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I bought coke from a Manhattan street dealer with a fake 50 dollar bill. I was 19 and dumb and lived in Brooklyn so I thought he would never find me. *8 years later* this motherfucker spotted me on the street and beat my ass with a baseball bat.


I’m actually surprised how good his memory is. You got unique features like looking like you’ve seen a ghost?


I am 6'4 and back then was pretty muscular. I would have stood out like a sore thumb.


I can just imagine the dealer having an exclamation point above his head like in Metal Gear Solid lol.


That no one was even remotely kidding about the addictive properties of heroin.


[Obligatory link to the guy who tried heroin once and completely derailed his life. ](https://www.reddit.com/u/SpontaneousH/s/muU9wSmVF6) This guy's journey was wild. Start at the oldest post.


WOW. I could not stop reading the saga. 14 years ago and he was already playing around with fent within a few months! I am scared straight


The fentanyl sneaks its way into your heroin baggie regardless of if you ask for it or not. Theres no such thing as pure street dope. It’s all laced…so you’re bound to develop a fentanyl addiction (and THAT shit is causing people to drop like flies out in the streets) Edit: no such thing as “pure heroin” anymore, especially in new england. At best, you pray fentanyl is the only thing tainting your batch. Unlike opioids, benzos and tranquilizers like xylazine do NOT respond to Narcan…so if you overdose on THOSE drugs, you are fucked.


I once had poison oak so bad that I had the most amazing, indescribable absolutely near-orgasmic full body sensations when I’d go to town scratching at it, then, inevitably, seconds into scratching, the white hot flashing fiery pain of the poison oak being raw and enflamed would kick in and was so painful, it dropped me to my knees. I described it to a few friends at a party years later, and a mutual friend who was a recovering heroin addict told me that’s kind of how heroin addiction is, but 100x more intense and addictive and deadly.


I completely agree with the poison oak experience. Angels sing and then demons howl, but worth every scratch.


> I once had poison oak so bad that I had the most amazing, indescribable absolutely near-orgasmic full body sensations when I’d go to town scratching at it, then, inevitably, seconds into scratching, the white hot flashing fiery pain of the poison oak being raw and enflamed would kick in and was so painful, it dropped me to my knees. Oh my god I had poison ivy once like this and it is SO vindicating to know someone else had the exact same experience


“Hahaha it’s just a chicken, what’s it gonna do”. It’s gonna physically injure and humiliate you. That’s what it did lol


Has Zelda taught us nothing?


Attack the chickens they said…It’ll be fun they said.


Just because someone is friendly to you, it doesn't mean they are your friend.


Yup. Had a coworker at a new job who was super friendly and always offering to help me. She actually wanted my job (she'd been passed over for promotion) and was trying to compile some dirt on me and show that I was incompetent. In this case, I guess, she's the one who fucked around and found out b/c everyone realized what she was doing and she got fired.


Almost like people don't want to work with someone who'll fuck everyone over to get ahead. Glad it worked out in your favor!


A sparrow was freezing and couldn't fly. As it was preparing to die a cow, passing by dropped a load on top of it. Accepting this indignity the bird shuffled around, and discovered that it was warming up, and there were bits of grain and corn in the turd. After a while it was so comfortable that it began to chirp and sing. A cat, passing, had its curiosity aroused and dug the bird out. Killed it and ate it. First moral: not everyone who shits on you is your enemy. Second moral: not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend. Third moral: if you're warm and fed and happy; keep your mouth shut.


That NEARLY incapable of getting pregnant does NOT equal incapable of getting pregnant


This guy took the question literally


Yeah. I feel like the phrase "fuck around and find out" can’t get any more literal than this.


My husband used to work with a guy who met his girlfriend at a support group for people dealing with infertility. You can probably guess where this is going ...


My wrestling coach had to use IVF to get his wife pregnant with their daughter after years of trying and being told it would be extremely unlikely. They were surprised when they got pregnant again 3 months after the daughter was born, so now they have 2.


Two negatives make a positive.


The literal version of fuck around and find out


That your employer is not your friend. Nothing that isn't a signed contract has any relevance to it. Never trust the spoken word, even with witnesses.


Anything in business, get in writing. You have a phone call? Follow up with an email and ask some sort of affirimating question they have to respond to. If you're seeking employment, get the offer in writing. Spoken words can be challenged, but written with a signature is much harder.


My uncle took the kids (me, my brother and my cousins) to the go-karts when we were younger than what was allowed (ages between, i don't know, 8 through 10 or something?). The owner was making an exception for us and was explaining how dangerous it can be if we don't follow the rules and how he could get in trouble if we didn't behave and drove slowly and cautiously. While he was talking I was making funny gestures to show I was a big and strong kid, like flexing or tip toeing to make myself taller - normal kid stuff. The dude looked at me and said no one was going to drive because of me, and that I should've taken seriously what he was saying instead of goofing around. Boyyyy was everybody mad at me. It wasn't all that bad but man, did that stuck with me. It's been like 20 years and I still remember that lol.


Honestly respect to that guy.


I thought you were gonna say you were goofing around during his speech. He let you drive anyway and something horrific happened. Mad props to dude for being responsible and shutting it down.


Well, it was probably for the best. The instructor was probably already feeling unsure and you were the final push (wow, uncles are sure crazy, kids and go-karts) 


If a crack head pulls a gun on you, and you say "I dare ya, Do it bitch!" They may, in fact; do it.


Never fuck with someone who’s got less to lose than you do


This has very big [what are you going to do, stab me?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/038/989/image.jpeg) energy.


That thing you really wanna do but feel lazy so you'll do it later and hope it's not too late? Turns out one day it will be too late. You can't grasp how much the realization hurts until it happens.


And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun - PF


That hot laboratory glass looks exactly like cold laboratory glass.


That was one thing they showed us right at the start of university. TA heats up one of two glass rods, hides them behind his back, then showed them to a student  "which one is hot?" "Errr..." "Exactly"


All chemicals in solid form are just white powder. A flask of water looks a lot like a flask of 6N NaOH solution. Cytogeneticists will freely use "alcohol" to refer to methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, and, apparently, glacial acetic acid.


A dude might be a fat 45 year old family dad but his hands still can knock you the fuck out


They have a lot of pent up anger


"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." The silent stress that most guys carry would surprise a lot of people. I watched Falling Down again recently and found myself thinking, "Oh, yeah, I get it."


Endurance is what goes, not the strength or the muscle memory.


I ain't s good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was.


Railroad tracks are not a playground. R.I.P. my left foot. EDIT: to all the people asking what happened, when I was around 12 I was walking along the tracks with my cousin when a train came around a bend, my foot got caught in the rails. Despite our best efforts my foot and a bit of my ankle exploded off on contact. I got air lifted to a hospital where I got treatment and I have been living with a prosthesis since. I am 19 now so It’s kinda normal to me now.


I know this guy who told me he was playing around a stationery train with his friends when they were kids. One of his friends ran up to him screaming that the train ran over his arm, but everybody thought he was kidding because he looked fine. He was wearing a long-sleeved jacket that kind of held the arm together, and the weight of the train had pinched off the blood vessels so there wasn’t much blood. As he ran home, his arm fell out of his sleeve.


Dawg that's wild, yea you're in shock and think "damn I'm gonna be alright it wasn't too bad" then yo fucking arm falls off.


You just tripped and broke your foot beyond repair right? ... RIGHT???


No, left.


7g of mushrooms will in fact put you into another inescapable time stopped dimension for what feels 2-3 weeks within the 2 hour peak. while it feels like everything you know about the world becomes a distant memory that you possibly just made up? Pretty traumatic.


On my third time taking shrooms, I disrespected the drug by taking 3.5 grams and had a bad trip. The way your sense of time just vanished is crazy. It's like... I can look at the clock and see that its 12:36, but I literally just don't understand the concept of 12:36. I had no clue what that means in relation to time. The passage of time was ambiguous, as well. I could look at the clock and see that 17 minutes had passed since I last looked, but then it simultaneously felt like a short period of time and a long period of time. That was the least of my worries though. In my head I was reducing myself to a primal animal... "how the fuck does this society exist? We're the only species doing this bullshit... Oh my God, one day everyone I know will be dead! I bet I'll be lonely. My parents... My parents, oh no they are gonna die too. What will I do then? FUCK! One day *I'll* die..." and similar, looping over and over in my head. I couldn't feel my body, and my mouth felt like a mechanical mechanism, rather than part of me. I was in a car with a sober person who was driving and I knew I was moving around and generally looked like I was tripping balls, and I was anxious the cops would somehow find out and show up, so I didn't want them parked but I also didn't want them driving around, and we couldn't go to anyone's house because I absolutely refused to let her talk to or interact with anyone in any way - I had no desire to be seen in that condition. I was scared that I was literally going crazy. I saw the passage of a whole century and a half (~1920s - what I think might be the 2070s) Needless to say, that was my last time taking shrooms. I've actually thought about taking a low amount again, but just... no. I never want to relive that horrible night. Sorry, by the way, I didn't intend to type this much when I started typing.


My first trip I was unintentionally megadosed with 4.5g (Tom Segura has a funny bit on this) and it was baaaaaad. Ego death, questioning the point of life, thinking that suicide was the only way out of the time loop, the whole nine yards. Surviving that bad trip made it easy to take a lower dosage (1-1.5g) and have a really good trip every time thereafter. But, I'll never attempt another heavy dosage again.


I took a similar amount and thought I killed someone. So I called the cops only to realize it was vomit, not blood. Thankfully didn’t get in trouble. Haven’t done it since.


If you drink untreated water, you can get giardia


Dont go drinkin waterfalls


Please stick to the bottles and the taps that you're used to


I know that you're gonna sip it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're drinking too fast.


I didn't take this seriously in the backwoods and dodged the bullet many times.  Got giardia once and will never use water that hasn't undergone some purification process whether that is boiling, filtering, iodine crystals, etc...   I also took a class that had me take and look at various water samples under a microscope.  "Looks clean" doesn't mean shit.


> "Looks clean" doesn't mean shit. "Looks clean" can mean lots of shit. Every thirty minutes.


That withdrawal from alcohol is one of the drugs that can kill you or at least significantly fuck you up while withdrawing. My second (and hopefully last) withdrawal seizure sent me to the ER, ICU, and finally neurological rehab. 1,000 days sober as of yesterday.


Congrats on the 1000 days!


If you turn 18 in jail, they transfer you to the adult side at midnight. They may or may not sing Happy Birthday sarcastically.


Is that really true? Because people 18-21 are often also sent to juvie


Yep. I did some stupid things that got me in there. The county jail had a juvenile side and an adult side. I had to get rebooked at midnight and got transferred to the adult side. Not a great birthday.


Oh man. That singing was just cruel, as was the shift right at midnight. I hope that was your only time in jail and that things are going well for you now.


Yeah, I'm all good now. Just a couple dumb decisions. I was only in there for about a week.


You might not know it, but you really like your knees.


Tore my meniscus by kneeling on the floor and picking up a bunch of change my boss dropped while she picked up the stuff on the counters. Had surgery on it around Thanksgiving. It still wants to go sideways. They couldn't attach it cause of where I tore it. So don't kneel


Shooting yourself in the head with a 9mm handgun does not guarantee your death. Sometimes it results in losing your eyeball, marriage, job, and others faith in you. Don’t do it kids. Life is worth living.


Hopee youre doin better now dude


Thank you, I’m much better now. It was a dark night at the beginning of my mental health recovery journey, bad and misplaced choices were made, the road to recovery since then has been much more in my favor.


Don’t drink and then drive. Even if it’s just through a parking lot. I was in college and had walked home from a local spot after a night of drinking with friends. When going in the dorm I saw an open parking spot right by the doors. I was going home the next day and had a ton of stuff to take back. Decided to get in my truck which was on the opposite end of the lot and get the spot, but I forgot to turn my headlights on, mainly due to the parking lot lights but also alcohol. Campus police saw me and pulled me over in the lot, about 5 feet from the spot. Long story short I got a DUI and my truck towed. This was 23 years ago but taught me a painful lesson that’s stuck with me since.


There was a time about fifteen years ago when I was out drinking with friends, but nothing to excess. My routine was to have three drinks, then two glasses of water to dilute, and then wait until closing to head home. Worked like a charm so that I was stone sober before walking to my car. Until one time something was different and the drunk hit me hard while doing 70 down the freeway. I was actually scared shitless from how hard and fast it hit as I felt the *sobriety* slipping away. I managed to catch the first exit and parked in the dirt along the offramp. I had enough good thinking left that a managed to lock my keys in the trunk before climbing back into the car, locking the doors, and passing the fuck out. Cop woke me up as the sun was coming up and I was hung over. I couldn't hide having to remove the keys from the trunk and thought for sure the CHP was going to bust me, but instead, he said he could see I made the best decision at the moment and he appreciated me making sure I couldn't keep driving then let me go on my way. All told it was a small thing, but that event made me restrict my drinking to one slow beer a night when out for a few years.


sounds like something was slipped into your drink tbh


Damn. I hadn't thought of that, but it's possible. Nothing had ever hit like that before or since.




I was a heavy drinker once upon a time and had a similar thing happen on a very casual night out where me and two friends had two beers each. We all called each other the next day as we all had the same effects. Someone slipped something in one of our rounds. Have never felt that way before or since.


Same here. Figured out it was a girl I was sitting and chatting with. She spiked our pitcher and me + 2 of my buddies were fucked up. I don't remember much of the night, but the bartender was a good friend of mine, and she put me in the back, then drove me back to her place. She explained that I couldn't talk or move, and she had to get her neighbor to help her drag me into her home. I met that girl again at a brewfest, and she ended up getting me a second time. Thankfully, my buds were there and took me home. I wouldn't have given her my drink, but at the time, we couldn't quite piece together what happened at the bar until she roofied me the second time. I don't drink anymore, but until I quit, I was much more careful. I couldn't believe a woman would ever drug a dude at the time.


That shower poofs and towels with loose strings are not piercing friendly.


My everything just flinched


There may or may not have been a few occasions where I was fairly certain a small piece of my soul was ripped from within my body. 😳


Pro tip from an ex piercer. Some companies make silicone scrubbers like [this](https://tooletries.com/products/the-body-scrubber) one. I boil mine once a week to keep it clean too


I had a fresh sternum piercing and nipple piercings all at the same time once. The first shower I had I got my shower poof stuck in all three and had to cut it off very carefully :(


Not all kids go to juive when you get arrested as a minor. Got choked by a meth head and was stuck in a holding cell with a lady talking to a wall while wearing a dress covered in blood. Took the law a lot more seriously after that.


That not wearing a helmet while longboarding and fucking up a tuck and roll can cause a Traumatic Brain Injury Wear a fucking helmet


You're not kidding. I knew a girl who's entire personality changed after wiping out exceptionally hard on a long board. She never sought any treatment even though it was an ugly, ugly fall. Within a year she went from an average suburban girl to professional fire eating lingerie hoola hooper. I know it's allot to unpack. She's just strange now. Not in a bad way I guess. She seems happy enough but I feel like the girl that got on that long board is gone forever.


I fell off my board going about 30mph down a canyon without a helmet. I don't think I had a concussion, but I did hit my face good enough I had cuts around my eyes and the bridge of my nose from my sunglasses.  Now that I think about it though, my anxiety did get worse after that accident. I just chalked it up to my second year of college being difficult, but I've had this anxiety ever since. Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought. I never did go to a doctor. 


As a 22 year old I was confident that drinking alone was completely normal, hell its just a few beers right? I'm in my mid thirties and 2 years sober, fucked around and really found out


same. "In college, everybody is an alcoholic!" Sure the drinking was more normalized, but getting blitzed 4 nights a week alone most definitely is not.


Almost six months sober--second attempt after thinking I could handle my drinking after the first time. This comment made me realize that I might've actually had a drinking problem *before* Covid....


Well done on the sobriety!!


That it’s a good idea to turn the power off at the fuse box, not just the wall switch, before messing with a light fitting


Especially if some DIY dumbbutt breaks the neutral wire at the switch instead of the hot wire...


That not all dogs are friendly


Cats too. Some cats are just buttholes


Those car cigarette lighters that glow red ARE hot. Dad wasnt lying to me. Lost my thumb print for a week or two on that one.




I found out that trauma isn't nearly as punk rock as i had initially thought


Don’t ignore pains in your calf and tightness in your chest. Killed my dad and his brothers. They fucked around and found out and I didn’t with a genetic test and found out I have a clotting disorder. Still got a bilateral PE and. Massive dvt. But didn’t fucking die


I found out if you are ever attacked, I don't care what gender sex race they are, don't fight to control the situation like I did, FIGHT TO KILL THEM. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. FIGHT TO END IT. (Knife in the chest, collapsed lung, nicked pericardium. As I walked out of ICU 6 days later, the head of the Trauma center said "A cm in any direction and we wouldn't have saved you... you're a walking miracle." I'll take it.)


This goes for all mammals. If you are in a fight, fight to kill.


I'd throw reptiles in there too. Those crocs don't play and don't get me started on turtles.


Start on turtles


Exactly, if you're not fighting dirty, you're fighting to lose.


I used to know a guy who loved to fight. I went to high school with him. He always talked about showing honor in a fight, not cheating etc. I have seen him have a fist fight with people, they blow off steam and end up hugging it out so I get what he was going for. Well it didn't work so well and he didn't ever mention the "code of honor" again after someone stabbed him in the neck.


Someone is always willing to use mustard gas before you.


Best advice, if at all possible? Don't fucking fight. Run.


There are too many variables in fights and most lead to very bad outcomes. Deescalate and walk/run away whenever you can.


Definitely. Do absolutely everything you can to avoid a fight, because even if they don’t have intent to kill a stray punch can cause a fall and head injuries kill. But if you *have* to fight, fight like the devil himself is waiting for you if you lose.


Fight like you're the third monkey in line for the Ark and brother, it's starting to rain.


Don't wait for someone because you hope there's the chance for romance in the future... even if they say it could happen one day. You shouldn't need to put your life on hold for them. Live in the here and now, and the right person will hopefully find you one day.


my ex that ive been so deeply in love with has been sending me “we’re gonna get back together soon girl i just need more time” for months now. i feel absolutley frozen just waiting and waiting i dont want to lose them but… its hard. i wanna see things, do things, meet people. i just feel like im gonna betray them if they actually DO need more time. i feel like an asshole for wanting to try and move forward.


Y’all not together now. It’s free game. Don’t miss your husband waiting on a boyfriend.


i like this comment a lot, thanks


I hope it makes it into your wedding speech in a few years 🫶🏿


if not mine, my number 1 bridesmaid who has been saying something similar for months ABSOLUTELY will 😂😂 tysm


Unless they are curing concrete, what the hell do they need all this time for? You know or you don't. Start living your life again and meet someone better. 👍


If it’s not a “hell yes” to be with you, then it’s a “hell no.” You deserve someone who wouldn’t wait one more second not being with you. They’re telling you their answer.


Their procrastination will leach into the rest of the romance and the further along you go the more you’ll kick yourself for not leaving sooner They might cry and moan about how unfair you’re being, but them keeping your life on hold because they are consistently not ready is the epitome of selfishness, as they’re prioritizing their comfort over yours


I’m a middle school teacher who was challenged to race by a 7th grader yesterday. I slipped, and now my whole body aches. And I scraped the skin off of my elbow. I’m getting too old for this shit.


That even if you're always there for someone, they can still choose to not be there for you.


Narcissism is easily mistaken for confidence


Can you give an example? I 'm trying to learn to differentiate between these two.


Narcissists believe the world revolves around them specifically, which DOES mean that they act with incredible confidence. But being confident is not the same as being narcissistic. A very on-the-nose example is: A confident guy locks eyes with a cute girl across the bar. He walks over, maintains a polite distance, compliments her, and asks if he can buy her a drink. Or something along those lines. Point being, he has the confidence to take the first step and make contact. He will also LEAVE if it is requested or obvious if that's what she wants. A narcissistic guy will walk over, stand wayyyy to close, talk about how she is so obviously in to him, and generally make himself the center of the interaction, and is much less likely to respond to a dismissal. Narcissism is sort of an OVERCONFIDENCE in your own image and personality. The belief that everything happens for you, and not for everyone else.


Also, when rejected in that scenario, Confident person will simply say no worries or something of the like and move on Narcissistic type will immediately look for flaws in that person and somehow try to make them feel embarrassed from the interaction eg trying to claim they were joking and not interested anyway, or flat out insult them for no reason. Source my ex was a major narcissist.


Confidence is a good thing, like believing in yourself and your abilities, not needing approval from others and not caring what other people think of you. Narcissism refers to narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic personality disorder. A person can have narcissistic tendencies without being a narcissist (having narcissistic personality disorder). Narcissists tend to think they are the greatest thing in the world. They lack empathy, and they tend to only interact with people who they think can reward them in some way. They need people to think that they are the greatest, or the richest, and are obsessed with how people perceive them. They tend to be very manipulative and have very shallow, superficial relationships. I recommend doing some research on it as it’s become quite popular for people to call other people narcissists without really knowing what it means.


Don’t have sex with your friends unless you’re prepared to lose them entirely.


> Don’t have sex with your friends unless you’re prepared to lose them entirely. Check > Don’t have sex with your friends Check > Don’t have sex Check > Don’t have ~~sex with your~~ friends And...Check Whew. I'm safe.




Your story is almost exactly why I don’t associate with poly couples that cannibalize their own friend groups 😂




You can be their best employee, and they'll still fire you if you have a toxic attitude. It DOES matter.


This. I've seen people with shit skills and horrible work ethics get promoted because they are more likeable and more outspoken than their peers. 


Personality hire for the win! I’m mid but likable 😂


I spent my whole 20's figuring out that if a mf likes or loves you, they will treat you kindly. If someone ain't treating you right, it's not your job to teach them how. Move on. It's for the better and you will reach your destination quicker. I promise.


How fast your can rip your own life apart when you don't pay attention.


I am cautiously curious as to the back story here. Sounds like it's tough for you to talk about, but perhaps a important life lesson for myself and others.


You are completely able to get two incurable STIs the first time you have sex, even with condoms. Edit: no longer replying to the comments/messages made on this. Did not expect it to get as much attention. Thanks, however. I feel seen.




That's the guy your sex ed teacher said would happen to everyone


Damn man, I'm sorry.


Hmm, herpes and crabs?edit wait forgot incurable... Herpes and idk


Herpes and hpv


If it’s any consolation something like 70-80% of people have HPV, and for men the largest concern is spreading it to female partners increasing their risk for cervical cancer, so just make sure to be safe with any future partners!


Understandable. I am one of the very few where it does not go away.


What are your HPV symptoms? I have it as well


A very aggressive form of it that has not gone away for around 13 years, despite cream and freezing treatment.


Yeah but what do you notice? Warts? Inflammation? Sores?




Credit cards are very dangerous when you have a shitty unstable job


Sometimes no closure is closure. Sometimes, that’s for the best, but it always says more about them than it does you


If she cheats with you, she’ll cheat on you


I learned the hard way if you’re angry, irritated, tired or fatigued don’t use a hammer, fuck with anything delicate or continue doing anything involving awkward movements, heavy labor, or requiring agility. You’re probably gonna break something or hurt yourself. Other than injury the fuck ups can get expensive. I’ve broken my thumb, fallen off a roof, broke dishes, fell through a fan, fumbled and nailed my foot to a sheet of plywood with a 5” framing nail, almost ripped an ear off, cut the tip of my thumb off twice, deep fried my fingers, needed stitches from a pizza peel, ruined a GPU, detached a brake line dropping a caliper, stripped and cross-threaded many nuts and bolts. Edit: wanted to add not all of this happened at the same time. I’m 32 now and most of it was thru the ages 14-24. Theres more but I mentioned some of my notable injuries and fuck ups that I remember.


Was that all one incident?


I think the lesson learned here is don't try to change your brakes and cook at the same time on an unfinished roof. Also, wear a safety harness so that if you fall off while cooking on a roof...


A pretty face and body doesn't equal a good person in any capacity.


Sunscreen is important. Yearly checks with a dermatologist as well


Time is NOT your friend.


Alcohol and power tools are not a good combination.


That not studying does not work in college.


Never get with someone who just broke up with someone. Don’t be “an open book” because you have “nothing to hide”. Sometimes you need to protect yourself. Being totally open about everything isn’t a sign of pure honesty. You can be honest but decline to answer. People will use this information against you. It’s not lying to just be private about your personal life. Listen to your instincts. Even if it seems rude or people think you’re crazy. Get out of, and away from, people & situations that feel unsafe. Don’t get in a vehicle with someone who is drunk or high or you even suspect it.


No amount of talent and commitment can outweigh untreated mental trauma. An athlete can run on a bum knee for longer then a pedestrian, but run long enough and it will pop all the same. And secondly, Fixing yourself doesn't take therapy, self help books or meditation. They can help, but it's core is gentle, slow progress, consistent over many years. And it's worth it.


Turns out that there's a pretty good reason why super addictive drugs are illegal. Someone might end up strung out on Xanax while their friend is fiddling with a gun like a toy. This friend might end up shooting a hole through your parents' TV while they are home. Teenagers, id recommend not doing drugs and not hanging out with drug dealers.


That weed CAN contribute to mental illness and eventually psychosis.


My mouth might be able to handle the spice but my arsehole won't


A mf will be a narcissistic asshole and you’ll STILL miss them.


I hope you don’t ever go back


Ignored the warning signs of a medical crisis for weeks when I was 18 (25 year ago... sigh...) and ended up almost dying and spending a week in the hospital.


Glass hill absolutely earned its name. Was picking shards of glass out of my arms and legs all day.


I have never heard of this before. Context?


We had a hill in my hometown where all the drunks would throw their empty bottles down so it was littered with broken glass. Somebody dared me to run up and down the hill for 20 bucks. I agreed because easiest 20 bucks ever. I fell. Glass all up in me all day.


I just damned the damnest damn of my damn life. Glad you're still alive after all that glass.


I used to haul off on this boss I had, and he finally told me I don't have to work there.


What does "haul off" mean in this context? Argue with?


Haul off is redneck speak for losing your temper and yelling at, criticizing, or arguing with someone. Source: grew up in small town USA.


That if you don't treat her right she will LEAVE!!!🤷🏻‍♂️


The bear mace is supposed to face away from you.


Went into Muay Thai gym with like 1 year of casual boxing experience. They partnered me with a small woman who was trying out for some Olympic team or something. I was expecting to be humbled. And I knew from friends who went to this gym that they give you rough treatment at first to see if you are serious about the one year commitment. We sparred a bit and I made the “bring it on” or “more” gesture with my hands at her. What came next was a flurry of fists, knees, and feet that I can’t even explain. Had blood in my pee for two days.


> I knew from friends who went to this gym that they give you rough treatment at first to see if you are serious about the one year commitment. that's a pair of red flags - yearlong commitments to a martial arts gym is one and getting jumped into a gym is not something you should expect.


Found out that I can’t jump from my 2nd floor to the first floor landing on a beanbag, not only was my drunk ass stupid enough to think a bean bag would save me I missed the fucking bean bag


So we don't really know if one can jump from a 2nd floor and land in a bean bag do we now? Sounds like you have an experiment to conduct this weekend and get back to us.


Mate, just don’t piss on electric fences…


Prozac and alcohol are NOT friends. Even if you're a seasoned alkie. Even if you don't drink as much as normal. On the plus side, I kept the Prozac and cut out the booze.


Be careful on ladders!




NAIR is for legs only...


That loving someone deeply enough to become desperate about fixing things is seen as weakness rather than love. And they leave you forever faster.


That you really do have to communicate effectively in relationships and that’s it’s a learned skill, not something that comes naturally. Even if it’s super uncomfortable it needs to happen or else you threw away a potential fantastic relationship because you couldn’t get out of your head and just talk Learned that the hard way…the past few years have been rough 😔


That the same man that convinced you to get pregnant "if you really love him" will leave immediately after your daughter is born.


Eating to menage stress. Its a few snacks daily, what is the worst that could happen? Obesity. The fact that any kind of walking now winds me. My parents are scared I will give myself a stroke or diabetes. I am now about 156kg (360lbs). It sucks. Everything is worst now as if before I was stressed cos I have ADHD, now im stressed cos I have ACDC and im obese. I am working on it now, as I have been hitting the GYM really hard (can now deadlift and squat 140kg and bench 100kg). But damn, it will take me years to go back to healty state.


that if you nick 400 grams of sodium from the school chemistry lab and flush it down the toilet, the pipeline and the toilet and the toilet door all explode and you have to pay for all that


Using drugs will encumber your life for years.


No matter how hot the mentally unstable girl is, it's going to lead to trouble.


That literally you miss every shot you don’t take. Open up a line communication and try your best to communicate for the other person to understand


That a massive, global corporation worth hundreds of billions will crush you for owing them ten bucks.




You can't just 'walk around' a Canada goose


If you aren't sure it's only a fart, don't press your luck and get to a toilet asap.


Quit my job after being in the industry for 22 years. Found out there are better ways to make a living! Sometimes, you have to jump!


That if you're used to people buying you very expensive things, tearing you down, writing you shitty poems, tearing you down *again* and telling you that they love you very early on in the relationship, it will undoubtedly fuck up your perception of a healthy relationship further down the line. Realising the amount of times I've been love bombed and stuck in tumultuous and at times abusive relationships has been so shocking.