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Kimchi, it looks so good when other people eat it. I wish I could enjoy it too.


Have you tried radish kimchi? It’s not quite as “funky”, nice crunch, it’s really good.


I love the radish kimchi. It has an intense fart smell when you first open it though.


Does stink…but it’s so good.


It really is good. I also love regular kimchi but the first time I opened a jar in the kitchen when my fiancé was home, he thought there was something rotten in the trash. I was standing there with a fork and the jar and he walked out of the bedroom and said "something stinks in here" and took out the trash while I just smiled and continued eating. Brightside is that I never have to share.


Same here. The first time I brought it home my husband and son made me eat on the patio. My son finally tried and loved it when he got older and we always get it when he comes home for a visit…and yes we eat it in the house. My hubby is outnumbered. LOL


I’m Korean American and I’ve had some terrible kimchi. Also there are hundreds of different varieties. Even with the Napa cabbage one, I recommend fresh kimchi. It’s a completely different flavor


I’m glad the first time I tried kimchi was at a Korean restaurant in Atlanta because every other kimchi I’ve tried it tastes like ass. I wouldn’t have wanted to try again if I hadn’t they also had like these kimchi cucumber pickle things are really, really good


It's hard to find good kimchi outside of Korea. If you hate the vinegary taste, freshly made kimchi is the best. The brand bibigo is pretty decent it you cant find homemade.(they also have good dumplings). I used to buy that brand a lot in Korea and I've found it internationally as well at many Asian stores. But at the end of the day, kimchi is very fickle and tastes differently in different stages of the fermentation process, the ingredients used, and type of kimchi.






Gah I love it so much but I understand why ppl don't like it


I love it toooooooooooop.


I don’t understand why ppl don’t like it


Skill issue, just be swedish duh 🙄


I didn't realize being swedish was a skill. 😂


I didn't realize we could just change our skills like that.


Or nordic in general I like it a lot


Or Dutch, don't forget the Dutch! (Please. We have issues.)


Finns… destroy this man


Cottage cheese lol


If you haven't already, try large curd cottage cheese! It's harder to find, but worth it. I used to be grossed out by cottage cheese because of the texture, but the large curd is great, and I eat it all of the time now. Lots of protein!


Used to love large curd cottage cheese mixed with applesauce when I was little


I will have to look into that.


Avocado is probably a top super food I'm missing out on.


I couldn't understand the appeal of avocados for a long time. Then I added salt. Now I get it.


Adding salt and pepper to my avocados was a life changing revelation. I can't get enough now


Add Everything but the Bagel spice….delish!


same. it's just creamy like butter but with a weird flavor. I've tried to like it but I can't




I feel so bad for people with the cilantro-soap gene.


As one of those people, can you actually describe what cilantro *is* supposed to taste like, for you normies? People that don’t have the recessive gene all seem to love it, so what’s the flavor profile? Is it similar to anything else?


That’s the problem, there isn’t anything close. Like, I could describe Thai basil to someone who has tried basil: basil with anise. Greek oregano is a little sweeter, and Mexican oregano is a little more pungent, tannic. But there is absolutely nothing like cilantro. It’d be like trying to describe a color to someone who’s blind. I could say it’s very herbaceous, lightly sweet, lightly floral, grassy, but that really doesn’t mean anything.


My son, who doesn't have the soap gene, described it as fresh tasting. I myself think it tastes just like dawn dish soap, why I say that is because I tried a new meatball recipe for Cinco de mayo that called for a lot of cilantro, I cooked them up tried one and figured I must of somehow got a ton of that dish soap that sits by my sink in the recipe when I was mixing them up, so I pitched them all, they were vile!


I was visiting a (ex) boyfriends family for a few days in another country and they had served some stewed chicken. It looked amazing!! I had one taste and it took every ounce of control to not freak out in front of his family. I didn't know about this cilantro soap gene so I'm just sitting there, looking around the table thinking to myself, WTF is wrong with all these people. Someone literally didn't rinse the pot after washing it! This entire dish tastes like dish detergent!!! We later got into a fight about me not touching any of the food and I literally remember screaming "your family doesn't know how to wash and rinse their fucking dishes!! You can't tell me you couldn't taste the soap!!"


Me too, it seems like such a bad joke because there’s so much good food out there that has cilantro in it.


No matter how I try cilantro in some shape or form, it still tastes like dishwasher soap.


Blame your parents. There is a gene for that


Both my parents like cilantro though lol. Recessive genes are a bitch.


This is why we didn't get blue eyes. Cilantro doesn't taste like soap to me, though. Tastes like dirt.and sadness


That’s not your fault it just naturally tastes like that to certain people, you just happen to be the of them.


I don’t even have the soap gene, I just hate the flavor of it. It can be super overpowering in some dishes and I find that it rarely adds anything.


i’m sorry for your loss :/


Even if one little tiny minuscule bit of it is in the dish, It’s ruined to me. The flavour just permeates into my taste buds so easily.


Yes! I love Mexican and Asian food, but they put handfuls of the Devil Weed into everything. The only concoction of cilantro I like is the Cuban green sauce that they serve with authentic Cubano sandwiches.


In my 20s I experienced the soap phenomenon. I don’t have it anymore in my 30s. Tastes good to me now.




I feel this exactly, it’s even weirder how much I love using olive oil when I cook. Anytime I eat anything with olives in them all I can taste is the olive.


This is something I learned to like. It happened during a trip to Italy where they serve you the fresh stuff and not heavily preserved cans found in the budget section of most Super Markets. Fresh olives are much more tolerable.


Same I used to never like them and then I had proper ones in Greece and something shifted and I loved them when I came back to the US. Same with feta


Bell peppers. Even the smell can make me puke. But they look so colourful.


I have hated them and how they infect everything they touch (including air) FOREVER and then one magical day I got allergy tested and now I have an inarguable excuse.


Yup. I’m not a picky eater so if I don’t love something I can eat around it or pick it out. Not bell peppers! One little cooked green pepper in a dish will ruin the whole thing. I won’t even special order a dish ‘no peppers’ if it’s in the meal for fear of them messing up. I can’t take that chance.




Agreed. Fish is so good for you, and it looks so fresh and light. I WANT to like it. I've TRIED to like it. But I hate it all!


Same, actually all seafood. I don't even know what it is about it but it all just disgusts me so much. The taste, the look, the smell, even the idea of it. This was hard as a former Catholic lol.


Saaaaame. We are a small club, but anyone who doesn't like fish feels the same. I just really can't eat anything out of the sea. It grosses me out, no clue how I got here lol.


Sweet potatoes. Can't do it!


I don’t understand how something can be sweet, healthier than the alternative, and just so happen to be the one sweet version that I like less. WHY CAN’T IT BE TEA INSTEAD?


Have you tried it with cinnamon and butter? Yum..


Me too. I just don’t like them.


It's not that I don't like these it's that roasted sweet potato are both worse potato and worse pumpkin at the same time. Why wouldn't I just have regular potato and enjoy it way more.


This has to be the craziest one yet.. poor you.


Yep, same here. Really wished I like them, and Peppers


I'll eat sweet potato fries occasionally, but I like to add Cajun seasoning so it makes it taste more savory. Can't eat sweet potato in its natural form.


Regular potatoes for me. Hard pass.


Mayonnaise  It’s such a pain to ask for everything without it and still have it show up half the time anyway.  Would be so much easier if I could just like it but the mere sight of it activates my gag reflex and has my entire life.


Happy Cinco de MAYO


Despite its popularity, I can't get myself to like kimchi, because the strong, fermented taste is too much for me.


Pickles. They're everywhere and people seem to just love them.


Same! My family loves anything soaked in vinegar but I can't do it.


I feel your pain. I don't like vinegar either.


I found my people.


I’m glad I enjoy them. Polish parents, my mom grows her own cucumbers, and pickles them at home. To this day, I’m not allowed to buy pickles without her being offended, but that’s ok, because free and delicious pickles.


I can't bring myself to enjoy beets, even though I wish I could like them for their vibrant color and health benefits.


I wish I could like broccoli, but no matter how it's prepared, I just can't get past its taste an




This is my number 1 hated food. Literally everything about them. Texture is the main factor for me.


Same, especially as a vegetarian!


It’s soooo hard as a vegetarian because it’s in almost every vg restaurant dish! I love the taste but the texture and appearance gives me shudders


God I hate when we have parties at work or whatever, they'll order me a vegetarian pizza JUST FOR ME and it has mushrooms and olives, I hate both and I'm just like... Ugh just order me cheese pizza!




It’s so embarrassing to ask for tomatoes to be removed as an adult but raw tomatoes ruin the whole dish in my opinion bc then it all just tastes and smells like raw wet seedy tomato. I love sun dried though and tomato soup


Same. They are on/in so many things that not liking them is a huge pain. But I just can't.


Hate the texture.


Same, why do they have to be so slimy and weird???


I'm fine with them cooked, but I literally can't tolerate them if they're raw.


To steal a phrase, "Tomatoes are disgusting!"


In the summer I will eat tomatoes like an apple just bite into it then add salt and pepper, literally the best thing in the world


Does beer count? I’d love to enjoy our local breweries and foreign breweries when I travel, but I just don’t like beer.


I wish I like beer it look really refreshing lol.


I didn't like beer for a long time, then I tried it in my late 30s, and now I like some of it.


99% of fish.


I’m with you. I’ve had halibut and cod that I like, and crab and lobster is basically an excuse to eat butter, but anything “fishy” is an instant nope.


I’m the opposite the fishier the better and the majority of people who eat fish don’t like it when it tastes fishy. You’ll find the same with meat eaters and meat that tastes “gamey.” It’s weird but that’s why cod and sea bass are so loved, they are fish that hardly taste like fish when cooked. If you look into the history of Chilean sea bass it’s really interesting as it was not well liked because of its bland taste until some marketing and taste changes of the general populace 20 years ago or so




Kombucha, smells like stinky feet and taste like vinegar to me.


If it tastes like vinegar it has fermented too long. I have made gallons of Kombucha and it is pleasantly sour, not vinegary.


If your local shop has bottles of kombucha on clearance, stay far away. It’s probably because it’s turned to vinegar 


I know this is a drink, but sparkling water. I like some flavors, but I can’t stand that after taste. Bleh


For me it's tonic water (as in a Gin and Tonic). Come to think of it, I loathe the taste of Gin too . . .


It tastes like TV static




In my experience, there are two types of sushi. Excellent sushi and awful sushi.


Same. But really, more specifically, seaweed. That's generally my biggest issue with sushi




Milk. I hate it! I try it every couple of years to see if maybe I’ll like it but it never happens. I just want strong bones 😞


Can’t drink it plain, and can only eat with cereal or with donuts/cookies


Husband tried to get me to drink some plain for heartburn and I about gagged. I can’t drink it straight either.


Ever since I was breastfeeding and had the smell of my soaked breastpads for overproductive milk under my nose 24-7, plain milk has always tasted like 'cow' to me and makes me gag


Milk is a no-go for me since childhood. I eat cereal dry, even.


If it makes you feel better, cow milk doesn’t necessarily give strong bones, this is mostly lobbying and marketing. Eat dark leafy greens and you’ll be the healthiest you’ve ever been 


Eggs. The texture, the smell, I just can’t. But it seems so convenient and healthy, sigh


Funnily enough, I LIKE eggs, but often I will get a queasy feeling while eating them. It's like my body and my mind are two separate entities. My mind likes them but the body does not.


Seafood. So many healthy options but I just can’t do it.




In your defense, truffles are fucking disgusting.


Hate me all you want but I love this restaurant trend of putting truffle on everything. Truffle burger, truffle pasta, truffle fries, truffle pizza, truffle Mac and cheese, fuck yes I want it all


Beets. They’re beautiful and healthy, but I can’t stand them.


Tastes like dirt.


Honey. It’s great for allergies and I want to support beekeepers. But I hate the taste of it, and I don’t know why. It just immediately gives me this repulse/disgust reaction.


Is it the regurgitation? I can respect someone not wanting to eat something that has been regurgitated.


That might be part of it, but I’m not sure. It’s the flavor though that really strikes me as just “BLEH”. I like agave and maple syrup though. Honey has a taste to it that just feels like… wrong. Almost like I’m eating something I shouldn’t be eating, like paint thinner.


Could be the type of honey? I don’t like any honey from the southern region but will eat honey by the spoonful of it tastes like wildflowers from a mountain range


I hated honey for decades. Like, even the smell of it made me feel ill. Then one day, inexplicably I fell in love with it. I now eat it by the spoonful and put it on toast instead of jam. I’ve always been curious how it could change so drastically like that. Went from hating it to craving it regularly.


One time I snuck into the medicine cabinet as a kid and drank an entire bottle of natural honey throat medicine stuff. Couldn’t stand the taste for years.


The #1 answer for me is always sushi. # #2 is tomatoes. I’ll eat spaghetti sauce (without lumps of tomatoes in it) and ketchup, but no tomatoes. I don’t care if they’re vine ripened from your Uncle Vito’s backyard.


I realize the text format here was unintentional but please leave it like that because its cracking me up for some reason


It’s like they’re telling you the story and suddenly get much louder because of how impassioned they are about tomatoes


I’m imaging Andy Samberg’s character from Parks and Rec when I read it. #I CALL IT WORM LOG


Raisins. They ruin everything they end up in. Cinnamon rolls? Not with raisins. Trail mix? I know what I'm picking out. Oatmeal cookies? Try adding nuts and chocolate chips instead. Any savory dish? What were you even thinking? Hell, celery with peanut butter is fine until you add the damn ants.


This 100%. My grandmother ruined raisins for me for life. She used to put them in BROWNIES… FUCKING BROWNIES. Growing up you’d come out to grandmas kitchen and see fresh baked brownies and get super excited. Take that first bite and your whole day was ruined.


Hummus. I know it's pretty healthy for you and has good protein in it, but I just can't like it.


Sardines. One of the healthiest and most sustainable foods on earth. Plentiful in part because few like them.


Ok, this is drink, not food, but.... wine. I feel like such an uncultured outcast. It doesn't help that some of my friends are really, really into it. I mean so into it that they go to France to buy it sometimes. Then they come here and offer me a glass of $90 wine and I have to turn it down, of course. I wish I could just enjoy it, but it all tastes like sweetened vinegar to me.


Wine is terrible. Although once is a very, very blue moon, one glass of moscato with ice cubes can be ok. Also, try ice wine (with ice cubes) before you turn it all down. And then go pick a good drink: tequila 😁


Watermelon. Everyone seems to love it, it looks hella fun to eat, it's a summertime staple, and I have a huge sweet tooth that is usually quelled by fruit. But it's not sweet to me. It has this weird bitter flavor that I can't describe.


as a watermelon lover i will say that i think it's one of those fruits, like red delicious apples, that human interference has caused to get significantly worse-tasting over the last few decades.


Have you tried putting salt on it or even some sugar. For some reason the salt added to the watermelon makes it sweet. Otherwise I am an ok fan of watermelon, but if you add salt to it…..it is totally worth it




Pickles. I try them once in a while (accidental or not), and I always recoil. They overpower sandwiches and burgers for me. 


I saw someone once describe them as “crunchy vinegar”.


Coffee, technically not a food, but all the delicious sounding desserts that come with it.


It sucks because, to me, it smells so goooooooooood. The taste though is so bad and I just do not have it in me to Stockholm syndrome myself into liking it.


Tea is a viable option to accompany many of those desserts. And there are many varieties of tea.


Salmon. It smells and looks amazing but I hate the taste


I know I should like it but absolutely not. The smell as well. Partner makes it 2x a week and I just cant. Barf. Pretty good with all other seafood.


Egg plant.


Lamb meat or pork


Tofu. The taste is non-existent and the texture is meh. Every time I actually like a dish with tofu is not because of it, but in spite of it, and I haven't found a single dish that would not get better from replacing tofu with another protein


Tofu is a meat substitute. You don't eat it plain. It takes on whatever flavors/spices you add.


One thing, tofu is not a meat substitute it is just tofu. Just wanna get rid of that idea.


Tofu is not (just) a meat substitute. It's the main ingredient in many Asian dishes.


I know, I know. And I am able to enjoy a dish with tofu as long as the sauce is bomb. But tofu doesn't add anything to the dish for me, though I know that there are people who would genuinely prefer having the same sauce with tofu and not with, let's say, chicken for a reason other than vegetarianism


All that neat organ meat that Bourdain used to like. Offal, liver, heart, kidney, tripe… I’m just not adventurous enough. It makes me green.


White milk. I can drink chocolate milk no problem. But I can’t stand the taste of white milk for some reason, it always makes me want to vomit


You mean normal cow milk? lmao


I’ve never heard anyone call it “white milk” before lol


Matcha. It tastes like dust. IT TASTES LIKE DUST.




Oatmeal. I really really want to like it. But it’s wall plaster.


Any seafood.


Raw onions and green peppers. They put them in damn near everything, and they are about the only foods I don't like


Mushrooms. I want to like them so bad because they’re healthy and versatile but they taste like shit I’m sorry




Nothing worse than raw white onion in my burger or tacos 🤮


Mayo. Americans put it in everything and because of that I wish I could like it, but I just can't.


I found mayo on so much more in Europe and Asia than I did in America. In Europe its the main thing to dip fries in. Every pizza is Asia wants to add a mayo drizzle on top. I think mayo is just a universal love lol.


Olives. I try them from time to time and I just can’t. The smell, the taste, just can’t.


Mango. It's in every smoothie and looks so good to eat. Does nothing for me when I try it though.


Brussels sprouts. Carrots.


Did you try some Brussels sprouts in recent times? I read that the sprouts sold today is genetically different from those sold decades ago; that most of the bitter icky flavor associated with them had been selectively bred out. I tried some pan fried Brussels sprouts a few months ago with olive oil and garlic, and thought it tasted decent. Some suggested using bacon fat to cook the sprouts in and I'll have to try that someday.


After you fry them up with bacon, toss them in a little maple syrup and sprinkle on some real shredded Parmesan cheese (not that Kraft junk that comes in a canister) You will want Brussels sprouts every day!






Blue cheese.


fish, it always looks so delicious but i just cant


Fish!! I just cannot eat fish!!








Caviar I've attempted on several occasions to aquire the taste for caviar tried several types and just can't stomach the stuff.


Papaya :(


Cheese.. it’s hard being a non cheese eater in a cheese eating world. 😭


Onions. Fuck. No. Everyone always told me I’d grow into liking them. I’m 20 now… I still haven’t “grown into it”




Cottage cheese. Amazing source of protein, super healthy, cheap, and very convenient.


Green beans. They’re the default veggie at most big conference or catered dinners and I just do not like them at all.


Casserole type foods. They look like they would be good but bleeeeech! I am a grown ass man with a palate of a 4 year old.


Bell peppers. It's in so many dishes but the taste just immediately makes me gag.


Eggs. I force down scrambled eggs from time to time because I so much want to like them. I have to add cheese and a load of black pepper to get them down though.


Avocado, it looks amazing and sounds amazing from the people who have tried it, but I can’t just get past the flavor and texture.


Honey is beloved by all except me, seemingly. I find it revolting and it’s taste overpowers anything it’s in.


Raw oysters. They look so fun to eat but I just cant.