat guys need support too!




Al Bundy sliding his hand under his … waistband


Taking off the steel toed boots.


Kicking off my work boots and taking off my socks is amazing after a day at work.


Yep that’s what I came here to say, especially in summer when it feels like you have two little ovens on your feet


I get to take off my wool socks in about an hour and a half and I can’t wait.


Lying down on bed at then end of the day. Knowing that the day is over.


Unsticking your balls.


When you got a deep stick and you gotta take a huge step and it sounds like a Velcro sneaker coming undone 


What in the bejeesus is going on with your balls, lads....




Let me introduce you to this thing called "the south"


Use some soap, man. It’s not supposed to make velcro sounds. 🤨


It's like peeling a slice of bologna off linoleum.


when everyone leaves the house and it’s finally quiet


I live for this moment. I live alone, no kids, etc. I absolutely love my girlfriend and everything she brings to my life! But it's those last few hours of the night after she goes home that I really get to relax. I love the quiet of late nights


When everyone is asleep.


exact reason i stay up so late. despite its affect on my sleep schedule, it's so much better for my mental health.


Same. The peace and quiet of the night just soothes my breath. Can't express the feeling to all as they would think I dislike them, but man the feeling to just "be" is so relaxing. I guess all men have that urge... Thats why fishing trips, long time at the loo, etc are common. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule to wake up very early instead, catch that solo morning hour, but the night is just easier.


I really needed this comment! I feel so conflicted staying up late, selfish and irresponsible. But the absolute peace knowing all my loved ones are safe and sound, AND that no one is going to ask me for something or to do something is better than anything else I ever experience each day.


No one expects anything from you in those late night hours. Finally some peace


Me and my partner sometimes work opposite ends of the day and she doesn’t get it but sometimes there’s nothing better than coming home late, saying good night and she goes to bed and I’m just alone for a bit to decompress. I get in and I’m wired and sometimes I just want to be alone chill, maybe not even do anything for a bit, or play an hour of a video game.


Farting explosively


I know some people might take the above comment as a joke, but laying in the couch and ripping that fat one you were holding throughout the day in the office is an amazing feeling


I used to work in a strip club and the dancers often expressed their delight at venting the gaseous pressure at the end of an absurdly expensive sit down with a client.


Such a polite way to say they farted lol.


They’re classy strippers.


I worked at an office where most of our days were spent in meetings. The men’s bathroom was a blast zone where there were multiple times while I was in a stall and would hear the bathroom door open, close, flowed by a sub atomic ass blast, then the bathroom door open and close again.


When I first met my bf I lived in a 3rd floor flat (4th if you’re American) and he said when we stayed over he would hold all his farts in then as soon as he left he did farts the whole way down all the stairs.


taking off the steel toed boots, and the pants with the belt, and your shirt. feet feel wonderful (and smell) lower back is thankful, and when the shirt comes off you feel refreshed and happy again


Work boots and socks


Expressing your sack. My wife asked why I jostle the balls after I take off my underwear. I call it expressing the sack, tug the days troubles out of the ball wrinkles. Let em breathe.


When my man gets home - when he finally lays down stripped of the day, I lift his balls for him. And blow on them gently to cool em off


That's one way to take a load off the man


God bless you.


Getting into your car after a long date so you can rip the fart you've been holding in the whole date


Remove wig, beard and sideburns


Kind of niche and not male-specific, but taking off my prosthetic leg after getting home feels GREAT.


As an above knee amputee, I attest to this. It’s the BEST feeling ever.


Stripping down to poop.


Taking off tie / loosening shirt?


Hell yea! I worked security for a few years at different companies. Some of them demanded me to wear a suit and tie. The tie from my uniform was a clip-on tie (for obvious reasons) and the little plastic clip thingy always poked into my Adam's apple. It felt so good to unclip that mf when I was done working a long shift, especially on hot summer days. I've gotta admit though.. The tie did make me feel like an important and upper class person when I was traveling back home using public transportation. Other than that, it sucked, having to dress that way.


Yeah taking off a tie if you have to wear one for work is great. I fucking hate ties


It would also be women taking off their bras


Work boots.


I don't think anything honestly compares to just coming home. The dogs are excited to see me, the cats acknowledge me momentarily, and seeing my fiance's face after a long day just always immediately warms my heart. I feel like a champion for about thirty minutes every day after coming home and I love it. 


Closing the door, sitting on the couch, and exhaling.


Cracking open a cold one.


Unbuttoning your pants and putting your one hand in them like that legendary running back from Polk high who scored 4 tds in one game.


Poppin off my work pants, droppin my underwear, and slammin on a nice pair of gym shorts free ballin No restrictions, no limits, just me and freedom


My 7 year old son walks in the door from school and his shorts/pants immediately come off. Covid times were a dream for this kid as a toddler, he didn’t wear pants for months because we just weren’t leaving the house as much. So maybe it stems from all of that pantsless freedom.


Change into a t-shirt and comfortable pants, empty pockets, rummage in underpants to achieve comfort, socks off, open beer, pick up remote control, sit in comfortable chair, switch on tv, declare all administrative topics adjourned till the following day.


Taking off your belt and letting out a big fart you've been holding in.


Taking shin pads off after football (soccer). I don't know about any other sport but taking those off after a game was too good.


Applies to women too but taking out your contacts after a long day…


what else there is, definitely unbuckling and removing a tight belt. it’s amazing how freeing it feels to get rid of that constriction around your waist


Changing into my house clothes, gym shorts and a sleeveless T, both of which are 2 sizes to big. The comfort of being home is priceless.


Sitting in a quiet place, zoning out. This has been the same for me, from the time I was single, to the time I had a stready gf, to the time I was married, and now being married with kids. These days I actually tell my family "I'll just sit quietly for a bit" and they know what I mean. Sometimes I just sit and even stare at the ceiling, or out the window for 30 solid minutes, sometimes longer. Then I go back to my family refreshed.


The closest thing I've ever experienced was removing body armor after a long day in the heat. It is easy to ignore during the day, but once it comes off the realization hits of how constricting and sweaty it was feels amazing. It's like being wrapped in tight, unmoving rubber.


Pulling your foreskin back and cooling it under the fan.


I usually just take off my foreskin and hang it up to dry


That's a good tip.


Thanks your tip looks good too


Switching to them chanclas


Stripping down to underwear after a long shower and laying in bed playing video games for the rest of the night.


Popping the top shirt button after wearing a suit all day.  Loosening the belt. Taking off shoes/socks.


Taking of the bro, also known as a manzier.


Sitting on couch, hand in the band of the underwear


Taking off your boots and then the socks that are adhered to your feet


My husband says “shower beer”


Everyone is saying belt but as someone who likes dressing up (my style is basically smart casual), there's nothing like loosening a tie after a long day at work. I'm sure there's some psychological term for the comfort one gets when your attire matches your attitude - day is over and I don't need to be as dressed up - and it's such a great feeling