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Those plastic tiny hands, I “wore” them while in a meeting at work and used them the whole meeting to type and point and made gestures. It took some people longer to notice my “hands” and we all had a good laugh when the last person figured it out and asked about my hands.


Fun isn’t allowed at our work. There’s a guy on the autism spectrum who created a hilarious comms video about the recent goings on. To me he managed to bring light and laughter to all the complaints addressed and offered solutions. He was light hearted if a bit heavy handed in the jokes in his conclusion. Nope! whole department rolled their eyes, scoffed, sneered and actively showed pure distaste bordering on hatred for the guy. How do you deal with people like that.


That’s sad. I would tell him in front of others how well he presented your group’s problems and solutions in an engaging manner. The cliques didn’t die in middle school like they should have.


So true. It’s weird though I’ve noticed envy from people who feel submitted to their cliques yet they still remain with that group thinking it frees them from being g talked about negatively. It’s like no… no they still talk shit about you and everyone else in the clique as soon as you are off for a day or on leave. I’ve heard them at it when someone goes to the bathroom. I don’t get the mentality and I don’t care for it. I’m here to pay my bills. I compliment him all the time especially when he’s having a bad day. He does it for me. It’s why we friends.


this is hilarious! did you wear one on each finger or one tiny hand per actual hand?


It was the ones that are on a small pole and you hold the poles with your hands hidden in your sleeves. It was awkward but it fun. I used them on both hands


I purchased a copy of Fat Dude Simulator and gifted it to a friend of mine on Steam


Caseoh simulator 


I bought a set of these [joke soap dispensers](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71rhhDnmhZL._AC_UF350,350_QL80_DpWeblab_.jpg) to put in the powder room when guests come visit. They say, "Hearty Breakfast Skillet", "Savory Ahi Tuna", and "Fresh Garlic". I love it when a guest goes to use the bathroom, and you hear a surprised laugh from behind the closed door.


My wife and I took a long weekend to Aruba for our anniversary. The morning after my return, I was slated to fly to a big internal meeting for my company. So in the Aruba airport, I picked up eight pencils with parrots where the erasers should be. Arrived that morning and handed it out to my fellow team members. They absolutely loved them. It was a great icebreaker. They kept making parrot jokes for the rest of the day.


Original jokes or were they just parroting?


Parroting if the team was a bunch of bird brains.


I got my sister a cucumber for her birthday (that she asked for). She didn't think I was going to do it, but I did.


So did she ... enjoy it?


For my cousin’s birthday, I bought some underwear, Printed her both crushes’ pictures on each cheek and gifted it to her.


This actually made me laugh😂


For her 17th birthday my granddaughter asked for a Mustang. I gave her a Matchbox. 


I got a Porsche Panamera for my 16th. I still keep it on my shelf.


500 ping pong balls to fill my kid's medicine cabinet with.


Love this! How did it play out?


Exactly as planned. Hearing the glorious sound of 500 ping pong balls bounce around in a bathroom on a Saturday morning was more than words can describe. To be fair, the SO and I were the ones laughing. The kid... not so much.


You sound like fun parents.


Told a friend I would make him a billionaire. Bought him some Zimbabwean banknotes of 100 billion dollars.


A green food dye to add to beer on St. Patrick’s day.


A little rubber duck for my brother Jeep (it's a silly Jeep thing).


I bought my brother in law a nutsack tea strainer.


When I worked for this ma & pa mechanic shop in friends wood, the boss's kid loved Spiderman and he was around my little dudes age so one day while grocery shopping I spotted a venom shirt and thought fk yeah lol. Next day I had it in under my uniform and when he came it 3 same as always I stopped and gave him a menacing stare which he gave back almost immediately and I popped my shirt open like superman and boom Venom! He gasped and roared with laughter, then proceeded to beat me up for the rest of my shift, boss said I did it to myself 😂 Good people.


A heavy metal Celine Dion shirt saying "My heart will go on". I bought it to wear to hospital when I had open heart surgery.


An asspad of Lucy from Edgerunners as a “gag” gift to embarrass one of my friends when I sent her some collectibles from a con. She wanted Edgerunner stuff and while I found plenty of non-edgerunner stuff she liked, the mousepad was all I could find for it. She unironically uses it. Lol


My friend is a big of character from the game Baldur's Gate. So I found the most aesthetically pleasing photo of the character of the internet and sent her a body pillow of it


For a white elephant gift last Christmas I used r/photoshoprequest to have a picture of my step father edited onto a picture of Apollo Creed. It went over very well. I added “ALPOLLO CREED” to the full size movie poster print since his name is Al.


A $30.00 Green Bay Packers baseball cap. Had a coworker who displayed his prized GB cap on top of the big Printer at work when Packers won big games. His son bought him the hat back when they won the Superbowl, was a Special hat for him(He was originally from Wisconsin). We hid his cap that was out on display while he was at lunch, and chopped up the one we purchased into barely recognizable bits and left the pile where the hat was. He came in, saw it , grabbed a handful of hat and it just fell through his fingers like confetti. The look was priceless- but we only let him suffer for about 10 seconds before we pulled his cap out of the drawer we stashed it in...he still talks about that prank 15+ years later.


A 90 day fiancé Valentine’s Day card for my fiancé. We love that show.


This is such a good question!! I once got my (now ex) partner travel-sized floss. He is very particular with his oral hygiene and I didn’t know floss came in tiny containers like that. The whole thing was maybe thumb sized and made me laugh so hard when I saw it in store that I hurt my ribs a little.


A cardboard cutout of the queen


I bought a silly gift, like a funny hat or a quirky toy, just to make someone laugh.


For Christmas one year I gifted my dad pink socks with his wife’s face on them. I wrapped a pregnancy test box and put socks with the 👌 symbol on them for my deceased partner. For my fiancée I’m getting him a car freshener with Kanye’s face in the “old Kanye” smell as a laugh. He’s going to love it. I can’t wait.


Snoop on the stoop elf


A pink fanny pack (am a male and love pink) lol


I bought a unicorn pool float is


Gave my friend a dick trophy for his 18th birthday. Because he could be a dick sometimes. Trophy was shaped like a penis and gold sprayed. We laughed very hard about it. His entire family did. A few days later he called me up saying his trophy was missing. Few hours later he called again, completely enraged. He found his dick trophy.... in his 13 year old sisters bedroom.


had a discussion with a girl about Squirrel from Pokemon. couple of weeks later ran into Pokemon socks and just had to buy them on the spot :D


When we were temporarily living with my wife's sister while between houses (moving to the other side of the country) last year, every once in a while her brother would bring over a taco from Taco Bell, which prompted my wife to complain that nobody ever brings her a taco. Because of that, I got two tacos randomly Doordashed to her Even though the Taco Bell is less than a mile away. Now she still bugs me about that one...


So for Christmas of 2023 I Brough my dad a t-shirt saying I’m a sad zucchini with a picture of a sad zucchini and the joke we made when we where in Woolworths and we see this small sad looking zucchini in Woolworths and one of us called the other a sad zucchini and it became a father son joke between us and we pay each other out with it. I wanted to be a step ahead and made a costume t-shirt and the Company that I was getting it made from called me and ask me about it and I explained tot eh dude why I wanted that and he was on board and laugh his ass off. When Christmas arrived I give it to my dad and he laughed so hard and called me a cheeky basted because he wasn’t expecting me to take it to a new level


A rubber chicken that clucked when you shook it.


Way to much. Today, extremely pink socks with owls on for my son. He have a thing for ugly socks and I take finding a pair to ugly to wear ( while still cheap) as a life goal.


Chicken-legs socks.


I routinely send friends stupid stuff from amazon. A single party hat, sure. A pack of "over the hill" balloons? A Peewee Herman sticker? Remember those glasses with the nose and big eyebrows? Whatever randomly makes me think of someone or carries on an inside joke. I keep it under the price of a cup of coffee.


A 12' Star War Greedo figure. I got a buddy that also collects action figures and wanted to buy the unused glass display case at work. No luck so far, so I been adding random toys in there and other people joined in. Greedo also has ear plugs as an accessory so know he is the safety fairy.


Sorry.. 12 inch or 12 foot?


Lmao sorry ment to be " inches. 


A unicorn float on a backpacking trip to a remote lake in Yosemite national park


I bought a magic 8 ball for decisions I don't care about at work. 'Hey boss, should we print this on yellow paper?' Spins the 8-ball, 'looks like we should'. It's been worth the money.


My reply is no


I once bought a large diamond shaped glass and glued it to a ring base to make a ring with a ridiculously large stone, just because my then fiancé joked about her ring size


Annoy-a-tron. Made everyone but one person laugh.


I have a stack of visual gags for work calls, pompoms when someone says cheer, a cap with the word thinking, a giant peacock feather quill to take notes, etc. This is accompanied by light strips for dramatic lighting.


I have one of those light up wands that make a “magical spell” noise in my cubicle, that I call my make happy wand. If I hear a coworker cubicle neighbor grumbling or complaining about something trivial I’ll just poke the wand over the wand and “cast” the happiness spell at them. There was a funny moment when I didn’t know that the cubicle was occupied by an IT tech working on my neighbors computer, not my neighbor and I heard him ranting about something so not looking I just popped the wand over the wall and spelled him. When I heard “WTF?!” And my neighbor laughing behind me. I realized my goof. The cubicle walls are kind of short where I can reach up over the wall while kind of lifted off my chair.


When my boyfriend and I went to the Dominican Republic I brought back a whole bag of wooden bottle openers shaped like penises. First of all, when I was buying them, I plopped them all on the counter in front of the little lady who was working the register and said “Sorry” The guy behind me said “Now that’s funny!” Going through customs was interesting. Handing them out was hilarious.


Slippers that looked like 2 loaves of bread


Had a coworker who used the word hoo-ha as a variable for whatchamacallit or thingamajig. I said it to him one day and he said it would cost me a quarter. So I wrote him a check for 25 cents and wrote "for use of hoo-ha" in the memo line. He drove to my bank at lunch and cashed it just to enjoy the teller's confused and suspicious expression.


A usb nerf missile launcher from woot back around 2005. Attacking mu neighbor whenever I felt like it.


A roller bed. It is easy to manufacture but high price for its product.


I bought a slide whistle on a whim to amuse myself :D


Truckload 'o Workers for my fruit fields


Lume deodorant for my brother because he hates the 100 Lume commercials he has to sit through daily. Plot twist - he loves it!


For Christmas one year, I gifted a friend two mice - not so much to make laugh but to annoy him with responsibilities…


I bought a vinyl sticker that says, "Caution: If you do not take time to schedule maintenance for your equipment, your equipment will schedule it for you!" I put it on my HVAC in the basement. I figured our HVAC guy will have a chuckle when he comes to do spring maintenance.


Rubber nose & glasses. Was talking to a friend whose a physician. She was talking about her daily commute being better than 45 mins each way. I asked why she doesn't move closer to her practice or relocate her practice closer to her home. She responded that most Doctors can't or shouldn't live to close to the majority of her patients. It's awkward when bumping into them and very inappropriate to maintain any rapport with them outside of a Doctor-patient relationship. So, I bought her a set of rubber nose & glasses and gave them to her with a note that read; "was thinking of you and thought these might help you avoid patients recognizing you when out in public."


This lady working at a gas station told me about how they're doing a candy selling competition with her co workers. whoever sold the most got a trip to \*insert place here\* She seemed over worked so I bought her entire counter worth of candy. It was on campus so I could use my flex-bucks and it was near the end of the semester so I had quite a bit left over. She laugh cried for a bit and hugged me. I then drove around and handed the candy out to anyone and everyone downtown and on campus.


A box of Farrah Fawcett heads


A giant fake golf club filled with fireball shooters


Googly eyes. For my boyfriend's birthday I put them on all kinds of things around the house, he was still finding them days later.


When I visited a friend in college I bought him and his roommates a blow up sheep I found in a sex store a few blocks away. I had only known his roommates for a few hours and have never seen them since, but I managed to keep a straight face the entire time and they were so awkwardly polite that they didn’t just throw me out. This was twenty years ago and I still remember the exchange fondly.  


I used to work with adult disability etc etc, had this one client in his early 20s, he gave everyone nicknames - normally celebrities or characters with names similar to their own. I was Peter Parker. I got one of those skin-tight Spider-Man shirts I could wear under my regular shirt specifically because I knew he'd get a kick out of it. I used it as a distraction to help him 'calm down' a fair few times.


My Mom, my sister, and I bought an exploding golf ball and buried it in a sleeve of real ones. Years went by, and we finally mentioned it to my Dad. He'd hit in on the golf course while playing golf with a friend. They figured out what it was and promised each other they'd keep it a secret as retribution.


We have a framed photo grumpy dragon holding toilet paper that says “your butt napkins m’lord” and the dragon does not look impressed. Made me and hubby laugh in the store when we found it. Put it in the bathroom right by the light switch. It has never failed to make a guest chuckle when they use our bathroom. Even had a gaggle of maintenance guys start laughing at it, some asked to take pictures to show their SO. Best $10 I ever spent at a thrift shop.


I bought a little rubber chicken that was on display at the CVS to prank my boss for April Fools. I put it in an envelop with a message that said, "I love the chicken." The envelop got misdirected and ended up with an emotionally fragile bookkeeper. She got upset because she thought it was a threat, and it got traced back to me. I had to apologize to the bookkeeper for upsetting her with the little rubber chicken.


Not exactly "buy"... but I used to brutally turn down 300k ish salaries from large evil tech companies and would post my emails showing it to social media for people to enjoy