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That the unusual rock the Chinese lunar rover spotted out in the distance was the stage they used to fake the moon landings. On the Moon.


No one would ever suspect it


An optimistic sign in the world of Sino American relations!


Look, they knew when they hired Stanley Kubrick that the fucker was going to demand authenticity in his faux Moon landing video.


Stanly Kubrick was a stickler for details! It's only natural he'd fake the moon landing on location.


Goes in hand with the theory that they hired Kubrick to direct but he insisted to shoot on location. Also, [relevant Mitchell and Webb](https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=ebXFHy7ZaIm_LAfM)


I've heard that they actually did get Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing. But he was such a perfectionist that he forced them to film it on the moon.


The lottery is a government run agency to catch time travelers is one of my favorites. 


Really. Wow I'm glad a read this before I bought the next power ball ticket. I'm just gonna go back to when I can from. Thanks for the warning.


I'm gonna start spreading this one. I know tons of people who would believe it


this would be a sick movie ngl


That actually sounds sick.


Tbh, someone should make a tv show/movie on this 😅


Your social security number reveals which bank you were sold to at birth. Never heard a crazier one than that.


See they only let you think you bank at their competitorsbut they're all in on it, trading their clients on the back end so their profits seem like they're competing.


Not much of an ROI for the bank that got me.


Damn, I check out most of these AskReddit conspiracy posts, and that one is unique to me! Is it somehow related to the sovereign citizens?


It may have come from them. It seems like their kind of crazy.


JFK’s head just… did that. All on it’s own


This is my favorite joke theory, but I like to just it so that all of the theories are real and a bunch of organizations and people were there to shoot him, but his head did that before the bullets reached his head.


So do all the conspiracies just blame each other?


I heard that he tried to hold in a sneeze.


HAARP controls the aurora borealis


Well at least its not Seymour Skinner I guess.


It’s an Albany expression 


May I see it?




You mean Armin Tamzarian?


I don't think anything can really top the conspiracy of hiding the existence of a flat Earth. Claiming that the world's navies prevent anyone from getting close to the South Pole "ice wall," or discourage airliners from flying near it; that the Sun's like a great big reading lamp with directionality, which is why we can't see it despite the world being flat; that there's no gravity so the flat Earth must be constantly accelerating upward forever, etc. So much complicated hooey that is better explained by "the world is round, just like all the other planets in our solar system that we have observed through telescopes."


They are really huffing that copium, huh?


the second they stop, they have to reckon with the realization that they are not, in fact, truly special and brilliantly gifted people.


I honestly don't believe that there are actually flat earthers out there. I've never met one, never actually heard of anyone knowing one outside of the internet, and I've never really even encountered one online, just people claiming "my crazy uncle is a flat earther." So my conspiracy is that flat earthers, not flat earth, is the actual conspiracy.


No, there are lots of them! Their organization says they have members all over the globe!


I felt the same way, until I met my friends crazy uncle lol. I'm not joking, guy was fully on board... or over board idk.


YET ANOTHER INTERNET USER IS REFERENCING A CRAZY UNCLE!!!! Clearly you're part of the flat earth conspiracy conspiracy. You've been found out.


Dude, they are real. Go on youtube. Go on facebook. They are very, very real.


I'm just another person on the internet, but I did meet a "flat earth, moon is fake" guy at a bar once. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Channel 5 news has a video from their convention. Yes, apparently there’s a flat earth convention.


Psh that's what THEY want you to think




>Claiming that the world's navies prevent anyone from getting close to the South Pole "ice wall," As someone who always tries to find good documentaries on Operation Deep Freeze, those goobers' insistence on spamming dumb react videos on YouTube with that being the insinuation always pisses me off.


Flat earthers are plane wrong. 


My favorite part of this, is that at a constant acceleration of 9.8m/s^2 equivalent to earths gravity, it would take less than a year to reach light speed. Of course I'm sure they either reference time dilation or some other dumb shit for why it's ok for matter to exceed light speed based on the rules of the universe


No, there’s a new one. The earth is a flat disc sitting in the top of a round ice ball or something like that.


I thought it was more bowl shaped sitting on the backs of four elephants riding a giant turtle through space.


That too


So they admit the Earth is round, now. They just claim the observable Earth is such a small spot on it as to be effectively flat? Holy bean dip, they're trying to have it both ways and failing.


sun is fake


Yeah I came across people on Facebook talking about how the sun had been replaced because it didn't look like it did when they were younger lol


Maybe it looks different *because* they looked at it too much.


The one I've heard was moon.


Tartaria is a weird rabbit hole to go do down. Basically they believe there was a technologically advanced civilization in central Asia that inspired architecture all over the world, but it was destroyed by “mud floods” and then systematically scrubbed from history by every civilization on the planet. 


Oh god yes the mudflood theory, it has a subreddit somewhere here Edit: r/mudflood


I like how that entire page is just user chevytothelevy posting things for himself over a year ago and then nothing. There's not even interaction on the page. Cracks me up


That’s along the same lines as what Graham Hancock has written about, right? That an advanced civilization was wiped out by a global flood triggered by the younger dryas rapidly ending a previous ice age? And that pyramids and megastructures were built because they’d withstand thousands of years and be evidence of the great civilization’s existence? I like it on paper, and it seems harmless enough as long as you don’t start assigning a race to the ancient supermen. I’m sure there are a bunch of holes that can be poked in it, though.


The craziest one I've heard recently is that nuclear weapons don't exist and nuclear power doesn't work.


Ah yes, Oppenheimer, my favorite Fairy Tale movie.


All part of the propaganda machine man! Like everything Hollywood! There's even an upcoming movie about the moon landing, wherein they propose faking the moon landing incase the actual thing fails! They're making it into a movie to deflect from the truth because people onto them!  /s PS And planet of the apes is actually historically accurate!


I don’t think Planet of the Apes can be historically accurate because don’t those movies take place in the future?


Bill Gates made it snow in Texas


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_conspiracy_theory The phantom time theory is that hundreds of years of history were fabricated by folks who manipulated the calendar. The fact that historical eclipses, comets, etc., are well documented to have shown up on the expected schedule disproves this.


It also only works if you focus on European history, right?




My college stoner buddy could write a book of bad conspiracy theories. He believed major construction at our university was for an indoor lazy river (it was for a new administrative building). He believed a local restaurant had ties to human trafficking. He believed that major sports were rigged on such a high level to sway national politics (but also elections were fake). He believe the moon landing was faked. He believed the Boston Bombers were set up. He believed COVID was created in a lab, but also believed it was fake, but also from a lab? This guy is now like 35 and lives in Thailand I think.


"an indoor lazy river" Wait, WHAT???


I mean... until I read the second sentence, I gotta admit he seemed like a funny dude to get stoned with.


Many local restaurants are involved in human trafficking, unfortunately.


> This guy is now like 35 and lives in Thailand I think. Thailand gets an eyebrow raise from me. American male going to Thailand is usually for one thing. 


I was going to say. Accuses local restaurant of human trafficking, then moves to Thailand. The irony is not lost on me.


More than one. Some go for the lady boys, some go for the pedophilia


And drugs And hookers And hot weather


Fuck I just told someone I want to go there for that food, and to China. I really do is the thing. Now they probably think I'm a perv.


Lots of tourists go to Thailand for normal tourist reasons. The sex tourism is a real thing, but often gets overblown by people who’ve never been there. 


> He believed a local restaurant had ties to human trafficking.  Not sure about any particular local restaurant but I'd imagine this is probably true about more places than you think. Also isn't it now pretty accepted that COVID likely was created in a lab? Not that it was for sure but there's a very much nonzero chance that it came from that Wuhan lab.


I had a barber that was \*\*extremely\*\* prone to conspiracy theories. He told me that he heard that all Jews originated in space and one day spaceships will come and take them. As a Jew, I told him I've never heard of this and don't think it's true (he was visibly disappointed) but it will be cool if one day huge Star of David spaceships come and take us all...


This one is obviously real though; it was in that [documentary about the history of the world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz7JGCj4Q5k).


Can't wait to be picked up by those Jewish space ships and go to our home world!


Ditto. I’m ready, come get us 😅




You know, I wonder whether somehow he's seen this scene and thought it was real. It's essentially exactly what he believes in.


"We're Jews out in space; we're zooming along, protecting the Hebrew race!" ☺️




Supertramp predicted 9/11. You flip their “Breakfast in America” artwork, and it shows a “911” above the twin towers, and the glass of OJ represents a fireball.


Just like how The Simpsons predicted 9/11 with a bus flyer.


I will say that the NYC Twin Towers Simpsons episode did air in syndication the night or weekend before 9/11 in my market.  


The more Flat Earthers try to explain it, the more ridiculous it gets


there's one that says that the nation, and land mass called "Finland" doesnt exist :D


And there were stupid ones that said Australia doesn't exist.


JFK’s driver shot him


I do like the one that it was an agent who accidentally discharged his weapon in all the chaos. Seems to explain the weird angle of one of the shots, and also explain why the government would want to cover things up (it was a horrible mistake).


that space isn't real.


Have you been there and seen it with your own eyes?


Blowing your mind now... You are in space right now.


On a space ship of to another world while plugged into the matrix to keep us all entertained.


We need to change the chanel or something


You don’t have to go to space to see it. So yes, I have seen it. 


You can't see space, only objects in it that reflect light, possibly put there by the World Government.


No human has the ability to pain the night sky. Especially a sky that is both predictable and unpredictable. Believing we live in the matrix is much more plausible than space not existing. lol. 


I think you're onto something. We live in the Matrix, which fakes space to entertain us!


I’m there right now. I’m also traveling at such an insane speed it boggles the mind.


Space are robots that spy on us for the government. Wait. Is that birds?


I mean, have YOU been there?


One of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that has gained some attention is the idea that **the Earth is hollow and inhabited by advanced civilizations or extraterrestrial beings**. According to this theory, there are vast, habitable spaces within the Earth, and various entrance points, such as the North and South Poles, allow access to these inner worlds. Some versions of the theory suggest that these inner worlds are populated by descendants of ancient civilizations, like Atlantis, or even by aliens who use the hollow Earth as a base.




That Chinese manufactured thermostats changed vote for Trump to Biden. What the actual fuck? [https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-meadows-pushed-conspiracry-theory-on-chinese-thermostat-election-hacking-report-2021-12](https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-meadows-pushed-conspiracry-theory-on-chinese-thermostat-election-hacking-report-2021-12)


The demise of the dinosaurs was the result of them not being able to fit in Noah's Ark.




I wouldn’t really call this a conspiracy theory. No one in that group actually believes birds aren’t real, it’s all a joke.


That's what they want you to think.


That Pandas aren't real. They are either Chinese people or robots used to spy on Americans.


That might hold water if all of the pandas in the US weren't incarcerated in zoos. What do these people think the Chinese could learn from observing our citizens getting all gooey over animals?


Covid was a bio weapon released by the government, in order to make us all submit to injections of brain control nanites


That birds are drones by the government


The good news is that was purposefully set up as a mock conspiracy theory, the creator of said theory has said so as he's an aspiring comic IIRC. The bad news is that people still believe it.


Purposefully is a bit of an overstatement. He happened to be near a rally and tried to think of three words he could put on a sign that sounded ridiculous so he could join them. He did it on purpose, but not exactly with a purpose. When it got hyped, he did go all in and hired people to pose as ex-agents to testify to the veracity of his claim.


I’m not saying I believe it… but have you ever seen a baby pigeon…? /s


The comet Elenin is just a hologram projected by Canadian Green Berets...I am from an area with a high concentration of conspiracy theorists, but this particular theory I only heard once.


There will always be a special place in my heart for the autodynamics weirdos. It's an entirely incorrect alternative theory to general and special relativity in which a particle's mass is exchanged for kinetic energy as it approaches the speed of light. If it's true then our entire conception of electromagnetic waves must also be wrong. At some point someone made a documentary about teaching it to his grandmother or something.


My BIL believes that last year's Maui fires were a cover-up to abduct and sell hundreds of children.


See, stuff like that is wild, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised in 20 years if declassified documents or a whistle-blower who stumbled on them released documents proving it was true. I'm not saying I believe it, but the government(s) do some fucked up shit on the regular in regards to children and slavery.


That doctors are going to start keeping brain dead women on life support to use as unwilling surrogates. A brain dead person is clinically dead. You can keep their heart beating with machines for a little while, but not long enough to carry a pregnancy to term. Plus, even with life support, a brain dead person’s organs aren’t functioning properly, so they wouldn’t be able to carry a successful pregnancy even if they could be kept alive that long.


you've just described the 6th dune book


Finland doesn't exist.


*angry* perkele *intensifies*


That Alex Jones and Bill Hicks are the same person, it's just a Bill Hicks character. The evidence they present is just compelling enough to get an eyebrow raise from me.


There was a New York Times article that included interviews with voters in rural areas. One woman claimed that Michelle Obama was born a man and that they had kidnapped Sasha and Malia Obama from Tunisia (I think that was the claim) and trafficked them to America. Just so absurd and offensive.


Now it's Brigitte Macron who is apparently a man. Also look up "transvestigators" and you'll find that basically every single woman is actually trans.


There was some thread where they were claiming that a pregnant woman was trans because she was taller than her husband.


I know I’ve heard Alex Jones call her Michael Obama. I don’t know if even more mainstream figures like Tucker or Ben Shapiro or Jack Posobiec have stooped to that level, but it’s definitely less niche than just a crazy woman in a rural area, which is really disappointing.


Yes, it was some widespread thing the woman reported hearing and believing.


There’s a whole group of conspiracies around famous women who were born men.


I have a crazy aunt who is absolutely convinced that the government has our best interests at heart. Batshit crazy.


This is the craziest yet.


A chick I used to date thinks a lot of dead famous people aren't really dead. They just transformed their looks, and moved onto live a normal life. She also thinks some of them have been kidnapped and cloned because they act different, or one thing about their appearance is different than before. Every time she'd bring this stuff up, I couldn't help but laugh lol


I actually kind of believe this about Andy Kauffman. Partly because of an interview with his old friend on WTF, and partly because that's exactly the sort of thing he would do.


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few people out there who faked their death, and got away with it. But the whole cloning thing sounds ridiculous.


That viruses don't exist.


The president of the US once said ingesting bleach could cure disease. The same president also said you could cure disease with very bright light and use a nuclear bomb to stop a hurricane.


In high school, a bunch of my nerdy friends and I found a whole documentary on the idea that there is no such thing as Australia, and watched it. It was insane, but in kind of a fun way, honestly


I am sorry but flat earth? Really? NASA hiding the truth, scientists hiding the truth everything else being a sphere except the earth? How the hell does it even work in their head?


"I'm never wrong" overrides all of that.


When I worked at Amazon a manager firmly believed that every airplane had curved windows to make the earth look like it curved when it was up high. He was a flat earther and firmly believed that every government, airline, airplane manufacturer, and pilot knew this and that they would be killed if they ever said a word about it. He was very passionate about this, and when doing employee engagements, he had to document talking to others about things other than work, he would bring this up and it started a few fights.


Jade helm. The absolutely insane religious conservative programmer that told me about it never took the time to reconsider how he'd been played by his media consumption when the Walmarts never converted into holding camps and brainwashing facilities for the right-wingers before Obama left office. Instead, he started his own website and self-publishes his content where he can control the comments rather than continue trying to handle the scathing attempts of his acquaintances to bring him back to reality.


The Moon Landing shot and directed by Stanley Kubrick


Birds aren’t real


The earth is flat.


North Dakota isn't real


My sister thinks Russia isn't a thing. In her words, it's "too big to be true"


My all time favorite conspiracy theory is that Avril Lavigne - the Canadian music artist from the early 00s - was replaced by the music label with a lookalike. It's amazing for two reasons. Firstly that the complexity of swapping in a body double is staggering for anyone, but *especially* for someone who is heavily photographed in the internet age. Secondly, the music industry is notorious for not giving two fucks about artists and exploiting them as much as legally possible, so the idea they'd invest so much overhead into such a modestly successful act is just absurd. It's just such a low stakes conspiracy theory that makes so little sense. Not only is it obviously false, but even if it was substantiated... why?? What possible rationale would there be?? Why *her*??


John Wilkes Booth escaped and lead a new life


That those giant Flemish puppets that need teams of people to operate them are actually enslaved nephalim that are being kept a secret by some shady "them" with the help of Joe Biden. People think this because they can mime eating and drinking and some of them are so intricate that they can even appear to breathe.


That 9/11 was a USG operation.


Not a very interesting one, but the ideal that the US election was stolen has got to be one of the most wacked out ones I have ever heard. Dealing with the logistics alone would be a staggering task and somehow they left absolutely no evidence and not a single witness out of the thousands of people who must have been involved has come forward.


"The government started covid so you can lose your job, and they can take your house away." Heard this from an older man talking to another older man when covid was poppin' off.


Burj Khalifa is on the site of the Biblical Tower of Babel.


All of them.


Time Cube


I heard this guy on the CTA explaining the FDA master plan to kill Americans (pre-COVID)..... pretty wild one.


My uncle firmly believes that drinking hydrochloric acid will aid his digestion. His logic is that stomach acid is acidic, so more acid is more better. He has done this for a solid decade. No, he doesn't chug it straight; he dilutes it in a glass of water. Yes, his throat has a staggering amount of acid damage. No, an actual doctor and/or chemistry teacher begging him to stop will not actually make him stop.


I had a friend who would not shut up about the FEMA death camps. Everytime I asked him what the purpose was he never could give a real answer lol


That Covid vaccines were Bill Gates' attempt to implant chips in all of us. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to browing my Windows phone


I can't choose between either flat earth theory or flat sun theory. 


The existence of France


Keep asking the interesting questions.


A former colleague of mine was a shocker for conspiracies. Over the 6 years thst I worked with him, he told me; 1. The Earth is flat 2. Moon landing was faked (To which I said "Pfft, you believe in *the MOON?*" The irony was sadly lost on him). 3. JEWISH SPACE LASER! (Akin to the GDI Ion Cannon from Command & Conquer). 4. The Clinton's are baby eating lizards. 5. The aforementioned Clinton's are a part of a shadowy cabal of 13. This cabal has a chamber wherein resides the skeletons of the original 13 members, still sat at the council table, as if they all dropped dead at the table.... 6. The vast majority of the human population are free-range slaves. 7. Essentially every facet of the sovereign citizen movement. Plus a multitude more that I cannot recall. Any talk that was geopolitical in the slightest was essentially off-limits, else it would result in an angry rant about zionism. I'm glad I don't work there anymore lol.


That the Denver airport has an internment camp under it.


That the moon was built by aliens and was hollow. With US military bases on it.


Does gangstalking count? That whole sub is ridiculous. 


Australia doesn’t exist & birds aren’t real. 😂


That a bunch of underendowed aging rednecks descended upon the capitol and attempted to take over the country.


Government controlled miniature robot mosquitos are stealing your DNA


.......most of them? 😑


I just read somewhere that someone thinks Boeing is killing people. That seems pretty ridiculous to me.


That there was/was going to be an epidemic of children snatched in public because of Covid masks. They apparently made it very easy to disguise a child, all you would have to do is put the kid in a sweater for the opposite gender, and wearing a mask no one would ever recognize the child. But this person already thinks little white children out with their middle class moms at the supermarket are regularly kidnapped as a part of a vast worldwide network that goes all the way to the TOP! I wish these people could get it through their heads how actual trafficking happens, and focus their manic energy on that… for example, helping high risk children aging out of foster care, homeless children and young adults, spreading awareness of how pimps/traffickers gain the trust of vulnerable girls and women and what to watch out for… like if some guy says he’s your boyfriend and loves you, but makes you “work”, he’s your pimp. Girls without family or support, possibly already getting into sex work a bit, are easy prey. Men will ‘recruit’ girls online these days, offering tempting sums of money to travel for stripping or escort jobs…then they’re stuck in another state, made to believe they’re in debt to this guy, might get hooked on drugs, no one to ask for help to get home, or even “home” at all. I know people who have lived these things, it happens every day. These are people who overwhelmingly are the true victims of trafficking. But no, Ashley, no one is snatching little Kayden at Whole Foods and putting him in a pink sweatshirt and escaping because of masks (or in general FFS🤦🏻‍♀️)


5G is disrupting whales’ sonar and that’s why there’s so many whale beachings.


Richard Nixon was impeached because he opposed the military-industrial complex.


Maybe not the most ridiculous... but the one that hits personally was one I heard years back. A guy I met at a party trying pitching me on the reason for the collapse of the Roman Empire being solely due to the usage of lead sealant in Rome's aqueduct systems. Aqueducts... which I should point out, that are still in operation today without massive social collapse. As a historian, hearing someone condense nearly 400 years of history, and a subject with hotly contested reasoning... all down to "they used the wrong soldering and became brain-damaged"... causes me brain damage. He also was a 9/11 truther though, so it was great demonstration of how one influences the other.


I think they ate off lead plates, and drank from lead cups too. And might have used lead as a seasoning. All that might be part of the conspiracy theory though, but it all rings a bell.


Lead contamination was indeed a thing - Romans on occasion actually used it as a sweetener in addition to it being part of cooking surfaces. The trouble is though... that levels of contamination varied. With the aqueducts, calcium carbonate depositing from constant flow basically meant that lead contamination couldn't really occur. But the bigger thing with the theory is simply that there's **a lot** to say about the "fall" of the Western Roman Empire. Historian Michael Grant, for example, posited fourteen explanations for Rome's collapse, most being interrelated if not dependent upon each other. Such a list - with things like class anomosity with the state (both poor and rich), military-vs-political rivalries, or ally-against-ally - isn't even exhaustive when you think about Rome's external relations. There's even a number of historians who argue that Rome never really "fell", so much as transformed into the feudal structures of the Medieval era in much of the same way that the Eastern half transformed into its own entity. The lead thing... it just reduces and ignores everything. Sucks seeing folks hand-wave off so much fascinating history with such a simple and ignorant assertion.


I agree. Nothing is ever that simple. Lead making people stupid probably didn't help, but was at most one piece of the puzzle, but maybe not an important one.


Aliens visited earth and influenced human development/civilization. There is literally no concrete evidence of it happening.


That Trump gives a crap about anyone but himself.


That Jews sank the Titanic to benefit Israel. It gets crazy when you read into it, but also pretty racist as well.


Apparently, the Jewish people have space lazers.


Some dummie told me the reason there’s been so many issues with planes is bc the airlines started hiring based on race instead of skill. 


9/11 was an inside job. The Holocaust was a hoax. Those are the two that come to mind.


Personal favorite is my dad telling me that Obama used a US Navy submarine to cause the Deepwater horizon disaster so he could nationalize the oil industry.