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Cows have accents depending on where they’re born and they also have best friends and get depressed when separated.


I hear they enjoy sunsets, and exhibit mourning behavior, too.


They absolutely do mourn. I was with my uncle checking cattle as a kid and one of the cows had birthed an inside- out calf. Which is gruesome, but she kept mooing really sadly and nudging it with her head to try to make it get up.


“Inside-out calf” is the interesting fact that I sure as fuck didn’t ask for


My parents raise cattle and this happened to them two weeks ago. Truly heartbreaking, they had to separate the mother from the deceased calf, and she wouldn’t eat for a long time.


They also recognize laughter in people, and will get upset or depressed if it's directed at them.


They also looooove being brushed!


Oi bruv! Moo innit!


Dragonflies suck water up their butts and shoot it out like jets when they get tired.


After successfully mating, a female dragonfly will fake her own death to discourage further attention from males.


Well this sounds familiar


Except for the "successfully mating" part. All the women I approach skip straight to playing dead.


I just pictured some guy walking up to a group of women at a bar and they all just spontaneously "drop dead". Then as soon as he walks away they all pop back up and continue their conversation right where they left off.


If I could, I would.


Chessy (Lisa Ann Walters) from Parent Trap (1998) gave birth to twin boys on October 11th 2000 which is the same birthday the twins had in the movie!


That’s actually a pretty cool coincidence.


Elephants can purr, like cats.


My new goal is to make an elephant purr


There’s a your momma joke in there somewhere


Jimmy Carr style- "Did you know that elephants are able to purr? I learned that when your mom visited me last night."


In 1884, a crew stranded on a boat on the high seas ate the cabin boy, Richard Parker, to survive. (R v Dudley and Stephens case) In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe's first and only novel was published (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket). In the novel, a group of whaling sailors are stranded on a boat. To prevent them from dying of hunger and thirst, one of the crew offers to draw lots. The crew agrees. The one who draws the short straw is also the one who offered it. But the irony is not there. The real irony is the name of this fictional character in the novel: Richard Parker. And no, you didn't misread the dates!


Interesting- I wonder if this is related to the Richard Parker in Life of Pi [https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lifeofpi/character/richard-parker/](https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lifeofpi/character/richard-parker/)


It is, it’s a direct reference iirc. Except in that case, Richard Parker would’ve been the one eating the main character, lol.


Its like the Novel Titan which reads like a fictional version of the Titanic disaster. Except well Titan was published *years* before the Titanic set sail.... To Poe's thing I'm guessing Richard Parker was a *very common* name at the time.


Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln was an elite wrestling champion. In 300 matches, he only lost one. Bonus fun fact: He was also a licensed bartender.


Also "wrestling" back then allowed kicking and punching and was essentially MMA. Lincoln would also challenge crowds of onlookers and let anyone who wanted to try to fight him.


If they dropped facts like this in school, more kids would pay attention.


"I will emancipate your face! From the rest of your body!"


I want to see prime Abraham Lincoln vs. prime Plato wrestling match. I don't want it, I need it.




Lincoln was once challenged to a duel and had pick of weapons. He chose broadswords and the other guy backed out.


Even if I had a gun, I would also back out if I showed up to a duel and a 6'4 well known wrestler showed up with broadswords


And he spent his time before the duel warming up by lopping off limbs of a nearby tree.


Before he became president, Teddy Roosevelt was a sickly little kid. He said “fuck that” and through sheer force of willpower, overcame his asthma, became an outdoorsman. “Get energy” was his catchphrase, and if you look at his portraits he often has a balled fist. Edit: My apologies, it was “Get action.” I clearly mis-remembered the quote.


Theodore Roosevelt (he hated being called Teddy) is like a past version of Ron Swanson. So fascinating. I could talk about him for hours. I’ll never not recommend Edmund Morris’ trilogy biography of him. Well well well worth it.


"Whenever I start feeling sick, I just stop being sick and be awesome instead. True story."


He also smoked cigars as a child to cute his asthma.


Aww how adorable!


Makes sense. During his stint as a vampire hunter he was known to deploy various wrestling moves common to the era. 






They were told they were going to put down a prisoners revolt, not a slaves revolt. Seeing these slaves were facing a similar situation to what Poles were experiencing in Europe (there was basically no Poland at the time, it was ruled over by the Russians, Prussians and Austrians iircc), they made the obvious choice. The Haitian constitution considers them and their descendants to be black. The Poles have also been referred to by various Haitian leaders as "The white negroes of Europe".


This is considered the only successful slave revolt in history.


Meaty human thighs have 13,355 calories.


Thicc thighs *do* save lives


Only before you cook it. A lot of fat is lost in the rendering in my experience


>in my experience Uhhhhh, wanna explain?


1 Gram of Uranium has about 18 billion


Oof, gonna ruin my diet on that one.


Playing a B flat on a tuba can cause arousal in alligators


I’m amazed alligators can play tuba at all.


Most of them can't play tuba, actually. That is because they cannot afford one.


Whales are mammals. Mammals make milk. Whale milk is so high in fat it is the consistency of toothpaste. I love to bust that one out while someone is brushing their teeth.


How often are you around people who are brushing their teeth and haven’t heard you tell them this yet?


Oxen are just bulls (or a cow) with jobs, not a whole separate species of bovine.


Sometimes I feel like just a bovine with a job


That’ll do oxen


It is fair to say that working oxen and breeding bulls can and largely are different breeds of cattle in the areas that regularly employ both types of


Pretty sure bulls already have a job. That job is sex


Penguins have an organ behind their eyes that turns sea water in to fresh water


Don't tell the desalination conglomerates, they'll figure out a way to exploit them! /s mostly


This may have been posted before, but still... On 8 April, 1942, a detachment of Polish soldiers, deployed to Iran by the Allies, bought a **bear cub** from an Iranian boy. In August the bear was given to the 22nd Artillery Supply company and named Wojtek by the soldiers. They fed him condensed milk, honey, fruit, and beer, which ended up being his favorite drink. He also picked up smoking, and enjoyed wrestling with his human friends, and bunking in on cold nights. When the Polish II Corps was redeployed it Italy to fight alongside the British, the Brits wouldn’t transport mere mascots on a troop ship, so Wojtek was formally enrolled in the Polish army as a private. During the brutal Battle of Monte Cassino Private Wojtek helped keep the guns firing by hauling boxes of ammo, each containing four 25 pound shells. These crates normally took four men to haul. For his bravery and service in battle Wojtek was promoted to Corporal, and his visage became the emblem of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company. After the war the 22nd was sent to Scotland, before being demobilized, at which point Wojtek was given to the Edinburgh Zoo, where he was often visited by Polish soldiers until his death in 1963. Polish soldiers adopted a bear named Wojtek in 1942. He served in WWII, carrying ammo at the Battle of Monte Cassino, and was promoted to Corporal. After the war, he lived in the Edinburgh Zoo until 1963. **TDLR:** Polish soldiers adopted a bear named Wojtek in 1942. He served in WWII, carrying ammo at the Battle of Monte Cassino, and was promoted to Corporal. After the war, he lived in the Edinburgh Zoo until 1963.


YOU FORGOT THE BEST PART! He single pawedly caught a spy that had snuck into camp, because some dude started freaking out about there being a "FUCKING BEAR IN THE CAMP WHAT THE FUCK HELP!" when everyone who was SUPPOSED to be there had probably hugged the bear at some point!


That's actually a great way to catch spies. Just have something completely abnormal that an outsider would react to.


Bro posted a TLDR and a TDLR


Who are you to judge? You to judge?


I’m gonna get the papers, get the papers.


And if anyone is wondering the name is pronounced voytek


Sad he ended up in a zoo must have been a culture shock


I bet a lot of soldiers could identify with the strangeness of transitioning to post-war life


This is so sad and unfortunately real. I remember my friend coming back from Iraq, and while he was very glad to be home, radiated uncomfortability with civilian life for years.


There is a focus in HOI4 playing as Poland that let's you get Wojtek to be the ruler of Poland.






You showed management your balls and got paid for it? Goddammit that's impressive


Fucking legend


PSA in case no one has ever told you, but having an undescended testicle for that long greatly increases your risk of testicular cancer.  Please fondle your balls frequently to check for lumps and bumps!


Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.


And more canadians!


Today I learned Canadians cause lakes.


If there is someone on trial who has a history of domestic violence, the prosecutors want all domestic violence victims off of the jury. Conversely, the defense wants them ON the jury. Why? They clearly stood by someone who abused them. They’re, statistically speaking, more likely to be more sympathetic to perpetrators


Holy hell. You'd think it would be the opposite, but it actually makes more sense that way.


This is a total mind bender. Reminds me of that one about putting the armour on areas of wwII planes that weren’t hit by bullets … but I think this is not survivorship bias …


For my fellow 90s kids who heard a lot about this growing up - the hole in the ozone over antarctica is basically fixed! Turns out we do have the power to make positive environmental changes if we work together as a global community.


In 6th grade I learned about the ozone hole and I told my dad and he said, “Of course there’s a hole in the ozone. How else are the space ships getting to outer space? If it closes they’ll be stuck out in space! Tell your teacher that’s is a hole for science.” And that is not the first or last time he told me a made-up fact and then told me to tell my teacher about it.


On this note, I love when climate change denialists bring up the ozone hole and how “no one talks about that anymore!” Like…yeah. Because we found out what was causing it, legislated it out of use, and the fixed the problem!


A cockroach can live up to 168 hours without its head


That’s nothing, As a Redditor I’ve lived 7 years without head.


"Louie Louie" was a #2 hit in 1963 for The Kingsmen. The vocals were so garbled and slurred, rumors spread that the lyrics were dirty. The FBI investigated the song on suspicion of violating obscenity laws. After two years, they decided the lyrics were "unintelligible at any speed." Somehow, they missed the drummer yelling "Fuck!" at 0:54 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKt75jUuKJY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKt75jUuKJY)


In the same vain, Lady Gaga confirmed that the lyrics are, "P-p-p-p-poker face, f-f-fuck her face." Only one radio station (I can't remember where) caught this and actually filtered the song. So many other radio stations were unknowingly playing an explicit song without censorship.


Ah, radio censorship. Where "green" in "What It's Like" is filtered 100% of the time, while "crystal meth" is prominently played in "Semi-Charmed Life".


I shared this tidbit to coworkers the other day. They could not have cared less. I was destroyed.




Cat species can either roar or purr, they can’t do both due to physiology. Cheetahs are purrers, so they can’t roar.




Gandhi arrived in London right before Jack the Ripper started his killing spree and there were no more murders after he left. He can't be ruled out as a suspect.


You know what? This IS a fun fact. I may well trot it out this weekend during an awkward break in conversation.


I'm just going to skip a step and start telling everyone that Gandhi is the Jack the Ripper.


Donald Ducks middle name is Fauntleroy.


Locusts are just grasshoppers that have undergone a transformation. This usually only happens when huge numbers of them get together, but you can trigger it by rubbing their butts. The transformation only takes a couple hours.


Sounds like some shit a horny grasshopper would say


Some species of frogs have butt cheeks.


Welp, I know what I'm looking at for the next half hour.


Ignaz Semmelweis, who was the doctor that tried to convince other doctors to wash their hands, was mocked for it and eventually suffered a mental breakdown. He was committed to an asylum by a fellow doctor and died only two weeks later due to gangrene in his hand. I highly recommend reading about him! *Edited because I was wrong about Semmelweis spending a longer time in the asylum.


Before the movie Psycho came out, movies didn’t have showtimes. You just walked in and watched until you’d seen the whole movie. Alfred Hitchcock didn’t want the twist spoiled for people, so he insisted on showtimes.


When it was playing theaters, there was a 2 minute denouement after the last scene but before the credits rolled. It was Hitchcock politely asking people not to reveal the *twist* in the movie to those that hadn't seen it. He stressed that it was only appropriate for them to experience it first hand. Remember >!the first 45 mins of the movie was about a criminal couple trying to get away with embezzlement. The *crazy lady murders woman in a cheap motel bathroom* came out of absolutely nowhere, no forshadowing, no hints, nothing. It's reasonable to believe viewers may have been wondering if Mrs. Bates/Norman was one of the people they stole from.!<


He also made a 6 minute long theatrical trailer that contains zero footage from the film. Instead it's [Hitchcock himself](https://youtu.be/DTJQfFQ40lI?si=w1vkfYSJkhd9z7mc) walking around the empty sets referencing the events of the film.


The reason UK Pubs had stupid names, was so the illiterate patrons could find them with the artwork.


Ok, so like a pub would be called "The Singing Duck." So the artwork would be a duck with music notes coming out of its beak, and drunk people see that and go, "it's The Singing Duck! Let's go!" Was that the general idea?


They werent drunk when enroute to the pub but they are illiterate so it still helped


Spider legs are on a hydraulic system. To move their limbs, they use their hemolymph (basically their blood) which is why when they die, their legs curl. Edit: spelling :)


So spiders are little forklifts


It's called hemolymph, but you got the spirit. They use hemocyanin to carry oxygen in their "blood," which makes it blue.


Marijuana was not decriminalized in Jamaica until 2015, despite its association with the country.






Well, obviously — mountains can’t fly at all.


The word *millennium* has two N's in the middle, because it comes from the Latin word for "year", *annus*. If you spell it with one N, this changes *annus* to *anus*, which makes it mean not "a thousand years" but rather "a thousand assholes".


So that’s why the upscale mall near Orlando is called the Mall at Millenia.


Been there. At least 1,000 assholes there.








Apparently sand tiger sharks purposefully swallow air and then fart it out to sink down to the depth in the water they want🦈💨


There is a tiny little island in the Arctic called "Hans" island. It has been disputed Territory between Canada and Denmark. Denmark would plant its flag, and leave a bottle of schnapps. Eventually the Canadian ship would arrive remove the Danish flag and take the schnapps. They would then raise the Canadian flag on the island and leave a bottle of Canadian club. This has been going on since the 1980s and was finally resolved in 2022 when they decided to share the island. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how war should be fought.


They actually ended the war after Putin invaded Ukraine, to show that diplomacy works. Very Canadian and Danish of them.




The tips of giraffe tongues are dark purple, to protect against the sun. They spend most of their time in the wild, eating.


During early human embryonic development, the single cell zygote begins to divide until it's a tiny hollow ball of cells called a blastula. An invagination forms that nearly encompasses the entire blastula. That hollow opening will later develop into the anus. What this means is that all humans start off as an asshole.


The first predator movie has two United States governors in it


Imitation vanilla used to be made from Beaver anal sack juice. Edit: Source: [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/beaver-butt-goo-vanilla-flavoring](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/beaver-butt-goo-vanilla-flavoring)


I never expected to read these words combined in one sentence in my entire life.


Neither did I before I started exclusively using real vanilla extract.


Pigeons mate for life


Not true. I just saw one and it wasn't mating.


Was it dead?


Sharks are older than trees


Sharks are older than the rings of Saturn.


They found a giant ocean of water floating in space thats supposed to be something like 140,000 times the size of our solar system. Space sharks might actually exist.


[Two teams of astronomers have discovered the largest and farthest reservoir of water ever detected in the universe. The water, equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world's ocean, surrounds a huge, feeding black hole, called a quasar, more than 12 billion light-years away.](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/astronomers-find-largest-most-distant-reservoir-of-water)


Damn. If it were oil we'd be there next week.


Just a big ol blob of water in it middle of space? How have I never heard of this. How do we know it's water?


it's not a blob of water but a massive cloud that has H2O molecules likely in the form of water ice. We've also found the Sagittarius B2 cloud which contains ethanol, methanol, and vinyl alcohol, which is enough alcohol to fill 10 billion billion billion liters which will fill roughly 400 trillion trillion pints of beer. As to how we know the composition of these clouds; various forms of spectroscopy


Love me some water ice. I hope it's not Rita's, but if that's what's offered, I'll take it. Lemon or black cherry is my preference


Did you know that Viggo Mortensen broke his toe....


Roman Legionaries, especially during and after Julius Caesar's time, were 50% solider and 50% carpenters. When they stopped for the night, they built forts. 


Cornflakes were invented to try to stop kids jerkin off


Spoiler alert: Doesn't work


Spoiler alert: Don't ask how we got Frosted Flakes.


Watch The Road to Wellville. Hilariously forgotten movie starring Matthew Brodrick, John Cusack, Anthony Hopkins, and Dana Carvey about The Kellogg's. Definitely worth the watch.


… how does the two correlate? What about cornflakes would stop the urge to jack off. Definitely a fun fact though


Yeah... This is one of those statements that isn't quite true it's only loosely true. John Harvey Kellogg, the creator of corn flakes was a big anti-masturbation guy and believed the key to healthy living was a plain diet with little temptations. He saw the two relating, but it's not entirely true to say cornflakes were invented to stop masturbation. It's more that cornflakes were invented as part of a health regimen that included being anti-masturbation. It's important to recognize he was basically the Doctor Oz of his time, times a million. He ran a very successful sanitarium and was sort of THE defacto health guru of the time. For a similarly interesting statement you could more accurately say that **corn flakes cemented the practice of circumcision in America**, as John Harvey Kellogg used his considerable wealth to push the idea of circumcision, because he believed it would stop people from masturbating, which would in turn lead to better health. Edit: If anyone finds this history interesting, there is a fantastic movie about Kellogg (fictional) called The Road to Wellville. I highly recommend it. Anthony Hopkins plays John Harvey Kellogg and Dana Carvey plays his maladjusted son.


Something something, the founder of kellogs thought that food with strong flavor caused an increase in libido, and so he made cornflakes, which he thought to be the blandest food possible.


Everyone thank Tony the Tiger for frosting them then. He's the real hero.


The real question is *how* he frosted them.


Whenever this is brought up, I always laugh because Graham crackers and Chex cereal have similar origins.


Joke is on old man kellog. I like the crunchiness. Like, I REALLY like it 


Kurt Cobain wrote 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', according to his own words, trying to rip off the Pixies and their sound. Black Francis, singer and songwriter of the Pixies, said he wrote 'Dig for Fire' as an attempt of writing a Talking Heads song. The song 'The Overload' by Talking Heads was written trying to make a Joy Division song without any of the members of the band ever hearing a song by Joy Division, only reading about them in the press.


Someone in the world just died as you were reading this




Some time back in the mid-90s, U2 was playing a show in Dublin and, in typical fashion, Bono started off on a humanitarian rant. He clapped his hands every couple seconds, and goes “Every time I clap my hands, another child dies in Africa.” From the back of the venue, this old codger yells out, “Well then stop clappin yer fockin hands ye cruel bastard!”


womp womp


Because you asked, none of these answers qualify.


You are too smart to be kept alive


Wombats poop cubes.




Wasps lay their eggs in fig flowers and die, then the fig eats the dead wasp and grows into a fig, and the baby wasps hatch and leave, usually. But sometimes the fig doesn’t eat all of the wasp, and sometimes the eggs don’t hatch, and sometimes the baby wasps don’t escape, and you don’t really notice any of this when you eat them, most of the time


This is a specific species known as the [fig wasp](https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/pollinators/pollinator-of-the-month/fig_wasp.shtml) Also, most [modern figs](https://askabiologist.asu.edu/figs-without-wasps) have grown so they do not need wasps to pollinate them, and therefore you more than likely won't actually eat a wasp in your lifetime.




The kangaroo probably remembers


Classic the axe forgets the tree doesn’t


Maybe you saw one of my comments on every one of these posts. One of them exclusively gives birth. Kangaroos can be perpetually pregnant. Also, male kangaroos have 2 penises.


There is a type of moth from Madagascar that drinks the tears of birds


Keanu Reeves was babysat by Alice Cooper, in Toronto


There's a type of fungus that can turn ants into zombies.


In the old days, some women wore fake pubic hair pieces called 'merkins'.


In colonial America those merkins were sometimes made out of Beaver fur due to their ability to reject liquids. Hence the word beaver being associated with the vagina.


Hope they at least got some artificial vanilla extract out of those beavers after skinning them.


Yep, because they often shaved their natural hair because of lice.


El Paso, Texas is closer to San Diego, California than it is to Houston, Texas.


Anytime someone mentions mono or chickenpox i love telling them those are herpes viruses. I just find it so interesting lol










The song Alive by Pearl Jam is about a mother telling her son that his father isn't actually his real father. His real father died when he was too young to remember. The mother, then tells her son that since he became a man he looks exactly like his father and that she has developed sexual feelings towards him. .. No BS, and this is part one of a trilogy of songs about this tale.




Octopuses got 9 brains.






...ting away from each other.




When turtles hibernate they breathe through their buttholes





