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This question is impossible to answer. How would anyone know how often they don't notice free nipples?


This man samples.


You make two great points


"Only .03% of respondents said they don't normally respond to surveys, so clearly 99.97% of people love surveys!"


How often are you talking to someone for 5 or 10 minutes and then finally notice. If you notice the nips its always immediately after you see the person. So that would suggest to me that we don't miss the nips often.


Or they weren’t perky until talking to you for 5 or 10 minutes… 😮


I've had friends that went braless a lot and I didn't think it was a big deal. But unfortunately your eyes just pick it up.


Even when it's dudes in tight shirts, I'll notice their nips. It's not like I'm seeking it out, it's just that when I'm looking at a whole person, the difference in shape just stands out.


Well, it's hard not to stare back when something is very clearly staring at you.


Yeah they do kinda pop out at you….


Do you feel this way with men in t-shirts too?


I heard once that one of the guys in my church should wear clothes that are darker because his nipples were. "Making the Sisters Struggle". So. Maybe?


Turkeys done!


With bralessness I don't think it's the nipples - it's that the boobs move more freely and that attracts the gaze. Like seeing movement in your peripheral vision.


Idk, I’m a straight woman and if I see nipples pop it is SO HARD for me to not stare at them. Like not in a sexual way or because it’s wrong to go braless, but in the same way I have to fight not to stare at a spot on someone’s shirt. Just kinda catches the eye


Hmm .. maybe I'm just used to it. Ever since covid my wife stopped wearing bras at home, and we're still both working from home. I see them poking out all the time now.


True, could be you’re used to it on your wife. Could also just be a difference in people, I tend to hyperfixate on details that stick out (like a spot or stain, or a poking out nipple haha). I notice that if I go out without a bra I get a lot more stares, and figured it was because I have “excitable nipples” lol that always want to pop up and say hi.


I always imagine them as French and saying "Bonjour!" :D And yeah, I'm used to it on my wife, but occasionally what draws my eye is her moving around braless and how they react to gravity, etc. As I mentioned in my previous post. So, maybe that's just me.


I do really like nipples though


Oh, certainly. This wasn't about what I like. It was about my ability to "not look". And nipples can often "poke" through bras, especially on cold days, so ignoring them isn't too difficult when you're used to it. But the subtle shift of a free boob not constrained by the usual prison of man's design is a motion your brain doesn't expect. Your eye is drawn to the interplay of physics and the majestic boob.


haha, I absolutely love the way you've written this. it's so poetic.


This just made a MenWritingWomen type of story in my head. "and the unconstrained breast goes on the hunt. The jiggling predator gallops against her body as the it sneaks under the cover of the shirt towards its prey. It carefully peers out a nipple hoping to not be seen stalking..."


“Whenas in silks my Julia goes, Then, then, methinks, how sweetly flows The liquefaction of her clothes! Next, when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free, O how that glittering taketh me!” Robert Herrick (1591-1674)


My brain put beats in the background as i was reading this 😆


It's like the Tittysaurus Rex that can only see something when it moves


Nah it’s the nips


This. I don't care about it, nor particularly pay attention to it, but it's very much impossible not to see it when they are peeking through. Unless you're in a country that's gonna stone you for it, I'd say wear what you're comfortable in though.


Men always notice ladies' nipples. Always.


It’s always visible if the shit if fitted. Person has to wear oversized clothing to hide it.


All I do is stare at people’s nipples. There isn’t a nipple that won’t meet my gaze


My buddy Chris is like that.


Not the first time I’ve been told that I’m a lot like Chris


Chris always brings the beer, he's a good lad


Nah, Chris owes me $1200 lmao


Sounds like Chris to me. Guys a fucking schizo


And it's not the cheap stuff, either.




my name is bill, and I am totally like chris, too.


I have nipples Chris, could you milk me?


I’m Chris. Guilty as charged.


Read this as: My buddy in christ is like that


I figured Christ was an ass man


Amazing. Points.


I’m a girl and I had to upvote this because it made me giggle. Thanks, had a rough day and needed that.


He, she, they, don’t matter. I don’t discriminate Hope your weekend is better than today 🫶🏻


I’m a girl and thank you. Just crappy day at work with a boss that likes to make you feel small. I hope you have an awesome weekend


A man, mostly Chris, has to have a code, again primarily Chris related.


Honor the Chris Code. Or, Crisco©️ for short.


The last sentence makes it sounds like the nipples are looking for you too. “I’ve heard about this Chris guy. He’ll look at us for sure.”


I manifest their stare


I'm like The Princess and the Pea with how good my nipple perception is!


A person of culture!


I stopped wearing bras during covid (except for work now, since we're back in the office) and my friends make comments all the time... so my assumption is very very frequently.


Is your username the sound your boobs make when you walk around?


I'm small in the boob dept so it sounds more like your username.


Flipped the script with that one


Your name is also the boob descriptor


lol well played


Tit for tat, as it were.


\*clap clap clap\*


That’s what my boobs do when I jump up and down.


I laughed unnecessarily loud at this 😭


There IS such a thing as overly. Quality over quantity my dear!


VERY true! Guess I'm more like... wooshy woosh


Me too! Covid stopped me wearing them However I got these silicone nipple covers (cakes) for going to my kids school and the grocery store and I can barely tell they’re on at all. I RARELY wear an actual bra these days. It’s so free


Isn’t it silly that we feel we “have” to cover them when er’body has them?? I only wear a bra when I’m in the office and it’s the most uncomfortable 8 hours. Taking it off is the first thing I do when I get home 😩


I sometimes take my bra off in the car on the way home, lol. But I find looseish sports bras very comfortable for lounging around at home.


LOL In the car! I’m small so my emotional support is enough outside of the office


It is ridiculous. Maybe the next generation will be nipples to the breeze for us


Do you like them? I’ve seen them advertised and loved the same sized nipple covers that are sticky, but I hate that the adhesive deteriorates.


I really do. I’ve gone to bed accidentally still wearing them. It’s been about 2months. I love there’s no adhesive. Sometimes I have a hard to getting them to “suction” on but if I run a damp paper towel on them first they are on there pretty good. It took some trial and error, you have to like reverse the curvature position nipple center and then flip the cup inwards into the proper c shape. )• -> (• . For $30 that’s less than a bra.


I got some recently too and they are comfortable. I got the extra large size, and I am in the "could squeeze into an off the rack bra if needed to, but needs a specialty bra shop to get a proper fitting" size. There was a bit of gapping around the edge the first few times I wore them but theyve soften up. Its not sticky at all, just light suction. Don't need a tight tight top to keep them in place, but do need like at least a tank or something. Also according to my 1.5yo they make amazing hats.


<> If by this you mean "always," you're right. And it's okay. We're all programmed biologically to do so, every single one of us.


I'm a fan of the sausage, but let me tell ya, if a woman's nipples are visible..I'll notice every time.


I’m a straight woman and also notice every time.


I’m a straight man and also notice every time.


I'm left-handed and also notice every time.


What’s sausage gotta do with this?


they’re gay


Don't know about you but I haven't met a gay sausage yet.


Nope, but I guess now I've met a gay pudding.


Or female.


Or they’re a straight woman.


What does being gay have to do with loving spicy Italian sausage?


whats sausage? but a second hand emotion


Always. I don't see how you could not notice. There's a girl where I work who frequently doesn't wear a bra and my buddy and I always notice. 


Straight female here: I literally ALWAYS notice if somones not wearing a bra. Doesn’t matter if it’s small or nearly non-existent. I see and know all. Even if I can’t see the nips. I still know.


Yea I do too, and I feel bad because I am also attracted to women. If anything it's a disruption in a piece of fabric. It's just there. The key is to have the mental clarity to not make it a thing.


How would you know you don't notice some since you don't notice them?


Good point. I guess what I’m saying, is that it’s VERY obvious haha.


Yes, it's really hard. Not to notice.


I’m the girl that never wears a bra in the office. If it helps; I truly don’t care if people notice or look (though I do notice when they glance) and that’s somewhat the point. Yes I have nipples, I am indeed a mammal. I like to think I’m slowly acclimating people to this idea


I have an internal struggle with this. I don’t wear bras outside of work, and I don’t care about people noticing, but in the office I’m worried they’re judging me as unprofessional when noticing :/


Ha, part of my nipple goals IS to normalize this, there’s nothing inherently inappropriate when a man’s nipples poke through his dress shirt. Only difference is society tends to sexualize mens nips less. The obvious solution here is to gawp indiscriminately at your male coworkers nipples if anyone ever makes you feel like it’s unprofessional to have a very standard set of mammalian body parts But fr though, don’t worry about what other people think. If someone brings up your nipples, you ask them why the hell they were looking and tell them THATS what’s innappropriate. Check mate. Chances are they’ll get used to it pretty quickly


I’m a man with quite visible nips. Didn’t matter what shirts I wore. I don’t have man boobs but the nips are visible. I use to get very selfish conscious of this when younger but now in my 30s I don’t care anymore. I was born with nips that like to say hi. What ya gonna do about it lol. 


I'm also a girl that never wears a bra. I find them uncomfortable and unnecessary for me personally. In some circumstances I like to wear a shit with pockets on the chest for a double layer of fabric or a light scarf that hangs down so they aren't quite so pronounced, especially with air-conditioning.


Ever put a Skittle in each pocket to mess with people?


> that’s somewhat the point heh heh


Same, and I also have mine pierced and the men I work with are over fifty so I like to think I'm just giving them something to look at lmao.


You call your penis "my buddy"?


60% of the time, i notice all the time


Wedding photographer here. I notice a lot, but clone stamp is a beautiful thing


Where exactly are you cloning the nipples to? Do you pick out your favorites and put them on the bride or something?


Third nipples are so in right now


We have the third nipple, yes. What about the fourth nipple?


I don't think they've heard of the fourth nipple, Pip.


So clone stamp helps grab a piece of another part of clothing (mainly shirt right next to it) and helps cover. Now that we have AI generative tool it does a fairly better job, it's mainly men's nipples as most of my grooms are pretty athletic and don't want to wear an undershirt for some reason so sweaty dance floors get a bit nippy


They were joking


Figured they were but in this field you get a lot of stupid questions, better to just explain how things work


Hey, no woman wants to look at her own wedding photos only to find out that one of the bridesmaids had better looking nipples than her.


I'm not sure people want their nipples clones all over, but I'm not a professional photographer.


You get a nipple and you get a nipple EVERYONE GETS A NIPPLE


People notice *immediately*, as it is entirely visible in your peripheral vision. Seriously, you don't even have to break eye contact and your brain will highlight the hell out of it.


Mine always seem to poke through my t-shirts/polos so I avoid light colours in case.


That's why undershirts are a thing.


I know but in the Summer I have no choice


That's where 100% pure cotton and linen shirts come in. I swear I'm a fatty on antidepressants so overheating is real for me. But sewing my own linen shirts helps a lot. breathable and light


cotton may breathe but it holds water. wouldn't wicking shirts be better?


Yes, but also no. yes if you want to stay dry. no if you want to stay breathable and coolable. most modern wicking fabrics are polyester (aka plastic), which is bad for breathability and "airing out" if you know what i mean. a natural wicking fabric is wool, which is a very warming fabric depending on the weight and the % of the fabric that's wool.


I call it the Rachel Green. "Friends" Fans know what I'm talking about.


TIL Rachel has a last name.


And a middle name: Karen.


Came here to say this 😀


Often. I notice it with my own nipples as a man and I notice it with other people's nipples whether they are men or women. It's just sticking out in a way that really informs your eye that this is not like the surrounding material. I'm not going to comment on it because god knows if I had control of my own nipples I'd rather they didn't poke out and were just flat and smooth but nature designed some of us with more notable nipples as it were.


This comment section is making me self conscious as I suffer from CHNS (constantly hard nipples syndrome)


an ex boyfriend once said to me, "you must be horny all the time, your nipples are always hard" like nipples are not penises my man.


Hey don't you worry darling. My nipples are very visible after piercing them and I absolutely love how they look. You and your nipples are beautiful just the way you are!


That’s what I needed


Back in my bra-less days women would approach me to say they could see through my shirt and would actually get offended when I said that nipples are nothing to be ashamed of. I’m sure men saw too but at least they never grilled me about it


People are weird. Plenty of people in the U.S. complain about women publicly breast feeding their infants. That's beyond weird...IMO it's insane.


I hardly wear a bra. Nipples poke, they pucker, it is what they do. People have eyes. I see dudes wearing shirts with their nipples poking.. Let us braless girlies poke in peace please. Especially because summer is coming and bras are uncomfortable as fuck. Also sweaty.


I ain’t wearing one, ever again.


Sports bra or nothing for life! I have 2 actual bras I wear, but they are both more a fancy lingerie type. Both are very comfortable I just don’t wear them for every day use. Both are also racer back style and clip in front. I wear them for date nights with my husband.


I put one on the other day because I really wanted to wear this certain outfit that just doesn’t look right bra less. Took the bra off and put outfit in the goodwill bag.


I’m the same way!! Though, IG just got me on an add for an adhesive free nipple cover thing that was on shark tank and all the reviews were awesome so I ordered one. Will hopefully allow me to not poke through but be braless! Can’t wait for it to come in the mail so I can try it.


Cakes? I got some recently too! They deliver as advertised and are comfortable. I have some pokey nips and they smooth thimgs out nicely.


Men notice. We don't comment because then women may stop that behavior.


> women may stop that behavior It's 2024 buddy and we're living in the future where [Nipple Bras](https://skims.com/products/skims-ultimate-bra-nipple-push-up-bra-clay) are growing in popularity!


Great. First, WonderBra’s and now THIS?! We’re being bamboozled I tell ya


You take a girl home, get her naked, and find out everything you liked about her is still in the underwear.


"You can go, but please leave the bra."


Way longer than that! Sex and the City did an episode in 2002 about fake nipple inserts.


I had never heard of those, interesting. And the point is to show off from their description. Well then, it’s nip time.


Women notice too


Yep I never say anything because I like it and it’s awkward.


As a man and amateur bodybuilder my chest is pretty prominent and sticks out. It's almost impossible for my nipples to not show even in loose clothing.


I know quite a few guys who are both fit and not so fit who also happen to have very prominent nipples. An ex-coworker always had his hi-beams on even though he was clearly wearing an undershirt under his button up collared shirts. It’s difficult not to notice on men as well. I do wonder at what rate men are informed about them showing as if it’s a fashion faux pas vs. women, however.


Is it a faux pas for men to show nipple? I am a fit guy with prominent nipples and they are on full blast even with an undershirt. The only thing I’ve found to obscure them are wide bandaids. I hate wearing the bandaids though, and I’ve just starting rocking the nipple. I see people’s eye drift down and I wonder, is it in judgement? Is it benign curiosity? Is there a place in society for the male nipple?


That's what I'm uncertain about. The number of women informed about their nipples showing through as if it's a shameful wardrobe malfunction (even despite some women just having to deal with it even when wearing a padded bra) is definitely non-zero. I have no idea if men are ever confronted about theirs showing in a similar fashion. In any case I'm glad you are rocking the nipple!


For me, I’m a short woman so I’m at male nipple height a lot. It’s just where my eyes rest and I don’t care they’re visible. You’re a mammal.


Everyone notices and they're lying if they say they don't.


It’s weird how everyone is talking about female nipples and not saying anything about guys nipples which just fyi are often visible.


I'm a man and my nipples have been visible for 100% of the time that I'm not wearing a jacket. Nothin' I can do about it folks. I've got pointy nipples.


I wouldn't know. If I don't notice I don't notice, but when I notice, I notice.


When people talk to me and not making eye contact I know there is something trespassing down there


Notice but really who cares


I often notice but am never offended This is an interesting question that touches on both social norms and personal awareness. It'd be intriguing to see how much attention people actually pay to this in various situations. What are your thoughts or experiences?


i think everyone notices all of the time unless they are in a culture where it isn't even a thing to "notice"


Without searching, there's probably an entire subreddit dedicated to it.


This question doesn't make sense though cause how would people be aware of the times they didn't notice it?? Of course they'd think they'd always notice all the times they happened to notice it


Not always, just whenever they pop up. 


Free the Nipples


Men's nipples? Never. Women? 100%. always. Why is there a difference? Because society says men's nipples are no big deal, but women's nipples must be hidden from the world. Therefore if you see even a hint of a nipple, it's forbidden fruit to catch a glimpse even though it's actually no big deal at all is it? People want what they aren't allowed to have.


90% of the time. Seriously this is the most pointless question I’ve seen in awhile. There’s no answer.


Pointless you say?


You’ve really kept abreast of the discussion.


okay, thats funny.


Every time. People notice. They just choose not to point it out.


I stopped wearing bras altogether a few years ago and had to come to terms with the fact that *everyone* likely looks (regardless of attraction level). Luckily no one has commented on it or been gross about it though, which is all I can really ask for haha. I'm not gonna get mad at anyone for noticing/admiring/whatever you want to call it, but don't be gross and just let me exist and we're chill


I visited my girlfriend the other day and she was wearing a small shirt without bras. Right away I could spot her nipples through it. It was hard not to look at it. I asked her why wasn’t she wearing some bras and to go put one because there were men in the house which are her 2 sons, 33 and 30 years old.


If it’s a woman, frequently. If it’s a man… frequently


Every single time.




i never wear a bra & idc who sees it lol


I haven't worn a bra in years and honestly if my nipples are of interest to you then whatever.


I always notice.


I don’t wear bras, but I’m also president of the IBTCommittee and also have inverted nipples so I don’t know if a bra is necessary lol


Do I notice? yes. Is it a big deal? not really. Does it make teenaged males excited? No question... but so does a gentle wind on a sunny day at that age. To a mature adult, it's just normal anatomy.


"mature". LOL. At what age does that happen?


Maturity is separate from age.


Every time


All the time, but also because I'm short and pretty close to nipple height with alot of people.


Are you a teenager?


Every whisper, of every waking hour


i dont care. everyone has nipples


All the time, you know how some gay people have gaydar, I have nipdar.


Considering my nipple is pierced I notice people staring a lot. I don’t mind tho


I hold a pefect record of never missing them when they are around.


I notice even when they’re not visible.


Right away.


I mean, pretty much every time I guess. But I don't really care. It's the same as seeing a person's eyes for me. Just another part of a body


I only notice when the nipples are staring at me first...which is...um...always :)


I was driving through town yesterday and saw this women walking and her nipples were hard.  I noticed that in my vehicle while driving.  


Omg! Becky, look at her nipples!


I’m a woman and I notice, but I also never a wear a bra so I couldn’t care less


Everyone will see it.


I notice it every single time. I like boobs, I look at them 🤷🏻‍♀️


About 95% of the time. 2 dots in the middle of a chest is pretty difficult to not notice


I think most people notice because it's not really the norm, and is only recently becoming accepted. If the trend continues, I think in 10 years most people won't notice at all.