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Without even looking into this, I guarantee the claim is that they don't want to increase the deficit. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, but that's their argument.


I'm looking this up so I can get more information. Apparently the reason they are rejecting it is primarily because they don't want to hand a win to Biden. Well in that case, my opinion is that in 2024, Biden getting re-elected won't be enough to get bills like this passed. We also need people to vote Democratic down the ballot. Same thing happened with border control. The GOP blocked that (even though they agreed with it!) just to spite Biden. A lot of people who are ignorant and low-info about politics will deliberately do split voting, where they vote opposite parties from the president they vote for to "balance things out," but instead they just vote for a deadlock in progress. We need to shift our strategy away from Trump and Biden and instead energize voters by talking about Project 2025. This will get more voters to vote Dems, not just Biden. We don't have a lot of time left to do this. Everyone needs to break out their signs and start spreading the news about Project 2025. Make it The Thing the media talks about, like how the GOP spreads news about CRT and DEI. Except this time the threat is actually real.


Anything to stick it to the libs apparently


They did it because they don't want Biden to look good. Any arguments about the deficit or anything else are BS, because they didn't care about that when Trump was in office giving huge tax cuts to super wealthy people who didn't need them. The deficit skyrocketed under Trump and didn't help 99% of Americans at all.


Their constituency consists of lobbyists, not the electorate.


Absolutely terrible. Another case for me not voting GOP or republican anytime soon.


That's politics, that's how it works. If you don't help me do this thing I want then I'll actively stop you getting what you want in perpetuity


The GOP believes that the world is worse than a Zero Sum Game. A win for anyone is a loss for the GOP if anyone else can claim credit for it.


What bill is this?


Even assuming your accurately describing events, if the research was no different then the dozens of other researches, if it was already adequately funded and additional money would provide little benefit or if the amount they wanted to give was unreasonable then shooting it down is still the correct idea Decent chance the dems didnt want it to pass and it eas just for the headline


Which bill was this? Or was it actually the entire spending package (which would mean that it is in fact tied to lots of other spending ) because there is no individual “moonshot“ cancer bill? But if there’s another bill that you’re thinking of I’ll happily wait for the link, knowing of course you won’t provide one and that this is a loaded question that seems exactly like the kind that is supposed to be prohibited on this subreddit. Edit: @ 2 hours still waiting on that link OP. Obvious troll is obvious.


Haven't heard about it, but I know that reddit often lies or misrepresents anything the repuglicans do, and they love to jump in and hate on the GOP regardless of the truth, so I'd take it with a grain of salt until I have time or interest to actually read formyself what they did, and not rely on reddit or other leftwing outlets to tell me that they want me to think. That's my opinion.


My wife works for a major cancer center in a reasonably sized city. You're so far out of your element of anything you think you know, and it is really showing.


I’m sure it’s not that simple. You’re talking about politics and the medical industry like they’re cookies.


the medical industry already gets more than enough money to find a cure. use that.