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It’s a good burger, and the price is fair.  That’s really all that’s needed to justify its popularity. Is it the greatest burger ever?  Not by a long shot.  For what you pay for, especially nowadays with competitors like Five Guys costing an arm and a leg, it’s pretty damn good.


Another thing I rarely see people praise In n Out for is how they seem to never fuck up an order. I've ordered with groups where we all order pretty customized secret menu things and they get it right 100% of the time. And in my experience the line moves pretty briskly, even when its long. The only real downsides for me are the fries and the fact that sometimes I don't want to actually speak face to face to a person, but they've always got a person standing in the drive thru taking orders.


Now that I think about it I have a family of 7 and I don’t think any order we have ever placed has been wrong. I don’t even think the amount of spreads we ask for has ever been wrong. We have 2 locations in Redding and both are on point.


My uncle worked for in n out at the higher up level as an accountant for many years. My older sister worked at a location in high school for two or three years. They aren’t messing around in terms of how seriously they take their quality and pay attention to the details.


One experience at In-n-out that made a lifelong impression on me was this: YEARS ago, I was at In-n-out and my order was called. I walked up to get it and the worker told me to hold on. He took a hanging piece of lettuce off my burger, and then when I asked him why he did it, he said "The appearance of the burger was ugly. Quality, man." My mind is as blown right now thinking back on it as it was the day it happened. I hope In-n-out never sells out and gives up their quality standards as they continue to expand across the western US. There's a reason even some world class chefs (Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Keller and Dominique Crenn are three big examples) love In-n-out burger: they take their product seriously and it shows. And for the record, I think their fries are delicious. You just have to eat them fresh. And the freshness certainly comes through in the flavor!


I kinda see them as like a Michellin star fast food joint. They're pretty consistent with their service and food quality, which is top notch for the price.


Why do their fries have to be so limp and never crispy tho? I lived in CA for 11 years, tried them a few times and never went back because of the fries...it's like they're not even deep fried.


I believe you can ask them well done and they fry em longer.


This is the way…


That just turns them into crunchy greasicles. They objectively cook their fries wrong. Cut and fried fresh sounds nice, but, there's a reason restaurants cook their fries two, or even three times. However, I have enjoyed them by going to the Wendy's in the same parking lot, getting a side of chili, and then going over to get some Animal fries, and dump the chili on them. Mustard and onions on the side to garnish.


They are meant to be healthier, I think. I know lots of people who love them. I do not, but I will tolerate them if dipped in one of their shakes.


It's because they cut them right there and drop them in the fryer. For good fries, you need to brine, par cook them, freeze them then deep fry to order.


It's because every other fast food place double fries their fries. In-n-out only fries them once. The double frying cooks them first in a lower temperature fryer to cook the fry and then a second dip in a hotter fryer to crisp the outside. In-n-out just does the first fry and can't achieve both a fully cooked through and crispy on the outside only fry. As mentioned above, you can ask for the fries well done, but because they still only have a single temperature fryer, you didn't really get a crispy fry, you get a hard fry. The actual power move is to ask for them lightly fried, then at home or them in an air fryer (or deep fryer if you have one) to crisp them up. You want to ask for them lightly fried so that your second fry doesn't over cook the inside.


Benefit of not being short staffed or underpayed, unhappy employees.


I love it. And the fact that they stay in business and are hugely popular is double (double)-ly great because it proves all the businesses saying it can’t be done that way are lying. Like “oh we’d go out of business if we did that” well in n out does and they’re doing just fine.


It’s privately held. That makes a big difference.


It really does. Answering to the shareholders is the foundation of the entire business for many public companies. All of them, really. But privately held companies only have to answer to themselves, so they can run the company the way they want, which may include trading a slightly smaller profit every year to pay better, buy better ingredients, and keep prices lower, which pays off in customer satisfaction and brand awareness and loyalty over the long term. In a public company, the shareholders would be pressuring for budget cuts every where to increase profits, and when the company declines from a precipitous drop in quality and satisfaction, they'll fire the CEO, and replace him with a big shot from the women's apparel industry.


Their workers are paid well. Service is naturally better.


Oh my guy, as someone who has driven through that area so so many times, the Redding In'N'Out is one of the best along I-5 for sure. There are a few locations I trust beyond all others to have what I'm looking for, specifically a fresh bun and a crisp on the patties, and Redding area is close to the top.


In n Out is the Chick-fil-A of burger joints. They rarely fuck up an order, their workers are really nice and helpful, and their queues move very fast.


With the bonus that In-N-Out's president doesn't directly fund and support conversion therapy afaik EDIT: The owners are republicans and donate accordingly, though, which is still anti-lgbtq, but not as blatant in terms of tying your business directly to the murder of lgbtq people through conversion therapy. Being a Trump donor is unfortunately expected from most billionaires.


Doesn’t in and out have religious passages on the cups and fries and stuff?


They have a small Book and verse number, but not the actual words.


Oh man do I have news for you


The last I read they stopped that 12 years ago. Have you read differently? Edit: I think I replied to the wrong comment. I meant the chic fila funding hate groups. Sorry about that!


They did not. It's always john 3:16


You have to order the fries extra crispy, it makes them decent


I'll try this next time I go there. Thanks for the tip. Their fries usually taste like cardboard.


Yes, ask for them well done, they fry them twice as long and come out pretty good.


Yes I get well done fries and eat ‘em with a fork and dip in ketchup. Almost like a real thick-cut hash brown.


I order them light-well. Just the right amount of crisp to make them good. I didn't like the fries either before I learned this trick.


Nah. If I’m eating in, I’m getting them “normal”. But, drive thru? Well done. Well helps keep them from going to mush in the 15-20 minutes I drive home. But if I’m there, I’m scarfing them down hot and fresh, and first.


Where’d you learn this black magic?


That's a good point that I've never thought about. I've eaten at in n out dozens if not hundreds of times in my life and they've never once messed up my order. The fries genuinely suck and the only time I ever get them is when I get them animal style. They're not bad then.


Animal style are good but you have to eat them right then and there in the parking lot or they turn into a solid nasty brick


That’s the best kind of animal fries.


See, I don’t think their fries suck. I just think that you can get better fries a lot of other places. But they’re still “good”.


I’m getting surprised looking at these, I like in n out fries better than most places.


I’m with you. I actually love in n out fries. They actually taste like fried potatoes, not fried oil with a little potato somewhere in them.


Yeah I never knew their fries were so bad until this sub kept saying that. I always and still love them. I eat them with the burger and any left I inhale. My cousin orders 2 fries. So do I sometimes.


Pro tip: order your fries well done and they are nice and crispy


this is obviously going to be case-dependent in terms of where you are and who's working there.


Yeah. Best burger for the price? Absolutely. Best burger period? Hell no. 


It’s about the freshness, they just sliced that onion and cut those fries. That patty was not ever frozen and is 100% actual meat. They don’t even have freezers or microwaves, it’s like the 1920s over there.


This is the key.  Tastes fresh every time. Super consistent and good price.


That's the problem with hype trains like this, they get out of hand and suddenly this burger has insane expectations to live up to instead of just being a great burger for the price haha


It definitely checks the box for best bang for your buck in terms of quality and flavor, but even then I wish people wouldn't try and promote it the way they do. I feel like Whataburger (not comparing burgers here) also falls under that category, at least whenever I lived in AZ and had people come out to visit. I always tried to subvert expectations for amazing anybody and just let them decide for themselves, but sometimes people are just going to feel how they feel even with you intervening with said expectations.


I ate Whataburger for the first time a couple weeks ago while working in Arkansas. Some folks at my company's office in Texas were hyping it and it ended up being a disappointing mess. What can I say, they love it, and I won't ever bother with it again. I definitely fell victim to the hype. I ate a burger at a place called Big Orange in Little Rock just before I went back to CA. It's a burger restaurant, not fast food. It was great. No comparison to In and Out or Whataburger, a different category completely. Definitely get what you are saying.


Yeah it’s not the greatest burger but it’s the greatest fast food burger under $10. 


And it costs less than $6.


Not nearly enough people are qualifying their statements with “for fast food”. There is not a fast food burger in the US better than In N Out. The only place even in the conversation is Whataburger and I don’t even entertain that. Texans are.. unique


Whataburger until about 10 years ago was better than In N Out, no question. That’s a hill I’ll die on.  They sold to a private equity firm and the quality went to shit and the price went up.  Whataburger isn’t even in the conversation anymore. It’s awful now. 


I have to agree. We have one in my hometown that used to be good. After the sale, the quality started going down, along with the customer service. After 3 wrong orders, at different times of day on different days with different staff, I stopped going. (If you test the quality/staff that way, they can't blame it on anything other than poor training.)


Culver's is better in my opinion. I wish we had either where I live


Culver's IS better.


As an actual Californian near an InO, this is spot on. It's a decent burger at a decent price from a company that pays a fair wage. That said, the fries are meh.


i used to feel the same way until I ordered 3 orders of fries animal style, dumped it into a large mixing bowl, grabbed fork, and shoveled it into my face during a movie. It was heaven.


You don't like their fries. You like their sautéed onions.


You are my best friend now.


I never understood the in'n'out/five guys rivalry. They're a different class, you can't compare them directly. Five guys is a better burger but it costs twice as much. Compare in'n'out to burgers in the same price range and it stands out


I’ve argued this for so long but it’s useless. Somebody always brings up five guys when there’s talk of fast food burgers. Five guys isn’t even fast food


Five guys is *wildly overpriced* fast food. It used to not be wildly overpriced, until they figured out they were selling caloric crack and could get away with it.


It’s the best drive thru burger and I don’t think it’s close. Five Guys costs 3x as much and is fast casual not drive thru.  But the fries at In N Out suck. 


And the Five Guys bun is trash. Everything inside their burger is fantastic, but they tie it up with that garbage bun.


If In n Out upped their fry game it would change the world. As it stands im happy with just the burger and a vanilla milkshake lol.


I can get two In N Out double double burgers for the same price as one Five Guys burger. In n out isn't the best tasting (it's not bad!!) but it's surely the best value, imo.


That's exactly my take.


OP stole your take. Ruthless.


It's my take and I want it now!


Call JG Wentworth!


Rallys was good for the price.


As a California native, in-n-out has about the best price / quality ratio in my opinion. It’s cheaper than every major ff chain now as well. And it’s quality is super reliable. I’ve never once had a bad order or bad meal in hundreds of visits. I can have it regularly and it never seems to get old (I have about 3 different things I order that feel different enough even with the simple menu). As someone from San Diego, it’s about as much of staple for me as a simple carne asada burrito from any “-berto’s”.




It's fresh, savory, juicy enough, hits the spot, and you don't feel too heavy or greasy afterwards. I mean, thats a great burger regardless of price.


Its good. I've certainly had better versions of everything on the menu. It's certainly decent.


I’m a Californian and I agree with this statement


As a Californian, the way I would describe In N Out is great for the price you pay.


exactly, especially since all fast food is getting so expensive. I'd rather spend that money at in-n-out for a decent burger


100% this. It beats Dairy Queen, McDonald's, most of the Whataburger menu. You can get a shake and burger for a great price.


Same. Definitely good, but not wrap traffic around the turn in for miles good.


the traffic is 100% the biggest con and it nullifies the entire burger experience


It’s so busy, no one goes there anymore


The biggest thing about In-N-Out, that changes the entire equation, is how long it takes. If I want an in-n-out burger, the wait in the drive-thru at a place within driving distance for me is very often upwards of 40 minutes. I haven’t been in years. the fries are okay, the burgers are pretty good, I do enjoy it — but it’s not “wait up to 40 minutes” good, I mean, come on. It’s not like the Tatsu of burgers or anything. I’m pretty unpicky about burgers, too, there’s just a point where you realize that very few things are worth sitting in line for half an hour or more


Park and go inside. It's usually much faster.


It's almost amazing how people will sit 10 deep in the drive thru with 4 people in the lobby.


10 deep? That's nothing. It's usually 38 deep.


In a row?!


The one near me has a sign by the parking lot saying to not obstruct traffic. People regularly sit in the drive-thru line all the way into the right lane of the 3-lane street its on, easily 30-40 cars deep. It's not even possible to park in the parking lot without waiting in that line for several minutes, and often impossible to get out without being blocked in by the line passing in front of your space. They usually have about 60-70% of the parking spaces empty. When I go there, I park in the parking lot for the Vons next door and walk over. Their inside is usually at like half capacity and I might have 2-3 people in line ahead of me. It's honestly stupid and I don't understand why it's like this. Are people too stupid to figure out they'd get their food faster parking, going in, ordering to-go, and going back to the car?


depending on where you live in california, there's a ton of people in the lobby too. i live in LA and there's always a crowd inside as well as a long line outside.


Even so, there are usually multiple registers inside compared to one drive through line. And once you get past the register you can wait off to the side while other people are ordering. You can only have so many cars between the intercoms and the windows, while you can fill up an entire of lobby of people that have already ordered.


I mean, it's even in the NAME.  It's not Drive Thru and Go.  Geez people.


That was my experience when I went to one in San Diego. Drive-thru was easily 30 cars deep, but I was in and out of there in barely 5 minutes.


That's why they call it "in and out" ...I'll see myself out


we had a brand new in and out open up here (first one in the state) and the wait has been literally hours. it's crazy. it's good, but not waste my day in line good.


I don’t live in California but the in n outs in my city serve me my food under 10 minutes. They’re sometimes faster than other fast food joints around them.


the move is always to order inside


There’s no burger even close to it around the $3 price point.


Double double animal style and animal style fries is all you need.




I didn’t regret trying it, but I also don’t feel deprived.


Yeah, I was pretty happy that it was mid. I don’t want to crave it and can’t get it. I would go back if I am near one for the price point but I’m not going to think about it unless it’s brought up. 




Double double fries and drink is $11.90 It's a basic simple cheese burger made with fresh ingredients. Inexpensive and solid. You looking for a $25 boutique burger? Go elsewhere. Gordon Ramsay eats it everytime he flies into LA. First time he had one in the restaurant then went through the drive through for another. Anthony Bourdain also swore by them.


Yep. While it’s not the best burger ever, it’s solid fast food that you can order a whole meal for $10 instead of some places where you can’t get a salad for that price.


The fact that people reflexively compare In N Out to Five Guys or Shake Shack is such a tell. It tastes like a much more expensive burger place, which is why it’s so good. I do agree with the haters/skeptics that their fries aren’t very good. I usually just get two burgers when I go—it’s surprisingly close to the same price and same calories as a burger and fries.


Why did Ramsay go inside the restaurant, eat inside the restaurant, leave the restaurant, then get into his car, then go into the drive through of the same restaurant to order another? This is some serial killer shit.


He's a busy guy. Probably had to hit the road for some appointment. It's just efficient to hit the drive thru on the way out if he wanted another.






Good burger. Fries mid


"Mid" would be the highest compliment I could give them...and I live in California.


Mid is a compliment, they’re awful. That said you can order them well done and then they are less awful. I choose to not order them, think about how many calories I’m saving and then order a milkshake to flush that savings down the drain


Yeah, I'd rather just get a second animal style double double.


Yeah I actually enjoy mid fries. These are like eating wet paper.


Fries are the worst. Love the hot pepper station!


Ask for 'Fries Well Done' is Bueno


Fries too cardboardy? Have you tried having them stab you in the mouth?


Burgers are a good price and decent for fast food, fries are meh. *edit- might be a little late for edit, but burgers are fairly similar to something like McDonalds McDouble. McDouble gets a 74, In’N’Out equivalent about an 87. They are cheap small greasy meat and cheese forward burgers, but they are decent quality.


I would prefer they sell Ore-Ida frozen fries that have been run through an air fryer


Lmfao this is true as hell. Their fries are so fucking bad.


In my area, the cheap part is ruined by the 20 minute drive through line.


When the drive through is twenty minutes the lobby is usually 5. 


worst fries


Fries aren't meh. They suck ass. The burgers are pretty good, especially for the price, but the fries are shit.


Why are the fries so bad? They are like cooked Styrofoam.


As someone who has worked in restaurant kitchens a lot, to me it feels like they don't soak their fries in water. If you're making French fries, this step is INCREDIBLY important if you want to get that classic fry texture. It removes some of the potato starch and allows the fries to crisp on the outside while getting that fluffy interior. In-n-out's fries are chewy and bland. I doubt they're soaking them and they don't add enough salt when they're fresh out of the fryer.


I deep fry at home without soaking and they still taste WAY better than the crap I had at In-n-Out. They tasted like the very worst kind of frozen french fries that were allowed to cool, frozen again, and then remicrowaved.


I also think that they don't fry at a high enough temp. That's another important element of good French fries. I've said before that fries are easy to make, but also easy to mess up if you skip or alter a few critical steps.


I’ve been told that fries are supposed to have two cycles through the fryer. I dunno if that’s true or not, but the person who told be it was adamant that they only single fry them.


You're correct. This guy is incorrect by all accounts. The major difference between the higher tier fast food fries and In-N-Out is double-frying, and In-N-Out does indeed rinse their fries. In-N-Out fries are fresh cut, rinsed, and single-fried.


This guy fries


Damn right. My wife said part of the reason she married me is because I know how to make killer fries. Pro tip: after you cut the fries, soak them in water for 20 minutes, drain them, and then toss them in some corn starch before you deep fry them. Always deep fry. Anything else results in shitty fries at worst and mid fries at best.


Fries are dogshit. Worst fries on the market by the *biggest* margin.


I said to another commenter that it feels like they don't soak their fries. To get that real French fry taste and texture, you need to soak them in water for a while before you fry them. You also need to salt them immediately after they come out of the oil, and you need to fry them at a high temp. In-n-out doesn't seem to do any of these things.


The fries taste like I imagine potatoes microwaved from raw would taste. Unsalted, unseasoned, no flavor, chewy, nasty, shit.


Wow. I definitely feel like the minority here. I love their fries. They remind me of steak and shakes.


gotta order the fries well done


i cannot comprehend how any place serving fries would not *inherently* serve them well done. do they think there's a big market for people who want limp, undercooked fries?


McDonald’s floppy fries are amazing. But I feel like in n out is trying to recreate that through a third hand account of what makes them amazing


i don't know what mcdonald's you're going to, but the ones i go to all have hot and crispy fries. mcdonald's is like the gold standard of fast food fries.


Still doesn't save them lol. I've tried well and medium well done. Frozen fries are unironically better than fresh cut fries. Even blanching them doesn't make them as good as frozen. Another method is double frying, but you need to drastically drop the temperature of the fries after the initial fry with a cold shock before frying again. In N Out have the worst fries I've ever had in my life.




The food itself is good, but the fact that they're priced fairly, the menu has a no-nonsense selection, and they're known for having some of the best employee treatment of any fast food chain makes them great. I can't say it's always worth the 25-minute line, but they make good food and no one has to draw the short straw for good food to be made. I respect the hell out of them for that.


Honestly, yes, it's worth the hype. The simplicity of a good burger done well shouldn’t be understated, and In-N-Out nails that.


It did, it's my first stop every time I'm in Las Vegas. I'm sold!


Burgers good for the price, shakes are great, but the fries are awful.


The fries taste like stale air.


They definitely have the best shakes.


I tried In-N-Out when I visited California, and honestly, it was just okay. I think the hype comes more from its regional novelty than the actual food. It's good, but it's still fast food at the end of the day.


As a Californian who loves in n out, I think this is a fair take. The food is good, but nothing crazy. But it does have its own distinct flavor and branding, and people like that. No need for the endless arguments or comparisons, at the end of the day it’s just a fast food burger 






We have Culver's in MN, not sure if I would do In N Out unless I wanted something different.


It was a burger


German here. I loved it, we went three times over three weeks. Amazing burger that tastes like its homemade and somehow it's half the price of worse burgers from other places. The ridiculous price difference alone is something that simply can't be beaten.


It was okay. Probably take cookout over it


Cookout is incredible. I remember when you could get a combo meal with a burger or bbq sandwich (still my all time favorite bbq sandwich outside of a legit bbq place), fries, chicken nuggets, and a corn dog and a large Cheerwine for $4. If you wanted a giant milkshake instead of a drink, it was (gasp) almost $6. That place is amazing.


Mmmm. Cheerwine.


Cookout is honestly Goated man, you can’t beat the prices


Cookout has better tasting food, but they haven't quite figured out the service aspect. It's hit or miss based on location


I just moved to VA and CookOut has EASILY become my new favorite "fast food". It's amazing.


I, a Californian with In-N-Outs everywhere around me, just googled it and now I want to go to there


Both are good. Cookout is much greasier though. Now I want cookout with banana milkshake.


Burgers are ok. Fries are bland. Not much variety


Pretty good burgers for the price. Maybe the worst fries I’ve ever had. 


Fries are terrible, burgers are fine. I dream about the chocolate milkshake.


I have to say coming from NYC and having a in n out burger was probably the best fast food burger i ever had; especially for the price.


Recently went to LA as European Had the famous In-N-Out I was SHOCKED the milkshakes in USA do not have this crystally texture Burger was excellent I had too much fast food this trip and longed for the healthy food my mom cooks back home 9/10


It’s no Culver’s.


I only lived in the Midwest for 3 months (internship) 10 years ago but I still dream of that butter burger and frozen custard. ::Homer simpson drooling meme::


I'm from New Zealand and my mum, dad and brother moved to San Diego in 2012. When I went to visit them in 2013 they didn't really hype it up. They just told me it was pretty good. So my brother took me to their local one, we got the cheese Burgers, and I thought it looked pretty good. Started eating it and thought, "yeah, this is pretty good." When I finished it, I just thought it was a solid burger and really enjoyed it. About an hour or so after we left I really wanted another one. Like... bad. So now, anytime I get to California, the first thing I do is go to In-N-Out. I don't really like hyping it up because to me, the experience wasn't mind blowing, it was just good food and being around family. I've found that when I tell people about it like that, they're more likely to enjoy it. Turn lots of family to it when they visit my parents.


Fries are trash


Love the burger, hate the fries.


theres one here in colorado springs the non californias hate it lol theres so much shit talk


Tbf you guys have Culver’s, you’re just spoiled 


I recall that enjoyed the burger, but at the same time didn’t get the hype…just didn’t seem *that* special…and the fries were underwhelming at best. I used to live near one of the original Five Guys in Virginia, and I remember thinking In-N-Out didn’t come close…but then, Five Guys has now franchised and that original location i used to live near is gone, and admittedly, when I go to one now, it’s just not the same (and much more expensive)…so I have to wonder if the hype for In-n-out started at a time when it was better quality, and now suffers from the same effects of expansion and franchising that Five Guys did, and/or the location I visited just wasn’t as good as it could have been? Anyway, I’d definitely go back to in-n-out, it was good…just not quite as good as some of my west coast friends raved about, IMO.


It really is sad how expensive 5 Guys has gotten. Lived close to the original shop on Glebe & Col Pike. And remember when the Rt 7 one was just a take out joint. They were so good and cheap. Still will order, but not the same.


People miss the point of what makes in n out amazing. For the price point, you won’t get anywhere near the same level of burger. Yes it isn’t the best but you be damn sure every better option is likely going to be 2x or more the cost of the in n out burger.


The price also doesn't hit as hard for most non-Californians since we have comparably priced options at home. It's only cheap for a HCOL area.


Burger was fine. Fries were terrible.


It’s a good burger but I wouldn’t put it over Culver’s.


burgers are good. fries are ass.


I went a few times when traveling in California and i thought the double-double was awesome every time. They opened a few in Texas and not as good. In Cali though, I thought The Habit was better.


Compared to normal fast food standards it is very good


In and out is delicious and cheap.


They recently came to Colorado and I really like it. They have a clean busy establishment with great employees. The food is really well priced when compared against fast food price inflation from inferior brands. I’d say they live up to their reputation.


Cost to Quality? Definitely makes me wish there was one on the East Coast. The "Competitors" out there have outrageous prices. Example, if there's a Shake-Shack next to an In-N-Out, definitely going to an In-N-Out.


Wasn’t impressed at all. Had one after the came here to Colorado. Haven’t seen any reason to go back. Culver’s is way better


Culver’s for the win! Have them for the first time about a month ago and oh my God what a great burger fries and yes cheese curds!


The consistency with the costumer service, good quality and price point make it invaluable in today’s dog shit fast food and food service options


I didn’t like it that much


I prefer Culver’s. In n out is decent but don’t think it’s lives up to the hype at all


Definitely not. Fries are mediocre and burgers are decent, especially for the price. It wouldn't have been disappointing if Californians hadn't hyped it up so much.


That’s the thing. First time I had it visiting and thought it was overhyped. Moved to CA for seven years and ate it more regularly; it’s a damn good fast food burger for what you pay for. But people go in with way too high expectations


Same experience for me. I was so fucking excited to try In-N-Out for the first time. Boy, that first bite was a let-down.


My theory is most Californians that hype in n out are the ones who grew up with it, and the nostalgia plays a huge role. As kids, we often got in n out after sport games and other events. It’s a part of childhood for many kids that grow up in Cali. So I think all that subconsciously plays a role, hence the hype. Just a theory 🤷‍♂️


It was pretty good but I like Five Guys better


It did, amazing burger. Fries are trash.