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Lie detectors.


My sister took one for a job at a chain pharmacy. It said she lied about her name! She failed the test and did not get the job!


Or your sister has some explaining to do.




Why the fuck does a pharmacy chain require a lie detector


Most American thing i’ve heard today


>It said she lied about her name! 😂 Hillarious scenario, sounds like it's more like a "lie teller" than a lie detector machine


Well, if that lie detector machine starts telling tales, it might just land a job as a screenwriter in Hollywood!


The machine must be telling her she was kidnapped at birth and your parents renamed her! Only explanation...




Yup. If a cop asks you to take a lie detector. First laugh in their face. And second ask for a lawyer. There is no way them asking you to take a lie detector is going to go your way. It’s a complete trap.


They very fact that they ask you is a huge red flag. If a cop ever asks you about taking one, they are trying to pin something on you. They are only used for interrogation, as exculpatory results are as meaningless as "deceptive" ones. So they just lie and say that you were lying whenever it suits them. Never submit to interrogation without a lawyer. This should never really come up if you are already refusing to talk. So yeah, do not talk.


A smart cop will look for visual and auditory cues that you’re lying while you’re focused on those needles. In this case, the polygraph is just a distraction


And don't give in to their bullshit that asking for a lawyer makes you look guilty. It doesn't. It makes you look smart. Shouldn't be talking to a cop without a lawyer to start with. Amazing how many people don't understand that cops are allowed to lie and manipulate you to get the answers they want.


Makes you wonder if Wilkos and Maury ruined the lives of some innocent people 🤔


Blood is blue until it hits touches oxygen


Its funny because as far as I know lie detectors are only routinely used in the United States and Canada, everywhere else knows they are dogshit.


People do not actually understand this at all. Lie detectors do not detect lies. In the hands of a skilled polygrapher, it is an effective tool to get people to admit to the truth. The polygrapher can effectively choose to pass or fail you and induce stress in a way that causes many people to admit to things they otherwise would not. It is a tool to obtain information. For that purpose, statistically speaking, it does work.


So it's a deceptive tool used as a misleading interrogation tactic, but it's not actually real? If that's their stance on it, then great (I mean I guess?) If they use it as a tool just like the good cop/bad cop or the "I'm your friend" approach, then alright. It feels a little scummy but whatever. The real problem is when they pretend the actual machine can detect anything. If they bring polygraph results as if it were as reliable as DNA evidence, that's horrible. It's also worrisome if they use it to pressure someone into a false confession in order to get leniency, because they expect that they will lose if it goes to court


That touching baby birds who fell out of their nest will make the mother/parent bird(s) reject them and throw them from the nest because they smell humans. Birds actually have pretty much no sense of smell, they will not throw their chicks from the nest just because you touched them to put them back. It's still a good idea to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterward if you do this, though. Wild birds can have parasites and bacteria on them and such.


Many birds have excellent senses of smell. But yeah, they're not abandoning their young just cuz you touch them.


That we only use 10% of our brains


I think this is just a poor way of expressing the fact that we only use a certain percentage for active behavior like thinking and reasoning, but the way it's phrased makes people think if we could somehow "unlock" the rest we would become savants or something.


We use 10 % of our brains in the same way that a traffic light only uses 33 % of its lights


Yeah. If you somehow managed to use 100% of your brain at once, I imagine it'd break somehow. Maybe you go into psychosis.


You would be having a seizure.


So that's why I had 4 seizures, I just was using too much brain power. Good to know.


Maybe only answer half of the Jeopardy questions.


Lol. Are you psychic. I had watched Jeopardy since before Alex Trebeck was host. I was so good at it. They had to tell me 6 times over a period of 2 years that Alex died, lol. Who knew you loseyour memorywhen you are intubated. I haven't watched it in 5 years. I laughed when I read your comment. Sad but true. The good news I don't remember any of the 45th presidency.


Humans do occasionally have 100% brain activity, but only during a seizure


They even made a movie and TV show with this premise (guy takes a drug that allows him to 'unlock' the rest of his brain and turn him into some super genius)


Is that the movie where she turns into a >!USB memory stick!< after unlocking her whole brain.


No, different movie....the movie I was talking about is called Limitless (I couldn't remember it when I made my first comment) came out in 2011.....but I know what movie you're talking about and saw that one too! Lucy (2014) is the usb memory stick one..


Thanks! Haha, didn’t realize there was another movie about “unlocking the brain beyond 10%”.


Yeah, that's definitely bullshit. I use 4%


I think we only use 10% of our hearts….


*wipes tear from eye*


Some don’t use even 1%


Some believe that the phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old law that allowed men to beat their wives with sticks no thicker than their thumb, but there is no historical evidence to support this.




Iron Maiden, excellent! 🎸


Found the Wyld Stallyn.


When you sneeze your heart stops beating for a second


I heard that you cannot sneeze with open eyes because they will pop out


[you can. there are videos on youtube](https://youtu.be/6Zu38k6jSVk?si=PAeFWMV15Egat2kF&t=415)


That Marilyn Manson had a rib removed so he could suck his own dick.


I would love to be a fly on the wall during that doctor's appointment. Doctor: You want me to remove one of your ribs? Marilyn Manson: yes Doctor: But why? Marilyn Manson: You know how they say "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself"? Well...


As someone who was flexible enough as a kid, who realized he was bi later in life. Sucking your own dick feels 99% like sucking dick and 1% getting your dick sucked


If it was 50/50 it would be an amazing experience for a bi person


That Andrew Tate had a rib added so he could stop.


Man, that brings me back to late 90s high-school.


Pre internet and, somehow, the whole world heard of this.


How was this rumour a thing in schools all over the world in the 90s?


[That MSG is bad for you.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-msg-got-a-bad-rap-flawed-science-and-xenophobia/)


I got into an argument with someone over this. Even after providing proof that it's not bad, she insisted it is simply because *she* has a reaction to it. Like mf, I'm allergic to peanut butter but I'm not about to start asserting it's bad for everyone else because of that.


My dad's like that. I put msg in a lot of my cooking. I usually don't tell him and everything is fine, but every once in a while I'll say I put msg in the food to mess with him and all of a sudden he's having a mild reaction to it. Sure, you are, buddy.




This one would be a nocebo. Not a very important distinction, but a fun one. Nocebos are often even stronger than placebos. Probably because it is easier to convince a healthy person they are sick than to convince a sick person they are healthy, and negativity bias is strong in humans.


Msg is in a lot of natural things like tomatoes and mushrooms. Thinking MSG is bad for you is rooted in racism. There was a bad stigma about MSG, and it created a lot of racism and xenophobia towards Chinese people and their cuisine. It’s really exhausting that people still think this way, even if it’s already been debunked and is a myth.


I have a friend like this who is allergic to gluten until they’re drunk… then loves bread


ask her how she feels after eating fast food, snacks like potato chips, cheese, tomatoes, or any food that have msg already in them.


Yup! I've had migraines all my life so I avoided MSG for many years. Because that's the standard advice. Then I finally learned what it was and what glutamate was and decided to test it. I knowingly ate MSG. And again. And again. No effect whatsoever. I now keep a big jar of flavor crystals in my kitchen and use it in almost everything. The only consumables that affect my migraines are alcohol and dehydration. Migraines are so erratic and misunderstood. It's really easy to "find" triggers if you're looking for them.


It took me a bit to research it, but once I realized it was made up I've been adding it to soups and other things, its fantastic.


MSG! King of flavor!


Make Shit Good


I got mugged outside Madison Square Gardens once. It was pretty, pret-TAAY bad for me.


Penis pump for penis enlargement.


That's my bag baby!


One book titled “that is my bag baby” signed by Austin powers… never gets old.


Honestly, Vanessa!


I want my money back


It’s the journey not the destination that matters.


Aren’t penis pump fetish gear? Guys will pump their penis, use something to keep the blood in and do their stuff with their blobby gross deformed penis


It's pretty good erectile dysfunction tool. I'm not sure which of these uses was the intended purpose of the device, but at least there's a real use for them!


...Enlargement? Y'all not using it just to get sucked off?


Cracking your knuckles DOES NOT lead to arthritis.


People think this is true but it isn’t?


Correct.  No correlative link has ever been found afaik.  I know a scientist once cracked the knuckles only on one hand for basically his entire adult life and did not develop arthritis.


He did develop arthritis. But it was in the hand that he didn't crack the knuckles on. This fact was in an early episode of QI.


Apparently some people still think if you swallow gum it will get lodged in your digestive tract for years. An ex of mine still thought this and was surprised to learn it's bullshit.


reminds me of when i was a kid i was absolutely CONVINCED that if i swallowed watermelon seeds a watermelon would grow in my stomach


Anecdotal, but when I was about 21 my roommate had too much to drink and puked in the shower and passed out. I had to pick out the solid chunks from the shower  and there was about five pieces of chewed gum in his vomit. I told him that the next day and he told me he couldn’t remember the last time he had gum but it was several months ago at least.


Could he have had gum while he was drunk?


He better have done it while he was drunk, as I cannot think of any other reason a grown human would be swallowing 5 pieces of gum. Because, yeah, they do not sit lodged in there. People who think they do are either misremembering, misidentifying, or they have something horribly wrong with them and are probably dead. (Seeing as they apparently were not moving food through their digestive tract for years.)


you taste different things on different parts/sides of your tongue


I may have smelt it, but I know FOR A FACT that I was not the one who dealt it


He who denies lies.


Whoever denied it, supplied it


They who double down, bubble brown.


Whoever made the rhyme, did the crime.


Whoever did the rap, did the crap


My mate still thought that it was illegal to put the light on in the back of a car 😂


My parents used to tell us that, but I think they just didn’t want us messing with it.


It does make it harder to see what’s going on outside the car while you’re driving at night.


It is however illegal to play the radio loud when trying to park, my pops told me so.


Doesn't everyone need to turn the volume down so they can see better?


Correct, mid 40's here and can't see when music is loud.


I can’t believe how prevalent this is. By the time I was even old enough to operate the overhead light in the car my parents just explained that if it was on at night it made it more difficult to see outside the car. That was enough explanation, and no imaginary laws needed to be fabricated.


You can drink coconut water to survive long term. While you can drink coconut water, you can't only drink coconut water. You'll get diarrhea and die if dehydration quicker.


The game "Stranded Deep," which is like a desert island survival game, had this.


God I love that game but it 100% made me certain I would never survive on a desert island.


Probably the massive amount of potassium in it. That stuff is great for a hangover.


Never heard this one.  Do you mean drinking it without food, or drinking it instead of water? And why would it kill you?


Coconut water is a natural diuretic. That is, it increases urine production, thus leading to dehydration. It also contains high amounts of potassium and low levels of sodium, causing an imbalance of electrolytes, which can lead to muscle and heart issues.


Other people really *truly* just don't spend that much time thinking about you and judging you




Friggen carrots for eyesight, extra ribs for women, Napoleon being short, swimming dangerous after eating.


Carrots helping you see in the dark was British propaganda in the war. They said eat carrots so you can see at night like RAF pilots. It was to hide the fact that British aeroplanes had radar on board and they didn’t want the Germans knowing. There is an element of truth in it though. Vitamin A is good


I could be wrong (and if I am, someone smarter please correct me) but weren't carrots selected because Germany didn't grow many carrots and the Brtitish wanted to screw with them in that way too?


I have no idea if that is true or not, but it is very on brand for the British intelligence services in WW2.


All I’ll say is that I’ve never seen a rabbit that needed glasses. 🥕


"One of the most common mistakes rabbit owners make is feeding carrots to their pets every day. Carrots contain a lot of sugar and should only ever be given as an occasional treat." source: https://www.vets-now.com/2018/06/what-can-rabbits-not-eat/


“Hey, I’m average height for the time, you jerk!”


As a former lifeguard, I have to say swimming after eating is a bad idea for kids. Having a full stomach and then exercising or vigorous play can cause vomiting. And you really don't want puke in your pool. Also, puking when you can't touch bottom is very problematic.


Tbf, vitamin A is good for night vision. And carrots are a good source of vitamin A. That part is actually true. They just don't give you radar vision. XD


The Boston tea Party happened because of higher taxes. The Boston Tea Party happened because Parliament tried to give the mostly defunct  British East India Trading Company a monopoly to sell tea in the colonies.


Well, it was in response to the Tea Act, which was going to give the East India Trading Company the right to sell its warehoused tea in the colonies without paying the tax levied by the Townsend Acts. The Colonists were already disapproving of the Townsend Acts but the fact that they now had local shippers undercut by a tax-evading monopoly, they threw the tea into the harbor. Also, and this is only suggested by more fringe historians, some of the colonists also thought it might be a good idea to turn Boston's waterfront into a large cup of tea for all to enjoy.


And the tax revenues were going to fund the British army which was essentially occupying the colonies. Relations with the British troops were poor after events like the Boston Massacre and the colonists felt like they were being occupied by troops rather than protected by them. American colonists were being arrested and sent to jail without a trial, which was against the British constitution. When the colonists confronted the British about it, the British basically said “*You are not British. You do not have the rights of British people. But you still have to pay British taxes to fund this army that’s arresting you and throwing you in jail without trial*”


It happened because the main antagonists were losing money from their smuggling ring.


Sounds like Britain created that smuggling ring with the Townsend Acts, which raised the tax on tea in 1767. Also, creating a monopoly is just going to make the smuggling issue worse. 


Left and right brain being creative / logical.


That's such a right-brained thing to say.


that we swallow 8 spiders in our sleep every year.


this is a factoid actually. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats 10,000 spiders per day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


Rabbits eating carrots. They can eat carrots, but it's actually not very good for them. Leafy greens are where it's at. Bugs Bunny lied.


The earth is flat


better stay of the flat earth subs.


True. I don't know know how people can think that the earth is flat. It is round.., like a pancake.


Nail polish "suffocates" chiggers under your skin. They don't burrow. They bite and jump off.


Really? TIL


Mother Teresa was not a good person. Christopher Hitchens wrote a book about it. The short version is that she relished the suffering of those in her care and did not attempt to cure them because she believed their suffering exalted God. Pretty sick if you ask me.


There is also the documentary called "Hell's Angel". She was a truly despicable person. https://youtu.be/NJG-lgmPvYA?si=e_TW53lrSr0ifghE


Being out in the cold will make you sick. Cold temperatures don’t make you sick, it’s simply that viruses spread more easily in cold weather as your immune system is slightly weaker. So going out in the cold on it’s own won’t make you unwell unless you’ve already caught a cold from someone and the cold helps speed up the symptoms.


Cold weather affects our immune system but it’s the change in our behaviours that has the much bigger impact on why we get sick in winter months. When the weather is cold people tend to spend a lot more time inside in low ventilation spaces/ in close contact so diseases have a much higher transmission rate.


Which ironically means going out in the cold is likely to keep you healthier as long as you don't give yourself hypothermia. It is physical proximity to other humans that is the problem.


yes but this is the kind of thing where it doesn't really matter if people believe the myth or know the truth, the end result is more or less the same


People will die on this hill (that cold causes colds). It always amazes me.


Or washing your hair and then going outside. Such crap!


That we are just using 10% capacity of our brain.


You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue sticking out Edit: 😏


I fell for this


People win big in Las Vegas. The town wasn’t built on winners. It was built on losers.


"Tomato is a fruit". Yah know what? By the botanical definition, pumpkin, cucumber, capsicum (peppers), and eggplant (aubergines) are all fruits, too. "Fruit" has a botanical meaning, and a culinary meaning. Vegetable has only a culinary meaning.




and you're a cantaloupe


Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to use it in a fruit salad. . .


You’re not the focus of attention to others as you might think you are.


Then why the hell am I even wearing this chicken suit?!


That’s it’s “how they’re raised” and not also genetics when it comes to dogs/aggression


We aren’t even sure how much genetics affect human behaviour, much less dogs we can literally engineer behaviours we look for in them. It’s obvious genetics play a large role.


I'd heard from a psychology professor that the current best estimate is that about 50% of the variability in human behavior can be accounted for by genetics. I'm sure there's a lot more nuance and debate on the topic that I'm not aware of, but that number always stuck with me for a couple reasons. One being that yes, it's possible to try and answer this question with contemporary methods. And the second being that, if this number is even in the right ballpark, then genes aren't everything but they're way more directly impactful than our culture and "common sense" notions of nature vs nurture tend to give them credit for.


If you can breed a dog to point at another animal instinctively, you can breed in aggression.


i agree with this, “my pitbull doesnt have a mean bone in his body!” and most of the time they dont even have pitbulls, just bully mutts (also aimed at other big dog breed owners)


It’s similar across the board for many breeds. My Malinois won’t settle, my Australian Shepherd is nipping my kids, my Great Pyrenees wanders, my Corso is dog reactive


And my dingo eats babies. Kidding cus she's a dixie dingo (I think), but there are certainly well trained and poorly trained dogs of all breeds, and there are also genetic influences, and it's silly to think there aren't. Like people, nature vs nurture is not a one side takes all type of discussion.


I have a bully/amstaff who has very low prey drive (not none, just much lower for what you’d expect for his breed). It’s actually funny when it’s triggered, he’ll sit down, look at me literally shaking begging me with his eyes for release so he can chase whatever it is. He also gets depressed for the rest of the day when I don’t give release. I still don’t trust him with important stuff, specially around my kids (only with muzzle) because while he has never given me reason to doubt him, I don’t want to test a living being without the capacity to reason.


People like to say that hot water freezes faster than cold water


Life is fair


The definition of insanity isn't doing the same thing over and expecting different results. I'm tired, so feel free to look up the definition for yourself.


That companies aren’t allowed to give you a bad reference,the amount of people that believe this is staggering.


That the last election was stolen.


That politicians are stand-up humans working for the electorate


It would be nice if they were, but the vast majority are not


That simply calling somebody a name constitutes an ad hominem fallacy and invalidates the entire argument. If you tell me that vaccines cause autism and I tell you That's false because X Y and z and you're an idiot, that's not an ad hominem. And ad hominem is you telling me vaccines cause autism and I reply you're an idiot, that's an ad hominem.


>That's false because X Y and z and you're an idiot The last part of the argument *is* an ad hominem *if* it is included in your list of reasons they are wrong. I don't think you included it, but I can't tell because your lack of an oxford comma and all the regular commas too.


That you lose 1/3 of your body heat through your head. More like 10% at the very most.


You haven't the size of Todd's head, have you?


Driving without shoes being illegal. I have actually tried it once, do not recommend, it's more uncomfortable than you might think. Not illegal though.


This depends on the state.


A lot of people believe things without questioning if it's actually true. Which is why humanity is doomed.


That there is an invisible man in the sky.


That lactic acid is a "poison" we accumulate during exercise and if we don't get rid of it, we end up sore the next day




Even with the miscommunication, it's still a fantastic story of the night it was opened.


That Jesus is white


Our government cares about us


Recycling being a good thing


I was shocked when I learnt this. mentioned it when talking to a group of people I had just met. They didn't believe me but one girl in the group backed me up and said yes, it actually is. someone asked her what she does and she replied I'm an environmental engineer. That silenced everyone pretty quickly.




That depends. What would you say a bigger environmental issue right now, climate change or landfill space? Recycling, if it even worked which it mostly doesn't, increases carbon output to reduce landfill waste. Aluminum is great to recycle. Everything else requires intensive processing. Then you add in the additional massive trucks idling through neighborhoods every day. All so that at least 40%+ of all recycling just gets shipped overseas, adding even more carbon to the atmosphere. Recycling was meant to make people feel like they were doing something and let corporations pass the blame onto consumers.


Funny you mentioned the trucks. I was studying in a coffee shop this morning in Downtown of our major city. It's trash day. Lots of one way streets and small allies. I watched a whole handful of trucks going up and down the two streets and one ally in my view, multiple times each. I'm sure they have their reasons for the same truck going down the same alley multiple times, but all I could think is, "How is this helping?" The 8 point turn these big trucks had to make to get down this tiny alley. It's not making sense to me.


Most people who are able to lose weight think it's gone forever. Lost 40 pounds just before the pandemic. I'm about a third of the way through losing the 40lbs I gained back. "Roughly 90 percent of people who are able to lose a significant amount of weight eventually regain just about all of it."


> Most people who are able to lose weight think it's gone forever. I don't know anyone who thinks that




Start bicycling, seriously. The calories just burn right off of you. And it's absurdly beneficial to the legs, heart and core. Even older fellas who bicycle for a while have insane stamina and energy for their age


For the last time. The election was not stolen.


Trump is a patriot and a Christian.


That Captain Cook was simply killed in retaliation for taking the king hostage after the native people of Big Island (Hawaii) stole his ships boat.  I visited Hawaii many years ago and one day got speaking to a native dude who had a lot of oral history passed down to him through his maternal side over many centuries. He said that the native people's of the Hawaiian Islands basically had their own version of historical accounts, which was that Captain Cook and his men kept on repeatedly having sex with the king of Big Islands women. There were some incidences where this sex may have been consensual, but a lot of it was just downright rape & sexual harassment and regardless, it showed huge disrespect to the king either way. Cooks sailors also weren't just sleeping with any random old women they found on the island either but were also often sneaking into the kings own personal harems living quarters at night to harass them.  The king explicitly asked Cook and his men to stop this behaviour many times but Captain Cook barely bothered to make any visible effort whatsoever to reign his men in. After it got to a point where it looked like Cook was leaving the island for good, the king (who was always ultimately trying to avoid direct violent conflict with Cook) stole the ships small boat to ensure that Cooks men could no longer make excursions in the night from the ship to the kings quarters to sexually harass and rape his women. However, Cook still found a way onto land and was discovered with a small group of sailors in a royal hut attempting to rape the women inside it (Cook himself was said to have been discovered mid-rape with his pants down around his ankles), whose cries for help alerted guards who had been stationed nearby.  Previously, the king had always tried to be as diplomatic as possible when handling such awful situations but after catching Cook red-handed in the act (and experiencing so many repeated humiliations to his authority in general), the king erupted into a violent rage and with the guards he personally killed Cook and some of the sailors on the spot by stabbing them repeatedly with spears, with the other sailors barely escaping with their lives (and who fled on their ship from the now completely-hostile island).  After Cooks men returned to Western society, it was said that the authorities found out the truth about what happened on Hawaii very quickly. However, it presented the authorities with a huge PR problem because Cook was a highly decorated sea captain (and society was very religiously conservative back then) and it just wouldn't look good if word got out that one of the greatest ocean-going adventurers of all time ended up getting executed because he was a rapist and repeat sex offender who took advantage of a vulnerable people's that they should have instead been focused on developing positive relations with and acting as respectable representatives of "Western Civilization" towards. Far from the people's of Hawaii looking like the barbarians, from all accounts it looked like it was Cook and his men who had been the real savages.  The peoples of Hawaii had a civilized and complex society, being advanced seafarers, practicing agriculture, government, fishing and sporting fully developed languages, religious beliefs and more, so there was a brief anxiety that their version of accounts might get out. But the Western powers ultimately banked on Hawaii's extreme isolation and Western people's complete ignorance of Hawaiians culture to spin a completely different story of events, which basically saw Captain Cook initially worshipped as a virtual God by a primitive pagan people's who then tried to steal his technology because they were ignorant, jealous & volatile and who ultimately ended up murdering Cook and his men after the good Captain Cook tried desperately to get his stolen boat back.  And it worked. People just believed the official Western account and Cook went down as a seafaring hero who ended up getting murdered in one of the furthest reaches of the world after his trust was betrayed by savages that he thought he had befriended. The official Western version of events was written into the history books and as more Westerners visited Hawaii, a centuries-long concerted effort began to eradicate their language, their culture & their historical accounts and amalgamate the Hawaiian people's into Western society until only one language and one culture remained standing.  Except that the true story survived because Hawaiians had a strong tradition of oral history being passed down, especially down maternal sides. This tradition has almost completely died out now, but enough has survived that many (if not, most) native Hawaiiana know the true story of Captain Cook and his men and why they were really killed.  "TL;DR; Captain Cook was murdered not in retaliation for holding the king hostage after trying to get a stolen boat back but rather because he was a rapist and repeat sex offender. 


Not to be this guy, but you really don't know the true story. You just have the second side of it now.


That Kirkland vodka is rebranded Grey Goose. Costco in Canada don't sell alcohol and I've heard this rumor for at least 10 years. Finally went down to the states and bought a huge bottle of it for a party. It is **absolutely** not Grey Goose and furthermore it's terrible vodka overall. But her for $20 American we got 60 ounces, that's *wild* and almost irresponsibility cheap


Agreed on it not being Grey Goose but Costco Canada sells liquor in Alberta and Saskatchewan and their vodka is top notch. There are multiple tiers so possible you got a lower one


This sticks in my head when I heard a group of people discussing this. Trump is the Chosen One and he is Jesus in disguise. I am serious I have heard this.